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Hiking the Superior Hiking TrailRandom Memories of a 70-Year-Old Rambler By Chet Anderson (aka Gray Ghost)

Front: Ruth, Patti, Kevin, Skip. Back: George, Kris. September 9th to September 25th, 2012Journals, photos, and more available at: http://[email protected]

On Minnesotas North Shore, the Superior Hiking parallels Lake Superior, usually up on high land above the lake with many views overlooking the lake. Five people hiked all or part of the trail with me. We started hiking at Normanna Road, southwest of Two Harbors. We have 241.4 miles to hike to the north end of the trail, which is on Otter Lake Road just short of the Canadian border. The Trail will run between Jay Cooke State Park near Duluth and Otter Lake Road, for about 300 miles when finished. Some trail is left to complete and some is closed because of storm damage. Starting at Normanna Road was the best option because that was the furthest south that the trail was continuous, and that you could camp along it. 9-7-2012, Started 12:30 pm 8.5 miles, Camped at Fox Farm Pond Campsite Six people started with me. Ruth walked a few miles with us and then walked back to do volunteer work on the Superior Hiking Trail over the weekend. I hoped they would have a good weekend; they are replacing a bridge on Encampment River. If they are successful it will eliminate a detour for us. Patti (Peppermint Patti) joined us for the first two days. Joining us for the first 80 miles are Skip (Chili Man) who hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in the 1970s and has done considerable mountain First nights campsite climbing, and Kevin (Bean Town or F-stop) who just graduated from college. George (Ole Smoky Lonesome), who hiked the AT and wrote a book about it, is hiking to the end with me. Kevin is the quiet type, which is probably good for us. The three of us men are all 60 plus and full of stories. It is nice to have somebody to listen to us. Patti and Dale, her brother in-law, hiked the trail in segments. They didnt camp on the trail. This gave them a chance to have amenities each night. Patti will be hiking a part of the trail that has been added since they hiked it previously. I had called Dixies Bar & Grill (218-834-2846) late in my planning and they were willing to hold food drops for us. With Kris Georges wife and Ruths help we were able to locate vehicles at trailheads ahead of us and leave our food boxes at Dixies Bar & Grill. This eliminated the need for us to go to Two Harbors to resupply or carry food for 80 miles to reach Silver Bay.

9-8-2012 - 14.6 miles, Ferguson Campsite Peppermint Patti left us today. Now its four guys. Standards will probably go down from here. She had fruit drinks and snacks in her car for us at the trailhead. I had brought along a digital fish scale and had left it in Pattis car in case anyone wanted to weigh his pack. Nobody chose to take advantage of the opportunity. I sent my backpack hip belt home with Patti, letting me cut another 8oz of my pack weight. The next day at Dixies Bar & Grill when we picked up our food drop Skip and Kevin did leave a number of items there to pick up on their way home. We had a nice meal at Dixies when we picked up our boxes. I was the last one into camp and there were a limited number of campsites. I decided to camp on the riverbed. The bed consisted of one large slab of rock; it made for a nice clean tent site. I did think about storms but not enough to change my position and look for higher ground. We did see distance views of Lake Superior today but we are too far inland for any good views.My riverbed campsite

9-9-2012 15.3 miles, Silver Creek Campsite We had a nice clear day and a well-marked trail with lots of spruce and birch. When the spruce trees are thick there is lots of moss the rocks and stumps are often completely covered with green moss. This makes lovely smooth mounds along the trail for a very picturesque walk. I found a new joy by leaving my trekking poles home. Occasionally I would find a small birch tree along the trail where I could use a little extra support. If the tree was about 1-1, 1/2 inches in diameter and smooth it had the nicest sensation on my grip. We met a southbound hiker on his 11th day; he had completed 207.3 miles and had 34.1 miles left to finish the trail. We hiked along Silver Creek before our campsite. This was the first time I saw the effects of the June storm of this year. There were large log/ brush jams in the river bed and lots of debris washed up against the trees up on the shore.

Silver Creek log jam

9-10-2012, the morning temp 42 degrees the high temp for the day was about 70 13.8 miles, Gooseberry River Multi-Group Campsite The Encampment River Bridge was finished two days ago. It was great not to have to make a road walk detour. We extend a big thank you to the Superior Trail Association and their volunteers. There was hardly any water in the Encampment River but I did see many small fish as I filtered water from a pool. I took a river bath and did laundry in the Gooseberry River. Nice. During the night we could hear machinery noise and thought it was from the ore docks at Two Harbors. We have seen lots of flood damage from this summers rains. There are big sections of the river banks that are washed away, taking sections of the trail away, too. It is hard to imagine how many tons of earth and mud were washed into Lake Superior during the floods. We are seeing huge areas of earth cracked and sliding towards the river. These landslide areas are still being eroded and washed into the lake nearly three months after the June 20th flood that caused the initial damage. 9-11-2012, 45 degrees 9.3 miles, Southeast Spilt Rock River Campsite Chili Mans camera died. He was changing lenses on his camera and the lens did not attach properly. When he went back to the other lens, the camera did not work. We were hoping we could leave the disabled camera at the park visitor center at Gooseberry Falls State Park but that is against park policy so he will need to carry the camera the rest of his 80 mile hike. I was hoping to visit with Carly who previously worked at Crex Meadows wildlife area near us and leave the camera with her but she had transferred to the Jay Cooke State Park. I was asking the park people about pictures of the flooding. They had a few pictures of the flooding at its peak when the water was thought to be more than nine feet over normal. The person at the desk said it took five days for the river to go down. The pictures were amazing to see. A sign at the Temperance River said it is one of the longest rivers on the north shore at 38.6 miles. I find it hard to imagine that much accumulated water in such a short distance. Especially with all the different rivers that drain into Lake Superior along the north shore.

For those of you who dont know: there was what I heard referred to as a 500 year flood on Wednesday, June 20, 2012 along the North Shore. Two figures that I could find say that 7.43 or 10.1 inches of rain fell in 24 hours at different places. There was lots of damage to the Superior Hiking Trail and its bridges. The Superior Hiking Trail workers are an amazing group; they had it back in shape for us to hike through. We hikers walk at different speeds so we are not always together. We agree where to meet up one or more times each day and where we will camp at the end of the day. We usually see each other more often but we like to have check points to make sure everyone is okay. On this day, we camped at Split Rock River and I took another river bath and did my laundry again. Laundry consists of washing the clothes I am wearing. I dry my clothes by wearing them. My body heat speeds up the process, but this can be pretty chilly if I do it too late in the day. 9-12-2012, the temp was 60 warmest morning on the trail. 13.5 miles, South Beaver River Campsite Our campsite was on Beaver River, lots of large rocks which can make a nice clean place to spend the evening and clean up and wash and dry clothes. F-stop Turtlehead found it very nice for photos. I saw a blooming flower growing out of a crack in the rocks. It was unique for me; I dont think I have seen one like it before. If I have, it wasnt at that stage of bloom. I took pictures that evening and when I left in the morning, I went to take one last look at it; to my surprise there was no blossom left. Something had eaten all the blossoms off and did not touch the rest of the plant. With lots of help we have identified it as Chelone glabra, or turtlehead, because of the serrated leaves. The other possible flower was Gentiana alba, creamy or yellow gentian. I find it interesting that both flowers mentioned bloom in mid-summer or fall. Wikipedia states that Chelone glabra is a popular browse plant for deer. The second night my tent zipper broke. I decided not to worry about it. There were hardly any bugs or mosquitos so it shouldnt be a problem. Within a few minutes of getting in my sleeping bag I heard a noise next to my head and there was a mouse on my ditty bag about 6 from my face. The mouse was gone as soon as I saw him. I had another go at repairing the zipper. This time I was able to get the zipper working again. We had light rain during the night. It sounded like it was really raining but in the morning everything was dry. The sound of raindrops falling on the tent, and the dread of packing up a wet tent let my mind magnify their sound. I eliminated 25 ounces from my gear weight this trip. The dry weight of my pack is now 14 pounds. I left my trekking poles at home and I sent my backpack hip belt home with

Peppermint Patti. My total gear weight now is 18 pounds which includes shoes and clothes that I am wearing. Food and water add a varying amount to this weight. I am going to quit carrying water because of how often there is water along the trail. I know I can go five to ten miles without water at this time of the year. I am really enjoying the camaraderie of hiking with others on this trail after my many miles of hiking alone on other trails. Kevin (Bean Town) wants to be a professional photographer and has taken about 300 photos so far on this trip. He seems to be enjoying himself. His picture taking has given rise to a potential new trail name, F-stop. Kevin has blisters on the bottoms of his feet and between his toes but it doesnt seem to be slowing him down much. 9-13-2012, 50 degrees 9.9 miles, East Palisade Creek Campsite We had 4.3 miles to hike in the morning to reach the trailhead parking lot for Silver Bay. This was as far as Skip (Chili Man), and Kevin (Bean Town, F-stop) were going. They had reached their van. They gave Ole Smoky Lonesome and me a ride into Silver Bay to pick up our food drops at the post office. We all had breakfast together, and then they took us back to the trail before heading down the road. Having a ride to town and back to the trail sure made resupplying easy for us. My food weight leaving Silver Bay was 8 pounds, and the next resupply was at Tofte, 63 miles ahead.First Northwestern College group

We had just got back on the trail when we heard a woman shouting. Ole Smoky Lonesome called out to her and she responded she was okay. It turned out to be a man and a woman looking for a group of 10 kids. That sure set off my heart rate. He quickly explained that the kids were kids from Northwestern College in Illinois. The woman was wearing tights and a tutu. I have never seen a hiking outfit like that in all of my miles of hiking. They asked us to tell the group of kids to wait if he saw them. I did catch up to the group of 10 and passed on the message. I then continued hiking and made a wrong turn which led me to Bean Lake. I realized my mistake within 100 yards but decided to go down and take a look anyway; I still hadnt seen or heard a loon (still no luck). When I was back on the SHT I only hiked a short distance and there

were the 10 kids again. I thought I had not only gone down the wrong trail but now I was heading back to Duluth. Thankfully that was not the case. The 10 kids had decided to move further along the trail to find a better spot to wait for the lady in the tutu. We met Kristine on the trail who was hiking for a few days. We hiked together for the next few miles and she camped near us. In talking to Kristine I learned that her ex-husband was from St Croix Falls. She now lives in the Twin Cities. The three of us spent the evening telling stories. Our evening with Kristine was one of those good memories of this trip. 9-14-2012 13.7 miles, Section 13 Campsite We had lots of ups and downs for the day. We met the second Northwestern College group; they camped nearby. We are seeing lots of birch trees that appear to be sick, with most of the small branches gone. Im not sure what is causing this. I found this comment on a UM discussion board. Bronze birch borer may be involved; the more serious culprit is a combination of drought, thin/poor soils (particularly up the north shore), and simply old age. A lot of the birch trees rot while they are still standing. When they fall down they will break into shorter pieces. I removed at least 100 of them from across the trail. Many of them were quite large in diameter. My involvement in trail building and maintenance has changed my view of the trail as I hiked. I can no longer just step over a log or walk through brush without thinking I should take care of this. I didnt remove all that were possible but often I couldnt ignore them any longer, and started moving them off the trail. George suggested that we go into Finland for breakfast in the morning. With my no-stove hiking, I am always ready for hot food. Dead Birch trees on trail 9-15-2012, Left camp at 6:25 am, 40 degrees 13.7 miles, for the day plus 2 miles for Finland for breakfast, East Branch Baptism River Campsite In the morning I crossed a large beaver dam on a boardwalk alongside it. There was frost on the plant leaves (colder here than at the campsite). Just after the beaver dam there was a sign-in box. As I was signing in, I heard a beaver slapping its tail; I had not seen it as I crossed by the dam. George said he saw it when he crossed shortly after me.

The road to Finland was 6.2 miles from camp; I was cold and pumped thinking about a hot breakfast. I moved out and did it in 2 1/2 hours. Ole Smoky Lonesome came along shortly. As we were hiking into town, the Superior Shuttle went by and turned around and gave us a ride into Finland. We did have to walk back so we did walk 2 miles extra for breakfast. The shuttle driver recommended Our Place, a nice bar and restaurant. Good food, reasonably priced, served by Anne, a pleasant young waitress with a sense of humor. There was no reception on my Verizon phone for me in Finland. Ole Smoky Lonesome had reception on his phone. We met the third Northwestern College group today. Sonju Lake had an 80 boardwalk going to Lily Island. It was a pretty island with a sweeping view of the lake. I saw my only Belted kingfisher on the trail from the island. There are a few covered boxes along the trail with notebooks in them to register in if you choose to. There was one on the island but not many hikers made that short walk; it had been quite a few days since anyone had signed it. 9-16-2012, 45 degrees Slight drip/drizzle 14.8 miles, Sugarloaf Pond Campsite I passed Archer (trail name) and his adult son sitting along the trail smoking pipes. Archer had arrows and a traditional bow. Archer and son He had attached a protective cover on one end of his bow so he could use it for a hiking staff. It was 9:20 am and they were done hiking for the day. They were going to spend the rest of the day fishing. We met Bob Myer, a birder and trail maintainer who had binoculars, a hand pruner, and a bow saw in his pack. Nice way to get out in the woods combining two activities. I wish maintainers would prune high enough for tall hikers, especially where one must concentrate on foot placement. As an example, on a hard, rocky climb, I walked right into a limb and broke the skin on my nose. I know I am responsible for myself, but this is a problem I have on all trails. End of rant. Ole Smoky Lonesome talked to Steve, who was carrying food for 3 weeks. Im not sure how far he was going each day, but probably not far since he was still in camp at 11:00 am.

I took another river bath and did my laundry in the Caribou River. My hiking style is catching on. Ole Smoky Lonesome is sending his stove home at Tofte. He has been heating water for me to use in my Mountain House meals to use up fuel prior to sending the empty bottle home. 9-17-2012, Left camp 6:26 am 12.5 miles, Temperance River State Park The campground is right on Lake Superior but quite a few feet above. We could hear the waves all night from our campsite. Kind of nice; not like a couple of rivers we camped near which were a little too loud. Tom & Jan from Richfield, Minnesota were sitting at the picnic table at our campsite when we walked up. We thought there had been a mistake but they were just having a picnic lunch and looking over the lake from our assigned campsite. They offered to take us to the Tofte Post Office even though it was the opposite direction for them. They said they would wait for us but we didnt want to ask them to do that. Tom & Jan also left us grapes, baby carrots, crackers and one pear to split; the pear was perfectly ripe. What a mouthwatering delight that was. Ole Smoky Lonesome had two things to pick up from the post office but one package containing a spare Diana at Tofte Post office camera battery hadnt arrived yet. Diana at the Tofte Post Office was super nice and offered to pick up Ole Smoky Lonesome at the park on her way to work in the morning. After the Post Office we went across the highway to a Holiday station for some misc. items. There was a young woman pumping gas who looked like she was going our way so I asked her if she could give us a ride. She said her father had advised her not to do things like that. We decided our charm was all used up and walked the two miles back to our campsite. When we came back, Amy, who works in the Temperance Park office, didnt know we had been to the Post Office and offered us keys to her car if we needed to go to Tofte for any reason. Were not sure if we had a little charm left or if people just feel sorry for a couple of old guys. Ole Smoky Lonesome hopes his camera battery will be in the morning mail. Diana starts work at 8:00. She sorts the mail that comes in overnight and then opens at 8:30. Ole Smoky Lonesome went to the gas station nearby to pick up more food while he waited for her to open; he was back by 8:15 since she was already open and had his battery.

Ole Smoky Lonesome has included a pound of beef jerky with every food drop. He found he couldnt chew that much in fifty miles. His jerky supply was building up on him. We were able to have our only showers of the trip at the Park. A hot shower and soap was so nice I had a second shower in the morning and washed my clothes and partially dried them under the hand dryer: just enough so I wouldnt freeze while they finished drying on me. Marty & Peggy from Brainerd had a teardrop trailer camped near us. They had pictures of three birds on their power lines, with the birds looking into their house. Ore boat on Lake Superior They had shown them at the DNR exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair and they werent able to help identify them. I was able to identify them as Black-crowned Night-Herons. In the morning when I was leaving they treated me to a culinary delight: Spam fried in olive oil. My food weight leaving Tofte was 7 lb. 6 oz. for the next 46 miles to Grand Marais. 9-18-2012, left camp at 8:05 am 40 degrees 12.1 miles, East Rollins Creek Campsite My camera quit. I think I may have put pressure on it getting in and out of the tent or rolled on it during the night. I plan on sending it home with the Westigards. The good news is that it will cut another 8.4 oz. from my pack weight. This was one of the few things that I have not worn out or replaced with lighter items. I carried it on all my hikes. I doubt that I will replace it; my iPod has a camera on it and though the pictures arent the same quality, it is one less item to carry and worry about. [After using the iPod camera on the Border Route Trail at the end of October I decided that I needed better pictures. I have now bought a new Nikon Coolpix L610 with 16-megapixels and 14x optical zoom. This is still a low-end camera but quite an improvement over my old one with 7.1-megapixel and 3x optical zoom.] Because Ole Smoky Lonesome had to go to the Post Office, I thought I was miles ahead of him. I enjoyed the rock faces as the trail passed by Carlton Peak so I decided to take the spur trail to the top. Very nice views, but not much different from many others we had seen. The West Leveaux Pond Campsite was on the trail with lots of sun. I thought that it was a nice place for a snack and nap while I waited for Ole Smoky Lonesome. I filtered some water laid my pad down, dug out some food. I no more than lay down and along comes Ole Smoky Lonesome. Diana at the Post Office was too much help; he didnt lose as much time as I anticipated.

We have different hiking styles. Ole Smoky Lonesome likes to get up in the morning and keep moving until he reaches the goal for the day. This works nice with two of us because we can swap stories in the evening. When I am hiking alone I like to take longer breaks and eat my big meal in the middle of the day when the temps are best. Then I hike right up to dark and set up my bedroom and crawl into my sleeping bag. This worked great on the Pacific Crest Trail; it meant that I didnt need as many clothes for sitting around when it was cool in the evening and I wasnt hiking during the hottest part of the day. Ole Smoky Lonesome said he is looking forward to eating cold ramen noodles. I thought when he sent his stove home he would keep a pot and soak the ramen noodles but he is eating them like popcorn. I tried a bite and they werent too bad by my standards. I suppose that statement coming from me doesnt carry much weight as a food reviewer. He gives me his flavor packets to me to add seasoning to my Mountain House meals because they dont attach to the dry noodles. I met Marius and Iris, his dog, who were day-hiking from Oberg Mountain trailhead to Carlton Peak and back (a 14 mile round trip). We met the fifth and last Northwestern group. We have slowly found out more about them. They are freshmen from Northwestern Tent for North western group University in Illinois. This was a way for the students to meet others and start their collage experience. There were two counselors for each group of 10. They were not allowed phones and all slept in one tent. The tent was a large tarp set up like a pup tent. There were 18 different groups out like this. I dont think all of the groups were on the Superior Hiking Trail. The counselors were there for general help but did not necessarily chaperone them like they would a youth group. This trip was taking place before classes started. I thought this was a wonderful way for them to start their college life. We crossed lots of short, nice, new heavy duty bridges in the afternoon, and encountered one great set of switchbacks. We saw more maple trees than usual today. 9-19-2012, 6:43 13.9 miles, Camped at snowmobile Shelter one mile short of Spruce Creek Campsite. Light rain during the night quit by 6:00 am. I had packed up a wet tent in the morning; everything felt damp. I found a very nice sunny rock overlook to dry and air my things during the day.

I saw one of last years black bear cubs on the trail at the top of Moose Mountain less than 20 feet away. I had no chance for a photo; once it saw me it headed down the mountain. We stopped at Lutsen for breakfast, but a crew laying asphalt said it was closed. We met Janusz, an older hiker who had some interesting stories. He was born in Poland and was a professional violinist and pianist in Germany. He has lived in Germany, Italy and other places that I dont remember. Since the 1980s he has lived in Green Bay, Wisconsin. He has a school there, where he teaches music. It was raining so we camped at a log Adirondack shelter just past the Haul Road. This was a snowmobile shelter with an outhouse. It was a very nice place to sit out of the rain. After a while the rain quit and since I wasnt carrying water, it meant that I had to hike one mile to the next campsite to get water to bring back. It would have made more sense to move to the next campsite but I was fixated on spending the night in a shelter. Ole Smoky Lonesome developed a habit of cleaning up our campsites. The shelter needed considerable policing before it was fully enjoyable. Most of the litter was old papers and kindling for starting fires scattered around on the dirt floor. We are sitting in the shelter thinking we are out in the wilderness and Amber comes jogging by from behind the shelter. We all three were quite surprised she said she never sees any one there. She said something about the area behind the Shelter after cleaning shelter (a wide spot on the snowmobile trail) was used for helicopter landing and taking injured people out. Im not sure why there was the need but I didnt want to keep her out in the rain to answer all my questions. We are hiking at a good time of the year. We almost can see a daily change in the color of the leaves. They are not yet at peak, but many are bright and beautiful. There seem to be no ticks and hardly any bugs. One caveat is short days. 9-20-2012, 42 degrees at 6:50 am 16.2 miles, North Bally Creek Pond Campsite We met Hiking Dude on a southbound hike with a friend who was walking part way with him. This is his second long trail; the first was the Arizona Trail. He has an interesting website He has plans to hike all 11 of the National Scenic Trails and the year that he will hike them. The list goes up to 2023 and he will still have three left to complete.

We met Marie-Anne and Gregg Westigard in Cascade State Park. They were ready to join us for two nights. They had camped in the park the night before and walked out to meet us on the Superior Trail where it goes through the park. They had brownies for us and Marie-Anne was ready to start hiking with us and spend the night also, in a hammock. Gregg would camp at the park again and meet us at a road crossing the next day. Marie-Anne brought a coffee pot along that has been used over many campfires. She brewed an excellent cup of coffee over an open fire in the morning. Ole Smoky Lonesome and I never build fires on our hikes so Marie Anne had to make the fire herself. Ole Smoky Lonesome and I are willing to gather wood and drink hot coffee in spite of our self-imposed rule to never make a fire.Gregg, Marie-Anne, Ole Smoky Lonesome Cranberries

9-21-2012 10.6 miles, East Devil Track Campsite The trail ran along the edge of a huge swamp and Marie-Anne spotted a few cranberries. She was able to spot them but Ole Smoky Lonesome and I had difficulty finding them. We wonder if this is something to do with women being the gatherers and men being the hunters. The cranberries tasted great. We met Ellie (trail name Cheese) from Rhinelander. She was southbound. She hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2010. She had the nicest smile and worked at a cheese house/factory. When we were doing introductions and she heard Ole Smoky Lonesomes name, she lit up because she had his book. We met Cedar (trail name) southbound. He had 14 days food and 14 days to finish the trail because of a wedding he was participating in. He lives in Alaska during the summer, and is from Duluth. Cedar carries a ukulele and has a tattoo of a cedar tree on his arm.

We met Gregg at the parking lot on Gunflint Trail which is the closest route into Grand Marais. We had food drops at the Post Office and hoped to have a hot meal. Gregg had been to the dock where fish are brought in. The recommendation for the best place for a fresh fish meal was the Crooked Spoon so we took that advice and had the catch of the day, a white fish lunch. We had a pleasant young waitress that was soon expecting her second child a daughter. It rained as we ate lunch; it was nice to be inside. We were happy that it quit before we started back on the trail. Gregg hiked with us the rest of the day and Marie-Anne drove the car to the next trailhead north of us and hiked back so all four of us could camp together. That night gave us our only evening rain the entire trip. It chased us into our tents early and cut short our story telling time. The tent sites along Devil Track River werent the best for a rainy night. The Westigards moved uphill to another well-used (but not official) site so that they could avoid the water running under their tent. Kris & Ole Smoky Lonesome celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary today. 9-22-2012, 37 degrees 16.7 miles, Northwest Little Brule River Campsite Marie-Anne made a small fire and had a pot coffee again. Gregg hiked with us and Marie-Anne drove to meet us later at another trailhead. Marie-Anne had gone to town and was waiting with coffee and pastries for us when we came to the trailhead. Trail Magic from a Trail Angel. Shortly after Marie-Anne and Gregg left us, we hiked the 1.5 mile lake walk. This is the only time the Superior Hiking Trail reaches the Lake Superior shore after Duluth. The walk is quite challenging; it consists of small stones that shift under your feet like beach sand. If the waves had washed up rocks a little bigger, walking wasnt so difficult but that never lasted for long. I had an added problem because my trail running shoes were worn out and had openings where the tops were separating from the soles. That meant additional discomfort; the insides of my shoes would gather small pebbles. Near the end of the lake walk we met a middle-aged southbound hiker. He asked us to use his phone to take a picture of Ole Smoky Lonesome on beach walk him to send to his wife. We had a lot of concern for him because he was so unsteady on his feet that it was hard to imagine him doing the lake walk, let alone the trail.

9-23-2012, 42 degrees 15.2 miles, South Carlson Pond campsite We camped near a beautiful beaver pond. The campsite was elevated, and in shade from trees with wind blowing through, which made it quite cold. We spent the evening on the shore of the pond where we had sun and no wind. I did see some wild rice on beaver ponds but never saw enough that it looked harvestable. We heard two Trumpeter swans come in after we were in our tents. They were still on the pond in the morning as we left. We had planned to meet at the parking lot in Judge C R Magney State Park. The trail went close to the park camp grounds and I decided to use the campground bathroom. They had taped a sign by the door saying it was for registered campers only. They probably have trouble with SHT hikers showering there. I cut my visit short and only washed my face and hands with hot water and soap. I had left my pack on the trail to let Ole Smoky Lonesome know that I had gone into the campground. I picked up my pack and continued to the parking lot. After spending a short time there and still no sign of Ole Smoky Lonesome I started to wonder if we had a communication gap about are next meeting place. It turned out that he missed a turn and took the interpretive loop trail. Surprisingly this was the only time that I was concerned that I didnt know if Ole Smoky Lonesome was ahead or behind me. On other trails I have seen people hiking fast to catch up to somebody that they think is ahead of them only to find out later that they were behind them. I was greatly relieved when Ole Smoky Lonesome walked into the parking lot. 9-24-2012 Finished the Superior Hiking Trail at 3:15 pm 17.1 miles, end of trail camped at Swamp River access. We crossed an interesting bridge today. A beaver had felled a tree about a foot and half in diameter across a small stream. The Superior Hiking Trail crew had nailed 2 x 6 planks on the sides to make supports for deck boards on top. This cut the cost and effort of hauling in stringers for support. (Somebody was thinking!).Wild rice plant on beaver pond

Bridge on beavers log

We reached the highest point of the trail: Rosebush Ridge 1,829 where there were no views and no rosebushes. The ridge was covered with mature trees. like a term used in the guide book for some high points: seasonal views-a euphemism for wooded.


We met Fred and his wife on a day hike. She has been working on completing the Appalachian Trail for 25 years. Next week she is hiking on it near Pearisburg Virginia. I asked how her AT hike was coming; she said not too well. She didnt volunteer how many miles she has left to finish it The guide book said that there was a campsite with an outhouse at the Swamp River Access. This was true but surprisingly, it was not well marked and a little bit into the woods. We couldnt see any sign that anybody had used it or that they had ever cleaned up to make tent pads. But the outhouse had TP and with a little effort, soon we were set up for two nights. One nice thing about the Superior Hiking Trail was having benches to sit on and latrines at every campsite. A few even had some sort of table. We were eating our dinner by the Swamp River Bridge because it was in the sun and warmer. I was low down by the water and out of sight of the road, and apparently Ole Smoky Lonesome was hidden by the bridge guard rail. A couple in a Class B motorhome stopped on the bridge to admire the Swamp River. I thought that they had seen Ole Smoky Lonesome and wanted to talk or offer help so I stood up. You cant believe how fast they got out of there when they saw me. Must have thought we were homeless. I can picture them saying that even out in the wild the homeless are living under bridges-what is this country coming to? 9-25-2012 -0-day We finished one day sooner than planned. That meant we had to take a zero day waiting for my brother Gordy and sister- in-law Judy to pick us up. There was lots of frost on everything in the morning. The tops of the wood railing on a bridge across the Swamp River were completely white. I met Mark Tessier, a professional photographer who was walking out one mile to a vista on the Border Route Trail. I mentioned that Kevin, the young hiker who started the trail with us, was interested in becoming a professional photographer. Mark commented that he had better get used to a frugal way of living. Mark has a frugal life style. He lives off the grid: he has to haul in water, and has an outdoor toilet, candles and lamps are his light, and wood is his heat. The house is two stories made out of hay bales. It takes only two cords of wood to heat his home for the winter.

End of the trailI joined Mark on the walk to a vista on the Border Route Trail, and found it was a marvelous view. They call it the 270 degree overlook. Looking south you can see the Swamp River and the valley flowing north into the Pigeon River which separates the US and Canada. Looking east you can see ridges that are between you and Lake Superior, and with my binoculars I think I can see Isle Royale through some of the low spots. Below you are the Pigeon River and miles of undeveloped land that is Castle Creek Provincial Nature Reserve in Canada. Yesterday Ole Smoky Lonesome had pushed for the finish, saying Im not hiking tomorrow. But I was able to persuade him to walk to the vista. We both agree that would be a much better place to end the SHT. George was a United States Geological Surveyor and he was quite happy to find a survey marker at the top of the vista. We each ended up hiking about ten miles around our campsite, on the road, and out on the Border Route Trail. The Border Route Trail starts 0.2 miles west of the end of the Superior Hiking Trail, on Otter Lake Road. It heads north, then west, through the Boundary Waters Canoe Area for 65 miles, ending at the Gunflint Trail. For the entire trip, I saw no sign of moose until the last ten miles of the trail. Then I saw what may have been fresh tracks, and a few old droppings. We did see ruffed grouse every day on the trail. I did not carry water for the last 180 miles unless water was uncertain at campsites. This meant I only carried water for 2.5 miles of the last 180 miles. I left my trekking poles at home and also took my hip belt off my pack to save weight and I never regretted doing so. Pack weight at end: 13 lb. 9 oz. Shoes and clothes I wore: 4 lb. Total: 17 lb. 9 oz. I lost 7 lbs. of body weight. I spent 18 days on the trail. We averaged 13.4 miles per day.

The 50 Birds I Identified on the Superior Hiking TrailCommon Name American Crow American Goldfinch American Kestrel American Redstart American Robin American Tree Sparrow Bald Eagle Barred Owl Belted Kingfisher Black-and-white Warbler Black-capped Chickadee Blue Jay Brown Creeper Canada Goose Canada Warbler Chipping Sparrow Common Loon Common Merganser Common Raven Dark-eyed Junco Downy Woodpecker Eastern Bluebird Eastern Phoebe Golden-crowned Kinglet Gray Jay Hairy Woodpecker Lapland Longspur Mallard Nashville Warbler Northern Flicker Red-breasted Nuthatch Red-tailed Hawk Ring-billed Gull Ruby-crowned Kinglet Ruffed Grouse Sandhill Crane Sharp-shinned Hawk Spruce Grouse Trumpeter Swan Turkey Vulture White-breasted Nuthatch White-crowned Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Wild Turkey Wood Duck Yellow-rumped Warbler

OspreyPied-billed Grebe Pileated Woodpecker Pine Grosbeak

270 degree view of Canada

270 degree view of Swamp River