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Survey Analysis

Here is my survey analysis for the survey we as a group created. The reason why we created a survey was to help us find an established target audience, get better film ideas and also what the audience want to see included in our final film trailer. We used a variety of different question styles to help us identify collect accurate results as possible.

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For this question, we asked the participants to state their gender. So, we more females answered than males, however it wasn’t a significant difference. By having these results, we now know what audience we want to attract for our film, so we came to the conclusion on making it appealing to both sex’s. It also enables us to further understand the results we had for the following questions.


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In question 2, we enquire about the audiences age. From the results we gathered, the man response we had came from people ages 15 to 20 years old. This allows us to understand this age group responds to our film ideas. Our primary target audience is people aged 15-30 years old.Also, will take in consideration of the age of people that took our survey when we look at the other answers, to see what the majority of this age groups preferences are.


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In this question we gathered a wide variety of answers on the audiences favourite comedy films and why they enjoyed them. As you can see to the right, here is a list of some of the responses we gathered for this question. So from what we gathered from our results, we will research and watch these films to find out what makes them appealing to our target audience.


We can use some of these aspects and ideas from these films, to help create our film trailer because then we will have a wider variety of comedy film elements, to satisfy our target audience.

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So first of all, the majority of our participants thought that the character types are important to consider when creating a film trailer. This means we will work on what the characters personalities are like, their appearance and their relevance in the trailer.

Then, we found out that the actual actors used in a film are important to consider as well. This means that we need to find the correct actors for the characters we have decided upon for our film.

However, we then found out that the type of comedy of the film is not really important when creating a film trailer, so therefore we will not focus on the type of comedy too much in comparison to other elements. Seeing as we already have decided on a comedy genre, we wont need to worry about this feature too much.

Lastly, we found out that the actual storyline is very important for a comedy film, so that is why we will spend a lot of time planning out what will happen in our film trailer.


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From these results, we can see that the vast majority of our respondents like our synopsis, however some people disagreed. Therefore, we will take this into consideration and re-evaluate our synopsis and then see what can be improved. Even though we are extremely happy that our participants enjoyed our synopsis, we still need to improve it. We need to add more to the overall plot and add something in like something bad happening to our main character and he needs to find a solution to overcome it.


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This question helps us with our previous question, as we now have a clearer idea on what we might need to change in our synopsis. As you can see, more people preferred the overall plot, to the characters used, therefore we will look into improving our character ideas for our final trailer. A few ideas I would be that we need to add in more characters and actual show the audience a bit of background to who these characters are. This will also help the audience understand what the plot of the film is about.


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At first, we struggled to find a suitable title name for our film. So what we did for this question is ask the participants on what they think is the most appropriate name for our film. As you can see, “Overdoze” was the popular result, so therefore we will use this name for our final film. In all honesty, I am happy with this choice because this is my favourite title out of these options.


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This question helped us identify what features we needed to focus on when creating our trailer. As you can see, the narration is the most important factor in a film trailer, however we still need to take in other things like acting as well. We have already decided to have narration, so we will ensure that the acting fits in with what is being narrated, so that the plot of the film make sense to the audience.
