Download - Sunday, OCTOBER 2, 2011 Prayer Meeting at Room #204 and ... · 8:45 am CONNECT Meeting at Church 12:00 pm Burnaby Pastors Luncheon at Church 7:00 pm ESL Class at Church 7:30 pm Prayer

Page 1: Sunday, OCTOBER 2, 2011 Prayer Meeting at Room #204 and ... · 8:45 am CONNECT Meeting at Church 12:00 pm Burnaby Pastors Luncheon at Church 7:00 pm ESL Class at Church 7:30 pm Prayer

W elcome and thank you for worshipping with us! We pray that what you hear and experience

here today will speak directly to your heart and that you will feel at home.

Welcome to our visitors and guests! We feel blessed that you have chosen to join us. We would love to

get to know you. Please take a moment to fill out a welcome card and place it in either the collection bag

or the office mailbox. If you are a guest, please do not feel obligated to give during the offering; today

you are our guests. We hope to see you worshipping with us again! Hearing impaired? See one of our

ushers to receive a hearing assistance device during the worship service.

Church Pamphlet is available in front of the sanctuary.

Joining the Church... After attending our services on a regular basis, we hope you are led to a deeper

relationship with this community—one that involves sharing in our covenant with God. Are you willing to

make that commitment? A decision to join any community of faith requires prayer, experience, and

discernment. We welcome everyone who is thinking about joining the church to meet with one of our

pastors in order to pray about and to explore this desire.

Sunday, OCTOBER 2, 2011


Today’s Sermon: “The Participation of Children in the Assembly”

Preacher: Dr. Michael Goheen

Worship Leader: Pastor Andrew Beunk

AFTERNOON SERVICE ~ 1:00 pm (in Sanctuary)

Musical: “The Wonders in Creation”

By: Andrea Varnagy and Zsolt Farkas


Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 9 AM to 3 PM

Deadline for Bulletin Submissions: Thursday @ 10 AM

8255 13th

Avenue, Burnaby, BC V3N 2G6

Phone: 604.521.0111

Email: [email protected] (general mailbox)

Calendar of Events at New West Church from October 3 to October 10 **


7:30 pm Gloria Dei Chorale practice


7:30 pm Student Dynamics Leaders Meeting at the Groen’s


8:45 am CONNECT Meeting at Church

12:00 pm Burnaby Pastors Luncheon at Church

7:00 pm ESL Class at Church

7:30 pm Prayer Meeting at Room #204 and Chris de Groot’s


10:00 am Deadline for Bulletin Submissions

7:00 pm Worship Planning Team’s Meeting at Church

7:30 pm Discipleship Small Group at Pastor Andrew and Kim Beunk’s

7:30 pm Men’s Leadership Group Meeting at the Goheen’s

8:00 pm Worship Practice


6:00 am Korean-English Morning Prayer



Preacher: Pastor Andrew Beunk

Worship Leader: Youth Pastor Dave Groen




Song Selections:

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Sing to the Lord of Harvest

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

He Has Made Me Glad

This is My Father’s World

Let All Things Now Living

Great is the Greatfulness

Now Thank We All Our God

Page 2: Sunday, OCTOBER 2, 2011 Prayer Meeting at Room #204 and ... · 8:45 am CONNECT Meeting at Church 12:00 pm Burnaby Pastors Luncheon at Church 7:00 pm ESL Class at Church 7:30 pm Prayer

*If able, please stand


Call to Worship

Prayer of Invocation

*Sing: Binder#49 He is Exalted

*Sing: Binder#81 We Will Glorify

*Sing: Binder#3 Majesty

God’s Greeting followed by Mutual Greeting

*Sing: Hymn#453 Let All Things Now Living

Children’s message & prayer

Children Leave for Sunday School

Confession of Sin

Silent Prayer of Confession

Sing: Overhead Wonderful, Merciful Saviour

Assurance of pardon

*Song: Overhead Jesus, All for Jesus

Thank you for worshipping with us today!

Everyone is welcome to join us in the Meeting Hall (or outside if weather permits)

following the morning service for coffee and fellowship!

Childcare is provided for children ages 0 - 3 years during the morning service in the upstairs nursery.

Children aged 3 through Grade 3 will be invited partway through the service to join in a time of Children’s

Worship. Children aged 3 through grade 3 will first gather in the Meeting Hall for a time of singing, and then

go upstairs to the classrooms, from which parents may pick them up following the service.

Grades 4 through 6 from the Indonesian Evangelical Church Sunday School meet in the Beehive.

Order of Worship

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Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12:18-29 (pg. 1170-1171)

Sermon: “The Participation of Children in the Assembly”

-Dr. Michael Goheen

*Sing: Hymn# 376 All Glory, Laud and Honour

Prayers of the People -Pastor Andrew Beunk

Offertory: Andrea Varnagy and Zsolt Farkas

Offering(please mark clearly)

New West Church and its various ministries

Diaconal Benevolence

More information on page 7

*Sing: Hymn#585 Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds


*Song: Hymn#632 To God be the Glory

Volunteers Today Next Week (Oct 9)

Greeters 10:00 Ralph & Janet Laninga

Carol Vandemeyden

10:00 Guy & Ann Budding

Nel Tamminga

Ushers 10:00 Al Pel, Bill TeBokkel 10:00 Fred Noort, Frank Vink

Nursery Cindy DeAnna, Lori-Anne Hill

Shelley DeGroot, Cassandra Noort

Andrea Andy, Joanne

Boessenkool, Harriet Busch, Ma-

rissa VanderMey

Sunday School:

Pre School

Kindergarten—Gr. 1

Gr. 2—3

Barb Van Ryk, Philene

Theresa Herfst, Joshua K.

Annette Lotz, Lorensia

Elly Hageman, Debbie

Theresa Herfst, Nathan

Annette Lotz, Nicholas

Refreshment Andre Van Ryk Shelley DeGroot

Powerpoint 10:00 Ken Radersma 10:00 Annette Faber

Library Gaileen Cox Betty Adema

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Offerings during the worship service are for New West Church and local ministries as well as denomina-

tional ministries. There may be a designated special cause identified below. Please place your offerings

into the bag, using your current envelopes if you have them. There are also envelopes in the pew if you

are a guest or forgot yours at home. Cheques should be made out to the New Westminster CRC and

should indicate the ministry you are donating to. All donation dollars and loose change will be applied to

the following second collection:

Today’s Offering is for the Diaconal Benevolence. Your gifts help the deacons to provide assis-

tance to people within our own church family as well as the local community whenever the need


Next week’s (Oct 9) offering will be for the Faith in Action Vietnamese CRC, our brothers and sis-

ters in Christ who meet every week in Vancouver for Worship. They want to be a self supporting congre-

gation but are still requiring our financial support at this time. Please consider this congregation’s needs


Thanksgiving Day (Oct 10): We will collect the “Fish Bank” and offering for the day will

be for causes that you designate on your gift. Some recommended causes are:

CRWRC relief for the recent flooding in Pakistan

Support for the upcoming Honduras service mission from our congregation to supply building ma-


Support for the Cascade Christian Counselling Association, as they are very short of funds currently

Any other causes close to the heart.

Thank you for supporting New West Church and these various ministries.

Page 3: Sunday, OCTOBER 2, 2011 Prayer Meeting at Room #204 and ... · 8:45 am CONNECT Meeting at Church 12:00 pm Burnaby Pastors Luncheon at Church 7:00 pm ESL Class at Church 7:30 pm Prayer

Our Church Family

Pray for Alice Laarman. She was admitted to Burnaby

Hospital early last week. She suffered a fall last

Saturday and by Monday was in severe pain and

went to the hospital. The fall seems to have

aggravated the cancer in her back so she has also

been receiving radiation treatments. Alice is quite

weak and very discouraged. Pray for strength and

God’s continued grace.

We continue to pray for Johanna Beunk as she

remains in the Burnaby Hospital.

Ken DeJager remains in RC hospital. We continue to

pray for strength and that plans will be in place for

him to either return home or to some other care


We continue to pray for Len Vandop. He is now at

Queen’s Park Care Centre. Continue to pray that Len

will find forgiveness and peace with God, and pray

for the Vandop family during this difficult time.

We remember Jake Koole, Johanna Meyer, Chris

Eyzenga, Gerrit Kasteel, Valerie Vandervelden and

others in our church family who experience illness

and daily hardships.

What’s happening


Morning Service: Today’s message will be on

the theme of “Children in Worship / Parenting in

the Pew”.

Afternoon Service: Today we will have an

afternoon service in lieu of our regular evening

service. We will be hosting a musical presentation

called “The Wonders of Creation” It is an

adaptation of Genesis to the language of music.

The Word will be narrated and a projector will

contribute to better comprehension. The musical

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If you would like people to pray for you,

please call Willy Van Delft at 604-526-3556.

All prayer requests will be held in confidence.

will last about one hour, including introduction

and announcements. This Hungarian artist couple

(Andrea Varnagy and Zsolt Farkas) has been

touring the world to fulfill their mission. Their

playing is a very unique audio-visual artistic

way of Bible interpretation. The artists are not

asking for any honorarium, but donations for

their ministry will be gladly received. NOTE:

There will be a soup-Sunday lunch between

the two services so people can stay.

Honduras Trip (Nov 13-25) Meeting: Anyone who wishes to volunteer during the

Honduras Thanksgiving Dinner, Oct 15, is invited to

this meeting after church. If you have a favourite

recipe or can peel potatoes or cut veggies, you are

welcome to meet for a short time to help get

organized. Contact Lori-Anne Hill (604-395-4921).

Sign Up for “THE GREAT PIE

EVENT” today! If you love pie,

you cannot miss the Honduras

fundraiser. And better yet, if you bake pies, keep us

in mind. The dessert for the dinner will be a barrage

of donated pies of all kinds. Tables will be given a

pie or two or three and they can barter and banter

for other tables pies (for a trade of course). You

could leave having tasted a handful of different pies

in one night! When you are doing your fall or

thanksgiving baking this year, please consider

donating a pie for the Honduras Thanksgiving

Dinner on October 15. Sign up sheet is posted on

the Student Dynamics’ Bulletin Board today. Any

questions, contact Lori-Anne Hill.

What’s happening


PowerPoint Presentation Large Prints

are available for Seniors: Please ask them

from ushers next week at the entrance.

For persecuted church: Iran: Pastor Youcef had his first

court hearing on Sept 25 where

he received a death sentence for apostasy from

Muslim Court. The penalty will be executed unless

he recants his Christian faith. Pray that justice can

be done and he will remain strong in the Lord.

Somalia: A decapitated body was found on Sept


in South West Somalia, which was Juna Kamil.

Following his conversion, he was kidnapped 3 years

ago by 3 suspected Islam extremists from Al

Shabaab terrorist group. This group has ties to Al

Qaeda and has vowed to get rid of Christianity in

Somalia. Pray for Juna’s family and other believers

to remain strong in their faith and the terrorists to

know the love of Jesus Christ.

Vietnam: Father Ly, 65, was sentenced back to

prison for his work in advocating religious freedom,

democracy and human rights. He was sentenced 8

years in prison in 2007 and released temporarily in

2010 to undergo a year’s medical treatment for

serious health problems that left him partially

paralyzed. Pray that Father Ly will experience the

Lord’s comfort, charges against him to be dropped,

and his health will improve. Pray that religious

freedom and human rights to be well respected in

Vietnam. Nonetheless, the churches are still

growing in other areas.

China: Pastor Zhang Rongliang, a prominent house

church leader was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison

in 2004 and had been released early due to his

poor health. Thank God now he is at home with his

family. Pray that God will protect him and all the

underground churches’ members and leaders. The

churches are still growing. Pray also for the Chinese

scholars who spent time here, attended Bible

studies and now have gone back to China.

Indonesia: Last Sunday, a bomb explosion took

place at a church right after the service. The church

was badly damaged and several believers were

injured. Pray for the believers in Indonesia.

Egypt: A Coptic Christian was murdered. Some

want Egypt to become Muslim country.

There are many other countries who are still in

much trouble and need prayers. Many people in

Syria have been killed. People in Pakistan are

suffering from floods. Nov 13 will be a day of

prayer for the persecuted Christians. Thank God for

the many Christians who are working in those

countries. May the Lord protect them and may they

have fruit on their labor. To God be the glory. Have

a blessed week. -Willy Van Delft

CRWRC East Africa Drought

Response: With thankfulness to God

and to our wonderful supporting churches

and donors in Canada, CRWRC is very pleased to

announce that a total of over $2.6 million has been

contributed in Canada towards the needs of victims

of drought in East Africa. Of this amount, $2.24

million is eligible for matching by the Canadian

government, which will deposit an equal amount

into the CIDA-managed East Africa Drought Relief

fund, to which organizations like CRWRC can apply.

Thanks to funding from the Canadian International

Development Agency through the Canadian

Foodgrains Bank and support from other CFGB

members, members of the Integral Alliance

worldwide and many others, your donations and

those of the CRC in the USA were multiplied with

an additional $6 million in grants. CRWRC’s

drought response efforts in Kenya, Ethiopia and

Somalia are now reaching 150,000 people (21,000

households) who were in urgent need of

assistance. We thank you for your tremendous

generosity, and thank God that we are in a position

to show his love and mercy to so many people in




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Seniors’ Coffee Social: will be held at

Pastor Andrew and Kim Beunk’s house.

Their address is 8772 Yarrow Place,

Burnaby. All Seniors are welcome to attend! For

further information or directions, please call

Pastor Andrew at church.

New west Church

news & announcements


OF FAITH class: Are you considering

joining New West, or publically

professing your faith in Christ? Pastor

Andrew is leading a “New Members Class” which

will be divided into two parts. The first part will

cover the “accents” of Reformed Christianity as

well as CRC history, and the second part will serve

as an “intro.” to New West Church. Part one will be

offered on two consecutive Saturday mornings

from 8:30—12 on October 15 and October 29

(will begin with light breakfast). Part two will be

offered on a Sunday after the worship service on

November 6. All classes will be held on the second

floor of the Beehive. This format is different than

the New Member’s Class offered in the winter. The

winter class is offered over a period of 6 Sunday

morning sessions. If this time format is more

convenient please consider joining us now, or wait

until the winter if that better suits your schedule.

For those who wish to make public profession of

faith or others who wish to join New West from

other church traditions, you will be encouraged to

attend all the sessions (2 on Saturday, 1 on

Sunday). For those familiar with our tradition and

history, you will be encouraged to attend Part two;

the 1 Sunday session. If you are at all interested

or have any questions, please contact Pastor

Andrew at 604-521-0111 or [email protected].

The men’s leadership group will be

meeting this Thursday 6 October at 7.30 pm at

Mike Goheen’s place. We are reading and discussing

Drama of Scripture, pp.15-79 for this Thursday.

Honduras Thanksgiving Dinner - Saturday,

Oct 15 at 6 PM in JKCS gym: A number of

people have asked about tickets and the money

aspect. First of all, tickets do not have to bought in

advance, we really want to know if you are coming.

Please let one of us going this year, or the Church

office know if you plan to attend. Please invite others

too! That helps us prepare the evening, meal and

seating. At the dinner you will be given the

opportunity to support the group going in November.

The suggested ticket price is $35. Anything above the

first $15 per meal will be tax receipt-able. We hope

to raise $5000 to cover our in-country cost of

materials. We are all paying our own way and our in

-country accommodation and living expenses. We

appreciate the congregation's support and pray

that others will consider going in 2012. –Mike Hoyer

Special Announcement for Thanksgiving—

Operation Thanksgiving: 2010 Statistics from

Immigration Canada state that there are 218,161

international students in Canada, 43,425 of whom

study in Vancouver. Thousands have just arrived a few

weeks ago, lonely, homesick, excited, and curious. A

sad fact is most will never enter a Canadian home in

their three or four years in Canada. We can change

that! This Thanksgiving why not include 1 or 2

international students for dinner? This is a friendship

approach to Canadian culture, to the meaning of

Thanksgiving and for the international student to see

God’s love in action. Perhaps it could lead to a long

term friendship.

Contact your church coordinator who will help

coordinate the visit. Give them: information on your

family, time of dinner, and can you pick up your

student at the sky train or SFU, as well as how many

Oct 2 Sophia Eyzenga

Oct 3 Julie Van Tol

Oct 4 Peter Baelde

Oct 5 Annie Kleywegt

Oct 6 Nellie Noort

Natalia Malagon

Oct 8 Ralph Mellema

Oct 9 Rebecca Visser

Thomas Van Tol

Thomas Van Belle

If we have missed your

birthday this week, or you do

not wish to have your birthday

shown in the future, please

contact Fera at the office so

we can update your

information in our database.

students you would like to invite.

Deadline for response is Oct. 2, 2011.

Church coordinator: Kim Beunk, 604.517.8772,

[email protected]

This ministry is promoted by International Student

Ministries Canada in Vancouver.

1 Adult Assistant Counselor is still

needed for GEMS girls club for

mentoring young women grade 3-7 in their faith and

life. Please contact Marnie Goheen, if you are

interested: [email protected] / 604-421-7497



Cascade Christian Counseling Association: The annual membership and donation drive is

schedule to begin Oct 11th. Cascade is committed to

carrying out God’s command to show His mercy and

the healing power of the Holy Spirit to those who are

suffering from emotional and relational distress.

Please remember CASCADE, the Board, staff and

clients in your prayers. You may call you local church

contact person, John VanderWoude, or the Cascade

office (604-585-1411) for more information.

Food Needed for Union Gospel’s

Thanksgiving Dinner: on Oct 10th. They need

donations, like canned ham, turkey, veggies, coffee,

sugar, etc. Please donate and put them in the “Union

Gospel” box beside the mail slot. For more info,

please contact Klazina Noort at 604-524-0874 or

[email protected].


Bulletin Summary of Council Meeting

Held September 7, 2011: Pastor Peter Brouwer and Sam VanRanden

attended the council meeting providing a report

on behalf of the Steering Committee for the

Faith in Action church. Based on reports from

the Steering Committee, Steering Committee

Minutes, and the Report to Classis, council

approved the motion that NWCRC ceases to be

the calling church to Faith in Action Church as

of December 31, 2012.

Council appreciates the initiative of John

Vanderwoude, Esther Do, and Pastor Andrew to

bring back the ESL classes.

Council appreciates the initiative of Monique

VanderWart, Marnie Goheen, Edna Hogeterp,

and Rebecca Visser starting the new program in

our church “Connect” on Wednesday mornings.

Our Treasurer, Harry Boessenkoel has begun

the task of preparing the 2012 Church Budget

and ministry leaders are reminded to submit

their 2012 budgets to Harry.

Next Council Meeting: September 28, 2011

If you wish to receive an electronic copy of the full

Council minutes please email the Council Clerk, May

Baelde, with your full name at [email protected].

Hard copies of the minutes are available at the

Church office.