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#include#include#includetypedef struct tree{ struct tree *left; int data; struct tree *right;}node;node *root=NULL,*leaf,*temp;int count=0;int search(node*,int);void insert();void delete();void display(node*);int main(void){ int ch; do { printf("\n********MENU********\n"); printf("1-->INSERT\n2-->DELETE\n3-->DISPLAY\n4-->EXIT\n\nENTER YOUR CHOICE : "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: insert(); break; case 2: delete(); break; case 3: leaf=root; display(leaf); break; case 4: exit(0); default: printf("Invalid Choice. Please enter from 1 to 4\n"); } }while(ch!=4);}void insert(){ int ch,parent,flag=0; char child; do { temp=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); if(root==NULL) { printf("Enter root value of the tree : "); scanf("%d",&temp->data); root=temp; root->left=NULL; root->right=NULL; //count++; } else { count=0; leaf=root; printf("Enter parent node's value to create its child : "); scanf("%d",&parent); search(leaf,parent); if(count==0) printf("No such parent node found\n"); else if(count==1) { do { printf("Enter 'L' for Left Child or 'R' for Right Child : "); getchar(); scanf("%c",&child); child=toupper(child); if(child!='L' && child!='R') printf("Invalid Choice. Enter 'L' or 'R'\n"); }while(child!='L' && child!='R'); if((child=='L' && leaf->left==NULL) || (child=='R' && leaf->right==NULL)) flag=1; if(flag==1) { printf("Enter value of leaf : "); scanf("%d",&temp->data); temp->left=NULL; temp->right=NULL; if(child=='L') { leaf->left=temp; leaf=leaf->left; } else { leaf->right=temp; leaf=leaf->right; } //count++; } else printf("Node is not empty\n"); flag=0; } } printf("Press 0 to continue. Press any other key to terminate\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); }while(ch==0);}void delete(){ node *ptr; int ch,parent; if(root==NULL) { printf("The Binary Tree is empty\n"); return; } do { leaf=root; printf("Enter node's value to delete : "); scanf("%d",&parent); if(search(leaf,parent)==0) printf("No such node found\n"); else { if(leaf->left!=NULL || leaf->right!=NULL) { printf("Entered node is a parent node. Deleting this node will also delete its children.\nPress 0 to continue. Press any other key to terminate\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==0) { printf("Entered node is deleted\n"); leaf->left=leaf->right=NULL; free(leaf); } else printf("Entered node is not deleted\n"); } else { printf("Entered node is deleted\n"); free(leaf); } } printf("Press 0 to delete more nodes. Press any other key to terminate\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); }while(ch==0);}void display(node *leaf){ if(root==NULL) { printf("The Binary Tree is empty\n"); return; } if(leaf!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",leaf->data); display(leaf->left); display(leaf->right); }}int search(node *leaf,int parent){ if(leaf!=NULL) { if(leaf->data==parent) { count=1; return 1; } else { search(leaf->left,parent); search(leaf->right,parent); } } return 0;}#include#include#includetypedef struct tree{ struct tree *left; int data; struct tree *right;}node;node *root=NULL,*leaf,*temp;int count=0;int search(node*,int);void insert();void delete();void display(node*);int main(void){ int ch; do { printf("\n********MENU********\n"); printf("1-->INSERT\n2-->DELETE\n3-->DISPLAY\n4-->EXIT\n\nENTER YOUR CHOICE : "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: insert(); break; case 2: delete(); break; case 3: leaf=root; display(leaf); break; case 4: exit(0); default: printf("Invalid Choice. Please enter from 1 to 4\n"); } }while(ch!=4);}void insert(){ int ch,parent,flag=0; char child; do { temp=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); if(root==NULL) { printf("Enter root value of the tree : "); scanf("%d",&temp->data); root=temp; root->left=NULL; root->right=NULL; //count++; } else { count=0; leaf=root; printf("Enter parent node's value to create its child : "); scanf("%d",&parent); search(leaf,parent); if(count==0) printf("No such parent node found\n"); else if(count==1) { do { printf("Enter 'L' for Left Child or 'R' for Right Child : "); getchar(); scanf("%c",&child); child=toupper(child); if(child!='L' && child!='R') printf("Invalid Choice. Enter 'L' or 'R'\n"); }while(child!='L' && child!='R'); if((child=='L' && leaf->left==NULL) || (child=='R' && leaf->right==NULL)) flag=1; if(flag==1) { printf("Enter value of leaf : "); scanf("%d",&temp->data); temp->left=NULL; temp->right=NULL; if(child=='L') { leaf->left=temp; leaf=leaf->left; } else { leaf->right=temp; leaf=leaf->right; } //count++; } else printf("Node is not empty\n"); flag=0; } } printf("Press 0 to continue. Press any other key to terminate\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); }while(ch==0);}void delete(){ node *ptr; int ch,parent; if(root==NULL) { printf("The Binary Tree is empty\n"); return; } do { leaf=root; printf("Enter node's value to delete : "); scanf("%d",&parent); if(search(leaf,parent)==0) printf("No such node found\n"); else { if(leaf->left!=NULL || leaf->right!=NULL) { printf("Entered node is a parent node. Deleting this node will also delete its children.\nPress 0 to continue. Press any other key to terminate\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==0) { printf("Entered node is deleted\n"); leaf->left=leaf->right=NULL; free(leaf); } else printf("Entered node is not deleted\n"); } else { printf("Entered node is deleted\n"); free(leaf); } } printf("Press 0 to delete more nodes. Press any other key to terminate\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); }while(ch==0);}void display(node *leaf){ if(root==NULL) { printf("The Binary Tree is empty\n"); return; } if(leaf!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",leaf->data); display(leaf->left); display(leaf->right); }}int search(node *leaf,int parent){ if(leaf!=NULL) { if(leaf->data==parent) { count=1; return 1; } else { search(leaf->left,parent); search(leaf->right,parent); } } return 0;}#include#include#includetypedef struct tree{ struct tree *left; int data; struct tree *right;}node;node *root=NULL,*leaf,*temp;int count=0;int search(node*,int);void insert();void delete();void display(node*);int main(void){ int ch; do { printf("\n********MENU********\n"); printf("1-->INSERT\n2-->DELETE\n3-->DISPLAY\n4-->EXIT\n\nENTER YOUR CHOICE : "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: insert(); break; case 2: delete(); break; case 3: leaf=root; display(leaf); break; case 4: exit(0); default: printf("Invalid Choice. Please enter from 1 to 4\n"); } }while(ch!=4);}void insert(){ int ch,parent,flag=0; char child; do { temp=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); if(root==NULL) { printf("Enter root value of the tree : "); scanf("%d",&temp->data); root=temp; root->left=NULL; root->right=NULL; //count++; } else { count=0; leaf=root; printf("Enter parent node's value to create its child : "); scanf("%d",&parent); search(leaf,parent); if(count==0) printf("No such parent node found\n"); else if(count==1) { do { printf("Enter 'L' for Left Child or 'R' for Right Child : "); getchar(); scanf("%c",&child); child=toupper(child); if(child!='L' && child!='R') printf("Invalid Choice. Enter 'L' or 'R'\n"); }while(child!='L' && child!='R'); if((child=='L' && leaf->left==NULL) || (child=='R' && leaf->right==NULL)) flag=1; if(flag==1) { printf("Enter value of leaf : "); scanf("%d",&temp->data); temp->left=NULL; temp->right=NULL; if(child=='L') { leaf->left=temp; leaf=leaf->left; } else { leaf->right=temp; leaf=leaf->right; } //count++; } else printf("Node is not empty\n"); flag=0; } } printf("Press 0 to continue. Press any other key to terminate\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); }while(ch==0);}void delete(){ node *ptr; int ch,parent; if(root==NULL) { printf("The Binary Tree is empty\n"); return; } do { leaf=root; printf("Enter node's value to delete : "); scanf("%d",&parent); if(search(leaf,parent)==0) printf("No such node found\n"); else { if(leaf->left!=NULL || leaf->right!=NULL) { printf("Entered node is a parent node. Deleting this node will also delete its children.\nPress 0 to continue. Press any other key to terminate\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==0) { printf("Entered node is deleted\n"); leaf->left=leaf->right=NULL; free(leaf); } else printf("Entered node is not deleted\n"); } else { printf("Entered node is deleted\n"); free(leaf); } } printf("Press 0 to delete more nodes. Press any other key to terminate\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); }while(ch==0);}void display(node *leaf){ if(root==NULL) { printf("The Binary Tree is empty\n"); return; } if(leaf!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",leaf->data); display(leaf->left); display(leaf->right); }}int search(node *leaf,int parent){ if(leaf!=NULL) { if(leaf->data==parent) { count=1; return 1; } else { search(leaf->left,parent); search(leaf->right,parent); } } return 0;}v