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    Mail : : INBOX: 9/11 families Saudi lawsuit Page 1 of 1

    48.09MB / 476.84MB (10.09%)Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 08:14:22-0400From: "" ^P

    To: "" ^'Cc : "" '*?',"" 4P

    Subject: 9/11 families Saudi lawsuitTeam leaders:As some of you may be aware, the law firm of Motley, Rice represents a numberof the victims of the 9/11 attacks in a lawsuit against certain Saudiindividuals and entities, alleging that they had funded al Qaeda and aretherefore responsible for the 9-11 attacks.The firm has offered to open their files to us, and two members of team 4 aregoing to South Carolina next week to look at what they have. We will keep oureyes open for documents that may be of interest to any other teams, but if anyof you have something specific that you believe that Motley, Rice may have,please let Doug Greenburg or Serena Wille know.ThanksJohn ail/imp/message.php?Horde=6e3f79a9f02ffce501efa47a9c... 8/6/03

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    August 1,2003



    SUBJECT: Letter from Ronald Motley

    Philip requested that the attached be forwarded to you for your inform ation anddistribution to your team.

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    Ness, Motley, P.A.28 Bridgeside Blvd. PO Box 1792Mt Pleasant, SC 29464843-216-9675Fax: 843-216-9539FA X TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET

    Date: April 10, 2003To: Philip D. ZelikowFax: 434-982-2739Re: AttachedSender: Dee Stevenson for Ron MotleyClient No.: J64897The original will X will not be mailed to you.


    C O N F I D E N T I A L I T Y N O T ET h i s f a c s i m i l e t r a n s m i s s i o n c o n t a i n s l e g a l l y p r i v i l e g e d a n d c o n f i d e n t i a li n f o r m a t i o n i n t e n d e d o n l y f o r t h e u s e o f t h e i n d i v i d u a l o r e n t i t y n a m eda b o v e . I f t h e r e a d e r o f t h i s m e s s a g e i s n o t t h e i n t e n d e d r e c i p i e n t , y o ua r e h e r e b y n o t i f i e d t h a t a n y d i s s e m i n a t i o n , d i s c l o s u r e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o rc o p y i n g o f t h i s t r a n s m i s s i o n i s s t r i c t l y p r o h i b i t e d . I f y o u h a v e r e c e i v e dt h i s c o m m u n i c a t i o n i n e r r o r , p l e a s e i m m e d i a t e l y n o t i f y u s b y t e l e p h o n e a n dr e t u r n t h e o r i g i n a l m e s s a g e t o u s a t t h e a b o v e a d d r e s s v i a t h e U.S. P o s t a lS e r v i c e .

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    attacks. In our work to illustrate the complicity an d liability of terrorist financiers in theSeptember 1 1 th attacks, we are striving to answer the following probative question: "Didthe financiers of terrorism have sufficient pre-9/1 1/01 information to be placed on noticethat funding Al-Qaeda would result in a catastrophic attack on the U.S. homeland?"Indeed, there was sufficient information and tangible evidence available, not onlyto relevant government an d industry decision-makers, bu t also to financiers of terrorismof a likely plot whereby suicidal hijackers would use civilian aircraft as a weapon of massdestruction years in advance of the September 1 1 , 2001 attacks. As such, we believethere is tremendous value in the Commission examining issues of foreseeability an d priorgovernment and industry knowledge of similar terrorist plots. An examination of these

    issues will inform the Commission, relevant government actors, and the American publicabout what we as a country knew about the possibility of this plot being carried ou t priorto 9/11.In an effort to contribute to this sensitive and vitally important discussion, Ness,

    Motley has compiled a timeline and an historical summary of critical terrorist events. Wehope the enclosed memorandum will assist the Commission in examining the systemicfailures of the aviation industry and our intelligence agencies in preparing for andresponding to similar terrorist threats and activities involving commercial aircraft prior toSeptember 2001.Again, Ness, Motley, P.A. appreciates the Commission's substantive examinationof these important issues. I encourage Commission members or staff to contact me tofurther discuss ways in which ou r Firm may be of assistance to the work of theCommission.


    Ronald L. MotleyRLM/mecc: Executive Director Philip D. ZelikowCommission Vice-Chair Le e HamiltonCommission Member Richard Ben-VenisteCommission Member Max ClelandCommission Member Fred F. Fielding

    Commission Member Jamie S. GorelickCommission Member Slade GortonCommission Member John F. LehmanCommission Member Timothy J. RoemerCommission Member James R. Thompson9-11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism Steering Committee

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    Foreseeability of the 9-11-01 Attacks on the U.S. HomelandOverviewIn its work to root out and ban kru pt the logistical and fund ing sources ofterrorism, Ness, Motley, on behalf of the 9/11 Fam ilies United To Bank rupt Terrorism,has com piled significant evidence and information that illustrates a requisite knowledge,years in advanc e of Septem ber 11, 2001, by industry, government, and financiers ofterrorism of a likely plot whereby suicidal hijackers would use civilian aircraft as aweapon of mass destruction against high profile domestic landmarks.

    We believe the below analysis regarding pre-September 11th terrorist activitiesand the failure of government and industry to protect the public from these threats may beof value to the Com mission as it attem pts to identify the systemic deficiencies ingovernment an d industry leading up to the attacks. Specifically, the compilation of thereferenced information illustrates:

    A decades-long pattern of increase d violence and lethality of terrorist attacksagainst commercial aircraft; A number of earlier plots by Al-Qaeda andother terrorist groups to useairplanes as guide d missiles against high -profile land ma rks; An inability by government and industry to prevent such an attack from takingplace; Anunderstanding and acknowledgement of these terrorist activities byfinancial supporters of Saudi Arabian based charities.We hope the Commission will utilize this informa tion in its broader effort toenhance our nation's understanding of the events leading up to the 9/11 attacks.

    Historical TrendsT t is instructive to examine the history of terrorist acts against civilian aircraft inorder to better und erstand the overarching trends of terrorism and challenges in-aviation

    security. Governm ent, industry, and terrorist financiers have long understood theincreasing threat of mass terrorist violence from hijacking civilian aircraft and the likelyplot scenarios for inflicting maximum loss of life and strategic impact on economic andpolitical centers. Ye t, as the world has so dram atically seen, governmen t did noteffectively counteract these threats with.adequate safety and security measures to preventa coordinated and larg e scale hijacking attack from occurring on airliners. Furthermore,there is ample eviden ce available from government and news sources which illustratesthat the aviation industry consistently ignored persistent security threats against Americancivilian aircraft.Terrorist hijackings of airliners are not a new problem . During the first fifty yearsof comm ercial aviation, there we re 1,098 attacks on civilian airliners an d the m ost

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    common form of attack has been hijackingsconstituting 87 percent of all attacks onairliners (959 of 1,098 incidents). Paul Wilkinson and Brian Jenkins, Aviation Terrorisman d Security, (1999). While the actual number of attacks and hijackings on commercialairliners has declined since the 1970s, the lethality of attacks has dramatically increased.Fo r instance, from 1967-1976, when there were the greatest number of attacks andhijackings of commercial airliners, there were 679 fatalities that occurred as a result ofthese acts. However, from 1987-1996, when the number of attacks against airliners werefar fewer, there were 1,051 fatalities. J d , at 18,

    Important to note, however, is the fact that during the same time period when thelethality of attacks was increasing, 1976-1996, the rate of thwarting hijackings andattacks actually decreased:

    In North America the rate of thwarting of hijackings over the most recenttw o decades has been 43 percent and in Western Europe 24 percent (still abetter than two-to-one chance of success for the average hijacker,respectively). Yet, hi the most recent decade the thwarting rate in NorthAmerica has dropped to 23 percent and in Western Europe to merely 8percent.Id .

    When evaluating whether the September 11 th attacks could have been foreseen, itis easy to confuse the result of the hijacking with the cause of the hijacking. Therealityis mat once an aircraft has been hijacked, there is little, if anything, that can be done.Therefore, the question of what is preventable must stem from the cause and not theresult. The hijacking of a commercialairliner will always remain a favorite terroristtarget because such events are extraordinarily dangerous, always widely televised andinvoke tremendous public fear. Following is a chronological timeline of events from theonset of airline terrorism through the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the UnitedStates. The information highlights the growing threat of increasingly lethal attacksoncivilian aircraft. Significantly, the compiled data illustrates the forseeability and advanceknowledge and understanding that financiers of terrorist organizations, governmentofficials and industry experts had regarding the possibility of suicide hijackerscommandeering a plane and flying the aircraft into high profile economic andpoliticallandmarks as occurred on September 11,2001.

    A Timelineof Terrorism1961The first hijacking of an American carrier occurred in the United States.(White House Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism, 1996)May 7,1964A former member of Philippine Olympic Yachting team boarded a Pacific Airlines planeshot the pilot and co-pilot and crashed th e plane.

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    interests. Recent violent terrorist acts have resulted in the murder, torture andkidnapping of U.S. citizens and the death of hundreds of others. It is imperativeto prevent and/or respond to subsequen t terrorist acts.The D epartment of Transportation, in coordination w ith the Interagency WorkingGroup on Co mb ating Terrorism and the Technical Support Working Group, willcarry out an expanded research and development program covering detection ofexplosive and incendiary devices, hijack preve ntion, an d other security systemenhancemen ts. Projects presently planne d will be accelerated an d necessaryadditional projects will be initiated this fiscal year and thereafter.Enhanced Airline Security Training. The Department of Transportation shallensure tha t appropriately enhanced security training and threat awarenessbriefings are provid ed for all crewm embers of U.S. air carriers who serve on h igh-risk flights. The FAA shall further require that for such flights a designatedsecurity coo rdin ator is responsible for m onito ring security systems and advisingthe pilot in command that all necessary security requirements have been met priorto departure.

    December 7,1987Forty-three people died w hen a Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 crashed after adisgruntled former employee shot the pilots.December 21,1988Libyan terrorists blow up Pan Am Flight 10 3 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 259people on the plane an d 11 people on the ground.March 1989RAND Corporation terrorism expert Brian Jenkins published his important study 'TheTerrorist Threat to Commercial Aviation.' In the study , Jenkins eerily describes thepossibility of a suicide hijacking:

    The nightmare of governments is that suic idal terrorists will hijack acommercial airliner and, by killing or replacing its crew, crash kite-a cityor some vital facility. It has been threatened in at least on e case: In 1977,an airliner believed to have been hijacked , crashed, killing all on board.A nd in 1987, a homicidal, suicidal ex-employee boarded a commercialairliner where he shot his former boss and brought about the crash of theairliner, killing all 44 on board. Fear of such incidents is offered as apowerful argument for immobilizing hijacked aircraft on the ground at thefirst opportunity and also, some argue, for armoring the flight deck. Whatare we likely to see in the future? Perhaps fewer bu t deadlier an d moresophisticated terrorist hijackings.

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    Augus t 4,1989The President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism is published. TheCommission finds "the Federal Aviation Administration to be a reactive agencypreoccupied with responses to events to the exclusion of adequate contingency planningin anticipation of future threats." In addition, the Commission identified that "mostthreats to civil aviation have come primarily from Middle-East based terrorist cells andfactions."September 1989Terrorists bombed French UTA Flight 772, from Brazzaville, Congo to Paris. The planeexplodes in mid-air, killing 171.November 1989Latin American drug cartel terrorists bombed Columbia Avianca Flight203 from Bogotato Cali, Columbia, claiming 107 lives.February 1993A bomb is detonatedin the parking garage of the World Trade Center in New York City.The central figures in the successful plot were Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Ramzi Yousefand Sheikh Omar Abd al-Rahman, all of whom have been linked to Osama bin Laden,hi June 2002, Khalid Sheik Mohammedconfessed to Yosri Fouda, a reporter for the AI-Jazeera network, that he was the "mastermind of the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks." Thisconfession was repeated to U.S. authorities following Khal id Sheik Mohammed's recentarrest in Pakistan.June 1993The FBI arrested eight individualsfor plotting to bomb a number of New York Citylandmarks, including the United Nations building and theLincoln and Holland tunnels.1994The National Intelligence Council compilesa comprehensive inter-agency intelligencereport entitled 'Terror 2000: TheFuture Face of Terrorism.' Authored by senior U.S.government, private-sector, and international experts on counterterrorism and security,the report describes various terroristplots, including how hijackers could use airliners tohit high profile national landmarkssuch as the Pentagon or White House. Completecopies of the report have never been releasedto the public.Significantly, th e report states:

    Targets such as the World Trade Center no t only provide the requisitecasualties but becauseof their symbolic nature provide more bangfor thebuck . In order to maximize their odds for success, terrorist groups willlikely consider mounting multiple,simultaneous operations with the armof overtaxinga government's abilityto respond, as well as to demonstratetheir professionalism and reach.(UPI. September 17,2001)

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    April 7,1994A disgruntled Federal Express pilot used his identification bad ge to smuggle a spear gun,knife an d hammer on board another Federal Express flight where he was riding in thej u mp seat. He charged the cockpit, fractured the skulls of the pilots an d planned to crashinto the Federal Express hub at the Mem phis airport. Some of the crew members weremiraculously able to recover control of the plane an d safely land the aircraft.De cem ber 1994The Algerian Armed Islamic Group hijacked an Air France flight in Algiers andthreatened to crash it into the Eiffel Tower. French authorities deceived the terrorists intothinking the plane did not have enough fuel to reach Paris and diverted it to Marseilles. AFrench anti-terrorist force stormed the plane and killed all four terrorists.(Senate Intelligence Committee Testimony, 9/18/02)January 1995Philippine National Police raid turned up materials in a Ma nila apartment indicating thatthree individuals - Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Murad, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammad -planned, among other things, to crash an airplane into CIA headquarters in Langley,Virginia. The Philipp ine Na tional Police said that the same group w as responsible for thebombing of a Philippine airliner on December 12, 1994.Authorit ies also uncover the Bojinka plot to simultaneously blow up 12 commercialaircraft over the Pacific Ocean. In addition, a letter written by the terrorists who plannedthe failed 1993 WTC bombing is found on a computer disk by law enforcement officialsin the Philippines. The letter warns that future attacks would be more precise and theywould continue to target the WTC if their de mand s were not met.(U.S. v. Yousef. Docket No. 98-1041, (Td Or.,April 4, 200 3); FBI Documents; LA.Times 9/1/02 ; Insight 5/27/02; See April 10, 1995 entry for plot to ly plane into CIAheadquarters)January 6,1995Terrorist Ramz i Yousef is arrested in Pakistan. Th e next day, as Yousef is flying overNew York City on his way to prison, an FBI agent says to Yousef, "You see theNEradeCenters down there, they're still standing, aren't they?" Yousef responds, "Theywouldn't be if I had enough money and enough explosives."(MSNBC, 9/23/01)April, 1995In the April 3 ,1995 edition of Time, the magazine's cover story reports on the potentialfor terrorists to kill thousands in highly destructive acts. Senator Sa m Nunn outlines ascenario in which terrorists destroy the U.S. Capitol Building by crashing a radiocontrolled airplane into it. "It's not far-fetched ," he says. His idea was taken from thepopular Tom Clancy book Debt of Honour published in August 1994.

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    Apr i l 10,1995In an FBI confession interview, Abdul Hakim Hasim Murad a fellow Bojinka Plotconspirator and roommate of Ramzi Yousef , described the Manila cell's plan to fly aplane into the CIA headquarters (paraphrased here by the FBI):What the subject has in his mind is that he will board anyAmericancommercial aircraft pretending to be an ordinary passenger. Then he willhijack said aircraft, control its cockpit and dive it at the CIA headquarters.There will be no bomb or any explosive that he will use in its execution.It is simply a suicidal mission that he is very much willing to execute.(FBI Documents; 9/18/02 Congressional Testimony)

    June 21,1995Memorandum from President William Jefferson Clinton to his Cabinet on the subject ofU.S. Policy On Counterterrorism:

    Within the United States, we shall vigorously apply U.S. laws and seeknew legislation to prevent terrorist groups from operating in the UnitedStates or using it as a base for recruitment, training, fund raising or otherrelated activities. (U)G. Transportation - related terrorism: The Federal AviationAdministration has exclusive responsibility in instances of air piracy forthe coordination of any law enforcement activity affecting the safety ofpersons aboard aircraft within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the defined in public law. The Department of Justice, acting through theFBI, shall establish and maintainprocedures, in coordination with theDepartments of State, Defense, an d Transportation, to ensure the efficientresolution of terrorist hijackings. These procedures shall be based on theprinciple of lead agency responsibility for command, control and rules ofengagement. (U)

    November 13,1995A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American-militaryan d civilian advisers for National Guard training. Al Qaeda-related groups including the"Tigers of the Gulf ," "Islamist Movementfor Change," and "Fighting Advocates of God"fax a letter to CNN claiming responsibility for the attacks an d explaining that it wascarried out in retaliation for the imprisonment of sheiks al-Ouda an d al-Hawali.(United States v. Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, Case No. CR03-48-N, Testimonyof MichaelGneckaw, March 11-12, 2003)January 1996The Intelligence Community obtained information concerning a planned suicide attack byindividuals associated with Sheikh OmarAdb al-Rahman. The plan was to fly to theUnited States from Afghanistan an d smash the plane into White House.

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    June 25,1996A bomb aboard a fuel truck explodes outside a U.S. air force installation in Dhahran,Saudi Arabia. Nineteen U.S. military personnel arekilled in the Khobar Towers housingfacility, and 515 are wounded, including240 Americans.August 1996Osama bin Laden issues a public fatwa entitled, "Declaration of War against theAmericans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places." The statement, first publishedin Al Quds Al Arabi, authorizes attacks on Western military targets in the ArabianPeninsula. Bin Laden declares: "It is a duty now on every tribe in the Arab Peninsula tofight, Jihad, in the cause of Allah and to cleanse the land from those occupiers. Allahknows that their blood is permittedto be spilled and their wealth is abooty; their wealthis a booty to those who kill them."October 1996The Intelligence Community obtained information regarding an Iranian plot to hijack aJapanese plane over Israel and crash it into Tel Aviv. An individual would board theplane in the Far East. During the flight, he would commandeer the aircraft, order it to flyover Tel Aviv, and then crash theplane into the city. The plot was never carried out.(9/18/02 Congressional Testimony)Autumn 1996-1997Following the crash and suspected bombing of TWA Flight 800 in July 1996, PresidentBill Clinton establisheda White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Securitychaired by Vice President Albert Gore to assess the civilian aviation security and safetyenvironment an d provide recommendations fo r improvements.During this study, top experts and governmentofficials were made aware of the persistentand growing threat of large scale terrorist violence through airline hijackings and the useof airliners asmissiles.The 1996 White House Commission observed a video entitled 'The Future Face ofTerrorism." The transcript of the video depicts the face of terrorism as Ramzi AbrnedYousef. Yousef was among the terrorists who planned to blow-up 12 U.S. airplanessimultaneously over the Pacific Ocean in the Bojinka Plot. The video transcript describesthe dramatically increasing threat of mass terrorist violence using commercial aircraft:

    Terrorists today are potentially muc h more dangerous. Open societies andcomputer literacy make a wealth of knowledge and information easilyavailable. They can target a single individual. But typically their goal ismaximum destructionandmassive casualtieswitness the bombing of theWorld Trade Center...A terrorist attack against an aircraft or airport inside the United States remainsa real threat. Many [terrorists] are young.. .repressed and very angry. They

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    February 23,1998Osama bin Laden issues afatwa, declaring it a religious duty of all Muslims "to kill theAmericans and their allies-civilians and military and plunder their money when andwherever they find it.. .in any country in which it is possible." The statement is anexpansion of an earlier fafwa issued in August 1996.August 1998The Intelligence Community obtained information that a group of unidentified Arabsplanned to fly an explosive-ladenplane from a foreign country into the World TradeCenter. The information was passed to the FBI and the FAA. The FAA found the plothighly unlikely given the state of that foreign country's aviation program. Moreover, theybelieved that a flight originating outside the United States would be detected before itreached its intended target inside the United States. The FBI's New York office took noaction on the information, filing the communication in the office's bombing repositoryfile. The Intelligence Community has acquired additional information since thenindicating there may be links between this group and other terrorist groups, including alQaeda.(9/18/02 Congressional Testimony)August?, 1998In its most deadly act of terrorism yet, al Qaeda claimed responsibility for bombing theU.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen iswounded among the 10 killed and 77injured.September1998The U.S. Intelligence Community obtained information that Osama bin Laden's nextoperation could possibly involve flying an aircraft loaded with explosives into a U.S.airport an d detonating it; this information was provided to senior U.S. Governmentofficials in late 1998.(9/18/02 Congressional Testimony)

    *-**November 1998The U.S. Intelligence Community obtained information that the Turkish Kaplancilar, anIslamic extremist group, had planned a suicide attack to coincide with celebrationsmarking the death of Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. The conspirators, who werearrested, planned to crash an airplane packed with explosives into Ataturk's tomb duringa government ceremony. The Turkish press said the group had cooperated with Osama

    In 1999, as a result of the bombings of the US embassies in Africa, the United States' governmentsent a delegation to the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdomof Saudi Arabia to warn them significantfunds from their countries were being used to finance al Qaeda's terrorist attacks. In spite of thesewarnings, these countries failed to enact any serious regulationsof banks, charities, or mosques. Instead,they turned a blind eye to this problem. See Statements given by William Wechsler and Lee Wolosky toinstant its counsel. Th e trip is also described by Dan Benjamin in The A ge of Sacred Terror (2002).


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    M ay 1999An investigatioE in the Southern District of New York into the case of USA y. IhabMohamed Ali. reveals that the defendant, an accused al Qaeda operative, received pilottraining in Oklahoma in 1994. This discovery illustrates government knowledge of al-Qaeda operatives receiving pilot lessons in the United States more than two years prior toSeptember 11,2001.(USA y. Ihab Mohamed A li, United States D istrict Court, Southern District of New York)July 1999U.S. government informant Randy Glass records a conversation he shares with Pakistaniarms dealers, held at a restaurant within view of the World Trade Center. R..G- Abbas,one of the Pakistan i dealers, points to the WTC and says, "Those towers are comingdown." Abbas later makes other references to an attack on the WTC. Glass passes thesewarnings on to government officials, but he claims "The complaints were orderedsanitized by the highest levels of government."(NBC Dateline, 3/18/03)October 31 , 1 9 9 9Egypt Air Flight 900. The pilot, quietly repeating an Islamic prayer, crashed, apparentlywith intent, the Boeing 76 7 into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after its departure from NewYork 's JFK Airport.A p r i l 2000The Intelligence Com mu nity obtained information regarding an alleged Bin Laden plot tohijack a 747 airliner. The source was a "walk-in" to the FBI's Newark office whoclaimed that he had been to a training camp in Pakistan where he learned hijackingtechniques and received arms training. He also stated that he was supposed to meet fiveto six other individuals in the United States who would also participate in the plot. Theywere instructed to use all necessary force to take over the plane because there would bepilots among the hijacking team. The plan was to fly the plan e to Afghanistan, and if theywould not m ake it there, that they w ere to blow up the plane.(9/18/02 Congressional Testimony)May 2000 -*._..U.S. Department of Agriculture Loan Officer Johnelle Bryant met with 9/11 organizerMohammed Atta in a USDA Miami-Dade County field office. Atta attempts to secure a$650,000 loan for a crop-dusting business he supposedly developing. Atta tells Bryantthat he had just arrived in the United States from Afghanistan "to start his dream, whichwas to g o to flight school and get his pilot's license, and work both as a charter pilot and acrop duster too," Bryant told A BC news in a June 6, 2002 intervi ew. Atta wanted tofinance a twin-eng ine six-passenger aircraft, remove the seats and "build a chemical tankthat would fi t inside the aircraft and take up every available square inch of the aircraftexcept for where the pilo t would be sitting." When Bryant explained that there was anapplication process, Atta becam e "very agitated." He thought the loan would be in cash,and that he would have no trouble obtaining it to purc hase an aircraft. He also remarkedabout the lack of security in the building, pointing specifically to a safe behind Bryant's


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    desk. "He asked me what would prevent him from going behind my desk and cutting mythroat and making off with the millions of dollars in that safe," said Bryant. According toanonymous law enforcement officials, packing twin-engine planes with explosivechemicals, making it a flying bomb, hadbeen the terrorists' plan since the mid-1990s.Before leaving Bryant's office, Atta became fixated with an aerial photo of Washingtonthat was hanging on her office wall. "He just said that it was one of the prettiest, the besthe'd ever seen of Washington," she said, remembering that he was impressed with thepanoramic view that captured all the monuments and buildings in one photograph,pointing specifically to the Pentagon and the White House. "He pulled out a wad ofcash," she said, "and started throwing money on my desk. He wanted that picture reallybad." Bryant indicated that the picture was not for sale, and he threw more money down."His look on his face became very bitter at that point," Bryant remembers. "I believe hesaid, 'How would America like it if another country destroyed that city and some of themonuments in it,1 like the cities in his countryhad been destroyed?"(ABC News, 6/6/02)October 12, 2000A terrorist bomb damages the destroyer U.S.S. Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing17 American sailors and injuring 39 . Al Qaeda accepts responsibility for the attack.October 24-26, 2000Pentagon officials carry out a "detailed" emergency drill based upon the crashing of ahijacked airliner into the Pentagon.(MOWNews Service 11/3/00; Mirror 5/24/02)A p r i l 2001The Intelligence Community obtained information from a source with terroristconnections who speculated that Bin Laden would be interested in commercial pilots aspotential terrorists. The source warned that the United States should not focus only onembassy bombings, that terrorists sought "spectacular and traumatic" attacks, and that thefirst World Trade Center bombing would be the type of attack that would be appealing.The source did not mention a timeframe for any attack. The information was notdisseminated within the U.S. Intelligence Community. * -(9/18/02 Congressional Testimony)M ay 2001Department of Defense medical personnel are trained for a hypothetical airliner hijackingattack on the Pentagon.(U.S. Medicine, October 2001)May 2001An article appears on a Web site maintained by defendant Sami Omar Al-Hussayen,currently on trial in United States District Court, District of Idaho, Southern Division,written by radical Saudi sheik, Homed Ali (phonetic) which reads, "the holy warrior mustkill himself if he knows that this will lead to the killing of a great number of the enemies:


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    "[H]e will no t be able to kill them without killing himself first or demolishing a centervital to the enemy or its military force..." "This is not possible except by involving thehuman element in the operation. In this new era, this can be accomplished with themodern means of bombing or bringing down an airplane on an important location thatwill cause the enemy great losses."(United States v. Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, Case No. CR03-48-N, Testimony of MichaelGneckow, M arch 11-12, 2003)June 22,2001The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an "information circular" tocomm ercial airlines c iting concern about possible hijackings.(Reuters 5/16/02)July 10, 2001Phoenix, Arizona FBI agent Ken W illiams sends a memorandum warnin g abou tsuspicious activities involving a group of Middle Eastern men taking flight traininglessons in Arizona. The memorandum specifically suggests that Osama bin Laden'sfollowers might be trying to infiltrate the civil aviation system as pilots, security guardsor other personnel, and recommends a national program to track suspicious flight schoolstudents. The memo is sent to the counterterrorism unit division at FBI headquarters inWashington and to two field offices, including the counterterrorism section in New York.Th e memo is ignored at all three offices.Late July 2001The FA A issued information circular warnin g airlines that terrorist groups are planningand training for hijackings and urging carriers to use caution,(Reuters 5/16/02)August 2001The Intelligence Com munity obtained information regarding a plot to either bomb theU.S. Embassy in Nairobi from an airplane or crash an airplane into it. The IntelligenceCommunity learned that two people who were reportedly acting on instructions fromOsama Bin Laden met in October 2000 to discuss this plot.

    -&Hr.~-Based on information it had in its possession at the time, the CIA sent a message to theFAA asking the FAA to advise co rporate security directors of U .S. air carriers o f thefollowing information:A group of six Pakistanis currently based in La Paz, Bolivia may beplanning to conduct a hijacking, or possibly a bom bing or an act ofsabotage against a com mercial airliner. W hile we have no details of thecarrier, the date, or the location of this or these possibly planned action(s),

    we have learned the group has had discussions in which".. .Atlanta andNew York, among other locations were men tioned as possible targets.(9/18/02 Congressional Testimony)


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    Mr. Barbour's statement was issued in a letter to the editor of the Los Angeles Times andpublished on November 1, 2001.W e now know that this information was deceptive. Please find attached excerpts of theCheckpoint Operations Guide ("COG") which is the operating manual for airport securityscreening personnel. The COG clearly indicates that the "box cutters" and "pepperspray" used by the terrorist hijackers were illegal weapons and impermissible in sterileairport areas.April 19,2002Rani2i Binalshibh and Khalid Sheik Mohammed met with Yosri Fouda, a reporter fromthe Al Jazeera network, for over 48 hours. A series of interviews were conductedwherein Khalid and Ramzi confessed to the September 11th attacks. Khalid SheikMohammed stated that he was the head of the military arm of Al Qaeda and he was the"mastermind behind the attack." Ramzi Binalshibh was the head of operations andcoordinated communications between Afghanistan and Mohammed Atta.(Yosri Fouda's conversation with The 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism. Atranslation of Rarnzi's interview with Fouda is attached. Audio and videotapes of KhalidSheik Mohammed were confiscated by the terrorists and not returned to Yosri Fouda.)June 2, 2002Newsweek reported that the FBI have prepared a detailed chart showing how agentscould have uncovered the terrorist plot if the C IA had told them what it knew about thehijackers Almihdhar and Alhazmi sooner. One FBI official says, "There's no questionwe could have tied all 19 hijackers together."(Newsweek , 6/2/02)September 18,2002Eleanor Hill, Staff Director of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into the September 11,2 0 0 1 attacks, testified before Congress regarding the government's general awarenessand knowledge of the attacks prior to 9/11:

    Central to the September 11 attacks was the terrorists' use of airplanes asweapons. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, there was much*-discussion about the extent to which our Government was, or could havebeen, aware of the threat of terrorist attacks of this type and the extent towhich adequate precautions were taken to address that threat. Wetherefore asked the question:Did the Intelligence Community have anyinformation in its possession prior to September 11, 2001 indicating thatterrorists were contemplating using airplanes as weapons?Based on our review to date of the requested information, we believe thatthe Intelligence Community was aware of the potential for this type ofterrorist attack, but did not produce any specific assessments of thelikelihood that terrorists would use airplanes as weapons. Our review has


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    uncovered several examplesof intelligence reporting on the possible useof airplanes as weapons in terrorist operations.February 2003Four plaintiffs in Burn ett, et al, v. al Baraka. et al all of whom, are victims of the 9/11attacks, testified in the Hamburg, Germany trial of Mounir el Motassadeq. On February19, 2003, Motassadeq was sentenced to the maximum 15 years in prison for helping theHamburg-based al Qaeda terror cell that included lead hijacker Mohammed Atta and twoother suicide pilots. The plaintiffs' moving testimony regarding the September attackshighlighted the commitment of 9/11 families to holding terrorist groups and theirfinanciers accountable for the attacks.

    ConclusionNumerous warnings and clues were given prior to September 11th from whichterrorist financiers, our intelligence communityand the aviation industry could have

    foreseen the hijacking attacks. In the history of commercial aviation, there are only twomethods by which an airline has been attackedby bomb or hijacking. These methodsdate back to the 1960's and are the most frequent means by which terrorists strike. Thesolution for preventing such attacks does not change regardless of the target or the.resulting catastrophe. For that reason the proper inquiry is whether it was foreseeable foral Qaeda to hijack aircraft. No rational person could dispute the answer. Islamicextremists, like al-Qaeda, have on numerousoccasions indicated that it was prepared, notonly to hijack a commercial airliner, but to use it as a weapon. Moreover, al-Qaedafrequently identified the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon and the Capitol as itsmost sought-after targets.


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    ie=i0 FRQMt ID.

    1012/01?PACE 11X16


    Items NOTallowed to enter the sterileNOTIFY:

    Gun powderHammersHand grenadesHatchetsHunting knivesIce axe/ Ice pickInsecticidesKeroseneKnives {blades over 4" ormenacing)

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    Translation ofRamza Binalshibah Audio Tape - 22September 2002.By Naouar BlondTime -00.00 Hours BST"* ] seek Allah's protection from Satan the Rejected One, In the name of Allah, MostGracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah -who granted his servant victory, andglorified his soldiers and defeated the confederates alone, the one who says in hisglorious book: Tight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them withshame, help you (tovictory) over them, heal the breasts ofBelievers."[9-14]Prayers and salutations on the messenger of guidance who said: "I have been grantedvictory by frightening (the enemies though they were) a month's march away (from me),and the one who said; "Myprovision is gained under the sliadow of my spear." And theone who said: "Lowliness and humiliation are befallen upon those who violate myteaching.'*, and,prayers and salutations on his family and his companions and on thosewho followhis path and his guidance until the day ofjudgement.No sane Muslim doubts thai the operations of the blessed day of Tuesday, on 11*September in Washingtonand New York, was one of the glorious days of the Muslims,tiiat have restored for them the days of Badr, Hittine, AI-Qadissya, Al-Yarmuk and AinJalut , This day represented a manifest victory and a great victory to the Muslims and atthe same time, it represent a calamitous defeat for the greatest power on earth ever,America, and a fatal blow in her heart, which is filled of animosity and hatred for Islamand tins Muslims. Allah the Almightyhas decided to inflict upon her a punishment fromhim, and he has also decided for this punishment to be executed by the hands of thisgroup of believing Mujahideea, whom Allah has chosen and ordained for thismightytask. So praise and glorybe to him first and foremost-

    As for your question with regard to the coordination, it is in a nutshell reflected in theprocess of linking th cells together, and forming a chain of communication betweenthese cells and the general command in Afghanistan, and determining the priorities of the. work to be undertakenby these cells and pursuing them until theycomplete the phasesofthe work, up until the hour of execution, and solving the problems that may face thebrothers witfiin these cells, and generating the appropriate security cover through whichthebrothers would operate.First of all, with regard to the communications, these arc the dangerous security gapthrough which the enemy could infiltrate and attempt to foil any operation. Hence, it wasimperative to control this operation hi a thorough manner. Therefore, it is imperative todetermine the most secure means of communication and determine an alternativemeansin case thisbecamenecessary, also, to determine the language of communication and het ime of communication, and to vary the places from which communications are made,whether this were through the internet or by phone or by any other means ofcommunication. It is also imperative to determine the person responsible for contactingthe person who is commissioned to cany out the communication as well as theperson

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    who is commissioned to contact him . All these matters, which are part of the elaboratedetails, most be tota lly clear, and the conclusion in this issue, it is imperative to havesimplicity in the language of communication and sophistication in the method ofcommunication. These are practical matters that arc not achieved through 1he meretheoretical lessons alone, but (hey require practical training and thank Allah, the land ofAfghanistan had a great deal of goodness, and Allah the Almighty helps the one whoperforms Jihad with what other people do not possess. Allah the Almighty says: "So fearAllah, for it is He who teaches you." [2-282] 'And H e Also saysi "And those who strive inOur (Cause), We will certainly guide them to Our Paths: for verily Allah is with thosewho do right." [29-69].And you can compare this with all Ihe phases of this work. All Jihadi work that containsall the Sharia'ah (legitimate) conditions, in terms of sincerity and truthfulness and thelike, so what is important in the issue of com munications is that your messages or yourspeech must not contain any controversy. Be like the rest of the people who enter theworld of communications in all their various types, thus placing the enemy in anawkward situation and between the hammer and the nail; either he monitors all theelectronic communications and all telephone calls in the world, or he reverts back to theera before the telephone and the internet. Something wh ich is very difficult, very difficultfor him.Roughly speaking, the work is divided into several phases, and each phase has a langnageof com munication that differs from the following one; and before each phase, a meetinglakes place and an agreement is reached over this language. If flic meeting could not beconvened and something unexpected occurred, w e rely on a new means ofcommunication, which is used only once and for this unexpected matter only, then wewould not resort to it again. Th e matter is very broad and contains many ideas. As I saidto you, the encroy is stupid and with the grace of Allah, Allah protects ihc Mujahid; thematter also requires a quick presence of mind first of all, and the two parties undertakingthe communication should know each other very well; each one o f them know s thepersonality and the disposition of the other. He knows exactly what the other partymeans. The matter also depends on the enemy that one is facing; despite what hepossesses in terms of progress and technology, he is how ever very stupid and very slowto understand; he cannot perceive matters quickly.Once all th e details have been arranged and once all the final arrangement have beencompleted, and once the brothers who were about to execute the operations have anivcd,the remaining 14 brothers, to the United States, and once they have eSlcred without anyhindrances or problems, thank A llah, for the care and protection of Allah had engulfedthem from every side, for those persons were unique according to the testimony of allthose who lived with them and mixed with them, they found them to be of h igh qualitiesand good morals, qualities that are not found in the people of this wo rldly life, but theywere people of good m anners, obedience, worship, and asceticism; they pray at night andfast during (he day, they love to serve their brethren, they souls are pure and they w ere allunited by the character of truthfulness and the love of martyrdom; they had a uniquebravery and boldness, and all people spoke good of them, and none of them was affectedby the American corrupt way o f life whatsoever, despite the fact that they were all young

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    an d th e temptations were around them everywhere they went; all of them had an amazingaversion to this bestial life and its followers; we ask Allah to receive them well and tojoin us with them in Heaven. So when those brothers were ready and when the brothers inthe Shnrah (consultation) Council, whose members were from among the pilots,of whichour brother Mohamed Atla wa s the leader and our brother Nawaf Al-Hazbni was hisdeputy, determined the opportune moment, which they had the free will to choose it, thetime wa s conveyed, because the time wa s late, one and a half or two hours before dawn,or something like that, and the time in America was approximately 8 or 9 in the evening,so our brother M ohamm ed ma de contact, and with his light-hearted nature, despite thefact that he had always been serious and does not I D c e to joke a great deal; this brotherwas amazing, extremely ama zing, I have never come across anyone from among thebrothers that J know who was more eager than him to pcrfonn the night prayers, to thepoint where J remembers the neighbours complain about his reading of the Qur'an a tnight; he used to also perform volun tary fasts and his m orals were impeccable; he wasvery pious; he would not eat a food that ha d even the slightest dubious substance; so hesaid to roe in an Egyptian accent: "One of my friends related a puzzle to m e and 1 cannotsolve it; and I called you so that you can solve it for me." So 1 said to him: "Is this a timefor puzzles, Mohamed?" Upon this he said: "Never mind; you are my friend and no oneis going to solve it for me apart from you", or words to that effect So I said to him: "Goon , say it" So he said: 'Two sticks andbetween them a dash, a cake from which a stick isdangling, what docs it mean?" 1 said to him: "Is this the puzzle? You wake me from adeep sleep to tell me this puzzle?Tw o sticks and I do not know what?" He said; "You arem y friend an d n o one can solve it for me but you." Nevertheless, the message arrives inthis very natural manner and it was imperative to ascertain this time and this messagethrough other means.Th e puzzle meant the date, in other words the lime of the operation; the two sticksrepresent the number 1 1 then the dash and then the cake from which a stick danglesrepresents number 9; thus th e picture becomes complete:- 1 1-9. Mohammed, may Allahhave m ercy on him, used to belittle the security services and he never used to give them 'much thought; so glory be to Allah, he used to extol Allah a great deal and he wasobedient and used to protect himself through,the invocation of Allah, just like therest ofhis brothers. I can testify to the fact that they used to protect themselves throughcxtolment and this was first an d foremost due to their superiority, first an d foremost, overthose disbelieving folks.The communications were constant and continuous until few hours before- the night of theexecution. The thinking was collective, for the work with the help of Allah wascollective, and was not an individual action. So every brother would look at what suitedhim best in terms of cover, according to his age and his educational standard, hisphysiognomy and the like, and he would consult with his brothers and exchange viewswith them, and the operation of adopting a security cover is in essence a process aimed atdeceiving the security services generally and mystifying the people around him; Allah theAlmighty teaches us by saying: "and let him behave with care and courtesy, an d let himnot inform any one about you." [18-19], Hence, this cover must be totally compatiblewith the personality of this brother and it is incumbent upon the brother to undertake his

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    role in the operation in a perfect manner. I was not myself present at the time; what isimportant is that the message had been sent, and the one who was conveying the messagedid not know anything about , and I learnt afterwards that brother Aba Abdullah, mayAllah protect him, was in. (be camp, and when he received news about the time of theoperation, he stood up arid gathered the brothers, conveying to them the glad tidings,namely that a host of operations would lake place in the next few days, Allah willing, andthat the operations would change the face of history; this was emanating from hisconclusive belief m the promise of Allah the Almighty and in his support for hisbelieving servants. So he ordered the brothers to increase their invocations and theirsupplications to Allah the Almightyduring their prayers, for the sake of their brothers, toprotect them and to grant them victory over the Americans and then there was a generalalert in all the camps and all the residential areas were evacuated and the brothers weredispersed; ihc message was a great news to the Sheikh Abu Abdullah, may Allah theAlmighty protect him..These latest communications which occurred before the crucial and critical last few hoursfrom the time when the brigades of belief and the soldiers of the "Most Merciful" mwith the legions of the disbelieving crusaders, were just to get reassurance that matterswere proceeding and that all the brothers were sale, and to request that they makesupplication on our behalf,for they were making supplications and insist upon us to makesupplications for them and we were requesting from them to do the same for us, for theywere in a battlefield and in an hour of confrontation; the countdown had started, and thedays were passing.Also, our brother Mohammed had some money left and fcc wanted toreturn it, so 1 told him to keep that money with him in caseof an emergency, he mayneedit. So he said: "No we have enough, and the brothers over there need ft." This wasbecause of his piety and his sincerity; may Allah have mercy upon his soul. I askAllahthe Almighty to accept from him and from ill bis brothers. Tliesc hours were awesome,for you engage in a great battle with all its dimensions, a huge battle; it is a militaryoperation, that is unconventional,-against the mightiest force on Earth, who possesses allihc weapons and the intelligence equipments, and the spy satellites, while her agents arcspread all over the world, and you are facing them on their own backyard, amidst theirforces and their soldiers, with a group of youths numbering 19. The disparity in thisaspect between us and them was very wide and the help Allah the Almighty and bis careof the brothers and the adherence of these brothers to the boundaries of Allah hassafeguarded them, as mentioned in the prophetic tradition, when Hie Messenger of Allah(peace be upon him) sent Ibnu Abbas, so be said to him: **O young man, observe (theboundaries of ) Allah and He will protect you. Observe (the boundaries"of ) Allah andyou will find Him m your direction." The certitude of these brothers of Allah'ssupportfor them used to constitute a tremendous element of tranquillity to the hearts.

    The serenity was present in the hearts of all the youths. On one occasion, J talked to ourbrother Zyad, so 1 asked him a question saying: "How do you feel?" I wanted toknow hisfeeling; he said: "By Allah, my heart is very reassured and I feel that the operation isgoing to be accomplished and praise be to Allah." I said to him: "By Allah I feel exactlythe same as you."He said: "And all the brothers are exactly of the same disposition."1said:" Praise be to youAllah, praise be to youAllah."

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    Once 1 was reassured about him and about the brothers generally, and about- mattersproceeding with the care and protection of Allah, and he persisted that I makesupplication for him and 1 requested from him and from (he rest of the brothers to makesupplication for us. For there arc at an hour o f strife and in a battlefield. I asked to forgiveus and forgive the rest of us, incase there had been any abuse or neglect from our part, orin case we wronged him or the other brothers, he used to confirm to us that wewouldmeet; his certitude was as such that he used to say to us: "We will meet Allah willing, donot be sadT we will meet in heaven Allah willing and that our meeting is imminent Allahpermitting. So I requested from him that should he see the Messenger of Allah (pbuh)arid should he reach the highest ranks in heaven , to convey to him our greetings andlikewise to convey this to Abu Bakr and Omar and the rest of the companions:who succeeded them and the Mujahidecn- > * * """-*- yond Uhud

    a** ichwen^n?AM-AMta-'-/?00pte'PaitfwhatheStrCngUlofhisdoc^ltk*).- the MesscngSthe disbelieve, had said: I hive

    t *"*"T eny tw foritis*" mecL"Pcn

    'P~ccBUpon Him.

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    When only few hours were left before executing the operation, all th e individuals and thecells operating abroad were withdrawn and the brothers were told that that day was thedate of the operation. They were not initially aware of the magnitude of this operation,nor of its location, in a conclusive manner;' so everyone was crying oa the day of theoperation and praying for the brothers and pursuing th e news via the satellite channels-Some of them were pursuing the news via the internet.So when th e news started and weheard th e news of a collision of the first aircraft, while it was wrecking the World TradeCentre, and which was guided by ourbrother Mohammed Atta, may Allah have mercy onhis soul, the brothers shouted 'Takbir", so they did make Takbir (to shoot Allah isGreaiest) and they prostrated to Allah in gratitude and they wept. I mean, an operation. that you see before you, before your eyes in this manner; and the brothers thought thatthis was the one and only part of the operation, so we said to them:"Patience, patience.**And suddenly, our brother Marwan was wrecking the southern lower of the World TradeCentre in very fierce manner, I mean, in an unimaginable way, we are witnessing live onair, we were saying: "O Allah showthe rightway, show therightway. I mean noonehadknown that these operations would be recorded and the that they would be filmed and.that the world would see it in this manner. So it was a blessing from Allah the Almighty,to act as an admonition and a remembrance to those wh o remember. And praise be toAllah. So the brothers prostrated m thanks to Allah and they shouted**AlIah is Greatest"and they sometimes wept from joy and other times from sadness for their brothers. Thebrothers thought that the matter was effectively, over. So we said to them: ''Pursue thenews, the matter is not over yet, make prayers for your brothers, pray for them. Thematter is not over yet; then came the news ofthe aircraft which was flo\vn by our brotherZyad AJ-Jarrah, alias Abu Tariq the Lebanese, which was downed in the suburbs ofthecapital Washington, Upon this the brothers shouted "Allah is Greatest" and theyprostrated to Allah; they embracedeach other and they cried. This aircraft by itself was infact another operation; and during this time, and within 45 minutes, imagine in the spaceof this record time the fourth andlast aircraft was wrecking the Trade Centre, I mean thePentagon building, the building ofthe American Defence Ministry. The aircraft- wasguided by our brother Hani Hunjour, alias Urwah Al-Taifi, So the joy was tremendous;no one had imagined that these towers would collapse and turn into rubble and dust inthis manner. Hence, it was one ofAllah's signs for the whole world to sec. AndAllah theAlmighty says: "Do they not travel through the earth, and see wiwt was the end of thosebefore them (who did evil)? Allah brought utter destruction on them, and similar (fatesawait) those who reject Allah." [47-1OJ. So in this matter, the divine intervention waswithout a doubt very clear andpalpable in a big v/ay; so praise andgratitude be to Allah.First of all, in order for thepicture to becleat Allah the Almighty has "forbidden us formmourning the tribulations ofthe disbelieving folks, as Allah says: "But sorrow thou notOver (these) people without Faith." [05-68J. Not like what some of the Muslims havedone unfortunately; they sent their condolences and they went and prayed for thosedisbelievers, and for the victims of those disbelievers in the mosques, and even in thechurches. One of them went to donate 10 million dollars to the families ofthe victims,but it was not accepted of him and he was.snubbed. Many farces and mockeries tookplace, and even the religion of Allah was abused in order to please the Jews and the

    Christians, despite th e fact that what befell th e Americans was a punishment from th e

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    heavens, and at the hands of the soldiers of Allah, "for to Allah belong the Forces of theheavens and the ea rth; and Allah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom." [48-O4]So do they object to the command of Allah? Besides what befell them was because oftheir own crimes and of their support for the occupation of the land of Palestine and fortheir occupation of the land of the two Sacred Mosques, among other crimes againstIslam and the Muslims; and you do know that it is the American people who elect theirpresidents, and the members of parliament (Congress) in their country, and they in turnpractise these policies that are hostile to Islam and the Muslims, on behalf of their people.Bow could they be sad for them, while they supplicate .. .while the Muslims supplicate intheir prayers: * K > Allalj destroy the Americans! O Allah destroy the Jews and theirallies!", and when A llah the Almighty destroys theJews and behind them the Americans,they cry for them and they go to console them. This is a contradictory. The mediacoverage that took place, especially the visual aspect of h, the pictures of the operations,which was transmitted by all the world media, on a daily basis and almost constantly, andwhich are repeated up until now, this "was very positive thing with the grace of Allah theAlmighty. It had an extraordinary impact on the. Muslim viewer in particular; for it hasbrought joy into the hearts of the Muslims, especially our brethren in occupied Palestine,who suffer under the yoke of the army of occupation. Their faith in the Islamic peoplesand in faculties, powers and capabilities of their sincere children was restored, thanks tothe victory of Allah the Almighty bestowed upon them , for it has helped its cause, afterth e huge armies which were armed to the teeth and the treacherous and collaboratinggovernments had let them dow n. These peoples, with the help of Allah and his leave, arccapable of confronting the Am erican enemy who practices terrorism in all its form, but heis even the biggest military, security and me dia terrorist against the Muslims. Their fearand their terror has led the American enemy throughout the whole of New York andWashington has suffered from a serious constitutional vacuum. President Bush washiding and no one knew his whereabouts, his deputy (VIce-Presidcnt) bidesunderground,and the members of the American Congress scattered all over the place, while thewholeof the American people was in a state of hysteria, horror and fear because of theseoperations. These matters happen in the mightiest country in the world. Allah is truthfulwhen he says: "And slacken not in following up the enemy: if ye are suffering hardships,they are suffering similar hardships; but ye have hope from Allah, while they have none.And Allah is foil of Knowledge and Wisdom." [04-104]. Without a doubt, the grandearand the veneration of this country has fallen before people's eyes; they have fallen beforepeople's eyes thanks to Allah alone. This state of affairs in which they live today, thestate of terror and fear and the psychological ailments and dcpressiong&at has befallenmost of the Americans, especially in the city of New York, where the problem ofalcoholism and drug abuse is on the increase, to escape from what had happened to themon the 1 1 th September; what is concealed is even greater and 'Tor your lord is (as aGuardian) on a watch-tower." [89.14]With regard to the brothers, the pilots, their return from Afghanistan to Germanyspecifically, in the period between February to March 2000, starting with the return ofour brother Abu Tariq the Lebanese, alias Zyad Al-Jarrah, we ask Allah to receivehim,then the return of our brother Mohamed Atta, Mohammed Al-Amir, whose nickname w as

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    Abdul-Rahm an Al-Masri, and the return of our brother Yusuf Al-Shihi,whose nicknamewas AJ-Qaa'qaa Al-Qatari. Their passports were replaced, and they set about acquiringtheir visas for the United States; tins step had already been taken by our brother Marwanin theEmirates. He changed his passport and Iw acquired the visa.Unfortunately, putting forward such a topic, by certain authorsand intellectuals, and evenby some of those working within the Islamic framework and adopt the Islamic agenda,generates a great deception and a belittling'of the Muslims' minds, arid it spreads liesamongst them, as if those claim that the American were notbacking the Jews with theirF16 fighter planes and the American Apache helicopter gunsbips, which assassinate theMujahideen from among themovements ofHamas and (Islamic)Jihad inside their homesand amidst their familiesand their children. It is as if the Americans were not giving tieZionists the green light to shell the Palestinian cities, one by one, without any restraintnor any inhibition; as if for instance were nit using the right to veto to the benefit of theJews, and as if the Americansdid not in the first instance interfere in our struggle againstthe Jews prior to the II* September. The only difference that occurred is that theseevents have brought the Americans out from behind the screen where they had beenhiding, to the fore of ihe straggle, and they have now set about implementing theirpolicies, which support the Hebrew state in a' conspicuous, open and flagrant manner andthis what the Mujahidcen have succeeded to expose so that people may learn that there isno difference between America and the Hebrew state, for they are tow faces of the samecoin, namely the terrorism in this world. Those from amongthe Muslimswho claims this,have not experienced the life ofJihad and theMujahideen; they only live a theoretical lifebetween the books and the libraries. They have not fought a war nor a battle. "What isknown to the whole world that the Mujahideen, in their first struggle against theRussians, were a direct cause for th annihilation of this superpower at the time, with thegrace of Allah the Almighty. The history of the Muslims is full of such conquestsandvictories, but people in general are suffering from a psychological defeat and they havethe complex of jhe CIA and the Mossad, and Allah the Almighty, with his grace hasrevived the duty of Jihad in the heart and the reality of this Ummab (nation), throughthese rare heroism and courageous operations, and also thanks to the presence of theIslamic leadership, the striving and the sincere to his religion, such as the Sheikh Usaraa,-we do not justify him toAllah- and his otlicr brothers, and this why America isworkingassiduously and all its power towards wiping every single trace of Jihad, from the mind,the heart and the conscience of this Ummah. She is also endeavouring to obliterate itfrom the books, from history and educational curricula of the religious schools,universities and colleges, and even obliterate it from the Qur'an. She spnd millions forthe sake of this endeavour. Hence, the point at issue today is not that of a personality,namely that of Sheikh Usama, may Allah protect him, nor that of the Al-Qacedaorganisation. The war today is not a war against terrorism as they claim, but a crusadeagainst Islam and the Muslims as proclaimed by Ihe bead of the worldwide infidelity,president Bush.The discussion used to cover several topics; it is not the time to talk about these now. Asfor the weapons, indeed the brothers were armed. Their first weapon after the belief inAllah was the Takbir (chant of Allah is Greatest). The Takbir was the first weapon used

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    is doomedwhich is necessarythere were rany other source.

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    As for the Americans, they should expect anything to happen to them; especially thatSheikh Usama, may Allah protect him, has pledged more than once and in more than oneoccasion and in an open manner, that the Americans should expect from the Mujahideen,a war that would make them forget the horrors of Vietnam. But the problem with theseAmericans is that they forget the power of Allah over them, as is the case with theunbelieving and strong nations; He is capable, Allah the Almighty, of inflicting uponthem a punishment from above them and from under their feet; wlrat happened to them,was very natural reaction to their policies which back Israel, the entity that usurps theland of the Muslims in Palestine, and which is allowed to pursue all the types of killing,extermination anddestruction against our unarmed brothers in there, while this people isdeprived of his right to defend itself. And if it defended itself, it would be labelled as aterrorist. Besides, this force, America, occupies a land that is the dearest and the noblestland for the Muslims, namely the land of the Tw o Sacred Mosques, for more than tenyears, and no one has lifted even a finger. Therefore, America has practised and still doespractise terrorism in all its types. Now if you asked any scliolar, any Muslim scholar inthe four comers of this earth, or even a journalist: "Is America considered an enemy ofIslam and the Muslims?" Be would say to you: "Yes." And if you were to askhim: "IsAmerica fighting Islam and the Muslims?"Hewould say to you: "Yes." And if you wereto say to him: "Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to kill them and fight them.", then hewould start to stutter and mince his words,'He would say: "it is important to have adialogue and to preach in a nice way; it is imperative to establish a strong Islamic lobbyinside America in order to influence her political polices" This is how they mock theUmmah and they shroud the truth with falsehood. Allah is the helper.

    This is a very important question and it is important to highlight certain matters to theMuslims, especially those from amongst them who work in the Islamic movements, inthen- various trends, is thai when Allah prescribed fighting upon the Muslims, he said tothem the Almighty: "Fighting is prescribed upon you, and ye dislike it. But it is possiblethat ye dislike a thing which is good for you;-ad that ye love a thing which is bad foryou. But Allah knows, and ye know not" [02-216]. This address was to the Companions.Hence, Jihad and fighting is something despised by human nature, because thisdisposition is naturally inclined towards peace and tranquillity, while Jihad is tiresomeand entails hardship. It entails death and destruction and squandering of wealth; andalsoa loss of the gains made in the field of preaching, as some of them claim. This is in thesimple, limited human materialistic calculations, of the one who think about theconsequences of going out from his home and performing Jihad to fight the people offalsehood, and calculates this in a human materialistic way, -without taking intoconsideration the aspect of the unseen which Allah has promised to his servants theMujahideen and the martyrs. This is in the Hereafter, whereas in this life, thepromise isvictory and authority; andbefore all of this, this obligation, the obligation ofJihad, isjustlike the other religious obligations. In terms ..of prayer and Zakat (charity) and the Like;this obligation has been forsaken, thus it mustbe established and the punishment awaitingthose who neglect is painful and harsh, as stipulated by Allah the Almighty who says:"Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in yourplace; butHim yewould notharm in the least For Allah hath power over all things." [09-39}. The texts from the Book and the Tradition on this topic are numerous. Andhow,we

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    arc now in a state of self-defence. We are now in a state of self-defence. How could il bethat we are not allowed to defend ourselves and take up arms? He who does not grasp thisunderstanding,he does notperceive thenatureof this religion. Then, is it conceivable fora Muslimto saythat what happenedto the makers ofthepit (of fire) ,in their slory whichAHah the Almighty mentioned in the Qur'an, and it w as also mentioned in the Tradition,was an irresponsible action? They caused the death of a whole nation of believers, at lhatlime; or, what happened to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and his Companions on theDay Of The Trench, the Day Of The Confederates, when the polytheists besiegedMadinah for a whole month duringthe battle of the Confederates, that the Muslims werenot thinking strategically on a long term basis as they say? A nd that they draggedthemselves to such a matter?And to such suffering and hardship? And we today, if weare inflicted bywhat hasbefallen us, even if the Islamic Emiratehas fallen, we askAllahthe Almighty to restore it, we must pay the tax. Even if our brethren were arrested andimprisoned, wemust pay the tax; even if anyof uswere to bekilled,we must pay the tax.This is the tax for gaining authorityon earth. It is imperative to pay a price for Heaven,for the commodity of Allah is dear, very dear. It is not acquired through rest, but bloodand torn o f f " limbs must be the price. So can one imagine this situation being in defence ofthe Muslims' lives, in defence of their sanctities and in defence of their honours? ThisWest, has not reached what he has reached in terms of progress and this might throughlegislative elections and political debates or through parliaments, but it has sacrificed forthis hundreds of thousands of its savants and millions of lives lor the sake of itsconventional thoughts. So howabout us? We are a nation that possesses a divine messageand a divide method. No I do not regret any of this whatsoever, for this is our path andth e end is best for the righteous Allahwilling. We will persevere with this until Allah theAlmighty grants us victory, or takes us to him as manyrs, not as humiliated nor asvanquished.

    First of all, there is a matter of extreme gravity, which the Muslims must b aware of,especially under the shadow of this media onslaught that deceives the minds and the*consciences of the Muslims, namely that thewar today, which is referred to as the war onterrorism, and which is waged throughoutthe whole world, is in essence a crusadewaragainst Islam and the Muslims. It is a war that does not target, as they claim, theeradication of AJ-Qaecda organisation or the killing of Sbeikh Usaroa, may Allahprotecthim, and the killing of the Amirof the believers, Mullah Omar, may Allah Protect him,but it targets the destruction of Islam and the Muslims, led by this fanatical crusaderBush. It targets the destruction of the Muslims' might. They are targeted in their landsand they are targeted in theirperception ofthis Islam, as it has been tattgHl to them by theMessenger of Allah (pbuh) and as it has been brought down by the Revelation. Thesecrusaders have declared that il -was incumbent on them to change these Muslims'perception of Islam, just like that, in all frankness, but people do not read. And this headof infidelity, Bush, has appointed himself as Iman for the Muslims, teaching them Islamas being a religion of peace and that Jihad is terrorism, and that the Mujahideen areterrorists, just like that, with utmost arrogance and boldness. They spend for the sakeofthis huge amounts of money in order to modify the educational curricula in the Islamicworld, in order to turn them into Islamic educational curricula according to the AmericanJMakers ofihe pit of fire is a litte ofa chapter in the Qura'n (No 85).

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    w a y . They arc nowadays closing down the Shari'ah schools, especially in Pakistan,,under the pretext that they graduate terrorists. They provide security, military andintelligence assistance to all the states in the Islamic world in order to eradicate all theJihad groups and the Islamicmovements as a whole in these countries.Secondly, we with the grace ofAllah are fine, and we are continuing in ow fight againstAmerica. And I bring you glad tidings, that this awareness about Jihad and this doctrinein the fight against the American has become one of the concerns of the Muslims,especially among the youths andthis is with the grace of Allah the Almighty, They plotand Allah the Almighty plots and they plan and Allah plans, and Allah is the best ofplanners. This great excellence that occurred in the day of the 11*September lias beencarried out by believing and pure hands, which Allah had chosen for this great conquestand this major victory and be turned them into the whip of his punishment upon theunbelieving folk Allah the Almighty says: **Fight them, and Allah will punish them byyour hands, cover themwith shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts ofBelievers." [09-14]Therefore, wehave to fight andAllah will take care of the punishment Not only this, buteven the idea, the idea of thiswork was the idea of a Muslim group upholding Jihad, andit was not an idea adopted from any other place. The Americans do know this very well. as for those who cast doubt over this from among the Muslims, unfortunately, this isbecause the Umrnah (nation) has not experienced the life of Jihad and has not savouredits sweetness for centuries. And....has not savoured the sweetness of Iman....Repeat/ Ihave burdened youwith m -5 . This great-excellence that occurred in the day of II*September has been carried out bybelieving and purehands,which Allah had chosen forthis great conquest and this major victory and he turned them into the whip of hispunishment upon the unbelieving folk Allah the Almighty says: "Tight them, and Allah.will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them,heal the breasts of Believers." [09-14]Therefore, we have to fight andAllah will take care of thepunishment. Not only this,bateven the idea, the idea of this work was the idea of a Muslim groupupholding Jihad, andit was not an idea adopted from anyother place. The Americans themselvesdo know thisvery well as for those who cast doubt over this from among the Muslims, unfortunately,this is because the Ummah (nation) has not experienced the life of Jihad and has notsavoured its sweetness and deems the help of Allah and his care to those who went out toperform Jihad for his sake. And by the one whom there is no other god but Him, I talkabout myself and about all the brothers who were involved in this action, I sense anextraordinary sensation of the care of Allah the Almighty engulfing him from everycomer, in all (he phases of the work without exception. For instance when the twobrothers Marwan and Zyad were performingthe aerial exploratory trips from New Yorkto California, they were being watched by American intelligence officers. The securityofficers were tailing them throughout the whole trip. They were in the process ofexploring the aircraft from inside, and the security arrangements at airports and the like;but Allah has saved them. However, people think that theMujahidecn do not possess theenergies and the faculties to launch such major, sophisticated and accurate operations,which rival in their magnitude the planning and the equipment the states and the

    4 Here the speaker has repeated the sentence twice because he was reading from a script (translator).*Here he \ras addressing someonewith himai tlie room.

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    intelligence apparatuses. And because the Muslims arc psychologically- defeated due toth e media war waged against them. But theyhave lo place their trust in Allah first and tobe self-confident secondly, for we are the grandsons of Abb Bakr, Omar, Saad andKhaled, who conquered the East and the West, and who humiliated Kisra6 and Caesar.The history of the Muslims is full of conquests and heroisms that dazzled the wholeworld, form east to west throughout history. We ask Allah the Almighty to accept fromihcm this deed, and to grant them the status of the martyrs, and make their dwelling thehighest class ofHeaven, under His throne. In the Traditionof our Messenger (pbuh), he isreported to have said: 'The souls of the martyrs are in the craws of greca birds,suspended by the tiirone of the Most Merciful, wandering in heaven wherever theywished,", or words to that effect. And Alfcdi says about the martyrs: **And say not ofthose who are slain in theway of Allah: "They arc dead."Nay, they are living, thoughycperceive (it) not." [02-154J. We ask Allah the Almighty to grant us these sublimestatuses, under the throne of the Most Merciful the Almighty, once we have subdued andshed tlie blood of these enemies. As for their memory, it is by Allah sweet and it is stillpassing throughour minds every day, each time we looked at those buildings collapsinglike a house of cards. Our consolation on them is that they died but as martyrs, Allahwilling, fighting for his sake. They did notgo out except for the sake of Allah; they didnot die Jike others, on their death beds, or through illness or in road accidents orby drugoverdose, Allah forbid. They were rather killed in the most honourable of fashion:fighting the Jews and the Christians. The reward of each one of them is that of twonwonyrs. So let the fathers and the mothers of these chaste youthsrejoice, for they will beAllah wiling and with Allah's leave, their intercessorsbefore Allahthe Almighty on theday of judgement; the day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, and may Allahreward in the best manner all those who raised them and taught them the verses of Jihadand exhorted them to take this path and equipped them, and we ask Allah theAlmightyto unite us with them in Hisheaven, the Most: Glorious, The Most Supreme.

    May Allah reward you for your services to Islam in the best-manner, for by Allah youhave fulfilled your task and you have been true to your word to Allah, and you haveestablished your evidence lo the whole Ummah, its scholars, itsmen,its movements andits youths. So congratulations to you on gaining martyrdom, congratulation to you onattaining paradise and congratulation to you on achieving this great victory. We ask Allahthe Most Noble to unite uswith you, in the highest level of paradise and to unite uswithyou under the shade of his throne, on the daywhen there is no other shade but his shade.The operations have not and will "not stop, with Allah's leave, and Thfc-iquality of theforthcoming operations Allah willing, and this is part of the omens indicating ourpersistence to fight the Americans, and here, I send a special message to the Muslimyouths, to follow on the footsteps of their brothers the martyrs of the two raids onWashington and New York, and do what those have done, and be reassured about animminent victory in this life and the great reward in the hereafter. Instead of going onsummer holidays here and there, let them go out to execute the operations everywherethey find this haughty American enemy and this lowly lew. And may Allah reward you.


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    H. Kean

    . Hami l t onC H A I R


    F. FieldingS. GorelickGorton

    F. Leh manJ . Roemer

    R . Thompson


    June 23, 2003

    Ronald L. M otley, E sq.Ness, Motley28 Bridgeside BoulevardMount Pleasant, SC 29464D ear M r. Motley,I am w riting in response to you r letter to C hairman Kean, in which you statedyour offer to provide information and materials in support of theCommission's work. W e welcome relevant inform ation from any source, andwe wou ld be happy to receive w hatever materials you deem relevant to theC omm ission's inquiry. Any materials may be provided to my attention at thefollowing address:

    National Commission on Terrorist Attacks U pon th e U nited States301 7th Street, SWRoom 5125Washington, D C 20407

    O n behalf of the Commission, thank you for your offer of assistance. I lookforward to receiving your materials. Feel free to contact me if you want todiscuss this matter further.Sincerely,

    )aniel MarcusCounsel

    301 7'1'Street SW, Room 5 1 2 5