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Alberta Sweetgrass - August 2014


$5.00 + GST where applicableVOLUME 21 • NUMBER 9AUGUST 2014




By Shari NarineSweetgrass Contributing Editor


Cancer concerns for two FirstNations living downstream on theAthabasca River have alwaysbeen personal for Mikisew CreeNation Chief Steve Courtoreille,but now they have reached aneven higher level. Courtoreillehas been diagnosed with cancer.

“But I am a fighter. I just don’tgive up. And so are my people,”he said. “I don’t have a problemin standing up to industry, instanding up to government, otherFirst Nations to fight for our well-being, our lives.”

Courtoreille’s commentsaccompanied the release of phasetwo of the joint reportEnvironmental and HumanHealth Implications of AthabascaOil Sands, which was undertakenby his First Nation and theAthabasca Chipewyan FirstNation. The report, which wentbeyond medical records,indicates higher than averagerates of cancer on the two FirstNations.

According to the report, 20 outof 94 people interviewedincluded cancer among theirailments. Those figures arestartlingly different frominformation released by theprovince in March.

Alberta’s Chief MedicalOfficer of Health Dr. JamesTalbot indicated that datacollected between1992-2011showed that cancer rates in thearea were on par with the restof Alberta and there was noconcern for environment-related cancers.

Lead researcher,environmental scientist Dr.Stephane McLachlan, with theUniversity of Manitoba, saidhis findings and process werescientifically-sound and moreaccurate because of the holisticapproach, which incorporatedboth traditional knowledge andenvironmental health sciences.

“There’s something uniquethat’s happening in FortChipewyan especially whenyou do the interviews and youdo the analysis that we didaround cancer rates,” saidMcLachlan.

The study compared thosewho suffered from cancer withthose who did not in order todetermine the differences inliving habits. Consumption oftraditional foods, in particularfish, and employment in the oilsands stood out as mitigatingfactors. Tests of wildlife forheavy metals and polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbon foundhigh levels of concentration.Some of the findings also

indicated high levels of arsenic,mercury, and selenium andelevated cadmium levels. Thispast May, the province advisedFort Chipewyan residents tolimit their consumption of gulland tern eggs from MamawiLake and Lake Athabasca dueto rising mercury levelsidentified by a study lastOctober. The report noted, “Yethuman exposure to thesecontaminants were generallynot of health concern (becauseof) the relatively low amountsof traditional foods that are nowconsumed ….”

However, said McLachlan,the switch to less healthy andless expensive store-boughtfood also makes people sick.Change in eating habits coupledwith the lack of adequate localhealth services has created a“perfect storm,” he said.

Athabasca Chipewyan FirstNation Chief Allan Adam saidthe findings are “credible” andcalled out both the provincialand federal governments fortheir refusal to take action.

“I feel because we are a FirstNation community, in moreways than one, that we are beingdiscriminated against througheconomic and environmentaljustice,” he said. “We’ve beenat this for well over 20 years andwe’re still at the table and not

Independent study indicates cancer concern in Fort Chipewyan

(From left) Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chief Allan Adam, Mikisew Cree Nation Chief Steve Courtoreille and University of Manitoba professorStephane McLachlan discuss the findings of a recently released report they undertook examining cancer in the region.


going nowhere.”Adam said regulatory reform

would provide moreinformation about what is goinginto the Athabasca River and itstributaries and not just from theoil and gas sector but also frommunicipalities. He called forreduction in water and airemissions.

“We have to do a lot ofthings,” he said. “We have tohold government accountablefor this.”

Part of holding governmentaccountable was the FirstNations’ decision to go outsideof the University of Alberta toundertake the study. Adam saidthe U of A and Albertagovernment have close ties and“we wanted to get a fair analysisdone.”

Adam added that the FirstNations were not calling for theend of tar sands developmentbut a “slow-down of furtherdevelopment in regards to whatis going on in our region andstart cleaning up the mess.”

Following the release of thereport, the Keepers of theAthabasca issued a news releasecondemning the provincialgovernment for its lack ofaction. In a CHED news report,a spokesperson from AlbertaEnvironment and SustainableResource Development

indicated no urgency to respondto the First Nations’ reportnoting that the issue of cancersin the region had already beenaddressed earlier in the year bythe province.

The Keepers of the Athabascaare calling for an independentpublic inquiry into the actionsof the Alberta government “withregard to their inaction on healthconcerns in Northern Alberta.”

Healing Walk to give way to communityfocus

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Aboriginal agency will lead expandedservices to Aboriginal families

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Alberta Sweetgrass - August 2014



Chiefs present for the unveiling of the Treaty 8 sign in Whitecourt were Grand Chief of Treaty 8 FirstNations of Alberta and Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation Richard Kappo, Chief Romeo Cardinal fromBigstone Cree, Chief Arthur Noskey from Loon River Cree, Chief Jim Badger from Sucker Creek,Chief Rose Laboucan from Driftpile Cree and Chief Rupert Meneen from Tallcree.

Treaty 8 marks territoryThe Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta are putting up

signs on the borders of their territory. The first sign tomark the Treaty 8 territory was raised on the southwestboundary near Whitecourt. By marking the boundaries,the First Nations also assert their existence, said GrandChief of Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta RichardKappo, in a news release. “It seems that industry andgovernments think they can just ignore and forget thatwe still exist in these lands and that we continue toengage in the ways of life that sustained our ancestors– hunting, trapping, fishing, gathering. These are notonly ways of life but expressions of who we still areas the Cree, Dene, Beaver and Chipewyan people ofthis area.” Eight signs will be erected along thehighway at all entry/exit points within the province’sboundaries that fall within Treaty 8 territory.

OCYA recommends policy against bed-sharing afterdeath of baby

The investigation into the death of a six-week oldbaby in care has led to Provincial Child and YouthAdvocate Del Graff’s recommendation that a policybe developed directing infants in care to not share beds.In 2013, six-week-old Dawn (not her real name) wasfound unresponsive in her foster parents’ bed. She wastransported to hospital and pronounced dead. Causeof death was undetermined. Dawn was one of ninechildren in the foster home, which was licensed forfour foster children. As the children in the home forshort term respite and birth children are not includedin the approved placement numbers, the foster homedid not exceed the maximum number of children.Dawn’s mother, Kate, is of First Nations heritage, andher father, Peter, is Caucasian. Kate and Peter wereboth involved with the child intervention system aschildren, and later again as parents. At the time ofDawn’s birth, two of her half-siblings were ingovernment care due to concerns regarding possiblerisk of abuse

Publication ban on children in care deaths liftedWith the proclamation of Bill 11 on July 24, Human

Services Minister Manmeet S. Bhullar has deliveredon his promise to lift the publication ban on childrenwho have died while in government care. Lifting theban was discussed as part of a limited-topic two-dayworkshop hosted by Bhullar in January. “I believe itis a basic right of each and every one of us to expressgrief publicly. This decision is not one for thegovernment to make; it is one for those closest to thechild to make,” said Bhullar, in a statement. Mediamay now publish the names and photos of childrenwho have died in care. However, parents with childrenin care as well as the children’s guardian, which is theprovince in most cases, may request a publication ban.Bhullar said that process for a publication ban will berevised and made simpler.

Agreement one more move in step to self-sufficiency

The Stoney Nakoda Nation has signed a joint ventureagreement with Hong Kong-based HuatongPetrochemical Holdings Ltd. to explore and developoil and gas deposits on about 49,000 hectares of StoneyNation lands. Huatong will provide all necessaryfunding and Nakoda Oil & Gas Inc. will act as theprimary operator for the joint venture. “The magnitudeof this new agreement between Huatong and the StoneyNations will hopefully bring us one step closer to self-sufficiency for our nation and people,” said BruceLabelle, Chief of the Chiniki Nation, in a CBC report.Large quantities of natural gas have been producedfrom the Jumping Pound gas field on the StoneyNakoda Nation since the 1950s.

ACFN pulls out of Grand Rapids hearingThe Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation has pulled

out of the regulatory hearing into the proposed $3billion TransCanada Corp.’s Grand Rapids crudepipeline. In a news release, Chief Allan Adam citedthe “impossible position” the First Nation was put inby the Alberta Energy Regulator, which is holding itsfirst hearing since replacing the Energy ResourcesConservation Board. Adam said the AER is flawedand had “seriously undermined our efforts to address

any concerns about First Nations impacts,” referringto a lack of assessments and studies undertaken. ACFNcalls the 500 km Grand Rapids pipeline the “motherof all pipelines” as it will feed the Energy East andKeystone XL pipelines. Grand Rapids would ship upto 900,000 barrels per day from near Fort McMurrayto the Edmonton area. Landowners and environmentalgroups have also raised concerns over the developmentand lack of an environmental protection plan. In a newsrelease, TransCanada noted it was “disappointed” withACFN’s decision but that it will “ensure” the band iskept informed. Adam said ACFN will consider otheravenues to challenge the Grand Rapids pipelineproposal.

AFN supports legal action for safe drinking waterThe Assembly of First Nations National Executive

Committee is supporting legal action undertaken bySucker Creek First Nation, Ermineskin Cree Nation,Kainai Nation and the Tsuu T’ina Nation against thefederal government on unsafe drinking water. “Potablewater is a serious issue in Alberta as we cannot evendrink water from pumps or natural springs. Thissituation is unacceptable and must be dealt withquickly,” said AFN Alberta Regional Chief CameronAlexis, in a news release. As of March 31, 2014, theAFN says there were 147 drinking water advisories in87 First Nations communities across Canada, with 68per cent of these designated as continued advisories,many of which have been in place for several years.The AFN noted that July 2011 figures released byAboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canadaindicated that 73 per cent of the water systemsinspected and 66 per cent of the wastewater systemsinspected were categorized as medium to high overallrisk. The report determined that, nationally, “based onthe 10 year projected populations, the combined waterand wastewater servicing needs are estimated to be$4.7 billion plus a projected operating and maintenancebudget of $419 million per year.”

Funding committed to continue work on health needsof Aboriginal population

Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions will provide agrant of $1.7-million over seven years to Universityof Lethbridge Faculty of Health Sciences researcherDr. Cheryl Currie to aid in her research to gain a betterunderstanding of the health needs of rural and urbanAboriginal populations. Currie, an assistant professorof public health, has been selected as the AIHSTranslational Health Chair in Aboriginal Health andWellness. Last year, Currie released information for astudy that demonstrated the role of Aboriginaltraditional culture and knowledge in the health andwell-being of Aboriginal peoples in cities. Currie saidimproving the health of Aboriginal populationsdepends on having a greater understanding of thefactors that shape Indigenous health in Canada. As anAIHS Translational Chair, Currie will continue to workin partnership with Aboriginal communities to examinehealth determinants and to develop and evaluateinterventions that address community-identified healthneeds for children, youth and adults.

Compiled by Shari Narine

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Alberta Sweetgrass - August 2014


By Shari NarineSweetgrass Contributing Editor


Organizers of the HealingWalk, which covers a section ofthe Alberta tar sands, will beshifting their focus next year.

“We’re not moving awayfrom (campaigning against)open pit mining to focus on insitu…but we need to focus onother communities that areneeding help,” said JesseCardinal, organizer of theHealing Walk and coordinatorwith Keepers of the Athabasca.“In situ is going to besurpassing open pit mining andthere’s a lot of concerns andissues around that.”

Keepers of the Athabascaworks closely with scientists,Cardinal says, who haveexpressed concerns regardingthe technology being used forin situ development. Scientistssay communities need to bemade aware and thegovernment held accountable.

Keepers of the Athabasca,and its allies, held the firstHealing Walk five years ago.The last Healing Walk tookplace June 27-29, withapproximately 300-500 peoplejoining in on portions of the 14km march past Syncrude andSuncor mines, tailings ponds,and upgraders in the FortMcMurray First Nation’straditional land. Cardinal saysover the three-day event, 1,000people participated in theworkshops, feast, prayers, andmarch, coming as far asEurope. There were peoplefrom the United States andacross Canada as well as thelocal community.

“There is more and moreinterest in not only the scienceof it, but the spirituality of theIndigenous people and howthat connection really is to theland,” said Cardinal.

“The walk calls forth to endthe destruction of the land fromtar sands expansion and tobegin the healing. We came toshow our solidarity with thecommunities who are mostimpacted,” blogged Pacificregional organizing assistant

Brigette DePape of the Councilof Canadians. She was one ofa handful from her organizationto attend.

It is that message of healingthat Cardinal says is crucial: thewalk has never been aboutprotest. And that realizationwas underscored when localRCMP presented spiritualleaders of the fifth and finalHealing Walk with tobacco.

“We highlight thatconnection of how we’reconnected to the land, how (if)the land is hurting, how that inturn affects people, how thataffects animals, how thataffects water, how that affectsthe air. And we want tocontinue having thoseconversations… because wecan’t go forward disconnected,focusing only on science, onlyon facts,” said Cardinal. “Wewant to continue highlightingthat knowledge, learning thatknowledge, sharing thatknowledge of how (the FirstPeople) stewarded the land,how they’re still stewarding theland.”

Those conversations willnow be hosted by communities,which are impacted by rapidindustry development on theirtraditional lands. The annualevent could take the form ofcultural camps or workshops.

While no community hasbeen chosen for next year,Cardinal says talks areoccurring with Beaver LakeFirst Nation, which, along withCold Lake First Nation, hasbeen impacted by the multipleemulsion-to-surface releases ofa CNRL operation on the ColdLake Weapons Range. Thereremains concern among FirstNations and environmentalgroups that the situation, whichwas made public July 2013, hasnot been adequately addressed.Cardinal says discussions arealso taking place with BigStone Cree First Nation andFirst Nations in the Peace Riverregion, who have called uponKeepers of the Athabasca forhelp.

Keepers of the Athabasca isnot opposed to organizinganother Healing Walk in thefuture, says Cardinal.

Healing Walk to give way to community focus

Between 300-500 people marched portions of 14 km that showed the impact of tarsandsdevelopment on Fort McMurray First Nation’s traditional land.


For complete list of radio bingo sellers


Cold Lake NativeFriendship Centre

• Cold LakeNorlite I.D.A. Pharmacy

• Joussard Larsen’s General Store

• KinusoJ’s One Stop• Slave Lake

Winks of Slave Lake• Desmarais

Bigstone Food Store Ltd.• Wabasca

E & M Foods Ltd.

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Alberta Sweetgrass - August 2014


~ Established December 1993 ~ISSN #1199-6773 • Canadian Publication Mail # 40063755

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By Darlene CharpkoSweetgrass Writer


When Aboriginal HomeVisitation Services areexpanded in the fall to Calgaryfamilies with infants andchildren to age three, anAboriginal agency will be atthe forefront.

That’s an importantdistinction, says MarkLaycock, director of MétisCalgary Family Services. “Firstcontact often occurs with thedisenfranchised, for example,an expectant mother.”

Although Laycock’sorganization submitted aproposal for the contract,MCFS was not successful.

While the expansion ofAboriginal home visitationservices is not connected to therecently announced partnershipwith Calgary Police Services toexpedite criminal recordchecks, Laycock believes thatHuman Services MinisterManmeet S. Bhullar is lookingfor bold solutions.

However, Laycock isn’tconvinced the bureaucraticsystem with its “firmlyentrenched processes” issupportive. He questions theeffectiveness of the tenderingmodel itself.

“The tendering process is notthe right one for Aboriginalorganizations. If the frameworkagreed upon with the MétisNation was engaged, that cansolve the problem,” he added.

The Métis Nation of Albertaand the province signed aframework agreement in 2008which, included, among otherpoints, that the MNA have“input into the developmentand delivery, whereappropriate, of policy,programs and servicessignificantly affecting Métispeople.”

“(Bureaucrats) are good-hearted people trying to do agood job, but they are missingthe mark,” said Laycock. “Iwould have felt better if therehad been more consultationwith the community.”

The community connectionis vital, he says. “Connectionwith the community isimperative in an Aboriginal-based community. With threequarters of kids in care that areAboriginal, outcomes are moreimportant than evidence-basedmodels.”

For Laycock, evidence-basedprogramming challenges are atthe crux of the issue. “Whoseevidence is it? Is it relevant tothe Aboriginal community inCalgary or some othercommunity?” he asked.“There’s lots of evidence, butwhat happened with theoutcome?”

Laycock holds that thesystem in Alberta has been inevidence-based programmingfor years and the positiveeffects have yet to be seen.

“The outcome with kids incare doesn’t reflect that. Theoutcome with kids in school

doesn’t reflect that. Theoutcome with kids and suicidedoesn’t reflect that. Theoutcome with kids incarcerateddoesn’t reflect that,” he said.

Laycock emphasizes theimportance of a holisticapproach that is grassroots,broad, and community-basedthat follows best practices. Hecites examples of effectiveprograms his organization uses,such as a long-runningAmerican initiative adoptedfrom the National Indian ChildWelfare Association used bymany Canadian agencies. Theprogram focuses on positiveIndian parenting of children bytheir own tradition.

“Authentic Aboriginalprogramming and the westernsocial work model are under alot of stress, grappling withways to find solutions,” he said.“We are caught up in marryingan old school of social workpractices with what really is acommunity-based model.”

Sally Stuike,communications manager forCalgary and Area Child andFamily Services, said theagency that received thecontract to expand services toAboriginal families will beannounced in the fall.

“The group awarded the RFPwill have met all therequirements, and the contractwill go to the best provider whoapplied. I do believe it is acombination of people inhuman services and people inthe community,” she said.

Aboriginal agency will leadexpanded services toAboriginal families

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Alberta Sweetgrass - August 2014


By Susan SolwaySweetgrass Writer


A unique Housing Firstprogram that has both a traumasupport worker and a culturaland spiritual educator wasrecently recognized with aLeader of the Pack award at the7 Cities Housing FirstPractitioners WorkshopAwards and Reception.

Team Leader Janice M.Shirt, of the Bent ArrowTraditional Healing Society inEdmonton, accepted the awardfor her efforts in guiding herteam in tackling the ongoingissue of homelessness.

“We put together a programthat incorporates both thesehealing aspects in place forpeople because the belief isthat trauma has made such animpact on Aboriginal peoplethat they make up the majorityof the homeless population inEdmonton,” said Shirt.

In 2006, 8,400 people inAlberta were consideredhomeless. Since then the 10-Year Plan to EndHomelessness was put intoaction and the 7 Cities HousingFirst initiative createdinvolving organizations fromGrand Prairie, the municipalityof Wood Buffalo, Edmonton,


Frontline workers recognizedfor commitment to endhomelessness

Leader of the Pack award winners: (from left) Carrie Bartsh, Ashlynne Vanbuuren, CarrieMenzies, Stacey Carmichael, and Arianna Johnson.


and, according to McGee, theoverall performance of teamssupported the individual.

Individuals from each of theseven communities receivedawards in three categories:Leader of the Pack, TheSmooth Operator, and theHo(u)ser. The Go-getter Awardwent to Brittany Davis with theSalvation Army, in WoodBuffalo; Data Diva or Duderecipient was Jilian Dowdingwith The Alex, in Calgary;and, the Enabler Award wentto Angie’s Best ChoiceProperty Management, inMedicine Hat.

When looking at the successof the initiative on a provincialscale, McGee says, Alberta isa leader in implementinggoals. It is the only provinceto adopt a plan to endhomelessness and to date hassuccessfully helped 6,000people within the seven cities.

“We’ve done this in anincredibly short period of time.In five years we’vetransformed the way we workand developed teams that havereal capacity,” she said.

Continuous collaborations,maintaining a strong focus onthe tasks at hand and launchingan online learning resource forthe teams, says McGee, are inthe near future.

Red Deer, Calgary, MedicineHat and Lethbridge. Eachmunicipality operates itsHousing First initiative to meetits specific clientele but theyalso collaborate, support andlearn from each other.

Jennifer Rideout, from theCentre of Hope, in FortMcMurray, was the recipientin the Ho(u)ser Awardcategory, which recognizesthose who are constantlyhousing individuals at a highrate or are able to sustainclients’ housing. Currently shehas 52 clients, many of whomreside in two trailers that hold17 rooms, and the majority livein private markets.

“Landlords are very openand honest and the clients areready to move forward, so thepartnership that we have withthe community and WoodBuffalo are very important,”Rideout said.

“People take on very specificresponsibilities for supportingsomebody. It calls on them tobe innovative, be verycommitted, and work togetheras a team. Recognizing this iswhy frontline workers are heldup and appreciated,” said 7Cities Chair Susan McGee.

All 23 winners of the awardswere dependent on theircolleagues to nominate them

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Alberta Sweetgrass - August 2014


Aboriginal artists big part of The WorksEdmonton City Hall stands as the backdrop to the AlbertaAboriginal Arts Tipi on Churchill Square. The tipi exhibited thework of contemporary emerging Edmonton Aboriginal artistsfrom Dreamspeakers on Tour, Amiskwaciy Academy, andyouth participants from Alberta Aboriginal Performing Artsand was one of many exhibits at this year’s The Worksfestival. The festival had 25 different sites.

Thrift Shoppe deals with second fireThe Bissell Centre has put a recovery plan in place to deal with

the fire that devastated its temporary Thrift Shoppe. Sea-Canstorage containers will be used to collect donations at Bissell Centreheadquarters. Mark Holmgren, Bissell Centre CEO, said his staffhave “persevered (through) the darkest hours facing two fires ninemonths apart.” The fire destroyed over 100,000 pieces of clothingand household goods destined for homeless and less fortunateEdmontonians. Community agencies, businesses, organizationsand radio stations have lent a hand, offering to accept and storedonations until suitable storage is organized in anticipation of thepermanent store reopening in late October. The cost to re-openthe thrift shop is estimated at $100,000, with the organizationundertaking an online fundraiser in early August to raise a $25,000shortfall in funding. The re-opening of the store is vital as itprovides $60,000 in annual revenue after expenses to supportvarious Bissell Centre programs and services.

New funding prioritizes Aboriginal housing needsHomeward Trust Edmonton will receive $32 million over the

next five years to put toward a new permanent housing project forAboriginal clients which will include a dedicated team of staff.CEO Susan McGee said the funding will allow the organizationto engage in new capital projects and programs. In making thefunding announcement in early July, Federal Health Minister RonaAmbrose said Homeward Trust’s “housing first” approach was tobe commended for providing stable housing for those who hadaddictions or mental health issues and then providing help for thoseissues.

School bus for Head Start programBent Arrow Traditional Healing Society received $40,000 from

the Edmonton Community Foundation to go toward the purchaseof a school bus for the White Cloud Head Start Program. Theprogram is designed to support Aboriginal preschoolers with apositive sense of themselves, their culture. It offers an opportunityfor youngsters to develop the skills to be successful in the schoolsystem. The bus will help families overcome a key barrier toparticipation. Bent Arrow is among nine initiatives to share in$279,830 in grant funding from ECF. Through permanentendowment funds, ECF currently disburses four per cent of theincome to greater Edmonton charities.

Order of Canada for worker for Aboriginal justiceIrene Fraser, of Millet, is one of two Edmonton-area people to

join the Order of Canada. Fraser was named as a member for “herwork as a social justice advocate who champions the fair treatmentof First Nations and Métis people in the justice system.” Fraser,who was born in Alberta, spent much of her life working inSaskatchewan where she focused on highlighting Aboriginal issues.In 2003, she worked with the Indian Residential Schools Secretariaton implementation of the residential schools claims process. Shehelped train the lawyers and adjudicators who would hear theclaims of former students who were abused. Jim Carter, of SpruceGrove and former president of Syncrude, was the other localrecipient. The award recognizes a lifetime of outstandingachievement, dedication to the community and service to the nationand is given to people of all sectors of Canadian society.


By Shari NarineSweetgrass Contributing Editor


Building relationships andsearching for long-termsolutions have brought successfor the Boyle Street CommunityServices Outreach Team whenit comes to working withEdmonton’s homeless.

“It is important that our teamis proactive,” said leader AidanInglis.

A recent independent reportundertaken by the City ofEdmonton, which examined theactions of the Boyle StreetOutreach Team from 2011-2013, attributes the team’ssuccess in reaching its mandateto its ability to connect withpeople who live on the streetsand assist them in transitioningto a stable lifestyle.

“This is done by building atrusting relationship withclients, helping to determinetheir needs and supporting themin addressing their issues,” saysthe report.

The report puts the outreachteam’s clientele at 57 per centAboriginal, noting thatEdmonton’s overall Aboriginalpopulation is only five per cent.

The outreach team rose fromtwo people to six in 2011 as aresult of a high homicide rate

in the city, which saw manyhomeless falling victim. Thatwas when Inglis came on andthe area of outreach serviceexpanded beyond thedowntown and the River Valleyareas.

Inglis says the team targetsthe usual spots as well as newareas when they hear aboutpeople sleeping in the bush orliving on the streets.

Inglis credits support from thecity, which includes goodworking relationships withEdmonton’s emergencyservices providers and parkrangers, as one factor in theteam’s success.

The report states that theoutreach team is “crucial insupporting individualsexperiencing homelessness tomeet their immediate needs.”The most common immediatepriorities of the team areclothing and food.

Inglis says that because theteam consists of the “same coreof guys it really makes adifference. It helps with theconsistency and the clientsdon’t have to tell their storiesover and over again.”

That rapport, he says, allowsteam members to delve deeperinto their clients’ situations andget a better understanding of theroot of the problems and what

services are required to dealwith those issues. It’s not simplyabout finding housing. It is alsoabout providing accurate andquick referral services andfollowing up to ensure theclient’s needs have been met.

“That’s why our team has alot of success. Instead ofpatching things up, we find theright fit and that means a betterchance for long-term success,”said Inglis.

Inglis is pleased with thenewly-created Heavy Users ofServices project that will seehealth and social serviceproviders, first responders,justice services, Aboriginal-focused organizations, andgovernment representatives allworking together to meet theneeds of the city’s mostvulnerable.

“It’s a really great step,” hesaid. “It takes a whole team toprovide services. Any time werecognize that we all need tocome to the table to do our parts,that’s a good thing.”

Inglis agrees with the report,which says more resources areneeded to adequately meet theneeds of those living on thestreets.

“It’s a reality,” he said. “Thehousing shortage in our cityimpacts everyone, especiallypeople with low income.”

Rallying for tolerance continues to grow in strengthChevi Rabbit (centre) led the third annual Hate to Hope march and rally on July 19. Despiterainy weather, the turnout was strong and included PC leadership candidate ThomasLukaszuk, New Democrat MLA David Eggen and Dr. James Makokis. Rabbit was the victimof a hate crime in 2012 in the Strathcona area. Said Rabbit, “We hope to inspire Canadiansto take action … and to grow a community committed to ending bullying, hate crimes andhomophobia.”


Team digs deeper to meetneeds of homeless

Compiled by Shari Narine

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7C A R E E R S & T R A I N I N GC A R E E R S & T R A I N I N GC A R E E R S & T R A I N I N GC A R E E R S & T R A I N I N GC A R E E R S & T R A I N I N G

By Sam LaskarisSweetgrass Contributor


Officials from Banff’s WhyteMuseum of the CanadianRockies are anticipating largecrowds for their latest exhibitcalled Indigenous Ingenuity.

“I think it’s going to appeal toa lot of people,” said themuseum’s curator Anne Ewen,adding it won’t just beAboriginals, who will be drawnto the exhibit.

If the exhibit opening, whichwas held on June 15 is anyindication, then Ewen will becorrect with her prediction.About 350 people attended theopening.

One reasons Ewen believesthe exhibit, which continuesuntil Oct. 19, will be a hugesuccess is because it includesboth old and new art.

“It was important to combinethe historical elements with thecontemporary pieces,” she said.“And it is a unique component,for the exhibit to combinehistoric artifacts withcontemporary work.”

Numerous historic artifacts,which are from the WhyteMuseum collections, are ondisplay and help to highlightmaterials, techniques and motifsused by Indigenous peoples.

Ewen added there were threemain reasons why museumofficials decided to stage theIndigenous Ingenuity exhibitnow.

For starters, this year marksthe fifth anniversary of the deathof artist Joane Cardinal-Schubert, who was known notonly nationally butinternationally for her artisticworks and advancement ofIndigenous art in the country.

Cardinal-Schubert, who was apainter, installation artist, writer,curator, poet, lecturer, mentorand director of video and nativetheatre, addressed social andpolitical injustices in her works.

She was also a member of theprestigious Royal CanadianAcademy of Arts.

A portion of the exhibit,

which honours Cardinal-Schubert, is an installation piecethat talks about residentialschool life.

Ewen said the other reasonsfor staging this exhibit were tohonour those artists whoinspired and mentored Cardinal-Schubert, who was also amember of the Order of Canada,and then also showcase workfrom those artists who receivedmotivation from her.

The exhibit features about 150pieces of work.

“I’m blown away,” Ewen saidof the artwork on display. “I’mgob-smacked if you will.”

This includes art from all ofthe members of the IndianGroup of Seven, which consistsof Jackson Beardy, EddyCobiness, Alex Janvier, DaphneOdjig, Norval Morrisseau, CarlRay and Joseph Sanchez.

Other well-known artists whohave pieces in the exhibit

Combination of historical,contemporary highlights exhibit

include Carl Beam, DavidGarneau, George Littlechildand Jane Ash Poitras.

The Whyte Museum of theCanadian Rockies opened in1968.

The founders of the facilityare Catharine Robb and PeterWhyte, who met at the BostonMuseum School of Fine Art in1927 and married three yearslater.

Whyte was a member of oneof Banff’s pioneer families.After their marriage they built astudio in Banff where they bothpainted extensively.

The museum opened twoyears after Peter’s death.Catharine remained involved inthe facility until she died in1979.

The museum, which is openseven days a week, does nothave a set admission fee.Museum officials suggest adonation.

Joane Cardinal-Schubert, Flutterby (Birchbark Letter), 1998,mixed media on canvas, 120 x 99.5 x 3.5 cm, collection ofAlberta Foundation for the Arts.


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Alberta Sweetgrass - August 2014