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Page 1: Survey analysis

Survey AnalysisJoe Popplewell

Page 2: Survey analysis

The survey results show that mostly males completed the survey, which doesn’t mean I should change the design, but I should definitely take it into consideration.

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From the results of the survey, you can clearly see that the vast majority (83.33%) of people who took this survey, are 16-24. However, what I should also take into consideration is the age of people in my social group (because I posted it on Twitter and Facebook), and the ages of people on a certain website that likes the type of content I post (because I posted it on Tumblr).

Page 4: Survey analysis

From the survey results we can see that the majority of people that took the survey are a student in education, or are in some form of training. This is most likely because of the average age of my own social circle. And so modify my magazine because the results aren’t representative of the public.

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From this we can see that the majority of people don’t buy magazine lately, most likely due to the internet, as such, to get more readers I will have a digital version of the magazine that will make use of multimedia.

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From these results we can see that the majority of people don’t subscribe to magazine, probably because of websites on the internet that gain money from active ad revenue. Therefore I will try give people an incentive to subscribe, such as a code for collection of songs or exclusive content.

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From this I can see that slightly more people prefer electronic rock, and certainly prefer it more than electronica, probably because it has a mix of genres and therefore can capture a greater audience. In second place, ambient is preferred, however I suspect the genre may have been confused by some people as it is a very indie genre.

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From this you can clearly see that the people that took this survey want an even mix of articles and interviews. I shall reflect this in my plan.

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From this we can see that the majority of people would view a digital magazine, probably because of ease of access. However the amount that would is less than I expected. However as I would produce a digital version and a print version of my magazine, it wouldn’t be an issue.

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From this we can see that the majority of people enjoy the black, white, red, colour scheme we often see on other magazines. I shall reflect this in some of the graphics in my magazine, however will use the black, yellow, purple, colour scheme on my magazine because I believe it is a more unique and easily recognisable house style and think in this situation, veering from the norm in order to be more noticeable is better than adhering to what is popular, especially with more indie/underground scenes.

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From this I can see that the majority of people want a woman on the front cover, however I believe this may be an inaccurate representation of the proportion of people who would buy this magazine want. As you can see from the first question, the majority of people who took this survey are male, however this gender proportion may be different from the gender proportion who would actually buy the magazine.