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Dr. Stefanos Fotiou. Senior Regional Coordinator: Resource Efficiency

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Presentation contents

Sustainable Consumption and Production

SCP in the context of economic development

The UNEP approach on SPP

SPP, labelling, trade

Highlights of UNEP work on SPP in the region

Challenges and opportunities for SPP

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SCP in the context of economic development

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The decoupling challenge

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Defining SCP

The creation and use of services and related products, which respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of life while minimising the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product so as not to jeopardise the needs of future generation

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Defining SCP

The creation and use of services and related products, which respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of life while minimising the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product so as not to jeopardise the needs of future generation

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The life cycle approach

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The SCP life cycle approach

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The origins of global action on SCP

“The major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment are the unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, particularly in industrialised countries, which is a matter of grave concern, aggravating poverty and imbalances.”

Agenda 21 (Chap. 4.3), Earth Summit, Rio 1992

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Combination of Choices

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What we need

Strategies Practices Investments


Development assets

Change of BAUMobilising Financial Capital

Behavioral Change of Consumption Styles

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The UNEP approach on SPP

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The consumption conflict

I’d like to end poverty, stop violence and racism,and get rid of pollution.

Everyone should be equal.

I want to dress in the nicest clothes,drive a great car, talk on the latest

mobile phone, and use my brand new DVD

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Government procurement

We want to promote environmental conservation and social justice. Give

priority to local products. Be Green!

We have limited financial resources. We must be efficient. We need to buy more for less.

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Sustainable Public Procurement

“Sustainable Procurement is a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment”

International Task force on SPP

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SPP: Three focuses

Economic factors include the costs of products and services over their entire life cycle, such as: acquisition, maintenance, operations and end-of-life management costs (including waste disposal) in line with good financial management;

Social factors include social justice and equity; safety and security; human rights and employment conditions;

Environmental factors include emissions to air, land and water, climate change, biodiversity, natural resource use and water scarcity over the whole product life cycle.

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To guide countries in the development and application of national SPP policies and action plans.

Policy Framework

Legitimizes actions

Legitimizes actions

Informs the market

Informs the market

Action Plan:

Defines responsibilities

Defines responsibilitiesOutlines stages

of implementation

Outlines stages of


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The UNEP Approach to SPP

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• Eco-labelling: interface between production and consumption patterns

• Addressing the needs of developing countries:

• Information: access to coherent, credible and clear information about eco-labelling programs, requirements and markets

• Capacity: comprehensive, coordinated and needs-based support to develop sustainable enterprises

• Policy framework: integration in supportive policy framework

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SPP and Ecolabelling

Two complementary approaches to stimulate more sustainable products:

SPP: demand

Ecolabels: supply

Strong correlation between the active use of ecolabel and implementation of GPP (EU Green 7).

Example: EU purchase of organic food or California State purchase of certified computers

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SPP and Ecolabelling

• Stimulate the demand and supply of better products

• Help consumers make better choices

Combined approaches

of voluntary labelling and SPP

are important


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Trade on Environmental goods

The greatest growth potential for environmental goods (EGs) is to be found in developing countries.

China and Brazil in particular have focused on the production and export of EGs as a priority, rapidly becoming market leaders in many areas such as renewable energy.

Combined with increasing environmental awareness internationally, these trends are creating new and dynamic opportunities for trade in EGs

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How they get connected




• Creating opportunities for economic growth on the basis of low carbon goods and services

• Government leading by example. Upscaling and mainstreaming sustainable goods and services

• Ensuring the credibility of producer’s claims on the sustainable aspect of the goods and services

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Highlights of UNEP work on SPP in the region

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UNEP work

Regional level:

Provide training to experts in charge of supporting governments to develop and implement SPP policies

Raise the awareness of policy makers regarding the importance and need for a rapid move to SPP

Explore and discuss modalities of implementation of SPP in Asian countries

New project on SPP and Ecolabeling (regional and national level implementation)

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UNEP work

Country level

Seminars on SPP

Provide support for developing SPP policies

Link the work of SPP with eco-labelling and with the work on Education for Sustainable Consumption

Enabling developing countries to seize eco-label opportunities through capacity building and technical assistance for industries and governments in developing economies

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Sustainable Public Procurement Initiative (SPPI)

Bringing together representatives from governments, local authorities, business sector and civil society interested in collectively promoting the supply and demand of sustainable products through SPP

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SPPI overview

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SPPI members

BigRoom ChileCompra (Chile) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

- DEFRA (United Kingdom) Ecoinstitut Barcelona Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa –

UEMOA Environmental Development Center of Ministry of

Environmental Protection – MEP (China) Forest Stewardship Council – FSC International Green Purchasing Network – IGPN Green Purchasing Network of India – GPNI

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SPPI members

Green Purchasing Network of Malaysia – GPNM ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Institut de l’Energie et de l’Environnement De la

Francophonie - IEPF Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan (Lebanon) Instituto Nacional de Contratación Pública – INCOP

(Ecuador) International Green Purchasing Network – IGPN International Institute for Sustainable Development – IISD International Training Centre of the International Labour

Organization – ITC-ILO Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute –


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SPPI members

Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones (Costa Rica)

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (Colombia)

Ministério do Meio Ambiente (Brazil)

Ministry of Environment (Denmark)

inistry of Economic Development (New Zealand)

Organization of American States – OAS

Procurement Policy Office, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (Mauritius)

Swedish Environmental Management Council – SEMCo

Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (Switzerland)

United Nations Development Programme/Procurement Capacity Development Centre – UNDP/PCDC

United Nations Environment Programme

United Nations Office for Project Services – UNOPS

African Development Bank – AfDB (OBSERVER)

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SPPEL Project

Duration: 2013 – 2016


National: 13 countries

Regional: ConoSur of LAC and ASEAN

Funding: European Union, Republic of Korea and China

Implementation: UNEP with national and regional partners

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13 countries out of a list of 19 countries* located in the Southern Cone, Asia (ASEAN), Africa and Europe

* Core countries: Brazil, Colombia, thePhilippines, Vietnam

* Other countries: Ecuador, Nicaragua, Peru,Panama, Uruguay, Colombia, Costa Rica,Chile, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Morocco,Mauritius, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, South Africaand Ukraine

SPPEL Project: Geographical scope

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SPPEL Methodology

• Regional cooperation on SPP and EL

• framework for harmonization of ecolabels

Regional Component

• Core countries (with type I ecolabel) : integrated implementation of SPP and EL

• Other countries: implementation of SPP/GPP

National Component

• Knowledge Management Centre

• Communicationstrategy

• Dissemination and Outreach

Communication and Outreach

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SPPELL National Level

Core Countries with ISO type I ecolabels (4


Project Set-Up and Governance

SPP Approach Implementation in integration with ecolabel:

- Assessment, Review and Prioritization

- Strategic Planning and Action Plan

- Implementation of SPP

Strengthening of ecolabel:

- GEN and GENICES accreditation

- Marketing of the ecolabel

Technical assistance to SMEs to meet SPP and EL criteria

Other countries (at least 9 countries)

Project Set-Up and Governance

SPP Approach Implementation:

- Assessment, Review and Prioritization

- Strategic Planning and Action Plan

- Implementation of SPP

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SPPEL Regional Level

Two regions:

Southern Cone (South America)



Regional collaboration on voluntary standards and labels

Sharing experiences and common learning on SPP/GPP implementation

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ASEAN+3 GPPEL project


strengthening SPP and ecolabelling (EL) in the ASEAN region, based on the expertise of China, Japan and South Korea in the combined use of SPP and ecolabelling ;

enhancing South-South collaboration on those topics;

ensuring a broad and effective participation of ASEAN+3 countries in the SPPI activities.

Founded by China and Republic of Korea

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ASEAN+3 GPPEL project


ASEAN+3 network of GPP and EL experts and policy makers

Development of ASEAN case studies on GPP and ecolabelling implementation

Sharing of GPP and ecolabelling knowledge through a regional capacity building scheme

Improvement of the performance of GPP policies and EL schemes through the establishment of regional workgroups coordinated with the SPPI groups

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SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Support Component (RPSC)

The overall objective of the Policy Support Component is to strengthen national and regional policy frameworks to promote the shift towards more sustainable consumption and production patterns and resource efficiency, thereby contributing to green growth and reduction of poverty in Asian countries and assisting countries in achieving the MDGs.

SWITCH-Asia RPSC is funded by the European Union and UNEP

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Specific Objectives

Create an enabling environment to strengthen or initiate policies helping to mainstream SCP and RE in regional sub-regional and national development programmes.To assist stakeholders in the project countries (government, private sector, civil society), in designing and implementing specific policy-oriented activities to shift towards Sustainable Consumption and Production.

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SWITCH-Asia RPSC implementation cycle

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Some other important work

Green Purchasing Network (with regional and national charters)

International Institute on Sustainable Development (study on SPP and eco labels)

Institute of Global Environmental Studies (work on SPP and lifestyles)

SCP4LCE project (managed by GIZ)

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SCP4LCE project

Sustainable Consumption and Production for Low Carbon Economy – Low Emissions Public Procurement and Eco-Labeling (SCP4LCE)

June 2012 – June 2015

funded by BMU.implemented by

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SCP4LCE objectives

To expand existing eco-labels in Thailand and in selected countries in Southeast Asia to cover climate protection criteria

To strengthen Green Public Procurement in Thailand

To cooperate with other selected countries in South East Asia regarding Green Public Procurement and harmonization of eco-labels

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Some observations from Asia Pacific

Some good work in selected countries on the use of 3R for SPP (mainly with paper, plastic)

SPP becomes a government focus (example: the “Presidential decree 54” in Indonesia that includes SPP)

There are so many (literally hundreds) of tools on SPP and each country develops its own tools

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Some observations from Asia Pacific

There are also literally hundreds of available eco-or green labels (national, regional, international) available to the industry

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Challenges and opportunities

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SPP is mainly on a infant state

in most countries

The current global

financial uncertainty

Too many tools and too many labels and so little coordination

Global trade agreements might be an


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SPP is good for


The potential of international

trade is huge

The trend towards


SPP can helps to increase


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How to play a central role on SPP in Asia-Pacific

• Set national measurable SPP targets

Leading by example

• Demonstrate the business case for SPP

Leading by innovation

• Facilitate regional networking on SPP

Leading by knowledge

• Steer regional policy dialogue on SPP

Leading by policy

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Final notes

1. Very big need for mutual recognition and acceptance of eco-

labels in sub-regional at least level

2. Governments’ Role –buying ‘green’: leading

by example will definitely accelerate in

promoting Green Purchasing

3. A comprehensive institutional framework

at the country level with regional coordination is

definitely needed to mainstream SPP

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