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Introduction Company seeks growth facing a subset of growth options: horizontal concentration of growth, diversification and vertical integration. Horizontal growth. There are three elements to the horizontal growth. First, the company may decide to pursue new customers. Second, a company may decide to pursue new products. Third, the company may decide to pursue new geographic locations. Vertical integration. Vertical integration is the integration along the supply chain. For example, if you begin to manufacture retail products they sell, is to increase the level of vertical integration. Vertical integration may be backward or forward. Did not adopt this strategy when suppliers are weak. Diversification. There are two types of diversification. The first type, and the diversification of relevant, is the essence of common resources and capabilities of one. Connected with diversification, synergy rises because the activity related can increase the value and economies of scale can save money. Secondly, unrelated diversification is to reduce the relative risk. It is like holding the wallet. More uncorrelated portfolio relative to each other, the better. This concept applies to companies as well. (Johnson, G (2005)

Growth strategy based on investing in companies and sectors that are growing at a faster pace than their peers are. Benefits are usually in the form of capital gains rather than dividends. Is completely absorbed as a subsidiary or operating division of parent company. Usually occur acquisitions between companies of different sizes and can be either friendly or hostile. Called hostile takeovers often as acquisitions. Strategic alliance is a partnership between two or more companies or business units to achieve the important objectives of the strategy that is mutually beneficial. (Grundy, 2000)

When a company seeks slow growth or recession, may seek management strategy that focuses on stability. There are three elements to this strategy: pause. If internal resources stretched, thin already, the companies often scale down a little bit and focus on quality control. Initiation of caution. If there is a problem in the microenvironment, the company may seek strategy proceeds with the tremendous growth only. Profit. If the company is a source of income and has a solid customer base with loyalty becomes wise to withdraw. (Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2008)

Austerity revolve around reducing sales. Austerity is a strategy at the corporate level, which seeks to reduce the size or diversity of the organization's operations. Austerity also cut costs in order to become financially stable. Austerity is a retreat or withdrawal from the provision of some existing products or serving some markets. In the military situation, and provides a second line of defense austerity. Austerity is often a strategy used before or as part of a strategy shift. (Bettis, Gambardella, et al., (2012).Subway has a unique vision and international strategy. Metro is among the fastest-growing franchises in the world. Continuation of the subway growing at a rapid pace and got an increase in revenue in return. At this time, the subway stop for the development and even lost a few shops. Currently, because of the franchise successful strategy to train tunnels, subways Belgian back on track with plans for expansion. Subway has the ambition and the advantage of an early international sandwich franchise it is the first American to reach the world. Belgian market for certain, the next stages in the internationalization found: isolate themselves individual excellence, and create a coherent global environment and selling high quality products able to adapt to specific markets. (Grundy, (2000)

Competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors and consumers by providing greater value, either through lower prices or by providing features and services that justify the high prices of the largest. Competitive advantage defined as the strategic advantage one business entity has more than competing entities within the industry competitive. Achieve a competitive advantage and enhance the positions of best business within a business environment. Happens when you gain a competitive advantage organization or the development of a feature or set of features that allow them to outperform their competitors. In addition, can include these qualities access to natural resources, such as high-quality ores or inexpensive power, or access to trained human resources and highly skilled staff. Johnson, G (2005)

Strategic capability refers to "the ability of the business to successfully employ competitive strategies that allow it to survive and increase their value over time. While ability strategy does not take into account the strategies used business, and it focuses on the organization of assets, resources and market position, and drop how well they will be able to employ strategies in the future. Ability strategic importance of a key element in what remains financially viable and growing in spite of the presence of competitors in a free market. Many groups of interested parties seeking to measure and track strategic capability. Resources strategic capabilities are tangible resources are physical assets of the organization, such as plants, labor and finance. Resources intangible assets are non-physical, such as information, reputation, and knowledge resources, resource categories such as financial resources, physical resources, and human intellectual capital.Balogun, J and Hope Hailey, V (1999)

Terms of the ability of strategic resources is the threshold threshold competencies unique competencies essential resources. Resources still need the resources necessary to meet the minimum requirements of the customers, and thus to continue to exist for the athlete: athletic ability that fit the event, which chosen. Threshold activities and operations competencies necessary to meet the minimum requirements of the customers, and thus to continue in a healthy body, medical equipment, and training venues and equipment, as dietary supplements. The important issues in the threshold level of capabilities threshold ability to change with changes in CSF in exchange repetition of the complementary capabilities of the level of resources and competencies. Unique resources that support the competitive advantage and it is difficult for competitors to imitate or obtain such exceptional heart and lungs, height or weight, excellent coach. In addition, core competencies and core competencies are the skills and abilities that published resources through the organization's activities and processes such as to achieve a competitive advantage in other ways cannot be imitated. The combination of dedication, perseverance and time to train and the will to win. (Bettis, Gambardella, et al., (2012) Subway and compete within the industry a quick-service restaurant, which comes with a lot of competitive pressures. Largest competitor subway is the international giant burger: McDonald's. McDonald's has been a strong force in the market since it opened in 1940. These quick service restaurants is difficult to compete because they have, deep-rooted, and a strong base of loyal customers. Metro is trying not to focus too much on their competitors. Believed in the subway and on the products themselves proud. Each franchise seeks only to do the best we can in a certain condition. Each franchise also to insulate themselves against external forces, but of course, the subway does keep an eye on their competitors. Subway hopes to remain repel competition by focusing on what they are good at and try on their successes. Although the subway has a strong competition, they have a strong competitive advantage because they are able to differentiate themselves from other fast food franchises. Subway is very different from many of the other fast food restaurants because they offer submarine sandwiches instead of hamburgers and french fries usual.

ConclusionThe Fred Deluca and one of the most successful businessmen, and one of the most successful businessmen in all parts of the world namely the concepts of entrepreneurship is essential in starting a business, it would be better if we will be able to assess the skills and strategies used by Fred DeLuca in his company's popular and prestigious, and is based on the metro of the growth strategy Companies.The to invest in companies and sectors that are growing at a faster pace than their peers are. Benefits are usually in the form of capital gains rather than dividends. Is completely absorbed as a subsidiary or operating division of parent company. Metro sought a challenge in the project than ever. It aims to provide better quality products than any competitor in the market for good. The key point is that the market for entry must be still in the phase of its growth.


1. Balogun, J and Hope Hailey, V (1999) "Marketing concepts " European ed, Houghton Mifflin Company, London, Pp. 390-396.2. Goodstein, L and Burke, W, (1991)"the marketing plan" 4th ed, Hermilage, New York, USA, Pp. 68- 69.3. Johnson, G (2005)"Marketing" 13th ed, Mc Graw- Hall, New York, USA, Pp. 484- 485.4. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2008) Exploring Corporate Strategy. Seventh Ed., India: Pearson Education.5. Johnson, G (2005) "Principles of Marketing" 9th ed, Prentice-Hall international, Mexico, USA, P. 560.6. Grundy, (2000) Managing and Leading Change, (online) URL: http://, Data Accessed: 19/06/2012.7. Bettis, Gambardella, et al., (2012). Strategic entrepreneurship management journal [online] URL: Grundy, 2000. "Subway restaurant in Oman" [online] URL