Download - Sustainability Administrative Structure Recommendations

  • 7/27/2019 Sustainability Administrative Structure Recommendations


    May 1, 2009

    For President Jim Hamilton

    Prepared by Arnica Rowan

    Recommended by the

    Okanagan College Sustainability Team

  • 7/27/2019 Sustainability Administrative Structure Recommendations



    Peter Csandl, Operations and Energy Services

    Sarah Dieno, Arts

    Arch Doody, Security and Parking

    Dave Goodall, Networks and Telecommunications

    Graham Kershaw, Property and Services

    Jen Paulson, Enviroclub (student)

    Ellen Peterson, Biology

    Brad Piontek, PurchasingSteve Robinson Sr. , Campus Planning and Facilities Management

    Steve Ulliac, Enviroclub (student)

    Brett VanderHoek, Business (student)

    David Williams, Electronic Engineering Technology

    Mitch Yrjola, Business (student)


    Arnica Rowan, Business

    Additional thanks to

    Bob Eby, Finance

  • 7/27/2019 Sustainability Administrative Structure Recommendations


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    Okanagan College has committed to taking three steps towards becoming a sustainable institution:

    recommending a list of short-term actions, recommending an administrative structure to support

    the institutions progress, and writing a long-term sustainability plan.

    This document details the second step and recommends an administrative and organizational

    structure that will support social responsibility, environmental integrity and financial viability in

    classrooms, on campuses, and in the communities Okanagan College serves.

    Building on the success of the Short-term Action Plan for Sustainable Change project, the first

    recommendation is that specialty area groups (i.e.: Waste or Transportation) continue and

    formalize as Sustainability Teams, with an Ambassador from that specialty area at the helm and

    meaningful involvement by students and staff from various campuses.

    From the Short-term Action Plan for Sustainable Change, many projects and initiatives were

    identified that require dedicate staff time. Other important tasks, including writing the long-term

    sustainability plan, pursuing funding and applying for project grants, conducting the STARS

    assessment, conducting carbon tax assessments and preparing annual social and environmental

    reporting to accompany yearly financial reports are also essential to support the colleges

    commitment to sustainability.

    Therefore secondly, to support the work of the Sustainability Teams and to ensure that the above

    tasks and projects will be completed, it is strongly recommended that a Centre for Sustainability be

    established with a Director and knowledge-specific Manager and Coordinator. The Centre would

    not employ, but also include the Ambassadors from each Sustainability Team, Campus

    Representatives from each of the four equal campuses, and representatives from student groups.

    The Centre would meet as a whole with the leadership of the Sustainability Director to address

    strategic and broad-based projects such as the long-term sustainability plan; the Sustainability

    Teams would meet independently and be supported by the Sustainability Manager or Sustainability


    The Centre for Sustainability model encourages partnerships and meaningful contribution from

    students and staff at every level of the institution. It is action-oriented, promoting shared decision-making and informed risk-taking, innovation and creativity.1

    This document includes the goals of the administrative structure, details on organization and

    projected information flows.

    1 Okanagan Colleges Strategic Plan Key Directions

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    Summary ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Context ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    The Second Step .................................................................................................................................................................. 5

    Goals ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    Tasks to Accomplish .......................................................................................................................................................... 6

    Standards ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7

    Centre for Sustainability ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

    Sustainability Teams ......................................................................................................................................................... 8Fit............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

    Leadership Team Ambassadors ................................................................................................................................ 9

    Sustainability Teams Composition .............................................................................................................................. 9

    Centre for Sustainability ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

    Sustainability Director ................................................................................................................................................ 10

    Sustainability Manager ............................................................................................................................................... 11

    Sustainability Coordinator ........................................................................................................................................ 12

    Appendix 1 Colleges with 2000-6000 FTEs and a Green Report Card Administrative Grade A ...... 14

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    The Second Step

    The current Okanagan College Sustainability Team met for the first time in November, 2008. In

    February and March 209, the team decided on a model to guide their work, conducted surveys,

    reviewed and rated ideas from the college community on how to make the college more

    environmentally sustainable, and published their recommendations in a Short-term Action Plan for

    Sustainable Change.

    The teams second task was to recommend an administrative and organizational structure that

    would enable the college to write a long-term sustainability plan. After the experience of a

    successful collaboration by members throughout the institution, writing the short-term plan, and

    focused research into institutional success, the team was prepared to recommend an administrative

    structure. This document details how to best move their work forward and to support long-termsustainability at Okanagan College.


    To create an administrative structure that will produce a long-term Sustainility Plan forOkanagan College.

    To ensure Okanagan College supports and demonstrates social responsibility,environmental integrity and financial viability in our classrooms, on our campuses, and inthe communities we serve.

    To foster collaboration, innovation and a sense of community responsibility forsustainability amongst the campuses, schools and function areas of the college.

    To support meaningful involvement by students and staff at all levels of the institution. To continue the momentum of positive change catalyzed by the Short Term Action Plan for

    Sustainable Change, by implementing the recommendations from the short term and long

    term plans.

    To leverage Okanagan Colleges commitment to sustainability into enhanced communityand institutional partnerships, student enrollment,2 project revenues and employee


    2 The Princeton Review 2009 "College Hopes and Worries Survey" has found that 66 percent, up 3 percent

    from 2008, of respondents would value the ability to compare college and universities based on their

    commitment to environmental issues. Nearly a quarter said this information would very much or strongly

    affect their college decision. The survey interviewed 12,715 high school students applying to college and

    3,007 parents of college applicants.

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    Tasks to Accomplish

    The teams that recommended the Short Term Action Plan for Sustainable Change are prepared to

    continue their work and implement the projects within their areas. However, the administrative

    recommendations, as well as several others identified in the document, require leadership and

    facilitation to support the teams commitment.

    The following large tasks were identified as crucial for the success of Okanagan College


    Research and facilitate the process of writing an OC sustainability plan. Pursue funding and apply for project grants. Conduct or facilitate annual STARS assessments. Conduct carbon tax assessments. Prepare annual social and environmental reporting to accompany yearly financial reports. Identify and implement projects that support social, environmental and financial


    The following tasks were identified in the Short Term Action Plan for Sustainable Change, as

    facilitated or completed by the Sustainable Administrative Structure:

    Facilitate and monitor the implementation of the Short Term Action Plan for SustainableChange Recommendations.

    Create and administer Sustainable Projects Fund. Vetting and tracking of savings initiatives. Liaise with community and other organizations. Help people build business cases for ideas and change. Support student orientations with up-to-date materials. Organize Sustainability Week speakers, events, etc. Ensure implementation of short-term action plan. Compile information on successful projects, promote, and post on the 3stepsforward


    Create and oversee installation of interpretive educational signage on the Centre forLearning building site and on all future construction projects.

    Invite guest speakers from a variety of fields to the KLO campus and invite the localcommunity.

    Host a sustainability day for Okanagan high school students. Create an in-house carpooling website for OC staff and students.

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    The College Sustainability Report Card3 rates North American colleges and universities on their

    sustainable efforts in the following categories: administration, climate change and energy, food andrecycling, green building, student involvement, transportation, endowment transparency,

    investment priorities and shareholder engagement.

    Other reporting on post-secondary sustainability such as the Sierra Clubs Cool Schools Top Ten4,

    Macleans How Green is Your University?5and Forbes Magazines Americas Greenest Colleges6 have

    all linked post-secondary institutions level of administrative commitment to their level of

    achievement in sustainability.

    Published annually by the Sustainable Endowments Institute, the 2008 Green Report Card showed

    that schools with full-time staff devoted to sustainability rose dramatically in both colleges and

    universities. The number of schools with full-time sustainability staff positions grew from 37 to 66percent from 2007 to 2008.

    Of the colleges and universities with overall B- or higher grades

    87% have at least one Sustainability Staff member 47% have a Centre for Sustainability with multiple Sustainability Staff members

    Of the colleges and universities with overall A- or higher grades

    100% have at least one Sustainability Staff member 67% have a Centre for Sustainability with multiple Sustainability Staff members

    It is important to look at institutions comparable in size to Okanagan College, which has

    approximately 4500 FTEs.

    Of the colleges and universities with 2000-6000 FTEs with B- or higher overall grades

    72% have at least one Sustainability Staff member 35% have a Centre for Sustainability with multiple Sustainability Staff members

    Of the colleges and universities with 2000-6000 FTEs with A- or higher overall grades

    100% Sustainability have at least one Sustainability Staff member 75% have a Centre for Sustainability with multiple Sustainability Staff members

    3 www.greenreportcard.org4

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    Centre for Sustainability

    The Centre for Sustainability will foster innovation and dialogue, allow Okanagan College students,

    staff and community members to share ideas and collaborate on projects together, and foster a

    sense of responsibility and ownership for Sustainability in the Okanagan College community.Members throughout the institution belonging to the Centre for Sustainability will be empowered

    to integrate sustainability into their primary job practice, wither it be studying or teaching or

    managing a campus, and to drive a positive cultural shift through the institution.

    Sustainability Teams

    In the process of recommending the Short-term Action Plan for Sustainable Change, the specialty-

    area groups expressed a strong desire to continue their work. They want to see their

    recommendations come to fruition, and help work to write and implement on the Long-term

    Sustainability Plan for Okanagan College.

    In this model, specialty area Sustainability Teams are lead by an Ambassador with a background or

    functional control in the specialty area. The teams will function independently; however, the team

    Ambassadors will be members of the colleges Centre for Sustainability and the teams will be

    supported by the Sustainability Manager or Sustainability Coordinator.


    This model compliments the Key Directions which guide Okanagan Colleges operations. It involves

    students as equal learning partners. Throughout the Three Steps Forward campaign, the project

    has been enriched by meaningful student involvement. We attribute this to the passion students

    have for environmental topics, as well as a structure that acknowledged students as equals and

    facilitated meaningful involvement.

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    It encourages shared decision-making and informed risk-taking, innovation and creativity,

    through a nuclear structure with independent teams and good communication to the core.

    This structure also encourages partnership and contribution to the communities Okanagan College

    belongs to, along with meaningful input and support to the four regions. Each region has its own

    representative who can bring forward ideas and facilitate support from the Centre forSustainability.

    Leadership Team Ambassadors

    Each team will be lead by an Okanagan College

    staff or faculty member. The ambassador

    position will not have a specific term. Some

    people will belong to the Centre for Sustainability

    and act as an ambassador as a part of their

    expected work; others will volunteer from a pool

    of applicants. There will not be any release time

    expected for faulty members; instead their

    contribution will be considered an institutional


    Each team ambassador must have experience and knowledge in their field. The ambassador must

    be willing to collaborate with their Sustainability Team on projects and represent the Sustainability

    Team in broad Centre for Sustainability meetings.

    Sustainability Teams Composition

    Each team would be encouraged to include the following members:

    Ambassador A manager in the specific area, if he/she is not in the Ambassador role Membership from multiple campuses At least one student who has an interest in the area Partners for projects when applicable

    Community resource people that provide background that the team doesnt have, i.e.: anexpert in Xeriscaping or small lot food production on the Ground Team.

    The appropriate Sustainability Manager or Sustainability Coordinator in a support andadministrative role

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    Centre for Sustainability

    The Centre for Sustainability would include the following staff and student members:

    Sustainability Director Sustainability Manager Sustainability Coordinator Sustainability Team Ambassadors Sustainability Campus Representatives Enviroclub and other student group representatives

    The Centre for Sustainability would require office space for three people (the Director, Manager

    and Coordinator), as well as a very small meeting space for four or five people. The Team

    Ambassadors will be encouraged to use existing space to conduct meetings with their teams; yet

    there would be a small meeting space available for Campus Reps, Team Ambassadors and Student

    Group Reps to visit with each other and members of the community. The entire groups of people

    involved with the Centre for Sustainability would meet one every month or two in the board roomor a classroom.

    Sustainability Director

    The Sustainability Director would be the functional manager of the Centre for Sustainability.

    He/she would report to the Vice-President of Finance and Corporate Services and serve as a

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    member of the college Leadership Team. This position level would ensure that sustainability is

    committed to at every level of the college.

    The Sustainability Director would be responsible for the following tasks:

    Research and facilitate the process of writing an OC sustainability plan. Pursue funding and apply for project grants. Conduct or facilitate STARS annual assessments. Supervise and support the Sustainability Manager and Sustainability Coordinator. Ensure implementation of short-term action plan. Create and administer Sustainable Projects Fund. Vetting and tracking of savings initiatives. Identify and implement projects that support social, environmental and financial


    Sustainability Manager

    The Sustainability Manager would report to the Sustainability Director. The Sustainability Manager

    would work on classroom, research, marketing, communication and community issues and support

    the teams associated with those areas. He/she would require a background in marketing or

    communications, environmental education and community organization.

    Some of this positions specific tasks would include:

    Assisting the implementation of the Short Term Action Plan for Sustainable Changerecommendations for his/her assigned Sustainability Teams: Learning Team, ResearchTeam, Communication Team, and Community Team.

    Facilitate the implementation of short-term action plan for the Classroom and Learning,Wellness and Community, and Administration action tasks.

    Enable the implementation of the Long-term Sustainability Plan in the areas of Learning,Research, Communication, and Community.

    Support student orientations with up-to-date materials. Organize Sustainability Week speakers, events, etc. Liaise with community and other organizations. Compile information on successful projects, promote, and post on the 3stepsforward


    Create and oversee installation of interpretive educational signage on the Centre forLearning building site and on all future construction projects.

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    Invite guest speakers from a variety of fields to the KLO campus and invite the localcommunity.

    Host a sustainability day for Okanagan high school students. Create an in-house carpooling website for OC staff and students. Help people build business cases for ideas and change.

    Sustainability Coordinator

    The Sustainability Coordinator would report to the Sustainability Director. The SustainabilityCoordinator would work on waste, dining, buildings, grounds, transportation and purchasing issues

    and support the teams associated with those areas. He/she would require a background in

    environmental science, natural resources and/or environmental engineering.

    Assisting the implementation of the Short Term Action Plan Recommendations for his/herassigned Sustainability Teams: Waste Team, Dining Team, Buildings Team, Grounds Team,

    Transportation Team and Purchasing Team.

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    Facilitate the implementation of short-term action plan for the Waste, Dining, Buildings,Grounds, Transportation and Purchasing action tasks.

    Enable the implementation of the Long-term Sustainability Plan in the areas of Waste,Dining, Buildings, Grounds, Transportation and Purchasing.

    Conduct carbon tax assessments. Prepare annual social and environmental reporting to accompany yearly financial reports.

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    Appendix 1 Colleges with 2000-6000 FTEs and a Green Report Card

    Administrative Grade A

    Green Report Card7 descriptions:

    Oberlin College: In 2006, the Committee on Environmental Sustainability was formed toreview, propose, and oversee implementation of the college's environmental policy. The

    environmental sustainability office has a sustainability coordinator, administrative staff,

    and a detailed website.

    Clark University: A full-time sustainability coordinator is responsible for energyconservation, recycling, and other related issues. The Clark University EnvironmentalSustainability Task Force, made up of administrators, students, and faculty members, makes

    recommendations to the president in regard to sustainability.

    Brandeis University : The university has a full-time energy manager and employs a full-timesustainability coordinator. Brandeis Environmental Sustainability Team, composed offaculty, staff, and students, works to facilitate sustainability initiatives on campus.

    St. Lawrence University: The university employs a coordinator of sustainability projects anda coordinator of sustainable behavior.

    Middlebury College: A broad-based task force completed a plan for achieving carbonneutrality by 2016.

    Dickinson College: A sustainability coordinator heads the sustainability department withinfacilities management. Dickinson Society Advocating Environmental Sustainability, a group

    of faculty, staff, and students, meets bi-weekly and makes recommendations on all

    environmental sustainability initiatives.

    Seattle University: A campus sustainability manager and a sustainability coordinator havebeen hired, and a student initiative led to the creation of the Environmental Advisory

    Council to advise environmental policies for the university.

    Santa Clara University: A full-time sustainability coordinator has completed a sustainabilityassessment, and the Energy Awareness Task Force implements energy conservation


    7The College Sustainability Report Card rates North American colleges and universities on their sustainable

    efforts in the following categories: administration, climate change and energy, food and recycling, green

    building, student involvement, transportation, endowment transparency, investment priorities and

    shareholder engagement.