Download - Table of Contents Vol 8, No. 2, August 2019...promedio 1, 8 Kg., poseen una carnosidad de color rojo-naranja que cuelga de la base del pico y el área que rodea el ojo está desprovista

Page 1: Table of Contents Vol 8, No. 2, August 2019...promedio 1, 8 Kg., poseen una carnosidad de color rojo-naranja que cuelga de la base del pico y el área que rodea el ojo está desprovista

Table of Contents

Vol 8, No. 2, August 2019

Page 2 Editor’s Notes

Page 3 Franca – Falcon?

Page 5 La Piva Aliblanca y el World Wildlife Fund (Español)

Page 10 La Piva Aliblanca y el World Wildlife Fund (English)

Page 15 Pedro Vilcapaza Alarcón (Español with illustrations)

Page 21 Pedro Vilcapaza Alarcón (English without illustrations)

Page 23 Rocky Mountain Stamp Show Results

Page 23 Buenos Aires Stamp Show Results

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Editor’s Notes

This month Chuck Wooster presents an interesting find on E-Bay of an unusual postal marking. Roque and Ricardo Castillo submitted two articles of the development of more contemporary Peru stamps, numbers 777 and 870, issued in 1982 and 1986, respectively, honoring Pedro Vilcapaza, an Indian leader who opposed the Spanish during the Andes Rebellion, and the White-winged Guan fauna stamp issued in 1986. Scott assigned number 885 to this issue, and incorrectly listed it as Flora type (in my 2011 catalog, anyway.)

Please consider writing an article for Trencito 2. I plan to have one more issue before the end of the year, but I am in need of two or more articles. If you have a topic you would like to see, please contact me and I will see if I can find someone who can address the issue.

You may send articles to me at [email protected] or [email protected]. We prefer that articles be submitted in Word using Georgia 11 font for the text and Calibri 11 font for illustration explanations. We welcome comments on previous articles as well.

Thank you for reading Trencito 2.

David Paddock, Editor.

President: Chuck Wooster [email protected]

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Page 3: Table of Contents Vol 8, No. 2, August 2019...promedio 1, 8 Kg., poseen una carnosidad de color rojo-naranja que cuelga de la base del pico y el área que rodea el ojo está desprovista


Franca – Falcón?

Charles Wooster

A couple of years ago, an unusual marking, Franca – Falcón, was offered on Ebay along with several other

cancels, all on piece (figure 1). It was attributed to Peru, but “Falcón” is not the name of any postal office in

Peru, although it is one of 23 states in Venezuela. Could it be a Venezuelan postal marking or perhaps is it the

name of a postmaster?

Figure 1 – cancel offered for sale on Ebay in 2017 (courtesy of Al Houed)

This reminded me of a cover addressed to Lima that I acquired 10 years ago for an exhibit of “Franca Por Falta

de Estampillas”. Peru permitted postmasters to accept cash for payment of postage when stamps were not

available, as long as they signed and marked the letters with this phrase. A few postmasters created their own

handstamp for this purpose (figure 2).

Figure 2 – letter to Lima with handstamp “Franca Por Falta de Estampillas – Falcón”

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The handstamp on this letter also includes the name Falcón and both markings appear to have been signed by

the same person (figure 3).

Figure 3 – enlargement of handstamp

It appears that Falcón was a postmaster, but for which office? The cover does not have an origination

postmark, but there is a Trujillo CDS transit marking, dated March 4, 1884, (figure 4) on the reverse, which

narrows the possibilities. This dates the cover to the time of the civil war following the war with Chile. This was

a time when stamp shortages were common throughout Peru and much mail was franked in this manner.

Figure 4 – reverse of cover with transit CDS of Trujillo March 4, 1884

We don’t have a comprehensive list of postmasters, but for several years I have been recording information

about all post offices in Peru (my spreadsheet is available on the PPSC web site). The only reference to a Falcón

is for the town of Cajabamba in the province of Cajabamba in the department of Cajamarca. A Receptoria office

was established there around 1855 and assigned to the postal district of Trujillo. It was later elevated to a

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Subprincipal Office and in 1864 it was transferred to the newly created postal district of Cajamarca. However,

some mail probably continued to be carried to Trujillo for processing, especially letters traveling south to Lima.

The following references connect Falcón to this office;

Boletin Postal Y Telegrafos, Año III, No. 36, September 15, 1897, page 281; Administrador Subprincipal

de Cajabamba, don Gerado W. Falcón

Almanaque de El Comercio para 1899, p130; Cajabamba, Sr. Gerado W. Falcón

Almanaque de El Comercio para 1900, p127; Cajabamba, administrador subprincipal, Gerado Falcón

Almanaque de El Comercio para 1901, p65; Administrador subprincipal de Cajabamba, Gerado W.


Almanaque de El Comercio para 1902, p73; Administrador subprincipal de Cajabamba, Gerado W.


The above dates are too late for this cover, but a Google search produced the following additional reference;

Memoria de Hacienda Y Comercio Presentada al Congreso Constitucional De 1890, p116;

Bajo este principio invariable, el Supremo Gobierno se ha servido aprobar a favor del mejor postor los


El del distrito de Cajabamba, en la Provincia del mismo nombre a razón de S. 140 al año, siendo el

rematista Gerardo Wenceslao Falcón.

This last reference doesn’t get us back to 1884, but it helps establish that Gerado W. Falcón was a government

employee in Cajabamba for at least 12 years and it seems likely that he was the creator of these two


La Pava Aliblanca y el World Wildlife Fund

Roque y Ricardo Castillo

(Editor’s note: This article is in both Spanish and English)

Por Resolución Ministerial No. 018-85 –TC/VMC del 17 de Mayo de 1985 se decide la emisión de una estampilla

dentro del marco Fauna del Perú. En esta oportunidad se escogió a la Pava Aliblanca para ilustrarla. Esta emisión

forma parte de las celebraciones del centenario de la publicación de la obra: “Sección Ornitología y

Mastozoología del Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos” y también para

conmemorar el re-descubrimiento de la Pava Aliblanca y la labor de los estudiosos polacos que la descubrieron

hace más de un siglo; confiriéndole el valor de sello postal conmemorativo.

La Pava Aliblanca (Penelope albipennis) es un ave de plumaje negro con reflejos verdes, de cola larga, pico gris

azulado y patas rosadas/anaranjadas. El ave mide aproximadamente 110 cm (incluyendo la cola) y a pesar en

promedio 1, 8 Kg., poseen una carnosidad de color rojo-naranja que cuelga de la base del pico y el área que rodea

el ojo está desprovista de plumas y es de color gris rosáceo.

Según la ficha técnica (Fig. 6), en el Boletín No. 31/86 de la Dirección General de Correos se emitieron 1’000,000

de ejemplares, con valor facial de I/.2.00. (I/. es el símbolo de Inti, la unidad monetaria del momento.).

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Multicolor y que el arte original fue una fotografía. Dentado 13 ½ x 13, e impreso en offset por la Imprenta Estatal

de Budapest – Hungría. Además, la imprenta de Correos emitió 2,000 sobres oficiales de Primer Día de Emisión

y los vendió a I/. 1.00 por unidad. La ilustración del sobre es de Ángeles de la Cruz V.

En parte con información del Boletín ya mencionado, se informa que la singular Pava Aliblanca habita los

bosques secos del norte de la costa peruana. Fue descubierta en los manglares de Tumbes el 18 de Diciembre de

1876, por dos naturalistas polacos quienes cazaron 2 ejemplares y con la ayuda del naturalista/zoólogo polaco

Ladislao Taczanowski las estudiaron, preservaron y describieron. Un ejemplar se encuentra en el Museo de

Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y el otro en Varsovia.

No fue vista por más de un siglo por lo que se consideró extinta. En Setiembre de 1977, el agricultor y cazador

deportivo señor Gustavo del Solar, para beneplácito de la comunidad científica la halló en la región de Olmos,

Lambayeque. Actualmente el “Programa de Crianza en Cautiverio” de esta especie, en el Zoocriadero Bárbara

d’Achille, ubicado en Olmos, exitosamente a podido reproducir el ave en cautiverio en cantidades suficientes

para iniciar un programa de reintroducción de la especie a su hábitat natural.

El nombre World Wildlife Fund (WWF) y la figura de un oso panda son los componentes del logotipo de esta

Institución que se fundó el 29 de Abril de 1961 como una organización no gubernamental sin fines de lucro; con

fines ecologistas y tiene como sede Morges, Suiza. World Wildlife Fund (Fondo Mundial para la Vida Salvaje)

indica que cualquier uso del nombre y/o logotipo de la WWF para marketing, promoción, etc. requiere de un

acuerdo con ésta.

En algún momento a fines de 1985 se solicitó a la KULTURA HUNGARIAN TRADING COMPANY/BUDAPEST

62. P.O.B. 149 una muestra o prueba de estampilla, para lo que se envió una transparencia (Fig. 1) de donde se

obtuvo la fotografía de la Pava Aliblanca

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Esta muestra (Fig. 2) que llegó a la Dirección de Correos en fecha no

determinada, llevaba el logotipo de WWF en la esquina superior derecha y

valor facial de I/. 0.80. Desconocemos si fue solicitado por el Correo o fue una

contribución del impresor. La viñeta multicolor está impresa sobre un

rectángulo de cartulina brillante de 30 mm x 40 mm, multicolor, sin dentar

adherido a una lámina de papel negro. (Cubierta en la esquina inferior

derecha, hay otra estampilla, que en el futuro comentaremos) Esta se

encuentra pagada a la cara 3 de un “folder” de cartulina blanca que en su

carátula lleva publicidad de la casa impresora.

Como puede verse en la figura 3, que reproducimos aquí, encontramos las sugerencias o pedidos de la

Dirección General de Correos del Peru a la casa impresora.

PAVA ALIBLANCA – Eliminar o suprimir el

Logotipo del Oso Panda (WWF),

manteniendo el fondo del Ave que es muy


– Corregir las fallas de registro al imprimir.

– Corregir el VALOR FACIAL a I/.2.00

Abajo una firma y la fecha, 23-12-85. ¿Es ésta

la fecha cuando fue recibida la proforma, en

Lima o la fecha de recepción en la imprenta?

Figura 2

Figura 1

Figura 3

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(Fig. 4) Con fecha 21/3/86 se envía

otra muestra con instrucciones en

idioma foráneo y luego abajo la firma



(Fig.5) Una última cartulina nos

muestra la fecha 14/03/86 en un

sello de recepción, de color azul claro;

por el idioma asumimos que fue

recibido en Lima. Sobre éste la firma



Lo notable, en las dos últimas muestras está en el cambio del valor facial a I/. 2.00, la eliminación del logotipo

del WWF y algunos retoques en la figura.

Figura 4

Figura 5

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Carátula Figura 6 Ficha técnica

Figura 7

Sobre Oficial del Primer Día de Emisión.

Figura 8

Sobre NO OFICIAL de Primer Día de

Emisión. Carta certificada de Lima a Piura.

Fue recibida el mismo día.

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El por qué este sello no llegó a lucir el Logotipo de la WWF quizás no lo sabremos, pero podemos pensar que no

se llegó a un acuerdo oportuno con la Institución. Así, este hermoso sello postal peruano que vio la luz como una

estampilla para correo ordinario, conmemoró el centenario de una publicación del Museo de Historia Natural

de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, celebró el Centenario del descubrimiento de la Pava Aliblanca

y la de los dos científicos polacos que lo hicieron; perdió la oportunidad de ser la primera estampilla peruana en

lucir el distintivo del WWF.


1. Catálogo simplificado de las estampillas del Perú. Bustamante - 2004 2. Ficha técnica de la estampilla distribuida por el Correo. 2. (último acceso, 20 de julio del 2019) 3. Simplified catalogue of stamps from Peru. Bustamante - 2004 4. Stamp data sheet distributed by the Post. 5. (accessed July 20, 2019)

English Version

La Pava Aliblanca and the World Wildlife Fund

Roque and Ricardo Castillo

(Note: The editor used an electronic translation program for the English version. If it can be improved,

please contact me so I may issue a revision.)

The Ministerial Resolution No. 018-85 –TC/VMC of 17 May 1985 approved the issuance of a stamp within the

Fauna of Peru series. The Pava Aliblanca (White-Winged Guan or Penelope albipennis), an endangered

species, was chosen to illustrate it. This issue is part of the celebrations of the centenary of the publication of

the work: "Section Ornitology and Mastozoology of the Natural History Museum of the National University of

San Marcos" and also to commemorate the rediscovery of Pava Aliblanca and the work of Polish scholars who

discovered it more than a century ago.

La Pava Aliblanca is a bird of black plumage with green highlights, a long tail, bluish grey bill and pink/orange

legs. The bird measures approximately 110 cm (including the tail) and weighs an average of 1.8 kg. A reddish-

orange flap of skin hangs from the base of the bill, and the area surrounding the eye is devoid of feathers and is

pinkish gray.

According to the data sheet (Figure 6), in Bulletin No. 31/86 of the Directorate General of Posts, 1,000,000

copies were issued with a facial value of I/.2.00. (I/. is the symbol of Inti, the monetary unit at the time). The

original art was a taken from a photographic slide (See Figure 1). The stamp had a perforations of 13 1/2 x 13

and the Budapest State Printing Press of Hungary printed the issue using the offset method. In addition, the

Post Office issued 2,000 official First Day Covers and sold them to I/. 1.00 per unit. The illustration of the

Official First Day cover (Figure 7) is from Ángeles de la Cruz V.

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With information from the Bulletin already mentioned, it is reported that the unique Pava Aliblanca inhabits

the dry forests of the northern Peruvian coast, but was discovered in the mangroves of Tumbes on December

18, 1876, by two Polish naturalists who located and captured 2 specimens with the help of the Polish

naturalist/zoologist Ladislao Taczanowski, who studied, preserved and described them. One of these

specimens is in the Natural History Museum of the National University of San Marcos and the other one is in


After this discovery, the bird was not seen for more than a century, so it was considered extinct. In September

1977, the farmer and sport hunter Mr. Gustavo del Solar found it in the Olmos region, Lambayeque to the

satisfaction of the scientific community. Currently the "Captive Breeding Program" in the Barba of Achille

Zoocriadero, located in Olmos, successfully reproduced the La Pava Aliblanca in captivity in sufficient

quantities to initiate a program of reintroduction of the species to its natural habitat.

A panda bear is the logo of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), that was founded on April 29, 1961 as a non-profit

non-governmental wildlife conservation organization. Its headquarters are in Morges, Switzerland. The World

Wildlife Fund indicates that any use of the WWF name and/or logo for marketing, promotion, etc. requires an

agreement with the organization.

In late 1985, THE KULTURA HUNGARIAN TRADING OMPANY of BUDAPEST 62 requested. P.O.B. 149 a

sample or test stamp for which a transparency was sent (Fig.1) from which the photograph of Pava Aliblanca

was obtained.

Figure 1

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The sample (Fig. 2) arrived at the Post Office on an undetermined date,

carried the WWF logo in the corner top right, and showed a facial value of I/.

0.80. We don’t know if the logo was requested by The Post Office, or if it was

supplied by the printer. The multicolored vignette is printed on a 30 mm x

40 mm cardboard rectangle, attached to a sheet of black paper.

As can be seen in Figure 3,

General Post Office of Peru

provided suggestions or

requests to the printer.

The translation of the suggestions on the left side of Figure 3 are as follows:

PAVA ALIBLANCA – Remove or delete the Panda Bear Logo (WWF), keeping the Bird's background which is

very nice.

– Correct registration errors when printing.

– Correct FACE VALUE to I/.2.00

At the bottom is a signature and the date, 23-12-85 (23 December 1985). We are uncertain whether this date is

when the sample was received in Lima, or the date of receipt at the printing press.

Figure 2

Figure 3

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(Fig. 4) With the date of 86/3/21

(21 March 1986) another sample

was sent with instructions in a

foreign language. Below is the

signature and seal of FELIPE


(Fig. 5) The last cardboard

illustration shows us the date

14/03/86 (14 March 1986) in a

light blue reception stamp in the

language we assume was that of

the receiver in Lima. This one

contains the signature and seal of



The previous two illustrations demonstrate the changes of the facial value to I/. 2.00, the removal of the WWF

logo as well as some modifications of the figure.

Figure 4

Figure 5

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Cover (Figure 6) Data sheet

Figure 7

Official first day of issue.

Figure 8

An unofficial First Day of Issue on a

certified letter from Lima to Piura. It was

received the same day.

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We do not know why this stamp didn't come with the WWF Logo, but we may think that no agreement was

reached with the organization. Thus, this beautiful Peruvian postal stamp for ordinary mail that

commemorated the centenary of a publication of the Natural History Museum of San Marcos, and celebrated

the Centenary of the discovery of the Pava Aliblanca by the two Polish scientists missed the opportunity to be

the first Peruvian stamp to wear the WWF badge.

References: (See page 10, of the Spanish version)

Pedro Vilcapaza Alarcón

Roque y Ricardo Castillo

Don Pedro Vilcapaza Alarcón fue un rebelde de estirpe autóctona que participó en muchos alzamientos

bélicos, en acciones subversivas y en levantamientos populares en el altiplano boliviano y peruano; manteniendo

así por muchos meses un clima de incertidumbre entre los españoles y justificadas esperanzas de reivindicación

en los peruanos. Junto con Tupac Amaru y por más de 2 años (alrededor de 1781); la vasta zona de La Paz, Salta,

Tucumán y alrededores de Puno estuvo convulsionada y lista para su emancipación.

La reacción española fue masiva y muy numerosa; al mando del Mariscal Joseph del Valle, Vilcapaza fue

traicionado, apresado, torturado y luego descuartizado en la plaza principal de Azángaro el 8 de Abril de 1782 a

la edad de 41 años. Nació en Moro Orcco un sitio distante 20 km. de Azángaro en Junio de 1740. Descendientes

de caciques, el padre era quechua y la madre aymará. Por su origen noble e hijo de caciques nobles, se le permitió

estudiar en el Real Colegio de San Bernardo del Cuzco. Al terminar sus estudios se dedicó al comercio de plata

entre Potosí y Cuzco.

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La Dirección General de Correos, por R. M. No. 0003-B2-TC/CO del 4 de Marzo de 1982,

ordenó emitir una estampilla con valor facial de S/.240.00, con la imagen de Pedro

Vilcapaza (Fig.1), la que fue hecha por Don Carlos Zeiter en ocre y negro, Impreso por

Empresas Gráficas Sanmarti S.A., Lima, en pliegos de 50 unidades Dentado 13.25 x 13. Se

confeccionaron 3.000 sobres ilustrados por Angeles de la Cruz para el servicio de primer

día de emisión que fue el 12 de Diciembre de 1982.

El 17 de Octubre de 1983; en medio de un período de inestabilidad económica, se pone

a la venta el sello anterior sobre-sellado en negro (Fig.2), con el valor de S/. 100.00.

No se dio cuenta del número de unidades revalorizadas. El motivo del cambio de valor

fue consecuencia de la devaluación. No hubo boletín filatélico.

El 17 de Mayo de 1985 mediante Resolución Ministerial No. 018-85-FC-VMC subordinada a las Leyes Nos. 23378

y 23559 que conmemoran la Rebelión Emancipadora de Pedro Vilcapaza, se dispuso la impresión de una nueva

estampilla con su imagen. La tarea de prepararla recayó otra vez en Angeles de la Cruz, Este artista compuso un

retrato con rasgos indígenas en pose de perfil delantero derecho, luciendo un poncho serrano; pintado con

acuarela sobre un trozo de cartulina de 12 cm x 18.5 cm (Fig.3), el que estaba cubierto por un rectángulo de

pergamino, de igual dimensión, que portaba anotaciones manuscritas con lápiz REBELION EMANCIPADORA

DE PEDRO VILCAPAZA/ LEYES 23378 – 23559/ PERU/ CORREOS y en el ángulo inferior derecho I/. 0.50


En algún momento –finales de 1985 e inicios de 1986 - llegó a la Dirección General de Correos la prueba

correspondiente (Fig.5); evaluada por FELIPE SANTIAGO SALAVERRY R. mereció las modificaciones,

agregados y otros cambios, como se lee en la repuesta:


El texto PERU CORREOS y I/. 0.50, deben ser blancos.

Las letras de las palabras CORREOS, están irregulares; deben ser mejoradas.

La palabra ley debe ser cambiada por LEYES, de acuerdo al modelo enviado.”



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Imágenes reducidas en aproximadamente14 %



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Impresos por la

Imprenta Estatal de

Budapest, Hungría. Se

hicieron un millón de

sellos en pliegos de 50

unidades. Dentado 13,5 x

13. Color marrón. Se

ordenaron 2,000 sobres

de primer día de emisión

(Fig.6), que fue el 27 de

Junio de1986. Se

vendieron a I/. 1.00 cada


Junto con el material antes descrito se

encontraron 10 pruebas de color

impresos en cartulina (Figures 7 and 8),

de diferentes tamaños, sin dentar, sin marco y sin pie de imprenta; con las inscripciones siguientes - de arriba

abajo - PERU CORREOS / LEYES / 23378 / 23559, en el centro el retrato españolizado de Vilcapaza (en la

misma pose que el anterior, la vestimenta lucía cuello alto y duro) y en la porción inferior el valor de la estampilla

(S/. 20 (60,100, 150 y 300) y la inscripción “BICENTENARIO DE LA REBELION EMANCIPADORA DE PEDRO

VILCAPAZA”. El conjunto estaba formado 2 grupos de 5 estampillas. Uno monocolor y otro bicolor. No se


Este es un misterio de la siempre interesante enigmática, exuberante y atractiva filatelia peruana. Las

interrogantes caen solas: quien ordenó estas ruebas? que productores de especies valoradas fueron convocados?,

cuando fueron ordenadas o solicitadas?, donde está la ficha técnica con las especificaciones?, etc. Esperamos,

con la ayuda de Uds., encontrar soluciones.



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(Fig. 7) Grupo monocolor exhibiendo los 5 valores.

(Fig. 8) Grupo de bicolor exhibiendo los 5 valores

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Durante un largo período, aproximadamente de 1980 al 2000 los peruanos vivimos una época muy agitada por

los movimientos sociales, políticos, financieros, gremiales, militares; sufriendo un gran desorden por los paros

laborales, muchos de ellos armados, apagones, toques de queda, detonación de bombas en medio de la oscuridad

de la noche, pérdida de los derechos esenciales del ser humano, mucha gente salía del país, huyendo de

amenazas; produciendo un cambio en los hábitos sociales, deportivos, recreacionales, etc. La filatelia no estuvo

exenta de estos menesteres: las casas filatélicas cerraban sus puertas temprano, los cenáculos filatélicos

vespertinos desaparecieron. Para nuestro solaz las reuniones dominicales en el patio del correo continuaron,

aunque con menos concurrencia.

Este relato apretado, incompleto susceptible a críticas lo hago con la finalidad de fijar el momento siguiente: En

esos años, mis cuatro hijos estudiaban en Lima y yo vivía en Ica. Los visitaba al menos una vez al mes.

Aprovechaba la oportunidad de visitar a mis amigos filatelistas e ir al Correo. Un domingo llegué temprano y un

amigo filatelista me dice …”ese señor, vestido de negro, está vendiendo cosas del Perú de las que a ti te gustan:

sobres comunes y algunos con franqueos altos, timbres anti-TBC, timbres fiscales, libretas con cientos de

estampillas del mismo tipo, pruebas, facturas, dibujos, pliegos de estampillas, franqueos mecánicos, etc. ….pero

quiere venderlo todo”. El paquete pesaría alrededor de 15 kg. Después de un corto “tira y afloja” y con espíritu de

jugador llegamos a un acuerdo satisfactorio. Fue una buena apuesta. Parte de ese material nos sirve en la

preparación de este ensayo.

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English version (without illustrations)

Pedro Vilcapaza Alarcón

Roque and Ricardo Castillo

(Note: The editor used an electronic translation program for the English version. If it can be improved,

please contact me so I may issue a revision. Please refer to the Spanish version for the illustrations mentioned.)

Don Pedro Vilcapaza Alarcón was an indigenous rebel who participated in many war uprisings, subversive

actions and popular uprisings in the Bolivian and Peruvian highlands; thus maintaining for many months a

climate of uncertainty among the Spaniards and justified hopes of vindication in the Peruvians. Together with

Tupac Amaru and for more than 2 years (around 1781); the vast area of La Paz, Salta, Tucumán and

surroundings of Puno experienced upheaval and was ready for emancipation.

The Spanish reaction was massive. Under The command of Marshal Joseph del Valle, Vilcapaza was betrayed,

imprisoned, tortured and then quartered in the main square of Azángaro on 8 April 1782 at the age of 41. He

was born in Moro Orcco, a site 20 km away from Azángaro in June 1740. Descendants of chieftains, his father

was Quechuan, and his mother was Aymaran. Because of his noble origin, he was allowed to study at the Royal

College of San Bernardo del Cuzco. At the end of his studies he devoted himself to the silver trade between

Potosí and Cuzco.

The Directorate-General of Posts, by R. M. No. 0003-B2-TC/CO, on March 4, 1982, ordered a stamp with facial

value S/.240.00, and with the image of Pedro Vilcapaza (Fig.1) be issued. This stamp was made by Don Carlos

Zeiter in ochre and black, printed by Empresas Gráficas Sanmarti S.A., Lima, in 50-unit sheets, and perforated

13.25 x 13. They also made 3,000 envelopes, illustrated by Angeles de la Cruz, for the first-day issue on 12

December 1982.

October 17, 1983, amid a period of economic instability, a black overprint with a value of S/. 100.00 was issued

(Fig.2). The number of re-valued stamps, the new value caused by devaluation, is unknown. There was no

philatelic bulletin.

On May 17, 1985, Ministerial Resolution No. 018-85-FC-VMC subordinated to Laws Nos. 23378 and 23559

commemorating the Emancipating Rebellion of Pedro Vilcapaza, the printing of a new stamp with his image

was arranged. The task of preparing it fell again to Angeles de la Cruz. The artist composed a portrait with

indigenous features in right front profile pose, wearing a serrano poncho; painted with watercolor on a piece of

cardboard of 12 cm x 18.5 cm (Fig.3) , which was covered by a rectangle of parchment, of equal dimension,

which carried handwritten annotations with REBELION EMANCIPADORA OF PEDRO VILCAPAZA/ LAW

23378 – 23559 / PERU/ CORREOS and in the lower right angle I/. 0.50 (Fig.4).

In late 1985 or early 1986 – the corresponding proof (Fig.5 ) arrived at the Directorate General of Post

(Fig.5), evaluated by Felipe Santiago Salaverry, and directed the following additions and other changes:


The text PERU CORREOS and I/. 0.50\ must be white.

The letters of the words CORREOS, are irregular; must be improved.

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The word LEY must be changed by LEYES, according to the model sent.”

The State Printing Press in Budapest, Hungary printed the issue. One million stamps were made in 50-unit

sheets with a perforation of 13.5 x 13. About 2,000 first-day covers (Fig.6) were ordered on June 27, 1986

which were sold for I/. 1.00 each.

Along with the material described above, 10 imperf color tests printed on cardboard, of different sizes were

found (Figures 7 and 8). They were without perforations, withour frames and withour a printer’s mark. They

had the following inscriptions - from top to bottom - PERU CORREOS / LEYES / 23378 / 23559, in the center

the Spanish portrait of Vilcapaza (in the same pose as the previous one, the collar looked high and hard) and in

the lower portion the value of the stamp (S/. 20 (60,100, 150 and 300) and the inscription "BICENTENARIO

DE LA REBELION EMANCIPADORA DE PEDRO VILCAPAZA". The set consisted of 2 groups of 5 stamps.

One monocolor and one bicolor. They weren't broadcast.

This is a mystery of the ever interesting enigmatic and exuberant and attractive Peruvian philately. Questions

to be answered: Who ordered this evidence? Which producers of valued species were called? When were they

were ordered or requested? Where is the data sheet with the specifications? Etc. We hope, with your help, to

find solutions.

For a long period, from approximately 1980 to 2000 Peruvians lived in a time very agitated by social, political,

financial, union, military movements; suffering a great disorder from work stoppages, many of them armed,

blackouts, curfews, detonation of bombs in the dark of night, loss of the essential rights of the human being,

many people left the country, fleeing threats; causing a change in social, sporting, recreational habits, etc.

Philately was not exempt from these events: philatelic houses closed their doors early, the evening philatelic

discussion groups have disappeared. For our solace the Sunday meetings in the mail yard continued, albeit

with less concurrence.

This incomplete account is susceptible to criticism. In those years, my four children were studying in Lima

and I lived in Ica. I visited them at least once a month. I took the opportunity to visit my philatelist friends and

go to the Post Office. One Sunday I arrived early and a philatelist friend tells me ..."that gentleman, dressed in

black, is selling things from Peru that you like: common envelopes and some with high postage, anti-TBC

stamps, tax stamps, notebooks with hundreds of stamps of the same type, evidence, invoices, drawings, stamp

spreads, mechanical postage, etc. ....but they want to sell it all." The package weighed about 15 kg. After a short

"pull-and-loose" and player spirit we reached a satisfactory agreement. It was a good bet. Some of this material

serves us in the preparation of this article.

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Rocky Mountain Stamp Show Results

At the recent Rocky Mountain Stamp Show in Denver, PPSC was one of the guest societies and as such several

of our members participated with their exhibits, judging and delivering two seminars. Our big thank you to all

for their support to the philately of Peru. Below the results of PPSC participation:

By invitación class:

Omar Carrillo Machu Picchu – Historic Sanctuary

Large Gold Medal:

Thomas P. Myers Peruvian Airmail, 1927-1941

James H. Hunt The First Provisional Issue of Arequipa, Peru

Henry Marquez Peru: Lima, 1821-1884, Republican Postal History until early UPU


Guillermo Llosa A Centennial of Peruvian Maritime Mail 1774-1879

John Wynns Peru: The 1897 Lima Post Office Issue

Peru’s 12 Centavos issue of 1905

Large Vermeil:

John Wynns Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee issues of British Guiana


Sergio Recuenco The Emblems of Independent Peru

Large Silver:

Roger Van Laere History of the borders of Peru

As for PPSC, Jim Hunt and Henry Marquez received the society’s Grand awards in the single and multi-frame

class respectively. Also, the show’s grand award was given to the exhibit of Henry Marquez.

Buenos Aires Stamp Show Results

At the Buenos Aires 2019 show, Peru exhibits earned several awards as listed below.

Court of Honor:

Julio Cesar Ponce Lozada El Sistema Postal en el Virreynato del Peru

Multiframe Exhibits, Large Gold

Henry Marquez Lima, 1821-1884, Republican Postal History until early UPU

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Multiframe Exhibits, Large Silver

Juan Pedro Reyes Soto Pequeños Dioses y Demonios

Multiframe Exhibits, Silver

Emile Dacil Malpica Chaupi (Youth) Peloteando con mis Recuerdos: Futbol

Single Frame Exhibits:

Henry Marquez 92 points + SP - 1866-1875 Llamas, The First Perforated Stamps of Peru

Sergio Recuenco 88 points + SP - Los Emblemas del Peru Independiente

Below: Julio Cesar Ponce Lozada, receiving his award