Download - Summer newsletter 2014


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The last few months have flown by and probably like everyone else, I am a little glad the heat wave we just had seems to have disappeared as the current temperature is a little easier for outdoor shoots! In this newsletter, I am showcasing photo shoots from two female entrepreneurs and their businesses - I hope you enjoy reading about these “mumpreneurs” as they are also known.

Thank you to everyone who came to visit me at the Expat Expo in April. I will be exhibiting once again at the Zurich Expat Expo on Sunday 7 September so mark your diaries now – I hope to see many of you there! This will take place at the Kongresshaus with over 110 businesses exhibiting there, and as always there will be many giveaways on the day (I will be giving away two hours of private tuition so come by my table and leave your contact details for a chance to win).

My studio colleagues and I will also be holding open house casual drinks once again on Thursday 4 September (5 - 8 pm) so do feel free to pop in and bring your friends too!

This is also a good opportunity to let you know that the studio will be closed from Thursday 3 July until Monday 11 August and emails will only be read intermittently during this time. It’s time for a break to go and visit friends and family!

Wishing you all a lovely summer!



“Then followed that beautiful season … Summer…

Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.”

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Photo Shoot Spotlight -

In Good Company

I had met Julie several times at various events and photographed her and her family before she opened her new store in Zug early in Spring this year - In Good Company. If you haven’t already visited this store… then why not?!

It’s a wonderful place to pick up unusual, quirky and fun party accessories and Julie really does have a great eye for beautiful things and is passionate about what she does. I went along a few weeks after the launch to photograph the store and mentioned it to journalist and blogger Tsitaliya Mircheva of TsitaliyaStyleDiaries who joined me at an event held there and wrote about it on her blog here.

You can buy online or directly in-store here.

Join Julie’s mailing list here to find out more about events in-store which have up until now included hosting Charlotte of DanishDesignKids and an English Tea afternoon.

Photo Shoot Spotlight -

Writer L.B.Hathaway

Last year, I went to a writing workshop in Zurich and a chance chat over a coffee led to an author contacting me several months later for a shoot for her new book which came out on 30 June (with another to follow at the end of August). L.B. Hathaway was born in the UK and worked as a lawyer at Lincoln’s Inn in London for almost a decade before becoming a full-time writer. Her Posie Parker series novels are set in the 1920s combining mystery, reckless glamour and a loveable protagonist.

Our shoot took place in historical Zug in a number of locations and with different outfits so that there was a variety of images for her to choose from to use for her book, of which I’m very much looking forward to getting a signed copy! You can find more details here:

Monthly Corporate Shoot Sessions Our drop-in corporate sessions have proved to be very popular since we launched them this year. One outfit, one background, one retouched digital image - this is what the monthly corporate walk-in sessions are all about. Sessions take about 10-15 minutes and if you have time afterwards you can enjoy a coffee whilst selecting your image after the shoot which will then be sent onto you (or you can of course do this later if you need to get to work!) This is ideal for you if you want one image (or a couple) and don’t want to make a fixed appointment. Our special rate for this session is CHF 50. Dates for 2014: 28 Aug / 24 Sep / 23 Oct / 12 Nov / 11 Dec (09.00-19.00). For more details email [email protected].

Photo Tuition Do you have a new camera and aren’t really sure how to use it or just want to know how to take better photos? Then this is ideal for you - we will look at different settings on your camera, talk about the differences between ISO, shutter speed and aperture and then go outside to practice. What you have learnt. These can also be tailor-made to suit your needs. Tuition will take place at the studio in Baar and then we will go outside to practice . These sessions make ideal gifts. Please contact [email protected] for more information. Tuition fees: 160 CHF for a private 2 hour session (1 person)

480 CHF for group tuition for 3 hours (4-6 people)

Wedding Package Facial Massage Offer Clients who book a wedding with me for 3+ hours all receive a special gift for the bride - a relaxing facial massage with Ruth ( - Ruth is a massage and shiatshu therapist and her practicce is in Hünenberg. Brides can take the facial massage before their wedding day or for up to three months afterwards.

Room to Read is a non-for-profit organization which focusses on literacy and gender equality in education in Africa and Asia. Working in collaboration with communities and local governments, Room to Read’s programmes develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children, and support girls to complete secondary school with the life skills they’ll need to succeed in school and beyond.

I first came across this great organisation through a friend who volunteers for the Zurich Chapter and became involved a few years ago myself. The Zurich Chapter organise several events each year including a large fundraising gala event which I go along to photograph. Last year we were all thrilled when the gala raised over 770,000 CHF for schools and libraries supported by Room to Read! You can read more here on my blog. Find out more about how to help here.

The Zurich Chapter have an informal gathering on Monday 21 July - this is a great way of finding out more about Room to Read, upcoming events and meet people who have a similar passion for education. More info here: [email protected]

Charity Shoot Spotlight -

Room to Read

Visit [email protected] 079 654 4115

Tuition sessions take place indoors for the first hour where we concentrate on theory and settings and then we head outdoors to the stream/forest just a few minutes from the studio to put the theory into practice!

Kind Words

“It was brilliant - really worthwhile - can’t wait to get out with my camera now!”

- C. Kingston

“Thank you so much for taking time for me yesterday. It was one of the best little investments I have ever made!”

- A Reimann

“Thank you so much for your lesson with Eimile today. She said she learned absolutely loads and really enjoyed the morning with you! She spent the rest of the afternoon with her friends taking some more photos! Just got to go off the smile on her face when we asked how it all went!”

- The Dimeck Family

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