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  • 8/8/2019 Supplemental Request for Judial Notice #2


  • 8/8/2019 Supplemental Request for Judial Notice #2


    Request for Judicial Notice Shelley v. Quality Table of Contents

    Exhibit # 0-VAC, Recorded August 8, 1985 in Official Records, County of Orange, California -the Memorandum Agreement of Sale between the Department of Veterans Affairs and Richard

    Shelley, when and where Richard Shelley acquired title to the certain real property specifically

    described therein by a Purchase Land Sales Contract.

    Exhibit # 0-VAGD, Recorded March 23, 2005 in Official Records, County of Orange, California

    - the Department of Veterans Affairs Grant Deed granting to Richard Shelley and Jerri Lynn

    Shelley Husband and Wife, as joint tenants, certain real property situated in the County ofOrange, State of California.

    Exhibit # 0-VALG, the Department of Veterans Affairs Loan Guaranty Certificate of Eligibility

    issued March 15, 2008 for Richard Shelley.

    Exhibit # 1-AR, the Uniform Residential Loan Application for an extension of credit refinancingsigned by Richard Shelley in March of 2005 with an attached declaration.

    Exhibit # 1-DT, Recorded March 23, 2005 in Official Records, County of Orange, California

    the Deed of Trust between Richard L. Shelley as trustor, Lenders T.D. Service, Inc. as trustee,

    and Frank S. Livacich et al. as Beneficiary.

    Exhibit # 2-A, the Uniform Residential Loan Application for an extension of credit refinancing

    signed by Richard Shelley in May of 2006 after the lenders agent had ran a credit check weeks

    before, but at *3 in the liabilities section fraudulently omitted all unpaid accounts that Appellanthad been lead to believe were paid off in full and included an account that never showed up on

    Appellants credit history. Copies of these were first received in January of 2009 from Appellee

    Litton Loan Servicing LP inRJN # 2-MC, *8-9. SeeId. at *9 under Enclosures.

    Exhibit # 2-ABH, Recorded May 30, 2006 in Official Records, County of Orange, California

    Declaration of Abandonment of Homestead Declaration and a declaration of Appellant.

    Exhibit # 2-AE, the Unexecuted Escrow Instructions mailed sometime after May 17, 2006 to

    Richard Shelley by Vera Martin an employee Agent of Fremont Investment & Loan.

    Exhibit # 2-DTO (continued), additional pages from the Deed of Trust.

    Exhibit # Q-POS, Two Proofs of Service to Appellee Quality Loan Service Corporation, the First

    one being of Appellants Opening Brief at *1 of the just previously said exhibit and the Second

    one being of Appellants Request for Judicial Notice made to this Court at *2 Id.

    /s/Richard Shelley - 9/14/10Appellant: Richard Shelley - Date

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    Exhibit # 0-VAC

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    Exhibit # 0-VAGD

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    Exhibit # 0-VALG

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    Exhibit # 1-AR

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    Shelley v. Quality Exhibit # 1-AR Page 8




    Plaintiff Appellant,




    Defendants Appellees,




    No. 09-56133

    D.C. No. 8:09-cv-00291-CJC-MLG

    Central District of California, Santa Ana



    I Richard Shelley do declare the following. This exhibit is a Uniform Residential Loan

    Application with added highlighted markups that I signed as myself, Richard Shelley in March

    of 2005 for an extension of credit to pay off all existing debt that I owed at the time see RJN Ex.

    # 1-AR, at *2 highlighted in green. That did result in a Deed of Trust being recorded in favor of

    Frank S. Livacich see RJN Ex. # 1-DT. However among all the accounts that were supposed to

    be paid off in RJN Ex. # 1-AR *2-6 (marked with asterisks) the only ones that were actually paid

    off were the ones that have the asterisks highlighted in blue, all the ones with asterisks

    highlighted in purple were supposed to be paid but were not. Not in this transaction nor the one

    with Fremont Investment & Loan (hereinafter Fremont) which was not discovered until after

    entering into the transaction with Fremont when I had ran my own credit report. Fremont also

    contributed to the prevention of my discovering these facts with its insufficient and misleadingcredit report disclosure see RJN Ex. # 2-ACRD and the Uniform Residential Loan Application

    that Fremonts agent had me sign that made it look as if all those accounts had been paid off

    when in fact they had not see RJN Ex. # 2-A. After learning of these omissions I promptly gave

    notice of rescission to Frank S. Livacich and then Fremont in March of 2008 see RJN Ex. # 1-

    RN. Frank S. Livacich notified an undisclosed third-party broker Emerald Financial that was

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    Shelley v. Quality Exhibit # 1-AR Page 9

    apparently involved with the transaction whos representative Dai Phung said he had the copies

    that he would email to me of the instruments that he said had been disclosed properly and that

    they were signed by me acknowledging receipt of them before the closing of the transaction, this

    information was false it was specifically asked of him if the copies he was emailing me bore my

    signatures on them and he said they did. The copies of the instruments emailed to me did not

    bear my signature and reflected very different terms than what actually had been disclosed to me

    before closing see RJN Ex. # 1-UTO for the instruments emailed to me. They not only increased

    the loan amount without my consent, they changed the length of the terms from thirty to five

    without even disclosing it, and undisclosed 7% loan origination fee, a maximum interest rate of

    42%, kept all the money that was supposed to be used to pay off all my other debts and

    continued to conceal this fact with the help and aid of Fremont and its agents. I Richard Shelley

    do declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

    /s/Richard Shelley - 7/29/10

    Richard Shelley - Date Executed

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    Exhibit # 1-DT

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    Exhibit # 2-ABH

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    Shelley v. Quality Exhibit # 2-ABH Page 2

    United States Court of Appeals

    for the Ninth Circuit

    Richard Shelley,

    Plaintiff Appellant,


    Quality Loan Service Corporation,

    Litton Loan Servicing, L.P.,

    Defendants Appellees,


    Fremont Investment & Loan


    No. 09-56133

    D.C. No. 8:09-cv-00291-CJC-MLG

    Central District of California,

    Santa Ana

    Declaration of Richard Shelley as to

    Exhibit # 2-ABH

    I Richard Shelley do declare the following. Sometime during the duration between the

    15th and 17th of May 2006 when I had met with the lenders agent Vera I. Martin (Ms. Martin)

    during the same instance at the same place of business previously described in RJN D-CT, one of

    the instruments Ms. Martin needing my signature as I remember her saying was a requirement

    was one regarding a homestead declaration. At the time I wasnt really given the opportunity to

    review the details of the instrument or ask questions regarding why it was required or if there

    was other options as Ms. Martin had rushed through the whole process, not given me a copy for

    me to keep and review so the contents of the instrument at the time it was signed and if there

    were any changes made to it afterwards or not I cannot say for certain and I dont recall any

    other pages attached to it, but I can say that the impression that I got from Ms. Martin was that it

    was a nonnegotiable condition in order to begin the process of the credit transaction. Whether thecondition was required by law or otherwise she did not say, but the way she made it seem was as

    if I had no other options or choices in deciding otherwise. So when I received the instrument

    contained within this exhibit after having been recorded I presumed it was likely the same

    instrument previously mentioned and that based on the representations of Ms. Martin must have

    been a legally required step as part of the process for transitioning between creditors or

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    Shelley v. Quality Exhibit # 2-ABH Page 3

    something to that effect. Come to find out it wasnt a legally required part of the process, I didnt

    have to sign it, the transition between creditors was irrelevant and I shouldnt have been forced

    to sign it as it would only result in the loss of beneficial protection and legal rights that I was

    entitled to keep. The beneficial result for the creditor or any creditor for that matter is one less

    obstacle in the way of seizing and depriving me of my property which was always the only

    desired result ever intended by the Defendants that one can logically conclude when calculating

    in all the different material factors such as including but not limited to the one described here in

    this declaration, information concerning the appraised value of the property was withheld

    concealing the fact that the transaction was not computed on the full value the property, the

    creditor had knowledge that its agent intentionally inflated the amount of my income (despite

    being provided with proof showing the true amount of my income) and omitted from the uniform

    residential loan application all the accounts left outstanding that were supposed to have been paid

    off which would have showed up when they ran a check of my credit report history but inserted

    information of an account that was never reported to any of the credit reporting the agencies,

    kept the actual uniform residential loan application or a copy thereof withheld from me until a

    copy was eventually provided by Appellee Litton Loan Servicing L.P. which is evidence

    indicating that Litton might have actually been involved in the originating process of the credit

    transaction when considering that the application was never provided by Fremont Investment &

    Loan, account transaction history provided by the Defendants shows that a principal payment in

    the full amount of the outstanding balance was applied to the account secured but the Defendants

    nonetheless caused false information regarding the purported indebtedness to be recorded in the

    county where I reside despite the debt having been disputed and the Defendants not being up to

    verify the validity of the debt and then having Appellee Quality Loan Service Corp., whom was

    never the trustee or ever duly appointed as such cause a purported trustees deed upon sale to be

    recorded showing that there was no outstanding balance owing on the true account but recorded

    under a name that is other than my own in an apparent attempt to prevent me from obtaining a

    copy of the recorded instrument evidencing these facts, and the Defendants constant refusal to

    comply with rescission and/or state any demand or counterclaim for any future tender owed or

    possibly due as a result of the post-rescission restitution procedures following the Defendants

    fulfilling their prerequisite obligations of tendering all the property, benefits and profits deriving

    from the credit transaction at issue and taking the necessary steps to properly reflect that the

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    Shelley v. Quality Exhibit # 2-ABH Page 4

    transaction and resulting security interest in the real property is voidand was made void when

    the right to rescind was exercised which leaves the impression that the Defendants wouldve

    continued to attempt to unlawfully exercise nonexistent extrajudicial foreclosure powers

    regardless of how much money they had, wouldve and/or couldve received because leaving the

    question of whether any present or future obligation is owed and if so, what the total limit of any

    amount potentially due, only prevents the showing and proving the ability to meet any possible,

    pending or future potential obligations during the course of post-rescission procedures with a

    degree of certainty so as to remove any potential doubt if any existed. And its amazing that

    officers of the judicial branch assist in the deception and allow the continuation of individual

    rights to be trampled on all for the benefit and fueled by the incentive of financial gain through

    investing their pension/retirement funds in real estate trusts which profits every time property is

    sold (whether lawfully or not) by the trusts via the public-private partnerships created and hired

    specifically for the purpose of achieving these goals by any means necessary no matter the

    damage done, people harmed or the crimes committed just as long as the pension funds keep

    increasing in value and dont stop increasing. I Richard Shelley do declare under penalty of

    perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

    /s/ Richard Shelley - 9/13/10Richard Shelley - Date Executed

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    Exhibit # 2-AE

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    (continued) Exhibit # 2-DTO

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    No. 09-56133








    Request for Judicial Notice

    Of Plaintiff-Appellant Richard Shelley In Opposition To Appellee Litton Loan Servicing

    LLPs Request For Judicial Notice.

    & Motion For Other Relief

    Of Plaintiff-Appellant Richard Shelley.

    On appeal from Motion To Dismiss in Shelley v. Quality Loan Service Corp., et aI.,

    Case No. SACV09-291 CJC. Cormac J. Carney, United States District Court Judge.

    United State District Court, Central District of California-Southern Division (Santa Ana) Ronald

    Regan Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, 411 West Fourth Street, Room 1053 Santa Ana,

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    I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of the Court for the

    United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit by using the appellate CM/ECF system

    on (date) .

    I certify that all participants in the case are registered CM/ECF users and that service will be

    accomplished by the appellate CM/ECF system.

    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEWhen All Case Participants are Registered for the Appellate CM/ECF System

    I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of the Court for the

    United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit by using the appellate CM/ECF system

    on (date) .

    Participants in the case who are registered CM/ECF users will be served by the appellate

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    I further certify that some of the participants in the case are not registered CM/ECF users. I

    have mailed the foregoing document by First-Class Mail, postage prepaid, or have dispatched it

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    9th Circuit Case Number(s)


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    David C. Scott, Esq


    1770 Fourth Avenue

    S Di CA 92101


    Oct 3, 2010