Download - Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short

  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short




    +ab : Modeling and Sim$lation ,4,4-



    +ab*: Materials Synthesis and



    Total credits in Sem I )0

    Semester II


    Processing and esign o3 Materials -4,4, -



    Composites Science and


    -4,4, -



    Aerospace Materials &4,4, &



    Elective 2 -4,4, -



    Elective 3 -4,4, -


    +ab -: Composite and Processing ,4,4-



    +ab &:Aerospace Materials ,4,4-



    Mini pro.ect




    Total credits in Sem II )0

    Semester III



    Pro.ect %(+iterat$re S$rey;

    Presentations; Phase % o3 e8perimental

  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short




    So3t Materials



    Specialty Polymers


    Chemical #oc=et Propellants



    Thin 2ilms and S$r3ace Engineering



    Mechanical >ehaior o3 Materials



    #$bber Technology

    C!M717 Adanced Characterisation Techni5$es

    C!M706 Smart and %ntelligent Materials

    C!M70 Electronic; Photonic and Magnetic Materials

    C!M701 Materials 3or Energy Storage and Conersion

    Revised Syllabus (July 2014)

    CHM611 Fundamentals of Materials Science

    Structure of solids, Band theory of solids, Significance of structure property relationship; Imperfections in

    solids; Diffusion phenomenon, Applications of diffusion; Principles of solidification, Thermodynamics of

    solutions; Phase diagrams and phase transformations, Basic definitions and determination and

    applications; Heat treatment; Ceramic materials, Classification, Crystal structure, Properties,

    Characterisation and applications


    ! "! A##aschian, "!$! "eed%Hill,Physical Metallurgy Principles, &thed!, Cengage 'earning, ())*!

    (! D!"! As+eland, P!P! Phule, !-! right, The Science and Engineering of Materials, .th ed!,

    Cengage 'earning, ())!

    /! !D! Callister, D!0! "eth1isch, Materials science and Engineering: An Introduction, 2th ed!,

    iley, ())!

    &! B!S! 3itchell,An Introduction to Materials Engineering and Science for Chemical and Materials



    ed!, iley% Interscience, ())/!4! C! 5ittel,Introduction to Solid State Physics, 2th ed!, iley, ())4!

    .! 6! Singh,Physical Metallurgy, sted!, ())2!

    7! S!H! A8ener,Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, (nd ed!, Tata 3c0ra1%Hill $ducation, ()!

    2! 6! "agha8an,Materials Science & Engineering: A first course, 4thed!, PHI 'earning, ())&!

    *! !D! 5ingery,Introduction to Ceramics, (nd ed!, -ohn iley 9 Sons, ***!

    CHM613 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


    (! G! 'eng,Materials Characterisation: Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods, -ohn

    iley 9 Sons >Asia?, ())2!

    /! D!A! S+oog, =!-! Holler, S! "! Crouch,Instrumental Analysis, Cengage 'earning, ())7!

    &! ! 5emp, "rganic Spectroscopy, /rded!, Pagra8e, ())7!

    4! ! ! endlandt, Thermal Methods of Analysis, -ohn iley, *7&!

    .! B! "aE, T! -aya+umar, 3! Tha8asimuthu, Practical 'on()estructi$e Testing, (nd

    ed!, arosaPu#lishing House, ())(!


    ! "!3! Sil8erstein, Spectrometric identification of organic compounds, 7thed!, -ohn iley and Sons,


    (! C!"! Brundle, C!A! $8ans, S! ilson, Encyclopedia of Materials Characterisation, Butter1orth%

    Heineman, **(!

    CHM61! "anoscience and Technolog#

    Introduction% Si@e and shape dependent properties and their uniIndia? P8t 'imited, ())2!

    /! Bharat Bhushan, >$d!?,!and*oo+ of 'anotechnology, Springer, ())7!

    &! Carl C! 5och >$d!?, 'anostructured Materials: Processing Propertiesand Applications illiamAndre1 Inc!, ())7!

    4! An+e 5rueger, Car*on Materials and 'anotechnology, iley%6CH 6erlag 0m#H 9 Co! 50aA,


    .! Cao, 0!, 'anostructures and 'anomaterials Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Imperial

    College Press, ())&!

    7! ang, ! '!, >$d!?, Characteri,ation of nanophase materials, iley%6CH 6erlag 0m#H, ()))!

    2! 0arcia%3artine@, -!, >$d!?,'anotechnology for the Energy Challenge! iley%6CH 6erlag 0m#H

    9 Co! 50aA, einheim, ())*!

    *! 0oddard III !A!, et! al!,>$d!?, !and*oo+ of 'anoscience Engineering and TechnologyTaylor

    9 =rancis 0roup, ())7!

    1$% B%P!S! Chauhan &$d', Hybrid Nanomaterials: Synthesis Characteri,ation and

    Applications,iley%6CH 6erlag 0m#H( )$11%

    11% -! 'ei and=!'in, -ioinspired Intelligent 'anostructured Interfacial Materials, orld Scientific

    Pu#lishing Company, ())!

    (! Challa S! S! "! 5umar >$d!? -iomimetic and -ioinspired 'anomaterials, iley%6CH 6erlag

    0m#H, ())!

  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


    CHM6)1 *rocessing and +esign of Materials

    Introduction to materials processing; Polymer processing, Compounding of plastics and ru##ers, 3olding


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


    (! T! 0! 0uto1s+i, >$d!? Ad$anced Composites Manufacturing, -ohn iley 9 Sons, e1 Gor+


    /! P!3! AEayan, '! Schadler, P!6! Braun 'ano Composite Science and Technology iley 6CH,


    &! $! =it@er, '!3! 3anocha, Car*on #einforcement and Car*on.Car*on Composites, Springer%

    6erlag, Heidel#erg, e1 Gor+, **2!4! 5!5! Cha1la, Ceramic Matri/ Composites5lu1er Academic Pu#lishers, ())/!

    .! ! Cha1la, 5!5! Cha1la,Metal Matri/ CompositesSpringer%6erlag, ()).!

    7! -!C! Seferis, '! icolais, >$ds!? The #ole of the Polymeric Matri/ in the Processing and

    Structural Properties of Composite Materials, Plenum Press, e1 Gor+ *2/!

    CHM6)4 -eros,ace Materials

    Car#on #ased materials% car#on fi#er, car#on%car#on composites, car#on aero%gels, car#on foams,

    oidation protection of car#on #ased materials; Ceramic materials% polymer deri8ed ceramics, ceramic

    fi#ers, ceramic matri composites, thermal #arrier coatings , thermal protection systems, porous ceramics

    and ceramic foams, ltrahigh temperature ceramics; materials 1ith @ero thermal epansion%glass

    ceramics(3etallic materials% super alloys, titanium alloys, intermetallics and metal matri composites;

    High temperature polymers% aromatic li$ds!? HighTemperature Ceramic Matri/ composites, st

    ed!, iley%6CH, ()).!

    *! T!! Clyne, P!-! ithers, $!A! Da8is, I!3! ard, Introduction to Metal Matri/ Composites

    Cam*ridge Solid State Science Series, sted!, Cam#ridge ni8ersity Press, **/!

    )! "!"! 'uise,Applications of !igh Temperature Polymers, C"C press, sted!, **.!

    .lecti/e courses &total 11 courses'

    CHM0) Fundamentals of *ol#mer Science


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


    Basic concepts, 0eneral mechanisms of polymeri@ation reactions% synthesis, +inetics, techni

  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


    ! "o#ert illiam Dyson, Speciality Polymers, (nded!, Blac+ie Academic 9Professional, **2

    (! 3anasChanda, Salil 5! "oy,Industrial Polymers Specialty Polymers and their Applications

    C"C Press, ())2

    /! =ai@ 3ohammad, Specialty Polymers: Materials and Applications, I!5! International P8t 'td,


    References:! =ried -oel "!,Polymer Science and Technology,Prentice%Hall; (nded! ())4

    (! -ohannes 5arl =in+, !and *oo+ of Engineering and Specialty Polymers, -ohn iley 9 Sons,

    6ol!(, ()

    -? orio Ise, I1aoTa#ushi,An Introduction to Speciality Polymers, Cam#ridge ni8ersity Press,


    CHM064 Chemical Rocket *ro,ellants

    Classification of chemical propellants; 'i

  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


    thin films, Applications of coatings as finishes for 8arious su#strates, Testing and e8aluation of coatings


    ! 5! '! Chopra, Thin Film Phenomena, 3c0ra1 Hill, *7*!

    (! 3! H! =rancom#e, S! 3! "ossnagel, A! lman,Frontiers of Thin Film Technology, 6ol! (2,

    Academic press, ())!/! "!=! Bunshah,)eposition Technologies for Films and Coatings, oyes Pu#lications, e1 -ersey,


    &! =! A! 'o1enheim,Electroplating, 3c0ra1 Hill, e1 Gor+, *72!

    4! B! Bhushan Introduction to Tri*ology, -ohn 9Sons, e1 Gor+, ())(!

    .! 0!! Stacho1ia+, A!! Batchelor,Engineering Tri*ology, /rd ed!, $lse8ier%Butter1orth%

    Heinemann, ())4!

    7! AS3 3etals Hand#oo+, Surface $ngineering, American Society for 3etals, 6ol!4, *th ed!, **&!

    2! 3!hring,Materials Science of Thin Films, (nd ed!, Academic Press, San Diego, ())(!

    CHM066 Mechanical Beha/iour of Materials

    "e8ie1 of structure and #onding in materials; $lastic, plastic and 8isco%elastic #eha8ior; Gield criteria,

    failure, ductile to #rittle transition; 'inear elastic fracture mechanics; $lastic%plastic fracture mechanics%

    strengthening mechanisms, fatigue, creep; Super plasticity% tests of plastic #eha8ior, em#rittlement of



    ! 0!$! Dieter,Mechanical Metallurgy, (nded!, 3c0ra1%Hill, *7.!

    (! "!! Hert@#erg, )eformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, -ohn iley 9

    Sons, *2*!

    /! -! "oesler, H! Harders, 3! Bae+er, Mechanical -eha$iour of Engineering Materials: MetalsCeramics Polymers and Composites, Springer%6erlag, ())7!


    ! T! H! Courtney,Mechanical -eha$ior of Materials, 3c0ra1%Hill, **)!

    (! "! Hill, $! "o#ert,Physical Metallurgy Principles, (nded!, $ast est Press, *7(!

    /! !3! Hyden, !0!3offatt, Structure and Properties of Materials, 6ol! /, 3c0ra1 Hill

    &! 3!A! 3eyers, 5!5! Cha1la, Mechanical -eha$ior of Materials, (nd ed!, Cam#ridge ni8ersity

    Press, ())*!

    4! !=! Hosford,Mechanical -eha$ior of Materials, Cam#ridge ni8ersity Press, ())4!

    .! "!!5! Honeycom#e,Plastic deformation of Metals, (nded!, $d1ard Arnold Press, *2&!

    CHM04 Ruer Technolog#

    Introduction to "u##ers and elastomers; 3anufacture, structure, properties and applications of atural

    "u##er, Synthetic ru##ers li+e SB", Butyl ru##er, $PD3, Hypalon, nitrile ru##er etc; Chemistry and

    technology of ru##er 8ulcani@ation; "u##er compounding, additi8es used in ru##er compounding;

    0eneral compound design, +inetics of 8ulcani@ation; Assessment of curing; Compression, transfer,

    etrusion, calendering and inEection moulding of ru##ers; 3anufacturing and testing of ru##er products!


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short



    ? 3aurice 3orton,#u**er Technology, Academic Pu#lishers, ())

    *? C 3 Blo1,#u**er Technology and Manufacture, Butter1orth%Heinmann, (nd $dition, *2(!

    -? erner Hoffmann,#u**er Technology !and*oo+, HAS$" Pu#lishers, *2*


    ! Bredan "odgers,#u**er Compounding Chemistry and Application, C"C Press; st ed! ())&(! 0! S! hit#y, Synthetic #u**er, iley, e1 Gor+, *4&

    /! -ohn S! Dic+, "! A! Annicelli,#u**er Technology: Compounding and Testing for Performance,

    Hanser Pu#lishers, ())

    CHM060 -d/anced Characterisation Techniues

    Principles, instrumentation and applications of: Ion #eam techni

  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


    7! I! 0alae8, B! 3attiasson >$ds!?, Smart Polymers: Applications in -iotechnology and -iomedicine,

    (nd ed!, C"C Press, ())2!

    2! ! Gui, "! -! 3rsny, 5! Par+ >$ds!?,#efle/i$e Polymers and !ydrogels: 9nderstanding and

    )esigning Fast #esponsi$e Polymeric SystemsC"C Press, ())&!

    CHM01 .lectronic( *hotonic and Magnetic MaterialsBasics% electronic, magnetic and optical properties in metals, semiconductors, ceramics and polymers;

    $lectronic properties% dielectric properties, Concept of doping% high, 8ery high and ultra%high fre

  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus-MTech in Mat Sci, Aug 11, 2014-Final Short


    ! A!-! Bard, '!"! =aul+ner,Electrochemical Methods Fundamentals and Application! iley, ())!

    (! C! Bra#ec, "rganic Photo$oltaics, iley%6CH, ())2!

    /! !S! Allen >$d!?,Photochemistry and Photophysics of Polymeric Materials, ())!

    &! !C! Cahoon, 0!! Heise,Primary -attery>6ol! I 9 II?, -ohn iley, e1 Gor+, *74!

    5a courses &total 4 las'

    CHM63) 5a 1: Modelling and Simulation


    &! %3atri

    4! 3olecular mechanics

    &! To find out the sta#le geometry on the potential energy surface process modelling

    4! To de8elop a model for fully de8eloped flo1 and to sol8e #y finite difference method

    .! To de8elop a model for steady state heat conduction in large plate

    7! To de8elop a model for transient state t1o dimensional heat conduction

    2! To de8elop a model for #inary distillation

    *! To study the distillation of a #inary miture through pac+ed #ed distillation column)! To de8elop a model for CST" in series 1ith constant hold up

    ! To de8elop a model for CST" 1ith feed#ac+ control

    (! To study the performance of ideal reactors

    CHM633 5a): Materials S#nthesis and Characteriation


    ! Synthesis and characteri@ation of nanomaterials

    a! Sol%gel synthesis: Ti(

    #! Polymer su#strate: AgLP6P

    c! 3etallic nanoparticles: AgLcitrate and AuLcitrate

    d! CdS nanoclay #ased systems9 functionali@ed CTs?

    4! Surface enhanced "aman scattering >S$"S?% Detection of "hodamine .0 using Ag nanoparticle

    as S$"S su#strate

    .! $8aluations of structure%property relationship in polymers: Analysis includes: molecular 1eight

    determination, 8iscosity, rheology, T0A, D3A and mechanical properties of at least fourpolymers

    7! Determination of +inetics of spherulite gro1th using polari@ed optical microscope

    2! Determination of po1der dispersion using @eta potential measurement

    *! $lectrical conducti8ity measurement of polymers using electrochemical 1or+station

    )! Diffusion and gas permea#ility measurement of polymer films

    ! Po1der synthesis: F"D characterisation, particle si@e, surface area analysis


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    (! Dependency of molecular 1eight of a polymer 1ith different initiator concentration:

    esta#lishment of s