Download - Table of Contents 1. What you should send us as soon as you are accepted 2. Stuff to have before you come 3. Where are you coming 3.1 General Information.

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  • Table of Contents 1. What you should send us as soon as you are accepted 2. Stuff to have before you come 3. Where are you coming 3.1 General Information and facts about Turkey 3.2 The city: Ankara 3.3 Turkish currency and some prices 3.4 Timezone 3.5 Weather 3.6 Important Numbers 3.7 Useful Words 4. How to arrive to Ankara 4.1 By plane 4.2 By bus 4.3 By train 5. General Informations 5.1 Date 5.2 Accommodation 5.3 Food 5.4 Contact info
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  • 1. What you should send us as soon as you are accepted Your telephone number and your e-mail Arrival date and time Departure date and time If you are vegetarian or allergic 2. Stuff to have before you come Before all fun starts, there is a little paper work that needs to be done: Visa: If you need one, dont forget to ask us to send your official invitation. Passport: Please check if its still valid. Student ID card Travel and healt insurance What to bring with you: Medicines (if you need it) Clother for theme party Anything you need for the International Evening (alcohol, something to eat, flag, a typical song from your country) Pocket money (maybe you want to buy some souvenirs for your family&friends) Solar cream (here the sun is very hot and you can get sunburn) Sunglasses and sun hat if you are sensitive to sunlight Your good mood and will have fun
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  • 3.Where are you coming? 3.1 General information and facts about Turkey General Information about Turkey Conventional long formRepublic of Turkey CapitalAnkara Official LanguageTurkish Population75,627,384 (2012 est.) CurrencyTL Map ReferencesMiddle East Total Area780.580 sq. km Comparative AreaSlightly larger thar Texas Neighbour CountriesArmenia, Azerbaijan, Bugaria, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Iraq and Syria Coastline7.200 km ClimateTemperate, hot, dry summers with mild, wet winters; harsher in interior Natural ResourcesAntimony, coal, chromium, mercury, copper, borate, sulfur, iron, ore
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  • 3.1 Fact about Turkey The worlds oldest settlement discovered, atalhyk, is located in Central Anatolia and dates since year 6500 BC. Two of the Seven Wonders of the Earth are located in Turkey. One of them is the Temple of Artemis, and the other is the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. Virgin Mary spent her last days in a place located near the ancient city Ephesus, in Seluk. St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) was born in Patara loacted within Turkeys borders, and has a church named after him at Demre. Veni. Vidi. Vici. (I came, I saw, I conquered): These famous word of Julius Caesar were said after his great victory over the Kingdom of Pontus that was located in the Turkish Black Sea Region. Homer was born in zmir, Turkeys western coast, and in The Iliad he described Troy that was situated in north to his birthplace. A part of the south-western coast of Turkey was given as a wedding gift to Cleopatra by Marcus Antonious. The famous Trojan Wars took place in Turkeys west side, now an imposing wooden statue of Trojan horse marks the region in which it took place. Anatolian Peninsula is the birthplace of many historical characters: Phrygian King Midas, the father of history Herodotus and St Paul. The first man who successfully managed to fly was Turkish. In the 17th century Hezarfen Ahmet elebi, with the help of two wings flew from the Galata Tower passed the strait and landed in skdar. First known beauty contest was held in Anatolia, the competitors were Aphrodite, Hera and Athena by the arbitration of Paris. The word Turquoise has it roots from the Trk, the Mediterranean Sea at the south of Turkey with its fascinating colour owes its discovery.
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  • 3.2 The City of Ankara Ankara is the capital of Turkey and the country's second largest city. It is the center of the Turkish Government, and an important commercial and industrial city. Located in Central Anatolia, Ankara is an important crossroads of trade, strategically located at the center of Turkey's highway and railway networks, and serves as the marketing center for the surrounding agricultural area. Antkabir is located on an imposing hill, which forms the Anttepe quarter of the city, where the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, founder of the Republic of Turkey, stands. Completed in 1953, it is an impressive fusion of ancient and modern architectural styles. An adjacent museum houses a wax statue of Atatrk, his writings, letters and personal items, as well as an exhibition of photographs recording important moments in his life and during the establishment of the Republic.
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  • ProductTLEURO Beer5-121.5-4.0 Wine (a bottle)12-254 8.5 Postcard10.45 Can of Coke2.000.7 Water (0,5 liter)0.50.2 Chocolate (a bar)0.5 - 20.2 0.8 Hygienic Pads (packet with 10) 6 - 102.0 3.5 A coffee51.5 Cigarettes6 - 122.0 - 4.0 Preservatives (box with 6 or 8) 15 - 255.0 8.5 Souvenir15 - 705.0 23.5 3.3 Turkish Currency and Some Prices If you need, you can change money in banks and in exchange offices. Banks open from Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm, with one hour of break during noon. Saturday and Sunday closed. Banks exchange money, at lower prices. You can also find Exchange Agencies in everywhere and most of them open 7 days/week from 8am to 7pm. By the way, the better choice will be to take EURO or US Dollars with you so everywhere you can change them easily, sometimes at lower prices. You can also exchange money at the airport upon arrival at the PTT or bank window, located just before the exit of the airport, but it is useful to arrive with at least a small amount of lira in case the exchange window is closed at the time of arrival. Here are some prices estimated in euro in order to give you some ideas about expenses in Turkey: TL and
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  • 3.4 Time Zone: GMT +02:00 3.5 Weather Avarages for September 3.6 Important Numbers: In order to make national and international phone calls in Turkey, you should buy a smart card. With these cards you can make phone calls anywhere you see a Turk Telekom Public Phone (They are in blues colors in streets and public buildings. Smart cars is 4TL.) International Phone Code: +90 Ambulance: 112 Police: 155 Fire Fighters:110
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  • 3.7 Useful Words & Expressions The longest Turkish word ever formed is ekoslovakyallatramadklarmzdan mydnz? which means Are you one of the people whom we could not get resembled as a citizen of Czechoslovakia
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  • 4. How to arrive to Ankara 1)The ones who will land to Atatrk Airport in Istanbul, you have two options. You can use a connecting flight to Ankara Esenboa Airport (explained in 3rd ), or you can get on a Bus to Ankara. If you will get on a Bus, you need to go to Esenler Bus Station. And easiest way to get there is using the Subway 1)The ones who will land to Sabiha Gken Airport in Istanbul, you can use a connecting flight to Ankara (explained in 3rd) or you can use a Bus to Ankara.If you will use a Bus, here you need to get to Dudullu Bus Station. You have two options to get to Dudullu Bus Station, first you can use the Havata Shuttles to reach Kadky, here there are so many bus companies,you can buy your bus ticket, and free shuttles take you to the Dudullu Bus Station. Second, you can take a taxi from Sabiha Gken Airport to Dudullu Bus Station directly which costs 10-13. 2)The ones who will use a direct or connecting flight to Ankara Esenboa Airport, you need to use the Hava shuttles to get to ATI ( Ankara Bus Station ) Hava shuttles are near the exit of Ankara Esenboa Airport, costs 3-4 and takes aproximately 30-45 min
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  • 5. General Information 5.1 Date The event will occur between 13rd and 21th of September. 5.2 Accomodation You will be hosted at Dafne Hotel. 5.3 Meals Breakfast: Buffet breakfast consisting of 20 varieties. Lunch: Lunch boxes are provided Dinner: A rich buffet dinner 5.4 Contact Info You can contact us regarding any questions that you have related to our EoE Ankara 2015 [email protected] [email protected] Main Organiser: Mert nsal