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Page 1: Syntaxonomic conspectus of the vegetation of Catalonia and … · 2008. 6. 30. · mi"elea. Pllrtlgmiti ... (a catalogue providing infofmmion useful for managemenl purposes): b) a

Acln Bol. Bnrc.. 46: 191-237 Barcelona 1000





ABSTRACfThe lïrsl part of n general survcy of the vcgetarion of Cóllalonia and

Andorra. this paper reports all Ihc phytococnological associat ions andsubassocialions recorded in this areól. For cach communily. wc pro\'idc ¡hecorrecr nallle and usual synonyms. its typilïcatiol1 (where appropri"l\e). nil ¡herefercnecs including relevés. and Ihe mosl OlHstanding features of ils slructure.spccics composiliol1. ccology. dislriblllion and divcrsity. Morco\'cr. assa­ciations and subassociations arc ordcred appropriately in a syntaxonomicscheme. Syntaxonomic ranks are considered in a f"lirly bro..\d. conscrv:.ltivcsense. This c1assilïcation estólblishcd 101 associations. which correspond toIhe classes Lemllelco. ZoSJereleo. P01Clmcteo, Lif/orcllclca. MOl/tio-Carda­mi"elea. Pllrtlgmiti·Magllocaricelca. Scllcllcll:::crio-Caricelca. lsoeto-NatlOjl/ll­celea and Molillio-Ar,.I'Cllal11erclca.

Key words: Phylococnology. Typificalion. Classilïcation. Vcgcl'llion, Ca·talonia, Andorra. Medilcrranean. Mcdiocuropcan. Alpine.


In receI1l years lhe need for vegetation surveys has become increasinglyapparent at all scales. for a number of reasons. Fol1owing sever.11 decades ofgeographical research, syntaxonomic surveys are now seen as represcllting animprovement in our understanding or vegetation. In addition, land management,including conservatian aspects, has highlighted the need among public badies (atthe European, state and regionallevels) for vegetation catalogues and syntheses.

The surface of Catalonia and Andorra, c. 32,500 sq km, has a highly diverscvegetation. Mainly mediterranean in character, the area includes beth coastal anc]

continental lands, whose landscapes range from dry. meridional maquis (Oleo­

Ceralollio,,) domains to those of the mild monlane slopes (c1osely resemblingthose found in Medio-European areas); white upland areas are typified by alpinelandscapes or Pyrenean glacial cirques and summils.

1 Dcp3rlamcnl de Biologi3 Vegel31 (Bolànic3). Universit31 de Barcelona. Av. Di~\gol1;Jl, 645.E·OS02S B3rcelon3. E-mail: [email protected]

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192 J.M. NINOT et {Il.

Phytocoenological sampling. dating back to the firties. has resulted in more

lhan 14.000 relevés allel 611 associmions (FONT el al. 1998). Although samesampling irregularilies are apparenl, bath in (erms or sym3xonomy alld geo­

graphy, our knowledge or the cOl11l1lUnilies in Catalonia and Andorra may be

considercd surtïcienl lo produce a eOll1prehensive eonspeetus which l11ight serveas: a) a vegetatian s)'IHhesis per se (a catalogue providing infofmmion useful for

managemenl purposes): b) a data set from which 10 produce eonspecta orsyntheses al broader geographical scales: and e) a starting point for {he revision orsYnlax3. providing bath an ¡Ililinl synlaxonomic outline nnd as an index lo allreferences including vegetation l'elevés.

Thc first part of Ihis Conspeclus is presented here. It includes communiliesIhm range hom the free.noaling carpets of Lemnetea and the Iherophylic,

seasona\ communities of Isolepido·Nallojllllcetea to Ihe meadows aod hcrbages ofMolillio·Arr!lel1ar!leretea. In this part, 101 associat ions are rcpol1cd, from al most

2,000 l'elevés.

Study arca

The slUdy area includes the autonomous territory of Cmalonia and the stme ofAndorra; only communities recorded in this area are considered, although

cornplcmcntary data from ncighbouring zones arc sornetimes included. This al'eais in the nOl1h·eastern corner of Ihe lberian Pellinsula, and lies belween the

easlern half of the Pyrenees to Ihe norlh. the mediterranean coasl to the south·easland Ihe driesl areas of ¡he Ebre basin lO the wesl (Figure I).

Relief fealures rise from sea level lO more than 3.000 In a.s.1. in thePyrenees. The rnain rnollntain systems are the Pyrenees, which include the main

chain and a number of parallcl pre·Pyrenean ranges. anel Ihe Catalanidic system,which l'uns parallel lO (he coast and includes several peaks rising above 1,000 m

(Montseny. 1.712 m: Ports de Beseit. 1.447 m). Qlher major orographic featuresinclude Ihe Transversal system. \Vhich links the Montseny arca \Vith the eastemPyrences, and a series ol' plateaus stretching soulh from the pre-Pyrenees to Ihe

South Catalanidic moulltains. Thc plains may be grouped into four systerns:coasla\ (mainly very narro\V), pre·\iuoral (pal1 of Ihe Catalanidic syslem. whichis split in two parallel ranges), central basins (partly coinciding w¡th the

plateaus. with altitudes mainly belween 200 and 600 m) and Ihe Sicoric plain(which is the easlern part ofthe Iberian depression. al 150·500 m a.s.I.).

Two main basins dornillate the area: the Ebre basin, illcluding the lo\Ver

course ol' this river aod some ol' its main afnuellts (Segre. Noguera Pallaresa,Noguera Ribagorçana): and those basins extending l'rom the eastern Pyrenees orthe Catalanidic ranges lo the Mediterranean sea (Fluvià. Ter, Tordera, Besòs,

Llobregat. Foix, Gaià and Francolí). Pyrenean rivers have a fairly constant. nivo·pluvial regime, whcreas the others arc charactenzed by more irregular regimes.

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Symuxonomic conSpeClll!; or vegctalion 193

Therc are also a number or small coaslal ravines and "rambles" where water flowsonlyoccasionally.


DO-200m D 7oo-1200m • 1700-22oom

D 2oo-7oom m 1200-17oom • :>22oom

Figure I. Localion and seclOrialization or Ihe SlJrvey arca. (, Pyrenees (I a & Ib.axial Pyrenees: le & (d, pre-Pyrenees: la & le. Central Pyrenees: Ib & ld. EaslernPyrenees); 2. Ruscinic territory: 3. Olositanic terrilOry; 4. Catalanidic lerritory (4a.North Calalanidic lerr.; 4b, Cenlral Catalanidic terr.: 4c. SOlJlh Catalanidic terr.): 5.Ausosegarric terrilory: 6. Sicoric territory_

Physiographic complexilY gives rise to a marked divcrsity In local anc!regional climates, which range from <uid mediterranean (in the southcrn andwestern lowlands), with lang periods or summer drought. to humid highmounlain (in Ihe Pyrenees), with high rainfall and low temperatures. lntcnnediateIypes indude mild mediterranean (in Ihe nOflhern I¡ttoral areas). subatlantic andsubmeditcrranean (in most of the Illountain areas)_ In general. IwO c1imalic

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194 J.M. NINOT el al.

gradients can be distinguished; dryness anel mean temperatures increasing naftil tosOllth (in part, c1ue to a decrease in altitude) while eontinentality increases fromthe coasl westwarcls. Annual rainfall ranges frorn 400 mill 10 more ¡han 1,500!TIm, ancl l1lean al1l1L1aJ tcmperature frol11 ¡8°C (on (he southern coast) to less (han3'C (in the alpine bell).

SubSlrata <lre rnainJy lime materials (harcllimestone, conglomerate, mar]), bUIacídic outcrops (slate, granite, sandslone) oeeur in large arens, mainly in Ihe axialPyrenees anel in ¡he llorthern Ilalr of the Catalanidic system. Qther substrata, such

as gypsum, salt soils (both coaslal anc! inland), volcanic materials anel sandybeaches complete a highly diverse ensemble.

Given this divcrsity of dil11ate, altitude and substrate conditions, Catalonianoi unsurprisingly boasls a rich nora (more Ihan 3,200 broad species or higherplants) and one of the most varied European landscapes, in spite of its size.Mediterranean, Medio-European (= Eurosiberian) and Borco-alpinc clementsabound in its florn, and olher more specific groups (Atlantic, Pontic, Iranotu­!"anian, etc.) are well represented. Zonal vegetation indudes medileiTanean maquis(both thcrlllophilous and contincntal), Aleppo pinewoods, sderophyllouswoodlands (hollll-oak and cork-oak forests), deciduous woodlands (dlY andacidophilous oak forests, becchwoods, ashwoods, etc.), non-meditclTanean conife­rous woodlands (forests of Salzmanll pinc, Scots pine, mounlain pinc, silver fir)and alpine pastures.

Thc distributioll of plant cOll1ll1LJnities reveals two main features: altitudezonation and physiographic sectors. The altitude gradient, which is lhe dominantfactor, may be described IhroLJgholll virtLlnl!y all the Illountain areas by using thealpine-type vegetalion bells: Alpine, subalpine, montane and submontane, eaehof whieh may be subdivided to indude hUll1id and dlY variants. All these bellshave nOIHnedilcn'ancan landseapes: Alpine and subalpine belts, commonlyreferred to as high ll1ollntain, are Boreo-alpine, whereas moJHane and submoJHanebeliS are predominalllly Medio-European, although submontane is mainlysubmediterranean and indudes some mediterranean units in its driest areas. In thesoulhernll1ost l1lountains, however, Medio~European eOl1lmunities are obscuredby dominant mediterranean vegetation types even at mediul1l altitudes, anc!eonscquently their eorrcsponding be1ts arc frequently refelred to as mediterranean11l0untain. Low nltitllde areas mainly provide habitats for mediterraneanvegctation, and are included here as lowlands.

A sectorialization or Catalonia, whieh is or panicular use to biogeographers,has been proposed by Bolòs (1975; Bolòs & Vigo 1984; see Figure I). It mightbe sUlllmarized as fo11ows:

I) Pyrenees. These indude severaI ranges with interspersed valleys and basi ns.Thc axial ranges (la & Ib; mainly silieeous) roughly mark the nOl'thern boundaryof Catalonia, while in the south lie the pre.Pyrenean ranges (lc & Id; mainlycalcareous). Longitudinally, the Cerdanya depression defines the Central Pyrenees

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Syntaxonomic conspcclus or vcgclalion 195

(la & lc: weslwards) and lhe Easlern Pyrenees (Ib & Id: e¡lst\Vards). l'he c1imateranges from dry submediterranean to alpine and atl ..nlic.

2) Ruscinic lerritory. Littornl lowland in the north-easlern corner. slIITOundedby mouOlain areas. Main substrala are granile and alluvia...nd Ihe climale isdearly mediterranean. frequemly windy.

3) Olositanic territory. Roughly corresponding lO the Transversal system.comprising chiefly Iimestone and volcanic marerials. Climmes are humid 31ldrange from mild medilerranean to subatlantic.

4) Catalanidic territory. This stretches along the coast and indudes theCatalanidic mouOlain system and Ihe associated plains. 11 may be split into threeseclions, defined by the rivers Llobregat and Ebre: Nonh (4.: wilh l11ildmediterranean to subatlantic dimalic types). CeOlral (4b: mainly calcareous and\Vith mediterranean to submediterranean dimates) and South (4c: also calcareousbUI with drier dimates).

5) Ausosegarric territory. This indudes the central high plateaus and theceOlral basi ns. Lime outcrops are dominant. and gypsum is present in places. l'hedil11ate ranges from l11editerranean to subl11editerranean. Ihough always with acontineOlaltendency.

6) Sicoric territory. This eastem part of the Ebre basin has mainly silty-dayand limestone substrata, and indudes gypSUI11 and salt soils. l'he dimate iscontinental dry mediterranean.

Compilation and organization or thc conspcctus

In producing this Conspectus \Ve began wilh a complete bibliographicretrieval using the Data Bank of Catalan Flora and Vegetation FLüRACAT(FONT & NINOT 1995) and a critical analysis of Ihe l'elevés available and ¡hecommunities described. Where appropriate, synthetic tables were produced usingthe ad hoc set of programs XTRINAU (FONT & NINOT. op.cit.). In tllis in¡tialsynthesis of vegetation, \Ve compiled information on associ.uions by applyinglargely the criteria used by the authors in describing or discussing Ihem. Only incases of conf1icting interpretation did \Ve apply Dur o\Vn criterion, using the mostappropriate rank and symaxa. We indude in small eharaeters those associationswhich are based on unre1iable data or on poorly-defïned assemblages.

Associations are ineluded according to tlleir correct name and usual synonyms.The information gathered for each association has been reduced to short, stan­dardized descriptions whieh are organized into fïve speeifïc aspects: a) Typifï­eation (when described from Camlonia or nearby areas). b) Data (refereneesincluding relevés, or syntheses of l'elevés, from the survey areal. e) Structure(short comment on structure and composition, including main speeies). d)Eeology (substrata, bioclimate, dynamics) and e) Distribution (in Catalonia. onthe basis of vegetation belts and physiographic territories). Two complememary

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196 J.M. NINOT el al.

paragraphs are :xkJed where necessary: f) Variabilily (which accounls for !.herecognizcd subassociations) and g) (omments (shon notes on synt3xonomicalaspects). In rhe nomcnclalUre or laxa c¡tcd in this paper \Ve follow BOlÒS el aJ.1993.

Thc data referenced in Ihis paper may be easily eomplemenlcd by visiling (heweb '"'·, where the intcreSled re<lder\ViII find. not only an up-ro-date lisi or references for each associarion, bUl alsothe transciption or caeh published relevé.

Thc Conspectus dca\s primarily \Vilh associations and subassociations, asthese arc the most "objective" vegetalioll ranks, and \Ve have sOllght al all timesto handle these synlaxa accurately, beth in lenns or definition and nomenclature(following the CPN. BARKMANN el al. 1988, as far as possible). The classifica­tion or these associations in Ihe syntnxonomical scheme is our secondary objec­tive. A fairly conservalive c1assificalion system is applied. assuming lhat chan­ges in the scheme should be c1early assessed by induclive processes, and not juslby intuition, which is a frequent failing in vegetalion syntheses.

Results and discussion

LEMNETEA MINORIS (Koch et Tüxen) Schwabe et Tüxen 1981LEMNETALlA MINORIS (Tüxen) Schwabe et Tüxen 1981LEMNION MINORIS Koch et Tüxen 1954

Lemnetum gibbae (Koch) Miyawaki el J. Tüxen 1960ILemllo·A:ollelllm Braun·BI:lIIqucl 1952 in Bralln·Blmlqu~t ct al. 11!1II111!1O.\'1I111 gibl)(/I! O. Bolòs cIMasclans 1955: LeCIO¡yplIS: Bolò~ & Ma~c1ans 1955, Col/eC!. BOI. 4 :427-428, rel. B (SanI Carles de1:J Ri\pita, Ebre delta: designcd in Bolòs 1997 :2(5)1

Data: BOlOs & M¡\SCL¡\N> (1955). Co."ESA (1990. 199Ia), CURc6 (1996). GESTI (2000),

Structure: Free·noaling populalions or LellJlla gibba, in places including smallgroups or L. millor.Ecology: EUlrophic, sometimes polluted, standing fresh waters.Distribution: Sparse lhroughoul the area. mainly in lowlands.

Lemnetum minoris (Oberdorfer) Th. Müller et Gors 1960lumllO-A:ollttlllll Br:lUn·Blanqucl in Brnun·Blanquet et al. 1952 ItmlltlO$11I11 1II;IIOr;$ O. BoIÒ5 ctf\.hsclans t955: Lcclotypus: BOLÒS& MASCLANS 1955. Collut BOI. 4 :427-428, rel. B (Sani Carlesde la Ràpita. Ebre delta: designed in BaLbs 1997 :2t5})

Dala: Ba.0s (t967~ BoLOs & MA5CLA.'S (1955~ GESTI (2000~ SoRIANO (1992~

Structure: Free·noaling populations of Lel1/1la mÍflOr, generally monospecific.Ecology: Standing or sheltered, eutrophic walers.Distribution: Com mon throughoul the sludy area, in lowlands and in the mon­lane bell.

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Syntaxonomic COllspectus or \'cgct:J.tion 197

RICCIO FLUITANTIS-LEMNIO TRISULCAE (Tüxen el Schw"iJe) SchwaiJeel Tüxen 1981

Riccietum f1uitantis Slavnic 1956

Data: CURcó(I996).

Structure: Free·floating populations or Riccia j1/fi1lllls. in places 3Ccompalliedby ulllfla lIIi"or, CaWlric!le obwsallgu/a or Chlorop!lyta species.Ecology: Shellered. oligOlrophic. pear-rich \Vaters.Distribution: Only reported from Ihe Ebre delta.


Lemno·Azollelum filiculoidis Braun-B1anquet in Braun.B1anquct el al.

195211.LIIIIW·A:01f1.'1II11I (l:Offt!tMIIIII caroli,lilllU11.' (= filicl/foic/is) O. Bolòs ci M:J.sclans 19551Data: BOLOs & MASCLANS (1955). CURCÓ (1996).

Structure: Free·floaring populations or A::.ollaftliculoides (= A. carofillialla) anel.Lellllla l/IillOr. in places olher hygrophytes (as Callirric"e obwsollgll/aor Myriop"y/I/l1II Spicatlll11)Ecology: Rice fields, in eutrophic. standing \Valers.Distr;bution: Ebre anel. Llobregat deltas.


Giraurlio·Zostcrctum noltii Boudouresquc, Belsher et Marcot-Coqucugniot

1977Data (Wilhoul rclc\'és): BALLESTEROS (1992. 1995). BALl.ESTEROS & Ros (1989).

Structure: Bcels or Zostera IlOllii, usually w¡lh the epiphytic alga Giraue/ia

sphace/arioie/es.Ecology: Upper part of the infralinoral zone, permanently submcrged in walersdown to 5 metres e1.eep. In c10sed bays.Oistribution: On1y known from Creus cape and Ebre delta.

Cymodoceetum nodosae J. Fe1dmann 1937Data (withoUI re1e\'és): BALlESl'EROS (1992. 1995). BAlLESTEROS & Ros (1989).

Structure: Formalion or Cymoe/ocea lloe/osa. monospccific or associated \Virh

rhe alga Cau/elpo prolifera.Ecology: Muddy sands, permanently 5ubmerged in waters e1.own to 15·20 metres

deep.Oistribution: Sparse along the coast.

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198 J.M. NINOT et al.

POSIDONION OCEANICAE Braun-Blanquet in Braun-Blanquel et al. 1952

Posidonietum oceanicae Funk 1927Data (Wilholll rclcvés): B,\L1.ESTEROS (1992, J995), BALLESTEROS & Ros (1989).

Structure: Dense beds or Posidol/ia oce(lllica, ¡he accllJl1ulatioll or rhizomesforming organogcnic rcefs.

Ecology: Sedimcmary habitats, walers down to 25 (40) metres deep.Distribution: Com mon along the coasl.

POTAMETEA Tüxen el Preising 1942RUPPIETALIA Tüxen 1960RUPPION MARITIMAE Braun-Blanquel1931

Ruppictul11 maritimac Hocquctte 1927Data: CURCÓ (1996).

Structure: Submerged, rooring stands of RlIppia /IIo,.itil1la, III some casesineluding green algae populatiolls.Ecology: Shallow I¡uoral poals, III walers which become strongly saline inSUl11mcr.

Distribution: Ir has been found only in the Ebre delta.

Chactomorpho lini-Ruppietum Braun-Blanquel in Braun-Blanquet et al. 1952Oala: OJRcó (1996~ GESTI (2000}

Structure: Submerged, rooting carpels of RI/ppia ci,.,-hosa, including green algaepopulations, mainly Chaetomorpha crassa and Ch. filllf/II.

Ecology: Brackish pools, in walers with seasonally variable salt contents.Distribution: It is found in the Ebre delta and in the Empordà flood plain.Variabilily: Twa sllbassociations are known.- typicum. which corresponds to Ihe described communily.. potametosum pectinati Curc6 1996. Holotypus: Curcó 1996. Doc. fJflYlOs0C. 16

:279. lab. 4. rel. 3 (CamIl Vell. Ebre delia), Found in walers with low salinity, it includeslhe differential Potamogetoll pectillalllS.

POTAMETALlA Koch 1926POTAMION PECTINATI (Koch) Libbert 1931[Poftlllliol/ eurosibiricl/III Koch 1926J

Nymphacctum albo-luteae Nowi nski 1928("(rrilll,h,l'lIo \'el'licillllli-Nul'lwrelUlII Koch 1926).

D'lla: GESTI (2000}

Structure: Submerged, dense carpets of MyriophyllulII spicawl11 and Ceroto­phyllum delller:wm, including Nympllaea alba or other macrophyles at places.Ecology: Fresh. Slill walers.

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Synluxonomic conspeclus or \'cgctution

Distríbution: Only found in the Ruscinic liuoral (Aiguamolls de l'Empordà).


Ranunculetum baudotii Braun-Blanqllet in Bralln-Blanqllel et al. 1952[Cl/I/i I r;c!1I1/()-R(//lIIllcu(elulII l)(Iudo,;; R. ]\'\01. eI Tallon I9701

Holotypus: BRAUN·BLA~QUET in BR,\UN-BLA1'QUET t'I al. 1952. Vég. fl"(I/tCl~ Ml'd. :79.

Data: FARRÀS & VELASCO (1994. sub. Call;rr;d,clO·RmJwlClllcllllll I)(/I/(fol;;). GESTI (2000~

Structure: Dense, submerged assemblages of RallllllCllfllS balldolii. 2tulllic:/¡eJ/iapalUSlris, CaJ/ilriclle Spp., Groelllalldia dema and some ClU/raceae.Eco1ogy: Standing, shallo\V. fresh- to brackish \Valers \Vhich beeome fair1y wann111 summer.Dístribution: Found al the coastal Rllscinie lerrilOry.

Polamo-Ulricularietum Braun-Blanquet in Braun-Blanquet el al. 1952Data: eo....'ESA(I99lb), CURc6(1996).

Structure: Sllbmerged stands of UrriC:II/ar;a clI/slmlis (= U. l'It1garis aucl.) Inseme cases including ClIC/ra spp. pepulatians «Ild rare campanians.Ecology: In slanding, oligolrophic \Vaters. rooting in peat-rich beds.Distribution: Sparse in medilerranean lowlands (Sicorie and South Calalanidiclerritories).

Potarnetum pectinati Carstensen 1955Data: CURc6 (1996).

Structure: Dense 10 highly dense, almoSI monospecific populations of P01ClIIIO­

getoll pecrillQws, in places inclllding some algae species.Ecology: EUlrophic, brackish. sheltered \Valers or ¡illora1 pcrm3nenl ponds.Distribution: It is only found in the Ebre delta.Variabilily: Two subassocialions have been found.- typicum, which eorresponds 10 Ihe described cOlnmunilY·_ ruppietosum cirrhosae Curcó 1996. Hololypus:CURC6 1996 Dnc.I'II.'·/(JS(Jc. 16 :282.1ab. 6. rel. 3 (Canal Vell. Ebre delia). Occurring in more saline \Valers. il is differentied

by Rllppia cirrllOsa.

Polametum denso-nodos; O. Bolós 1957

Lectolypus: A. Bolòs 1950. Veg. com. bllrcelmlt'$(/$ :81-82 (ncar Besós rívcr. N Calalanidic lerr.;dcs;gned in BOLOs 1997 :217).

Data: A. Bot..òs (1950~ BotOs (1957b. 1959.1962). CARRILl..O & NI~ar (1992~ Co.''ESA (19913.1991b~ CURc6 (l996~ FARRÀS & VELASCO (1994~ GESTI (2000).

Structure: Pond-weed, submerged fOrl11alions freqllent\y dominaled by PorC/11I0­

gelO" deml/S or P01Cll1logetol1 I/odosus, and in places containing other Polamoge­

1011 species or CeralOphy(Jum demersulII, as \Vell as green algae or free·Ooating

macrophytes.Ecology: In eutrophie, turbid, low.running walers or rivers, reservoirs arxichannels, rootin!! in fine·textured beds rieh in or!!anic maner.- -

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200 J.M. NINOT el (l'.Distribution: General but sparse throughout Ihe arca, in lowlands or in thesubmontane bell.

Potamo-Najadctum marinac Horvatic el Micevski 1963Data: CURCÓ( 1996). FARRAs & VELi\SCO( 1994).

Structure: Dense or sparse, monospecific populations of Najas II/arilla.Ecology: Shallow ponds drying out in summer, \Vith fresh, eutrophie waters.Distribution: Only found in the Ebre delta.Com ment: The commllnilY repol1ed by FARRÀS & VELASCO (1994), from theRuscinic plain, is only lentatively classified there, as it is mainly fonned by allassemblage of Najas II/illor, Cemropltylllllll deJllerSlII1I and Zatll1icltellia pa/usrris.

Potamo pectinati~Myriophyllctum spicati Rivas Goday 1964Data: CONES,,(1990.199la).

Structure: Submerged poplllations or POf{/lI/ogelOl1 pectinarlls and Myriopltyl­

/t/III spica1um.Ecology: Eutrophic, \Varm, standing waters.Distribution: Mcditcrrancan, cOl1lineJllallowlands (Sicoric territory).

Ranunculo eradicHti-Potamctum alp ini Ballesteros et Gacia 1991

Holotypus: I3ALLESTEROS & GACIA 1991. Bulli. /tIsI. Cal. Nis/. Nm. 59 :91. tab. I. re!.l (Anglós I:lke.2205 m. e Pyrcnees).

Data: BAI.LES1ERQS & G,\CIA (1990. 1991).

Structure: Submerged community forrlled by some rooting, lax, narrow-Ieaved,alpine hygrophytes, mainly PowlI/ogelOl1 bercltlO/dii, P. a/pilltls, RQ/III1/CIIIIIS

tricllOpltylllls subsp. eradicallls (= subsp. IlIrl//e1Ul/s) and Myriophyll1l1l1

altenl/fo/iulI/.Ecology: Neutral to slightly a1caline \Vaters of ponds and small lakes, withmedium contents of ca1cium; settling on silt beds, 0.5 \O few meters deep.Distribution: Central Pyrenees, in the alpine and high subalpine belts.

Ranunculo tripartiti-M)'riophyllctum alterniflori Franquesa 1995

Holotypus: FRANQUESA 1995. A,:,'. Secc Cièll. 109 :340. I:lb. 22. reU (Cap de Creus. 250 rn.Ruscinic tcrr.).

Data: FR,AI"QUES,' (1995).

Structure: Fairly dense, rooting, submerged community fonned by narrow­leaved hygrophytes, sllch as MyriophyllulI/ a'temifo/il/III. Ral/llllCIIllIS rripartirl/s.

Callitriche obrl/sallgula and bryophytes (Foli/inCItis... ).Ecology: Lime paor, slow \Vmers, in parts of sm<111 rivulets or inside ponds.Distribution: Only found in the Ruscinic littoral area (Creus cape).

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Zannichellio paluslris-Polamctum colorati O. Bolòs & R. Molinier inO. Bolós 1996IPOUI/IU"11II1 cu/armi auel.. nOI1\. illeg.)

Holotypus: BOlOs & r"'lOlINIER 1958. Collec!. Bot. j :792. sub. group. à 1'(J/(/1II0gl'WIl colori/tll!(Sani a Ponça. l\'lallorca: designed in BOLÒS 1996b :61)Data: COSES:>. (199Ia). O1Rcó (1996~

Structure: FOl"mations of PorQmogeloll co(oratus, which in places inc1ude Chamspp. populations and oeeasionaly, sparse emerged hydrophytes (such as ApiulIl

lIodij1OfIIl1I ).

Ecology: It develops in lime·rieh, slow.nll1l1ing, c1ean waters. rooting in fine·texlured beds.Distribution: Sparse in meridional. mediterranean lowlands, both in liuoral andin continental areas.

Potamo-Vallisnerictum spiralis Bmun·Blanquel 1931 n)'mphacctosumalba. Curcó 1996Holotypus: CURCO 1996 DtJC'I'''.r,osQ(:. 16: 283. (ab. 7. rel. 5 (Ullals de Baltasar. Ebre delia).Data: CuRcó (1996~

Structure: Fairly dense N)'/1Iphaea alba stands. inc1uding Myriophylum spica­rum or Ceratophyllllm demerslllll under its floating leaves.Ecology: Oligotrophic. ¡¡me-rich. c1ean waters.Distribution: Only identified froll1the Ebre delta.

ISOETO-L1TTORELLETEA Braun-Blanquet et Vlieger in Vlieger 1937L1TTORELLETALIA Koch 1926L1TTORELLlON UNIFLORAE Koch 1926

lsoeto lacuslris-Sparganictum bordcrci Braun·B lanquet 1948[S¡Jflrgallio llllfJUSlifolii·I.UJ/!ICIr/l1l eclJillo.ffwri Ri\':ls Martínez & G. Nav(lrro 1987 p.p.)Lectotypus: BRAUN·Bu.NQUET 1948. Vigo (¡{p. l'y,.. m·. :108. rel. B (E.~lany de la Llosa. 2250 111.

Carlit. E Pyrcnccs: designcd here).Data: BALLESTEROS & G,\CI,\ (1990). BALLESTEROS t'I al. (1989~ CARRILLO & NINOT ( 1992~

Structure: Submerged community fonned by a smal1 numbcr of roseue·forming, narrow-Ieaved taxa. ehiefly Spargan¡lI/1l allgllsrijolium (wilh long,partially f10ating leaves) and lhe smal1 Isoetes (acustr;s, /. se((lcea and SI/blllaria

aqllarica.Ecology: li inhabits acid, nutrient-poor \Valers of ponds and small lakes. rootingin fine-lextured, genlle beds, from 0.5 to a few melers deep.Distribution: Pyrenees, on acid materials. in the alpine and high subalpine bells.

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lM. NINOT el llI.

RallunculoMJuncetum bulbosi Oberdorfer 1957Data: CAIHI.ILLO & NINOT (1992. slIb )11/1(:115 b' cornrn.).

Structure: Rather dense, short carpelS or }¡I/ICIIS blllboSIIS, inc1uding sparseSpargalli/lm allgl/srijo/illlll and Subularia aquo/ica.Ecology: It develops in the shal1ow, marginal zone of pands and Jakes, on flatsurfaces emerged in summer.Distribution: Only reported from Estany L1ebrela, a high montane lake in IheCentral Pyrenees.

MONTIO·CARDAMINETEA Braun·Blanquel el Tüxen ex Klika el Hadac 1944MONTIO·CARDAMINETALIA Pawlowski in Pawlowski et al. 1928CARDAMINO·MONTION Braun·Blanquet 1926

Montietum fontanac Braun-Blanquet 1915IMol1t;o.P¡'ilmlOl;d~flIlII f(mtltlUlt! Bückcr 1942. P¡'¡fol1otis fOll¡ww-MOIl1;a '';l'uloris-Ass. (Braun­Blanquet 1915) Bükerct Tüxcn 1941]Data Bct..0s (1979). CARRILLD & NI1"OT (1992). SoRIANO(1992). VIGO ( 1996).

Structure: Cushions of Molltia /ol/ralla and Srellaria a/sine which may covermost of the water surface. Among lhem. olher lypical spring-head plants (likeEpi/obium a/sil/ifoli//m and Verol/ica beccabllllga) are found.Ecology: Springs 3nd nushes wilh oligolrophic, slow running waters, generaIIyon sandy substral<1.Distribution: Pyrenees, in the montane and submonlane belts.VariabiliJy: Two subassociations are known.- typicum. Widespread in the central European region and reaching the Pyreneanmonlane bell.. epi1obictosum pseudopalustris O. Bolòs 1979. Holotypus: BOI...Os 1979.

Ph)'fOCOt!tlOfogia 6 :2~. lab. 2. rel. 3 (Montseny: Santa Fe. 1100 ml. In streams of centralCatalanidic moullrains (Montseny), and differentialed by Cardamine (Unam subsp.%remis and Epi/obillt1l obscurum v. pseudopa/lIsrre.

Montio-Br)'ctum schIeicheri Braun-Blanquet 1925(Brye/ll/ll .fc1lfei<:1Ier¡ Br:lun-Blanquel 1926. Ass. i'I 81)'111/1 sch1eic1leri et Pili/OlIO/is seriara Luquet1926JOala: BRAUN-BLANQUET (194&). C\RRERAIò (1993). CARRILlD & NINOT (1992~ GRUBER (1978~ Vroo(1996). VIÑAS(1993).

Structure: Cushions or carpets of bryophytes such as Bt)l/lm schleicheri, B.pseudorriquerrlllll, Phi/ollot;s seriara, within which small vascular plants(Sa\'ifraga srellaris subsp. a/pigel/a, Epilobilllll a/sifli/o/illlll, Ceras!;ulIIcerastoides, etc.) take roal.Ecology: Springs fed by oligotrophic. cald waters.Distribution: Pyrenees, mainly in Ihe subalpine and alpine beits.

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Saxifragetum aquaticac Braun-Blanquel 1948Lectotypus: BRAUN-BLA1\'QUET 1948. \!¿g. alp. Pyr. (IrÚ'II1. tab. 13. l'ci. 6 (Cadí ,"alley 1980 111.Cnnigó. E. Pyrcnees: designed hefc).Data BRAUN-BLANQUEf (1948). CARRERA'> (1993). C\RRERA'> .'1 (Il. (199) ~ C'RRll.lj) 8: Nl:-:OT (1992~

FOLCH & FARR,\S (1979). GRUBER (1978). VtGO (1996).

Structure: CarpelS of Saxi/raga aqÉwrica mixed witb cushiol1s of Brachylhecilllllrivulare, Philonotis seriala and otber acrocarpic mosses, which somclimes coverall Ihe water surface; Epilobium alsinifolium and Cardamine amara Illa)' alsooccur.Ecology: Springs with oligotropbic, cald, fast runnlllg walers. on rockybedcours.Distribution: Pyrenees, only in the subalpine and alpine bells.

Cardaminetum latifoliae Braun-Blanquet in Bralln-Blanquet el al. 1952[Caniam iIle111m I"lIfJlll111 ifoliac :lUCI .• CArdllmino l'lII'JIlIll ijoliae-Chry.w.\'[I11'1I i l'1/1111 0p/ Iijoii Gl'U be r

19781Neotypus: BOLÒS 1957<1. Collect. /JOI. 5 :509 (Lés. 1100 111. Aran V:ll1<l)'. C Pyrenees: designedhefe).Data: BOLÒS (1957a). CARRERA') (1993). CARRERA'> et al. (1993). C\RR1LLO & N1NaT (1992). GRUUER(1978). SOR1ANO(1992~ V1GO(1996).

Structure: FlllSh community dominated by Cardall/jl/e raplwllifolia, almoSIdevoid of mosses.Ecology: Mountaill streams with oligotrophic rUlllllllg waters, with rockybedcours.Distribution: Pyrenees. in the montane bell.

Cardamina f1exuosae~Chr)'sosplenietum oppositifolii O. Bolòs 1979Holotypus: BOLÒS 1979. P¡'ylocol'l1ologia 6 :205 (Tordera river. 500 111. Montseny. N Üllnlnllidicterr.)Data: BOLÒS (1979)

Structure: ChrysosplelliulIl oppositifolilllll shows a high cover in Ibiscommunity. Tbis species and Cardamilleflexuosa are territorial caracteristics.Ecology: Shaded streams, beside alderwoods.Distribution: Catalanidic range (Montseny).Comment: This communily could be inc1uded in the Chrysosple/liet/lllloppositifolij Oberdorfer et Phi\. 1977, but fur~er data are nceded.


Cratoneuretum falcatí Gams 1927[CratOl1ell ro·Ambidellllll bellúlifoliae Koch 19281Data: BRAUN-BLANQUbT (1948). CARRER/IS el (Il. (1993~ CARRILLO & NINar (1992~ GRUDER (1978).V1GO(1996).Structu re: Association dominated by tbe pleurocarpic moss CmlOlIellrollcomlllufatulll, which forms a dense yellow-orange mat at the spring-heads withseveral other bryophytes. Vascular species are fcw. only Epilobillll/ alsillifolilll11

is frequent.

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204 J.M. NINOT el al.

Ecology: Ca1careous. eutrophic spring \Vaters.Distribution: In the Pyrenees (including pre·Pyrenees), from (he l1lontane to the

alpine bell.

PHRAGMITO-MAGNOCARICETEA Klika in Klika el Novak 1941lPhmglllirelea Tüxen et Preising 19421PHRAGMITETALIA Koch 1926GLYCERIO-SPARGANION Braun-Blanquel el Sissingh in Bcer 1942

Helosciadietum nodiflori Maire 1924[Apiell/III IUJdij10,.¡ Braun-Blanqucf 1931 JHototypus: MAIRE 1924. M¿III. Soc. Sc. Na'. A"tC/roc, 7 :96.lhc onl)' rc1cvé (Ras-c1-f\'la: Morocco).Data: A. BOLÒS (1950), BOLÒS (1959. 1962, 1967. 1983), BOLÒS & M,\SALl.ES (1983), CARRfIV\S(1993). CONCS,' (1990. 1991 a. 199 Ib). F,\RRÀS & VELASCO (1994). FRANQUESA (1995). GESTI (2000).NUET (1983), RmlO (1989). ROVIRA (1 986). SORIANa (1992). VIGO (1996). VI~AS (1993).

Structure: Dense, herbaceous cOl11l11unity dominated by Apiu/1I lIodiflorumincluding mher hygrophytes.Ecology: Slo\V running \Valers, mainly on siliceous subSlrala.Distribution: General, mainly in medilerranean and sublllontane areas.Variabilily: Twa subassociations have been described.- Il<lsturtictosum O. Bolòs J959 [aph'tOJIIIII O. Bolòs 1983110111. irwa1.l HeJiophilouscomlllunity.. cardaminetosum olotcnsis O. Bolòs 1959. LectolYPUS: BQLÒS 1959. A,....... S('c.

Gi". 26: 81. rel. 2 (Riudarenes. 80 m. N Catalanidic terr.: dcsigned in Botòs 1997 :213).

Sciaphilous cOllllllunity containing Care/all/ille cul/ara subsp. oIo/emis, found inlhe nonll Catalanidic lerritory.

Glyccrictum plicatac Kulczynski 1928[incl. G/yce,.io·S/JlIrgal/iewm Ileg/ecl; Koch 1926)Data: BOLÒS (1959. 1983). CARRERAS (1993). CARRIUO & NINOT (1992). CO:-:ESA (199Ib). MOLERa& VIGO (1981). ROSEU(l978). 50RIANO( 1992), VKiQ (1968. 1996). VIii:AS (1993).

Structure: Populations of Glyceria fluiIaIlS subsp. plicata mixed wilh olherhygrophilous laxa (Verol/ica beccabllllga, }UllCUS bUffol1ius, elc.)Ecology: Still, oligo- or Illesotrophic \Valers, rooting in sandy or slony ground.Distribution: Pyrenees and neighbouring zones, in the submontane and 1ll0nlanebells.

GI~'ccrictum nuil.:mtis Eggler 1933[Gfycuif!flflll j1l1if!lIItis \Vilzek 1935. Spargallio·GJyuril'tllm j11tiWlllis Braun-Blanquet 1925 nom.nud.JSlructure: Almosl monospeci ric populations or Gfyceri(l j1rtitw/.f.Ecology: Slil!. clean \Valers.Dislribulion: Only rccorded from Estany L!cbrela, Ccnlr31 Pyrenccs (CARRILLO & NINOT [992:withoul rclcvés). possibly also found in Ruscinic 10wl:ll1d (GESTI, 2000: sub GJyceria jl,,;ulI/scOl1llllunity).

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Acrocladio-Eleocharitetul11 palustris O. Bolòs Ct Vigo in Bolòs 1967LCalliergollcllo·E!coc!wrilelllm 'lUCI. ]Lectotypus: BOLÒS 1967. MCI)1. R. Acml. Ciellc. Art. Bill". 3S( I) :191. l.IS. rd. ::! (Prndc:,. 950 1\1. CCnlnlanidic mount::lins: designcd in BOLÒS 1997 :204).~ata: BOLÓS (19~7). c,\RRERAS el (lI. (1996). C,\RRILLO & NI1\OT t1992). CONES:\ (1991 a. 1991 b).FR..\NQUESA. (199). GESTI (2000). MOLERO (1976). l'vlOLERü & VIGO (19S I). VIGO t 1996). VI;\',\S(1993).

Structure: Poor. herbaceous helophytic cOl11l11unity, with whole dominance of

Eleocharis palllstris.Ecology: Seasonally Oooded depressions.

Distribution: Sparsely all over the country. frol11 lowlands to the 11l011tJlle bell.

Cntabrosetum a(Juaticac Ri.ibc1 1911Data: CARRERAS el al. (1993). SORI,\NO (1992).Structure: Comrnunity of Cawbro.w aqualie(' and olhcr hygrophilous species as Glyaria j1uiwlI.\·sllbsp. ¡¡{icella. Vervlliea (IIwga/lis·al/umictl. V. becwbulIga nnd E¡¡i{olúulII {mrl"iflol'lll/l.Ecology: Slow running w.llers.Distribution: Only indicnlcd from Bnrrnvés vnllcy (Pyrcnecs) and J'vloixcró range. in Ihesubrnon(nne bell.Comment: Bolh Ihe validilY oflhe n'Ulle and the occurrcl1cc of lhis nssocialiOIl in lhc arcn wouldhnve to be nssessed wilh furthcr data.


Typho angustifoliae-Phragrnitetum australis (Tüxen el Preising 1942)Rivas Martínez et al. 1991[5cilpo-P{¡ragmilelllm medilerram'lIm Tüxel1 et Preising 1942 nom. illeg.. Sc/meuf/pleclo­Phragmile/llm mediu'IHmeulIl nom. mUL]Data: FARR,'\S & VELASCO (1994).

Structure: PhagllJires cOlllml/llis populations with Calysregia sepilllll, PhalQlú

al1f1ldil1acea, etc.Ecology: Riversides with fresh or brackish walers in pennanelltly Oooded places.

Distribution: Recorded only from Aiguamolls de l'Empordü, in the nOfth coastal


Typho-Schoenoplectetum tabernacmontani Brau~l-Blanquet et O. Bolòs

1958[TY{lho.Scfwelloplecrcrum g{mu:i Braun·Blanquct cIO. Bo[òs 1958JLectotypus: BRAUN-BLA1'>QUET & BOLÓS 1958. All. Etr. ü.". Allla Dei 5 :81. lnb. 14. rel. 13 (Fraga.270 m. Sicoric terr.: designcd in BOLÓS 1996b :65).Data: A. BOLÒS 1950 (sub Phraglllilioll). BOLÒS (1962. 1967. 1983. [996a). BOLÒS & M,\Si\L1.ES(1983). BRAUN-BUtNQUET & BOLÒS (1958). CONESA (1990. 1991a. 1991b). F,\RR'\S & VEl.ASCO(1994). GESTI (2000~ MOLERO (1976), NUET (1983). Rmlo (1989), Rovm.A (19S6). VILAR (1987).VI¡:;¡AS (1993).

Structure: Fresh water helophitic vegetatiol1. which completely covers the

sUlface at 1-3 m high. dominated by Phmgmites comI/III llis, SC!lOenoplecll1stabemaemolltalllls. Typha al1gusrijolia subsp. ausrralis or Typlw latifolia. very

specles poar.Ecology: Meanders, r¡versides tloocled (only occasionally dried) with brackish


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206 J.M. NINOT l'I al.

Distribution: Main r¡vers and other wet lands al 10\V altitudes.Variabilily: Si>:. subassociations have been described.- phragmitctosum australis (Braun-Blanquet et O. Bolòs) O. Bolòs 110111.

/lOV. (= t~'picum. 'y/JIIO.pllmgmitelOsulll (1II5lm/is Braun-Blanqucl cIO. Bolòs 1958). Domin­alcd by Phragmiles austral;s subsp. austra/is.- phragmitetosum isiaci A. el O. Bolòs ex O. Bolòs 1967 (p1,rac",i¡eIOSUm

I"UScillOllPluis nom. mut.). HololYpus: A. BOLOs 1950. Veg. cmllurc. bc,refollf!ms :85 (Estany de l'Illa.

Llobregat delia: the onl)' rclc\'l,~). Dominated by P"raglllires allslralis subsp.cI/lystllufws.- juncetosum effusi O. Bolòs 1983. Holotypus: BOLÓS 1983, Veg_ MOlltse"y :136 (LaBatllòria ncar Sl. Celoni. 100 11\. N Calalanidic [err.: lhe on I)' rclc\'é). Wilh acidophilous taxalike llmclIs effusus. Carex pll1lctara, ...- Iysimachietosum vulgaris O. Bolòs et Masal1es 1983. HoIOfYpUS: BOLÓS &

MASALLES 1983. MalNJ l·~g. Bflllyo/~s :97 (Banyolcs lake, 170 m. Olositanic terr.; the only relc\'é).

CaJcicolous.~ schoenoplectetosul11 litoralis O. Bolòs et Mnsalles 1983. Holotypus: BOLòs

& MASALLES 1983, Mapa l'eg. Btlll)'ule.v :97 (Banyoles lakc, 170 rn. Olositanic terr.; lhc only

rclcvé). With Sci'1JUs IirlOralis, it roots 1~2 III depth.

Scirpetum maritimi-litoralis Braun-Blanquet ex O. Bolòs 1962IScirpt'11II1I lI/(lril;lII; Braun·Blanqucl in Br.:aun·Blanquct ct al. 1952 nomen inval.. ass. li ScirpllS"'(lril;IIIIIS ct Scir¡ms litom/is Braun·Blanquel 1931. nomcn nud.. Scir¡Jt'lIml compaclo.litloral;sBraun-Blanquct 1931 corro Ri\'as Manínez. Costa. Caslro\'iejo et Valdés Bcrmejo 1980)Lectotypus: DoLós 1962, Pa;s. 1"t'8. /}(/rcelo,,¿s.lab. 36. rel. 1 (la Ricarda. Llobregat delta; dcsignedhere).Data: BoLOs (1962. 1967). SOlOs & MASALlf.S (1983). COI>:ESA (1990. 1991a. 199Ib). FARRAs &VELASCO (1994), FRANQUES,\ (1995). GESTI (2000~ VIÑAS (1993).

Structure: Species~poorcOl1ll1lunity, often containing only one species (Scirpusmarítiml/s, S. IilOralis. Pliragmites australis subsp. al/srralis, or P. allstralis.subsp. cJlI)'sllllrJ¡us)Ecology: Brackish stilJ \Valers.Distribution: Coastal parts of the territory and occasionalJy near mam nvers(Ebre).Variabilily: Two subassociations have been described~ phragmitetosum isiaci Braun~Blanquet in Braun~Blanquel et al. 1952 (= ty.pículU. ;siac;c/(}sulII). Wilh Phragmires lll/stra!is subsp. cllIysallr/llIs.~ schocnoplectetosum litoralis O. Bolòs 1967. Lcclotypus: Solòs 1997. Veg.

Balears :221. rel. 2679 (Illa de Mar. Ebre delta). Found in the Ebre delta, with Scirpus/írora!is as differential.

Typhetum latifoliae Lang 1973Data: SOLOs (1983). CARRl1.LO& I~OT (1992), GESTI (2000} VIGO (1996).

Structure: Helophytic comlTIunity dominated by Typha lat/folia.Ecology: Fresh, still waters.

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Syntaxonomic conspcclu~ or \'cgctation 207

Oistribution: Known only from few localities of the 1110nlílne belt of Montsenyand Pyrenees, and from Rusei nie lowland.


Caricetum rostratae Osvald 1923rC{lric~tllm ml1rOlOf' Rübcl 1911. Caricl'1If1ll rOlrmf(H,,..f;Cllrillf' :lUCi. IData: CARRIL1.0 & NINOT (1992). VIGO (1996).

Structure: Helophitic COJ1UTIUnily, dominated by Carex rosI rata or C. \'esicaria.Ecology: Still walers, rooting in sill)' beds in Ihe banks of high monlane andsubalpine lakes.Oistribution: Pyrenees. mainly axial.

Irido pseudacori-Polygonetum serrulati O. Bolòs 1957(/ritlo-Polygc}//t'tlflll mlicifotii O. Bolòs 1%7 nom. mUI.1Lectotypus: BOLÒS 1957b. Collut. Bol. 5 :556·557. 14. rel. I. (E.~lany de l'Encanyissada. Ebre delIa:designed in BOl.Os 1996b :68).Data: BoLOs (I957b. 1967). Vl~AS (1993).

Structure: Helophylic cOl11munity dominated by Iris pse/ldacol1ls, POfygOll/l11lsaficifoliul1l, Afthaea officillalis and miler tall hygrophYles.Ecology: Edges of irrigation channels, small lakes and other water bodies.Distribution: Sparse in lowlands (Ebre della, etc.).

Soncho maritimi-Cladietum marisci (Braun-B1anquet et O. Bolòs 1958)

Cirujano 1980[TY¡¡!IU-SclIOCIIO¡¡te('lerum glallci Br.-BI ela. Balòs 1958 C/(/(!ielostlm l/I(11úci (Braun-Blanquet etO. Balbs 1958) O. Balòs 1967. Mori.m'llIm oligollotillllm Br3un·BI¡¡nquel cIO. Balòs 19581Lectotypus: BR,\UN-BLANQUET & BOLÒS 1958. All. Esl. E.\'I'. I\ula Dei. 5 :83. l¡¡ble 15. rel. 2(Chipl'3na pand. 140 11l. C3spe. Sicaric lerr.: dcsigned in C1RUJ,\NO 1980).Data: BOLÒS (1967). BOLÒS & MASt\LLES (1983). BRt\UN-BLANOUET & BOLÒS (1958). CO~'ESA

(1991 ,).

Structure: Dense, fresh water helophytic vegetation. dOlllinated by Cladilflllmarisclfs and containing some slightly halophylous taxa (as Oenall/he lache1lalii

or SOllcfws maritillllfs subsp. lIIaritillllls.)Ecology: Transitional community belween Pllragmitioll and Magnocaricioll.

Fresh water rieh in calcium.Distribution: Sparse in lowlands, along low courses of rivers (Ebre. Segre) andin lhe edges of Banyoles lake.

Cypero~Caricetum otrubae R. Tüxen ex R. Tüxen el Oberdorfer 1958Data: BoLOs (1959.1%2.1967). BOLOs & MASALLES (1983). FARRAs & VEl.ASCO (1994). GESTI(2000)

Structure: Hemicryptophytie community dominaled by large C)1Jeraceae (Care.\­

O1rubae, C. riparia, Cyperlls fongus subsp. badius)Ecology: Wet soils, occasionally dry. lt surrounds Phragmitioll communilies

eXlernally.Oistribution: Occasional in mild lowlands (Llobregat delia, Banyoles, Empordà)

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208 J.M. NINOT el al.

Variabilily: Twa subassociarions have becn described- typicum, which corresponds to the community described above.- euphorbictosum pubcscentis O. Bolòs 1962. HololYpus: BotOs 1961. Puis.l'eg.

borcelmlh. (::Ib. 34 (Llobregat delHI: lhe only rclcvé). Known only from the delta orLlobregat, and differenciated by (he presence or Euphorbia pllbescells.

Cladio-Caricetum hispidae O. Bolòs 1967

Lectolypus: Botós 1967. Mem. R. Acad. Ciell. Art. 8arcdollo. 38(1), 1.17. rel. 3 (Santes Creus. 220m. e Catalanidic lerr.: designcd in Botós 1996b :67).

Data: Botós (1967). BOLOS & MASAlJ..ES (1983). C01\ESA (19913. 1991b). MOLERa (1976).

Structure: Tall (1.2-1.5 111), hemicryplOphylic associalion dominated by Carexhíspida or CltUlill1ll mariscl/s, aod Wilh llil/CifS sublJodll!OSUS, A!r!wea officilla!is,Lycopus ellropael/S and Iris psel/dacol1ls.Ecology: Riversides nooded with calcareous water.Distribution: Sparselly occurring from Catalanidic range (Banyoles) lO Ebreriver, in lowlands.


Caricetum davallianae Dutoit 1924[Pillgllicl/fo grolldif1orm'.Carict'1II111 darl/llimlt/e (Braun-Blanquet 1948) Gruber 1978 p.p.]Data: BRAUN·BlANQllET (1948). CARRERA'> (1993). CARRERA'> et a/. (1993. 1996). CARRILLD & NINOT(1992). CASANOVAS (1994.1996). Rx...CH & FARRÀS (1979). GRUBER (1978). ROSELL (1978). VM'DENBERGHEN & ?EETERS (1982). VIGO (1996).

Structure: Low sedge fen generally dominated by Carex daval/ial/a, with a highbryophyte cover.Ecology: Soils waterlogged with basie to neutroacidic, carbonated waters; theground water level standing near the surface almost throughout the year.Distribution: Axial Pyrences in the subalpine bell (rare in the montane or alpinebells).Variabilily: Three subassocialiolls are recognized.- primuletosum integrifoliae Braun-Blanquet 1948. LeclolYpus: BRAUN Bt..A.'J·

QUET 1948. Vig. u/p. P.I'r. O/·iell/ .. lab. 15. rel. 13 (Eina vallcy. 2210 m. E Pyrenees; designed here).

Pyrenean vicariant of Caricerul1l dal'a!!iallae tyP;CUI1I described from the Alps.- molinietosum caeruleae Casanovas 1996. Holotypus: CAsANoVAS 1996. Fol. Bot.

Mi.fc.. 10 :192. 1.2. rel. I (Pla del Call1aràs. 1620 m. E pre-Pyrenees). It grows on drier soilsthan the typical subassociation and is differentiated by Mo!i/lia coem/ea andSuccisa prarellSis.- caricetosum nigrae Casanovas 1996. Holotypus: CASANOVAS 1996. Fol. Bol. Misc.. 10

:192. 1.2. rel. 18 (Forou dels Aigu311uts. 1930 m. Benasc. C Pyrenees). Carex nigra is abundantin this community, which represents a transitional situation to Caricioll [I/scae.

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Carici-Pinguiculetum grandiflorae Braun-B lanquet 19....8IPillglliclI!u-Ctlricew/II IImbl'o.ftle Braun-Bl:tnqucl 19-18 llom. mul. Vil.!o 1996. IJingl/icl/losrwulijlomt'.Ctl,.¡cell/m d(/l"(¡Uiwlllt' (Braull~BI:lnqucl) Gruber 1978 p.p.1 -lectotypus: BRAUN-BL\:-;QUET 19-48. Vig. llll" P\"r. nrie/ll .. tab. 15. rel. '2 (Núria. 2150 111. Ribesvalley. E Pyrcnccs: dcsigned herc). .Data: BRAUN-BLA."':QUI:."T (19-18). CARRER}\S el (11.(1993). CASA."':O\:-\S (199-4.1996). GRUBER (1978).Vloo(1996).

Structure: Discontinous turf fOrlnation dominaled by Carex frigid{/ or C.IIil/brasa. Ping/licula gmJldij10m and other fen species nl;Jy also be abundant.Ecology: Rocky surfaces \Vhere carbollaled, neulro-basic \Valers l'Ull supcrficially.Distribution: Only in (he Pyrcnees, panicularly in the subalpine bell.Comment: This associarion might also be included in !he alliance Cariciollbicolori-arrofusClle.Variabilily: Two subassociations have been described.- typicum. Described above.- caricetosum pscudotristis Casanovas 1996. HolotypUS:CASANOVAS 1996. Fill. Bn!.

Misc. 10 :1%.1.32. rel. 15 (J:lç:l de la lIebrada_ 2190 1Il. Ribes ,'alie)'. E. Pyrcnees). Found ontemporarily dry soils, \Vhere Carex selllpel1'irem subsp. pSel/dOlristis replacesCarexfrigida.

Carici paniculatac-Eriophoretum latifolii O. Bolòs el Vives in O.Bolós 1956lectotypus: BOLÒS 1956. ClJlh·cl. BOI. 5(1) :219. lab. 22. rel. I (Ta~a. 1400 111. Ribes \p:llley. EPyrenees: designcd here).Data: Bot..òs (1956). CARRER,\S (1993). CARRER,\S el lli. (1996). CARRILlJ) & Nl¡.;or (1992). Ct\S,\l'lOVAS(1994, VIGO( 1996).

Structure: Tall sedge fen dominaled by Cafex paflicula/(l nnd Eriophollll11l{/fi/olillm. Sorne species related to Mo/illioll grow frequently in Ihis cornmunity.Ecology: Damp soils Oooded with neutrophilous. carboné1led \Vaters, in Ihetransition zonc between marshcs and pastures.Distribution: Monlane and subalpine belts along the Pyrenees (including Ihe l're·Pyrenean ranges).

Swertio perennis-Caricetum nigrae Vigo 1984Holotypus: VlGQ 1984. Collut. Bot. 15 :484. rel. 3 (Coma de Vaca. 2300 nl. Ripollès. E Pyrenees).Data: CARRERA'> et llI. ( 1996). CASA."':Q\j\S (199-4). VlGQ ( 1984. 1996).

Structure: Dense sedge fomation relaled to acidophilous mires. The dominantspecies is Cm-ex "¡gra but a number of calcicolous taxa is also found.Ecology: It grows preferentially in small ridges. surrounded by carbonmed

walers.Distribution: Pyrcnees, in the subalpine and alpine belts.


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210 J.M. NINOT el al.

Caricetum fuscac Braun-Blanquel 1915(C{/ric~/II1Il lI¡grat! 3UCI.)

Data: BAlLESlEROS ~I al.(I983). BRAlfN·BLAI\QUET (1948). CARRERA'i (1993), CARRILlD & NI~OT

(1992). CASAl"OVAS (1992. I996). FoLCH & FARR,\s (1979). GRUBER (1978). SoRIA''O (1992). VASOENBERGlIEN& ~ETERS( 1982). VIGO (1996). VI~AS (1993).

Structure: Fens dominated by sedges. (he most caracteriSlic species being Carexechillara, mixed with C. ,,¡gra, C. fiava var. alpina or llll/CIIS fili/armis, andsometimes \Virh peat mosses.Ecology: Marshes on poals and stream banks. Non-carbonated \Valers.Distribution: Pyrenees (also pre-Pyrenees), usually common in (he 5ubalpinebelLVariabilily: Four subassocialions have been recognized.- typicum. Sedge formation generally devoid or mosses.- sphag~ctosum Casanovas 1992. Holotypus: CAsANOVAS 1992. Ac/. Simp. 1111. Bot. P.

Folli i Quer 2 ;24-t rd. 5 (Plans de Boavi, 1460 m. CardÓs \'alle)'. C Pyrenecs). Similar to lhetypical subassocialion bUI il shows a couch of peat mosses (Sphagllul11 spp.)among the sedges.- caricctosum curtac Casanovas 1996. HololYpus: CASANOVAS 1996. Fol. 801. Mise. 10;198. lab. 5. rel. 3 (Pla de Boet. 1900 m. Ferrer3. valley. C Pyrences). This communitycolonises lhe shores of pools and (he banks of slow-flowing s(reems; it needspennanently flooded soils wilh nowing waters. Caret cI/l'ta and otherhydrophilous species act as differentials.- molinictosum caeruleae Casanovas 1996. Hololypus: CASANQVAS 1996, Fol. BOI.

Mi.fe. 10 :200, 1.6. rel. 4 (Bosc de Barres. 1680 m. Capcir. E P)'renees). Growing in soils sub­miued to water table oscilIations, which favour the presence of species such asMo/inia caem/etl, Gellisra allgfica and some moderately hydrophilous peatmosses.

Narthecio-Trichophorctum cacspitosi Braun-Blanquet 1948IN{//"/{¡ecio-Sci']JI!llfm caespilosi nom. mul.. PediCII!l¡rielo mixtae·Narlhecielllm Vanden Berghcn elPectcrs 1982. PediClllal'ielO müwe-Scirpetllm caespitosi Vanden Berghen el Peelcrs 1982JLeclotypuS: BRAUN·BLANQUET 1948, \fig. alp. Pyr. m'¡elll.. lab. 17. rel. 1(Madres range. 1940 m. EPyrenccs: dcsigncd here).Data: BAl...LESlEROS el al. (1983~ 8oL.òs (1957a). CANALfs et (Il. (1984~ CARRER~ ~I (Il. (1993).CARRIUD & NU":OT {1992~ CASA,""OVAS (1992. 1996). GRUBER (1978). VM'DEN BERGfEN & PEETERS( 1982~

Structure: Sedge formations dominated by Scirpus caespitosus. The presence ofsome mire species such as Drosem rOIlU/di/olia is a frequem fealure of the com·munity, but Caricera/iajuscae character·laxa (Carex echi"ata, C. lIigra, Vio/a pa­/ustris) always shaw greater diversity and abundance.Ecology: Marshes along stream banks. Oligotrophic walers.Distribution: Axial Pyrenees, from Ihe high montane bell to the low alpine bell.Com ment: Some aUlhors include this associalion within Ihe Oxycocco­Sphaglletea class, which renects its structural and ecological features rather lhanils actual species composition.Variabilily: l'hree subassociations.

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Syntnxonomic conspectus or vegclfllion 211

- typicum. The only one with abundant Nanheci/ll/l ossi/ragI/III. and cOl1lainingcertain hygrophilous bog mosses (Sphaglllllll sl/bl/frens and S. (ll/ricf/falllm)which act as differentials.- tofieldietosum calyculatae Ballesteros. Saulics. Canalís et Sebastià exNinot et al., subass. nova [Tojiddio-Sci"p"IUII1 (.·aI.'JpilO.\·i Bal1csleros et al. 1983. llom. inval.l.HololYpUS: BALLESTERQS el al. 1983. Col/et'/. Bol. 14 :69. lab. 3. rel. S (Val de Molières. 1620111. CPyrcnecs: dcsigncd hcrc). COlTImunity cOlltaining some calcicolous species. ~U1d

rarely showing NartheciwlI ossi/ragI/III.- primuletosum integrifoliae Gruber ex Ninot et al.. subass. llova [Priml/lo.

Sci/pelfoll caespilosi Gruber 1978. nom. im'al.l. Holotypus: BALLESTEROS et al. 1983. Collt'cl. Bol.

14 :67.lab. 2. rel. 4 (Val de Moliêrcs. 2450 111. C Pyrenees: dcsigned herc). Less hygrophilousthan the t\Vo communities described above, it is frequem at higher altitudes.Differentials are JUlJcerea rrifidi character·taxa and cerlain mosses such as Sphag­

////J'II capilli/oli/lIIl and S. compactulII.

Sphagno subnitentis-Ericetum tetralicis Ballesteros, Baulies, Canalís etSebastià in Ninot et al., ass. nova(Ericetllm letralicis auct. cal.. non E,.iccfum tetralicis Tüxcn 1937: Splwgllo .wb"il.'IIIÜ-E,.icelflmlelralicis Ballestcros et al. 1983. nom. inval.)Holotypus: BALLESTEROS et (Il. 1983. Col/el·l. Bol. 14 :75. rcl 3 (Val dc Molièrcs. 1650 111. ePyrcnees). Data: BALLESTEROS el (lr. (1983). BOI.ÓS (1957a).Structure: Dwarf heathbog dominated by E,.ica retmtix. Some Callul/o- UlicewliacharaCleristic-species arc frequenl and Sphagllul/I subJli/ells is always abundant.Ecology: Raised bogs sUITounded by flushes. Rainwater dependent, sometilllesthey dry out superficially.Distribution: Axial Pyrenees, only in the high mOlHane bell or the NogueraRibagorçana valley.Comment: Closed to Cal/ul/o-SphaglletulII subnirelltis Casanovas 1992, il iswell defined by the occurrence or Erica tetralix. Although some authors includeSphagllo-E,.icetllll1 in O_\)ICOcco-Sphaglletea, \Ve l'refer to maintnin it inSc!lellc¡'zerio-Caricerea!lIscae, as most oflhe exclusive mire species do llot reachthe Pyrenees.

Calluno vulgaris-Sphagnetum subnitentis Casanovas 1992Holotypus: CASANOVAS 1992. Ac/. Sill1p. Itri. Bo/. P. Folli i Quer 2 :246. rel. 7 (Eslany del Viver.2140 m. Ics Bulloses. E. Pyrcnees).Data: CASANOVAS (1992. 1994). VANDEN BERGHEN & PEETERS (1982. sub SphagwlI/I capillljolifllll andPiwlJ wlci,WUI bog).

Structure: Hummocks dominated by Sphagllltlll su/mi/ell.'> or S. capillijolillll1.The community a1so includes other mosses such as Po!ytriclwlI/ srriCf/1II1 andspecies typical of mires and wel hearhs (CallllllO-Ulicetea character-species).Ecology: Mires with raised peat (bull1ps). with non-carbonated, slrongly acidic\Vaters, the pH values ranging from 3.2 to 5.7.Distr¡bution: Subalpine and alpine belts, only well represented in the centralPyrenees bu! also found in the easlern Pyrenees (Capcir).

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212 J.M.NINOTetal.

Comment: Similar to atlamic bogs bUI without true O,\}'cocco-Spftagllereachuracter-taxa.

ISOETO-NANOJUNCETEA Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen ex Westhoff et al. 1946[/soelO-Nallojullcerea Braun-Blanquet el Tüxen 1943]ISOETETALlA Braun-Blanquet 1936JSOETION Braun-Blanquet 1936

¡soetetum delilei Braun-Blanquet (1931) 1935[/soetelllm seU/c,.; nom. mul.)

Structure: Community comprising geophythes and therophytes, dominated byIsoetes delilei.Ecology: Shallow pools, dry in summer, on siliceous substrata.Distribution: Found in the nOl1h-eastern part or Ihe territory, In lowlands,ahhough no relevés have been reported.

lsoetetum duriei Braun-Blanquet (1931) 1935IAss. à Iso/es aur;ae; Ci J"IICIIS ClIpita/lls Braun-Blanquct 19311Dala: BAu.ESTEROS (198-l). A. BOI..òs (1950). BOLÒS (1959.1967). FRAI'QUESA (1995). GESTI (2000).

Structure: Community composed mainly of geophytes and therophytes, andoften comprising bryophytes (mosses, AlII!loceros). 11 can be dominated bydifferent taxa, mainly Isoetes duriei, LolllJ cOllimb,.icellsis or Lyrhrul1l thymi­folia.Ecology: Flooded or wet places al most throughoul the year, or at least inspring, bUI dry in summe!". It develops within the aUlumn-spring period. Streambanks. small cOllcavities in Cisrioll scrubs. Siliceolls subslrata, in oligotrophic,acidic (or neutral) soils.Distribution: Mediterranean, maritime c¡¡mates. North-eastern part of the studyarea (Ruscinic and nonh Calalanidic terrilories), in lowlands.

NANOCYPERlON Koch ex Libbert 1932[Nallocyperioll Koch 1926]

Stellario uliginosae-Scirpetum setacei (Koch 1926) Libbert 1932[incl. Junco bllfollii-l.wlepi(letum se/{¡CI!{/e O. Bolòs CI Masalles in O. Bolòs 1979; HoloIYPUS: BOLòs1979. PIr,l'tocoellOfogia 6 :203 {Sont Morlí Sacalm. 800 111. Olositonic tcrr.: the only rclcvé)J.Data: BOlòs (1979. 1983). BOlòs & MASALl.ES (1983), C,\RRER/\S (1993). CARRILLO & NINOT (1992).FRANQUESA (1995). SORI/\NO (1992). VIGO (1996).

Structure: Nanotherophytic cOll1ll1unity with Scíl]JIlS setaceus as the dominantplant.Ecology: Places Oooded in spring and summer, oflen in shadow; mainly onsiliceous substrata, in acidic soils. It grows near 10 slreams and springs, and inpath edges. and develops in summer or autumn.

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SYllIaxonomic conspeclUs or vegcla¡ion 213

Distribution: Pyrenees and 01ositanic. Ruscinic and nonll Cal:llanidic tcrriroriesfrorn lo\Vlands to the monlane bell. It covers very small surfaces.Comment: Fragmentary communities. fonned mainly by lll/ICIIS bujol/ilis. arcvcry common.

C)'peretum navescentis Koch ex Aichinger 1933[CY1)/"I"ellfm j1m·e.f(·elllis Koch 1926]Data: BALLESTEROS (198'¡). BOLÒS (1956). BOLÒS & ~·I,\SALu:.s (1983). VIGO (1968. (996). VI:'"r\S(1993). VIVES (196'¡).

Structure: Nanotherophytic commllnity \Vhich forms smal1 patches. dominatcdby Cyper/ls jI/SCl/S or Cypel1ls fl{/l'escells, containing othel' therophytes and. ingeneral, several plants from higher synlaxa.Ecology: Seasonally non-flooded places. on diverse substrata. a¡\Vays in clay.non-acidic soils. It develops mainly in summer (and in autumn).Distribution: Submontane belt of the Pyrenees and lo\Vlands in ¡he north-easternpart of the arca (Ruscinic. Olositanic and north Cat:llanidic territcrics).

Gnaphalio uliginosi-Peplidetum portulae O. Bolòs 1979Holotypus: BOLòs 1979. PI'ylocoell%gi(l6 :203. lab. I. rel. 3 (Sanla Fe del ~lonl!>cn). 1110 m. Nüllalanidic range).Data: BOLOS (1979. 1983).

Structure: Community composed mainly of small therophytes and contallllngPlall/ago major subsp. illlerllledia.Ecology: Places nooded for a large part of the year, but dry in summer. Granitic.sandy soils. Main development in summer and autumn.Distribution: North Catalanidic territory (in the Montseny massif) in lhe

montane bell.

Hyperico tomentosi.C)'peretum fi avidi Molera 1984Holotypus: MOLERO 1984.81111/. ¡1I.ft. Cm(l/. Hisl. Nm. 51 :1.¡7. lab. .¡. rel. I (Cabassers. 310 111. CCalalanidic range).Data: MOLERO (1984). ROVIRA (1986).

Structure: Therophytic community \Vith f-1ypericlIl1I IlIImijl/slIlII and Cyperus

flavidus as main species.Ecology: Near to strearns and springs. small concavities. nooded in spring.CaJcareous or schistaceous substrata, in silty-sandy soils. Development in

summer and in autumn .Distribution: Central and south Catalanidic territories. in lowlands.

Ranunculo paludosi-Lythretum portulac Molero et Pujadas In Molera

1984Holotypus: MOLERO 1984. Butf/. fnst. C(l/(lf. Hisl. Nat. 51 :144. lab. 2. rcl. 2 (prade~. 840 111. SCalalanidic range).Data: MOLERO (1984).

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214 J.M. IINDT er ol.

Structure: Therophytic communilY cOnlammg Lyr/mmr portula, Lyrllru11l

!lyssopifolill and several species characteristic or higher syntaxa. Twa variants are

described.Ecology: Small concavilies and ravines, nooded in winler and spring.Schistaceous or sandsLOne substrata, in sandy, acidic soils. Development inspn ng-summe!".Distribution: Central Catalanidic lerritory (Prades ll1ountains).

Juncus capitatus cOll1lllunilyData: VIGO (1996).Struclure: Mainly lhcrophylic comnlunity wilh l/IIICIIS capitallls as dominant spccies.Ecology: Small depressions in granitic rocks. whcrc (he rain-water cOllcclS.Distribut;on: East Pyrcnccs (Vall de Ribes), in the monlanc bell.

LYTHRION TRIBRACTEATI Rivas Goday el Rivas Martínez ex Rivas Goday1970

Isolepido-L}'thretum castellani Rivas Goday 1970 kickxietosum inte­grifoliae Molero 1984Holotypus: MOLERO 1984. Bllt/l. ¡IISt. CII/(l/' Hisl. N(lI. 51 :146.lab. 3. rel. 2 (La Palma d·Ebre. 340m. C Calalanidic rangc).Data: MOLERO (I 976. 1984). ROVIRA (1986).

Structure: Nanolherophytic communities conlaining Lyrlzrum tribractea1U11l (andL. caslilille) as well <!s some nitrophilous plants.Ecology: Seasonally nooded places, in eutrophic, silty-c1ay soils, under quitecontinental c1imates. Field borders, wastelands. It develops mainly in late springand in summer (occ<\sionally in autllmn).Distribution: South Calalanidic territory, in lowlands, always covering small ormedium-sized surfaces.


Cynosuro cristati·Trifolietum repentis O. Bolòs (1967) 1983ICy"osllrelllfll pradell.fe O. Bolòs 1%7. nom. iIIeg.; CYIIOSlIrelllm calUlOImicllm Vigo 1968. nom.illeg.]Holotypus: BoLòs 1967. Mem. R. ACCld. Ci. ArI. B"re. 724 :48 (Prades. 950 m. C Calalanidic range).

Data: BaLOs (1%7. 1983). CARRERAS (1993). CARRERAS el "I. (1993. 1996). CARRILLO & NINOT(1992). fRANQUESA (1995). MOl.ERO (1976). MOLERa & VIGO (1981). SORIA¡'':O (1992). VICiO (1968.1996). VILLEGAS (1993).

Structure: Meadows \Vith moderate to low species richness, fonned fromvarying proportions or grasses (Lohlllll perenne, PhfeulIl prolel/Se subsp. beno­/ollii, CynOSl/rtlS crislalllS, etc.) and mher herbaceous plants, mainly legumes(Trifoliu11I repelis, T. protef/se, etc.); a number of trampling resistant plants (e.g.P/amago major) are also frequem.

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Syntaxonomic conspectus or ve2clation 215

Ecology: Flat to gemly sloping ground. on soils that rell1ain 1l10ist in SUll1l11er.irrigated in places. The community is dependent on intensive grazing and. insome places. on 1110wing.Distribution: Mol1lane and submontane belts. in the weuer areas of the Pyrenees.pre-Pyrenees and Calalanidic mountains.

Carici ornithopodac-Agroslidetum capillaris Villegas 1997Holotypus: VILLEGAS 1997, BlI/ll./m/. Cm. His/. Nm. 65 :33-35. rel. I (ncar Vidrà. 1320111. E prc­Pyrcnccs).Data: VILLEGA'i (1997).

Structure: Fernshaws formed by a tall. dense layer of Preridi/ll/l aquilillll/11 and aspecies-rich. ground layer including Agrostis capillaris. Carex omithopoda.CY1l0Sl/rus cristatlls. Tnfolil/l1l repeliS, PotelltiJfa erecra and Ga/iul1I l'er/ml.

Ecology: Gemle. north-facing slopes. growing on slightly acidic soils. lInderirregular grazing regime and without fertilization.Distribution: In lhe 1110ntane bell of lhe eastern pre-Pyrenees (Puigsacall11).


Gaudinio fragilis-Arrhenatheretum elatioris Braun-Blanquet 1931Data: BoLòs (1959. 1983). GESTI (2000). WATT & VlI.AR (1998). ZELLER (1958).

Structure: Diverse Ilay l11eadow mainly forl11ed by tall grasses and forbs (Ho/cu....Itmaws, Dacly/is glolllerala, Rall//Ilcu/us aeris, Rumex acerosa. L.l'chnis J1os­clicl/li. etc.) and Illedium·sized herbaceous plants (e.g. Tri[o/iul11 pralel1Se,Alllhoxalll/wm oe/oratl/m, Tarw:aclIIlI gr. officílla/e. etc.). calle/inia [ragi/is andother low a1tilude, Illaritime species arc the main differentials ofthis associalion.Ecology: Flat or genl\y sloping surfaces, on deep. fertde soils which remainInoist in sum mer. normally due to irrigalion. Regular fertilization and mowingare a1so required.Distribution: Lowlands and submonlane bell, in the wet mediterranean arcas ofRuscinic and nol1h Catalanidic terrilories.Variabilily: Four subassocialions are known in Catalonia, all of which arc foundin the nOr1h·eastern. wet areas._ geranietosum dissecti O. Bolòs 1959. LeCIOIYpUS: BOl.ÒS 1959. Ar.r. Su. Cièll. 26:84-86. rel. 2 (Santa Coloma de Farners. 90 m. N Calalanidic terr.: designed in BoLOs 1997 :213).

lncluding A/opecllrus myosllroides. Geranill/II disseclIIm and other differenlials._ brometosum erecti O. Bolòs 1983. Holotypus: BOLOS 1983. Veg. !If(mlsmy:130-131

(Arbúcies. 310 m. N Calalanidic range). Found on ralher dry soils. conlains differentialswhich include Broml/S erecrllS (frequently lhe dominant species). L/lZl/fa

campeslris and B,.iza media._ arrhenatheretosum O. Bolòs 1983. HololypuS: SOlOS 1983. Vcg. MOII/.fcny :131

(Arbtlcics. 320 m, N Calalanidic rangc). Found on medium l110ist soils. it is frequent1ydominaled by ArrheJl(l/herulll e/atif/s.

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216 J.M. NINOT et ol.

- holcetosul11 lanati O. Balòs 1983. Holotypus: BOL.òs 1983. Veg. MOli/sc"." :131

(Arblícics. 320 rn. N Calalanidic range). Typical Or wel, lemporarily flooded substrata,includes hygrophytes such as Eleocharis pa/llsrris, Eqllisellfl/l al1 le1lSe and Cafex


Tragopogono-Lolietu 111 muItiflori P. Montserrat 1957Leclolypus: MONTSERRAT 1957. P. /1151. Biol. Api. 25 :2()..¡-205.lab 2. rel. 12 (La Seu d'Urgell. 720rn. e Pyrcnecs: dcsigncd herc).Oata: MONTSERR,\r (1957), CARRERAS (1993).

Structure: Mcado\Vs dominated by grasses (Lolilllll IIIII!fij701"ll1ll. ArrJ¡ellllfherum

e/arilis, Alopecul'lls pm/elISis, etc.) and \Vith a moderate contents of legumes (e.g.Tnjolilll11 pralel1Se and T. repelis) and oLher herb<lceous plants.

Ecology: A community subject to irrigation, fertilization (mainly by dung) andintensive.mowing from spring 10 au[umn. It grows on nat nuvial terraces or ongentle colluvi.,.Distribution: h has been idenrifïed only in the central-eastem Pyrenees. in thesubmonrane bell or Alt Urgell area, under a quite severe continental c1imate.

Ophioglosso-Arrhcnathcretum elatioris P. Montserrat 1957Lectotypus: MONTSERRAT 1957. P. lusl. Biol. ApI. 25 :206-207.lab. 3. rel. 38 (Anserall near La Seud' Urgell. 760 rn. C Pyrenees: designed herc).Data: M()'o;TSERRAT (1957~ CARRERM: (1993~ ~IANO( 1992).

Structure: Diverse hay meadows dominated by several common grasses(Arr!te"arhemlll elmil/s, Trisetll11¡ fial/escel/s, Feslllca pratel/sis. etc.). Otherherbaceous plunts occur in varying abundaces; lhese indude Ra/llll1cull/s aeris,Pimpi/lella major, Trijolil/111 prarellse. LoII/S comicularus and Picris hiemcioides.Among them. OpJ¡ioglosSlflll vulgarl/ili, Crepis biellllis and Galillf11 1I101ll/gosubsp. ereCfIIlII can be considered characteristic species of lhe associatien.Ecology: Gentle slepes. 011 colluvial soils which are fer1ilized and watered.These meadows are mowed once or twice a year. and frequemly are subjecred toautumn grazing.Distribution: In the submontane (and montane) belt of cemral·eastem Pyrenees(Alt Urgell, Pallars Sobirà, CIC.).

Variabilily: According 10 MONTSERRAT (1957), two subassociations may bedistinguished. The wel1 managed meadows. free or grazing, on rich, mild soils,would cOlTespond to subassociation typiculll; whereas on irregularly irrigatedslopes. a transirien cOllllllunily to Brolllio/l including differentials such as Ra­lIImc/llus bltlbosl/s and Salvia pratelfSis would constitute a subassociation ofCarum etll"i and BeUis peremlis.

I\lal,'o moschatae·Arrhenatherctum e1atioris Tüxcn et Obcrdorfer 1958Oata: SOLOS (1957<1. sub com. of Narcissus l'oCf;ClfS <lnd Hemetelllll UfOSIllIl).Slructure: Dcnsc hay mcadows formed by t\rr!,elwfhenlll/ dCl/ius. FeS/IIClI gro rubm. SlJIIgui.wr/){/millor. Cell lliurea lIigl"ll, Herac1f'lIfII sl'''ol1dytilllll ssp. gr(l-IICl/CI!.ff'. fl.1a/l·(I lIIosc1ll/llI. CiC.

Ecology: Lo\\'. gelllle slopcs. on acid soils fertilized wilh dung.Dislribution: Amil valley. in lhe subrnonlallc bell.

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Synlélxonomic conspec\tls or \,cgclation 217

Comment: Onl)' Olle rclcvé is known :lS hnving ocell c1assified undc!" l!lis assucialion. ¡"lore dala:lrc llccded lO :lssess Ihe prcsencc or lhis synlnxon in lhc are;l.

Galio-Arrhenathcretum Rivas Goday el BOIja 1961 anthoxanthc(osumodorati (O. Bolós 1967) O. Bolós. nom. nov.(Galio·!lIT!ll'lwl!terl'llllll gudtlriculll Rivns Godny el BOlja 1961. llom. illeg.: Sllbass. (,hleo­f/1I/!JoXaIl1IWlo.wm Bolòs 1967. nom. ¡lIeg.)Lectotypus: BOLòs 1967. Mem. R. Acad. C. /3l11"('. :47-48. Lab. 19. rel. 1 (POI1S de T0l1asa. 1250 111. SCalalanidic rangc: dcsigncd in BOl.ÒS 1997 :212).Data: BOLÒS (1967).

Structure: Sl1lal\ stands of l1leadow fonned by Arrhenarhel1f1ll e/arilis. Poa PIU­

fellSis, AlIlh!"Íscl/s sy/vesrris, Lathyms "inH/lls. Brac"JPo{[;ulII SyfI'OÚCIIIII. etc.Ecology: Shaded, l1lild c\earings in the dOl1lain or the PillIlS sY/l/esrris forests.irregularly 11l0wn or grazed.Distribution: Subl1lontane and montane bells. in the mi Idest areas ol' southCmalanidic 1110untains.

Odontido serotinae·Trifolietum pratensis O. Bolòs et Masalles 1983Holotypus: BoLÒS & M,\SALLES 1983. Malm I·Cg. 8cmyo/i'.\· :97 (El Sallent dc SanIa Pau. .¡ 10 1Il.

0losil:lllic lerr.).Data: BOLÒS & MASALU:S (1983). Vl.I'JAS (1993).

Structure: Herbaceous stands for1lled by 1l1esophilous he1l1icryptophytcs. such asrrifoliulII prafel/se. Arr1Jel1at1Jel'llll1 e/arilis. LarhYllIs pmtel/sis. Dacty/is g/ome­rara. Agrosris capillaris and Leucal/r1Jer.11II l'II/gare.

Ecology: It covers reduced sUlfaces under low exploitation pressure (ocasionalgrazing or 1l10wing), within far1l1ed areas; on decp, 1l1oist. rende soils.Distribution: Olositanic territory, at low altitudes.Variabilily: It is diversitïed into t\Vo subassocialions.- trifolietosum pratensis (= IJpicum). growing in abandoncd fiels with c1ay,dense soil. which indudes differentials as Odol1fides l'ema subsp. seratilla .mdAgrostis srofolli/era.- arrhenatheretosum elatioris O. Bolòs et Masallcs 1983. HololYpus: BOLÒS&MAS;\LLES 1983. Mapa lleg. Ball.wll'J :97·98 (El Sallenl dc Sanla Pau. 380 111. Olosilanic lerr.). It isfound at the edge of fiels or pastures, on moisl soils. and is dominated byArr1JeIlOl1Jent/ll eltl/ius.

Rhinantho mediterranei-Trisetetum flavescentis Vigo J 984Holotypus: VIGO 1984. Coflect. Bol. 15 :475·478. lab. 5. rel. 1 (Planoles. 1125111. Ribes vallcy. EPyrcncc~).

Data: CARRERAS el al. (1993. 1996). CARRllLü & NINOT (1992). Soriana (1992). VIGO (1984).VllLEGAS (1993). Vll\'AS (1993). VIVES (1964. sub Arrhellmherioll).

Structure: Typical, species rieh hay meadows, f0n11ed by tall grasses (sllch asArr1Jell(l/1Jerulll e/atills, Trisetll/ll j7avescells and /Jac/)'/is g/omerata). medium­sized, abundant legumes (e.g. Trifolium pratellse, Lotlls comiclI/aTus, etc.) anc!diverse forbs (TaraxaculII gr. officilla/e, Clweropliyllll/ll aurel/m, Rlii1lall1lill.~·

medilerrallel/s. Acliillea lJIillefo/ill/ll, elc.).

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218 J.M. NINOT et al.

Ecology: h develops on gentle slopes or on fluvial terraces. Soils are mainlycoarse, or colluvial or alluvial nature. and hold high fertility owing lO dungfertilization. In dner areas, moderate lO imensive irrigalion is needed in summer.Mowing is done I or 2 limes a yeal' in mosl cases, and autumn grazing iscammon elsewhere.Distribution: Submolltane and montane behs or (he Pyrenees, where il IS verygeneral in the cultivated areas.Variabilily: Three ecolagical subassociarions were described.- t)'picum, which corresponds to moisl soils. li is a well characterizedArrhellG,huioJl community with very low presence or Bromeralia taxa.- salvietosum pratensis Vigo in Ninot et al., subass. nova ISlI/I'il!tOSIIIIl

PflltCIUi.f Vigo 1984. nom. invnl.¡. Holotypus: VIGO 1984. Collecl. BOl. 15 :475-478. lab. 5. rel. 13(El Bnell. 1175 m. Ribes valley. E Pyrcnecs). A transirien to calcicoleus Bromioll pas­tures re1ated to drier siles and lime materials. It is differennated by Salvia pru­remis, 01l0hl)'c/lis supina. Calil/III l'eJ"II111 and Trifolilllll 1II01/101IUIII, and is verycommon throughout the range of the association.- trifolietosum campestris Vigo in Ninot et al.. subass. nova (/rijo!ir!loswn

C(lmpe.flr¡.f Vigo 1984. nom. in\'aJ.J. HololYPUS: VIGO 1984. Col/ecf. BOI. 15 :475-478. ¡nb. 5. rel S

(Rialb. 1150 m. Ribes v:lllcy. E Pyrcnecs). Alsa a transirian community 10 8romioll,though calcifugue, as shown by differentials such as Agrostis capil/aris, Tnfo­liuIII campesrre and Ellphrasia hirrella. It is widespread, but less common thanthe previous subassociarion.Comment: A careful l,:omparision between Rhinallrho·Triseteflllll and Ophio­glosso-Arrhe"atheretulII could lead to being considered almost the same.

Gcntiano luteac-Trisctctum f1avcsccntis Vigo 1984Holotypus: VIGO t984. Collt'(·I. BOl. 15 :463.lnb. 7. rel. 4 (nenr Pnrdines. 1350 m. Ribes \'illlcy. EPyrcnees).Data: VIGO (1984)Structure: Transitional meadow community belween A,.,.hellotheriOll and8romioll characteri7..ed by the assemblage or species or both aJJiances (Trisetullljlovescells, TnfoliulII pmrel/se, Plall1ago media. Ralllll/cull/s hlllbos/ls. etc.), aswell ns Cemïclllo lI/rea and seme eurioic plants or pastures (e.g. All1hox{lIItllllfllOdOrtlllll/l, Agrostis ('apillaris and Acilil/ea millejoliulI/).Ecology: Ojd hay meadows mainJy gra7..ed, in rich, mi1d soils.Distribution: Only known from the monlane bell of Ribes valley. ll1 Ihe eastemPyrenees.

TRI5ETO-POLYGONION BI5TORTAE Braull-Blanquel el Tüxen ex Marschall1947

Triseto navescentis·Heracleelum pyrenaici Braun-BJanquel ex O. Bolòs1957[Hemc/t'lJ- Tr;S('/('1111II aucl.; incl. AS/rllll/irl-A 1'~III1/~tlllll pubt'sCr!mis Vigo 19S4]

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Syntnxonoll1ic COllspectus or vegctnl¡on 219

Holotypus: BOLÒS 1957a. Col/ec/. B(lI. 5 :507-508 (Ospilau do.: V;dha. 1550 1l1. C Pyrcnces).Data: BOLÒS (1957a). CARRER,\S (l99J). Cr\RRERAS /'1 III. (\ 99J. (996). c,\RRILLO & Nlt\OT (1992),SORIANO ([ 992). VIGO (1984. sub AS/fml/iII-A "el/uldulI!: 1996).

Structure: Diverse hay llleadow in \vhich several 11l0untain forbs stand Dut:Heracleum spho/ldylilll/l subsp. fJyrel1aicllIIl and subsp. gral1atense, Pimpinellamajor. Crepis pyrellaica. CellTallrea lIigra. PO!ygOIlIlIll bistol'w. elc. Howcvcr. thebulk of {he cOl1lll1unity is fOlllled in most cases by general Arrhell(l(heretaliagrasses (Trisetum j7avescel1s. Daery!is g!olllerara. elc.). leglll1leS (as TnfoliulI1pralellse and Vicia eraeca) and other herbs (TamxaelllJ/ gr. officinale, CeraJlitl1l1pratellse, RhinQnf/lfls mediterrallws, etc.)Ecology: Gentle reliefs, gellerally settling on Quaternary l'orl1lations (such asalluvial terraces, morraines or olher colluvia). Exploiled for fodder through one ort\Vo mowings in summer, grazed al Ihe end ol' summer in some places; fel1ilizedby dung addition and in most cases more or less watered in summer.Distribution: Froll1 high submontane to low subalpine bells. in axial Pyrenees.Variabilily: Two subassociations are knowll.- typicum, which is especial1y well characterized in the central Pyrenees, inareas under a somewhat atlantic influence.- astrantietosum majoris Vigo 1996 lA.m(//Jlio-,\I"ellllleIUIII rJltbescell1i.~ Vigo 19841.

Holotyptls: VIGO 1984. Col/ecl. Bol. 15 :479-480. tab. 6. rd. 4 (Pardines. 1100 lli. Ribes valley. E

Pyrcnees). From the eastern Pyrenees. it is devoid of atlantic taxa 3nd shows moreabundance of some hygrophilous differenti31s (such 3S Tro!!ius europaeus .melPO!ygOI'IUIII bistorta), as there the association is reslricted 10 especially wet siles.

Alchemillo xanthochlorae- Trollictul1l europaci Vigo in Ninot ct aL, ass.novaIAlchemillo-Trolliet/lm Vigo 1979. flom. il1val.]Holotypus: VIGO 1979. Bu/II. Ins/. Cm. Hi.n Nm. 44 :81-82. rel. 2 (Taga. 18-JO ili. E Pyn::nees).Data: CARRER,\S (1993). C,\RRERAS el IIl. (1993, 1996). ROSELl.(l978). SORI,\NO (1992). VIGO (1979.1996).

Structure: Assemblage of hygrophilous, l11ediul11-sized l'orbs dominateel byTrollil/s ellropaells or Polygol/ul/1 bistorta; other noticeable taxa 3re Rall//IIeulllsacris, A/ehemil!a xallf!lOch!om. Poa Irivia/is 3nd Hypericlflll IJlac/¡faflllll.Ecology: It oecurs mainly as sl11all stands on dal11p lo nooded soils, sometimesclose to rivulets or other water courses.Distribution: Sub-alpine belt, in wel areas of the Pyrenccs.Variabilily: Two subassociations have been deseribed.- typicum, which corresponds 10 the general description oC the association.- rumicetosum amplexicaulis CalTeras. Carrillo. Masalles. Ninot et Vigoin Ninot et aJ., subass. nova ll'llmiceto.fllm IIIIIf/lexical/lis Carrcr<lS el al. 1993. nom. ;11\'31.1·

Hololypus: CARRER,\S el al. [993. Acta Bo/. Borc. 42 :2J2-2J3. [ab. 9. rd. 6 (Castanesa. 2170 111. ePyrcnees). It is a more extensive formati on of the high subalpine belt of Caslanesavalley, which inc1udes abundant RUll/ex acelOSCI sllbsp. Cllllplexica/l!is, Poa alpillCi

and CheflopodiulI/ bOllus-hellriells.

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J.M. NINOT el {Il.

Juncctum sylvalici Braun-Blanquer 1915IJIIIIC('tulll aClltij1()ri allet.: UJ/O·JIWCt'/II1II acmiflori Vigo 1968 (ICClotypus: VIGO 1968. Col/ecl. 801.7: 1179. rel.l: Ribes de Freser. 1000 m. E Pyrcnees: dcsigned hcrc)).Data:CARRERAS (1993). CARRERAS & VIGO (1987), GRUBER (1978. sub Pediclllaro.Molill;etlfm).VIGO (1968). VIÑAs(I993).

Structure: Herbaceous coml1lunity. 50·120 cm tall, wilh }¡l1lCUS aCII1if1ol1ls

dominant or, al least. abundant.Ecology: Acid, wet soils. wilh a water table at or just below the sulface formost or the year. It develops under quite atlantic climales.Distribution: Pyrenees, in the lllontane and subalpine belts, al\Vays coveringsmal1 areas.

Epilobio-Juncetul11 cffusi Oberdorfer 1957Data: CARRERAS (1993), CARRERAS & VIGO (198·1. 1987), VIGO (1996).

Structure: Tall herbaccous community with J/l/leus effusus as dominant species.It also conlains other JlIllellS laxa (J. articulatus, J. aClltij1orus, elc.) and somebroad-Ieaved plants. EpilobiuIII palustre is considered a differenlial taxon.Ecology: Il grows on siliceous substrata and in non-oligolrophic, pennanentlywel soils. and orten appears in conInct with Nardioll pastures or Ca,.icioll fuscaefens.Distribution: Pyrenees, in the montane and subalpine bells. It is found in lhePallars Sobirà, Alt Urgell and Ripollès valleys.Com ment: Deschalllpsia cespitosa and JIIIlC/IS cOllglol1leratlls cOl11munity,repol1ed by CARRILLO & NINOT (1992) from Vall de Boí. and JUIIClI.'i

cOllglol1leratus communilY from Cerdanya (SORIANa 1992) should perhaps to beincludcd in Epilobio-JIIIlCet/ll1l eJJlIsi.

Junco·Caricetum punctatac O. Bolòs 1959[C(,,.ici-j'lIIulul/l m:lIIij1o/'i O. Bolòs (1959) 1979 nOl11. in\ters.)Lectotypus: BOl.ÒS 1959. A,.x. Sec. Ciell. 16 :83. rel I (Riudarenes. 70 m. N Calalanidic terr.:designcd in BOLOS 1979 ;207).Data: BOLOS(1959. 1979. 1983).

Structure: Rush bed, generally with 1. aCIlfij1ol"lls or J. effusus as dominantlaxa. The community is pOOl'er in medioeuropean plants than lhe twocoml11unilies described above.Ecology: Acid, often oligotrophic. wel soils.Distribution: Easl Pyrenees and nortil Catalanidic territory III lowlands and insubmontane bell, where it is rare.Variabilily: Three subassociarions have been described.

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SYll\axonornic conspecIU5 or vcgclalion 221

- oenanthetoslIm pimpinelloidis O. Bolòs 1959 (= typiculII). Florislicallyvery poor, it is found in La Selva plain. i\nd cOlllains OellaJl1he pimpi-lIelloidesand Scirplls holoschoel/lIs var. al/srmlis as dilTerential plants.- juncetosum effllsi O. Bolòs 1979. HololYPUS: BOLÒS 1979. P¡'ytm:m·lH1f. 6 :206. r... l.

1(Montseny nJ¡\ssif. 1000111. C Calalanidic rangt:). C10se to Epilobio-Jullceflllll efjilsi. i¡grows in very wet soils in the MOlHseny massif and cOlllains abundant Core.\"plfJ1crara. AlIagallis fellella. Carex echill{//{¡ and Eqlliseflllll Q11'eIlSe arc considereddifferentialtaxa.- juncetosum acutinori O. Bolòs 1979. HololypllS: BOLÒS 1979. PhY/(Jc(lf!l/ol. 6 :206.

rel. 3 (Monlseny massif. 1100 m. C Cll:ll:lnidic mngc). It grows in drier soils and cOnlainsnolably llll/CIIS acu!iJ7orlls and Carex pallescells as differentialtaxa.

CALTHENION PALUSTRIS (Tüxen 1973) Balàlovà-Tulàckovà 1978

Cirsietllm rivularis Nowinski 1928 chaeroph)'lIetoslll1l hirsuti Vigo etCarreras 1984Holotypus: CARRER¡\S & VIGO (1984). Cflllecl. 801. 15 :123. lab. I. rel. 2 (Montcn:lr1ró. 1525 m. CPyrcnccs).Data: C\RRERAS (1993). C,\RRERt\S el al. (1993). C,\RRER¡\S & VIGO (1984. 1987). C,\RRILLO & NINOT(1992). SORIANO (1992).

Structure: Tall herbaceous communily (60-130 cm), mainly containing diversebroad-leaved plants and dominated by a diversity or taxa such as Cirsil/lJl rivulare.Deschampsia cespitosa, Filipel1dula llImaria. Ral1lfllCullls platalliJolills. Trollillsemropaells, Calrllll pall/Sfri.L etc. C//{lerophyflulII hirsllf/I/I/ is sometimesabundant and some shrubs, such as Salix phyliciJolia subsp. b(lJ(1ltica, can alsobe present. This subassociatioll lacks several ol' Ihe plants present in [he typicalsubassociation.Ecology: Flooded sites, edges ol' streal1lS, with a conslantly high water wble. ilis l'requem on alluvial sediments and morainic substrata.Distribution: Pyrenees, in (he Jllontane and subalpine bells. lt appears 1I1 anespecial1y paor form in the Prepyrenean ZQne.

Chaerophyllo hirsuti-RanunclIletum aconitifolii Oberdorfer 1952Data: CARRILLO & NI:'iOT (1995).

Structure: Tall herbaceous cOJlllTIunity dominaled by Crepis pallldosa. Charac­teristic laxa of the al1iance and higher units (Carex paniculata. C1Ulerophylll/lII

hirslI1t1l1l. etc.) are rather abundant.Ecology: Clearings in fil' \Voods. in peaty. very wet soils. frequenlly with water

running on the surface.Distribution: Central Pyrenees in lhe higher part or (he montane bell or a¡lantic

areas, where it is rare.

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222 J.M. NINOT el (Il.

Chaerophyllo hirsuti-Valerianetum pyrenaicae Carreras et Vigo 1984Inon C/wl'rop1lyffo ¡,¡,..fIf!i· V(lleril/nc/1I1II PYI"cllaicat! Ri\'as Maníncz Ci al. 1984 corro Izeo ct Guitian1986 llom. illc~.. non Clwerop1lyll(J cmrei- \laft!l"ia"elllm pyrem,;w(' Rivas Martínez et al. 19 "].Hololypus:CARRERAS& VIGO (1984). Colleu Bot. 15 :126. lab. 2. rel. 2 (Ribes "alley. 1400 m. EPyrcnecs,.Data: CARRERAS (1993). c,'RRERAS & VIGO (1984. 1987).

Structure: Herbaceous cOlTImunity, always dense í.lnd tall (1-2 m), generall)'dominated by Valeriana pyrellllica and certain species characterislic or upper units,such as CllClerophylllll/l "¡l'Sit/Ulli, Angelica sy/vestris or Filipem!ula llImaria.Ecology: Wet, shady places, mainly along banks of strealllS runing throughforests. Often in COnlact with Ca,.dalllillo-Moll!ioll comll1unities.Distribution: Pyrenees. in the 1l10ntane bell and mainly under oceanic clill1ales.

Dactylorhizo majalis-Caricetum paniculatae Carreras et Vigo 1984Holotypus: CARRERAS& VIGO 1984. Co/l~et. Bm. 15 :128.I:lb. 3. rel. 1 <P:lrdines. Ribes v.3l1c)'. 1600m. E Pyrcnccs).Data: CARRERAS (1993), CARRERAS et (Il. (1993). CARRERAS & VIGO (1984. 1987). CARRILLO & NINOT( 1992). SORIA;\Q (1992).

Structure: Tall graminoid cOl11l11unity dominated by Co,.ex ¡JC1I1iClf/OW, butcontaining nUl11erous broad-Ieaved taxa, characteristic of the alliance.Ecology: Marshes. diffused springs, wet places, onen with gently running waterand irregular surface relief. lt seems indiferent to substratum, but possibly needscarbonaled \Valers.Distribution: Pyrenees, in Ihe higher parI of Ihe montane bell.

FILIPENDULENION ULMARIAE (Lomheyer in Oberdorfer el al. 1967)Bal<Ítova-Tul<Íekova 1978

Ranunculo acris.Fi1ipcnduletum ulmariac Vigo 1975IC;r.{;o·Fi/i,U'IIlI"lefllJII Iflml/ril/e Romo 1983 nom. in\':ll.).Leclotypus: VIGO 1975. Alll/I. II/.fl. Bnt. A.J. Cm'. 32(2) :955. (:Ib. I. rel. 3 (P:lrdines. 975. Ribesvallcy. E p)'rcnccs; dcsigncd here).Dala: CARRERAS et al. (1993. 1996). CARR8l:AS & VIGO (1987). CARfl.ILLO & NINOT (1992). RmlO(1983). SORIANO (1992). VIGO (1975. 1996).

Structure: Tall herbaeeous community, generally dorninated by Fi/ipelldu/au/maria, Poor in allianee characlerislics, but eontaining several laxa from wetrneadows as \Vell as sorne nitrophilous and sciophilous plants.Ecology: Damp soils rieh in nitrogen and well drained. Mainly in foresl ormeadow edges and a\ong drainage channels, il is espeeially associaled with ashand ¡¡Ider forests.Distribution: Pyrenees. in the subrnontane and montane bells.Variabilily: Three subassociations have been considered.- typicum. General. growing in medium damp soils.- cupatorictosum cannabini Carri Ilo et Ninot 1992. Holotypus: CARRJLLO &

NINOT 1992...\1:,'. Sec. Ci"II. 99(2) :178. t:lb. 27. rel. 1I (Espol. 1330 m. e Pyrcnccs). Dominaledby Eupara,.¡1/1/1 CCI/lllabillfllll, it grows in very wet soils.

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Synlnxonomic conspcclus or \'cgclation 70'--.,- Iysimachictosum vulgar is Carreras et Vigo in Ninot et al.. subass. nova[lysimachiero.wm ntlga"i.t (Roma) Carreras el Vigo 1987 nom. ínval .. Cirsi(l-FilifJl'lulult'lllIIl nr. or

Ly.ti/ll(lchifll·ulgaris ROlllo 1983 nom. inva!.l. HolotYPlIs: RO~10 1983. Callect. B{Jl. l-i :545. lab. 1.

tel. 4 (Cabdella. 790 111. C Pyrenees). In damp soi]s. Severa1 hygrophilous plants. suchas Lysimachia vlIlgaris, Lyt!ll1ll11 salicaria. Epilobill/ll hirslI1l1111 and Ange/icas.l'lvesrris, are considered differentials.Comment: The relalionship betwcen this associatioll -especially thesubassoc iati on I.l's imach¡elos11111- and Lys iIlla ch io VI/Iga ris-Filipenc/II/etlllllBalatov,í-Tulackova 1978 should be considered.


Molinietum caeruleae Koch 1926Ontn: Ct\RRILLO & NINOT (1992).

Structure: Grass cOl1ll1lunity dominated by Molillia coemlea subsp. memlea.deveIoping ]ate in summe!'. In the area cOllsidered it is rather poar in charaetcristictaxa.Ecology: Wet, peaty soils, on s]ightly acid substrata.Distribution: Central Pyrenees, in the mOlltane bell.

Molinio-Caricetum lepidocarpae Baulies et Ramo in Roma 1983Holotypus: Rm.lü 1983. Col/eet. Bol. 14 :549. rel. 10 (Monlsec range. C prc-Pyrcnecs).Data: Rm.IO (1983). SORI,\Nü (1992).

Structure: Grass comll1unity wilh Carex lepidocOIpa. Carex mllirii, PClI7lClssiClpaluslris, Tofieldia calyclIlara as local characteristie taxa. Moreover. MoliniClcaerulea, Carex mairii, Carex lepidocw]JCl, ScJ¡oeJltls l1igricalls, etc. are generallyabundant.Ecology: Wet, silty-sandy and well-drained soils. rieh in ealcium. Especial1yalong slreall1 banks.Distribution: Pre-Pyrenees, in the submontane and montane belts.Variabilily: Two subassociations were described.- typicum. In permanently wet soils.- pinguiculetosurn grandiflorae Baulies el Romo in Romo 1983. HololYpUS:

ROMO 1983 :550. rel. 7 (Montsec rangc. C pre-Pyrenees). Open community dornillated bygrasses and rushes, growing in drier soils, often in small rocky shelters.Com ment: It appears to be a very local assoeiation, Ihe exact definilion orwhich needs to be cheeked.

Carici palleseentis-Molinietum Carreras et Vigo 1987[Gellti/lIlO-MoJillietum fJl'l"ellaiclIlII Vigo 1968 assoc. prov.].Holotypus: CARRERAS &'YIGO 1987."oa 7 :503, Inb. 2. rel. I (Pardines. 1650 m. Ribes valley. EPyrences).Data: CARRERAS & VIGO (1987). VIGO (1968).

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224 J.M. NINOT et al.

Structure: Herbaceous communily domínated by Molillia ment/ea subsp.OrEmt/ll/acea or, somerimes. by Dlher hygrophYles such as l/meus cOllg/omeraf/ls

or SI/cósa pmtells;s. It comains. besides plants of lhe al1iance. someacidophilous differential laxa (Corex pal/escens. Serratu!a 1;IIC101";(I, Dall1!¡o/l;adeCIIIII!Jens, elc.). Ge1lfialla /JIlellmoH(lllthe and Scor:ollera I/l/milis. ahhough veryrare, were considered telTitorial characteristics.Ecology: Wet soils \Viril a quite nllctuating water rabIe, neutral or slightly acidoDistribution: East Pyrenees in montane and subalpine bells.Comment: BALATüvA-TuLAcKüvA (1993) 5uggests (his associalien IS verysimilar to Gelllill1lO /JIleu11IOIlQllllzis-Molilliellunlil1ora!is I1ijanic 1968.

Epipactidi palustris-Molinictul11 Montserrat, Soriano et Vigo in Carreraset Vigo 1987Hololypus: CARRERAS & VIGO 1987. UI:a/'(}a 7 :506. t::lb. 3. rel. 5 (Pardines. 1250111. Ribes valley. EPyrcnces).Data: CARRERAS (1993). CARRERAS & VIGO (1987). SORIANO (1992).

Structure: Herbaceous community. generally dominaled by Molillia mentleasubsp. anmdillacea. The orchid Epipaclis paluslris can sometimes be abundant inthe nssociation. which <tlso comains several mediterranean taxa such as Cirsiwll111O/lSpes.wlmwlII. Carex mairii, etc.Ecology: Basic soils rieh in calcium, often c1ayish and poorly aerated, withnuclUating ground water level. On ll1arly or schistaceous substrata.Distribution: Pyrenees, ll1ainly in the Prepyrenean zone, in the montane bell.

Violo cornulat'-Euphorbietum h~'bern3eRomo 1986Holotypus: 1986. Col/eel. Bot. 16(2) :403-405. tab. 3. rel. 5 (Alòs d'lsil. 1620111. e Pyrcnccs).Data: Ro.\IO(1986).Struclure: Tall hcrb::lccous cOl1lll1unity dornillalcd by sc\'cr<J1 forbs (Tl'lllfills l'III'(I/){It!IIJ, ElIl'fwrbillhybel'l1a, Gellliwl{/ ///INI, Gel'lllliulI1 SY/l'lllicIIIII. etc.). Supposcd characlcrislic laX3 of associalionand alliance: EllpJwI'bill ¡'ybema. Viola amil/fa. Fes/tlCfl (lltiHimll. SilcIle (I¡oica. ChllCm¡1hyl/lIl/1hirSlI1""'. RWllII/cu/lIS (lc(mi'i/oli/u.Ecology: Edges of damp woodlands. coo1 and fairly shady places. on siliceous substrata.Distribution: Central Pyrcnces. in the monlanc and lo"'cr suhalpine bells. in the domain of Ihc firwoods.Comment: This "ery local association was the basis for lhc dcscriplion of a new al1iancc. Violin"{'Oml/llit' Romo 1986. which is a poorly charnctcrised one. induding plants of el/I,I1imt, PoIYj!OIIO'Tri.fI'titlll and. cvcn. Belll/o-A(lI'lIo.{tl'1e1t'lI. Thc 3ctu31 dcfillition of the alliancc 3nd :Issoci3tionnccds lo be Icstcd. .

AGROSTIETALlA STOLONIFERAE Oberdorfer, Th. Müller el Gors 1967DESCHAMPSION MEDIAE Braun-Blanquel (1947) in Braun-Blanquel el al.1952

Dcschampsictum mediae Braun-Blanquet 1931Data: Bolòs (1959. 1967), Romo (1989), Rosell (1978).

Structure: Light community ll1ainly fonned by Desc!lampsia media and Plal/fago marilima subsp. serpemil1a, and also including olher speciesof seasonally damp soils (e.g.. Carexflacca, Trifolillm repem and T. lappaceum)

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Synt:lxonomic cOnSpCClllS of vcgctalion

Ecology: Small concavities. SeUlill!! on dense. lemporarily l100ded soils. In

calcareous areas.Distribution: submeditcrranean areas from Celllral Cawlanidic Illoumains lOsouthern pre-Pyrenees. in lowlands and in the subl110mane bell.Variabilily: In the area considered two subassoci<ltion arc known.- holoschoenetosul11 \'ulgaris (O. Bolòs 1959) O. Bolòs. nom. nov.(dl'.fc/WlllpsiQ·JlOlosdllJl·1I1'10.ttllII O. Bolòs 1959. 110111. ¡lIeg.). Holol)PUS: 130l.ós 19S9: AI'.I". Suc.

Cièll. 26 :147·148 (Seva. 680 rn. Ausosegarric lerr.). Sparse in Ihe Cmalanidic andAusosegarric lerritories.- deschampsictosum hispanicae Roma 1989. n0111. COIT. NinOI el al. 1999[hi.ffJ(lIIiCl'IO.flIlII Romo 1989.110111. ¡lIeg.]. Holol)'pus: RO~IO 1989. Al'x. Secl'. Ci¿.,r. 90 :~S6. rel. 1

(Monlsec de Rlíbies. 860 lli. C pre·Pyrenecs). ParticlIlar to Central pre-Pyrcnecs. whereDescJ¡al1lpsia media subsp. media is replaced by subsp. hispallica.

Agrostio-Achilleetul11 agerati Bralln-Blanquet in Bmun-B lanquet el al. 1952Data: BOLÒS (1983. 1996:1.). CO:-'ESA (1991:1.).

Structure: Herbaceous cOl11munity donünaled by Acf¡iltea lIgemlllf11. ruxiconlaining olher taxa able lO colonize fine-textured soils. including Agrostis-"t%llifera. Tnfo/illmfmgifentlll and Cemauriul1I/JlI/cf¡ellum.Ecology: Small depressions. seasonally flooded. on clay. compacl. Iime-richsoils.Distribution: Soulhern pre-Pyrenees and 1l1ild. nonhern mediterr311ean 1l10Ull­tai ns. from lowlands to the submontane bell.

Plantagini serpcntinae-.Jasonictum tuberosa e (O. Bolòs) O. Bolòs et

Masalles in O. Balòs 1983[Desc!IlII11{J.ficlllIIl meditll' Braun-Bl:lIlqllC\ 19~ 1 im¡fo.p!mllagillclo.fllm S('lpclllil1f1e O. Bolòs 1959.j(l.wllio·PlalltagillcllIlII Q. Bolòs 1996]HoIot~s; BOLÒS 1959.Ar..... Suc. Cièll. 26 :148 (Tona. 6Q() 111. A llsosegarric Icrr.).Data: BOLÒS (1959. 1996a~ SCR1ANO( 1992). VIGO ( 1996~ VI~AS ( 1993).Structure: Sparse. in'egular community or llarrow~leaved species or seasonallydamp soils. mainly P/all1ago maritima subsp. .rerpell1illa and Jll.rollia tuberosa; ilalso indudes individuals of Agrostis st%nifera. Trifo/ium pratellSe and olhermeso-hygrophilous plants.Ecology: Clay. dense. lime-rich soils of depressions. flooded in winlcr and driedout in summer.Distrjbulion: Submonlane and montane bells. from castern Pyrenecs to northernCatalanidic, submediterranean areas.

Centaurio barrelieri-Jasonietum tuberosae O. Bolòs 1996Holotypus: BOLÓS 1996a. Melll. R. AClId. Ci. ,\1"/. Uarc. 930 :IS. rcl. 3 (La Llacuna. 650 m.Ausoscg:l.rric lerr.).Data: Ba..òs (1996).

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226 J.M. NINOT er al.

Structure: Very light. herbaceous cOl11l11unity fonned by sparse narrow-)eavedherbs as Jasollia wberoslI. Cental/rif/fIl quadrifo/illlll subsp. barre/ieri, Seseli

e/lltllm and Brac!lypodiul11 phoellicoides.Ecology: Smnll parehes wirhin mediterranean light scrubs or pastures, settlingon clay, campacl. ¡¡me-rieh soils which turn l'rom damp in \Vinter to very dry insum mer.Distribution: AusosegalTic terrilory. al 10\V altiludes or mediterranean sub­continental areas.


Jasonio tuhcrosae-Tussilaginctum fa .. rarac Vives 1964Lectotypus: Vivc!' 1964. Acta Cw},ol. Barc. J :147. rd. I <La Corna near Sant Llorenç. de Morunys.950 m. E pre-Pyrences: designed in BOLÒS & MASALLES 1983 :32).Data: BoL.Os (1996} BoL.òs & MAS.t\LLFS (1983). CARRERA<; el (Il. (1996). MOLERa (1976). VIVES( 1964,

Structure: Irregular, rnediurn-dense herbaceous cornrnunily fomled by dominantTussi/ago fmfam and also species Iike Agrostis stolonifera, Jasollia tuberosa orTrifoliufII prarellse.Ecology: Sloped or nat sUlfaces or c1ay, dense. bad structured soils (frequellllycolluvia) which remain damp for 1110st or the year and rather dry in summer.Distribution: In lowlands or in the submontane and 1l10ntane bells, from the pre­Pyrenees lO Central Catalanidic mountains, in ¡¡me rich areas.Variabilily: Three subassociations have been described- jasonictosum tuberosae (= typicum), which occurs in moderately dry condi­tions, in the pre-Pyrenees, and shows rather low density.- ranunculetosum repentis O. Bolòs et Masalles 1983. Holotypus: BOLÓS &

MASAu.ES 1983. M(I/HI l·eg. Btmyoles :32 (El Sallenl de Sanla Pau. 500 m. Olositanic terr.). 11

grows in moister habitats, in the pre-Pyrent:es, and correspond to densepopulations or Tussilago, which include some hygrophylous differentials (suchas Rall/lf/cul//s repelis).- poplllctosllm canadcnsis O. Bolòs 1996. Holmypus: BOLÓS 1996a. Mem R. AClId.

Ci. Art. Bare. 930 :16. rel. 1 (La Llacuna. 510 m. Ausosegarric ¡err.). Typical ofmediterranean areas. il is restricled along sma\l slream courses, under the lightshade of sparse deciduous lrees (such as Populus calladensis, P. alba andSambucus "igra).

Prunello vulgaris-Agrostictum stoloniferae O. Bolòs et Masalles 1983Holotypus: BoLòs & MASALI.ES 1983. Mt/I'0 l'eg. Banyoles :98 (El Sallent de Santa Pau. 500 11\.Olosit:lnic tcrr.).Data: Boc.òs ( 1996). BOLÒS & 1...IASAL.LES (1983). SoRIAJ,",O( 1992). VI~AS ( 1993).

Structure: AgroSli.f .flolotl/fera grasslands which include other plants typieal ofseasonally f100ded, dense soils (Iike Potenfilla replans. Trifolil/'" ¡ragifem"" T.repeliS and Rallltflculus repelis).

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5ymaxonomic conspcctU!' or \'cgclalion 217

Ecology: Small depressions on clay. seasonally flooded soils. In verges. slreamsides or olher open habit'lts. in I¡me-riell areas.Distribution: From the eJstern pre-Pyrenees to the Ausosegarrie ferritory. inlowlands or in the submontane bell.

POTENTlLLION AN5ERINAE Tüxen 1947IAgropyro-RI/III;cioll auet.]

Junco innexi-Menthctum longifoliae Lohmeyer 1953[Mt!tllllO-)IIIIUlml1 illjlt!xi. :lUCI.}

Data: CARRERAS el al. (1988. 1997). CARRIllO& NISOT (1992). /I.'IOLERO & VIGO (1981. 511b Cimo­Men/lre/IIIII. according lO VIGO 1996: 130). SORlt\SO (1992), VlllEGA5 (1993).

Structure: Herbage mainly fonned by Mel1tlw long;folia ilnd lI/fiCl/S illj7exus.also characterized by the presenee of laxa sueh as Agrostis srolofli[era. Poatrivialis, Ralll/flcu/lIs repelis or Tussi/ago ffl/fam.Ecology: It sellles on seasonJlly f1ooded, clay. dense soils. forming small standsnext lo springs or water courses. nonnally subject to canle trampling andruderalizalion.Distribution: Pyrenees. rrom Ihe upper part or the submontane bell to the basisof the subalpine bell.Comment: Me1l1ho-Ju"CellOlI is related wilh C;rs;o-Mell1hellll11 (all. Mo!ill;o­H%sc!loell;o,,) through a gradation of intermediate forms.

DactyJido glomerat::ac.Festucctum nrundinacc::ac Tüxen c.x Lohmcyer 1953

Data: VlCiO(1996).Structure: Tramp1cd grassland of D(lc/ylis gl(llllt'l"aI(I and FC,t/uca (lflIlltli,wcca.Ecology: Edgc or meado\\'s or palhs. on mOls!. dcnse soi1s.Distribution: Onl)' onc rclcvé has been Icnl:nivcly rdcrred lO: pcrhaps sparsc ili lhe sllbmonlancand mont anc bells or lhc Pyrcnccs.

Rumici crispi-Agrostietum stoloniferae Moor 1958[RoripIJO-Agrostit:1I1111 sw!cmifulIt> (~'Ioor) Obcrdorfer el MUller 19611Data: CARRERAS el al. (1988).

Structure: It corresponds to dense Rorippa sylvestris populations. which includebolh Agropyro-Rumicioll and B;(/elll;oll taxa such as Agrostis sla/oni[era, Ra­lllt1lcu/us repeliS, B;dens tr;pal1ita and Po/ygollllm persicar;a.Ecology: River beds emerging in sum mer.Distribution: Only known from eastern Pyrenees, in Ihe submonlanc bell.

Festuco-Caricetum hirtae O. Bolòs 1962Lectotypus: Bot..òs 1962. Pai.t. \·eg. bare. :Iab. 84. rel. 4 (neM Llavors.. 780 111. e Pyrenees:dcsigncd in BOLÒS 1997 :212).Data: BOLÒS (1962). CARRERAS el al. (1988. 1997). M01..ERO & VIGO (1981). VINA5 (1993).

Structure: Stands or Carex !I;rta and Festuc{/ {/I1/11dillOCea grassland, alsocointaining Ra"ucll/IIS repeliS, P01emilla reptam, Lat!lyms pratells;s, ...Ecology: Small depressions subjecI to flooding and disturbance (trampling.grazing, ruderalization). sometimes al the side of Waler courses.

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228 J.M. NINOT et al.

Distribution: From the Pyrenees to the south Catalanidic MOlJntuins, in (hesubmontane and monl<lne bells, rarely in lowlands.

HOLOSCHOENETALlA VULGARIS Braun-Blanquet (1931) 1947MOLlNIO-HOLOSCHOENION VULGAR1S Braun-Blanquet (1931) 1947

I nulo viscosae-Schoenetul11 nigricantis Braun-Blanquet 1924Data: BOLÒS (1962. 1996). BaLbs & ¡"hS,\LLES (1983). BRAUN-BLANQUET & BOl.òs (1950. slfb cornrn.or Molinin :md Sdm{'llI/s). CONESA (1991;1. 199Ib). Ll.J\,'\;SAI'1,\ (1976). MOLERO (1976). PAPIÓ er (l/.(1983). ROVIR,\ ( 1986). SORIM>'O (1992).

Structure: Fens l1winly fonned by ¡he tall grass Mo/illia caent/ea subsp. tll1//1di­1It/cea and Ihe medium-sized, rush-like ScfJoe1lllS ,¡igricalls; other l'requen! speciesare Scirplls fJoloscflOelJlIs. Cirsiul/1 lIIo/lspessula/llllll, Agrostis st%llifera andLysimac!Iia epfJemerum.Ecology: Dense, c1ay soils seasonally nooded with lime-rich water.Distribution: From Ihe pre-Pyrenees sOUlhwards, mainly in mediterrnneanmountains bUI also in lowlands and in ¡he submontane bell.Variabilily: Two subassociations have been l'ound.- sonchetosul11 aqualilis O. Bolòs 1962. HololYpus: BaLbs 1962. Pais. l'eg. barc.

I:lb. 31. rel. 2 (Corbera. -HO m. C Colol:Hlidiç lerr.). This is Ihe general communilythroughout the r..nge ol' the association. and sometimes contains SOIIc/IUSlIIarilil1/lIS subsp. aqualilis.- dorycnietosum gracilis O. Bolòs 1962. HoIOlYpUS: BoL.òs 1962. PlIis. reg. Ix/re. :

I:lb. 31. reL I (llobrcg:ll dell:l). A sIighlly halophilous communilY differenced byDOI)'Cniul1/ pellfapfJylllllll subsp. graci/e and Ullil/li lIIari/illll/lII. occasional1yl'ound in both maritime ..nd inland arens.

Holoschoenetum vulgaris Braun-Blanquet in Braun·Blanquel el al. 1952ICi,.úo mm/spt'sslllcm;-Holo.fdwt·IIe/llm oucl.1Data: A. Bot.òs (1950). BOLÒS (1959. 1962. 1983. 1996). BOLÒS & f\·!ASAu.ES (1983). BRAUN­BI..A~QUET& Bot..Os (1958). CARRERAS el lli. (1996). CARRILLO & NINOT (1992). Col\UA (1990.1991:l. 1991 bl. FRA."QtJfSA (1995). GESTI (2000). I...t.A\iSANA (1976). PAPIÓ et al. (1983). Rmo(1989). ROVIRA (1986). SOR1A:>O:O (1992). VIGO (1996). VILAR (1987). VIÑAS (1993). VIVES (1~. subCir.fio·Mellf/tellllll. according to VIGO 1996).

Structure: Herbaceous community in which the tall, rush-like ScirpusIlOlosclloelJlis (= Holosclloell//s v//fgaris) is more or less dominant. Arnongsl itsturl's, severalmedilerranean hygrophytes are typical, such as Melltha slIaveo/ells,

PI/ficaria dysemerica, CirsiulII lIIonSpeSSI//alllllll and Ma/illia caell/fea subsp.arl//ldil1Gcea. as well as otiler general hygrophytes; moreover, some laxa resislantto trampling (as are Agros/is sralonifera ..nd JI/IIellS illj1exlls) are also frequen!.Ecology: Damp soils near springs or water courses, subject to seasonal watert..ble oscillations. from occasional Oooding lo relalive drying oul in sumrner.Distribution: Thorough all the area. in lowlands and in the submonlane belLVariabilily: 9 subassociations and some varianls have been l'ound, related toccologica1 and to phytogeographic l'eatures.

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Synlaxonomic conspcclllS or \'cgcl:uiol1 229

- cirsietosum monspcssulani Braun-Blanquet el O. Bolòs 1958. Le":loIYPU¡;:BR,\Ut\'-I3LAt\'ouET & BoL.òS 1958. All. Aula DI'i. 5 :105. lab. 25. rel. 1(Vibno\'<l d... 1:1 B:UTa. ISO 111.Sieoric lerr.: dc~igllcd in Hol.òs 1997 :2(3). With abundam Cirsi/llll l/Iospes.wfmlllJII ¡UKI

SOIlC}¡US IIIarifillllls subsp. aquari/is shows a rather mountain Sub-colHinentalcharacler.- agrostietoslIl11 stoloniferae (O, Bolòs 1962) O. Bolòs. nom. nov.[agmsliu-I'0lentillt·toSllIl/ "('l'ulI/lisO. BolO5 1962. nom. iIIcg.). LeclolYpUS: BOLòs 1%2. p(//s. I"('g.

bare. :lab. 30. rel. 5 (Ccrycl1ó. 85 111. S Calal:lIIidic leIT.: dcsigncd here). General in central :uxfsouth Catalanidic areas. includes some taxa resislant to Irampling. such :L~

Agrostis sfofo"ijera and POfell1illa rep1nm.- dorycnietosum gracilis (O. Bolòs 1962) O. Bolòs. nom. nov. [t/grostúlt·

t!o".I'('JIieU).flllll gmcilisO. Bolòs 1962. nOlll. illeg.]. Hololypus: BOlOs 1962. P(lÜ. l·t'8.1)(1I'(:.: lab. 30.rel. 9 (L1obreg'lI deIl3). lt is known from (he Llobregat delta. setlling on slighllysaline soils, as revealed by the presence ol' DOI'."C11il/lII pellraphylllllll subsp,gmcife.- juncetosum inflexi O. Bolòs el Masalles 1983. Holotypus: BOlOs & "'·\ASAL!.ES1983. M(lp(I I·eg. 8(111.\·(Jfes :29. rel. 2 (El Sallenl de S<lnla Pali. 370 111. Olosilanic lerr.). 11 occursin dislurbed siles (mainly through trampling) as is evidenced by the dominance ofli/llcUS inflexus. in the Olositanic lerritory.- succisetosum pratcnsis O. BoJòs el Masalles 1983. HoIOl}'ptls: BOl..ÒS &

MASAu.ES 1983. A!alJll I·eg. 8(1I1."ole.f :28 (Sani Miquel de Campmajor. -lOO m. Olosil<lnic lerr.).Known from Olositanic and east pre·Pyrenean areas. il is differenliated by 511ccisCl

pmtel/sis and Rall/lflcl//lls aeris var. fari/obl/s.- linctoslIl11 maritimi O, Bolòs et Masal1es 1983. HoIOlYPus: HOlÒS & M,\S,\LlES1983. 11'1(//)(/ \·eg. 8(1IJ.l'Ofe.~ :30. rd. 2 (Por<jllercs. 180 111. Ruscinic ICIT.). Known from theRuscinic area. tilis is a slighlly halophilous subassociatioll which includcsLilll/m lIIariril1llltll [lS main differel1lial.- phragmitetosul11 [lllstl'alis O. Bolòs 1996. Ho101}'pus: BoLOs 1996a. /dem. R.

AC(ld. Ci. Ari. 8arc. 930 :22 (Santa M3ria de Miralles. 480 111. Ausoscgarric lerr.; Ihc only rclc\'é).Described from the Ausosegarric territory. (his subassocia(ion is dominaled byPhragmites C01lll/l/IIIis and occurs in intermittent waler beds.- poetosum trivialis O. Bolòs 1996. HoIOlYPus: BOlÒS 19%:1.. Mml. R. i\cm/. Ci. Art.

Barc. 930 :20. rel. 4 (Solsona. 650 m. Ausoscgàrric terr.). A rather poor comlllunity. wilhPoa tr/'vialis and PlIfic{/l'ia dysellferica. found in the Ausosegarric territory._ sonchetosum aquatilis O. Bolòs 1996. HololYpus: BOlÒS 1996a. MI~m. R. i\cm!. Ci.

ArI. B(/rc. 930 :21 (Lu Llacuna. 510 lll. Ausoscgàrric lerr.). Only the hololypus is knowl1.also from (he Ausosegarric territory.

Centaureo vin)'alsii·Succisetum pratensis O. Bolòs 1954ICt!lIUm,.eo jtlct'lte.Succist!lIIl11}Leclotypus: BOLòs 1954. Collul. Bot. -l :256-258. lab.J. rel. 2 (El Sallenl de Sanla Pau. 450 rn.Olosilanic teIT.: designed in BOLÒS & l\:lASALlES 1983 :27).Data: BOI.Os (195-l. 19900). BOlÒS & MASALl.ES (1983). VIVES (196-1).

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Structure: Dense. herbaceous communilY dominated by SlIccisa prarell.'iis anetalso cOlllaining Ceflral/rea jacea subsp. vinyalsi;, Malillia caemlea subsp. al1lll­

diuacea. Trifol;u1II prarCllse. P01emiJla rep1ClII.\', Carexflacca....Ecology: Damp forest c1earings or sunaces along small water courses, on limerieh. morc or lcss Oooded soils.Distribution: E.c15lern pre-Pyrenees and neighbouring submeditcrranean areas. 10lowlands or in (he submontane bell.Variabilily: Three subassociations have been desenbed.· centaureetosum vinyalsii (= I~'picum). where rhe water table flUCluates anetnooding is only occasional. in eastem pre-Pyrenees and nOrlh Calalanidicmoulllains.- holoschoenelosum vulgaris O. Bolòs el Masalles 1983. Holotypus: Ba..òs

195... Col/ect. BOI. .. : 156-258. lab. 3. rel. 4 (El Sallent de SanIa Pau. 350 m. Olosit:l.nic terT.:

dcsi~ned in 80lòs & Mas:ll!cs 1983 :27). Typical of more flooded soils, in the same areas

as lhe fonner. it is differentialed by species related 10 meditelTanean rushformJ.tions. such as Scirpus IlOloschoeuus, Equisetl/III le1mareia or Mell1haaquClliC{I.- molinielosum arundinaceae O. Bolòs 1996. Holotypus: Bot.Os 1996:1. Mell/. R.

AC(l(I. Ci. AI'/. /ja!'c, 930 :23. rel. I (Guardiola de Berguedà. 800 m. E pre-Pyrenccs). A poorlycharacterized form found in less rainy areas, frequently dominated by Mo/illiacaemfea subsp. a/1mdillacea.Comment: A transitional association between meditelTanean HaloscllOelletafiaand central European Mo/illierafia,

Cirsio monspessulani.Menthetum longifoliae O. Balòs et Vives in O.Bolòs 1956Lectotypus: BOLòs 1956. Col/ec!. Bol. 5 :121-222. tub. 23. rel. 4 (Queralbs. 1150 rn. E Pyrcnces:dcsigncd in VIGO 1996 :130).Data: DOlÓS (1956). C,\RRllLO & NINOT (1991). GRUBER (1978). MOLERO & VIGO (198 I: \'id Junco­MeJllhellll/l). ROSEU. (1978). SORIANO ( 1992). VIGO (1979. 1996). VIl.lEGAS (1993). VI\'ES (1964).

Structure: Herbaceaus stands dominated by Cirsiu/Il /Ilo/lspeSSUlallll11l anelMel/1!1a IOl/gi/olia, which camain Festuca anmdil/acea, Poa trivia!is, EquisetwlIlm/el/Se. Agrosti.'i stoloni/era, Tri/olil//1l pratense and mher general hygrophytes.Ecology: Damp. lime·rich or eutrophic soils, temporarily flooded, nexl to riversor olhcr waler bodies.Distribution: Pyrenees. in (he monlane and submontane belts.Comment: Intennedi<lle examples belween this associalion and JUIICO­Menllletl/III (Agropyro-RulIIicioll) are very frequent; some of the relevés c1assifiedin Cirsio·Me1l1"etllr11. mainly in fanner references, should be included in JU/lCO­M ellt"eflllll.Variabilily: Two subassociations have been recognized.· typicum. which cOlTesponds to lhe above described community.· epilobietosum hirsuti Vigo 1979. Holotypus: VIGO 1979. BII/It. !lUI. Cm. HÜ/, Nat.

.... : 78-80. rel. 9 (the only rclc\'é). A transition to Arclioll communities.

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Galio-Juncetum subnodulosi Braun-B1anquer 1931 acrocladietosul11cuspidati O. Bolòs et Masalles 1983Holotypus: BOlOs& M,\S,\LLES 1983. ¡\JU/Xllt'.!!. BUllyolt's :.'1 (Por4Ile~s. 17011\. Ru:.dnic lerr.).Data: 80Lòs & MASALLES (1983}

Structure: \Vel meadows frequenlly dominnted by J/lIIC/lS sulmodulosl/s and wilhabundam SUCciSlI prl/remis. ACroc:llldill1ll cmpidalUlII. Molinill cacil/lea subsp.arwulillllcea, LYlhrulll saliclIria, Oenanrhe lachel/olii...Ecology: Wet, nooding. ¡¡me-rieh soils, subjecl to irregular 1110wing or grazing.Distribution: It has been only fOllnd arolllld Banyoles 1ake (Olositanic territory).

Mcntho-Caricclul11 loscosii O. Bolòs (1957) 1967IPclfccdauo-Som:h"",m (lq/tCl/ifü O. Bolòs 1957 C(lI';C('UI.WIII /OJCO.Ü; O. 801òs 1957]Lectotypus: BOLÓS 1957b. Col/cct. Bo/. 5 :558-559. rd. 6 (Rossell. no 11\. S Calalanidic lerr.;designed in BOLÒS 1997 :216).Data: BOLòs (1957b. 1%7). MOLERa (1976). RO\'IIM (1986).

Structure: Rush community mainly fonlled by SOl/cims ml/nrlllll/S subsp.aquarilis and Scirpl/s holoschoenlis. and inc1uding as IlKtin charactcrislics Cm-exmairii var. loscosii. Memha 1001g/folia and JUIIC/iS iIlJleXIIS.Ecology: Wet. seasonally water10gging soils next to springs or waler courses_Distribution: South Catalanidic mountains.

Peucedano hispanici.Sonchetum aquatilis O. Bolòs 1957IPeIfCedal1o-S01lc1,erum .fcm/l/IIIIC1r;,,/oslIlII aqllll/;cac O. Bolòs 1957. = 'y¡JicIIIIIILectotypus: BoLOs 1957b. Col/ect. Bot. 5 :558-559. rel. I (Suec:!. 10 I\l. Valencia pro\'incc:dcsigned in BOLÒS 1997 :217).Data: BOLÒS (l957b). ROVIRA (1986).

Structure: Hygrophilous forb community including as mam spceles SOl/cili/SJIIaritimus subsp. aqumilis, Mell1/¡a sUClveolells, Pulicaria (~)¡se"'etica.

Scroplw/aria aflricu/ara subsp. pseudoclI/r¡clI/(l/a and Peucedal1l1J11 ItispaniCl/ll1.Ecology: Wel, temporari11y nooded soils bordering water courses.Distribution: South Catalanidic lowlands.

Lysima.('hio.Holo.sch~nctum \'ulga.ris Ri\'as Goday el BOlja 1961Data: Co¡,.'ESA ( 1991 b).Structure: Rush fomlation including Scirrms /W/OSc1lOl'lIlfS. LysilllClch;a e(l(,"III",."m. S('lIecio tror;aand Cirsill11l pyrelltliclIlII as main characlcristics.Ecology: Wet. Oooding soi1.s.Distribution: Medilel1'3ne::1n .sub-conlincnt::al mountains.Comment: Typical from 1beridic mounlains. its prescncc in lhe arca requircs confinnation.

Prunello ,·ulga.ris·Epilobietum ba.rcinoncnsis O. Bolò.s t%2 pro\'.Data: BoLòs (1962: A mere rele\'é).Slrueture: Small herbaceous stand mainly formed by ErJi1ob;1f1ll lelmgO/lllm. Agms/ü swltmif"m andPmllclla m/gans.Eeology: Humid c1c3rings wilhin n1edilerrane;¡n forests.Distribution: Nonh Calalanidic mountains.

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The authors wish to thank X. Font and R. Quadrada for the facilities in ¡heretrievals from ¡he Data Bank FLüRACAT, allel A. Ferré for ¡he production ofthe figure.


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Syntaxonomic conspcctllS of \'cgctation

ROVIRA. A.M. 1986· ESllldifilOgeogràfic de les COlllllrqlles ca/(l/(mes COIIIJlre.H!S ell/reels Porls de Beseit. el l'i" Eb,.e i e/s /imi/s aragollesos. Ph. Thcsis (llnpllbl.). Uni\'.Barcelona.

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Tosa d'Afp (Piril/ells OrieJl/{¡{s). Ph. Thesis (microfilm.). Uni\'. B<lrcclona.V¡\NDEN BERGHEN. C. & PEETERS. A. 1982 - L"l \'égélalion des sols rnollillés ou

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Vall de Ribes. Inst. Cml. Catalunya. Barcelona. pp. 19A42 & 5·468,VILAR. L. 1987 - Flom i \'egetaci6 de la Se/l·a. Ph. Thesis (unpubl.). Uni\'. Autònoma

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236 J.M. INOT el al.


Alphabelical lisi or (he associalions lrealed. w¡lh the cOlTesponding page. Thosein ¡talies arc considered synonims.

Acrocladio-Elcocharitclurn 205A~rostjo·Ach¡llcclum 225Akhcmillo-TrolliclUtn 219Apiel/llll I/odif1ori 204Asl1<111/ ;0-1\ !'('¡wlt'lllm 2 I8/11'\'t!/l1II1 schleiclwl'i 202et;Ifie rg()//el(0-/:''1eoc!mriI ell/III 2O5e(lI/i I ,.¡ellet(J- R(/J IIil/l'li/e11/111 199C¡¡lluno-Sph¡lgnctlll11 211Cardamincl11111 latifoliac 203ClIrt/lIl11illellllll mpII(lJli/o/ia(' 203e(I rd(l1JI"/10- e" ".r.W~·p 'ell ieIIi /l/ 203Cilrdami no-ChrysospJcnicllllll 203Caricclurn da"alliannc 208Caricctum fUSC:IC 210Car;ceflll1l /ligme 210Caricclum roslratac 207C",.;cellllll l"O.f/mW-,"es;Cl/r;{/t! 207Carici-Agroslidctum 215Carici·Eriophorclulll 209Carió-JlmcC11111l 220Carici- 'loliniclllm 223Carici-Pinglliculclul1l 209Catabrosclulll aqualicac 205Ccntaurco-SucciSCllllll 229Ccntaurio·Jasonicllll1l 225Clwero'J!Jyllo lIIlrei- Valaialle1111/1 222Ch;lcrophyllo hir!\Uli·Valcrianelulll 222Clwerophyllo-Ranllneulcllll11 221Chael0l110rpho·RlIppielulll 198Cir!\iclllm rivlllaris 221Cil'sio· filipe/l(ll/lellllll 222Cirsio-J-!olosc!lOeJ1ellllll 228Cirsio-Mclllhetulll 230Cladio·Caricclulll 208Cr:lloncllrcllllll fa!cali 203Cmlolleuro-Arabidelll/ll 203Cymodoccclull1 nodOS;IC 197C\"Iw:wrel/1II1 ('lIll1lmm;clIllI 214c..\'1I0,fl/l'ellllll IU'(u/ellse 214Cynosuro-Trifolic1Ulll 214Cypcrclul1l na\'csccnlis 213Cypcro-Caricclulll 207Dactylido·FcSlucctlllll 227Dactylorhizo-Caricclul1l 222Deschampsictulll Illediac 224DescJw/l/ps;eIUlII medial'

;lIl1lo-plml/agilll'fO,\'/Im 225Epilobio-Juncctum 220Epip:lClidi-Moliniclul11 224Erice(l//1/ lelmlicis 211FC!\IUco·Caricclum 227

Galio-Arrhcnathcrclum 217Galio·Juncclurn 231Gaudinio-Arrhcnathcrctul1l 215G('l//imlO·Mo!i"il'll/lII 223Gcnli ano-Trisclelllll1 218Girnlldio·Zoslcrcturn 197Glyccrictum nllilanlis 204Glyccriclulll plica!:!c 204Gl,n:erio-Sp"rg(/lIiell/lll 204Gnaphalio-Pcplidclll111 213Hclosciadicturn nodinori 204Heracleo-T,.iselellfll/ 218Holoschoenclum vulgaris 228Hypcrico·Cypcrellllll 213Inulo-Schoenetlllll 228Irido·Polygonetulll 207Isoctclum dclilci 212ISQClclul1l durici 212Isoe(eWII/ setacei 212ISoclo-SparganiclUlll 201Isolcpido-Lylhrclum 214}lIsollio-Plcmragillc1/1II1 225Jasonio-Tussilaginclum 226}/II1Ce(/11II lIc,,'ijlori 220Juncclum syl\'atici 220Junco-Caricclum 220J III/C:o·I,\'O/epidetum 212JllllCO-Mcllthctull1 227Lcnmclull1 gibbac 196LcmnclUlll minoris 196Lcmno·Awllclull1 197Lelllllo-A:olleII/lJl lellll/elOSll1ll gibvae 196LelllJlo·Azolletllmlelllllelosl/l/I milloris 196Loto-Jl/J/cel/flll 220Lysimachio-HoloschocncllIlll 231Malvo-Arrhcnathcrclum 216MlIriscel/llll oligohlllilllflll 207Mcnlho-Caricclum 231Melllho-JIIJlCelll/ll 227Molinictum cacrulcac 223Molinio-CaricCIUlll 223Monliclum fonlanac 202Montio·Bryclum 202MO/lf;o-Philollo(;dl'lJIl/l 202Myriol,h.rllo-Nl/fJharefl/lII 198Narlhecio·Sci'pelllm 210Narthccio-Trichophorclulll 210Nymphacclum albo-Iutcac 198Odontido·Trifolictum 217Ophioglosso-Arrhcll:lthcrcIUI1l 216PediclIl(ll'ie(o·N(lrlhecie(llII/ 210Pcuccdano-Sonchcturn 231

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SYnlaxonomic cons pceI LIS of \'cgclation

PeucedWIO-SOllchetlll1l cu,.;celoslllll 231Pillglliclllo-Curicefllll/ dllloull;mwl' 209Pillguiclllo-Curicl'/lfm /III/l,rosal' 209PI:lllla2ini-JasonicI1I1l1 225Posidoñie\lIm oceanicae 198Polml/t'lu/II colorat; 201Polamctum dcnso-nodosi 199POIametum peclinati 199Potall1o-Myriophyl1clum 200Po\amo-Najadcllllll 200POlarno-Utriclllariclulll 199Potamo-V:lllisl1cricllllll 201Pri/lllllo-Scirpel/IIII 211Prlll1cllo-Agrosliclum 226Prul1clIo-Epilobie\urn 231R::munclllc(um balldolii 199Ranunculo-Filipendlllclllm 222Rnnunculo-Juncelulll 202Ranunculo-LYlhrctulll 213Ranunculo-Myriophyllclum 200Ranunculo-Polamc(um 200Rhinanlho-Trisclcllllll 217Ricciclum nllilantis 197Rorippo-Agrosl;l'll/1l1 227


RUl1lici-A.~ro:.ticlUl1l 127Ruppictul1l lll:lrilimac 198Saxifragcwlll aqualicac 203Sc!wl'll op Iecl0- P" ra,l! /l/ i /('//l1JI 205SÓ'1)(!11I1II COIIIIUlCIo-liltom/;o'o 206Sci,.pt'lllll/ lI/{/r;l;m; 206ScirpClllll1 lUaritirni-liloralis 106Scirpo-P/¡ragmifl'II/II1 105Soncho-Cladiclulll 205SpllrgwJio-Clycuill ll11l1 204Spllrgul1io-l.wel(,{1I1II l'c/¡ill(lspori 201Spbagno-Ericclull1 211S¡ellario·Scirpc\ull1 212Swcrtio-C:lriceIUlll 209Tofie/dio-Scirpe{lflll 211Tragopogono-Loliclulll 216T riseto- HcraclCC(lIl1l :2 18TyphclUlll I:nifoliac 206Typho-Phragmilctum 205Typho-Schocnop\eC\ClUlll 105Typ¡'o-Sc!wellopll'cll'/ll/ll c!{/{lic'(oSIII/I :207Violo-Euphorbielum 2:24Z:mnichcl\io-Potametum 201