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Page 1: Surrogate mother and surrogate motherhood


Surrogacy is a procedure in which a woman carries a pregnancy and gives birth to a child for

another woman. Surrogacy has become very common in India and many couples have opted for

this method of assisted reproduction. It is a boon in many ways and couples who had given up

hope on having their own child someday have their dreams fulfilled now.

Surrogacy is a long and legally bound process in India. Many Indians and foreigners come to

India to seek surrogacy and choose a surrogate mother best suited for their needs. The process

of surrogacy is long and hence requires a great amount of trust and rapport between the – third

party reproduction agency (who provides the surrogate mother), the treating doctors, the

intended parents and most importantly the surrogate mother.

Many women in India single handedly run their families because of various reasons. Many a

times their partners are not of support to them and they take care of children and household all

by themselves. In India where the population is overloaded and jobs for uneducated women

are sparse, women ranking from the lower strata of society seek to be surrogate mothers.

A woman who chooses to be a surrogate mother has to compromise and sacrifice a lot for the

period of 9 months when she becomes an incubator for another couple. A surrogate mother

thus puts the needs of her family and children before hers when she opts for surrogacy

procedure. Many woman come forth to be surrogate mothers but only a few are chosen and

enrolled for the program.

Requirements to be a surrogate mother

As a third party reproduction service provider, we see to it that only women who fulfill the

ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) guidelines can participate in this program. The

criterions penned down by the ICMR are as follows

1. Women below ages of 30 can only act as a surrogate mother

2. Women having proven fertility

3. Women free of STD’s and transmissible disease

4. Women having no genetic diseases

5. Women having sound physical and mental health

Any woman who desires to rent out her womb to another couple and matches the above ICMR

criterions can serve as a surrogate mother.

Page 2: Surrogate mother and surrogate motherhood

Once the initial scrutiny is done the women selected will undergo several basic and advanced

blood tests so as to deem her fit for surrogacy. If she is though with her blood tests an

extensive counseling is done by the counselors wherein the whole 9 months journey both

emotionally and financially is explained to her and her husband.

We are particular that the husband is made aware of the surrogate mothers decision to be a

surrogate for the intended parents. There is a legal contract that binds the surrogate mother to

the intended parents as well as the third party reproduction service provider. She cannot quit

or reschedule the surrogacy cycle. Only the cases of unforeseen circumstances can be taken

into account for.

Surrogate mothers are expected to be prompt and honest. They also develop qualities of time

management, leadership and patience during their 9 months of stay with us in the surrogate

homes. Need to do surrogacy for many may be money-driven but they also have the

understanding and realize the importance of the procedure they undergo.

It is time that we support these surrogate mothers who have great respect for life and always

strive to do their best.


Global Surrogacy, India is one of its kind team of dedicated professionals providing all the

services under one roof. Global Surrogacy India has been providing services to all its intended

parents for Surrogacy, choosing Surrogate Mother, Single Parent Surrogacy, Gay Parent
