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Sugarplum Capelet

by Angela Ho

Experience: Intermediate Size: Garment as shown fits Small, Medium and Large. Length after blocking is approx. 17", lower circumference is approx. 74". For a shorter or longer cape, please see Notes for Resizing below. Please note, yarn requirements will change with length adjustment.

Materials: - 5 balls of Silken Kydd - 4.00mm (US F/5) crochet hook, or size needed to obtain gauge Gauge: 3 pattern repeats and 4 rows over body pattern = 4" (blocked) Each pattern repeat is delineated by a strong vertical line Stitch Guide: dc cluster: *Yo, insert hook in indicated st or sp and pull up a lp, yo, draw through 2 lps (2 lps on hook); rep from * once more (3 lps on hook), yo and draw through all 3 lps on hook. Foundation double crochet: Step 1: Place a slip knot on hook, ch 3, yo, insert hook in 3rd ch from hook and pull up a lp, yo, draw through 1 lp on hook ("chain" is created, 3 lps on hook), yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook (dc is created). 2 sts have been created: initial ch-3 counts as first st, dc just made counts as second st. Step 2: Yo, insert hook into "chain" at base of previous stich and pull up a lp, yo, draw through 1 lp on hook, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook. Repeat step 2 for required length of foundation. shell: [Dc, ch 4, dc] in indicated st or sp. INSTRUCTIONS: Collar: Row 1: Fdc 160 sts. (160 dc) Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as FPdc), sk first dc, FPdc in each dc across row. (160 sts) Row 3: Ch 3 (counts as BPdc) sk first dc, BPdc in each st across row. (160 sts)


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Row 4: Ch 4, sk first dc, *dc cluster in next dc, ch 1, sk next dc; rep from * across row ending with dc cluster in dc at beg of previous row. (80 dc clusters) Row 5-6: Ch 4, sk first dc cluster, *dc cluster in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, sk next dc cluster; rep from * across row ending with dc cluster in third ch of ch-4 at beginning of previous row. (80 dc clusters) Row 7: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sk first dc cluster, dc in each ch-1 sp and dc cluster across, working last dc in third ch of ch-4 at beginning of previous row. (160 st) Row 8: Repeat row 2. Row 9: Repeat row 3. Body pattern: Row 1 (transition row): Ch 5 (counts as dc + ch2), sk first dc, *sh in next dc, ch 2, sk next dc, dc in next dc, ch 2, sk next dc; rep from * across row ending with dc in last st of previous row (do not work ch-2 at end of last rep). (40 sh) Row 2: Ch 2 (turning ch, does not count as st), *2 hdc in ch-2 space, 5 hdc in ch-4 space, 2 hdc in ch-2 space; rep from * across row. (280 hdc) Row 3: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sk first 2 hdc, *[dc cluster in next hdc] 5 times, sk 2 hdc, FPtr around next dc of transition row (or, in subsequent pattern repeats, around next dc of row 5), sk 2 hdc; rep from * across row ending with FPtr around last dc of Row 1 (Row 5 in subsequent pattern repeats). (200 dc clusters) Row 4: Ch 2 (turning ch, does not count as st), hdc between FPtr and dc cluster, *[work 2 hdc between next 2 dc clusters] twice, ch 1, [work 2 hdc between next 2 dc cluster] twice, hdc between FPtr and dc cluster; rep from * across row, working last hdc in sp between last dc cluster and dc. (361 hdc, 40 ch-1 sp)

Row 5: Ch 5 (counts as dc + ch 2), sk first 5 hdc, *sh in ch-1 sp, ch 2, sk 5 hdc, dc in gap before next hdc, ch 2, sk next 4 hdc; rep from * across row working last dc in top of turning ch of previous row. (40 sh) Repeat rows 2-5 8 times more.. Notes for Resizing: To adjust the length, add or subtract repeats of Rows 2-5 as desired before working edging. Edging: Ch 1, sc in first dc, *9 dc in ch-4 sp, sk next dc, sc in next dc, rep from * across row, ending with sc in third ch of ch-5 at beginning of previous row. Fasten off yarn. Finishing: Sew in ends, block. Abbreviations:

beg - beginning, BPdc - back post double crochet, ch - chain, dc - double crochet, Fdc - foundation double crochet, see Stitch Guide, FPdc - front post double crochet, FPtr - front post treble crochet, hdc - half double crochet, lp - loop, rep - repeat, rnd - round, RS - right side, sc – single crochet, sh – shell, see Stitch Guide, sk - skip, sp – space, st - stitch, yo - yarn over.

Please note this pattern is copyrighted material and the entire contents of this pattern are copyrighted as a collective work under the copyright laws of Canada and the United States. You may print a copy of this pattern for your own personal use and enjoyment, but editing, publishing, transmitting, e-mailing, posting it to a list service or database, or otherwise commercially exploiting this pattern is strictly forbidden.

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