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Page 1: SWOON: A Testbed for Secure Wireless Overlay, consisting of wireless sensor networks, 802.11 a/b/g, etc. It can evaluate protocols, mechanisms and techniques for secure

SWOON: A Testbed for Secure Wireless Overlay Networks

Y. L. Huang†, J. D. Tygar∗, H. Y. Lin‡, L. Y. Yeh‡, H. Y. Tsai†, K. Sklower∗, S. P. Shieh‡, C. C. Wu‡,P. H. Lu†, S. Y. Chien‡, Z. S. Lin†, L. W. Hsu‡, C. W. Hsu‡, C. T. Hsu†, Y. C. Wu‡, M. S. Leong∗

†Department of Electrical and Control Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan∗Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California at Berkeley, USA

‡Department of Computer Science, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan

AbstractThere is strong demand for solutions to security problems in various wireless networks, such as WiFi, WiMAX, 3GPPand WSN, not only for the individual networks themselves but also for the integration of these networks. A completesolution cannot be proposed by piecemeal proposals but requires a holistic examination of all security concerns. Thesolution requires assessment tools, such as wireless testbeds for designing and testing wireless security technologies.We describe a comprehensive and flexible wireless testbed allowing designers to test their systems without actuallybuilding a physical test environment. Moreover, such a testbed can also shorten the test cycle and the time to market.Our SWOON testbed uses two experimental nodes to simulate one single wireless node. Such a pairing design helpsreduce the porting efforts of wireless drivers and thus increase the flexibility for adapting various wireless interfacesin the SWOON testbed. We verify the feasibility and stability of the SWOON testbed by conducting distributed denialof service (DDoS) and eavesdropping experiments. In the future, the SWOON testbed will be extended to supportheterogeneous wireless networks, such as WSN, WiMAX or 3GPP.

1 Introduction

Cyber-security problems need special attention in wire-less networks, such as 802.11 a/b/g, 802.16 d/e, etc. Awide variety of research has addressed the cyber-defenseof wireless networks. However, such research has beenlimited by the lack of a secure, configurable experimen-tal infrastructure for reproducible experiments validatingnew designs and new technologies in realistic scenarios.Sometimes it is also insufficient to use network simula-tors directly since these simulators, abstracting some sys-tem attributes, do not model the bottlenecks from exper-imental nodes, such as CPUs, buses, devices and drivers.

The SWOON (Secure Wireless Overlay ObservationNetwork) testbed is an emulation-based testbed for realworld experiences and scalable tests over an overlay net-work, consisting of wireless sensor networks, 802.11a/b/g, etc. It can evaluate protocols, mechanisms andtechniques for secure wireless communication. Re-searchers and designers can create their own topologiesand run experiments on the SWOON testbed withoutre-establishing and re-installing hardware and softwaremodules required for their wireless networks. In ad-dition, the SWOON testbed also allows researchers tomonitor the network traffic, evaluate the performance ofthe protocols under test and validate the researches they

presented.SWOON is developed on top of the Defense Technol-

ogy Experimental Research (DETER) testbed [1]. DE-TER provides an experiment platform for investigatingsecurity issues. Based on Emulab [2], DETER offersan experimental infrastructure with safe and repeatableconfigurations. The current scale of DETER has beenincreased to hundreds of nodes, meaning that it is capa-ble of dealing with medium-scale security experiments,such as DDoS and worm behavior experiments runningin EMIST project [3]. The DETER project provides asafe testbed that can match the threat level of the experi-ments. DETER in its current form addresses only wirednetworks. SWOON builds on DETER adding support forwireless networks.

Two DETER nodes are used to simulate a single wire-less node in SWOON. One node serves as the applicationnode running various applications, while the other, theshadow node emulates aspects of the wireless networkinterface, delivering packets for its application node.These two nodes form an application-shadow node pair.Researchers can simulate the behavior of a wireless inter-face, such as delay, loss and jitter, on the shadow node.Using mechanisms implemented in DETER, researcherscan create and run experiments on the SWOON withoutinterfering with each other.

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SWOON features a friendly graphical user interface(GUI) allowing researchers to easily set up the desiredtopology and parameters, such as network type, ra-dio coverage, bandwidth, delay, loss, etc. Researcherscan monitor the experiment results through the GUI.SWOON provides a platform to emulate various at-tacks, including but not limited to, unauthorized access,spoofing, denial of service, flooding, man-in-the middle,drive-by spamming, wireless eavesdropping and DDoSattacks.

This paper details the design and development ofSWOON. We briefly introduce existing testbeds in Sec-tion 2. Section 3 illustrates the design of the SWOONtestbed. Section 4 and 5 show the design of user inter-face and the experiments for wireless security, respec-tively. We compare testbeds and give open problems inSection 6 and 7.

2 Related WorkIn this section, we briefly introduce existing testbeds:Emulab, DETER, ORBIT radio grid testbed and Agar-wal’s wireless emulator.

2.1 EmulabEmulab [2], developed by the University of Utah, is anemulation platform for research in distributed systemsand networks. In Emulab, a set of experimental nodes isflexibly connected in a network topology described usingthe NS (Network Simulator) language. Experiments areisolated by programming various VLANs (Virtual Lo-cal Area Networks) in Emulab. Nodes configured in thesame VLAN can communicate as if they were attachedto the same wire, regardless of their physical location.Thus, Emulab can run multiple experiments simultane-ously and guarantees no interference between experi-ments. To set up a new experiment, Emulab maps the de-sired network topology to the physical network by takingthe following steps: 1) allocates the experimental nodesand switches; 2) configures the VLANs to construct thedesired topology, and 3) loads the designated executableimages to the specified experimental nodes, so users areable to perform real world testing.

2.2 DETERBuilt using Emulab, the DETER testbed [1] providesinfrastructure for conducting repeatable experiments incomputer security, especially those involving maliciouscode. DETER testbed allows remote access for exper-iments while keeping the experiments themselves con-tained within the testbed. Since it is intended to supportsecurity-related experiments [4][5][6], containment andsecurity are the basic requirements in designing such atestbed. The design of the DETER testbed is an effec-tive compromise of the goals of experimental fidelity,


















Figure 1: SWOON Architecture. The control client commands theapplication-shadow node pairs through the DETER servers.

repeatability, programmability and research functional-ity. In addition, motivated to enlarge the scale of an ex-perimental infrastructure for realistic wired network test-ing, the DETER testbed is composed of two intercon-nected Emulab testbeds. IPSec tunnels connect the ex-periment and control switches, respectively. Firewallsprovide a container to isolate experiments from publicnetworks. This is critical since some experiments maycontain viruses or conduct attacks that may threaten theoutside network.

2.3 ORBIT and Agarwal’s Wireless Emu-lator

ORBIT [7] is a two-tier wireless testbed designed for3G and 802.11 networks. The testbed comprises a gridof 802.11 nodes and can dynamically interconnect thesenodes into specified topologies. Each ORBIT radio nodeis a real device (PC) with two Ethernet ports and two802.11 interfaces, rather than an emulated, configurabledevice as in SWOON.

V. Agarwal [8] implemented a wireless network emu-lator with emulated 802.11 MAC and PHY layers logi-cally inserted between the IP layer and 802.3 MAC layer.Agarwal did not use shadow nodes as we propose here,so his system requires significant porting efforts in the IPnetwork protocol stacks.

3 SWOON TestbedThis section describes the system architecture of theSWOON testbed, including the interaction with DETERservers, the control client, application-shadow node pairsand secure virtual links to communicate with DETER ex-perimental nodes. Fig. 1 shows the system architectureof the SWOON testbed.DETER Servers. Two servers, “Boss” and “User”, con-trol the experiments in the DETER testbed. The “Boss”server controls the switches and power controllers. It al-locates experimental nodes, interconnects them by set-ting up VLANs in the switches and creates topologiesspecified by the experimenters. The “User” server man-ages user accounts for experimenters. Through “User”,


Page 3: SWOON: A Testbed for Secure Wireless Overlay, consisting of wireless sensor networks, 802.11 a/b/g, etc. It can evaluate protocols, mechanisms and techniques for secure















Physical Conguration



A1 S3



Wireless Topology

Figure 2: Wireless Network Topology with two APs and four STAs.Six shadow nodes and six application nodes are used to construct theexperiment topology. The graph on the left-hand side is the desiredwireless topology for experiments. The graph on the right-hand sidepresents the physical experimental network configured in the DETERtestbed.

experimenters can remotely and securely access exper-imental nodes using relayed SSH as a communicationmedium.

Control Client. The control client provides a graphicalconfiguration tool for experimenters to specify desirednetwork topologies. Through the control client, experi-menters can run specified wireless experiments by send-ing commands to corresponding shadow nodes. The con-trol client converts specified topologies into configura-tion files, which initialize wired network topologies onthe DETER testbed. The control client also transmitsa coverage table tailored for each node. The coveragetables record the distances of neighboring nodes in thetransmission range of an application node.

Application-Shadow Node Pair. The application-shadow node pair is a core contribution of SWOON. It isa pair of nodes, an application node and a shadow node.The application node runs applications while the shadownode emulates the wireless interface. Such a pairing de-sign makes our testbed OS-independent. No driver port-ing or kernel modification is required in either applica-tion node or shadow node. Without the need of installingreal wireless devices, our design also allows higher flex-ibility in adapting to various kinds of wireless interfaces.

Application Node: An application node is a regularnode that runs applications. The application node con-nects to its pairing shadow node via an ether link. It sendsdata packets to its ethernet interface, and those packetsare routed to the shadow node. For example, when emu-lating an 802.11 a/b/g network, an application node maybe a station (STA) or an access point (AP).

Each STA in an emulated 802.11 network requiresan interface to associate and communicate with an AP.In the SWOON testbed, the application node emulatingthe STA application requires at least one interface for itsshadow node. The interface routes the application datapackets to the corresponding shadow node and emulatescommunication with the AP via its shadow node.

Each AP in an emulated 802.11 network requires at

least two interfaces: 1) an ethernet interface connectedto local network and 2) a wireless interface serving STAswithin its coverage. In the SWOON testbed, the applica-tion node presenting an AP, requires at least two networkinterfaces, one connected to the switch and the other toits shadow node. The first interface connected to theswitch is in charge of delivering data packets to othernodes in the local wired network. The second interfaceconnected to its shadow node is responsible for broad-casting packets to the shadow nodes of the STAs withinthe AP’s coverage.

Shadow Node: A shadow node acts as a virtual wire-less network interface for an application node. It can em-ulate various replaceable Media Access Control (MAC)layers, such as 802.11 and WiMAX, for its applicationnode. To simulate radio signals on a wired testbed,the shadow node broadcasts the packets to all reachablenodes in the same VLAN. Each shadow node is equippedwith two interfaces: one is connected to its applicationnode and the other to the switch. Fig. 2 illustrates an ex-ample of constructing wireless networks on the DETERtestbed.

In Fig. 2, a wireless network topology with two APsand four STAs is constructed using six shadow nodes andsix application nodes. To emulate the broadcast in wire-less networks, three types of VLANs are configured inthe “experiment switch”.

• The six shadow nodes are configured in one VLAN.This emulates the broadcast of wireless packets be-tween the two APs and four STAs.

• The two application nodes, running AP applica-tions, are also configured in one VLAN. This em-ulates the data link between the two APs which areconnected to the same switch.

• The application-shadow node pair is configured inone VLAN. This limits the direct route between theapplication node and its shadow node.

The shadow node simulates wireless network be-havior and emulates MAC layers of wireless technolo-gies. A Wireless Network Interface Card (WNIC) em-ulator, running on the shadow node, is in charge of thesimulation and emulation. Taking 802.11 as an example,the WNIC emulator performs the following operationson packets:

• capture packets sent from its application node byusing pcap,

• determine whether to delay or drop packets accord-ing to the parameters, including delay, loss, jitterand bandwidth, specified by users,

• encapsulate/decapsulate two headers in the packetsif not to drop them, and

• broadcast outgoing packets via UDP sockets or for-ward incoming packets to upper-layer applications.


Page 4: SWOON: A Testbed for Secure Wireless Overlay, consisting of wireless sensor networks, 802.11 a/b/g, etc. It can evaluate protocols, mechanisms and techniques for secure


Application WNICEmulator

Data802.11(s --> d)

Data802.11(s --> d)








shadow nodeVLAN

application node

Figure 3: Packet Flow in the Application-Shadow Node Pair: Theapplication data packets are routed to the shadow node. The WNICemulator of shadow node receives and unpacks the 802.3 header. Then,the data packets are repacked with new 802.11 headers to broadcast toother nodes in the network.

The two headers prepended to the outgoing pack-ets are the 802.11 header (inner) and 802.3 broadcastheader (outer). Similarly, upon receiving a broadcastpacket from another shadow nodes, the WNIC emulatorunpacks the 802.3 broadcast header and 802.11 header.Fig. 3 illustrates the packet flow between the applica-tion node and shadow node. The implementation of theWNIC emulator is realized at user space.

The WNIC emulator also simulates wireless net-work behavior according to the parameters specified byusers, including delay, loss, jitter and bandwidth. Thesecan be set to model physical behavior as needed. Then,the emulator determines whether to delay or drop thedata. Since the loss rate and latency of a wireless net-work are related to the signal strength, the distance be-tween each node can be used to determine the rate. Thenode distance can be calculated by the control client andstored in the coverage table, which is then broadcast to allexperimental nodes together with every configured pa-rameter during initialization. The WNIC emulator alsoperforms association, disassociation and authenticationfor its application node. Therefore, such an implementa-tion can realize the emulation of node mobility.Virtual Link. The DETER testbed isolates private net-works from public networks. This protects the privatenetwork from exterior malicious attackers and preventserrant applications in the private network from affect-ing outside networks. To allow users to safely run re-producible experiments, network attacks and counter-measures, only two external nodes, “Boss” and “User”servers, can access the experimental nodes in DETER.Since the control client is located outside the DETERtestbed, we setup a virtual link to offer proxy service on“User” server, as shown in Fig. 1, to relay packets fromcontrol client to experimental nodes. The virtual link isimplemented using an SSH tunnel to provide a channel tomonitor the experiment and the behaviors of the nodes,such as movement, handover, etc.

Such a link can be used to bypass the firewall andconnect to the control client via a proxy server. Sincethere are only node names embedded in the commands

Proxy Service





DNS Request

DNS Response

Control Client User Server Boss Server Experimental Node







Virtual Link

Figure 4: Message Flow for Constructing a Virtual Link: The con-trol client connects to the “User” server using an SSH tunnel and com-mands experimental nodes through the tunnel.

3. Parameters

1. Type of Nodes2. Canvas

4. Authentication Dialog

Figure 5: SWOON GUI: Four major components are designed toprovide easy setup and real-time experimental results.

sent by the control client, the DNS service running onthe “Boss” server is also required to forward these com-mands. Similarly, the responses are forwarded back tothe control client through this proxy server. Fig. 4 showsthe message flow for constructing the virtual link.

4 User InterfaceThe section introduces GUI for the SWOON users. Thisinterface is a graphical tool used for defining, configur-ing, controlling, loading and monitoring experiments re-motely. Fig. 5 shows four major components in design-ing the SWOON GUI: (a) types of nodes; (b) canvas; (c)parameters; and (d) authentication dialogue for logginginto the DETER testbed.Types of Nodes. There are four types of nodes supportedby this version of the GUI: 802.11 STAs, 802.11 APs,WiMAX subscriber stations (SSs) and WiMAX base sta-tions (BSs). The 802.11 STAs connect to the Internet viaan 802.11 AP. The WiMAX SSs connect to a WiMAXBS via 802.16d to obtain network resources.Canvas. The canvas presents a visualization of the wire-less topology. Experimenters can place network compo-nents on the canvas, and configure the distance betweeneach components. The canvas can also show the trans-mission coverage of each component. Upon running anexperiment, the canvas shows the real-time result of theexperiment.


Page 5: SWOON: A Testbed for Secure Wireless Overlay, consisting of wireless sensor networks, 802.11 a/b/g, etc. It can evaluate protocols, mechanisms and techniques for secure









Figure 6: Wireless Network topology for Experiment Setup: DDoS.

Parameters. Experimenters can set the attributes of eachexperimental node by using parameters such as coveragerange, bandwidth, loss rate, OS, etc. Experimenters canadjust most attributes in real-time during the experiment.Authentication Dialogue. To securely control the accessto the experiments, an authentication dialogue is used toallows user to log in the DETER testbed and swap in thespecified experiments.

The SWOON GUI allows experimenters to easily de-sign the desired topology and configure the attributes ofeach component. The wireless topology specified on thecanvas is converted to a configuration file called a NSfile. The DETER servers initialize the wired networktopology according to the NS file. The SWOON GUIalso generates a coverage table based on the topologyand transmits the coverage table to the shadow nodes inthe experiment.

5 ExperimentsHere we describe some exemplar experiments that wehave run. The first experiment simulates a DDoS attackand the second one shows the ability of our system tosimulate wireless eavesdropping.

5.1 DDoSDDoS is a common attack on the Internet. It is an attackin which a multitude of compromised or zombie systemsattack a single victim. The flood of incoming messagesto the victim system forces it to shut down, thereby deny-ing service to legitimate users of the victim system.

To build up a DDoS experiment, we deployed thetopology shown in Fig. 6. n + 2 wireless hosts areassociated with a common AP; one of them is the at-tacker, which unites n zombies to attack the victim. Torun such an experiment on SWOON, we need 2n + 6nodes: n+2 STA nodes, one AP node and n+3 shadownodes. Since all STA nodes communicate with a sin-gle AP, all the shadow nodes can be configured in oneVLAN to physically broadcast packets. Each applicationnode and corresponding shadow node are configured inthe same VLAN, so packets from application nodes are

Figure 7: Physical Network Topology on DETER for DDoS Experi-ment.

Figure 8: Experiment Result: Under DDoS Attack.

directly routed to the paired shadow nodes. Fig. 7 showsthe topology configured for DDoS attack in DETER.

We use Tribe Flood Network 2000 (TFN2K) [9] forthis experiment. The tool is installed on all the attackingnodes, including the attacker and its zombie hosts. Forthe victim host, we use Redhat Linux 9, the legacy re-lease, whose network stack implementation is vulnerableto DDoS attack. With Simple Network Management Pro-tocol (SNMP), we can observe and monitor the packet re-ceiving rate and CPU utilization on SWOON GUI. Whenstarting the attack, the packet receiving rate of the victimnode rises rapidly. The victim node then detects the ab-normal receiving rate and issues an alert. After stoppingthe attack, the packet receiving rate in the victim nodereturns to normal state, as shown in Fig. 8.

This experiment is not only of interest in its own right,but also demonstrates the stability of SWOON understress.

5.2 Wireless EavesdroppingCompared with wired networks, wireless networks aremore vulnerable to threats and attacks by intruders.Since packets are broadcast to other nodes, it is easyfor a node to eavesdrop on packets transmitted over thewireless network. For the wireless eavesdropping ex-periment, two nodes are communicating with each othervia the telnet protocol. Fig. 9 shows that the third nodeeavesdrops on the conversation.

In the eavesdropping experiment, each wireless nodein SWOON is represented by an application-shadownode pair in DETER. This experiment requires eight DE-TER nodes: one AP node, three STA nodes and four


Page 6: SWOON: A Testbed for Secure Wireless Overlay, consisting of wireless sensor networks, 802.11 a/b/g, etc. It can evaluate protocols, mechanisms and techniques for secure

Figure 9: Experiment: Wireless Eavesdropping Attack.

Table 1: Emulable AttacksAttacks/Testbeds DETER SWOONWar Driving N YMAC Spoofing N YIP Spoofing Y YEavesdropping Y YWireless Eavesdropping N YMan-in-the-Middle Y YEvil Twin N YDDoS Y Y

shadow nodes. The experiment shows how effective isSWOON in emulating wireless monitoring.

6 Comparing SWOON and DETERTable 1 shows attacks that can be emulated on SWOONand a vanilla version of DETER. War driving, for exam-ple, requires emulation of a mobile agent that searchesfor wireless networks and collects data packets. DETERis not suited to emulate mobile agents. SWOON can em-ulate mobile agents, and can have the emulated agentsrun war driving programs such as NetStumbler [10] orSWScanner [11]. Experimenters can run protocols in ap-plication nodes and verify how robust those protocols areagainst war driving attacks.

7 Future WorkSWOON is a valuable testbed for studying and observ-ing the security issues in wireless networks. It provideshigh flexibility in constructing wireless topology and dy-namically adjusting parameters. With SWOON, design-ers can run their experiments without re-installing andre-configuring hardware devices and software modules.The wireless topology and the parameters can be dynam-ically adjusted through a user-friendly GUI. The design-ers can get the results of the experiments as soon as thenew values are applied. SWOON can emulate mobilewireless devices. By setting roaming paths, the handoverof devices can be monitored on the SWOON GUI in realtime.

Currently, the SWOON testbed only supports an emu-lation platform for 802.11 networks. We have began im-plementing real wireless sensor networks on SWOON inthe near future. This allows designers to physically runexperiments, such as secure aggregation and broadcast-ing on these sensor nodes. We are also adding supportfor other network types, including WiMAX, 3G and Zig-Bee. SWOON provides wireless network designers withan efficient, cost-effective tool for testing and evaluatingprotocols and modules.

AcknowledgmentThis effort was partially supported by the International Collaborationfor Advancing Security Technology (iCAST) and Taiwan Informa-tion Security Center (TWISC) projects, sponsored by National ScienceCouncil under the grants NSC96-3114-P-001-002-Y and NSC96-2219-E-009-013, NSC-97-2918-I-009-005, respectively.

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