Download - Sundance


    Written by

    Kevin Liu

    [email protected]


    (Song: Marian Anderson - By the Waters of Minnetonka)

    Close-up on coffee brewing into a pot. LISA, a young woman wearing shorts and a casual T-shirt, grabs the pot and begins to pour coffee into a cup.

    Lisa opens a cupboard and grabs a container of sugar and a container of creamer, then places them on the kitchen counter. She pours sugar and creamer into the cup of coffee, mixing it with a spoon.

    Lisa places the containers of sugar and creamer back into the cupboard. She quickly looks over her shoulders, towards the kitchen entrance, before reaching for a nearly empty vinegar bottle on the top shelf.

    Lisa carefully drips several drops from the vinegar bottle into the coffee cup and neatly places the bottle back in the corner of the top shelf.

    Lisa carries the cup of coffee into the living room, stirring it as she walks.


    A man dressed in sweats and a casual shirt, DAVID, mid 20s, is seen lying on the living room couch, one hand placed on his forehead, the other resting on his stomach. Lisa approaches David, placing the cup of coffee on a table in front of him.

    Lisa finds room on the couch and sits beside David to examine his pale face.

    Close-up on Davids face as he slowly opens his darkened eyes, acknowledging Lisas presence.

    LISAHow do you feel?

    DAVIDWorse than yesterday.

    Lisa places her hands on Davids forehead, checking his temperature.

    LISAAre you going to call in sick again?

  • DAVIDI cant. I have to talk about my transfer with the boss today.

    Lisa looks at David with a slight look of disapproval.

    LISAIs this really what you want?

    DAVIDIve had enough time to think things through and even though weve had our disagreements, I think we can still work this out.

    LISAYou dont even know when youll be coming back. How do you expect us to maintain a marriage if were thousands of miles apart?

    DAVIDId only have to be in London for three years, after that I can apply bac-


    You say that as if three years is not a big deal.

    David sits up in position and looks Lisa directly in her eyes, becoming more focused on the conversation.

    DAVIDLisa, I know you dont want me to go, but this is the opportunity that I need. That we need. Id be a fool to turn it down.

    LISAWe dont need anything more than what we have now. Youre putting your career ahead of us and risking our relationship.

    DAVIDI am not.

    LISAI dont know how youre so willing to abandon everything for your own selfish reasons.


  • The following scenes (in black and white) will complement Lisas dialogue:

    Lisa and David meeting for the first time. Lisa and David holding hands around a lake. Lisa and David stargazing. David proposing to Lisa.

    LISA (CONTD)Have you forgotten about everything weve shared together? Everything that weve built? Do none of these moments mean anything to you anymore? You know my mother was against us getting married, but I said yes to you because I felt it in my heart that this was fate.

    *Remaining scenes near end of dialogue* - Lisa and David arguing in living room. Lisa locking herself in the bedroom. Lisa and David sitting at the dinner table, not speaking or making eye contact. Lisa and David sitting on the couch, arms folded and distant from each other.

    LISA (CONTD)And here I am wondering if I made a mistake. If you really mean it when you say you love me or if Im just somebody you throw away when something new comes up.

    DAVIDHoney, its too early for this. And I am not abandoning you. Weve already discussed this.

    LISAYoull be breaking your promise if you leave.



    Lisa visibly becomes more upset, but refrains from vocally expressing her disappointment.

    LISAI have to get ready for work.

    Lisa gets up from the couch and walks into the bedroom. David takes a sip from the cup of coffee, then makes his way to the kitchen.



    David opens a cupboard and takes out a small pill bottle, swallowing a pill.

    Lisa emerges from the bedroom dressed in green nursing scrubs, carrying a purse over her right shoulder. David watches as Lisa leaves through the front door, parting without a word.

    David stares at a picture frame on the kitchen counter of Lisa and himself smiling, when they were younger.

    CUT TO:


    David, dressed in casual office attire is seen sitting in a chair, facing his boss, GRADY, a male dressed in a dress shirt, tie, and slacks.

    GRADYThe contract lasts until the project is complete and with the current technological limitations of Fletcher and the restrictions we have on outsourcing, youre looking at a few years before youll be able to come back to live in the states. You will, however be generously compensated.

    DAVIDWould I be given any leaves of absences?

    GRADYAfter 15 months.

    David silently considers his options.

    GRADY (CONTD)Most people dislike the thought of being away from their loved ones, but this would be a great opportunity for you to move up in this company, Dave. Not to mention your residences would be paid for.

    DAVIDIm honored to be given this opportunity and I gladly accept, sir.


  • GRADYGood to hear.

    Davids face winces in pain as he grabs hold of his stomach. Grady squints as he observes David.

    GRADY (CONTD)Everything alright, Dave? You dont look so good.

    DAVIDJust feeling a little under the weather is all.

    Grady hurries the conversation.

    GRADYWell if youre interested in the offer, I can begin getting you prepared for your transfer. Since you will be working with a different sector, you need to go through a screening process before you can get approved. First step is a drug test.

    DAVIDNot a problem.

    Grady looks at David with concern.

    GRADYWhy dont you go get tested in the infirmary, then take the rest of the day off. You look like you could use some rest.

    DAVIDSure thing. Thank you sir.

    Grady stands up from his chair and David quickly follows suit. The two shake hands before parting.

    CUT TO:



    Close-up on a tray of several clear containers on top of a counter. David grabs one of the containers and makes his way to the restroom.

    CUT TO:


    David enters a single-use restroom and locks the door. Holding the container, he stands in front of the toilet. He begins to gag, then vomits into the toilet bowl.

    CUT TO:


    A pot of noodles boils over the stove. Lisa is seen preparing dinner, cutting stalks of celery with a knife. David wearily walks through the front door, disheveled. Lisa turns to look at David.

    LISASo what did you tell your boss?

    David walks towards the couch, ignoring Lisa. Lisa steps out of the kitchen to examine David.


    David sits down on the couch, head swaying from dizziness. Lisa takes notice of Davids abnormal condition.

    LISADavid? Everything okay?

    Lisa walks towards David and sits beside him on the couch. David breathes heavily as his head hangs low. She puts her hand on his shoulder, in concern.

    LISA (CONTD)David?

    DAVIDI think Im getting worse.

    LISAHave you taken your pills?


  • DAVIDNot since this morning.

    LISAHere, why dont you lie down and relax? Ill go get your them for you.

    Lisa helps David into a comfortable position on the couch before making her way to the kitchen.


    Lisa grabs a glass and begins to fill it with water, then opens a cupboard to retrieve Davids pill bottle. She opens another cupboard and reaches for a vinegar bottle on the top shelf.


    Lisa sits beside David on the couch, setting the glass of water on the table. She opens the pill bottle and takes out a pill, handing it to David.


    Lisa gives David the glass of water and David swallows the pill.

    LISA (CONTD)I dont get whats wrong, honey.

    David breathes forcefully, sweat developing over his forehead.

    DAVIDMy stomachs hurting real bad.

    Lisa grabs hold of Davids hand.

    LISAI knew you shouldnt have went to work today. The doctor said you should get as much rest as possible.

    DAVIDI know. Im sorry dear.

    LISADid you accept the job?


  • DAVIDYes.

    Lisa stares at David.

    LISAWell well talk about that later. You should get some sleep.

    Lisa grabs a blanket and covers it over David.

    FADE TO:



    (Song: Marion Harris - After Youve Gone)

    Lisa begins taking care of David, nursing him to better health. As scenes go on, the two become more attached with Lisas caretaking, but Davids health further deteriorates.

    Scenes consist of Lisa preparing meals and drinks for David, giving David medication, helping David walk to the bedroom/restroom, checking Davids temperature/applying an ice-pack, stroking Davids hair, holding David, helping David become comfortable before resting, David sleeping in Lisas lap.

    CUT TO:


    Moderately dark room. The steam from a humidifier fills the air as heavy, forced breaths are heard in the background. David is seen lying on a mattress with a pained look on his face.

    The sound of Lisas footsteps are heard as she walks into the room, holding a cup of tea and a bottle of pills. Sunlight radiates Davids face as Lisa opens the window curtains, highlighting his dry, cracked lips and under-eye bags. David slowly opens his eyes.

    LISAGood morning sweetheart.

    David takes a moment to register Lisas voice. He motions his head towards her and manages a slight smile.


  • LISA (CONTD)I made you some herbal tea. How are you feeling?

    Lisa kneels besides David and places the tea beside him. She opens the pill bottle and gives David a pill. David struggles as he sits up in a comfortable position.



    LISAIm sorry for waking you. Just wanted to make sure you took your pills before work.

    David swallows the pill.

    DAVIDLisa, can we talk for a minute?

    LISASure, whats up?

    Lisa sits on the bed, facing David.

    DAVIDIve done a lot of thinking these past few days and you were right, Im a selfish fool to even consider my career as being a priority over you. I feel like Ive been blind this whole time and forgotten how much you really mean to me. You are the most important person in my life and I dont want to do anything to risk our relationship.

    Lisas face lights up.

    DAVID (CONTD)So I decided to decline the transfer and stay here with you.

    LISAYoure not just saying this because todays our anniversary are you?

    DAVIDNo, I truly mean it.

    LISAHave you told your boss yet?


  • DAVIDNot yet. Ill give him a call soon.

    LISAYou have no idea how happy this makes me! I love you.

    DAVIDI love you too dear.

    The two lovingly embrace. Davids phone begins to ring. He retrieves it and glances at the phone screen.

    DAVID (CONTD)My boss is calling me.

    Lisa silently nods in acknowledgement. David answers the phone.

    DAVID (CONTD)Hello, Dave speaking.

    Lisa gets up from the bed and begins to dress herself in nursing scrubs.

    DAVID (CONTD)Hey Grady, Im not feeling so well. How about yourself?

    (beat)Thats good. Right. Uh huh. Mhm. Oh?

    Davids tone becomes more stern as his mouth droops in confusion. Lisa takes notice.

    DAVID (CONTD)To be honest sir, I decided I didnt want the offer anymore, but I dont understand, there has to be a mistake.

    (beat)Okay. Okay. Hmm okay. Well thanks very much sir.

    (beat)Right, Ill speak with you soon. Take care.

    David hangs up the phone. Lisa stares at David.

    LISAWhat happened?


  • DAVIDI was rejected the offer. Apparently I failed the screening process.

    LISAHow could that be?

    DAVIDI dont know. Maybe my credentials werent good enough.

    LISABut youre one of the best employees they have.

    David stares at the ground, thinking.

    DAVIDI did take a drug test the other day. Thats the only other thing they can evaluate about me other than my history.

    Lisa and David pause in contemplation.

    LISATheres no way you could have any problems with that.

    DAVIDI dont know. Im going to have to talk with him at the office to find out what the problem is.

    LISAWhen will you be going in?

    DAVIDMaybe today.

    LISAAre you sure youre well enough? Maybe it would be best if you wait until youre better.

    DAVIDYeah, maybe.

    (beat)Im sorry for putting a damper on our anniversary babe. This is just really bugging me.


  • LISAIts okay! This just shows that you made the right decision.

    DAVIDYoure right. Gotta think positive.

    Lisa looks at her watch.

    LISAWell I have to leave for work. Ill be home early to make dinner. Make sure you wear something nice!

    DAVIDIll do my best.

    LISASee you tonight hun.

    The two share a light kiss. Lisa makes her way out the door and David follows.

    CUT TO:


    David watches as Lisa walks through the front door and locks it shut. He walks over to the couch and sits down, staring at his reflection on the television screen.

    CUT TO:


    David sloppily, but fervidly walks through the hallway, dressed in office attire.

    CUT TO:


    Grady is seen sitting at his desk, reviewing a report. He is interrupted as David walks into the office. Grady looks at David with a neutral expression.

    GRADYDave, I didnt expect to see you today. You look like shit.


  • DAVIDHope Im not interrupting, sir.

    GRADYI can spare some time. Why dont you have a seat?

    David sits in a chair, facing Grady.

    GRADY (CONTD)Im guessing youre here to talk about your refusal, correct?


    Grady reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out a folder filled with papers.

    GRADWell Dave, while we wouldve loved to have you down with our team in London, we decided that it would be too much of a risk to invest in you.

    DAVIDI dont understand, sir.

    Grady pulls out a sheet of paper containing the results of Davids drug test and reviews it.

    GRADYDo you know what botulinum is?


    Not exactly?

    GRADYIts a toxin, generally used for medical purposes or botoxprocedures. There was an abnormal amount of it in your urine sample.

    Grady hands David the test results. David looks in shock and confusion. (Sounds of an elevator ascending is mixed with Gradys dialogue).

    GRADY (CONTD)Im not sure if youve been getting some work done or what, but it looks like youve ingested a lot of this stuff.


  • Camera slowly zooms in on Davids face as he silently reviews the results, baffled.

    GRADY (CONTD)You looked bad the last time I saw you and here you are looking like youre six inches away from biting the dust. I dont know what your life outside the office is like, but I think it would be best to make your health a priority, Dave.

    Scenes of Lisa giving David drinks, food, and medication plays over Gradys dialogue.

    GRADY (CONTD)Perhaps examine your home for any sources of toxicity. Reconsider your diet.

    Flashback scene of Lisa waking David (from Davids POV) with a glass of water and medication.

    LISAGood morning sweetheart!

    Elevator ding.

    CUT TO:


    David, with a loose tie and untucked shirt, steps out of an elevator as the doors slide open. He sloppily walks towards his apartment front door and stumbles as he reaches in his pocket for keys.


    David slowly opens the front door as the camera pans around the living room, stopping on the kitchen where Lisa is seen elegantly decorated in a red dress and makeup, cooking chicken breast on the stove. Music plays through speakers in the living room (So Help Me - Teddy Stauffer).

    David cautiously observes Lisa as she cooks the chicken in a pan. Lisa takes notice of David.

    LISAHey hun, perfect timing! Did you just come back from the office?


  • DAVIDYeah. I did.

    LISAWhat did your boss say?

    David remains silent for a moment, thinking of a response.

    DAVIDHe was busy. Said hell talk with me tomorrow.

    LISAI knew you shouldve waited.

    (beat)Well dinners almost ready. Why dont you have a seat?

    David walks towards the kitchen table containing two lit candles, utensils, and two glasses of red wine on each end.

    DAVIDYou already opened the wine?

    LISAYeah I wanted to try it out before you got home, youre going to love it.

    Lisa steps out of the kitchen holding two dinner plates, each containing chicken, potatoes, and broccoli. She sets one down in front of David and then walks to the other end of the table.

    Lisa shyly smiles at David as she takes a seat. David forces a smile in reciprocation and sits down in his chair. Lisa raises her wine glass to make a toast.

    LISA (CONTD)To three happy years and many more to come.

    David lifts his glass of wine. Lisa takes a sip from her glass. David hesitates and looks at his glass of wine with concern.

    LISA (CONTD)Everything okay, sweetie?

    DAVIDYeah, Im just not feeling wine right now.

    Lisa becomes slightly suspicious.


  • LISAOh okay. So what did you do at work?


    Just the usual.

    Lisa smiles to try to break the tension and begins eating her food. She takes notice of Davids inactivity.

    LISAAre you sure everything is okay, David? You havent touched your food.

    DAVIDI dont have much of an appetite.

    LISAWould you like me to get your pills for you?

    DAVIDNo, Im fine. Ill take it later.

    Lisa takes another sip of wine. David inspects his food with a fork. Lisa clears her throat.

    LISASo funny thing happened at work today. This Chinese lady came in yelling and pointing at her foot, but she didnt know how to speak English so we couldnt understand a word she was saying. Her grandson came in twenty minutes later and we found out she was going crazy because she thought she was going to get an infection after stepping in dog shit.

    Lisa nervously chuckles. David remains unresponsive. Lisa becomes more anxious.

    LISA (CONTD)Are you tired babe?

    DAVIDA little woozy.

    LISAMaybe you should get some rest?


  • David stares intensely at Lisa.

    DAVIDHave you ever used botulinum at work before?

    Lisa freezes up, evaluating Davids question.

    LISANo, we arent allowed to have that in the hospital. Why do you ask?

    DAVIDThe drug test I took the other day. They found traces of it in my system.

    Lisas face flashes with concern, eyes slightly twitching.

    LISAHow would something like that be possible?

    DAVIDI dont know. Since Ive been sick, the only times Ive stepped outside of this apartment were to go to the office and oddly enough, Ive only been getting sicker.

    Lisa is silent. David scans the apartment with his eyes, looking for any potential sources of toxic material.

    DAVID (CONTD)There cant be anything wrong here, otherwise youd be sick as well.

    LISAMaybe its the pills youve been taking.

    DAVIDI dont see how thats plausible if Ive had these conditions before getting them from the doctor.

    LISAWhat do you think might have happened then?

    DAVIDI think Ive been deliberately poisoned.


  • Both parties become more tense, not breaking eye contact.

    LISAI cant imagine anyone would do such a thing.

    David looks down at his food and pokes at it with a fork.

    DAVIDYou know, for the past few years the only meals Ive ate have been prepared by you, with the exception of the occasional outings we share together.

    Lisa squints at David.

    LISAWhat are you suggesting?

    DAVIDIm just wondering how botulinum managed to end up in my system.

    Lisa becomes defensive.

    LISADo you think I poisoned you, David? Me, your wife who loves and takes care of you?

    DAVIDYoure the only person I know that would have access to that kind of thing.

    LISAI already told you, my hospital doesnt allow it.

    DAVIDIts quite strange that a hospital would refuse to carry something so significant, dont you think?

    Lisas eyes begin to water.

    LISAI think youre being incredibly paranoid and Im honestly hurt by your lack of trust. Weve been married for 3 years now, known each other for almost 7.



  • I have no reason to do something so terrible, especially to someone I love.

    DAVIDMaybe you didnt want me going to London.

    Lisa looks at David in disbelief.

    LISAYouve gone insane, havent you? Youre being completely paranoid for no good reason.

    David looks at his glass of wine, then back at Lisa.

    DAVIDWould you like to have my wine?

    The two stare at each other in silence. Lisa becomes stupefied as her eyes widen and jaw drops.

    LISAWho am I speaking to? I dont even know who you are right now.

    DAVIDLisa, please.

    David stands up from the table, holding his glass of wine. Lisa, on the verge of tears, stands up in defense.


    How can you treat me like this, David? I am your wife, not a murderer!

    DAVIDIts just wine.

    David takes a step towards Lisa. (Song: I Love you Truly - Al Bowlly)

    LISAI dont know you anymore. I-I need water.

    Camera tracks Lisa as she makes her way into the kitchen, fingers massaging her forehead in stress. David remains stationary as he observes Lisa.



  • DAVIDHoney?

    Lisa doesnt respond. Davids voice raises in pitch.

    DAVID (CONTD)Babe?


    David begins to follow Lisa into the kitchen, holding his glass of wine.

    Lisa is in the kitchen pouring a glass of water from the tap. David puts his hand on Lisas shoulders and turns her to face him.

    DAVID (CONTD)(stern)


    Lisa looks at David in terror.

    DAVID (CONTD)Please. I need to know.

    David extends his arm holding the wine towards Lisa. She becomes anxious and begins to tear up.


    I cant.

    Davids lips begin to tremble as he tries to hold in his hurt. He sets the glass of wine on the kitchen counter and begins to scavenge various drawers, throwing utensils and pouring the contents onto the floor.

    Lisa begins to slowly step back away from David in fear. David searches through the cupboards, throwing spices, cereal boxes, and plates out onto the floor.


    Where do you put it? Huh? Where are you hiding it?

    David becomes more intense, grabbing a plate and smashing it against a wall. Lisa shrieks in terror and reacts by pulling out a knife from a knife rack on the counter.

    David halts his rampage and focuses his attention on the knife in Lisas hand. His body tenses up.


  • DAVID (CONTD)Lisa...

    David takes a step forward towards Lisa. Lisa firmly points the knife at David in defense.

    LISADont come any closer!

    DAVIDPlease Lisa. Put the knife down.

    David extends his arm out in a defensive position and takes another step forward.

    Lisa takes a lunge at David with the knife. David reacts quickly by deflecting the knife with his hands, scraping his palms against the blade. He gasps in pain and watches as both his hands become enveloped with blood.

    Lisa looks at David in concern, taking a moment for her brain to register her actions. David looks at Lisa in horror.

    David reaches for Lisa, attempting to disarm her. Lisa takes another lunge at David. David grabs Lisas hands in defense as they struggle to win control of the knife.

    DAVID (CONTD)(in shock)

    What are you doing?


    Im so sorry.

    David slams both his and Lisas hands against the counter. Lisa shrieks in pain and knees David in the groin.

    David screams and headbutts Lisa, dropping her to the ground. He topples on top and wraps his blood-filled hands around her neck, applying pressure.

    Tears mix with Lisas mascara as she struggles to breathe. Davids becomes overwhelmed with anger and sadness as tears drip from his eyes onto Lisas face.

    David becomes concerned as he notices Lisas face turning to a shade of bright red and loosens his grip. He slowly backs away from Lisa, feeling guilty of his actions.

    Lisa recuperates and wearily gets back on her feet. She brings her hand to her throat and forces several coughs as oxygen fills her lungs.


  • Lisa unshields another knife from the knife rack and begins to swing at David in blind despair. David steps back with each swing, avoiding contact with the blade.

    After several swings, David catches Lisa at a weak point and grabs her arm, attempting to disarm her. They spin in a circle, dance-like, as they struggle over the blade. David loses balance and collides into Lisa, slamming her against a wall. Lisa gasps in pain and stops struggling.

    David looks down towards Lisas stomach, noticing blood diffusing over her red dress where the knife has become stationed in her abdomen. His eyes widen in terror as he watches Lisa collapse onto the ground. David kneels beside Lisa to check her pulse. Nothing.

    (Song: That Certain Feeling - Cabaret Novelty Orchestra)

    David anxiously paces back and forth, holding both hands against his head, overwhelmed with stress. He heads into the kitchen, reaching for a phone planted against the wall and dials for help. David impatiently waits for an answer as the phone dials.

    OPERATOR (O.S.)911. What is your emergency?

    David glances at the glass of wine on the kitchen counter.

    OPERATOR (O.S.) (CONTD)Hello?

    DAVID(calm, nonchalant)

    I just stabbed my wife...

    David drops the phone and walks over to the glass of wine. He brings it back to the table and sits down.

    Davids breathing intensifies as he delicately inspects the glass of wine. He brings the glass close to his lips and takes a deep breath before gulping it down. His body begins to drunkenly sways from dizziness.

    David loses control of his muscles, violently jerking his head back and shattering the glass onto the ground. His muscles twitch and mouth drools with foam as he becomes corrupted by the poison.

    DAVID (CONTD)Its hard to believe isnt it? Everything has an expiration date.


  • LISA (V.O)Theyre so beautiful though.

    DAVID (V.O.)Even beautiful things die at some point.

    LISA (V.O.)Even that one?

    Camera is positioned behind David and slowly zooms out as Lisa lays dead on the floor.



    A younger David and Lisa are seen sitting side by side on the grass, staring up into the night sky. Lisa points at a star.

    DAVIDYes, even that one. But the good thing is theyll be replaced by even bigger, beautiful stars.

    Lisa rests her head on Davids shoulders.

    LISAWhy do you think that happens?

    DAVIDWhat, what happens?

    LISAWhy things die?

    DAVIDThats just the way nature has it. Nothing lasts forever.

    LISAI dont agree with that.

    DAVIDOh yeah?

    Lisa looks up into Davids eyes.

    LISAYeah, true love lasts forever. Are you saying that thisll come to an end one day?


  • David smiles at Lisa.

    DAVIDNot us. Were the exception.

    Lisa smiles back at David.

    LISAPromise me. That well never be apart.

    DAVIDGive me your hand.

    Lisa raises her hand in front of Davids face. David wraps his pinky around Lisas and looks her in the eyes.

    DAVID (CONTD)I promise, well always be together. I love you Lisa.

    LISAI love you too.

    Lisa and David embrace against the backdrop of the night sky. Two lovers, back at the start.




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