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  • 8/14/2019 T7 B11- FBI 302s- Firearm and Flight Fdr- FBI 302 S- Entire Contents


    BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00012370BE G BATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-50724DATE = 10/11/2001FBIDESCR : INTERVIEW OF MALCOLM NANCEFULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)


    Date of transcription 10/11/2001MALCOLM NANCE, born September 20. 1961. social_ security ... 9/11

    PersonalPrivacywa s interviewed Bybpeciai Agents regarding control numberSpecifically, NANCE telephoned the Federal Bureau of InvestigationFBI to report that approximately o ne year ago, while at theDiscount Gun Mart, 1510 Moreno Boulevard, San Diego, CaliforniaCA, he observed two Saudi Arabian men, one of whom he believedresembled AHMED AL-NAMI, one of the deceased highjackers fromUnited Airlines Flight number 93, that crashed in the countryside

    in Pennsylvania. After being advised of the identities of theinterviewing agents, NANCE provided the following information:NANCE retired from the Navy approximately five monthsago. Prior to retiring, NANCE was assigned as the Chief ofAdvanced Terrorism, Hostage Survival School, San Diego, CA. NANCEis a Navy trained Arabic linguist and is familiar with severaldifferent dialects of Arabic. NANCE is also knowledgeable aboutterrorist cells, and how they train and operate.On October 7,2000, approximately one week prior to thebombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, NANCE visited the Discount GunMart, 1510 Moreno Boulevard, San Diego, CA to use their firearmsrange. NANCE observed two Middle Eastern men, one older and oneyounger, signing in to use the range. The range is small as itonly has six lanes.NANCE began to closely observe both men after hearingboth men converse in Arabic andwatching the younger man fire hisweapon, a .22 caliber Lugar style weapon. The younger Middle . 9/11 Law

    Eastern man was proficient in firearms as evidenced by him , Enforcementcompletely and accurately emptying a magazine with rapid fire into . .the target from the twenty five yard line. This seemed odd to . PrivacyNANCE, a s everyone else at the range wa s shooting slowly from a .short distance and using both hands. Theyounger man did not,,appear to be formally trained in firearms. Instead, he appeared tobe showing off by shooting one handed, rapid fire, without takingtime to breathe or aim. Yet, he was accurately hitting.the target.

    Investigation on at10/11/2001 vyashington, DCFile # .--'" Date dictated265A-NY-2803350-3Q2_.SAiby 3tThis document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

    and is loaned to your agency;

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    it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.[PDF page 1]F0-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


    Continuation of FD-302 of MALCOLM NANCE . On 10/11/2001 , Page 2The younger man appeared to be training the older man on how tooperate a firearm. NANCE repeatedly heard the younger man tellingthe older man to shoot faster.

    Both Middle Eastern men left the Discount Gun Mart aroundthe same time as NANCE did, and he observed them getting into anolder car that did not appear to be in good condition. However,NANCE could not recall the make or model but guessed that the carmay have been blue.NANCE had completely forgotten about the incident. NANCEonly recalled the incident when he returned to San Diego after theSeptember 11 terrorist attacks, and was contemplating going toDiscount Gun Mart. The possibility that both Middle Eastern menthat NANCE had observed one year earlier may have been associatedwith the September 11 attacks bothered NANCE, and he told DAVIDMITCHELL, telephone number 619545-4652, Chief Instructor, NavyForce Protection Officers School, about his observation one yearprior.After reviewing the FBI photographs of the terroristsfrom the airplane highjackings on September 11, 2000, NANCEbelieved that the younger Middle Eastern man he observed atDiscount Gun Mart resembled AHMED AL NAMI, one of the deceasedhighjackers from United Airlines flight 93. In retrospect, NANCE

    believed both Middle Eastern men were behaving and training withfirearms like members of a terrorist cell. NANCE contacted the GunDiscount Mart and spoke to an employee who told him the storeretains sign in sheets for the firearms range for approximately oneyear.NANCE described the younger Middle Eastern man in histwenties, between 57" and 5'9", weighing 150-160 pounds, clean

    shaven, a good looking guy, almost "a pretty boy." At the time,the younger man was dressed in western style clothing. The youngerMiddle Eastern man was speaking Arabic in a Gulf dialect, which isspoken in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.The older man was in his forties, approximately 5'6"tall, stocky build, clean shaven, black hair that was turning gray,and he spoke Arabic with a Lebanese dialect. The older man was

    wearing a collar shirt over a t-shirt with cartoon characters inpurple and pink that advertised a discount cigarette store in LasVegas, Nevada. NANCE remembered the t-shirt because the FBI had[PDF page 2]FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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    Continuation of FD-302 of MALCOLM NANCE , On 10/11/2001 .Page 3just arrested members of a Hezbollah group that had been operatinga discount cigarette store on the east coast.

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    BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00029446BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-60349DATE = 09/28/2001F B I D E S C R : scisol; CHERYL HARDIN, ASSISTANT MANAGERFULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)- 1 -


    Date of transcription 10/01/2001On September 28, 2001, C heryl Hardin, Assistant Manager,Wal-Mart Discount DepartmentStore! 1.\s interviewedregarding information provided by Angie Brundage, a co-worker,which was captured on Information Control number SC1801.On 09/28/2001, Angie Brundage, cashier, Wai-Mart DiscountDepartment Storel I\yreported that a Ab_W f\ resembled Abdul Aziz Al Omari (deceased hijacker (AAFlight #11 ), came into her store approximately a month and a halfago, and again, circa September 12th, and on both occasions,between the times of 2:00am and 3:00am. This customer tried to usea credit card that wouldn't process andpossessed an "ID" that wasa plain piece of paper with his photo and his thumbprint on theback. Brundage stated that the transaction with this customer waswitnessed by her Assistant Manager, Cheryl LNU, and co-worker,Scott Berringer.On 09/28/2001 ,Cheryl Hardin, reported that approximatelya month and half to two months ago, the customer in question, whoresembled Abdul Aziz Al Omari, came into Wal-Mart store, with awhite female and a small child. Hardin recalled that the whitefemale was named "Debbie" NFI, very heavy set, and with brownshoulder length hair. Based on the white female's appearance and /manner, Hardin opined that thewhite female was a "prostitute".The male child with this white female appeared to be bi-racial.On this occasion, the customer attempted to purchaseapproximately $800.00 worth of goods, to include a shotgun, arifle, and a night-vision scope for the rifle. The customer tried ,to pay with a personal check,which did not process, and then/triedto pay with a credit card, which also did not process.Hardin described the customer in question, as a male, in ,.his mid 20's, 5'8" to 5'9", thin build, and weighing approximately150 to 160 pounds. To her recollection, he was from the/Bay area.Hardin also recalled that this customer mentioned that he workedfor the airlines in a maintenance capacity. . .



    Investigation on09/28/2001 at.File# Date dictatedby

    265A-NY-28Q350-SC 10/01/2001

    This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBIand is loaned to your agency;it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

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    [PDF page 1]FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


    Continuation of FD-302 of Cheryl Hardin , On 09/28/2001 , Page 2

    Circa September 12, 2001, the customer in question cameto the Wal-Mart store again, by himself, and attempted to purchasea shotgun and a night-vision scope. He was told that there wouldbe a three day waiting period, after a firearm was purchased,before delivery. He also provided a credit card which did notprocess. Hardin stated that the customer became upset because ofthe three day waiting period and the fact that his credit cardwould not process, again. He again mentioned that he worked for anairline company and he had money.. . 9/11 LawSA| requested that Hardin obtain a vehicle tag or any ^ ,-.other identifying data on the customer, should he come in again. rLnrorcementPrivacy[PDF page 2]

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    M-INT-00101395265A-NY-280350-302-8489911/28/2001ALLEN,LYNN 11/30/2001On November 28, 2001, the investigating Agentwastelephonically contacted by Lynn Allen, white male, date of birth

    9/11 Personal Privacy \Allen then relayed thefollowing nformation:

    Allen advised that on approximately April 26 or 27 of2000, he was on a business trip. He was working for anothercompany at that time. Allen stated that he was either on aflight from LasVegas to Reno or on a flight from Reno toLas Vegas. He believed he was on a Southwest Airline's flight inthat they are the only airlines that offers direct flightsbetween these two cities.During this flight, he sat next to an individual who hebelieved looked like the subject, Mohammad Atta. Allen advisedthat he has seen pictures of Atta, via the news media.This individual appearedto be in his mid 40s and ofMiddle Eastern descent. However, Allen noted that he did notseem to have much of an accent indicating he was from the MiddleEast. Allen explained that this individual was well spoken inthe English language. Allen also noted that the individual waswell dressed and mayhave been wearing a sports jacket. He wasalso clean shaven.Allen stated that they had a general conversationduring the flight and during the course of the generalconversation, this individual brought up the subject of how easyit would be to hijack a plane. Allen stated that he respondedthat the airline industry in the United States had not had anysignificant hijackings since the 1970s and pointed out the factthat it would be difficult to get a firearm on a plane with allthe precautions that are taken. Allen noted that this individualresponded by stating that an individual could get on the planewith a knife and use that in a hijacking.Allen stated that he could not recall any furtherdetails of this conversation. It was at this point that they


    Reno, Nevada telephonically11/28/2001

    SpecialA(9/ll La[PDF page 1]265A-NY-280350

    E n f o r c em e n t Privacy

    11/28/2001were preparing to land.

    Allen stated that he did not acquire any moreinformation concerning this individual such as where theindividualwas from, where he lived, orwhere he worked.

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    Additionally, he did not have a religious or theologicaldiscussion with this individual. The only thing that Allen couldrecall about this individual was that he was heading on to the"Bay Area" San Francisco/Oakland, California area upon landingat their destination.Allen could not recall any further details in referenceto this individual or his encounter with this individual.

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