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German Edition: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201700244Synthetic MethodsInternational Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201700244

Synthesis of Complex Phenols Enabled by a Rationally DesignedHydroxide SurrogatePatrick S. Fier* and Kevin M. Maloney*

Abstract: The conversion of aryl halides to phenols under mildreaction conditions is a longstanding and formidable challengein organic chemistry. Herein, we report the rational design ofa broadly applicable Pd-catalyzed method to prepare phenolswith benzaldehyde oxime as a hydroxide surrogate. Thesereactions occur under mildly basic conditions and enable thelate-stage hydroxylation of several functionally-dense drug-like aryl halides.

Phenols and their derivatives are prevalent across manychemical disciplines, and are components of several pharma-ceutical, agrochemical, and material products.[1] Phenols arealso versatile intermediates in organic chemistry for a multi-tude of transformations. Yet, few methods allow for theformation of Ar@OH bonds in the presence of sensitivefunctionality found in complex molecules.

The hydroxylation of aryl halides is among the mostattractive strategies to prepare phenols due to the ubiquity ofhaloarenes.[2] Both copper- and palladium-catalyzed reactionshave been developed to prepare phenols from unactivatedaryl halides (Scheme 1A).[3,4] However, Cu-catalyzed hydrox-ylation reactions typically require high temperatures, strongbases, and are predominantly limited to aryl iodides andbromides. Palladium catalysts can promote the conversion ofunactivated aryl bromides and chlorides to phenols; howeverthe use of KOH, CsOH, or an organic superbase[4, 5] is stillnecessary for high yields. Due to the strongly basic conditions,these reactions are not applicable to substrates containingbase-sensitive functionality.

Furthermore, a major drawback of reported Pd-catalyzedhydroxylation methods is the lack of hydroxide coupling inthe presence of functional groups that can undergo N- or O-arylation, such as amides, amines, and alcohols. This problemis inherent in coupling reactions with hydroxide, as Ar-Pd-OHcomplexes react readily with functional groups containingN@H and O@H bonds to form water and the correspondingAr-Pd-NR2 or Ar-Pd-OR complexes faster than undergoingAr-OH reductive elimination.[6–9] Herein, we report therational design of an enabling Pd-catalyzed method toprepare phenols that addresses the shortcomings of previous

hydroxylation reactions by avoiding strongly basic conditionsand circumventing Ar-Pd-OH species as catalytic intermedi-ates.

We proposed that the limitations of previously reportedPd-catalyzed hydroxylation reactions would be overcomewith a suitable hydroxide surrogate in place of KOH orCsOH. The criteria in identifying a hydroxide replacementwere that it would: 1) couple under mildly basic conditions,2) form an intermediate that would liberate the phenolproduct in situ with an innocuous byproduct, 3) be tolerantof electrophilic and base-sensitive functionality, 4) react in thepresence of the phenol products and nucleophilic sites in thesubstrates, and 5) be readily available, stable, and inexpen-sive.

With the above considerations in mind, benzaldoxime wasidentified as a mild hydroxide surrogate that would react toform O-aryl oxime intermediates (Scheme 1B). Base-inducedelimination in situ would reveal the phenol product with theconcomitant generation of benzonitrile.[10] It was presumedthat benzaldoxime would react under mildly basic conditionsdue to its similar acidity to phenol (pKa values in DMSO:benzaldoxime, 20; phenol, 18) and significantly reducedbasicity compared to hydroxide (H2O has a pKa of 31 inDMSO). Furthermore, it was anticipated that the benzaldox-ime anion, which has enhanced nucleophilicity from thealpha-effect and is sterically unencumbered, would couple toform phenols in the presence of pendant nucleophilicfunctionality.

Several challenges exist in developing the proposedreaction with benzaldoxime. First, there have been no reportson the Pd-catalyzed O-arylation of aldoximes to date, and it

Scheme 1. Synthesis of phenols from aryl halides.

[*] Dr. P. S. Fier, Dr. K. M. MaloneyDepartment of Process Research and DevelopmentMerck & Co., Inc.Rahway, NJ (USA)E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) forthe author(s) of this article can be found under:


4478 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 4478 –4482

was unclear whether such a reaction could be developed.[11]

Second, the initially formed O-aryl oximes could participatein unproductive side-reactions, as Pd0 has been shown tooxidatively insert into the N@O bond of oximes.[12] Finally, itwas unclear how facile the syn-elimination would occur withunactivated aryloxy groups under mildly basic reactionconditions (Scheme 1 B).[10]

In order to develop the proposed reaction, we carried outseveral high-throughput experiments. We chose to investigatereactions with 1, as this substrate contains a reactive aliphaticester, and an aryl fluoride that can undergo SNAr reactions. Ofparticular importance, this substrate underwent completeester hydrolysis even under the mildest conditions[4] reportedfor the Pd-catalyzed hydroxylation of aryl halides (CsOH, rt).After initial screening of solvents, bases, temperatures, andstoichiometries, we performed 96 experiments where weinvestigated the most promising leads of: two bases (Cs2CO3,K3PO4), two solvents (DMF, 2-MeTHF), along with 24 Pd G3precatalysts (Scheme 2 and Supporting Information). The

combination of Pd/RockPhos, Cs2CO3, and DMF providedthe product in 95 % assay yield. Critically, less than 1% ofester hydrolysis or SNAr displacement of the aryl fluoride wasobserved. Reactions performed with a combination of[(allyl)PdCl]2 or Pd2(dba)3 with RockPhos provided similarresults to those performed with RockPhos Pd G3 precatalyst.K3PO4 could be used in place of Cs2CO3 with a slight decreasein the yield of 2 (73 % yield). RockPhos/Pd-catalyzedreactions conducted in 2-MeTHF also provided the phenolproduct in synthetically useful yields with either Cs2CO3

(86 % yield) or K3PO4 (73 % yield).After lowering the catalyst loading and increasing the

reaction concentration, we explored the generality of thereaction with respect to the inherent properties of the arylhalide, tolerance of common functional groups, and the ability

to couple both aryl bromides and chlorides (Scheme 3). Asshown, the reaction provides the phenol products in highyields in the presence of esters, ketones, aldehydes, nitriles,and common heterocycles. Ortho-alkyl substituted aryl hal-ides coupled in modest yield (65%) with RockPhos as theligand, however, switching to the less bulky tBuBrettPhosligand allowed for the coupling of 2-bromotoluene in 88%yield.

Monitoring the catalytic reactions by HPLC revealed thatintermediate species were present at 3–10% relative to thestarting concentration of the aryl halide. The mass spectrumof the intermediate was obtained by LC/MS analysis ofa reaction with bromobenzene, and was consistent with theproposed O-aryloxime species. To confirm the identity, O-phenyl benzaldoxime was prepared from the condensation ofO-phenylhydroxylamine with benzaldehyde (Scheme 4A).This species was identical by HPLC and LC/MS analysis tothe species observed during a reaction with bromobenzene asthe substrate under our catalytic reaction conditions. Theisolated oxime reacted with Cs2CO3 in DMF at 80 88C over30 minutes with the formation of equimolar amounts ofPhOH and PhCN in quantitative yield. In all of ourhydroxylation reactions, an equimolar amount of benzonitrileand the phenol product was observed. Control reactionsconfirmed that phenol is not formed in the absence ofbenzaldoxime or the Pd precatalyst. Taken together, theseresults are consistent with a mechanism proceeding via thePd-catalyzed formation of O-aryl benzaldoxime species,followed by Cs2CO3-mediated elimination to form thephenol product and benzonitrile. Performing the Pd-cata-lyzed reaction with toluene in place of DMF suppressed the

Scheme 3. General scope for the conversion of aryl halides to phenolswith benzaldoxime. Reactions were performed on 1.0 mmol scale withRockPhos Pd G3 as the precatalyst. [a] tBuBrettPhos Pd G3 was usedas the precatalyst. Yields were determined by HPLC against authenticproduct standards. Isolated yield shown in parentheses. Catalystloadings and reaction times were not optimized for each substrate.

Scheme 2. High-throughput reaction development. Reaction condi-tions: 5.0 mmol of 1, 1.3 equiv benzaldehyde oxime, 2.2 equiv of base,5 mol% Pd G3 precatalyst, solvent (0.2m), 80 88C, 18 h. Structures ofall 24 precatalysts investigated are illustrated in the SupportingInformation. Yields were determined by HPLC against an authenticproduct standard.


4479Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 4478 –4482 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

rate of the elimination reaction, and allowed for the synthesisof O-phenyl benzaldoxime in 89% yield (Scheme 4B).Notably, this is the first example of a Pd-catalyzed C@Ocoupling to prepare an O-aryl aldehyde oxime.[11]

Having demonstrated the reaction on simple substrateswith an understanding of the reaction mechanism, thereaction was then performed in the presence of functionalgroups that can undergo competitive N- or O-arylationreactions. The coupling reaction of bromobenzene wascarried out with an equimolar amount of various additives(Nu-H) and the amounts of PhOH and Ph-Nu formed in thereactions were determined.[13] This experimental designallows for the clear and unambiguous interpretation of theresults, and avoids any biasing impact of the nucleophilicgroups on the properties of the aryl halide. As shown inScheme 5, benzaldoxime coupled in preference to commonnucleophilic functionality present in drug-like molecules. Itwas found that primary amino groups couple competitivelywith benzaldoxime under the standard conditions, likely dueto the low concentration of the oxime anion in solution in thepresence of a weak heterogeneous base. Pre-forming thecesium salt of benzaldoxime in situ enabled syntheticallyuseful yields of phenol in the presence of primary aminogroups (see Supporting Information for details). Phenol wasformed in high yield in the presence of secondary amines,anilines, and amides, and in > 90 % yield in the presence ofindole, a phenol, and alcohols. The results from theseexperiments are significant, as these nucleophilic groups areknown to couple under similar reaction conditions to thosereported here,[14] and showcase the utility of benzaldoximeover hydroxide salts[15] for the synthesis of phenols from poly-functional aryl halides without the need for protecting groups.

To supplement the results from the additive experiments,and to demonstrate this methodology on complex substrates,we carried out our new reaction on a chemistry informerlibrary. The chemistry informer library consists of 18 poly-functional drug-like aryl halides that are representative ofdrug-like space designed to test reactions on challengingsubstrates (see Supporting Information for structures).[16]

With the reaction conditions reported here, the phenolproducts were formed in good yields with both ortho-substituted and electron-rich aryl halides (Scheme 6). Severalcommon functional groups were tolerated, including esters,

free O@H bonds of phenols and alcohols, free N@H bonds ofamines, amides, and sulfonamides, and several basic hetero-cycles. The use of DMF as the reaction solvent allows for theconversion of several complex substrates (3n, 3p, 3s) thathave negligible solubility in solvents that are more commonlyused in cross-coupling, such as toluene and 1,4-dioxane.Across the informer library, the phenol products were formedin > 20 % yield in 11/18 cases, and in > 50% isolated yield for8/18 substrates (Scheme 6, and Supporting Information).[17]

To put these results in context, N-arylation of the 18 arylhalides with piperidine under the most advanced Pd-catalyzedC@N coupling conditions provided only 6/18 of the cross-coupled products in > 20 % yield, and only 4/18 in > 50%yield.[16] These results highlight the synthetic utility of thereaction reported here, as highly complex phenols bearingcommon functionality can be prepared without the need forprotecting groups.

In summary, we have designed benzaldoxime as a syntheti-cally useful hydroxide surrogate for the preparation ofphenols from aryl halides. High-throughput experimentationidentified conditions that allow for the synthesis of complexphenols bearing sensitive functional groups and pendantnucleophilic functionality. Mechanistic studies support a reac-tion pathway via initial Pd-catalyzed O-arylation of benzal-doxime, followed by base-induced elimination of the phenol

Scheme 4. Studies on the reaction mechanism.

Scheme 5. Coupling benzaldehyde oxime in the presence of commonnucleophilic functional groups. Phenol is formed in 99% yield underthe standard reaction conditions in the absence of any addednucleophiles. [a] Reactions were performed with 2.0 equiv of in situformed benzaldoxime cesium salt. Yields were determined by HPLCagainst authentic product standards.


4480 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 4478 –4482

product and benzonitrile. We anticipate that this method-ology will be rapidly adopted due to the mild conditions andthe ability to perform the reaction on functionally-densecomplex molecules.


We thank Ian Davies, L. C. Campeau, Becky Ruck, andAndrew Neel (all at Merck) for their feedback.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Keywords: cross-coupling · hydroxylation ·medicinal chemistry · palladium · phenols

How to cite: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 4478–4482Angew. Chem. 2017, 129, 4549–4553

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[11] Other C@O coupling reactions with oximes: a) T. J. Maimone,S. L. Buchwald, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 9990; b) P. De, K.Pandurangan, U. Maitra, S. Wailes, Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 2767; c) K.Inamoto, M. Katsuno, T. Yoshino, Y. Arai, K. Hiroya, T.Sakamoto, Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 2695.

Scheme 6. Selected scope for the synthesis of complex drug-likephenols. Isolated yields for reactions performed on 0.5 mmol scale.[a] Reaction performed with 1.0 equiv of benzaldoxime. [b] tBuBrett-Phos Pd G3 was used as the precatalyst. [c] Reaction performed at100 88C. See Supporting Information for additional substrates.


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[12] a) H. Tsutsui, K. Narasaka, Chem. Lett. 1999, 28, 45; b) K.Narasaka, Pure. Appl. Chem. 2003, 75, 19; c) S. Zaman, M.Kitamura, K. Narasaka, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2003, 76, 1055;d) K. Narasaka, M. Kitamura, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2005, 4505;e) S. Zaman, K. Mitsuru, A. D. Abell, Org. Lett. 2005, 7, 609;f) Y. Tan, J. F. Hartwig, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 3676; g) A.Faulkner, J. F. Bower, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 1675;Angew. Chem. 2012, 124, 1707; h) W. P. Hong, A. V. Iosub, S. S.Stahl, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 13664.

[13] a) K. D. Collins, F. Glorius, Nat. Chem. 2013, 5, 597; b) K. D.Collins, F. Glorius, Acc. Chem. Res. 2015, 48, 619; c) T. Gensch, F.Glorius, Science 2016, 352, 294.

[14] Reviews of Ar@N coupling reactions: a) D. S. Surry, S. L.Buchwald, Chem. Sci. 2011, 2, 27; b) J. Bariwal, E. Van derEycken, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42, 9283; Pd/Biarylphosphinecatalysts in C@O coupling reactions of aryl halides: c) A. V.Vorogushin, X. Huang, S. L. Buchwald, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005,127, 8146; d) X. Wu, B. P. Fors, S. L. Buchwald, Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 9943; Angew. Chem. 2011, 123, 10117; e) A.Aranyos, D. W. Old, A. Kiyomori, J. P. Wolfe, J. P. Sadighi, S. L.Buchwald, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 4369; f) C. H. Burgos,

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[15] For results of the additive experiments where CsOH was used asthe hydroxide source under previously reported conditions, seethe Supporting Information.

[16] P. S. Kutchukian, J. F. Dropinski, K. D. Dykstra, B. Li, D. A.DiRocco, E. C. Streckfuss, L.-C. Campeau, T. Cernak, P. Vachal,I. W. Davies, S. W. Krska, S. D. Dreher, Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 2604.

[17] For additional examples where the aryl halide informer libraryhas been used, see: a) T. J. Greshock, K. P. Moore, R. T.McClain, A. Bellomo, C. K. Chung, S. D. Dreher, P. S. Kutch-ukian, Z. Peng, I. W. Davies, P. Vachal, M. Ellwart, S. M.Manolikakes, P. Knochel, P. G. Nantermet, Angew. Chem. Int.Ed. 2016, 55, 13714; Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 13918; b) E. B.Corcoran, M. T. Pirnot, S. Lin, S. D. Dreher, D. A. DiRocco,I. W. Davies, S. L. Buchwald, D. W. C. MacMillan, Science 2016,353, 279.

Manuscript received: January 9, 2017Final Article published: March 24, 2017


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