Download - Survey results summarySurvey results summary COM: 93 Cross Bridge: 97 CM and Others:220 Total: 410 CM & Others COM CB CM & Others CB COM •COM: 93 •Cross Bridge: 97 •CM: 208 •Lexington

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Survey results summary

COM: 93Cross Bridge: 97CM and Others: 220Total: 410

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• COM: 93• Cross Bridge: 97• CM: 208 • Lexington Youth: 2• Lexington Children: 4• Total: 410

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COM 您認為教會除了星期日崇拜以外,應該如何改善事工聯繫?

• 微信提醒是很好的方法呢!• 关怀小范围聚集• 线上配合线下活动• 至少我们小组组员之间没联系.• 一切还好• 更多关怀• 更多邮件通知• 更多外出/社交• 我觉得现在很好• 每周中间团契聚会,专题问题讨论,或查经。• More video meetings• 小组线上聚会可以多些• Phone calls• Fellowship

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Outdoor small group bible study gatherings or social events, outdoor worship times

I like that Cross Bridge now has a Zoom link for a kind of "virtual lobby" after service, for people to chat with each other. Though it gets a little awkward at times, it's been nice to interact with people I might not usually interact with in person in the physical sanctuary. I feel like I've gotten to know some non-peers that I otherwise wouldn't have. Perhaps if there were more organized opportunities for congregation members to mix and mingle, that would be nice!

Have monthly game nights for adults in particular fellowships

More opportunities to meet up and/or spend time with each other on other platforms like Discord and other groups


Private online community, something like Slack, not a public social media platform.

Encourage members to actively reach out to other members/neighbors by sharing anecdotes or Bible verses in exhortation to encourage one another, an idea is to send postage paid envelopes to mail encouragements

CB: How might CBCGB improve ministry connections outside of Sunday services?

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in person social distance events

More hangouts? Could be virtual too

Allow small in-person gatherings for fellowship

plan one or two face to face large meetings this summer for CB, held outdoors.

Making use of zoom meetings or Vimeo as the church has been doing.

More opportunities for virtual group gatherings (sharing/games/etc.)

zoom small groups, zoom mustard seed classes like quick 30 min sessions, some songs, a story, pdf coloring sheet/activity etc.

Offer seminars to learn about Christian activities like painting, building legos, making biodiesel fuel, drawing, Chinese language classes, Chinese culture classes, etc.

CB: How might CBCGB improve ministry connections outside of Sunday services?

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It would be good to have creative activities. Zoom meetings and livestream listening to worship become dull after a while. Not asking that you organize activities, but maybe help brainstorm ideas that could be sent to small groups.

More ways for people to serve or give back to the community that's outside? And not just about bible study and prayer? Heard someone talking about gardening/growing food for donations and recycling together.

Informal ways to hangout online? Have fun? We just moved back and don't have disciplers or small groups or feel connected on Sunday. We could host Drawful online? Or other video games? We could do Codenames via camera...?

CB: How might CBCGB improve ministry connections outside of Sunday services?

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CM & Others 您認為教會除了星期日崇拜以外,應該如何改善事工聯繫?没有


e-mail or via fellowship coordinator announcement are great ways to communicate with me.




introduce fellowship in the worship and encourage more people to join small group






Elder Board, church reopening planning, and leading YPF pre-Bible study





visit with safety measure


Improved website IT, phone directory availability for fellowship coworkers and staff especially Pastors and Ministers.



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心理讲座。大学新生讲座。通过zoomby other communication method to coordinate the services.Via Zoom meeting with service leaders 牧者长老可以开放在网上的互动!牧者长老在4月牧长会议中提到会友大会没有会友的提问!这不是很好的机会吗



strengthen small groups (i.e. fellowship) More Prayer.我参加《与主同行》一年读一遍的读经。和团契群学习

New Programs to mitigate isolation, fear, anxiety, and depression of congregants caused by Covid-19.Joint church serviceonline office time with congregations, online cares to those in need, e-newsletters with stories of encouragement, etc., as well as some more details of how church is preparing for reopening would help. 1. Provide seminars to community on how to manage challenges during pandemic 2. Consider unique opportunities to spread the gospel during this time

CM & Others 您認為教會除了星期日崇拜以外,應該如何改善事工聯繫?

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CB: Other comments from: What type of precaution should be our top priority for worship gatherings?• Wait for a vaccine • Outdoors while site in automobies or in seats. • require use of masks• Worship concerns me, because people are singing and therefore projecting droplets of spit into the air.• Hold outdoor services weather permitting. Family friendly services so children don't have to go to downstairs• Mandatory mask wearing• Masks required; people who cannot comply should not attend (i.e.young children who touch thibgs often, and may take their mask on and

off); limit gathering size; no church lunch• Outdoor services, if possible• honestly, i don't think this is something we should ask the congregation about. can you consult experts in our congregation like public

health, infectious desease docs, epidemiologists? • 1. Increase ventilation by opening doors and having HVAC system fan cycle used liberally. 2. Having remote worship option for those who

want it. 3. Having surgical masks for those who forget them at home.• Meet outside in parking lot• Making sure seats and everything that is touched will be cleaned between services to minimize risk of spreading anything• passing out things is probably lowest priority. everything else equally prioritized.• Support contact tracing -- have a plan for how to communicate known cases and close contacts• better ventilation

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9:00 9:15 9:30 其他時間

對我來說太早 30 20 5 2

可以接受 65 60 71 35

正好 22 16 83 3

9:00 9:15 9:30 其他時間


29 19 11 4

可以接受 29 29 35 27

正好 5 4 17 19:00 9:15 9:30 Other


Too early to attend 24 11 8 1

Okay 11 11 13 5

Works fine with me 13 22 24 19


CM & Others


If the first worship (Chinese worship) has to shift, which is your favorite time?

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COM 其他意見或建議?

• 可否有workshop讲解关于单身异性肢体间如何沟通和cooperate是比较合宜的呢?• keep the on-line broadcast as long as possible. it really helps families with young children to attend worship

services. • 暂时没有• 一个设想:所有人抽签拿到数字1-4,分别在每月的第1-4周参加现场敬拜。• 即使开放聚会,希望仍能继续线上同步主日和其他小组活动,一直到有效稳定的疫苗广泛使用。9月大学生批量回波士顿,加上之后州与州之间必然放宽客流,可能会使疫情恶化。

• 希望等疫情稳定了才考虑重新开启线下教会• 主日崇拜讲道时间就半小时,太短了,感觉刚开始就结束了。而且多数讲道是一半时间诠释某段经文,似乎类似查经,剩下的时间就更少了。希望讲道能够结合现实生活,每次一个主题,结合圣经诠释这个主题。

• 敬拜方式可以试试不同的方式更能提高参与感及互动• 仅仅是一个很不成熟的想法。是否可以有一些教会出面预订,让一些会众租赁居住的房屋。因为我感到有的情感上精神上需要支持的弟兄姐妹最好有全天候的关怀陪伴。

• Livestreaming is good. • 无• No• I personally prefer a morning service.• Com is 1:30pm• Safety first for the congregation!

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The Vimeo Sunday services are always choppy/freeze/repeat no matter how we access Vimeo but we appreciate everyone’s services are superspreading events unfortunately

I think a huge part of church is the feeling of being part of a community. I don't quite get a sense we'll feel like a community if we're all wearing face masks at service and rushing to get out of the build soon afterwards out of health concerns.

Other than the availability of a vaccine, strictly enforced universal masking and/or outdoor services are the most reasonable scenarios to allow for in-person services.

Keep up the good work! Praying for pastoral staff and elders during this difficult decision-making time!

Would personally suggest that the church should wait a few weeks after everything has been lifted in order to make sure that COVID does not have much of a risk of growing and impacting the members of our congregation, even if it does feel "safe" for some people. I mainly do not want to risk having it be transmitted towards those who may have breathing issues or immunodeficiencies, even if it has a chance of being transmitted to an asymptomatic carrier that lives with someone who does have those types of issues.

CB Any other comments or suggestions?

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"I think it's too early to make a decision whether or not we should resume in person worship services, even if it is only musical worship team. I would wait and see how the situation is going via the following website:COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU):

The dashboard, (in the above link), can be interacted in many ways. I would pay particular attention to the situation in the state of Massachusetts, the state of New York, the United States as a whole, Canada, and the entire world globally."

Thanks to the committee for your time and effort.

Can sanctuary windows be opened? UV light applied to ventilation system to sanitize air

Please ensure continued live streaming even if church opens up. Other churches do virtual communion, I think we should re-visit our stance.

Mention who is on the task force so we can give input and ask questions but I’m not sure if publicly announcing the members would invite people of ill will to harass them :(


CB Any other comments or suggestions?

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Keep praying:)

I would not feel safe unless people follow the guidelines by the Government, if a mask is required everyone should wear one with no exceptions or don’t attend in person. Smaller gatherings should also be considered.

Thank you for all that you're doing to keep us healthy - both spiritually & physically. Praying for the church leadership.

English ministry might be possible.

I'm wondering who is on the steering committee? We have lots of experts in our congregation, can we make sure we consult them to get some data?

appreciate this survey, thank you for all the work and effort

I am in no hurry to put myself in danger, but I will pray that god provides me a path to travel.

CB Any other comments or suggestions?

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CM & Others 其他意見或建議?•教会或许应该多考虑年长弟兄姐妹的需要,特别开设一堂崇拜给他们•我没什么意見或建議,只想为教牧同工祷告。•教会或许应该多考虑年长弟兄姐妹的需要,特别开设一堂崇拜给他们•请定時update 教会重新开始凖備状况。




•I would appreciate to keep online prayer meeting.

•1. 謝謝相關服事同工的辛勞。2.在相關衛生安全規範與作為可完全落實且同工覺得平安的前提下,或可考慮主日崇拜的司會、音樂崇拜、音控與電腦網路同工可進入大堂服事。詩班同工因服事時不易保持社交距離或戴口罩,暫時



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• 在线的敬拜和查经虽然有点影响大家聚会的质量,但影响不多。希望教会在社区中也不要成为病毒扩散的聚集地。而是付起责任来,保证教会的成员健康为重,同时为社区做更多的事。虽然在各自家中,相信神会与我们同在. • 还得等!本州尚好,全国太乱。• 目前網上主日崇拜太呆版。假使還要繼續下去,就應設法改善。崇拜完之後,開放特別 Zoom rooms, 提供教牧同工與會眾交通機會,滿足會眾需要,譬如禱告和輔導。注意特別事件,趁機與會眾連接,譬如學生畢業、父親節、反對種族歧視遊行,疫情引起的害怕、憂鬱、孤單,等等。

• Please encourage wearing Mask all the time• No rush to go back • 没有• 體溫檢查的意義不大• 無• 最後還是要遵從教會的建議及指示。• 若開放之後,限制聚會人數與網上崇拜可以同時進行,不需要增加次數,限制入場人數若滿,其餘人就線上崇拜即可• 崇拜時唱詩如何進行? 洗手間採如何隔離和安全措施?• No rush to reopen. Do it right is more important.• 愿神祝福CBCGB!祝福世上所有的教会!💒• "意见:不要急于聚集在一起去敬拜。预防传染病就需要好好隔离,不要有侥幸心理。一但有问题,就不是小事,牵扯的事情很可能是预测之外的。小心为好。

• 祷告:愿神眷顾我们的教会,我们的教会定会被神坚固。 "• 增加网上讲座:如何教育青少年,如何与子女沟通等;考虑网上退修会,VBS等• 年龄65岁以上的人晚点开放。75岁以上更晚些,最好等有疫苗以後才开放老人。再不然要准備免责書,請参加的人簽名。• 还是等疫苗吧!生命第一!

CM & Others 其他意見或建議?

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• 我觉得教会不妨尝试一下把华语崇拜breakdown into 2 sectors. 对于一些起的很早的人或者说有想参加各种主日学11:00-12:00的弟兄姐妹来说,尽量鼓励他们去第一个sector,maybe from 9 AM -10:15AM. 然后10:15AM -10:30预留给sector 1的主日崇拜朋友们离场的时间,然后Sector 2 begin from 10:30AM - 11:45AM. 然后当日负责接待的童工可以负责消毒清理会场。当然作为教会目前应对疫情的情况,我们还是应该做到both 少规模人群逐渐回到教会 and 同时继续保留网络崇拜的选项给那些身体健康还不稳定或者有顾虑的一些弟兄姐妹。对于午餐部分,尽量还是先不要开放,因为毕竟疫情在很多州还在大规模爆发。可以等到秋季如果一切尽可能恢复到足够安全的情况下,可以重新开放午餐服务。这是我的一些想法和建议。谢谢!

• 无• 尽管可以开放了,但病疫仍然无法控制。建议继续维持在Zoom上敬拜和团契,我们教会年龄大的也较多,为了不被相互传染到病毒,还是以安全为先!

• Use abundant of caution, do not open too soon. Even with a vaccine which may be available the end of this year, we’ll need to see how effective it is before letting people gather• 必須戴著⼝口罩參加• Even church open, but skip lunch service because social distancing.• 在沒有疫苗和有效藥物,再加上目前美國有很多病例的情況下,教會開放的節奏慢點較安全。同時,可以通過加強團契內部的關懷工作增加凝聚力,以此來彌補不能參加現場聚會的缺陷。

• 10点• 喜歡網上敬拜。• 即使教會九月開放,我可能延緩去教會參與崇拜,除非麻州疫情已得完全控制(如感染數字在20人以內). 希望教會仍同時提供網上崇拜.• Consider how to take the advantages of multimedia approaches in our future ministries • 为现在的社会状况和将到来的总统选举多多放在祷告中。• Don’t rush to open

CM & Others 其他意見或建議?

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• 我住在333Masschusetts老人公寓,过去是有车接送的,否则去不了教会.If church reopen in future, I suggest that 1) if we can, main restroom should spray every 20 to 30 min., open door after service to avoid crowd 2) 聚會完後大家要立刻走到户外談話, 當日招待可負責 3)Move the Bus and Handicap parking to 1st level parking area 4) close half 1st level parking area in order to make large space for social talking 5) basement youth room, low ceiling, should cross, Thanks• Hope we get to be together soon. We can have temporary online services but it's not the alternative to the CHURCH. Thank you for working on this. • Holding a service on Saturday evenings. The kids s• In terms of online worship, could some church settings used as background instead of just white wall of individual home, which is a little pale? Some pastors had the sermons recorded in the church or used church building as the background, which is very impressive and provides a sense of belonging.• "Thank you for arranging this survey. I think it will be interesting if results of the survey can be shared with the church so that it can help inform the different ministries and coworkers regarding how to care for the physical, mental and spiritual needs of brothers and sisters.• In the absence of such information, my thinking is that there may be two groups who could greatly benefit from a church reopening:• 1) groups who are unable to access online worship services or online fellowship gatherings using technology due to lack of technology support• 2) groups who are able but have not consistently access online worship services or online fellowship gatherings due to overloaded responsibilities in the home or work, lack of discipline or lack of accountability• For the first group, a large proportion of it consists of an older population who is at a higher-risk of complications from COVID-19. This group may not be suitable to return to church even if it reopens until a later time.• For the second group, it may or may not make a difference. That group may not feel a strong urge to return just yet. • One way to improve online service attendance may be to consider some way of checking attendance. This might require using a different tool other than Vimeo, or some way of logging into sermons before they can be heard. • If the church decides to reopen, it may be beneficial to consider a hybrid approach to allow both in-person and online services to occur either simultaneously or within a close timeframe of each other. This would offer flexibility for families to choose based on their needs."• Effective vaccine available is a pre-condition before church holds in person service

CM & Others 其他意見或建議?