Download - Tahir Wyatt: The misguided caller who misguides others ......Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal ( ) said: “From belief (īmān) is to hear and obey the ruler of the Muslims whether he is righteous

Page 1: Tahir Wyatt: The misguided caller who misguides others ......Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal ( ) said: “From belief (īmān) is to hear and obey the ruler of the Muslims whether he is righteous

Tahir Wyatt: The misguided caller who misguides others… The Prophet () stated: “A man is upon the religion of his friend. So each of you should look to whom he befriends.” 1

Imām Al-Awzā’ī (d. 157AH ) said: “Whoever conceals from us his innovation cannot conceal from us his friendships.” 2

There is immense wisdom in the hadīth of Allāh’s Messenger (), “A man is upon the religion of his friend.” It encourages companionship with the people of Sunnah

and Truth, and avoiding those upon falsehood and misguidance. In this image, we see Tahir Wyatt with his friends from “Al-Maghrib Institute”, a mixture of

At-Tirmidhi 6016.1

Al-Ibānah 420, 507; Al-Lālikā’ī 257.2

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Ikhwānis and modernists, drowned in innovations. “Al-Maghrib” has a team of speakers such as Omar Suleiman, Kamal El Mekki (the magician trickster) and Yasir Qadhi who recently stated: “I have had the distinct privilege of being a part of Al-Maghrib Institute for

the last 15 years of my life, and its Dean for over a decade. For many people, I became the face of Al-Maghrib: it shaped me and I shaped it.”

These are the people Tahir Wyatt prefers over Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Hadīth. He abandons the principles of

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Salafiyyah, unites with Ahlul-Bid’ah, joins their ranks, refutes the Salafis and then has the audacity to ascribe his conduct to Islam, Sunnah and Salafiyyah?

Do you not find it astonishing that a person like him graduates from the Islamic University, learns the

positions of the scholars, then abandons the truth, and befriends and supports the enemies of Salafiyyah? Look at how he has humiliated himself, abandoned and betrayed the people of truth for worldly gain. Over the last several years, Tahir Wyatt has manoeuvred his way into the da’wah, gained the confidence of many unsuspecting and trusting Muslims in the US, then he (and his hizb) led them into misguidance. Confident in his position as a “shaikh” among the ignorant, he shamelessly and openly befriends Ahlul-Bid’ah and aids them in the destruction of Islam.

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Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal ( d. 241H) stated: “It is not allowed for anyone to sit with Ahlul-Bid’ah, or to mix with them or to be friendly with them.” 3

Ibn Rajab () stated: “As for Ahlul-Bid’ah, the people of misguidance and those who imitate the scholars but are not from, then it is allowed to clarify their ignorance and to make apparent their errors in order to warn others from following them.” Al-‘Allāmah Rabee’ Ibn Hādi Al-Madkhali 4

(may Allah preserve him) stated: “It is obligatory upon the Muslim to hold fast to the Book and Sunnah, and to bite onto that with the molar teeth. And to keep away from innovations and that which will lead him to falling into innovation such as mixing with Ahlul-Bid‘ah, sitting in their gatherings and showing them affection. Allah () stated: “You will not find a people who believe in Allāh and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allāh and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred.”” 5

Al-Ibānah 495.3

Al-Farqu Bayna An-Nasīhah Wat-Ta’yīr, 36.4


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Omar Suleiman: The Ikhwāni-Qutbi

So, these are the friends and companions of Tahir Wyatt who believe that the

“only reformers in Saudi Arabia are the ones rotting in prison cells.”! Salman Al-Odah is an innovator who incites Muslim societies against the rulers causing discord, in-fighting and killing. Among his several dozen deviations are the following: • His praise of the heads of Bid’ah and revolution

such as Al-Maududi, Sayyid Qutb, Muhammad Qutb, Al-Qardawi, Abdullah Azzām, etc. 6

• He declared the rulers of Kuwait to be unbelievers (apostates). 7

6المصدر: شريط لـ سلمان العودة بعنوان تقويم الرجال

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• His praise of the astray Sudanese innovator Hasan At-Turābi the Ikhwānī. 8

• His praise of the Sufi, Ash’ari founder of Al-Ikhwān Al-Muslimūm, Hasan Al-Banna. 9

• He spoke against the scholars such as Ibn Bāz and Al-Lajnah Ad-Dā’imah accusing the scholars of 10

ignorance of Sunnah and current affairs.

In 1993, a joint commission headed by the Grand Mufti, the Scholar, Abdul-Azīz Ibn Bāz () found Salman Al-Odah’s rhetoric a danger to Saudi society.  Al-Odah was ordered to attend a rehabilitation session, and was banned from conducting sermons and lectures. Shaikh Ibn Bāz said about Safar Al-Hawali and Salman Al-Odah: “So if they both excuse

8المصدر: شريط لـ سلمان العودة بعنوان حقيقة التطرف

9املصدر: شريط لـ سلمان العودة بعنوان تقويم الرجال

10المصدر : مجلة (اإلصالح) اإلماراتية العدد (223) ص (11) بتاريخ 3/12/1992

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themselves for their transgressions and agree to comply and not return to them or that which is similar to them, then all praise is for Allāh, that suffices. But if they do not comply, then they are to be prevented from delivering lectures, seminars, sermons, lessons and from recording audios in order to protect society from their errors.” Al-Odah disregarded the order, continued 11

preaching against the scholars, society and rulers, and even sanctioned street demonstrations. They were sentenced in 1994 to five years in prison. The charges included spreading hate-rhetoric that jeopardised the sanctity and religious stability of Saudi society. So, yes, we warn against Tahir Wyatt, and his wicked companions who invite the Muslims to misguidance. Fudayl Ibn ‘Iyād (d. 187H) said: “Whoever sits with a person of Bid’ah, beware of him. The one who sits with a person of Bid’ah has not been granted wisdom. I love that there be a fortress of iron between me and a person of innovation. It is more beloved to me that I eat with a Jew or a Christian than that I eat with a person of Bid’ah.” 12

Dār Al-Iftā, Committee of Major Scholars, no. 951/2, date: 11

3/4/1414H, letter from Abdul-Azīz Ibn Bāz to the Interior Minister. Al-Hilyah 8/103; Al-Lālikā’i 1149.12

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Yasir Qadhi: Mu’tazilī Agitator

Yasir Qadhi has gathered numerous innovations over the last several years. In this Facebook post 13

he unjustly reviles the Muslim rulers of Saudi in the most acidic and vile manner —

and in doing so, he contradicts the Sunnah and the ‘Aqīdah of Ahlus-Sunnah. Qadhi states: “The recent arrest of Sh. Safar al-Hawalī - and before him Sh. Salmān al-Oada, amongst others scholars - by the new prince in KSA is an age-old tactic taken from the standard Machiavellian practices of despots and tyrants. It was none other than Machiavelli, who is generally considered the philosopher of tyranny and political deceit, who wrote that it is better for a ruler to be feared than loved. And

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this appears to be the desire of the current boy-prince…”

Yet the Prophet () said: “Hear and obey the ruler in times of hardship and ease, when you are invigorated and in adversity and when others are given preference over you — Even if they consume your wealth and beat your back.” 14

Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal () said: “From belief (īmān) is to hear and obey the ruler of the Muslims whether he is righteous or evil. It is not for anyone to revile the rulers or to oppose them. And whoever rebels against the ruler among the rulers of the Muslims, then this rebel has broken the unity of the Muslims, has opposed the narrations of Allāh’s Messenger () and if he dies as a rebellious person (al-khārij) then he dies the death of jāhiliyyah (pre-Islamic ignorance). It is not permitted for any person to fight against the ruler or to rebel against him.

As-Sunnah of Ibn Abī ‘Āsim 1026, authenticated by Al-Albāni. 14

Also Ahmad 5/321 and Ibn Hibbān 4562, 4566 (of Al-Arnā’ūt).Page � of �9 13

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Whoever does that is an innovator upon other than the Sunnah and the Straight Path.” 15

Al-Barbahāri () stated: “It is not permissible to fight the ruler nor to rebel against him even if he is a tyrant. It is not allowed in the Sunnah to fight the ruler because in that, there is corruption in one’s worldly affairs and Religion.” 16

How Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamā’ah Deal With Ahlul-Bid’ah Wal-Furqah Tahir Wyatt is a pretender who knows full-well the path of the Salaf in dealing with Ahlul-Bid’ah and those who align themselves with the sects of the Khawārij, the Mu’tazilah and their present-day offshoots among the Qutbies and Al-Ikhwān Al-Muslimīn — yet he turns away from these principles of the Religion for worldly gain and position as is apparent from his recent spate of videos and camera shoots with Ahlul-Bid’ah. The origin of dealing with

Manāqib Al-Imām Ahmad of Ibn Al-Fawzi, 175, 176; Al-Masā’il 15

War-Rasā’il lil-Imām Ahmad fil-‘Aqīdah 2/5; Tabaqāt Al-Hanābilah 1/244; Al-Lālikā’ī 1/161. Abridged.

Sharhus-Sunnah, 34.16

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Ahlul-Bid’ah has been discussed by the Imāms of the Salaf and they were united by ijmā’ (consensus) in abandonment of Ahlul-Bid’ah and warned from sitting with them, let alone aiding them in the name of “cooperation for the good of the Muslims.” This slogan is nothing but a smoke-screen to nullify the methodology of the Sahābah and the Salaf, to dilute the Muslim ‘Aqeedah and to allow the deviated sects to infiltrate the ranks of the People of Sunnah. This is the methodology of Tahir Wyatt and his party. He has made apparent his opposition to the Salafi Manhaj and the way of the major scholars. Those who still support him stubbornly are either ignorant of his reality or themselves misguided.

The ‘Allamah, Shaikh Sālih Al-Fawzān (may Allāh preserve him) stated: “So the one who claims that he is upon the belief of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah, then he follows the Path of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah, and he abandons the opposers (mukhālifeen). As for the person who wishes to unite the lizard and the fish, as they say – meaning, that he seeks to unite the animals of the land with animals of the sea, altogether, then this is not possible; or that he wants to gather fire and water in the same pan. It is not possible to unite Ahlus-

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Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah with the paths of those who oppose them, such as the Khawārij, the Mu’tazilah, the Hizbies from those who they call themselves ‘contemporary Muslims’. So, he wishes to unite the misguided ones of this age with the Methodology of the Salaf, but we say: ‘The latter part of this Ummah will not be rectified except by that which rectified its early part.’ So, it is important to distinguish matters and clarify them.” 17

When we look towards the Salaf, we find them warning from accompanying Ahlul-Bid’ah. Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal () said in his letter to Musaddad: “Do not consult with a person of Bid’ah in your religion, and do not take him as a friend on your travels.” 18

What you are seeing from Tahir Wyatt and his associates is just the tip of the ice-berg. Al-Barbahāri () stated: “When something of innovations becomes apparent to you from a person, then be warned from him because that which he hides

Al-Ajwibah Al-Mufeedah ‘an As’ilah Al-Manāhij Al-Jadeedah, p. 17

35-39. Al-Adāb Ash-Shar’iyyah 3/578.18

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from you is greater than what he makes apparent.” 19

So hold fast, may Allah have mercy on you, to the path of the Salaf and Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Hadīth — be warned from Tahir Wyatt and his Hizb who are upon innovation and misguidance, calling to the pathways that lead to destruction. And we really do not want to hear from the hizb of Tahir, “O, but shaikh so-and-so recommends Tahir…” That is irrelevant in the face of these proofs, especially when the Scholars specialised in field of Al-Jarh wat-Ta’dīl, such as Al-‘Allāmah Rabee’, have taken a stance against this miscreant opposer of the Truth. Upon him is nothing short of sincere repentance, remorse, rectification and a full clarification, and nothing less.

And all praise is due to Allāh, Lord of all creation. May the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon the Prophet, his family, his Companions and all who follow them precisely until the Hour is established.

Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid — أبو خديجة عبد الواحد 29th May 2019CE 24 Ramadān 1440AH

Sharhus-Sunnah, 148.19

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