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Special SensesAnswers are provided below each question

1. The transmission of sound waves through the tympanic cavity of the middle ear

occurs through:

A. air

B. nerve fibers

C. bone

D. fluid

E. jelly-like vitreous humor


2. The two sac-like structures of the inner ear called the utricle and saccule:

A. contain a fluid called perilymph

B. are part of the membranous labyrinth within the vestibule

C. form the connection between the semicircular canals and the vestibule

D. function as part of the auditory system

E. answers A and C.


3. Which of the following is not one of the auditory ossicles?

A. malleus

B. incus

C. stapedius


4. Middle ear infection may follow a throat infection because:

A. the auditory (Eustachian) tube opens into the base of the inner ear

B. the pharyngeal (throat) mucosa is continuous with the mucosa of the

middle ear

C. the sphenoid sinus opens into the tympanic cavity of the middle ear

D. the vestibulocochlear nerve passes through the tympanic cavity

E. answers A and D.


5. The waxy material in the external auditory canal (meatus) is the product of

A. endolymphatic sacs

B. tarsal glands

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C. lacrimal glands

D. ceruminous glands

E. none of the preceding.


6. The auricle or pinna of the outer ear contains:

A. fibroelastic cartilage

B. elastic cartilage

C. hyaline cartilage

D. osseous tissue

E. hemopoietic tissue.


7. In the physiology of hearing, which action is it that generates an action

potential that causes release of a neurotransmitter substance?

A. movement of cells in the basilar membrane against the spiral organ

(=organ of Corti)

B. pressure waves on cells of the vestibular membrane

C. movement of the spiral organ hair cells against the rectorial


D. movement of the membrane covering the round window


8. Otoliths (crystals of CaCO3) are located in the:

A. utricle

B. semicircular ducts

C. saccule

D. answers A and C.


MATCHING: Match the type of fluid (Endolymph or Perilymph) that is found within

the cavities or spaces of the appropriate structures. Items A and B may be used

more than once.

A) perilymph

B) endolymph

9. Scala vestibuli.

10. Cochlear duct.

11. Semicircular ducts.

12. Utricle.

13. Scala tympani.

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14. Vestibule.

15. Semicircular canals.

16. Saccule.

a, b, b, b, a, a, a, b

MATCHING: INNER EAR (Note: Items A and B may be used more than once.)

A) Membranous labyrinth

B) bony or osseous labyrinth.

17. Semicircular ducts.

18. Utricle.

19. Cochlea.

20. Vestibule.

21. Saccule.

22. Semicircular canals.

23. Cochlear duct.

a, a, b, b, a, b, a

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer.

24. Aqueous humor:

A. provides nutrients for the retina

B. is produced from capillaries in the iris

C. can cause cataracts if overproduced

D. is present in the anterior and posterior chambers

E. all of the above.


25. A lesion that destroyed the left optic tract of a boy affected his eye by

eliminating action potentials (=impulses) that would normally have been generated in

response to light in the:

A. nasal (medial) retina of the left eye

B. nasal (medial) retina of the right eye

C. the temporal (lateral) retina of the left eye

D. answers A and C

E. answers B and C.


26. Which of the following is not part of the vascular layer or uvea?

A. cornea

B. choroid

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C. ciliary body

D. iris

E. answers C and D.


27. During embryonic development, the lens of the eye forms:

A. from the rim or distal portion of the retina

B. as part of the fibrous tunic, specifically the sclera

C. from a condensation of aqueous humor

D. from the lateral wall of the diencephalon

E. none of the above.


28. Obstruction of the scleral venous sinus (=canal of Schlemm) interferes with


A. drainage of vitreous humor

B. drainage of tears into the lacrimal sac

C. drainage of the tarsal glands

D. drainage of aqueous humor

E. flow of blood through the ciliary body capillaries.


29. Which of the following cannot be seen as one looks into the eye through an


A. macula lutea

B. optic chiasma

C. fovea centralis

D. optic disc.


30. A person with an abnormally short eyeball (anterior to posterior) would be

____ and would wear ____ lenses to correct their vision.

A. nearsighted / concave

B. farsighted concave

C. nearsighted / convex

D. farsighted convex.


31. The perception of color comes from all the following except:

A. red cones

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B. yellow cones

C. green cones

D. blue cones

E. answers A and D.


32. The visible outer white surface of the eye is covered by a distinctive

epithelium continuous with the inner lining of the eyelids. This epithelium is called


A. palpebrae

B. fornix

C. coneal epithelium

D. conjunctiva

E. none of the preceding.


33. What structure regulates the amount of light passing to the visual receptors

of the eye?

A. cornea

B. pupil

C. lens

D. ciliary body

E. iris.


34. Vision is most acute when light rays are brought to focus on the:

A. fovea centralis

B. the outermost layer of the retina

C. optic disc

D. cells in the occipital lobes of the brain

E. none of the preceding.


35. Night blindness can be treated with:

A. vitamin C

B. vitamin D

C. vitamin K

D. none of the preceding.


36. Loss of the sense of taste on the posterior 1/3 of the tongue might be due to

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injury to:

A. cranial nerve VII

B. cranial nerve III

C. cranial nerve IX

D. cranial nerve V.


MATCHING: Sense Organs (Note: Items A through E may be used more than


A) gustatory cells

B) macula lutea

C) crista ampullaris

D) macula

E) spiral organ (organ of Corti).

37. A group of hair cells associated with taste.

38. The gelatinous membrane associated with this group of hair cells contains

crystals of calcium carbonate.

39. A group of hair cells located in the saccule.

40. A group of hair cells associated with a cupola.

41. The sense organ of static equilibrium.

42. A group of hair cells located in the utricle.

43. Hair cells located on the vallate and fungiform papillae.

44. A group of hair cells associated with the rectorial membrane.

45. The sense organ of dynamic (angular) equilibrium.

46. A group of hair cells located in the cochlea duct.

47. The sense organ of hearing.

48. A yellowish group of cells surrounding the fovea centralism

49. A group of hair cells. located in the ampulla.

a, d, d, c, d, d, a, e, c, e, e, b, c

MATCHING: Cranial nerves and muscles associated with sense organs. Items A

through E may be used more than once.

A) oculomotor

B) facial

C) trigeminal

D) abducens E. trochlear

50. Superior oblique

51. Superior rectus.

52. Orbicularis oculi.

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53. Medial rectus.

54. Levator palpebrae superioris.

55. Lateral rectus.

56. Inferior oblique.

57. Inferior rectus.

58. Tensor tympani.

e, a, b, a, a, d, a, a, c

TRUE OR FALSE: True = A; False = B

59. The function of the lens is to bend or refract light rays and focus them on

the optic disc.

60. Tears contain a bactericidal enzyme called lysosome.

61. The conjunctiva is a serous membrane.

62. The sensation of pressure is associated with Pacinian or lamellated corpuscles.

63. Damage to the median rectus eyeball muscles would probably affect

convergence of the eyeballs.

b, b, b, a, a

MATCHING: Retinal Cells. (Note: Letters may be used more than once, but only

one letter per space.)

A) Ganglion cells

B) Bipolar cells

C) Both A and B

D) Neither A nor B.

64. Contact the vitreous humor.

65. Contain the purple pigment known as rhodopsin.

66. Modified forebrain cells.

67. Axons of these cells form the optic nerve.

68. Contact the choroid layer.

69. Cells contain melanin.

70. Cells are multipolar neurons.

71. These cells synapse with ganglion cells.

72. These cells provide daylight vision.

a, d, c, a, d, d, a, b, d

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer.

73. Receptors that respond quickly to a stimulus but then adapt (sensory

adaptation) and decrease their firing rate are called:

A. phasic receptors

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B. sensory receptors

C. somatic receptors

D. proprioceptors

E. tonic receptors.


74. Which describes the effect of the sympathetic system on the eye pupil and

the muscles involved in the action?

A. dilates / circular muscles

B. constricts circular muscles

C. dilates / radial muscles

D. constricts radial muscles.


75. How many different modalities are associated with olfaction?

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

E. hundreds or even thousands.


76. The bone that contains the osseous labyrinth is the:

A. temporal bone

B. occipital bone

C. ethmoid cribriform plate

D. lacrimal bone

E. none of the preceding.


77. During embryonic development the tympanic cavity develops from the:

A. 2nd pharyngeal pouch

B. optic vesicle

C. 1st bronchial groove

D. wall of the diencephalon

E. 1st pharyngeal pouch.


78. The position of joints and the state of muscular contraction is monitored by:

A. nocireceptors

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B. baroreceptors

C. thermoreceptors

D. chemoreceptors

E. proprioceptors.


MATCHING. Items A through E may be used more than once.

A) Presbyopia

B) cataract

C) glaucoma

D) myopia

E) hyperopia

79. Clouding of the lens.

80. Elongation of the eyeball.

81. Loss of elasticity of the lens with aging.

82. Compression of, and loss of fibers in the optic nerve.

83. Associated with an increase in intraocular pressure.

84. Eyeball is too short.

85. The lens tends to lose its ability to accommodate.

86. Often referred to as nearsightedness.

b, d, a, c, c, e, a, d


87. The organs of taste are called:

A. papillae

B. taste pores

C. taste hairs

D. taste buds

E. none of the preceding.


88. A cut on the finger would activate which receptors?


B. nociceptors

C. Ruffini corpuscles

D. chemoreceptors

E. none of the preceding.


89. Receptors for general senses provide information for all the following except:

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A. temperature

B. pain

C. touch

D. sight

E. two of the preceding.


90. Receptors for light touch are called and they are located in the

A. Meissner's corpuscles epidermis

B. bulbs of Krause / dermis

C. Pacinian corpuscles epidermis

D. Meissner's corpuscles / dermis

E. Ruffini corpuscles / hypodermis.


91. The oval window is located at the base of the:

A. scala vestibule

B. auditory tube

C. cochlear duct

D. scala tympani

E. external auditory canal


TRUE AND FALSE: True = A; False= B.

92. Another name for the vestibular membrane is eardrum.

93. Another name for the optic chiasma is the blind spot.

94. A person can see better during the day than at night because there are more

cones within the retina than rods.

95. The visual image is inverted on the retina.

96. The nasolacrimal ducts empty into the lacrimal sacs.

97. The ear ossicles constitute the bony labyrinth.

98. Bending of light rays is called refraction.

99. The stapes transmits vibrations to the oval window.

b, b, b, a, b, b, a, a


100. Sympathetic stimulation of the iris causes:

a. Astigmatism

b. Pupillary constriction

c. Pupillary dilation

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d. Vitreous secretion

e. Decreased glucose reduction in iris smooth muscle


101. Cone cells are photoreceptors that respond to:

a. Low light levels

b. Red light ONLY

c. Light reflected from distant objects

d. Light with wavelengths greater than 2500nm

e. Colored light


102. The region where the lens focuses the image onto the retina is the:

a. Optic nerve

b. Fovea

c. Pupil

d. Blind spot

e. Infundibulum


103. The fluid that fills the posterior chamber of the eye is the:

a. Lachrymal fluid

b. Lacrimal fluid

c. Aqueous humor

d. Choroid humor

e. Vitreous humor


104. The major light absorbing pigment in retinal photoreceptors is:

a. Rhodopsin

b. Cone opsin

c. Melanin

d. Asparagine

e. Mesophyll


105. Photoreceptors release more neurotransmitters in (bright light - darkness).


106) Sounds are detected by _____- receptors.


B)thermo C)mechano D)photo

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Look here for the answer

107) The _____ are the actual areas that respond to chemical stimulations for

the sense of smell.

A)olfactory lobes

B)olfactory mucous membrane cells C)cilia on olfactory cells D)olfactory organs


108) The olfactory receptor cells are examples of _____ neurons. A)sensory B)multipolar C)association



109) Which area allows one to perceive the aroma of a pizza? A)olfactory bulb B)olfactory lobe

C)olfactory cortex

D)olfactory tracts


110) Which sense is most likely to adapt rapidly?


B)smell C)hearing D)vision


111) A person aged 21 will probably lose _____ of their smell at 22.

A)none B)50% C)1% D)5%


112) The visible elevations on the tongue that contain the receptors for taste are

the _____. A)taste buds

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B)taste pores C)papillae D)gustatory cells


113) Which of the following could be detected on the back of the tongue?

A)sweet B)sour C)salty



114) Which of these does not belong with the rest? A)strychnine B)nicotine




115) The nerves that convey taste sensations, are the following except which one?



C)IX D)vagus


116) The gustatory cortex is located within the _____lobe.

A)temporal B)parietal C)occipital D)frontal


117) Which of these does not belong with the others? A)pinna B)external ear

C)ceruminous glands



118) The purpose of the auricle is to _____sound waves.

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B)increase the intensity of C)act as a collector of D)vibrate in response to


119) The first structure to vibrate in response to sounds is _____. A)auricle B)malleus C)organ of Corti

D)tympanic membrane


120) The following belong together except which one? A)incus B)tympanic cavity

C)middle ear

D)cochlear duct


121) The purpose of the ossicles is to _____ the incoming vibrations.

A)lessen the intensity of

B)increase the force of C)change the wavelength of D)move with


122) The stapes sends its vibrations to the _____.

A)incus B)tympanic membrane C)oval window D)round window


123) Which of these does not belong with the others? A)tympanic reflex B)stapedius

C)increase sound

D)decrease sound


124) The auditory tube acts to equalize pressure between the middle ear and

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B)inner ear C)outer ear D)cochlea


125) The term labyrinth refers to the appearance of the _____. A)outer ear B)inner ear C)middle ear



126) The membranous labyrinth contains _____fluid. A)cerebrospinal





127) The portion of the inner ear that detects sounds, is the _____.

A)semicircular canals

B)osseous labyrinth C)vestibule D)cochlea


128) Reissner's membrane separates the cochlear duct from the _____.

A)round window B)scala vestibuli C)scala tympani

D)basilar membrane


129) Vibrations from the _____ reach the scala vestibuli first. A)round window

B)scala tympani

C)oval window D)cochlear duct


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130) The cells that convert vibrations into neurological impulses are the _____

cells. A)hair B)otolith C)basilar membrane

D)crista acoustica


131) The connection between the cochlear hair cells and the VIII cranial nerve are

made by _____. A)direct contact

B)release of neurotransmitter

C)the axons in contact D)the dendrites in contact


132) The intensity of sounds is measured in units of _____.

A)mv B)amperes C)daltons D)dB


133) The auditory perception center is located within the _____. A)medial geniculate body of thalamus B)midbrain C)temporal lobe

D)medulla oblongata


134) Which type of deafness can be treated by a cochlear implant? A)presbycusis


C)sensorineural D)otosclerosis


135) The following belong together except which one?

A)dynamic equilibrium

B)vestibule C)static equilibrium

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136) The maculae can be found in the _____.

A)cochlear duct B)saccule C)semicircular canals

D)semicircular ducts


137) Stimulation of the crista ampullaris results in _____. A)deafness B)loud sounds

C)feeling of motion

D)a sense of body position


138) The term for eyelid is _____.



C)levator palpebrae D)palpebra


139) Tears drain into the openings of the _____.

A)puncta B)lacrimal sac C)canaliculi D)nasolacrimal duct


140) Movement of the eyeball is effected by muscles innervated mainly by the

_____nerve. A)VI





141) The outer covering of the eye is called the _____.

A)vascular tunic


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C)sclera D)choroid layer


142) The suspensory ligaments attach to the _____. A)lens B)sclera C)canal of Schlemm



143) The process of adjusting vision from a near to a distant object is called

_____. A)adaptation


C)amblyopia D)cataracts


144) An increase in aqueous fluid pressure is a symptom of _____.

A)cataract B)migraine C)glaucoma D)hyperopia


145) Which of the following is the first to come into contact with light? A)rods B)bipolar neurons C)cones

D)ganglion cells


146) The point of sharpest retinal vision is called the _____. A)fovea centralis

B)macula lutea

C)vitreous body D)optic disk


147) Which of the following is decomposed under light?

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A)vitamin A B)retinene C)rhodopsin



148) A sensory receptor capable of detecting changes in hydrogen ion

concentration is more accurately described as a ______________. A)thermoreceptor

B)pain receptor

C)mechanoreceptor D)chemoreceptor


149) Which of these statements about the sense of smell is not true?

A)Olfactory receptor cells are bipolar neurons that are not replaced when

damaged. B)Chemicals are received by specific plasma membrane receptors in the

olfactory receptor cells.

C)Olfactory receptors do not adapt quickly.

D)The main areas of the brain that interpret the sense of smell lie in the

temporal and frontal lobes.


150) The portion(s) of the tongue that actually perceives taste is/are the


A)taste hairs B)papillae C)epithelium of tongue D)taste buds


151) How do the senses of smell and taste differ? A)They differ in the types of receptors they employ. B)They differ in the reproductive rate of the receptors.

C)They differ in their rate of sensory adaptation.

D)They do not both employ cilia or hair-like extension of their receptor cells.


152) Why do odors sometimes alter our moods?

A)Because sensory input from olfaction is routed through the limbic system.

B)Because odors act as neurotransmitters and alter brain chemistry.

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C)Because odors are satisfying to our sense of hunger. D)Odors do not alter mood.


153) Loss of the sensation of taste is referred to as _____________.


B)ageusia C)hypogeusia D)asnosmia


154) The chamber that actually houses the hearing receptors is the

__________________. A)vestibule B)semicircular canal

C)scala tympani

D)cochlear duct


155) After the inner ear has detected vibrations caused by sound, how is the

energy dissipated?

A)perilymph inside the scala tympani absorbs the sound wave energy

B)endolymph inside the cochlear duct absorbs sound wave energy C)air inside the middle ear dissipates the forces caused by vibrations. D)perilymph inside the scala vestibuli absorbs sound wave energy


156) The organs of static equilibrium are located within the ______________ and

employ shifting ___________ to set up nerve impulses. A)semicircular canals; gelatinous material B)vestibule; otoliths

C)cochlea; fluid

D)vestibule; crista ampullaris


157) The inner surface of the eyelids is lined with ______________. A)conjunctiva B)extrinsic eye muscles

C)dense connective tissue

D)lacrimal apparatus


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158) The region on the retina that produces the sharpest vision is called the

_______________. A)sclera B)aqueous humor

C)fovea centralis

D)optic disk


159) Objects are perceived by photoreceptors because the rods or cones

_______________ as their _________________ in the presence of light.

A)depolarize; pigments are manufactured

B)hyperpolarize; pigments decompose C)repolarize; pigments remain unchanged D)depolarize; pigments decompose


160) The ability to sense body position is related to _____ receptors. A)general B)pain C)pressure



161) The area of the brain that integrates proprioceptor data is the _________. A)cerebrum


C)cerebellum D)medulla oblongata


162) Most olfactory receptors are located on the ______ surface of the nasal

cavity. A)superior B)inferior




163) Which muscle moves the eye toward the midline? A)superior oblique B)inferior oblique

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C)medial rectus D)lateral rectus


164) Which extrinsic eye muscle rotates the eyes clockwise? A)inferior oblique B)superior oblique C)lateral rectus D)medial rectus


165) Which cranial nerve does not innervate eye muscles? A)III B)trochlear

C)abducens D)II


166) The _____ is a membrane covering the anterior portion of the eyeball except

for the cornea. A)cornea

B)conjunctiva C)sclera D)eyelid


167) Which of these is the last in the tear flow sequence? A)lacrimal duct B)nasolacrimal duct C)lacrimal gland

D)lacrimal sac


168) The actual receptors for hearing and balance are _______.

A)chemoreceptors B)otoliths C)cochlear cells D)hair cells


169) The auditory canal is part of the _____.

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A)inner ear B)middle ear C)outer ear D)pinna


170) Which is the last structure to vibrate in this sequence? A)malleus B)oval window C)stapes



171) The right occipital lobe receives information from the right eye only.

A)True B)False


172) Proprioceptors respond to changes in muscle positions.

A)True B)False


173) As one ages, one develops an increased tendency towards anosmia.

A)True B)False


174) Gustatory refers to the sensation of smells. A)True B)False


175) Taste cells are continually reproduced and do not diminish much with age. A)True B)False


176) Sweet stimuli are usually organic compounds. A)True


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177) The external auditory meatus leads into the inner ear. A)True B)False


178) The ear wax cerumen contains compounds that repel insects. A)True B)False


179) The ossicles are the malleus, incus and cochlea.

A)True B)False


180) The difference in sound pressure at the tympanic membrane is about 22

times greater than at the inner ear. A)True B)False


181) The stapedius muscle inserts on the tympanic membrane. A)True B)False


182) It is easier to dampen the intensity of slow occurring sounds than rapid. A)True B)False


183) The mucous lining of the middle ear actually increases the probability of

developing otitis media from an external cause.

A)True B)False


184) The round window equalizes pressure between the middle ear and inner ear. A)True

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185) The detection of various frequencies of sound is made possible by the

structure of the hair cells. A)True B)False


186) Human hearing responds to 20-20,000hz equally in all ranges. A)True B)False


187) The Rinne test is done to assess skin sensitivity to touch. A)True B)False

188) A sense of moving or dynamic equilibrium is sensed by the ampullae of the


A)True B)False


189) The fluid movement in the inner ear can cause a confusion between sounds and

movements resulting in motion sickness. A)True



190) Tears contain a lysozyme enzyme that has antibacterial effects. A)True



191) Seeing two overlapping images or double vision is termed strabismus. A)True



192) The most common form of blindness is retinitis or retinal damage. A)True

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193) The ciliary body is a smooth muscle as well as gland. A)True B)False


194) Vitreous fluid is made continually while aqueous humor remains the same

throughout life. A)True B)False


195) Both pupil dilation and contraction involve muscle contractions. A)True B)False


196) The cones are sensitive to dim light and color. A)True B)False


197) The cerebral cortex functions in sensation and the perception of those

sensations. A)True B)False


198) Sensory receptors are equally and proportionally distributed throughout the

skin. A)True B)False


199) Taste and smell are sensations stimulated by chemical molecules.

A)True B)False


200) The papillae on the tongue respond to sweet, sour, salt and bitter stimuli.

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A)True B)False


201) The olfactory cells have microvilli that enable them to respond to chemical

stimuli. A)True



202) The taste buds on the tongue enable a person to perceive the taste of

various foods such as the garlic in lasagna. A)True B)False


203) Free nerve endings in the skin are associated with the sensation of pain. A)True B)False


204) Bipolar neurons associated with sensory receptors are found in the

A. retina

B. taste buds

C. inner ear

D. finger tips


205) Which of the following is not a primary taste sensation?

A. sweet

B. salty

C. pungent

D. bitter


206) The olfactory receptors are examples of

A. thermoreceptors

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B. mechanoreceptors

C. chemoreceptors

D. proprioceptors


207) The external auditory meatus passes through the

A. occipital bone

B. cribriform plate of the ethmoid

C. temporal bone

D. nasal cavities


208) Which of the following helps maintain proper air pressure in the middle ear?

A. stapedius muscle

B. Eustachian tube

C. external auditory meatus

D. osseous labyrinth


209) Endolymph is found within the

A. scala vestibuli

B. scala tympani

C. cochlear duct

D. otolith


210) Which of the following generates a receptor potential in hair cells?

A. contact with the basilar membrane

B. movement of perilymph

C. bending of stereocilia

D. breakdown of photopsin


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211) The round window connects to the

A. scala tympani

B. incus

C. scala vestibuli

D. basilar membrane


212) Nerve fibers that synapse with hair cells in the organ of Corti unite to

form part of the _____ nerve

A. optic

B. oculomotor

C. olfactory

D. vestibulocochlear


213) Which of the following represents the correct pathway leading to the

perception of sound?

A. tympanic membrane, ossicles, endolymph, perilymph, hair cells

B. tympanic membrane, ossicles, perilymph, endolymph, hair cells

C. ossicles, tympanic membrane, endolymph, perilymph, hair cells

D. ossicles, perilymph, tympanic membrane, endolymph, hair cells


214) Which of the following is associated with equilibrium?

A. vestibular membrane

B. basilar membrane

C. otolithic membrane

D. ciliary processes


215) Otoliths are

A. crystals

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B. hair cells

C. taste cells

D. bipolar neurons


216) Which of the following is part of the vascular tunic of the eye?

A. cornea

B. retina

C. choroid

D. sclera


217) When entering a dark room on a sunny day, it takes some time to be able

to see because

A. it takes time for the retina to rebuild its rhodopsin

B. the rods of the eye work only in bright light, and it takes time for the

cones to develop an action potential in dim light

C. the iris dilates very slowly after being subjected to bright light

D. the optic nerve fatigues in bright light, and takes time to recover


218) Each crista in the semicircular ducts is covered by a gelatinous material

called the

A. macula

B. utricle

C. cupula

D. auricle


219) The anterior cavity contains

A. the vitreous body

B. aqueous humor

C. endolymph

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D. perilymph


220) The point of greatest visual acuity is the

A. optic disk

B. utricle

C. optic chiasm

D. central fovea


221) Intraocular pressure is primarily due to the

A. aqueous humor

B. iris

C. lens

D. vitreous body


222) As they extend from the retina to the brain, nerve fibers

A. from the nasal half of each retina cross to reach the opposite visual cortex

B. from the temporal half of each retina cross to reach the opposite visual


C. from both nasal and temporal portions of the retina cross to reach the

opposite visual cortex

D. travel straight from each retina to the visual cortex, without crossing or



223) Which cranial nerve carries visual impulses to the brain?

A. I



D. X

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224) Aqueous humor drains from the anterior chamber into the

A. vitreous body

B. lacrimal duct

C. ciliary processes

D. canal of Schlemm


225) Sound waves are translated into nerve impulses in the

A. cochlea

B. saccule

C. middle ear

D. utricle


226) A reflex reaction to loud sounds prevents damage to the inner ear. This

reaction is due to contraction of

A. hair cells

B. tensor tympani & stapedius muscles

C. the Eustachian tube

D. the pinna, allowing it to fold over the external auditory meatus


227) The oval window connects to the

A. Eustachian tube

B. basilar membrane

C. utricle

D. stapes


228) As a result of an injury, a person cannot see at all with the left eye, but

has no trouble seeing with the right eye. The injury has probably severed the

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A. optic chiasm

B. left optic tract

C. left optic nerve

D. right optic nerve


229) Pitch is

A. the frequency of a sound vibration

B. the loudness of a sound

C. the angle light travels through the lens to reach the fovea centralis

D. measured in decibels


230) The blind spot is the area where

A. there are more rods than cones

B. there are more cones than rods

C. the optic nerve exits the eye

D. the iris attaches to the cornea


231) Perilymph fills the

A. anterior cavity

B. bony labyrinth

C. membranous labyrinth

D. rods and cones


232) Sensory stimulation to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue is conducted by the

A. hypoglossal nerve

B. glossopharyngeal nerve

C. vagus nerve

D. trigeminal nerve

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233) A sty is caused by

A. infection of the sebaceous ciliary glands

B. paralyzing the levator palpebrae superioris muscle

C. damage to the ceruminous glands

D. infection of the Meibomian glands


234) Which of the following conditions is not related to lens pathology?

A. glaucoma

B. hypermetropia

C. cataract

D. astigmatism


235) In humans, both eyes focus on only one set of objects. This is called

A. constriction

B. refraction

C. binocular vision



236) Circumvallate papillae are located on the

A. posterior region of the tongue

B. sides of the tongue

C. tip of the tongue

D. soft palate and pharynx


237) The fibrous tunic is composed of the

A. sclera and cornea

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B. choroids, ciliary body, and iris

C. retina

D. optic nerve


238) The white of the eye, which gives shape to the eyeball, makes it more

rigid, and protects its inner parts is the

A. cornea

B. sclera

C. choroid

D. conjunctiva


239) Most of the refraction of light entering the eye occurs at the

A. conjunctiva

B. cornea

C. lens

D. retina


240) During accommodation for near vision

A. the cornea becomes more curved

B. the iris dilates and lets in more light

C. the lens increases in curvature

D. the eyeball shortens to bring the image in focus


241) Constriction of the pupil is brought about by contraction of the

A. ciliary muscle

B. circular muscle of the iris

C. extrinsic muscles of the eye

D. cornea

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242) Photopigment in the rods and cones is imbedded in the

A. mitochondria

B. Golgi complex

C. synapse region between these cells and the horizontal cells

D. membrane folds of the outer segment of these cells


243) The most common type of color blindness is

A. red-blue color blindness

B. red-green color blindness

C. blue-green color blindness

D. total color blindness


244) In daylight, rods contribute little to vision because

A. they become totally depolarized

B. the mitochondria cannot generate enough energy

C. the rhodopsin is bleached as fast as it is regenerated

D. the outer segments lose their photopigments


245) When light hits the rods

A. Na+ channels close and less inhibitory neurotransmitter is released

B. the outer segment depolarizes and initiates a nerve impulse

C. they inhibit the activity of bipolar cells

D. more photopigment is manufactured


246) The neural receptors for the sense of hearing are located in the

A. outer ear

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B. middle ear

C. inner ear

D. brain


247) High intensity (loud) sounds can cause deafness because they are most

damaging to the

A. hair cells of the spiral organ of Corti

B. secondary tympanic membrane

C. bones of the middle ear

D. tympanic membrane


248) Meniere's syndrome is caused by

A. bacterial infection of the middle ear

B. increased number of blood vessels growing over the ear drum

C. increased amount of endolymph that enlarges the membranous labyrinth

D. excessive stimulation of the vestibular apparatus by motion
