Download - Table of Contents · 2020. 8. 14. · • Module 2 - Utilizing vRealize Log Insight to find issues in our environment(45 minutes) (Basic) Use vRealize Operations and vRealize Log

Page 1: Table of Contents · 2020. 8. 14. · • Module 2 - Utilizing vRealize Log Insight to find issues in our environment(45 minutes) (Basic) Use vRealize Operations and vRealize Log

Table of ContentsLab Overview - HOL-2101-05-CMP - Troubleshooting and Remediation with vRealizeOperations and Log Insight ............................................................................................... 2

Lab Guidance .......................................................................................................... 3Module 1 - You just received a call about a virtual machine’s performance, now what?(45 minutes) ..................................................................................................................... 9

Introduction........................................................................................................... 10Log in to the vRealize Operations ......................................................................... 12Troubleshooting a VM. Why is the web page down?.............................................. 16Conclusion............................................................................................................. 39

Module 2 - Utilizing vRealize Log Insight to find issues in our environment (45minutes).......................................................................................................................... 41

Introduction........................................................................................................... 42Log in to the vRealize Operations ......................................................................... 43vRealize Operations and vRealize Log Insight Better Together .............................47Conclusion............................................................................................................. 68

Module 3 - Your application team is asking what vRealize Operations can do to helpmonitor their application (45 minutes) ........................................................................... 69

Introduction........................................................................................................... 70Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation: Your application team is asking whatvRealize Operations can do to help monitor their application...............................71Conclusion............................................................................................................. 72

Module 4 - Determine the health of our vRealize Operations environment (30 minutes)73Introduction........................................................................................................... 74Log in to the vRealize Operations HVM Instance................................................... 75Using Dashboards to Monitor Health..................................................................... 77Using Alerts for vRealize Operations Health.......................................................... 83Conclusion............................................................................................................. 88

Module 5 - Using vRealize Operations for vSAN dashboards to evaluate and managestorage (30 minutes) ...................................................................................................... 90

Introduction........................................................................................................... 91Log in to the vRealize Operations HVM Instance................................................... 92Troubleshooting vSAN ........................................................................................... 94vSAN Capacity Management............................................................................... 101Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation: Using vRealize Operations for vSANdashboards to evaluate and manage storage..................................................... 109Customize Cost Drivers....................................................................................... 110Conclusion........................................................................................................... 114


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Lab Overview -HOL-2101-05-CMP -Troubleshooting and

Remediation withvRealize Operations and

Log Insight


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Lab GuidanceNote: It will take more than 90 minutes to complete this lab. You shouldexpect to only finish 2-3 of the modules during your time. The modules areindependent of each other so you can start at the beginning of any moduleand proceed from there. You can use the Table of Contents to access anymodule of your choosing.

The Table of Contents can be accessed in the upper right-hand corner of theLab Manual.

Enable self-driving operations by using vRealize Operations and vRealize Log Insight totroubleshoot infrastructure and application issues in your vSphere environment andthen automatically remediate those issues using vRealize Orchestrator workflows. Youwill also learn how to use several dashboards to monitor, troubleshoot, manage, andoptimize your hyperconverged infrastructure powered by vSAN, your applications, andeven your vRealize Operations environment.

Lab Module List:

• Module 1 - You just received a call about a virtual machine’s performance, nowwhat? (45 minutes) (Basic) Using vRealize Operations you can diagnose the issueand then setup the proper alerts to be notified as performance begins to sufferand correct the issue automatically.

• Module 2 - Utilizing vRealize Log Insight to find issues in our environment (45minutes) (Basic) Use vRealize Operations and vRealize Log Insight together toidentify the root cause of an issue and then configure an automated remediationof the issue using a custom vRealize Orchestrator workflow.

• Module 3 - Your application team is asking what vRealize Operations can do tohelp monitor their application (45 minutes) (Basic) In this chapter, we will explorea scenario where the Infrastructure Administrator at Rainpole Company receivesa report from an Application Owner about a malfunctioning website.Infrastructure teams commonly own vRealize Operations and are not aware ofapplication level visibility in the tool. In this use case, we will walk them throughhow they can monitor an application.

• Module 4 - Determine the health of our vRealize Operations environment (30minutes) (Basic) We typically utilize vRealize Operations to support other systemsbut what happens when it has an issue. In this section we will walk through thebasics of where to look for help.

• Module 5 - Using vRealize Operations for vSAN dashboards to evaluate andmanage storage (30 minutes) (Basic) In this module, we will learn how to makevSAN operational in a production environment by using dashboards to evaluate,manage, and optimize the performance of vSAN objects and vSAN-enabledobjects in vRealize Operations.


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Lab Captains:

• Module 1 - Tony Welsh, Staff Cloud Management Specialist, USA• Module 2 - Tony Welsh, Staff Systems Engineer Specialist, USA• Module 3 - Sofia Blasini, Associate Solution Engineer, USA• Module 4 - Sofia Blasini, Associate Solution Engineer, USA• Module 5 - Sofia Blasini, Associate Solution Engineer, USA

This lab manual can be downloaded from the Hands-on Labs Document site found here:

This lab may be available in other languages. To set your language preference and havea localized manual deployed with your lab, you may utilize this document to help guideyou through the process:

Location of the Main Console

1. The area in the RED box contains the Main Console. The Lab Manual is on the tabto the Right of the Main Console.

2. A particular lab may have additional consoles found on separate tabs in the upperleft. You will be directed to open another specific console if needed.


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3. Your lab starts with 90 minutes on the timer. The lab can not be saved. All yourwork must be done during the lab session. But you can click the EXTEND toincrease your time. If you are at a VMware event, you can extend your lab timetwice, for up to 30 minutes. Each click gives you an additional 15 minutes.Outside of VMware events, you can extend your lab time up to 9 hours and 30

minutes. Each click gives you an additional hour.

Alternate Methods of Keyboard Data Entry

During this module, you will input text into the Main Console. Besides directly typing itin, there are two very helpful methods of entering data which make it easier to entercomplex data.

Click and Drag Lab Manual Content Into Console ActiveWindow

You can also click and drag text and Command Line Interface (CLI) commands directlyfrom the Lab Manual into the active window in the Main Console.

Accessing the Online International Keyboard

You can also use the Online International Keyboard found in the Main Console.

1. Click on the Keyboard Icon found on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar.

<div class="player-unavailable"><h1 class="message">An error occurred.</h1><div class="submessage"><ahref="" target="_blank">Try watching this video on</a>, or enableJavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.</div></div>


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Click once in active console window

In this example, you will use the Online Keyboard to enter the "@" sign used in emailaddresses. The "@" sign is Shift-2 on US keyboard layouts.

1. Click once in the active console window.2. Click on the Shift key.

Click on the @ key

1. Click on the "@ key".

Notice the @ sign entered in the active console window.


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Activation Prompt or Watermark

When you first start your lab, you may notice a watermark on the desktop indicatingthat Windows is not activated.

One of the major benefits of virtualization is that virtual machines can be moved andrun on any platform. The Hands-on Labs utilizes this benefit and we are able to run thelabs out of multiple datacenters. However, these datacenters may not have identicalprocessors, which triggers a Microsoft activation check through the Internet.

Rest assured, VMware and the Hands-on Labs are in full compliance with Microsoftlicensing requirements. The lab that you are using is a self-contained pod and does nothave full access to the Internet, which is required for Windows to verify the activation.Without full access to the Internet, this automated process fails and you see this


This cosmetic issue has no effect on your lab.

Look at the lower right portion of the screen


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Please check to see that your lab is finished all the startup routines and is ready for youto start. If you see anything other than "Ready", please wait a few minutes. If after 5minutes your lab has not changed to "Ready", please ask for assistance.


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Module 1 - You justreceived a call about a

virtual machine’sperformance, now what?

(45 minutes)


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IntroductionAt Rainpole corporation release 4 of the Moad Electronic Store Application is notfunctioning and you need to get this resolved quickly. In this module you will usevRealize Operations to investigate why the application is not functioning and fix theissue.

This Module contains the following lessons:

• How to diagnose problems with the Virtual Machine troubleshooting dashboard• Using Alerts• Use Metric charts• Getting Top Processes• Execute actions

Module Setup

There is one step to initiate before starting the module.

1. Click the Lab Files folder on the desktop to open it.2. Double-Click 2101-05-M1-STARTUP. A program is started and is running


Start Module Minimized

1. You should see the 2101-05-M1-STARTUP program running in the task bar asshown here.


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Close Lab Files Folder

1. Click the X to close the folder. Now you are ready to start the module.


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Log in to the vRealize OperationsThis lab environment is running two different instances of vRealize Operations. We havethe different vRealize Operations instances for different use cases. The lab instancesare:

• Live Instance: Connected to the small running vSphere environment in the lab.There isn't a large inventory of objects in this instance but it allows us to interactwith a live system including vCenter.

• Historical View Mode (HVM) Instance: Running a time loop of data that wascaptured in the past. This instance has a much larger inventory of objects but,since it is not currently connected to a vCenter Server, we cannot perform anyactions here.

In this lesson we will be using the live Instance of vRealize Operations.

If you are not currently logged into any instance of vRealize Operations, continue to thenext page, but if you are already logged into the live (not historical) instance ofvRealize Operations, click to skip ahead.

Open the Chrome Browser from Windows Quick LaunchTask Bar

If your browser isn't already open, launch Google Chrome

1. Click the Chrome icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar

The browser Bookmarks Bar has links to the different instances of vRealize Operationsthat are running in the lab.

1. The Live instance of vRealize Operations has already been started for you.


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Log in to vRealize Operations

vRealize Operations is integrated with VMware Identity Manager which we will use foruser authentication in this lab.

VMware Identity Manager should be pre-selected as the identity source. However, if it isnot you will choose it.

1. Click the drop-down arrow if VMware Identity Manager is not selected.2. Click REDIRECT to be taken to the authentication page.


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VMware Identity Manager Login

For the Live instance of vRealize Operations instance, the default username andpassword should already be entered. However, if needed type them in.

username: holadmin

password: VMware1!

1. Click Sign in


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vRealize Operations Home Screen

You should be at the vRealize Operations Home screen and ready to start the module.


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Troubleshooting a VM. Why is the webpage down?As a member of the operations team at Rainpole, you are responsible for maintainingapplication uptime within the environment. Just as you get to your desk in the morningyou get a frantic call from the VP of Customer Service saying the shopping cartapplication is not functioning and it needs to be fixed ASAP.

The application is the Moad Electronic store application and the initial web page shouldlook like the image on the next page.

MOAD Electronic Super

The MOAD application consists of 2 virtual machines, Moad-Web and Moad-SQL. Let'stry the web site to verify that the web site is not functioning.


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Moad Electronic Store Connection

Open a new tab in the Chrome browser for the Moad Application

1. Click the bookmark MOAD Electronic Store.2. Click the Chrome vRealize Operations tab.

Well this isn't good! Using vRealize Operations lets work through the problem.

Verify Startup is Running

1. NOTE: If the web page is still responding with the correct main page then go backto the Introduction to make sure the 2101-05-M1-STARTUP process is running.You should see a process running as shown in the image. If the Moad Application

is showing a error then continue with next page.


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Back to Home Screen

1. Click Home if you are not at the Quick Start page.2. Click Virtual Machine Dashboard.


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Troubleshoot a VM Dashboard

Notice this dashboard is broken into widgets which are numbered. The first widget isselecting the virtual machine we are concerned about.

1. Click Moad-Mysql in widget #1 to update the dashboard for that VM.2. Notice there are alerts in widget #3. The most critical is the CPU Usage. Lets

take a look at additional information on this dashboard.

Note: In your lab environment it takes a couple minutes for "_App Server CPU Usage" toappear as a active alert.

3. Click the Refresh button after a minute to update the dashboard. You may haveto click refresh a couple times but you will get the CPU usage alert within acouple cycles.

4. Scroll down the dashboard to review the other details on this dashboard.


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Dashboard Stress Components

1. In widget #6 you find there has been a spike in CPU usage.2. Let's scroll back to the alert widget.

MySQL Server CPU Alerts

1. Click _App Server CPU Usage alert to look at the details of the alert.


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Alert Details

1. The alert was triggered because the CPU usage exceeded 50%. Next is toreview the processes and see what is consuming the CPU.

2. There are 2 recommendations for this alert. The first contains an action to addmore CPU to the Moad-MySQL VM. Rather than just add more CPU, let's identifythe root cause for the sudden spike in CPU usage.

3. Click the > to view the other recommendation.


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Recommendation #2

1. The second recommendation is to review the processes which are consuming theCPU. Also if needed is the command to kill processes.

2. Click the Metrics tab.


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All Metrics Chart

The metric charts are helpful to view the metrics that vROps has collected and thetimeframe the issue has existed.

1. Enter demand in the filter field.2. Double-Click CPU Demand (%) to add the metric to the chart view. You may

have to scroll down the metric list to the Utilization group. NOTE: Make sure toDouble-click the metric or nothing will appear in the chart.

3. Click the Calendar icon4. Click the Last Hour to for better detail.5. Click GO to set the chart timeframe. Now the chart shows the CPU demand for

the last hour. We can see that a sudden spike in CPU has occurred. Let's addmore CPU to the VM to see if that fixes the alert.


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Add CPU Action

1. Click Actions for a list of actions that are enabled for virtual machines.2. Click Set CPU Count for VM.


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Set CPU Count

1. Enter 2 in the New CPU field. Note: Hot Add has been enabled for this VM so the"Power off Allowed" is not necessary for this change.


Task Started

1. Click Recent Tasks to check that the task is completed.


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Recent Tasks

You can see in the Status column the task has completed. You may have to Refresh thescreen to see the completed state.

Add a new Chrome browser tab and login to vCenter and see the task has beencompleted as well.


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Login to vCenter

1. The User Name and Password should already be set but if needed

User Name is: [email protected] and password is VMware1!

2. Click Login.


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1. Click Moad-MySQL after expanding the object tree as shown.2. Scroll if needed to view the VM Hardware section.3. Notice the number of CPU(s) is set to 2.

Click the vRops tab in the browser to return to vRealize Operations.

Recent Tasks

1. Click Moad-MySQL to return to the details page.


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Return to Moad-MySQL Metrics

1. Click Metrics. Note: If the back button is unavailable you can also click theSummary tab for Moad-MySQL in the description field to return to thesummary page as well.

2. Enter Demand to filter the metrics list.3. Double-Click CPU Demand (%)4. Click the Calendar icon5. Change the time frame to Last Hour as completed earlier in the module.6. Click GO to update the chart.

You should see in the chart the CPU has dropped from the 100% since setting the CPU to2. The CPU usage has lowered but still indicates there is a process consuming CPU andit isn't the MySQL Service because it is stopped. Let's use the Get Top Processes Actionto see what process is consuming the CPU.


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Select Actions

1. Click Actions for the Moad-MySQL server.

2. Click Get Top Processes to view the process list.


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Run Process List

1. Click RUN to retrieve the top 10 processes


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Top Processes

1. Notice the top processes are bzip2 and dd. They are consuming over 50% of theCPU. These are rogue processes that need to be stopped. Also you notice themysqld service is not running and this service is needed for the database of theMoad application. Let's start a putty session to kill the bzip2, dd and restart themysqld service.

2. Click Refresh if the 2 processes (bzip2 and dd) are not listed.

Start Putty


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1. Double-Click the putty icon on the bottom of the screen to start the program

Putty to Moad-MySQL

1. Double-click Moad-SQL in the list of hosts to start the putty session. You willautomatically be logged in as the root user.


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Stop and Start Services

1. Enter pkill -x bzip2 to stop the process consuming the CPU. The dd process willalso be killed automatically.

2. Enter systemctl start mysql to start the database service.

Switch back to the vROps browser tab and refresh the services list for Moad-MySQL


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Refresh Top Processes

1. Enter 50 for the number of processes to list. This is because the mysqld serviceCPU usage is very low currently.

2. Click REFRESH to update the list of processes.3. The first thing you notice is the bzip2 and the dd processes are no longer running

on the host. Scroll down the list and you will find the mysqld process is runningindicating the database is up and running. Lets check the application web page.

4. Click X to close the window.


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Refresh Moad-MySQL Metric Chart

1. Click the REFRESH ICON to update the chart. The chart is updated everyminute. You can see the changes every minute by continuing to use the Refreshicon every minute.

2. Notice the CPU % is dropping and will get to a steady state of less than 10%3. Click the Summary tab

NOTE: In the lab environment it can take up to 4 - 5 minutes for the chart to update asshown in the image.


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Moad-MySQL Summary

1. Notice the _App Server CPU Usage Alert no longer exists because it wasautomatically cleared. There is a snapshot alert but we are not concerned aboutthat alert for now.

NOTE: In the lab environment it can take up to 4 minutes for the alert to clear asshown in the image. The browser Refresh icon can help update the Summary screen ifyou don't see the alert disappear.


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The Moad Application Web Page

Let's view the contents of our application and try adding a new record.

1. Click the Moad Electronic Store bookmark or refresh the browser tab if youstill have the Moad Application tab opened.

Success! Now you can go shopping.

End of Lesson.

1. Close the Chrome browser.2. Close the Moad-MySQL Putty session.3. Close the 2101-05-M1-STARTUP command window if still opened.


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ConclusionThis Module contained the following lessons:

• How to diagnose performance using the Virtual Machine troubleshootingdashboard

• Understand alerts and the symptoms indicating a issue is occurring.• Use Actions to set the number of CPU's, Get Top processes• Fix the application

You've finished module 1

Congratulations on completing the lab module.

If you are looking for additional general information on (vROPs) vRealize Operations 8.1,try one of these:

• VMware Product Public Page - vRealize Operations:

• vRealize Operations 8.1 - Release Notes:


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• vRealize Operations 8.1 - Documentation:

• VMware Cloud Management Blog - What's New in vRealize Operations8.1:

Proceed to any module below which interests you most.

• Module 2 - Utilizing vRealize Log Insight to find issues in ourenvironment (45 minutes) (Advanced) Determine what cost savings exist, findwaste, and perform automated reclamation

• Module 3 - Your application team is asking what vRealize Operations cando to help monitor their application (45 minutes) (Advanced) Discover thenew and improved What-if planning scenarios and the ability to run concurrentscenarios

• Module 4 - Determine the health of our vRealize Operations environment(30 minutes) (Advanced) Explore options to view the time remaining for a givenCluster based on available capacity of specific resources. Also learn about optionsto model the number of VMs that might fit into the remaining capacity

• Module 5 - Using vRealize Operations for vSAN dashboards to evaluateand manage storage (30 minutes) (Advanced) Learn about OperationsManagers various costing features and functionality

From here you can:

1. Click to advanced to the next page and continue with the next lab module2. Open the TABLE OF CONTENTS to jump to any module or lesson in this lab

manual3. Click on the END button if you are done with the lab for now and want to exit


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Module 2 - UtilizingvRealize Log Insight to

find issues in ourenvironment (45 minutes)


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IntroductionThis module will introduce you to using the Troubleshooting Workbench. This toolintelligently gathers and correlates object metric data including log data, which allowsfor quicker troubleshooting. It provides a single view of potential evidence and rootcause analysis. You can adjust time and topology scope to find the problem, pininteresting metrics, dismiss others, and use Log Insight for additional evidence.


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Log in to the vRealize OperationsThis lab environment is running two different instances of vRealize Operations. We havethe different vRealize Operations instances for different use cases. The lab instancesare:

• Live Instance: Connected to the small running vSphere environment in the lab.There isn't a large inventory of objects in this instance but it allows us to interactwith a live system including vCenter.

• Historical View Mode (HVM) Instance: Running a time loop of data that wascaptured in the past. This instance has a much larger inventory of objects but,since it is not currently connected to a vCenter Server, we cannot perform anyactions here.

In this lesson we will be using the live Instance of vRealize Operations.

If you are not currently logged into any instance of vRealize Operations, continue to thenext page, but if you are already logged into the live (not historical) instance ofvRealize Operations, click to skip ahead.

Open the Chrome Browser from Windows Quick LaunchTask Bar

If your browser isn't already open, launch Google Chrome

1. Click the Chrome icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar

The browser Bookmarks Bar has links to the different instances of vRealize Operationsthat are running in the lab.

1. The Live instance of vRealize Operations has already been started for you.


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Log in to vRealize Operations

vRealize Operations is integrated with VMware Identity Manager which we will use foruser authentication in this lab.

VMware Identity Manager should be pre-selected as the identity source.

1. Click the drop-down arrow if VMware Identity Manager is not selected.2. Click REDIRECT to be taken to the authentication page.


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VMware Identity Manager Login

For the Live instance of vRealize Operations instance, the default username andpassword should already be entered. The username and password are listed if you needto enter them.

username: holadmin

password: VMware1!

1. Click Sign in


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vRealize Operations Home Screen

You should be at the vRealize Operations Home screen and ready to start the module.


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vRealize Operations and vRealize LogInsight Better TogetherFor this lab you will be using the Moad Electronic Store App that consists of 2 virtualmachines. The use case for this lesson demonstrates how to use vRealize Operationsworkbench combined with Log Insight when a vmnic2 connected to a host goes down.

Moad Electronic Store


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Now we'll initiate a network fault with the host esx-01a.corp.local. The network issuewill affect the Moad application that is running. There are 2 virtual machines (Moad-Weband Moad-MySQL) which run the application.

Check Moad Application

1. Click the + to add a new browser tab2. Click the MOAD Electronic Store bookmark to View the current status of the

application.3. Click the vRealize Operations tab to return to the Home screen.


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Troubleshoot Host Dashboard

1. Click Host located in the Troubleshooting section to review the current status ofesx-01a.


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Host esx-01a

1. Click esx-01a.corp.local to set the focus of the dashboard to that host.2. Observe there are no current alerts in widget #4.3. Widget #6 shows the relatives for esx-01a.corp.local. You will notice that Moad-

MySQL is running on this host.

So let's force an alert to trigger by downing vmnic2 on esx-01a which is connected to adistributed switch called Database-VDS-Comp. The virtual machine Moad-MySQL is alsoconnected to that switch.


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Putty to esx-01a

1. Click the putty icon on the toolbar at the bottom of the desktop.2. Double-click esx-01a.corp.local to start a putty session for our host.


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List vmnic Status using ESXCLi

1. Click Maximize to expand the putty window. It makes it easier to read the resultsof the next step.

2. Type esxcli network nic list and hit ENTER to see the status of the vmnic's onesx-01a.

3. Observe that vmnic2 is in a Up state.

Minimize the putty session because you will need it in later steps.

Execute Down network


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1. Double-click the Lab Files folder on the desktop2. Double-click the 2101-01-M2-Down-network.bat to execute. A shell window

will briefly appear and then disappear when the batch file is executed. Let's takea look at the esx-01a host.

Open the minimized putty session.

List vmnic Status using ESXCLi

1. Type esxcli network nic list and hit ENTER to see the status of the vmnic's onesx-01a.

2. You should see vmnic2 is currently down. This is a result of the2101-01-M2-Down-network.bat file that was run earlier.

Let's switch back to the Chrome tab for the Moad Application.


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Moad Application

1. Click the Moad Application tab in the browser.2. Click the browser Refresh icon. It takes about 10-15 seconds before the ERROR

occurs. The result is Moad-Web is not able to connect to Moad-MySQL VMbecause vmnic2 is in a down state which is the network used for the Moad VM'sto communicate.

Let's switch back to the vRealize Operations tab.

Refresh vRealize Operations

1. Return to the vRealize Operations tab and click the browser Refresh icon toupdate the dashboard.


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Troubleshooting Host Dashboard

1. Notice widget #6 the health status for esx-01a.corp.local is red indicating aissue with the host. Also there is an active alert for the host.

2. Click on the alert The host has lost connectivity to a dvPort to see moredetails.


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Alert Details

From the alert details page, we can understand how the alert is defined and what alertsymptoms were triggered when vmnic2 was brought down. To understand more of themetrics that potentially are affected, we need to look at the potential evidence.

1. Click Potential Evidence


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Potential Evidence

The Potential Evidence screen is a collection of events, property changes andanomalous metrics that potentially are relevant to a given alert.

NOTE: Your results may vary from this screenshot depending on the time range andscope currently set in the workbench. You may not have any evidence shown becauseof the time range. This is because the lab environments have minimal history.

1. Click LAUNCH WORKBENCH to investigate the evidence.


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Set Time to Last Hour

1. Click the Range dropdown as shown in the image.2. Click Last Hour.3. Click GO to set the time for collected evidence.


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Using the Troubleshooting Workbench

The troubleshooting workbench provides potential pieces of evidence of a problemwithin a specific scope and time range. The Selected Scope control on the left of theTroubleshooting Workbench page allows you to vary the scope, such as selecting onlythe object that you are investigating, or increasing the scope to include severalupstream and downstream relationships.

1. Click the + to increase the scope.2. Click the All Objects dropdown and observe the different types of objects you

can choose for the scope.

As you increase the scope, additional evidence is presented under Events, PropertyChanges, and Metrics. As you increase the scope, more objects are displayed in theinventory tree. Also as mentioned earlier in the lab, you can use the custom scope tochange the focus of the workbench.


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Increased Scope to Datacenter

1. Notice that the increase in scope has added datacenter events. In this use casethe event "Lost network connectivity on DVPorts" is the same at the host, clusterand datacenter level. Depending on the use case, there will be different eventsoccurring within the environment. The troubleshooting workbench brings all thisinformation to one spot.


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Events, Property Changes and Metrics

There are 3 main areas in the workbench:

1. Events

Displays events, based on a change in the metrics. Events for metrics that havebreached the usual behavior and major events that have occurred within the selectedscope and time are displayed. The cards are based on dynamic thresholds for a metric,which is calculated based on historical and incoming data.

2. Property Changes

Displays important configuration changes that occurred within the selected scope andtime. Both single and multiple property changes are displayed. For multiple propertychanges, you can view the latest and previous changes.

3. Anomalous Metrics

Metrics which have shown drastic changes within the selected scope and time. Ranksthe results based on the degree of change. The most recent anomalous metric based ona time-sliced comparison in the current time range is given the highest weightage.

When you pin a metric, it appears in the Metrics tab of the Troubleshooting Workbench.You can perform further investigation on the metric in the Metrics tab. You can


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compared the pinned metrics with other metrics displayed in the tab. You can close thepinned metrics and browse other metrics for specific objects.

Login to Log Insight

You also have the ability to launch Log Insight in context from the Troubleshootingworkbench. This will automatically create a filter in Log Insight for esx-01a.corp.localand will only shows logs for that host.

1. Click Logs2. Click VMware Identity Manager from the drop down menu if it is not already

selected.3. Click LOGIN VIA SSO


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Log Insight Logs

Because you clicked Logs from the esx-01a workbench, a filter was automaticallycreated so only esx-01a logs are displayed. We are only interested in logs pertaining tothe down network so let's add an additional filter.


Add Text Filter for VMnic Errors


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1. Check that text is selected.2. Click does not contain and change to contains as shown.3. Type vmnic2 to filter the messages to those that include vmnic2 and esx-01a.4. Click the Search icon to filter the messages.5. Notice there are logs pertaining to vmnic2 being down and lost connectivity.6. Click Potential Evidence to return to the workbench page.

Let's bring the vmnic2 interface up.

Restart VMnic2

1. Double-click the Lab Files folder on the desktop.2. Double-click the 2101-01-M2-Up-network.bat to execute the script and restart

the VMnic2.


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ESXcli List

1. Return to the putty session for esx-01a and type esxcli network nic list to see thecurrent status of the nic's. As shown in the image vmnic2 is now in an up state.

2. Minimize the putty session and switch back to the browser.

Moad Application

1. Click the Moad Application tab.2. Click the browser refresh icon a few times to create some network traffic

between Moad-Web and Moad-MySQL The web server can now display thecontents of the database server.

3. Click the vRealize Operations tab in the browser.


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vRealize Operations

1. You may see that esx-01a.corp.local is still showing Unhealthy Redindicating the dashboard has not been updated.

2. Click the browser Refresh


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Healthy Host

1. Now the host is showing Green indicating it is in a healthy state and the Networkdown alert has been automatically cleared.

End of Module

To Clean up the environment for the next module:

• Close the Putty sesssion• Close the Chrome browser


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ConclusionIn this module you learned about:

• Using the Host Troubleshooting Dashboard and the Troubleshooting Workbench todiagnose a network issue.

• Reviewed logs from Log Insight• Check the current status of the application once connectivity has been restored.

You've finished module 2

Congratulations on completing module 2.

If you are looking for additional information on vRealize Operations, you can start here:

You may proceed to the next module by advancing to the next page. If you want to jumpto a particular module, follow one of the links below.

• Module 1 - Why is My VM Not Performing Well? How Do I Fix It? (30minutes)

• Module 3 - In-Guest Monitoring of the Operating System andApplications (45 minutes)

• Module 4 - Assess Your vSphere Configuration For Compliance WithIndustry or Custom Standards (30 minutes)

• Module 5 - Monitoring and Planning your vSAN Environment withvRealize Operations (15 minutes)

Or if you want to end your lab,

1. Click on the END button at the top of the page.


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Module 3 - Yourapplication team is askingwhat vRealize Operations

can do to help monitortheir application (45



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IntroductionIn this module, we are going to immerse ourselves in a scenario where theInfrastructure Administrator at Rainpole Company receives a report from an ApplicationOwner that a website is not performing like it should. The Administrator will utilizevRealize Operations' new agent-based application on OS discovery solution to determinewhere the application is affected and correlate that back to infrastructure to lower themean time to resolution (MTTR) for the organization. We will go through the completeprocess of discovering the applications, listing the applications, and troubleshooting thesituation.


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Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation:Your application team is asking whatvRealize Operations can do to helpmonitor their applicationThis part of the lab is presented as a Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation. This willallow you to experience steps which are too time-consuming or resource intensive to dolive in the lab environment. In this simulation, you can use the software interface as ifyou are interacting with a live environment.

1. Click here to open the interactive simulation. It will open in a new browserwindow or tab.

2. When finished, click the “Return to the lab” link to continue with this lab.

The lab continues to run in the background. If the lab goes into standby mode, you canresume it after completing the module.


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ConclusionIn this module, we explored the new monitoring capabilities of vRealize Operations. Wetook you through how to troubleshoot an application by assessing the underlyinginfrastructure after the app owner experienced issues.

You've finished the module

Congratulations on completing the lab module.

If you are looking for additional information, you can start by viewing the vRealizeOperations product page.

From here you can:

1. Click to advance to the next page and continue with the next lab module2. Open the TABLE OF CONTENTS to jump to any module or lesson in this lab

manual3. Click on the END button if you are done with the lab for now and want to exit


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Module 4 - Determine thehealth of our vRealize

Operations environment(30 minutes)


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IntroductionIn this module, we will use vRealize Operations to monitor vRealize Operations itself.Typically, we use vRealize Operations to ensure our systems are healthy, but we alsoneed to make sure we are taking care of vRealize Operations. We will walk through thebasics of where to look for help and ensure our management stack is healthy andefficient.


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Log in to the vRealize Operations HVMInstanceThis lab environment is running two different instances of vRealize Operations and oneinstance of vRealize Log Insight. We have the different vRealize Operations instances inorder to be able to work through different use cases that have unique requirements. Thelab vRealize Operations instances are as follows:

• Live Instance: Connected to the small running vSphere environment in the lab.There isn't a large inventory of objects in this instance but it allows us to interactwith vCenter Server.

• Historical View Mode (HVM) Instance: Running a time loop of data that wascaptured in the past. This instance has a much larger inventory of objects butsince it is not currently connected to a vCenter Server, we cannot perform anyactions here.

In this lesson we will be using the HVM instance of vRealize Operations.

If you are already logged into the HVM (not live) instance of vRealize Operations, clickhere to skip ahead.

Open the Chrome Browser from Windows Quick LaunchTask Bar

If your browser isn't already open, launch Google Chrome

1. Click the Chrome icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar

The browser home page has links to the different instances of vRealize Operations thatare running in the lab.

1. Click the vrops-HVM link on the toolbar, to open the vRealize Operations UI.


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Log in to vRealize Operations

The user and password information should already be filled in. However, if needed, justtype it in.

username: admin

password: VMware1!

1. Click LOG IN


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Using Dashboards to Monitor HealthIn this lesson, we will learn how to use dashboards within vRealize Operations to gainvisibility on vRealize Operations performance, self-health, and troubleshooting. This isthe first step to ensuring that vRealize Operations, our go-to solution for overall ITmonitoring and health, is itself healthy. We will also learn how to create custom alertsbased on a particular metric straight from our dashboard view.

Access All Dashboards

We should now be in the Home screen after logging into the HVM instance. We will nownavigate to view all the Dashboards we have available to use in order to determine theappropriate one to assess vRealize Operations health.

1. Click on the button to minimize the side navigation bar at the top-left corner2. Click on Dashboards


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Find Self Performance Details Dashboard

Now we want to determine which dashboard we want to use from the inventory we haveavailable. We want to narrow down our search to focus on dashboards related tovRealize Operations.

1. Click on DASHBOARDS in blue to expand the dashboards inventory list2. Type 'operations' in the Search for a dashboard filter3. Click on vRealize Operations to view all dashboards related to vRealize

Operations4. Click on Self Performance Details

Monitor vRealize Operations Performance

The Self Performing Details dashboard has several views into performance metrics ofyour vRealize Operations node. We will walk through some metrics that are worthhighlighting within this dashboard.


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NOTE: The resolution may not render everything properly and as displayed in the image.You may have to scroll for a while to see all the widgets displayed.

1. Verify CPU usage, memory used, memory remaining, and other high-level metrics2. Verify utilization for disk partitions associated with the vRealize Operations nodes

View CPU and Memory Metrics

We will now verify historical trends of CPU and memory for several components of thevRealize Operations node. The orange data points that appear on the individual chartsrepresent the minimum and maximum values of the respective metric. We will thenexplore the Analytics CPU chart further.

1. Scroll down to the CPU/Memory view2. Double-click on any area within the Analytics CPU line chart

Explore CPU Trends and Anomalies

We can now more clearly see the historical CPU trend for vRealize Operations Analytics.Within this view, we can get more details on Analytics CPU by narrowing down the datato a particular date range and by adding trendlines and anomalies. Let's explore whatwe can do to customize our view of this metric.


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1. Click on the Anomalies button to see what is flagged as abnormal givenhistorical trends

2. Ensure the Zoom the view button is pressed3. With your mouse, highlight a portion of the graph by leaving the mouse clicked

for a range of the data, which will adjust the graph to show you just the period oftime you have highlighted.

4. Click on the Calendar icon drop-down to change the range of time of data beingshown, from within the last hour to within the last year. Feel free to play aroundwith the different date ranges in this view.

After going through the steps above, we notice that there are no anomalies flagged byvRealize Operations. Although the chart may suggest that CPU spiked abnormally,vRealize Operations determines whether that CPU change is normal based on how andwhen CPU has behaved in the past in order to reduce false positive flags.

Create Custom Alerts from Dashboard

What if we want to know when CPU (or any other resource/metric) has reached a certainthreshold, even though it is not flagged as an anomaly? We can create a custom alert!Let's walk through how we can create our own alert right from the chart we are viewing.

1. Click on the three-lined icon on the top-right part of the chart2. Click on Create an Alert Definition


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Create Custom Alert

We will walk through a scenario where we want to be notified when CPU usage reachesa certain percentage. We can customize the criticality of our alert so that we can bemore targeted when troubleshooting critical alerts.

1. Create a Name for the alert by typing 'vROps Analytics CPU usage above 50%'2. Click on the Condition dropdown and select is greater than3. Enter '50' in the Value field4. Click on the Criticality dropdown and select Warning5. Click CREATE


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Go Back to Dashboard

1. Click on the X at the top-right to exit the screen

Lesson Completed

You have finished this lesson on using the vRealize Operations Self Performance Detailsdashboard to monitor node health. Please continue to the next page to learn aboutcreating more custom alerts for your vRealize Operations environment.


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Using Alerts for vRealize OperationsHealthIn this lesson, we will learn how to find and view alerts that have been triggered for ourvRealize Operations node. This is an important piece to begin troubleshooting vRealizeOperations when something goes wrong. We will also walk through how to create ourown custom alert based on certain health symptoms.

Go to All Alerts

1. Ensure the side navigation menu is expanded by clicking on >>2. Click on Alerts from the top menu

View Alerts and Symptoms for vRealize Operations

In the Alerts page, we first land on a report with all active alerts. Alerts within vRealizeOperations are triggered by a set of defined symptoms - that can also be customizedand defined - and provide a set of recommendations to address those symptoms. Let'sfirst determine what symptoms we have defined for our vRealize Operations node healthand performance.

1. Click on Symptom Definitions from the left-hand menu2. On the Quick filter (Alert) field, type 'vRealize Operations'


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The result page will contain all symptoms tied to the vRealize Operations node. Let'sdive into one of these symptoms.

Symptom Definition Details

1. Click on the second alert called vRealize Operations Analytics service crashmultiple times by clicking on the text

2. Verify the condition against a certain metric that defines the symptom as well asthe criticality of the symptom

3. Click on the Used In Alert Definitions dropdown to verify how many and whichalerts are using this particular symptom definition

4. Click on the Policies Enabled dropdown to verify which policies are enabled withthis symptom

Create Alerts


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Now that we know how symptoms are associated with alerts, we can walk through howto create your own alert based on a couple of pre-defined symptoms.

1. Click on Alert Definitions from the left-hand menu2. Click on ADD

Alert Definition

1. Write a custom name (for example: 'My Alert') for your alert in the Name field2. Type 'vRealize Operations Cluster' in the Base Object Type search field3. Select vRealize Operations Cluster under 'vRealize Operations Adapter'4. Click NEXT


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Add Symptoms to the Alert

We will now add symptoms that are already defined in our environment to the alert weare creating. We will focus on the Health and Risk of our cluster.

1. Drag the Average Health of group members is critically low SymptomName to the box

2. Drag the Average Risk of group members is critically high Symptom Nameto the box

3. Click on NEXT

Add Recommended Remediation Actions

We will skip adding Recommendations to our alert in this module.

1. Click on NEXT


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Add Policies to Alert

Now we will enable policies to run if the vRealize Operations Cluster has the Health andRisk symptoms that we assigned to this alert.

1. Check the box next to vSphere Solution's Default Policy2. Select CANCEL

For the purposes of this lab, we have canceled this alert creation because theenvironment will not add any more alerts. However, we wanted to walk you through thesteps needed to create an alert for vRealize Operations health.

Lesson Completed

You have finished this lesson on finding, viewing, and creating custom alerts for yourvRealize Operations node. Please continue to the next page to conclude this module.


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ConclusionIn this module, we learned how to use vRealize Operations dashboards to monitor self-health metrics and how to create alerts associated with vRealize Operations healthmetrics. With these basic tools, we can ensure vRealize Operations is as healthy aspossible to continue being our reliable infrastructure monitoring and managementsolution.

You've finished the module

Congratulations on completing the lab module.

If you are looking for additional information, below are a few links with availableresources that we were not able to cover in this module:

• Health Monitoring Management Pack for vRealize Suite stack• SDDC Health Overview Dashboard in vRealize Operations

From here you can:

1. Click to advance to the next page and continue with the next lab module2. Open the TABLE OF CONTENTS to jump to any module or lesson in this lab



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3. Click on the END button if you are done with the lab for now and want to exit


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Module 5 - Using vRealizeOperations for vSAN

dashboards to evaluateand manage storage (30



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IntroductionIn this module, we will learn how to use vRealize Operations to gain visibility into everyvSAN cluster in your environment in order to monitor and troubleshoot all aspects of ourvSAN clusters. We will also discuss how to run modeling scenarios to determine capacityimplications and costs associated with growing or shrinking your hyperconvergedfootprint. To have more accurate cost data available, we will learn how to add our actualcosts for our hyperconverged infrastructure, which feed into all dashboards withinvRealize Operations.


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Log in to the vRealize Operations HVMInstanceThis lab environment is running two different instances of vRealize Operations and oneinstance of vRealize Log Insight. We have the different vRealize Operations instances inorder to be able to work through different use cases that have unique requirements. Thelab vRealize Operations instances are as follows:

• Live Instance: Connected to the small running vSphere environment in the lab.There isn't a large inventory of objects in this instance but it allows us to interactwith vCenter Server.

• Historical View Mode (HVM) Instance: Running a time loop of data that wascaptured in the past. This instance has a much larger inventory of objects butsince it is not currently connected to a vCenter Server, we cannot perform anyactions here.

In this lesson we will be using the HVM instance of vRealize Operations.

If you are already logged into the HVM (not live) instance of vRealize Operations, clickhere to skip ahead.

Open the Chrome Browser from Windows Quick LaunchTask Bar

If your browser isn't already open, launch Google Chrome

1. Click the Chrome icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar

The browser home page has links to the different instances of vRealize Operations thatare running in the lab.

1. Click the vrops-HVM link on the toolbar, to open the vRealize Operations UI.


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Log in to vRealize Operations

The user and password information should already be filled in. However, if needed, justtype it in.

username: admin

password: VMware1!

1. Click LOG IN


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Troubleshooting vSANIn this lesson, we will learn how to use the Troubleshooting vSAN dashboard to assessand address vSAN health and performance.

Troubleshoot vSAN

We can access the Troubleshoot vSAN dashboard either via the Home menu or bysearching through Dashboards. We will access the dashboard directly in the Home page.

1. Under the Troubleshoot pillar, select vSAN


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Alerts on vSAN Clusters

Let's say that we are seeing performance degradation on one of our clusters. Let's seewhat alerts have been triggered on this cluster to start deciphering the issue.

1. Hide the side navigation menu2. Select vSAN Cluster(Host Licensing Cluster 01) to filter by that cluster3. Select VMKernel NIC is experiencing high number of dropped packets

from the alerts widget

NOTE: Depending on the zoom settigs on your Chrome browser window, the widgetsmay appear in different parts of the screen/dashboard. You may need to scroll down/upto see the appropriate widgets.

Details on Alert

We can now see how many times this alert has been triggered on objects related to thevSAN Cluster we had selected. Let's find out more details on one of these alerts.

1. Select View Details for alert triggered on 'sc2-vesxi-linux-02.cmbu.local'


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See Recommended Actions

We can see all symptoms on the host that triggered the alert and recommendations tofix the issue. You can also take action on the recommendation if you so desire.

1. Verify the Recommendation2. Select Actions from the Alert menu

From this menu, we will see all available actions for that specific alert. You can choose tocancel, suspend, and assign the alert as well as perform the recommended action onthe host directly within the vSphere Web Client. Taking action on the alert is out of scopefor this module. Let's go back to the Troubleshoot vSAN dashboard where we left off.

Take Action on Alerts


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1. Expand the side navigation menu2. Select BACK

Determining Root of Health Issues

When we realize there is an issue with a specific object, it is often hard to determinewhat exactly is causing the issue. Is the object itself? Is it an issue with a related object?When trying to figure this out, we also often get a lot of push-back by different teamswho claim their resources are healthy.

For the remaining portion of this lesson, we will immerse ourselves in the scenariowhere different teams are banging on our door because they can't access the resourcesthey need. There is no consensus among infrastructure teams on what is causing theissue. We will now learn how to get to the bottom of health issues within our vSANclusters in order to speed up the troubleshooting process and remove the guesswork.We will also learn how to easily share our insights with these teams. Let's begin byexploring the health of our vSAN cluster's relatives.

vSAN Cluster and Relative Health

1. Hide the side navigation menu


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2. Note that the vSAN Cluster object is healthy as it has no alerts3. Mouse over sc2-vesxi-linux-02.cmbu.local and note that it is the host that was

associated with the alert we just explored

The red badges on the relatives signal a critical alert with that particular object. Theyellow badge signals a less critical alert. This diagram helps us determine which objectswe need to tackle first to avoid associated issues with our vSAN cluster.

Other Visibility in Troubleshoot vSAN Dashboard

The Troubleshoot vSAN dashboard has several views into potential issues on yourstorage environment. Each view helps answer a lot of the questions that we would askourselves when troubleshooting vSAN. Other components we can view within thisdashboard include I/O read and write latency, CPU and memory demands from hosts,disk space utilization, network utilization, disk throughput, cache, disk group capacity,disk group usage balance, capacity disk latency, packet drops, and congestion.

You may browse through the different views within the dashboard to get a betterunderstanding of how the data is visualized. Since these are all meant for viewing, wewill not be showing you any further steps on this dashboard.

Sharing the Dashboard

When there is no consensus among infrastructure teams on the root of an issue, thebest way to clarify confusion is to show where the issue lies with data. Sharing adashboard is extremely useful when you want to collaborate with different teams as youtroubleshoot issues or monitor performance. In vRealize Operations, you can share adashboard either through a live link or by taking a static snapshot of your custom viewat the time of capture.

We will now walk through how to share a live dashboard. Further along in this module,we will walk through how to create a snapshot of a specific view that you can share withothers.

Start Sharing Live Dashboard

1. Select the three-dotted diagram on the top-right corner


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Share Live URL

1. Ensure URL is selected2. Click on the Expiry drop-down3. Click on 3 Months4. Click on COPY LINK5. Click X to exit

Choosing these settings will allow people with this specific URL to access the dashboardonly for 3 months after the link is created. Therefore, there is flexibility in how long wewant shared dashboards to be accessed by team members.

Open New Incognito Window

1. Click on the three vertical dots on the top-right corner of the Chrome window2. Select New incognito window


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Open Dashboard Shared Link

1. Right-click on the address bar2. Load the copied URL by selecting Paste and pressing Enter on the keyboard

We will now see the dashboard in read-only mode, which is what our link recipientswould see as well. They now have the visibility they need to determine with certaintywhere any potential issues lie and take action quickly.

Lesson Completed

This now completes the lesson on troubleshooting vSAN! Please continue to the nextpage to learn about assessing capacity needs for your vSAN environment.


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vSAN Capacity ManagementIn this lesson, we will learn how to use a pre-built vSAN dashboard to explore vSANcluster utilization, disk usage, and potential resource reclamation opportunities to savecosts.

Go to Capacity Dashboard

1. Click on Dashboards2. Click on the DASHBOARDS dropdown3. Search for 'vsan' on the Search for dashboard filter4. Click on Capacity & Utilization5. Click on vSAN Capacity Overview dashboard


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Explore vSAN cluster

In the vSAN Capacity Overview dashboard, we can dig into any particular cluster'shistorical capacity trends and forecasted time remaining of the resources. We willexplore information contained in the dashboard for a particular cluster that will unlockoptimization opportunities.

1. Select vSAN Cluster(sc2c01) from the List of vSAN Cluster(s)

Resource Usage Trends

It is important to understand how your CPU, memory, and disk have behaved altogetherin the past to have a better sense of where potential issues may lie. In this dashboard,we can see the high-level historical trends as well as dig into specific time frames. Let'swalk through how you can navigate into a particular point in time.

1. Navigate to the Cluster Utilization(%) widget, scrolling down as necessary


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2. Ensure the Zoom the view magnifying glass is pressed3. Leaving the mouse pressed, highlight a particular area of the chart as shown to

update the date range

Customize Date Range

We can get very specific in the time-frames we want to visualize. Let's look at aparticular date range. Feel free to play around with the date ranges to see how the chartchanges accordingly.

1. Click on the calendar icon2. Click on Relative Date Range3. Enter 164. Select Days from the dropdown5. Select GO


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Specify CPU, Memory, and Disk Utilization

We can also decide to include and/or exclude CPU, Memory, and Disk trends to drill intoparticular resource metrics. Let's look at a scenario where we only want to look at CPUand Disk.

1. Select Memory

We can play around with the metrics by clicking on each colored line in the legend inorder to include and exclude them from the chart.

Dedupe and Compression Savings

Let's walk through how we can assess the savings that vSAN is unlocking for us with itsdedupe and compression capabilities. Determining these savings can help us assesshow vSAN makes our infrastructure more efficient. We will also learn how we can sharethese with interested stakeholders.

High-Level Savings

1. Double-click on any part of the grayed-out area alongside the chart line under theDedupe / Compression Savings chart


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Savings in a Date Range

Let's say that you implemented vSAN about a month ago and want to figure out yourefficiency savings in order to quantify the value of vSAN. Let's dig into our data for thelast month.

1. Select the calendar icon2. Select Last month from the Range dropdown3. Select GO

Share Savings Chart

We can share a static screenshot of this particular view as a PNG file with any interestedstakeholders. We could also share the complete live vSAN Capacity Overviewdashboard, but we will not walk through how to do that in this particular lesson.

1. Click the icon with three horizontal lines at the top right corner2. Select Save a full screen snapshot


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Saving a Snapshot

In this environment, we will not be able to save our snapshot. We will skip saving oursnapshot for now.

1. Click Cancel

Back to Dashboard

1. Click the X to exit the view

Evaluate Disk Groups


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1. Navigate to the Is disk usage balanced? widget and verify which disk groupsare balanced (green) and not balanced (red)

Note: Depending on zoom settings on your Chrome browser window, you may need toscroll up/down as necessary.

Evaluate Disk Space

1. Navigate to the Capacity Remaining widget and verify current disk capacityused and how disk capacity is remaining

2. Navigate to the Time Remaining widget and verify how long it will take until yourun out of disk space given historical trends

Note: Depending on zoom settings on your Chrome browser window, you may need toscroll up/down as necessary.

Storage Reclamation


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1. Navigate to the Storage Reclaimation [sic] widget and note how much storagecapacity you can release by reclaiming unused resources

Note: Depending on zoom settings on your Chrome browser window, you may need toscroll up/down as necessary.

Knowing information about current utilization and future capacity needs, we are able tobetter plan our storage capacity and optimize our footprint.

Lesson Completed

We have completed this lesson on monitoring vSAN capacity! Please continue to thenext page to learn how to successfully plan your next hyperconverged infrastructureexpansion and consolidation.


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Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation:Using vRealize Operations for vSANdashboards to evaluate and managestorageThis part of the lab is presented as a Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation. This willallow you to experience steps which are too time-consuming or resource intensive to dolive in the lab environment. In this simulation, you can use the software interface as ifyou are interacting with a live environment.

1. Click here to open the interactive simulation. It will open in a new browserwindow or tab.

2. When finished, click the “Return to the lab” link to continue with this lab.

The lab continues to run in the background. If the lab goes into standby mode, you canresume it after completing the module.


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Customize Cost DriversIn this lesson, we will learn how to modify cost drivers in order to get accurate costingdata and reports based on our own hyperconverged infrastructure costs in vRealizeOperations.

Customize Cost Drivers

When going through the planning scenarios, a lot of people ask: "where do these costscome from"? The answer is that it comes from what are called cost drivers. vRealizeOperations has cost drivers pre-defined for compute, storage, and networkingcomponents based on industry-based averages; however, you can also update the costdrivers to match your actual costs for that hardware. Let's walk through how tocustomize the hyperconverged infrastructure costs.

Login to HVM Instance

If you are not already logged in to the vRealize Operations HVM instance from thebeginning of the module, go to this page for instructions on how to log in.

If you are logged in, you may proceed to the next page.


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Access Cost Settings

1. Ensure the side menu navigation is expanded2. Select Administration from the top menu3. Click on the Configuration dropdown menu4. Select Cost Settings

Hyperconverged cost driver definition


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1. Select Server Hardware : Hyper-Converged

Modify HCI Server Costs

We can modify cost drivers for all servers in our data center. Let's explore the firstserver on the list.

1. Select the first Cisco UCS server

Update Purchase Information

1. Select the Purchase Type dropdown menu2. Select Leased


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3. Type 15000 under Cost Per Server4. Select SAVE5. Collapse the row

Lesson Completed

You have finished this lesson on customizing costing data! Please proceed to the nextpage to conclude the module.


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ConclusionIn this module, we learned how to use vRealize Operations to gain visibility into everyvSAN cluster in your environment in order to monitor and troubleshoot all aspects of ourvSAN clusters. We used the vSAN Capacity Overview dashboard and the TroubleshootvSAN dashboard. We also discussed how to run modeling scenarios to determinecapacity implications and costs associated with growing and shrinking ourhyperconverged environment. To have more accurate cost data available, we learnedhow to add our actual costs for our hyperconverged infrastructure, which feed into alldashboards within vRealize Operations.

You've finished the module

Congratulations on completing the lab module.

If you are looking for additional information, you can start by viewing the vRealizeOperations product page.

From here you can:

1. Click to advance to the next page and continue with the next lab module2. Open the TABLE OF CONTENTS to jump to any module or lesson in this lab



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3. Click on the END button if you are done with the lab for now and want to exit


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ConclusionThank you for participating in the VMware Hands-on Labs. Be sure to visit to continue your lab experience online.

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Version: 20200814-030141


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