Download - SZOE Professional Exchange Program Handout 2015/2016 · 2015. 11. 1. · c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37 SZOE

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    SZOE Professional Exchange Program

    Handout 2015/2016

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    Table of contents:

    1. What is IFMSA? 4 2. HuMSIRC/MOSZ 4 3. Exchange practice places 5 4. Conditions of the application 5 5. Application’s period 6 6. The distribution 7 7. After the distribution 7 8. What to do in the IFMSA spreadsheet? 8

    Application Form 8 Card of Documents 9 Card of Acceptance 10 Card of Confirmation 11

    9. Other duties 11 10. Unforseen occurences 12 11. Cancellation of the exchange program 12 12. After arriving abroad 12 13. After returning home 13

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    Please,do not forget that all of the CP s, LEOs and NEOs are the same medical students like you and they offer their time up,as volunteers,just to help you yo enjoy your practice without any problem!

    Before running to the competent coordinator read this handout below carefully, which responds to the most frequent questions about the exchange program.

    If you have any further question, than you can ask the LEOs!

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37


    1. What is IFMSA? Founded in 1951, The International Federaton of Medical Students Association (IFMSA) is the world’s largest student association. The organizationcurrently includes 116 member countries with 123 National Member Organization (NMO). By definition, this aassociation brings together medical students from all over the world, creating a very good network between the WHO and the United Nations.

    The IFMSA has different sections, the Standing Committees. The first such unit was estabilished for the Professional Exchange Internship Standing Committee on Professional Exchange

    During the first week of March and the first week of August the organization organizes each the following year’s meetings. Both are organized in order to ensure a greater relationship between countries and NMOs with harmony and cooperation. Here bound those contracts, which the candidates could choose later for exchange practice. These contracts are made official and bound by the National Coordinator (NEO).

    Due to varying cultural and economic conditions within countries each region (Europe, Asia, etc.) will organize its own meeting. For the European region the meeting will be held in the month of May. Those interested can find out the name of the European Regional Meeting (EuRegMe) for further details. This program is similar to the organization of the GA (General Assembly), with the difference being that here a more “familial” atmosphere is present due to the smaller number of participants which leads to better cooperation.

    The Hungarian NMO, Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee (HuMSIRC), has four Local Committees (LC), which are in accordance with the medical universities in every city. The HuMSIRC, known as Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Szövetségét (MOSZ) was founded in 1983 in Debrecen.

    Every city has its own exchange practical coordinator who is responsible for incoming students from abroad. Dóra Németh is currently serving this post in Szeged and is known as the LEO-in.

    There is also a responsible, outgoing Hungarian student known as the LEO-out. This post is currently filled by Zsófia Horváth. All LEO (Local Exchange Officer) are in communication with the other LEOs and NEOs.

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    3. Exchange practice places

    4. Conditions of the application:

    In Szeged each coordinator can have a maximum of three assistants who will aid her while they travel abroad for particularly important duties during the scoring process.

    All kind of administrative process is the following: candidates--» LEO--» NEO!

    In those contracts, which hardens the NEO will be shared by the four LCs. The current distribution ratio of 2:1:1:1, is because of the size of Budapest and its ability to accept more students. The exchange can be bi-placements and unilateral. The former is not only a case of Hungarian students traveling out of the country but also for foreign students traveling in. The trips do not necessarily happen at the same time. During unilateral journeys, one-sided contracts state the outgoing unilateral are obligated to pay the fee, in which the amount depends on the host country. If someone wins a unilateral place, they do not have to pay the registration fee of 35.000 Ft.

    There are also places that can only be traveled to during specified month. These generally are July and August. The publication of these places is marked to acquire your attention!

    In the case of Hungary, there are about 300 bi and unilateral cities. This means that Szeged for example can send approximately 50 students and must accept the same amount during the year. This number of course may vary every year! The exchange practical date shall be divided among the towns. This usually takes place in September, with the distribution of seats dependent on the current interests.

    The current exchange placements will be announced officialy on the Külügyi Est/ Evening of the foreign affairs.

    At least III. year medical student

    A medical student,who possess with an active semester,beyound the citizenship

    An English language exam is obligatory (middle) or the host country’s language exam. All of the nationally accepted language exams are accepted.

    Active SZOE membership,in the year of the application

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    5. Application’s period

    Every of these conditions are needed!

    The application’s period starts with the so called Külügyi Est / Evening of the foreign affairs and it lasts for two weeks from it. If a student wants to apply, she/he has to send an e-mail to this address:

    [email protected] This e-mail has to contain:

    The student’s whole name Code of EHA Which year she/he attends? What kind of intership she/he wants to do? (Exchange practice or exchange TDK)

    Than we will registrate the candidate to the system of the SZOE Cserebogar, which is our online intership spreadsheet. The candidate will get an access code, which is always the candidate’s name, without space and with small letters. We will send a notification about the registration in every time. This reply message includes the user name and the password of admission. In that case if you do not give any own password, we will create one, which you can change in any time if you want, of course. If the registration has been done the candidate can enter to her/his own site and she/he could start to upload the documents which are needed.

    The justificatory document about the active semester Copy of the index book about the last two strangulated semesters Document about the language exams Acknowledgement about TDK

    The SZOE points will be collected by the Humánerőforrás coordinator, the LEO-out will count them and add to the candidate’s summarised points. It is possible to print or scan the documents in the SZOE office, which are obligatory to the application.

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    6. The distribution


    When the application’s time is over the Cserebogár site will be unattainable for a short time, till the coordinators and their assistants count the scores of the candidates and do the list with the name of the candidates in order of the reached scores. When the official list of points has made, the next event is the distribution.

    This will take place at the Ophtalmic Clinic. (Changes may occure!)

    The candidate who get the most of the points, can pick a place first, the second best candidate can pick secondly and so on, while the places or the candidates ran out.

    If it is possible the candidate should be there at the event!

    If it is not possible, the candidate has to make an authorization, which has to contain the name of that person who will choose a place instead of the candidate. This document shold be signed by the candidate and the trustee as well. The document should be certified by two witnesses. The candidate has to show the authorization to the coordinator. We can not accept copy.

    If a candidate could take a place, than she/he has to pay 5000 Ft-, which will be caution money. After the exchange practice the candidate has to fill the Evaluation Form, which is at the website website. After that the student has to write a travelogue (2-3 pages), and send it to the: [email protected].

    The students have one month for this after they came back. As long as we do not get this travelogue and the EF has not been filled, than there is no more possibilty to get the caution money back.

    If the students complete the conditions, they will get back the caution money when they sign the certificate at Szeged.

    After the distribution The next step you should do to pay 35 000Ft for the registration at the SZOE (Szegedi Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete).

    Bank account is: 11600006-00000000-12940893, ERSTE BANK,

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    8. Az IFMSA adatbázisban teendő lépések:

    Bank Holder: Szegedi Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete.

    In the comment you should write your name, IFMSA exchange traineeship

    (for example Példa Viktória, IFMSA exchange traineeship).

    Only bank transfer is accepted!

    The way of the registration works is, that the president of the SZOE occasionaly checks the bank transfers. If a new transfer occurs, the name of the sender will be sent to the IFMSA. If you dont want to wait for procedure, you schould send a copy of the bank transfer to LEO.

    After receiving the application fee, the LEO will register you at the ifmsa system. You will be notified by email. In this email you will find the access code and password for the website. Be sure to check your emails regularly, also in the spam folder. Keep your registration email for later use.

    Enter to the website!

    Fill your profile with personal informations.

    If you are not able to enter or save the changes and after more tries it is impossible also, than try it with another browser or on an other device. Give your personal details as they are in your ID or Passport. Use English ABC, without accents.

    The topics about NMO Membership, Active member, Region you have to leave them blank and it is not neccessary to upload stamps or signatures.

    Edit your application form.

    Read the Exchange Conditions carefully! Very important details are there, about deadlines, vaccinations and other documents.

    Point three different cities and four different wards according to your preferences. If there are more wards, which you like in one city, you can choose them both. To every speciality you have signed upload a motivation letter. In case of not

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    convenient or deficient motivation letter, the registration is invalid! So you have to write in your letters about why do you want to go to that ward, why are you interested int hat field. Please,do not send four times the same letter!There are countries, where they choose the candidate about his/her motivation letter.It worths to spend a bit time with it, you may get your „dream” exchange place because of your motivation letter.

    The practise’s duration is 4 weeks.

    It is better if you get assurance. In some cases it is obligatory. If it is not done yet, but you will to have get, then mark it as you have already done.

    Type of Clerkship: Every third or lately practice is clinical.

    Calendar Month Only: In the AF you have to mark all of the days between the first day of the month and the last day. Chose the date from the given calendar.

    If you want to go with a friend, mark i tat the convinient place.

    You will find the deadline of sending the AF in the Exchange Conditions. Send it as soon as it is ready because you will get better chances to receive the place you really wanted. The deadline is usually 3-4 month before the journey. Please pay attention to the deadline because if you miss it, the LEO could pass forward your application later to the receiving country’s coordinators as well. With this procrastination they may drop your application back!

    You can go back to the AF several times. If you save the changes the system won’t send your application. To this use the submit option. Important: Do not click to the submit button till you are not absolutely ready with the AF because than you won’t be able to do any further changes. If you have clicked to it alreadey, get in contact with the the LEO-out immediately, because she/he is till able to do changes.

    „Dress code” runs in some LCs or the daily hospital hours reach the 8 hours. This are represented int he EC, if not, ask your CP.

    Card of Documents You can upload the documents, which are mentioned by the Exchange Conditions. Attention: You can not upload all of the documents! There are some, which are needed in its original form. Here you can still upload files even if you have already submitted your AF!

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    The documents should be: PDF, TXT, MS-WORD, ZIP, RAR, JPG, BMP, PNG, or GIF. Each files maximum 20 Mb!

    Motivation letter: Upload 4 DIFFERENT pieces! Please do not upload the same for four times to the CoD. Mention int he motivation letter why have you choosen SCOPE, that city and that ward? Official form is not neccessary but I suggest write it as an English official letter, as an essay.

    Letter of Recommendation

    Proof of Enrollment

    SCOPE Terms and Conditions:

    You will see them in the exchange group! (The end of the Outgoing Manual file )

    Submit Application Form Card of Acceptance It should be received 2 months/8 weeks prior to the start of your exchange, which will contain information about the exact dates, city and department of your exchange. It is important to inform your LEO and Contact Person if you have any problem (did not receive your CA, received, but you have any trouble with the details).

    It can be happens, that you will get your CA too late, mainly from Mediterranean countries; it also had been occurred nearly 1 month lateness. It is not recommended to book your tickets prior the receiving of the CA.

    The CA contains the contact details of your local Contact Person, who will get you all information about your clerkship, and provide you help and assistance during your exchange. Obviously, our LEO does not know, how are things going in every other active IFMSA SCOPE countries?

    Card of Confirmation This is the last document before you may embark on your exchange. The CC allows you to provide your arrival details. It is vital to fill and send it at least 4 weeks before your exchange.

    It can be occurred that we cannot answer all your questions, or something flounders, be

    Keep in mind that you are leaving your own country and customs.

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    10. Unforseen occurences:

    9. Other duties:

    Please inform yourself about cultural differences and behave accordingly, to make your exchange a successful one.

    The Explore Pages are provided by the hostorganisation giving you an insight into the exchange program in their cities, country, cost of living, culture and so on. Accreditation: Inquire by the local coordinator and by the competent office of the university., about with what kind of conditions they accept a practice, which you have spent abroad. Visa: It may occure, that travelling to your choosen country needs a visa. Inquire by the Consular Services’s website: ( Reading of your hostcountry’s advices is advisable! If you mark int he Application Form-ban by theInvitation Letter field you could require an official host statement for the visa. Attention: the final Invitation Letter will be only available after the arriving of the Card of Acceptance! Vaccination: Inform on the website of OEK! (,752&gid=88&lang=hun) Transportation, Flights:

    As usually CA arrives relatively late, everybody would like to arrange the ticket purchase earlier. If you travel to a country where only one Local Committee exists (which you can check at the Exchange Condition) than you can buy your tickets in advance. If there are a lot of LC in your host country, than it is worth to inform of domestic fares prices.

    Further information:

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    12. After arriving abroad

    11. Cancellation of the exchange

    If the candidate can not travel because of some abrupt and unforseen reasons, maybe because of the hostcountry, than these are the options: She/he can claim for another place, which has been remained or cancelled before. Only if the conditions are equal with the new host country’s and with the IFMSA’s regulations. We can not guarantee that the candidate will get a new place for sure. The case will be analysed by the Association. If the circumstances of Hungary change so much that we could not receive students from abroad, the Hungarian students are still able to travel out, but than it turns to an unilateral journey, which means that the candidate has to pay the hostcountrey’s fees. In that case if you are not going to travel abroad, please inform us as soon as possible! If you have already payed the fees, then for a determinated period we could send the whole money back, after that time only the 50% of it. After these specified deadlines we are unable to repay money. When the CA has already arrived and you want to cancel your journey or the hostcountry is not safe, than it is really important to notify the candidate’s CP and the LEO-out of Szeged.

    If you have arrived to the hostcountry, important to write an e-mail immediately to Szűcs Kornélia, who is our foreign rapporteur-general: [email protected] The message should contain the followings:

    Name School year, group Place (Country, City) The duration of time spent abroad (exact date) Phone number One person’s name, address and phone number, who we get in contact

    with in case of emergency.

  • c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59 Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

    13. After returning home

    When you have returned from the exchange practice, fill the Evaluation Form on the IFMSA website. The new certificates of IFMSA must contain the signature and stamp of the tutor, the hostcountry’s LEO, NEO and the sending (Szeged) country’s LEO, NEO. In case of Szeged the competent is the LEO-out. The certificate and the whole practice is acceptable only in this way! Sometimes you can download the certificate from the website after filling the Evaluation Form out, but you have to sign and get stamps to it. If you get an older type of certificate then you don’t have to sign it at Szeged. On further exchange practices with IFMSA you have to represent the copy of the certificate, to subtract the convenient amount of points. If the uploading of the certificate is missing, we could supervise it, so we will subtract the points.

    SZOE ExchangeGroup