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Executive SummaryTruth in Textbooks Review

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IMcGraw-Hill/United States History and Geography/2017Problem: Omission of Fact (OF), Half-Truth (HT), Factual Error (FE), Slant (S), Bias (B)

Page #/Line # Quote Problem Fact & Source Chapter 3, Lesson 2 Page 2

The FramersThe 55 delegates who attended the convention included some of the most distinguished leaders in the country. The majority were attorneys, ...”

OF The majority were Christians. A fact which is not mentioned in this politically correct textbook.

Were the Founding Fathers Christians? It can be easily demonstrated that a very high percentage – in fact, the overwhelming majority – of Founding Fathers were Christians, but certainly not all of them were. Today, citizens are regularly told about the lesser religious Founders (such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine), but hear nothing about the prominent Christians among the Founders (for example, 29 of the 56 signers of the Declaration held what are today considered seminary or Bible school degrees, and many others of the signers were bold and outspoken in their personal Christian faith). Significantly, not one of the Founding Fathers was secular in his orientation; id=100766#America 'sFounding Fathers

Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Page 4

Under the Constitution, the president—as head of the executive branch— was given far-reaching powers. The president would be commander in chief of the armed forces. The president could also propose legislation, appoint judges, put down rebellions, and veto, or reject, acts of Congress.

HT This implies that the Executive Branch (Presidency) is the most important branch of the 3 branches of government.

“As in many documents, the Constitution lists the most important aspects first, progressing to those of lesser consequence; following the preamble, Article I describes the Congress, Article II the Presidency, and Article III the Judiciary.”

“The fact that Congress was presented first and that 255 of the 413 lines (62 percent) described its responsibilities indicates that our Founders felt it to be the most important aspect of the new government.”

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The above excerpts are from pages 221-222 of the book, “The Myth of Separation” by David Barton, Wall Builders Press ISBN 0-925279-18-8

“The members of the legislative department, on the other hand are numerous. They are distributed and dwell among the people at large. Their connections of blood, of friendship, and of acquaintance embrace a great proportion of the most influential part of the society. The nature of their public trust implies a personal influence among the people, and that they are more immediately the confidential guardians of the rights and liberties of the people.”

Quote from “The Federalist Papers” #49 by James Madison

Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Page 2The Essex Junto

Chapter 4, Lesson 3Lesson Resource Burr-Hamilton Duel

The Essex Junto drafted a plan to remove New England from the Union. They persuaded Vice President Aaron Burr to run for governor of New York in 1804. During the campaign, Alexander Hamilton called Burr “a dangerous man, and one who ought not to be trusted with the reins of government.” Offended, Burr challenged him to a duel.

Burr and Hamilton were long-time enemies. Burr believed Hamilton had interfered with Burr’s nomination for a second term as Thomas Jefferson’s vice-president. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel that Hamilton could not refuse.

FE The Lesson text and the Lesson Resource appear to give two different reasons for the duel. Hamilton's accusations of Burr destroyed Burr's chances at the governorship of New York. It also may have had a detrimental effect on Burr's chance at a second term as Vice President under Jefferson. In either case, it appears that the comment during Burr's campaign for the governorship was the real issue which generated the duel.

This is supported by Philip P. Winkler book “America Land of Principles and Promises”, National Center for Constitutional Studies; 2nd edition, 2015, pp258.

Note: This textbook has minor changes that need to be made.

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Pearson/US History: Reconstruction to Present/2017 (North Carolina Edition)Problem: Omission of Fact (OF), Half-Truth (HT), Factual Error (FE), Slant (S), Bias (B)

Topic 7: World War II: Lesson 1: Rise of Aggressive Dictators: Text 2: Strict Regimes in the Soviet Union and Italy Page 3 Para.2 Line 3-4

It was during this period that Benito Mussolini entered the world stage. In 1919, Mussolini founded the Fasci di Combattimento (FAH shee dee kohm ba tee MEHN toh), or Fascist Party, a right-wing organization that promised to restore efficiency and order and make Italy great again.

FE Fascism is a left-wing organization. Back in the 1920s, however, when fascism was a new political

development, it was widely -- and correctly -- regarded as being on the political left.

Mussolini, the originator of fascism, was lionized by the left, both in Europe and in America, during the 1920s.

What socialism, fascism and other ideologies of the left have in common is to… impose those decisions by government fiat.

Topic 7: World War II:Lesson 7: The Holocaust Text 2: Hitler’s Final Solution page 3Para. 1 Lines 2--4

Camp administrators tattooed numbers on the arms of prisoners and dressed them in vertically striped uniforms with triangular insignias. For example, political prisoners wore red insignias, homosexuals pink, Jews yellow, and Jehovah's Witnesses purple.


It is important to point out that the Jews wore special insignias in the shape of a Jewish star.

“The two triangles forming the Jewish star badge would both be yellow unless the Jewish prisoner was included in one of the other prisoner categories. A Jewish political prisoner, for example, would be identified with a yellow triangle beneath a red triangle.

The Nazis required Jews to wear the yellow Star of David not only in the camps but throughout most of occupied Europe. “

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TOPIC 8: Postwar America(1945-1960)

Lesson 6: Mass Culture in the 1950’s

Teacher Resources

Government andCivics Core Concepts:Teacher Support


Political SystemsParagraph 2

Note that a democracy is a form of government in which power is held by the people. Ask students to compare and contrast a direct democracy and a representative democracy. (In a direct democracy, citizens gather to pass laws and choose leaders themselves. In a representative democracy, citizens elect leaders to make government decisions for them.) Ask: Which type of democracy does the United States have? (a representative democracy) Tell students that throughout history, many people have migrated from countries with authoritarian governments to countries with democratic governments. Ask: Why would people leave authoritarian countries? (Possible answer: They leave to find a place where they have more freedom to live their lives as they please.)

FE The United States is a Constitutional Republic We have grown accustomed to hearing that we are a democracy;

such was never the intent. The form of government entrusted to us by our Founders was a republic, not a democracy.1 Our Founders had an opportunity to establish a democracy in America and chose not to. In fact, the Founders made clear that we were not, and were never to become, a democracy Throughout the Federalist Papers, Publius reminded readers that the

Constitution would establish a republican government, not a democracy. Federalist 39 reemphasized that key point.

Glenn Beck: The Original Argument (Mercury Radio Arts, 2011) page 144, paragraph 1, lines 1-3.

Topic 9: Civil Rights and Reform in the 1960s; Lesson 3: Successes and Setbacks; Text 2 Violence Troubles Civil Rights Effort Page 1, Para.3 Lines 3-5

In Detroit, 43 people died, and property damage reached $50 million. The outbursts frightened many white Americans.

B It is recommended to say that many Americans were frightened by the outburst, regardless of race.

As a result of the riot, 33 blacks and 10 whites were killed. Both races were affected by the riots.

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Topic 11: An Era of Change; Lesson 6:Ford and Carter Struggle; Interactive Time Line, Iran Hostage Crisis; Khomeini takes Power

April 1979: Khomeini lays the groundwork for the conservative Islamic state he has long envisioned. He names a group of religious leaders called clerics to write a constitution.


The term “conservative Islamic state” is misleading. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a theocracy with consultative

bodies. Absolute power in all matters rests formally with the Supreme Leader and the Guardian Council “Iran was now a theocracy, governed by a group of

fundamentalist clerics and led by a dictator bent on establishing a fundamentalist Shia Iran.”

Brigitte Gabriel They Must Be Stopped (New York:St. Martin’s Press, 2008) Page 42, paragraph 1, lines 4-6.


Overall, the book provides a balance of opposing views, especially when discussing Republicans and Democrats


Revisionism is the common method employed by those seeking to subvert American culture and society. The dictionary defines revisionism as an “advocacy of the revision of an accepted, usually long-standing view, theory, or doctrine; especially a revision of historical events and movements.”

Revisionism attempts to alter the way a people views its history and traditions in order to cause that people to accept a change in public policy. For example, during the 150 years that textbooks described the Founding Fathers as being devout men and Christians who actively practiced their faith, civic policy embraced and welcomed public religious expressions. But in recent years as the same Founders have come to be portrayed as atheists, agnostics, and deists who were opposed to religious activities, public policies have similarly been reversed.

Revisionists generally accomplish their goal of rewriting history by:

Underemphasizing or ignoring the aspects of American history they deem to be politically incorrect and overemphasizing those portions they find acceptable;

Vilifying the historical figures who embraced a position they reject; and

Concocting the appearance of widespread historical approval for the social policy they are attempting to advance.

There are many means that are used by revisionists to accomplish these goals but the most common include:

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1. Patent Untruths

Numerous history texts make claims such as: our “national government was secular from top to bottom,” or that the Founders “reared a national government on a secular basis.” Those who have studied the American Founding know that this is a patent untruth — proved by numbers of Founders, including John Adams, who declared: “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity.” (Even the text of the Declaration of Independence refutes any charges of government secularism.) This approach usually relies on a general lack of public knowledge about that untruth; consequently, such untruthful claims are rarely made in areas where citizens have broad general knowledge (such as claiming that James Madison used an atomic bomb to end the Civil War, or that the first sub-machine gun was developed in 1536 in Nevada by the Quakers). Revisionism relies on a lack of citizen knowledge in specific areas.

2. Overly Broad Generalizations

This revisionist tool presents the exception as if it were the rule. For example, texts often name Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Paine as proof of the lack of religiosity among the Founders yet fail to mention the rest of the almost 200 Founding Fathers — including the dozens of Founders who not only received their education in schools specializing in the training of ministers of the Gospel but who also were active in Christian ministry and organizations (e.g., John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Benjamin Rush, Roger Sherman, et. al).

Similarly, when discussing religion in America, the Salem Witch trials are universally presented; but rarely mentioned are the positive societal changes produced by Quakers, Baptists, Presbyterians, and dozens of other religious groups and organizations that worked for the abolition of slavery, secured religious freedoms for all, and fought to end societal abuses of all types. (Also never mentioned is that the American witch trials resulted in some two dozen deaths — and were halted by religious leaders, while the European witch trials resulted in 100,000; that is, American Christianity at that time might not have been perfect but it was light years ahead of both the Christianity practiced in Europe and the European secularism that resulted in 40,000 executions in the French Revolution.)

3. Omission

Notice the following three examples from American history works:

We whose names are under-written . . . do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine our selves together into a civil body politick. MAYFLOWER COMPACT, 1620

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? . . . I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death? PATRICK HENRY, 1775

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. . . ART. I.—His Britannic Majesty acknowledges the said United States . . . PEACE TREATY TO END THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 1783

What was omitted from these important historical quotes?

We whose names are under-written having undertaken for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith and honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politick.

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death?

In the name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity. It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts . . . ART. I.—His Britannic Majesty acknowledges the said United States . . .

The omitted segments are those that indicate the strongly religious nature of American government documents and leaders. Also regularly omitted from texts is the fact that gratitude to God was central to the first Pilgrim Thanksgiving — and the fact that in 1782, the Congress of the United States was responsible for America's first English-language Bible; and that in 1800, Congress voted that on Sundays, the Capitol Building would serve as a church building and that by 1867, the largest protestant church in America was the one that met inside the U. S. Capitol; etc.

4. A Lack of Primary Source References

The avoidance of primary-source documents is characteristic in revisionism. For example, the authors of the widely-used text The Godless Constitution blatantly announce that they have “dispensed with the usual scholarly apparatus of footnotes” when discussing the documentation for their thesis that America’s government is built on a secular foundation. Similarly, the text The Search for Christian America purports to examine the Founding Era and finds a distinct lack of Christian influence. Yet 80 percent of the “historical sources” on which it relies to document its finding were published after 1950! That is, to determine what was occurring in the 1700s, they quote from works printed in the 1900s.


To locate revisionism in a text, look at its tone, the documents it presents, and the heroes it elevates.

Note: This textbook has moderate changes that need to be made.

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Worldview Software/U.S. Government with Economics/2016 (North Carolina Edition)Problem: Omission of Fact (OF), Half-Truth (HT), Factual Error (FE), Bias (B)

Chapter 1, Case Study, The Decline of the Middle Class and the Growth of Inequality, Financial and Its Long-Term Effects, The Global Crisis, Subprime Mortgages, ll. 33-38.

In October 1992, President George H.W. Bush had signed into law the Housing and Community Development Act, which was meant to make it easier for low-income Americans to realize the dream of owning their own home. However, the route chosen depended heavily on borrowers receiving financing through two government-sponsored enterprises, the Federal National Mortgage Association (commonly known as Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (known as Freddie Mac). Now, when borrowers were steered [why and by whom? My emphasis] to subprime mortgages, the risk was implicitly assumed by U.S. taxpayers, who would have to pay if the mortgages defaulted.


The law Bush signed is not nearly as relevant as The Community Reinvestment Act that Acorn and others used to pressure the banks.

“Our empirical strategy compares lending behavior of banks undergoing CRA exams within a given census tract in a given month to the behavior of banks operating in the same census tract-month that do not face these exams. We find that adherence to the act led to riskier lending by banks: in the six quarters surrounding the CRA exams lending is elevated on average by about 5 percent every quarter and loans in these quarters default by about 15 percent more often. “Did The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Lead to Risky Lending?” National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 18609, December 2012.

“‘We want your CRA loans because they help us meet our housing goals,’ Fannie Vice Chair Jamie Gorelik beseeched lenders gathered at a banking conference in 2000, just after HUD hiked the mortgage giant’s affordable housing quotas to 50% and pressed it to buy more CRA-eligible loans to help meet those new targets. ‘We will buy them from your portfolios or package them into securities.’” “New Study Finds CRA ‘Clearly’ Did Lead to Risky Lending,” Paul Sperry, Investor’s Business Daily, December 20, 2012.

Chapter 4, Overview, Amending

However, interpretation of the Constitution by judges, who are able to take into account social


This passage omits the other side of a hotly contested and fundamental disagreement. The other side claims that judges should interpret the Constitution as a matter of law without taking into account social and cultural changes. It is the legislature that takes into account the social and cultural changes.

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the Constitution, ll. 8-12.

and cultural changes, has changed greatly. This "unofficial" amendment process has greatly affected the evolution of the Constitution, making it flexible enough to meet the needs of a 21st-century society.

“Over the last quarter century, originalism has been the subject of much discussion. That debate, which had been proceeding quietly in American law schools, burst into noisy and public view with a speech by then-attorney general Edwin Meese, III, to the American Bar Association on July 9, 1985, which called for a Jurisprudence of Original Intention….The speeches from our conference show that the issues General Meese raised more than twenty years ago are timeless and still hotly contested.” Steven G. Calabresi, Originalism, a Quarter-Century of Debate, 2007, pp. 1 & 2.

Ch 6, Political Parties Defined

Political parties are groups of like-minded people who band together in an attempt to control the government.

FE This entire text should be deleted. It is a disservice to students.

A political party is a group of voters organized to support certain public policies. The aim of a political party is to elect officials who will try to carry out the party's policies.

Hamilton and other leaders who wanted a strong central government banded together to put over their policies. In 1787 they began calling themselves the Federalists. This was the first United States political party. In 1796, anti-Federalists gathered around Jefferson. Members of Jefferson's group called themselves Democratic-Republicans. Northern businessmen, bankers, and merchants supported the Federalists. They believed in a strong national (or federal) government. …The Democratic-Republican Party drew its followers from planters, small farmers, and artisans. These people wanted government to leave them alone as much as possible. They wanted to limit the federal government's power and leave the most power in the hands of state and local governments.

Ch 9 / The Presidency / The Changing Nature of the Presidency / Paragraph 1 / Line 1

Over time, the balance of power in the federal government has appeared to shift in the president’s favor.

HT *Power has shifted away from Congress to both the President and the courts – especially SCOTUS.* “[E]xecutive power has expanded steadily under both Republican and Democratic presidents in recent decades.... Once a presidential candidate with deep misgivings about executive power, Mr. Obama will leave the White House as one of the most prolific authors of major regulations in presidential history.” Binyamin Applebaum and Michael D. Shear, Once Skeptical of Executive Power, Obama Has Come to Embrace It, New York Times, Aug. 13, 2016.* “[T]extbooks are badly behind the times because one branch has assumed authority over the other two. Today, we are suffering from the oppressive rule of judicial supremacists....” Phyllis Schlafly, The Supremacists: The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop It, p. viii (2004).

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Chapter 10, Overview, Government Corporations.

These government corporations are either entirely funded by the government, like Amtrak; funded by a combination of government funds and private donations or sales revenue, like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; or entirely self-supporting through sales revenue, like the U.S. Postal Service.

FE *Amtrak is partially funded by sales revenue: “Amtrak covered 91 percent of operating costs in FY 2015 with ticket sales and other revenue.” Amtrak National Facts,*USPS is not self-supporting; e.g., it had a $4.9 billion operating loss in 2011. USPS Financial History Summary,

Note: This textbook has moderate changes that need to be made.


McGraw-Hill, Contemporary Cultures: 1600 to the Present, North Carolina Edition, 2016Problem: Omission of Fact (OF), Half-Truth (HT), Factual Error (FE), Bias (B)

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Chapter 1, Lesson 1. Video “10 Great Reasons to Study History” (Citation: Great Reasons to Learn History. Films Media Group, 2005)

At 14 minutes, the video says the Supreme Court passed a new law.

FE, HT The Supreme Court does not pass laws. The Supreme Court can review Federal or State laws and determine whether they can be implemented or enforced under the US Constitution, or conflict with other superior law.

In Plessy v. Ferguson, the S.Ct. determined that separate but equal school systems were in violation of the rights of US Citizens to equal opportunity to be educated. In Topeka Kansas, the School Board had to change its system in a way that would not violate the 14th Amendment rights of Black students. It ruled “Separate but Equal a violation of the rights of Black users of separate facilities, and thereby outlawed the use of the practice. But the Court did not affirmatively require anything to be done as a remedy other than to stop the practice.

Ch4, Lesson3, page 1

Arab traders, who reached Asia before the Europeans, complicated the religious mix. They won converts to Islam in parts of India, the islands of Indonesia, Malaysia, and elsewhere.

HT In India, the Muslim “converts” were the result of Islamic Jihad conquest over several centuries, not the influence of Arab traders.

Commencing in the 10th Century Turks under Sultan Mahmud made repeated invasions of Northern India (17 invasions between 997 and 1030) and thereafter Muslim rule was intermittent but generally present until the beginning of the Mughal Empire in the mid16th Century continuing until the late 17th Century.

Conversion, if any, was the forced conversion of non-believers through the oppression derived from the status of Dhimmitude and Islamic imposition of taxes and restrictions on other beliefs.

See, A Concise History of India by Francis Watson, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1975.

chapter 6, lesson 1, page 2, heading “The American Revolution”, paragraph 2, last

In the South, large plantations worked by enslaved African people grew crops for export.

OF Enslaved African people arrived in the United States via the Muslim Atlantic slave trade.

Black African slaves worked on plantations that belonged to both white people and other black Africans.

“Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were

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sentence shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.

And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage.”


chapter 7, lesson 1, page 2, heading “The British in India”, paragraph 1

India was another Asian land that came under European rule. Europeans were trading in India as early as 1600. At this time, a Muslim group called the Moguls ruled India. During the next 100 years, Mogul power weakened. Mogul rulers taxed people heavily and wasted money on wars and palaces. Some of them also tried to force Hindus—most of India's people—to accept Islam. Growing discontent made it easy for Europeans to take over India.

OF/Bias The Moghuls (ruled India from 1526 to 1857) were Muslims that invaded India and were just one of several Muslim invaders who occupied India. Muslims subjected the predominantly Hindu population to rape, enslavement, forced conversions and slaughter. Muslims were waging a jihad (a holy war that Muslims wage against non-Muslims). The invasions persisted for 800 years. 300 of those years account for the rule of the Muslim Moghuls. It is estimated that 400,000,000 Hindus were slaughtered.

Chapter 8, Lesson 2, page 5, 3rd Paragraph (sentence #3)

Roosevelt quickly used C this power to block the sale of oil and scrap metal to Japan. Japan relied heavily on the United States for these materials. The Japanese, for example, got 80 percent of their oil from United States suppliers.

OF The sentence here is unintelligible due to uncompleted word See highlight. Was the sentence intended to say, “Roosevelt quickly used Congressional power to block the sale of oil and scrap metal to Japan.”

chapter 7, lesson 4, page 6, heading “World War I Brings Change”,

Meanwhile, in British Palestine, Jews and Arabs came into conflict. In the late 1800s, Jewish nationalists called Zionists settled in Palestine. They wanted to build a homeland where the ancient Israelites had formed a

Bias This paragraph gives the impression that Arabs have had their land forcefully colonized by the Jews (Zionists). It does make reference to “ancient Israelites” that had been there many centuries ago, but fails to recognize the fact that Jews have had ancestral ties to the land long before the Arabs arrived, and that those ties had been there all along.

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paragraph 1 kingdom many centuries earlier. In 1917, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration. It promised Jews a homeland in Palestine. Arabs, who made up most of Palestine's people, were outraged. To satisfy the Arabs, the British limited entry of Jewish settlers to Palestine. This Jewish settlement of Palestine triggered a conflict between Arabs and Jews that continues today.

What is Palestine? Who are the Palestinians? The goal of Zionism was not only to create a homeland—it was to

create a haven. In 1914, although the Jews made up 12% of the population of Palestine, they were 60% of the population of Jerusalem. When the parties negotiating peace met in Paris, representatives of the Arabs and the Jews, King Faisal and Chaim Weizmann, also met. They negotiated and signed the Weizmann-Faisal Agreement, dated January 3, 1919, Articles III and IV of which assure the Jews a homeland in Palestine.15

The Letters of Chaim Weizmann, Series A, Vol. 9, Oct. 1918-Jul. 1920 (London: Oxford University Press, 1968), pp. 129-130; 230-231.

(Source: Alfonsi 2013 Review of Macmillan McGraw Hill Our World 2003 page 7). First sentence suggests that both sides were equally contributing to the tension. The Arabs were the source of most of the violence. Every time there was an opportunity for a peaceful settlement—in 1919, 1936, 1946, and 1947—the Jews were ready to accept the settlement, and the Arabs refused.266 Every time the British appeased the Arabs at the expense of the Jews, it encouraged more violence toward the Jews.

266 resourceID=000635#british The+Weizmann-Feisal+Agreement+3-Jan-1919 %E2%80%93Weizmann_Agreement declaration-faq.htm (Source: 12.29.18_TNT_ACT for America Education Textbook

Report full version 7312012, page 169). Islamic anti-Semitism is found in the Qur’an and the Hadiths. “I

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heard Allah's Apostle saying, "The Jews will fight with you, and you will be given victory over them so that a stone will say, 'O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me; kill him!' "”

Source: Sahih al-Bukhari Book 56 Hadith 791

chapter 9, lesson 2, page 1, heading “Changes in African Government: Conflicts and Independence”, paragraph 7

Sudan lost 1.5 million people in conflicts between its north and south. In 2011, the people of the south voted for full independence from the north. In the western region of Darfur, Arab groups attacked non-Arabs. Many thousands of people were killed and about 2 million fled to refugee camps.

FE “In the western region of Darfur, Arab groups attacked non-Arabs.” It is not Arabs that are killing non-Arabs, it is Muslims who are killing non-Muslims.

chapter 9, lesson 3, page 5, heading “End of the Cold War”, paragraph 2-6

Yugoslavia's problems began in 1980, when Communist dictator Josip Broz Tito died. Tito's iron rule had held the country's six republics together since the 1940s. With Tito's death, rival ethnic groups began a bitter power struggle.In the early 1990s, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonia declared their independence. The republic of Serbia, however, wanted to keep Yugoslavia under its control. Serbia's leaders used force to increase their country's power.The heaviest fighting took place in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where Serbs fought Croats and Muslims. The Serbs carried out ethnic

OF In the 2nd paragraph and last sentence: suggests that it was only the Serbians that used force.

Thousands of Serbians in Srebrenica were slaughtered, tortured and beheaded by Muslims under Naser Oric. 4,000 foreign fighters who were Muslim volunteers entered Bosnia to assist the Bozniaks (Bosnian Muslims) against the Serbs.

“The militants were funded by al-Qaida, the Saudis and various Islamic ‘charities’, amidst a wave of solidarity around the Muslim world with the plight of their co-religionists.”

Regarding the passage “The Serbs carried out ethnic cleansing”. The Serbians were not fighting to ethnically cleanse. They wanted to keep those republics in which Serbians resided united under Yugoslavia. The term ethnic cleansing is also a misnomer as Bosniaks were ethnically Serbian or Croatian. (A Bosnian is any

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cleansing—removing or killing an entire ethnic group—against non-Serbs. Many civilians died or became refugees. In 1995, peace talks in Dayton, Ohio led to the division of Bosnia-Herzegovina into Croat-Muslim and Serb regions.

inhabitant of Bosnia whereas a Bosniak is a Bosnian Muslim). Serbians are Orthodox Christians and Croations are predominantly

Catholic. Bosnia had approximately 3.8 million people living there of which

46% are Bosniaks, 37% are Serbian, and 14% are Croation. “Both Serbs and Croats have claimed that Muslims are not a genuine

nationality but are 'really' Serbs or Croats beneath their religion. Both have also claimed Bosnia-Herzegovina as part of their own historic territory.” Brief Facts – Srebrenica Massacre And Other Myths Of Bosnia.

chapter 9, lesson 4, page 1, heading “War on Terror”, paragraph 1, sentence 2

Terrorists act on their own and are usually not part of a government.

FE Terrorism receives financial backing from governments. Iran is one of the most notable, having ties to Al-Qaeda, Hizbollah, and Hamas.

Saudi Arabia also backs terrorist acts. It also inspires terrorism by its funding and building of mosques in the West, and its exporting of imams with extremist views to the West: Source: Saudi ‘Help’ for Migrants: 200 New Mosques in Germany

Terrorists may appear to be acting on their own but that is usually not the case. Saleh Abdeslam, who is considered to be the mastermind behind the Paris terror attacks that killed 130 people in September 2015, managed to return to living in his Belgian community and avoided being arrested until March 2016.. Source:

Bill Warner PhD: All Muslims share the Same Islam.

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Pearson/Magruders American Government/2016Problem: Omission of Fact (OF), Half-Truth (HT), Factual Error (FE), Bias (B)Topic 1, Lesson 2, Text 2 “Who Can Participate?” page 1

2nd paragraph:“Democracy In a democracy, supreme political authority rests with the people. The people hold the sovereign power, and government is conducted only by and with the consent of the people.”

FE Democracy is the rule of majority with no protection of the minority from power of majority. This is true whether it is a direct or representative democracy. The form of government in the U.S. is a republic.

The sentence should read:“Republic In a republic, supreme political authority, as given in a written constitution, rests with the people. The people hold the sovereign power, and government is conducted only by and with the consent of the people.”

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Topic 1, Lesson2, Text 2, p.3

3rd paragraph:

“Republic Some people insist that the United States is more properly called a republic rather than a democracy. They hold that in a republic the sovereign power is held by those eligible to vote, while the political power is exercised by representatives chose by and held responsible to those citizens.”

FE/B By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority. The first sentence is biased, incorrect and needs to be removed. Federalist 10, James Madison discusses that a republican form of government has been set up with the U.S. Constitution.

Suggested rewrite for this paragraph:“Republic. A republic is a form of government that is ruled by the representatives of the citizen body. The representatives are elected by the people.”

Introduction: Foundations of Government; Overview: Five Concepts of U.S.

On Timeline:“United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez grants immigrants same rights under Constitution as U.S. citizens.”

FE The courts ruled:“The Fourth Amendment does not apply to the search and seizure by United States agents of property owned by a nonresident alien and located in a foreign country.”

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GovernmentThis statement either needs to be removed or must be reworded as:United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez upheld that nonresidents of the U. S. with property in a foreign country are not protected by the 4th Amendment of the Constitution.”

Topic 11Lesson 1Interactive Timeline: “History of the Two Party System”, Column: “1932 – 1968”Line 15

“However, with the election of Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 after Harry Truman (D), the South started moving away from pro-racial integration Democrats.”


It is factually incorrect to associate Eisenhower with pro-segregation sentiment. He vigorously supported Supreme Court decision Brown vs. Board of Education, and expressed his dislike of segregation. His election to the presidency was largely due to his war-hero status.

Suggested alternate wording: In the election of 1952, the South started moving away from pro-racial integration Democrats.

Topic 12Lesson 1Text 6Page 2Line 9

He began to move China toward a market economy and opened the country to foreign investment.

HT The author omits the important role that cheap labor has paid in attracting foreign investment in China, making it another major factor of economic growth in China.

Suggested wording: He began to move China toward a market economy and opened the country to foreign investment. The low cost of labor in China has attracted large sums of foreign investment, leading to major economic growth. It

has also encouraged the transfer of many of many jobs from developed economies to China.

Outsourcing America, Ron Hira, Anil Hira, American Management Association, 2005, Pg. 2Online version:

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Note: This textbook has substantial changes that need to be made


Pearson Prentice Hall/World History/2016 (NC)Problem: Omission of Fact (OF), Half-Truth (HT), Factual Error (FE), Slant (S), Bias (B)

Unit 1, Chapter 1, Section 1 page 59

The caption states, "Figuring out the ages of fossils and other remains is not just guess work."

Radioactive dating has improved the estimates of the ages of fossils.

P. 435/Paragraph 5 and 6

The Defenses Fail Still Constantinople could not hold out forever. In 1204, soldiers from Western Europe called crusaders took the city. They looted it and did great damage. You will read more about the crusaders later. The Byzantine empire eventually retook its capitalThe final attack came from the Turkish Ottoman empire. Constantinople’s walls were built in the age before gunpowder. The Ottomans used cannons that helped them break down the walls. In 1453, Constantinople fell to the Ottomans. The Byzantine empire was no more.

OF,S,B,HT The paragraphs are written to emphasize the fall of Constantinople to the Crusaders, but not the final defeat of Constantinople by the Ottomans.

The specifics of the Crusaders looting and damaging are written in paragraph 5 but not of the Ottomans in paragraph 6, who looted, beheaded and raped.

The Crusaders are pointed out as a topic that the student will read more about later. Why aren’t the students informed more about Ottoman Turks? The very next chapter is about Islam.

The text is biased against the Christian Crusaders. Favorably written for the Muslim Ottomans. The actions and information regarding both should be

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presented equally. Source: The Fall of Constantinople: The Rise of

the Ottoman Empire. Charles Rivers Editors Date 2014 Page# 536 of 600

P. 459 / Paragraph 5

Rules of proper conduct The Sharia provides Muslims with the specific rules of personal conduct. The most important rules concern the basic duties of every Muslim – the Five Pillars of Islam. Other rules list the things that Muslims should not do. For example, the Sharia forbids Muslims from gambling, stealing, eating pork or drinking alcohol. The Sharia also includes rules for resolving family issues and for doing business ethically.


Sharia includes horribly violent/fatal punishments for apostates, homosexuals, thieves, and adultery. None of which is listed.

Sharia prohibits due process for disbelievers allows for Muslims to murder, rape, and steal from non-Muslims.

Severely limited due process for Muslim women. For an example, a Muslim woman’s testimony in court counts ½ as much as a Muslim man’s.

Source: Reliance of the Traveler date 1991 Chapter o8.0-o8.4). Hadith Bukhari Volune 9, #17. Quran 17:32, 24:2,16:106,2:82,

P. 461 / Paragraph 3

A second factor was the ability and devotion of Muslim warriors. They had the fighting skills needed to win battles. Their religious faith gave them a special edge. They believed God was on their side.

OF, FE, S, B, HT

This paragraph does not fully explain the Islamic ideology inspiring Muslim fighters. The Quran and the Hadith both agree Muslims who die in Jihad for Allah. Go to heaven. Those Muslim men who die fighting are rewarded with 72 virgins, wine, and material wealth.

If the warrior does not die he claims all the property he can take minus 1/5 for Muhammed.

Source Quran 2:191-193 , 4:95

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P. 461 Paragraph 4 and 5

Religious toleration also helped the Arab empire expand. Muslims conquered lands where large numbers of Jews and Christians lived. In many of these areas, Christians remained a majority for centuries, and Jews also remained a large presence. Muslims did not force their religion on these groups.

OF, FE.S, B, Historically Christians and Jews lived as Dhimmis when under Muslim rule. The Dhimmis living under Muslim must adhere to humiliating oppression or risk death.

The few verses in favor of religious tolerance have been abrogated by Quran Sura 9.29. Which they are null and void, and have been superseded.

The present day the claim that Islam is tolerant of other religions is an outright lie perpetrated by political Islamists groups. Including Wahhabi Islamists who fund multiple organizations and Mosques claiming Islam’s superiority, tolerance and human rights practices.

Source: Quran 9.29,9.11,9.5,3.83 The Pact of Umar, Hadith Ibn Kathir Vol. 4 p. 1

P 462 Paragraph 6 sentence 2

Because Muslims regarded Jewish and Christian scriptures as sacred, they respected Jews and Christians as, “People of the Book”.

FE, OF, S, B This sentence leads the reader to believe that Muslims held Jews and Christians in a respected regard.

The “People of the Book” are clearly stated to be inferior to Muslims and are to suffer oppressive humiliation in dress, worship, and everyday life under Islamic rule.

Source: Quran 9.29,5.51,5.80,3.28,1.5-7

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Note: This textbook has substantial changes that need to be made.


McGraw-Hill/World History & Geography (NC edition, 2017)Problem: Omission of Fact (OF), Half-Truth (HT), Factual Error (FE), Slant (S), Bias (B)

Chapter 2, Lesson 2, Peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean (screen 5) ll. 1-4.

The covenant, law, and prophets are three aspects of Jewish religious tradition. Jews believe that during the exodus from Egypt, when Moses led his people out of bondage, God made a covenant, or contract, with them.

FE The Covenant between God and the Jewish people was made between God and Abraham, not Moses. Genesis, Chapter 12 tells how God establishes a ‘covenant’ with Abraham to be passed on to future generations. The Covenant is restated in Chapter 15 with a dramatic contractual ceremony and a promise that the descendants

of Abraham will be restored to their land after four hundred years of slavery . In Genesis, Chapter 26 Abraham’s covenant is handed on to his son Isaac, and through him to Jacob and his

descendants. In Genesis, Chapter 32, Jacob wrestles with an angel and his name is changed to Israel, meaning “he who wrestles

with God”. This is how the Hebrews/Jews become the Israelites and their homeland “The Land of Israel.”

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Chapter 9, Lesson 1, page 4, ll. 16-19 & 23-25.

Muhammad, who had been invited to Madinah by a number of prominent residents, soon began to win support from people there as well as from Arabs in the desert, known as bedouin. From these groups, he formed the first community of practicing Muslims…His political and military skills enabled him to put together a reliable military force to defend himself and his followers…In 630 Muhammad returned to Makkah with 10,000 men. The city quickly surrendered, and most of the townspeople converted to Islam

OF/HT/S/B These passages ignore the aggressive and imperialistic nature of the Islamic conquests. “Most of the towns people converted to Islam” sounds as if the conversions were voluntary. They were not.

See the citations at Chapter 9, Lesson 1, page 4, ll. 6-9.

Chapter 9, Lesson 1, page 5, ll. 22-29.

Islam is not just a set of religious beliefs but a way of life as well. After Muhammad’s death, Muslim scholars developed a law code known as the shari'ah (shuh • REE • uh). It provides believers with a set of practical laws to regulate their daily lives. It is based on scholars’ interpretations of the Quran and the example set by Muhammad in his life. The shari’ah applies the teachings of the Quran to daily life. It regulates all aspects of Muslim life including family life, business practice, government, and moral conduct. The shari’ah does not separate religious matters from civil or political law.

OF/HT/S/B The text should include a more complete presentation of Shari’a and how it violates the laws of separation of state and church in many countries, including ours. Also needed is a statement that Shari’a is in direct opposition to our Constitution. and how it and principles of the United States. The text understates sharia’s all-encompassing control over all aspects of human thought and behavior.

Majid Khadduri, War and Peace in the Law of Islam, Johns Hopkins Press (Baltimore, 1955), pp.22-23.

Al-Misri, Reliance of the Traveller—A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, pp. 607-609.

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Chapter 9, Lesson 1, Lesson Resources, video

“This faith [Islam] would revere Jerusalem, already sacred to Jews and Christians, but the new movement would adapt and commandeer their traditions.”“But [Muhammad] knew of Jerusalem, and he came to respect the Jewish and Christian scriptures.”“And for [Muhammad] Jerusalem mattered. Respectful of the Jewish and Christian prophets, he venerated this place [Jerusalem].”“One mystical experience would link [Muhammad] forever with [Jerusalem].”“But [Muhammad] was also a formidable statesman, and he sent an expeditionary force to probe the defenses of Byzantine Palestine.”“Just five years [after Muhammad’s death] three Islamic armies surrounded and laid siege to the holy city.”

OF/HT/S/B The mystical experience referred to is Muhammad’s “Night Journey” to the furthest mosque. But neither the Koran nor the earliest stories about Muhammad mention Jerusalem or identify the site of the furthest mosque.

Hava Lazarus-Yafeh, E.J. Brill, Some Religious Aspects of Islam, (Leiden, Netherlands, 1981), p.65; Joshua Prawler and Haggai Ben-Shammai, Eds., The History of Jerusalem – The Early Muslim Period – 638-1099, New York University Press (New York, 1996), p. 357.

Chapter 9, Lesson 2, page 1, ll. 17-19.

The Quran permitted fair, defensive warfare as jihad (jih • HAHD), or "struggle in the way of God." Muhammad’s successors expanded their territory.

OF/HT/S/B This section omits the aggressive nature of jihad. It was not the purely defensive force that is portrayed here. Muslims were not fighting defensive wars when they invaded and conquered Egypt, Syria, northern Africa, and the Persian Empire nor when they crossed the Mediterranean Sea in order to invade and conquer Spain, Portugal and Sicily.

It is the duty of Muslims to make Islam supreme in the world. Jihad is the expression of that duty.

“The universality of Islam…and its defensive-offensive character produced a state of warfare permanently declared against the outside world, the world of war [‘dar alharb’]… The universalism of Islam, in its all-embracing creed, is imposed on the believers as a continuous process of warfare, psychological and political if not strictly military. …The jihad, accordingly, may be stated as a doctrine of a permanent state of war….” Majid Khadduri, War and Peace in the Law of Islam, 1955, pp. 62-64.

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Chapter 9, Lesson 2, page 2, ll. 5-8.

The Arabs, led by a series of brilliant generals, had put together a large, dedicated army that traveled long distances and crossed mountains and harsh terrain. The courage of the Arab soldiers was enhanced by the belief that Muslim warriors were assured a place in paradise if they died in battle.

OF/HT/S/B It would be helpful if the warlike nature of Islam were explicitly noted. Students need to understand that under Islam, Muslim warriors exercised jihad and considered it their fundamental duty to conquer and/or destroy all who did not share their beliefs. And if they died in pursuit jihad they would be assured a place in paradise.

Muhammad commanded that Muslims “will fight the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me); kill him.”

8 Hadith of Sahih Muslim, USC Sunnah and Hadith, Book 041, Number 6981. See also, Hadith of Sahih Muslim, ibid., Book 6981, Numbers 6982-6985; Hadith of Sahih Bukhari, ibid., Volume 1, Book 2, Number 25; Volume 4, Book 52, Numbers 176-177,179. See also, “Antisemitism in the Hadith and Early Muslim Biographies of Muhammad”, Bostom, Islamic Antisemitism, pp.56-76.

Chapter 9, Lesson 2, Lesson Resources, video.

“By the time of his death, 632, many of the tribes of Arabia had united as Muslims. Islam forbade the leaders from making war against each other. Instead, they were to dedicate their lives to a sacred struggle, jihad, their faith, their communities, and to defend Islam.”


This prohibition of making war against each other does not hold true with Sunni and Shiite Muslims who have been at war with each other since the death of Muhammad. The reviewer suggests adding this in order to provide the students with the truth.

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Chapter 9, Lesson 3, page 3, ll. 4-14.

According to Islam, all Muslim people are equal in the eyes of Allah. The doctrine, however, was not translated into social reality. There was a fairly well-defined upper class that consisted of ruling families, senior officials, nomadic elites, and the wealthiest merchants. Even ordinary merchants, however, enjoyed a degree of respect that merchants did not receive in Europe, China, or India.

Non-Muslims were not considered equal to Muslims in the Islamic world. Slaves were one of the non-Muslim groups. As in the other early civilizations, slavery was widespread. Because Muslims could not be slaves in Islamic society, most of their slaves came from Africa or from non-Islamic populations elsewhere in Asia. Many had been captured in war.

OF/S/B The text’s incomplete description of Islam’s social classes does not convey the rigidity and discriminatory nature of its social structure.

Al-Misri, Reliance of the Traveller—A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, pp. 607-609. A.S. Tritton, The Caliphs and Their Non-Muslim Subjects, Oxford University Press (London, 1930), pp.5-17. Robert Spencer, The Myth of Islamic Tolerance—How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims, Prometheus Books, (Amherst, NJ, 2005), pp.48-49, 62-63, 116-122, etc. (passim).

This brief, superficial description does not reveal the pervasive nature and the vast extent of the slave trade in the Islamic world after the early Muslim conquests.

Bernard Lewis, Race and Slavery in the Middle East (“Slavery”), Oxford University Press (Oxford, NYC, 1990), pp.12-13. See also, Murray Gordon, Slavery in the Arab World, Iran R. Dee/New Amsterdam (Chicago, 1992), p105.

Chapter 12, Lesson 2, page 1, ll. 3-7.

Pope Urban II, who responded to the request, saw an opportunity to provide leadership for a great cause. That cause was rallying Europe's warriors to free Jerusalem and the Holy Land from people whom Christians viewed as infidels or unbelievers—the Muslims.

OF/HT/S/B The passage implies that Christians laid siege to Jerusalem because Muslims did not believe what Christians believed. The motivation was more specific. The Crusades were launched to take back the Holy Land from the Muslims who conquered it in 638 Over time Christian pilgrims were harassed, massacred, and even crucified. Muslim governors extorted ransom money from Pilgrims and ransacked churches.

When the Seljuk Turks swept into Jerusalem in 1077 they murdered over three thousand people, including many Christians and Jews. It was at this point that Pope Urban responded to the appeal for help from Alexis 1 and the Crusades were launched to retake the Holy Land.

Peter Hammond, “What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Crusades,” reprinted at

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Chapter 15 / Lesson 2 / Page 2 / Paragraph 1

Byzantine and Islamic influences were also important to the development of Renaissance humanism. Byzantine scholars provided knowledge of the ancient Greek language, and Islamic scholars served as transmitters of ancient Greek culture.

FE/HT/S The credit for the transmission of the Greek culture goes to the Byzantine scholars but this text is giving it to the Islamic scholars.

“The preservation of the ancient civilization in Europe was due to the skill and resourcefulness of Byzantine diplomacy, which remains one of Byzantium's lasting contributions to the history of Europe.”“Byzantium's Legacy,” Boundless World History I: Ancient Civilizations-Enlightenment, Boundless, 19 Nov. 2016.

“The migration waves of Byzantine scholars and émigrés in the period following the sacking of Constantinople and the fall of Constantinople in 1453 is considered by many scholars to be key to the revival of Greek and Roman studies that led to the development of the Renaissance in humanism and science. These émigrés were grammarians, humanists, poets, writers, printers, lecturers, musicians, astronomers, architects, academics, artists, scribes, philosophers, scientists, politicians and theologians. They brought to western Europe the far greater preserved and accumulated knowledge of their own (Greek) civilization.”“Byzantium's Legacy,” Boundless World History I: Ancient Civilizations-Enlightenment Boundless, 19 Nov. 2016.

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Chapter 21 / Lesson 1 / Page 7

Then systematic observations and carefully organized experiments to test the hypotheses would lead to correct general principles.

FE Scientific principles (or theories) are not necessarily “correct”; they are (a) the best explanation at the present time and (b) subject to future change.

“Scientific explanations are subject to revision and improvement in light of new evidence. The certainty and durability of science findings varies. Science findings are frequently revised and/or reinterpreted based on new evidence.” Next Generation Science Standards, Appendix H, p. 5, 2013

Chapter 24 Lesson 1 page 3

How was socialism a response to industrialization?The transition to an industrialized society was very hard on workers. The desire to improve their working and living conditions led many industrial workers to form socialist political parties and socialist trade unions. The theory on which they were based had been developed by Karl Marx. One form of Marxist socialism was eventually called communism.

OF, FE, S Socialism has no history of improving working conditions. It has its own set of problems that lead to social ills. None of this is referenced.

Labor Unions – Staff:

Communism is a form of socialism – a more advanced form according to its advocates. Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifest and called it Communism from the start – they were members of the Communist League

Encyclopedia Britannica

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Chapter 24 Lesson 3 Page 3

In the late 1800s, the United States began to expand abroad. The Samoan Islands in the Pacific were the first important U.S. colony. By 1887, Americans controlled the sugar industry on the Hawaiian Islands. As more Americans settled in Hawaii, they wanted political power. When Queen Liliuokalani (lih • lee • uh • woh • kuh • LAH • nee) tried to strengthen the monarchy to keep the islands under her people's control, the United States sent military forces to the islands. The queen was deposed and the United States annexed Hawaii in 1898. In 1898 the United States defeated Spain in the Spanish-American War. As a result, the United States acquired the former Spanish possessions of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

FE OF This paragraph omits French and British expansionism. It also eliminates America’s diplomatic history with Hawaii.

Kamehameha III sustained insults to his sovereignty from both the French and the British. U.S. interests grew paramount, however, in the succeeding years, culminating in the signing of the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875, essentially a free-trade agreement between the United States and Hawaii in which the former guaranteed a duty-free market for Hawaiian sugar and the latter gave the United States special economic privileges that were denied to other countries. (When the treaty was renewed in 1887, the United States received exclusive rights to enter and establish a naval base at Pearl Harbor.)

When his successor, Queen Liliuokalani, seemed as if she would abrogate that constitution, the Committee of Safety, a group of American and European businessmen, some of whom were citizens of the kingdom, seized power in 1893, with the help of a company of U.S. Marines from the U.S.S. Boston, at anchor in the harbour. The U.S. government, under Pres. Grover Cleveland, refused to annex the territory, however, noting that the overthrow of the monarchy was an “act of war” accomplished against popular will using U.S. armed force.

A short-lived republic (an oligarchy of American and European businessmen) ensued, until the administration of Pres. William McKinley annexed the islands as U.S. territory in 1900. Chap 24 Lesson 4 Page 4

For many Jews, Palestine, the land of ancient Israel, had long been the land of their dreams.

FE/B The Jewish People never dreamed of a return to Palestine. Palestine is the name given by the Romans to Judea when they conquered it in 135 AD. The region retained the name Palestine until the partition of Palestine by the UN in 1948. The state of Israel was created then. Jews have longed for their return to Zion, Israel. Never to Palestine.

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Chap 25 Lesson 2 Page 8

The concept of indirect rule was introduced in the Islamic state of Sokoto, in northern Nigeria, beginning in 1903. This system of indirect rule in Sokoto had one good feature: It did not disrupt local customs and institutions. However, it did have some unfortunate consequences.

FE England, not Islamic States, introduced the concept of indirect rule What was ‘Indirect Rule?’ It was a system of colonial administration, mainly British, by which

colonial powers ruled through local chiefs. The concept was not new, as it stemmed from the fact that great African empires had been run this way too. The Asante for instance ruled their conquered territories via local indigenous chiefs. The Dutch absorbed native dynasties and ruled the Dutch East Indies using them.

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inished Nation –Imperial AmbitionVideo

Imperialism is still present but is disguised as economic influence

European Christians, encouraged by the Church sponsored the Crusades – Christian military expeditions Religion was a primary focus, but financial gains were surely made and the Muslims wanted it for themselves

At that time Muslims had taken control of the Holy Land or what is now called Israel, Syria and Palestine

Crusades were futile but prepared the Europeans for the next phase of imperialism.

Colonialism in New World was somewhat different from imperialism. Explorers found sparsely populated lands or primitive cultures who were easily exploitedIntegrated into the culture of new territories – they thought of themselves as citizens of their new land rather than there countries

Imperialist Europe’s expansion in the US through imperialism required a massive relocation of Native Americans US citizens also settled land in the SW that belonged to Mexico. Many Natives indigenous to these lands were also displaced

Even though some colonies experienced security with the protection of powerful colonial defense. They also experienced racism, exploitation and

OF, FE Crusades, military expeditions, beginning in the late 11th century, that were organized by western European Christians in response to centuries of Muslim wars of expansion. Their objectives were to check the spread of Islam, to retake control of the Holy Land in the eastern Mediterranean, to conquer pagan areas, and to recapture formerly Christian territories; they were seen by many of their participants as a means of redemption and expiation for sins. Between 1095, when the First Crusade was launched, and 1291, when the Latin Christians were finally expelled from their kingdom in Syria, there were numerous expeditions to the Holy Land, to Spain, and even to the Baltic; the Crusades continued for several centuries after 1291, usually as military campaigns intended to halt or slow the advance of Muslim power or to conquer pagan areas. Crusading declined rapidly during the 16th century with the advent of the Protestant Reformation and the decline of papal authority.

There is no Palestine.

There is so much wrong with this video.

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destruction of their traditional cultures. Forced their way of life on native peoples – because inferior to their own

Picture of George Bush in a military vehicle– a stronger national power can still exert economic influenceEconomic imperialism over under-developed countries – picture of George Bush walking with Africans in military setting

Note: Concerns – Chapters 24-35 are likely to leave the student confused and misinformed.

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Pearson Prentice Hall/World History/2016 (NC)Problem: Omission of Fact (OF), Half-Truth (HT), Factual Error (FE), Slant (S), Bias (B)

Topic 3, Lesson 1, text 2, p.1, 1st line and p.3, picture caption

About 2600 B.C., the earliest South Asian civilization emerged in the valleys of the Indus River, (Now read the below)

The Indus civilization produced sophisticated arts and crafts, including these small oxen and cart figures made between 7000 and 5000 B.C. in Mohenjo-Daro.

FE There is a contradiction and sloppy scholarship here. If the earliest SE Asian civilization started ca. 2600 B.C., how could there have been sophisticated clay figures dating between 7000 and 5000 BC.?

Topic 7 Lesson 1, Biography Justinian, last paragraph, sentences 3 and 4

Today, Roman law is the basis for the law in most of Europe. It is one of the world’s three great legal systems; the other two are the Islamic sharia and English common law.


This is an apologetic for Shari’a Law. The inclusion of Shari’a Law is an onerous FE which reflects the Bias of the Publisher. It is the first time we have seen Shari’a Law given equality to Roman Law and also to English Common Law. Furthermore, the entire concept of the equality of these three legal systems is faulty. This sweeping error can easily be fixed by eliminating the entire second sentence in the quote.

Two good sources from which to depart are:

Topic 7, Lesson 3, Interactive Map: Spread of Christianity in Europe

Map shows areas shaded representing Christian nations. Ireland, England, Spain, France, etc., however over Spain

FE Spain was not Muslim. Muslim needs to be replaced by Christian.

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Page 1 is the word “Muslim”

Topic 7, Lesson 6, Text 2, p.1, paragraph 2, first 2 sentences and all of paragraph 3

In the Middle East, Muslim scholars had translated the works of Aristotle and other Greek thinkers into Arabic. Their translations and commentaries on these ancient texts spread across the Muslim world*and*In the 1100s, these new translations were reaching Western Europe. There, they set off a revolution in the world of learning.

OF/S/B The Muslims were not the only ones who spread knowledge into Europe in the Dark Ages. So did the Irish. This omission of fact is almost the same as that in Topic 8, Lesson 2, text 1, page 1, paragraph 2, last sentence, which reads “Muslim scholars also reintroduced knowledge of Greco-Roman civilization to later Europeans.” See below

“Equally important for the intellectual development of the West, the Irish brought the ancient Greek and Roman learning they had preserved as the continent had fallen into the Dark Ages.”

Christian von Dehsen. P.41. “Philosophers and Religious Leaders”. ORYX Press, 1999.

Topic 8, Lesson 1, Text 1, p.2, paragraph 1, last sentence

According to tradition, Muhammad became known for his honesty in business and was a devoted husband and father.

OF/S/B Omitted is that he was a caravan robber in addition to being a trader and that his biographer Ibn Ishaq discussed the raids he commanded. caravans.aspx

The Qu’ran says that Mohammad had several wives simultaneously including pow’s and that he could choose amongst them at will.

Quran (33:50)  - "O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war, and Quran (33:51) - "You may put off whom you please of them, and you may take to you whom you please, and whom you desire of those whom you had separagraphted provisionally; 

Although the Qur’an disproves the tradition, the other side of his character is hidden so that students are taught he was an exemplary character. This is evidence of the Slant and Bias of the Publisher.

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Topic 8, Lesson 1, Text 1, p.3, Picture caption

When Muhammad came to Medina, he not only drew thousands to the new religion of Islam but also showed how Islam could be a unifying force for Arabs in the region. This would be a key strength in the growth of the Muslim empire.

OF, B The words “drew thousands” makes it sound as if a large population flocked to Islam. The population then is unknown. The 4 Jewish tribes are not mentioned. They were not drawn to Islam; one tribe was massacred on the spot and the others driven out, as was written by contemporary historian Ibn Ishaq and others. See below qurayza/

The spread of Islam by conquest rather than by its strength of ideas is omitted as is the role of Mohammad’s army. See “Mohammad and Medina at War 622-628” section in Beck’s Mohammad and the Islamic Conquest.

Topic 8, Lesson 1, Text 2, p.1, 2nd sentence.

The Quran (koo RAHN), the sacred text of Islam, teaches that God is all-powerful and compassionate.

OF, B It also teaches that Allah is violent and shows no mercy. By most conservative counts, the Quran contains over 100

passages that call Muslims to take up arms against unbelievers in the name of Allah.

“Kill them [unbelievers] wherever you find them… And fight them until there is no more unbelief and worship is for Allah alone” (Quran 2:191-193).

“Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties; in exchange for that they will have Paragraphdise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they slay and are slain” (Quran 9:111).

Topic 8, Lesson 1, Text 2, p.1, last sentence.

Its ethical standards emphasize honesty, generosity, and social justice.

OF, B Some ethical standards do. Others emphasize supremacy and obedience. Men are superior to women. Q4:34 Men are managers of the affairs of women because Allah has made the one superior to the other.

Muslims are superior to non-Muslims. Q5:51 O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends,

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protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya' to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely he is one of them.

Muslims are allowed to lie according to Shari’a. ““I did not hear him permit untruth in anything people say, except for three things: war, settling disagreements, and a man talking with his wife, or she with him.”

“When it is possible to achieve such an [praiseworthy] aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible,…and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory.” Reliance of the Traveler, a Classic Manual of Sacred Islamic Law. P. 745, r8.2. Amana Publications, Beltsville, MD

Definitive English translation 1991, and subsequent revisions

Topic 11, Lesson 5, Flipped Video, Chart on Slave Trade; This is also shown in “Analyze Charts,” Text 4, page 1

One percent of Slave Trade [from 1525 to 1867] went to Europe and other destinations

FE Almost three times as many slaves were deployed to the Middle East as to America.

Peter Hammond, Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam, 2010, page 2.

Topic 12, Lesson 5,Text 5, page 4, first paragraph

Under the Constitution, citizens enjoy many rights, but they also have many responsibilities. They are expected to vote, sit on juries, and keep informed on topics of local and national interest. Noncitizens who reside in the United States also enjoy its constitutional rights and protections and have responsibilities such as paying taxes and abiding by local, state, and federal laws.

FE There are numerous errors in this statement about the U. S. Constitution: 1) citizens are not expected to vote, sit on juries, or keep informed; 2) non-citizens do not have the same rights as citizens, namely, to vote, to hold government offices, or to run for office; 3) rights of citizens do not extend beyond the territory of the U.S.; 4) certain rights like voting and serving on juries are limited by age

Topic 15 Lesson 2, Text 1, page 5, third paragraph

Slavery still existed, however. Arab and African slave traders continued to seize

FE The implication is that slavery ended in the Middle East toward the end of the 1800’s. Actually, slavery wasn’t abolished in Saudi

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people from Central and East Africa to work as slaves in the Middle East and Asia well into the 1800s.

Arabia until 1962, UAE in 1964, and Oman in 1970. Today there are between 340,000 and 680,000 African slaves in Mozambique owned by Arab masters. That’s more than were shipped to the United States during the Slavery Era.

Sources: and

Note: This textbook has substantial changes that need to be made.