Download - Sustainable Heirloom Seed Varieties

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Sustainable Heirloom Seed


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Planting sustainable heirloom seed varieties at home offers several advantages. For one, it comes with a remarkably diverse selection—providing you with dozens of varietal options from a single plant.

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Sustainable heirloom seed varieties come in a multitude of plant types, colors, shapes and sizes. You’ll find lots of interesting cultivars such as white eggplants shaped like large eggs, purple bell peppers with a delightful sweetness, and brown tomatoes with fancy olive green stripes. The possibilities are truly endless with sustainable heirloom seed varieties!

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Sustainable heirloom seed varieties are extremely viable as well. They can last for many decades so long as they are properly stored. The recommended storage method is to put the seeds inside ziplock bags and then tightly seal them in mason jars. Adding a desiccant beside the ziplock bag also helps keep the seeds dry.

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Just remember not to expose the jars to heat or moisture so as not to ruin the seeds. For maximum viability, store the jars in dry, cold places like inside the refrigerator. With proper storage, you will soon have an heirloom seeds collection to use not only for gardening but during disasters.

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Using sustainable heirloom seed varieties is also very economical. You can easily save money because instead of getting new seeds every season, you can just buy one heirloom seed pack and reuse them!

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Simply grow the seeds you bought, take the seeds from your best crops, then dry and preserve them in mason jars as previously mentioned. Repeat the cycle and you’ll always have access to viable heirloom seeds!

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Getting more yields is another advantage of growing sustainable heirloom seed varieties. With germination rates above 85%, you can maximize your harvests using the least amount of seeds! This is great news especially if you plan to make money from your crops because more harvests will naturally bring more profits for your business.

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Planting sustainable heirloom seed varieties has many benefits indeed, but its ultimate advantage has to be this: getting a constant supply of fresh vegetables right from your own home garden!

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No more buying bland vegetables from the supermarket because you can just find them in your backyard. With sustainable heirloom seed varieties, you’ll always have the best ingredients that will make your dishes taste even better!

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As you can see, sustainable heirloom seed varieties are the smart way to go if you want the best from your vegetable garden. They have an impressive lifespan, wide range of cultivars, greater crop yields, high germination rates, guaranteed freshness, as well as good financial benefits. So for these reasons and more, sustainable heirloom seed varieties are definitely a must for home gardeners.