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Page 1: Sugary Products May Increase The Chance Of Lung Cancer

Sugary Products May Increase The Chances Of Lung Cancer

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According to a new study, people who consume products that are more sugary are at the risk of

developing lung cancer, irrespective of they smoke or not. Researchers are digging deep into the

studies to elicit strong link between sugar and lung cancer.

People who eat sugary diet regularly may be increasing their risk of developing one of the most

common cancers – lung cancer. However, smoking is not taken into consideration while

concluding this study’s report. Here’s one more important reason to reduce eating so much of

sugar or sugary products. Before learning the link between sugar and cancer of lung, let us have a

brief look at lung cancer, its causes and symptoms.

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cell in the lung(s). It is one of the leading causes

of deaths in men as well as women. Smoking is the potential risk factor for lung cancer. As the

stage progresses, lung cancer symptoms worsen, such as coughing, breathlessness, wheezing, and

bloody expectoration with mucus. Lung cancer treatment includes a combination of

chemotherapy, surgery, and/or radiotherapy.

Page 2: Sugary Products May Increase The Chance Of Lung Cancer

Sugary Products May Increase The Chances Of Lung Cancer

Facebook:- myhealthpharmanews

Trusted Online Pharmacy Twitter:- @MyHealthPharma +1-430-342-0255

The overall prognosis is quite poor because this lung disease is often diagnosed in advanced stages.

That’s because in initial stages, patients are asymptomatic. Therefore, it is essential to visit doctor

immediately after noticing the early signs of lung cancer. The survival rate is 40% to 50% in case

of early detection, while it is 1% to 5% in advanced cases.

Sugar and Lung Cancer

Too much of sugar not only causes diabetes, obesity and heart problems, but also increases the

risk of lung cancer, according to a study conducted by a renowned cancer researcher center. Sugar

is one of the important sources of energy required for our cells in the body. However, researchers

assume that sugar can also feed cancer cells, if indulged in excessive eating.

How medical experts concluded this hypothesis? They experimented the theory on mice by

feeding them high-glycemic foods that are quite rich in sugar. When they were six months old, 50

to 60 percent of mice had metastatic lung cancer and breast cancer with high-sucrose diet, while

30 percent had cancer with starch-controlled diet.

The two major ingredients of sucrose are fructose and glucose, which are known to aid cancer

development. To be more precise, researchers opine that fructose is the main component that

can facilitate lung cancer and other tumors.

People who consume high-fructose diet have greater risk of developing metastatic lung cancer. In

addition, experts found that eating high-glycemic-index foods might lead to the development of

lung cancer. High-glycemic-index foods increase blood sugar levels and stimulate the production

of insulin. High-glycemic-index foods are as follows –

White rice, white bread, bagels

Corn flakes, bran flakes

Rice pasta, macaroni, processed grains

Pumpkin, Russet potato

Pretzels, popcorn, crackers, rice cakes

Page 3: Sugary Products May Increase The Chance Of Lung Cancer

Sugary Products May Increase The Chances Of Lung Cancer

Facebook:- myhealthpharmanews

Trusted Online Pharmacy Twitter:- @MyHealthPharma +1-430-342-0255

Other studies

This is not the first experiment to find the link between high glycemic-index foods and cancer risk.

A team of medical researchers also studied around 1,900 people with lung cancer and

approximately 2,400 people without any history of malignancy. Researchers asked them about

their diet habits, socio-economic status, smoking, and other factors.

After considering everything, researchers found that people who have foods rich in sugar were

50% more likely to suffer from lung cancer than those who ate less glycemic foods. The results

even suggested that following healthy lifestyle and reducing the foods high in glycemic index might

greatly lower the risk of lung cancer.

Researchers are not sure about the exact reason behind this conclusion, but they opine that sugar-

rich foods unnecessarily encourage the body to produce insulin, thereby affecting the cell growth.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth and proliferation of cells, and it is assumed that high-glycemic-

index foods feed the tiny malignant cells or tumors.

Studies are inconclusive about the link between cancer risk and high sugary diet. However, one

thing is for sure, researchers suggest not to consume too much of sugary foods and beverages.

People who eat high sugary diet may also indulge in doing something that increases the risk of

lung cancer, for instance, smoking.

What experts suggest?

In the United States alone, lung cancer is the leading cause of innumerable death. We are quite

aware of the fact that unhealthy diet or lifestyle is directly link to cancer. Unhealthy lifestyle causes

obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other chronic diseases that are actually linked with

cancer. Eating very few vegetables and fruits can increase a person’s risk of developing cancer.

One can lower his/her chances of developing cancer not only by avoiding smoking and exercising

regularly, but also by opting for a healthier and well-balanced diet.

Page 4: Sugary Products May Increase The Chance Of Lung Cancer

Sugary Products May Increase The Chances Of Lung Cancer

Facebook:- myhealthpharmanews

Trusted Online Pharmacy Twitter:- @MyHealthPharma +1-430-342-0255

Experts recommend choosing low-glycemic foods, such as –

Whole wheat

Oatmeal or oat bran, muesli

Brown rice

Corn, sweet potato

Butter beans, peas, lentils and legumes

Green leafy vegetables


Fruits rich in fiber and essential nutrients

It is better to avoid sugary foods and drinks in order to stay away from chronic diseases and cancer.

However, you should not completely cut down sugar, because it is one of the essential nutrients

to feed your healthy cells for energy. In fact, your cells require some amount of healthy sugar to

survive. To know more about healthy diet and low-glycemic foods, consult a nutrition expert who

can explain you the merits and demerits of foods containing sugar.