Download - Synchrophasor Project Overview - EMMOS Users Conference - MIS… · • Brief MISO overview and Synchrophasor project overview – Curtis Reister, MISO Director Operations Applications

Page 1: Synchrophasor Project Overview - EMMOS Users Conference - MIS… · • Brief MISO overview and Synchrophasor project overview – Curtis Reister, MISO Director Operations Applications

Synchrophasor Project Overview

EMS Users ConferenceSep 16, 2012

Page 2: Synchrophasor Project Overview - EMMOS Users Conference - MIS… · • Brief MISO overview and Synchrophasor project overview – Curtis Reister, MISO Director Operations Applications


• Brief MISO overview and Synchrophasor project overview

– Curtis Reister, MISO Director Operations Applications

[email protected]

• In-house Visualization Implementation

– Dan Myers, MISO Manager Operations System Applications

[email protected]

• Dan and I are the Applications guys


• Project Sponsors

– David Zwergel, Project Sponsor, [email protected]

– Kevin Frankeny, Business Owner, [email protected]

Page 3: Synchrophasor Project Overview - EMMOS Users Conference - MIS… · • Brief MISO overview and Synchrophasor project overview – Curtis Reister, MISO Director Operations Applications

My Background

• Computer Science degree from Purdue• Started out writing mapping and imagery software

for defense and intelligence industries• Later moved into Oil & Gas industry writing

Exploration and Reservoir Exploitation software• Started my utility career at Illinois Power supporting

the EMS and other control room applications• Now 8 years at MISO

– Applications, not hardware• EMS, ICCP, Forecasting, PI, Outage Scheduling, Physical

Scheduling, OASIS, Market Applications, Market Portal (externally facing interfaces), Market Seams or JOA, Automatic Reserve Sharing

– Partnership with Operations


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MISO Reliability Footprint


June 2012

• Monitor energy transfers on the high voltage transmission system

• Outage Coordination

• Schedule transmission service

• Manage power congestion through security-constrained economic dispatch

• Operate day-ahead and real-timeenergy and operating reserves markets

• Regional transmission planning

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MISO Scope of Operationsas of June 1, 2012

• Generation Capacity

– 131,581 MW (market)

– 143,765 MW (reliability)

• Historic Peak Load(July 25, 2012, adjusted for FE, Duke departures)

– 98,576 MW (market)

• 49,670 miles of transmission

• 11 states, 1 Canadian province


• 5-minute dispatch

• 1,928 pricing nodes

• 1,096 generating units (market)

• 6,009 generating units (network model)

• $23.6 billion gross market charges (2011)

• 356 market participants serving 38.9 million people

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Carmel, Indiana

St. Paul, Minnesota

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MISO Reliability Footprint + Entergy


Entergy Facts• 15,500 miles of transmission• 30,000 megawatts of generation capacity


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Synchrophasor Project Background

• Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) program run by the DOE

• Three-year + 1-year extension

• $34.5 million (split 50/50 between DOE and MISO)– Deploy high-speed Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) and

Phasor Data Concentrators (PDC) across the MISO footprint.

• Goal is to deploy 195 PMUs (161 currently connected and receiving data)

– Develop or purchase tools to utilize this data• Control room, Real-time

• After-the-fact analysis

• Model Improvement


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Other Major U.S. Synchrophasor Initiatives


Organization Grant($M)

Scope Scope Comment Midwest ISO Integration

American Transmission Company ATC 2.66 3-5 PMUs Adding to existing PMUs, expecting ~70 PMUs by end of 2011

Connected (via Midwest ISO WAN)

Duke Energy Carolinas Duke 7.86 45 PMUs Plan to discuss data sharing

Entergy Services Entergy 9.22 18 PMUs Discussions Underway

ISO New England ISONE 8.52 30 PMUs Similar scope to Midwest ISO Discussions underway –No date set for data sharing

New York ISO NYISO 75.71 35 PMUs 19 PDCs

Similar scope to Midwest ISO with capacitor banks

Discussions underway –No date set for data sharing

PJM Interconnection PJM 27.84 90 PMUs 17 PDCs

Similar scope to Midwest ISO Connected(via VPN)

Western Electricity Coordinating Council

WECC 107.78 250 PMUs Similar scope to Midwest ISO No

Florida Power & Light FPL 200.00 45 PMUs Part of comprehensive Smart Grid Project


Center for the Commercialization of Electric Technologies

ERCOT et al

27.00 13 PMUs Part of comprehensive Smart Grid Project


Southern Company Services, Inc. SOCO 164.53 Unknown Part of comprehensive Smart Grid Project

Plan to discuss data sharing

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Synchrophasor Deployments

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PMU installation maps from PNNL


2009 Map 2012 Map

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EMS Data

Market Data

PI Data





PMU Archive

RTD Client



Bad Data Detection

Measurement Acquisition Analysis, Visualization and AlarmManage


Offline Tools



Oscillation Monitoring

The solution involves purchased, open-sourced, and custom developed applications integrated with existing systems.

The solution involves purchased, open-sourced, and custom developed applications integrated with existing systems.

Calculated Points


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TO Solutions Overview

• MISO will host the Phasor Grid Dynamics Analyzer (PGDA), a historical phasor-data event analysis tool

• MISO hosted set of wide-area visualization and trend data displays.

• Delivered via Citrix


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