Download - Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism is linked to the regulation of DNA & For cancer patients, sugar-coated cells are deadly

Page 1: Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism is linked to the regulation of DNA & For cancer patients, sugar-coated cells are deadly

Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism is linked to the

regulation of DNA

&For cancer patients, sugar-coated

cells are deadly

Biology FoldingTeacher: Lina Martínez

Elizabeth Andrea García SuárezMedicine Student

III Semestrer2014 UPB

Page 2: Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism is linked to the regulation of DNA & For cancer patients, sugar-coated cells are deadly
Page 3: Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism is linked to the regulation of DNA & For cancer patients, sugar-coated cells are deadly
Page 4: Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism is linked to the regulation of DNA & For cancer patients, sugar-coated cells are deadly

Epigenetic changes refer to geneticmaterial influenced by theenvironment, and the regulation isrelated to adapt to such changes,giving plasticity to the genome and inturn, forming distinct phenotypesenvironment dependent, so that theyacquire stable qualities and heritable.

Integrins are cell adhesion proteins.Are fundamental in embryogenesis andregeneration of tissues, which aremade in basic pathogenic effects suchas in cancer.

Page 5: Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism is linked to the regulation of DNA & For cancer patients, sugar-coated cells are deadly

Histones are nuclear proteins thatare responsible for packing andcompacting genetic material, thusforming the chromatin. For thisprotein to perform its function, itneeds to be acetylated, this processis achieved by the acetyl CoAdonates a acetyl group to thehistone.

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Histone acetylation relaxes the DNA chain,allowing it to be replicated and expressed. Untilnow it was unknown this process of acetylation,but now found that producing enzyme Acetyl CoAfrom mitochondria is also found in the nucleus,with the particularity that in mitochondriaproduces Acetyl CoA for energy production, whilethat in the nucleus is exclusive to histoneacetylation.

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Initially, the research team sought tomeasure levels of Acetyl CoA and PDC inmitochondria, but accidentally got isolatednuclei and observed the presence of thisenzyme in these organelles.

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The presence of the enzymepyruvate dehydrogenase(PDC) in the core is related tothe faster growth of cancercells, so this study will bringimplications not onlypathologically but alsophysiological, in order tobetter understand thefunctioning and developmentof disease and therebycontribute to the discovery ofa cure for this terribledisease.

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In my opinion this finding is very important and will bring great progress in a matter of treating diseases like cancer, because with this, you may have a new target at the time of manufacture or develop drug therapies that contribute to war to find the cure for cancer, or at least, achieve better quality of life for people who daily struggle against this disease that claims so many lives around the world.



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Page 10: Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism is linked to the regulation of DNA & For cancer patients, sugar-coated cells are deadly

All cells in our body have a cell membrane,which separates the cell from the externalenvironment. This membrane is composedof a lipid bilayer, proteins andcarbohydrates among others. Disruptionof any of these components not onlycauses physical changes in the membrane,but also brings impact level signaling andcell survival.

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In the investigation it wasfound that increasing thelength of the chains ofglycoproteins that comprisethe cell membrane, it bringsdreadful effects, such asdisturbance of integrins anddisruption of cell signalingprocesses. This is not only themetabolism but also growthand cell movement is affected.

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These changes in thesignal, leading to cellgrowth and survivalwithout any control,that is, apotosisprocesses are altered,favoring theproliferation ofcancer cells.

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Alteration of the groupingexpression and formreceptor promotes diseaseslike cancer, making it evenmore lethal. This researchhas great influence not onlyin the field of molecularbiology, but also inphysiology, biochemistryand pathology

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ent I believe that such discoveries promote finding new

ways not only to understand but to handle differentdiseases that are common, such as cancer. The impactof this research goes beyond understanding thebiochemical process that is altered, but how thisaffects the quality of life of patients.

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Cancer is a disease thatattacks humanity in anexponential form, sothis research hold outhope of somedayfinding a cure for thisdisease not only, butfor others who are alsoinvolved, for examplein the epigeneticregulation.

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Knowledge andunderstanding of all theprocesses that areaffected in a pathologycontribute positively tofinding cures andtreatments, as well thereare greater chances ofreaching a cure oreffective ways ofimproving the quality oflife of patients

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Knowing the changesthat occur in the cellmembrane incarcinogenic processesopen the possibilitythat new drugs aredeveloped withtargeted integrins andmembraneglycoproteins, with theaim of allowing cellularregulation in allaspects.

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The maintenance of cellsignaling in optimalconditions, it is certainlycritical for normaldevelopment of life. Thatis why you shouldinvestigate further in thisregard, in order to have abroader view of theactual processes andthus have a more solidfoundation for thedevelopment of drugsand cancer treatments

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• [http://www.sciencedaily.comreleases/2014/07/140701145521.htm ,July 1, 2014 ] Checked on July 5, 2014, 16:00.“For cancer patients, sugar-coated cells are deadly”

• [ , July 3, 2014] Checked on July 5, 2014, 16:30.“Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism islinked to the regulation of DNA”

Page 20: Sweet genes: New way found by which metabolism is linked to the regulation of DNA & For cancer patients, sugar-coated cells are deadly

Es bueno ir a la lucha con determinación,

abrazar la vida con pasión,

perder con clase y vencer con osadía.

Porque el mundo pertenece a quien se atreve,

y la vida es mucho para ser insignificante.

-Charles Chaplin

Fotografía: Camilo Arias Rodríguez