Download - Super 6 - How to make your bright ideas come to life!

  • 1. + THE SUPER 6 six key tools to ensure your idea execution

2. + Presenter Jennifer McParland 3. + The Super 6 Objectives& Goals TeamWork: clarity and transparency Critical Path PermissionGivers, Sponsors and Funders SWOT & TOWS Jedi Philosophy 4. + We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.-Carlos Castaneda 5. + Objectives, Goals & Scope Objective:what you hope to achieve alongyour journey Goal: desired result the destination Scope: what you are and what you arent 6. + Team Theperson creates the positions, positionsdo not create the person Doesyour team share the same passion andmotive? Accountability System Have this discussion early on 7. + Critical Path 8. + Permission Givers, Sponsors & Funders gate keepers Venue Liaisons with the people you are helping Web domain How do you get in contact with Vehicle your target demographic Other technology Contracts and Waivers Communication devices Consider timing Boxes for delivery Consider un foreseen costs 9. + SWOT StrengthsOpportunities Weaknesses Threats 10. + TOWS (aka yeah we thought of thatand that) Strategiesthat use Strategies that usestrengths to strengths tomaximize minimize threatsopportunities Strategiesthat Strategies thatminimize weaknessminimizeby taking advantageweaknesses andof opportunities avoid threats 11. + Jedi Philosophy Do or do not,there is no try Luke: I dontbelieve itYoda: that iswhy youfail 12. + Contact [email protected]