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    Studies of structures and phase transitions inpyrrhotiteFan LiIowa State University

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  • Studies of structures and phase transitions in pyrrhotite


    Fan Li

    A dissertation submitted to the graduate facultj-

    in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


    Major: Physical Chemistry

    Major Professor: Hugo F. Franzen

    Iowa State University

    Ames, Iowa


  • DMI NtJinber: 9712576

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    This microform edition is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code.

    UMI 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103

  • ii

    Graduate College Iowa State University

    This is to certify that the Doctoral dissertation of

    Fan Li

    has met the dissertation requirements of Iowa State University


    For th^^ajor Program

    For the Graduate College

    Signature was redacted for privacy.

    Signature was redacted for privacy.

    Signature was redacted for privacy.

  • iii




















    1 1 1

  • 1



    The compounds in the Fe,.^S system (x=0-0.13), in mineralogy, are collectively called

    pyrrhotite, and the 1:1 stoichoimetric iron sulfide (FeS) with aVs Xa/3 x2 superstructure is

    particularly called troilite. Because of its important structural, electrical, magnetic and

    thermal properties, for over one century this system has been the subject of considerable

    interest for a vade range of disciplines. The prototypic structure of this system is NiAs-

    type, but a number of structure - and superstructure types resulting from the low-

    temperature vacancy ordering and structural distortions have been reported in this narrow

    composition range between room temperature and 700K. The most abundant pyrrhotites

    in nature are the monoclinic (4C), troilite (2C) and the intermediate pyrrhotites. The latter

    tend to be more wide-spread and can be generally categorized as nC type, of which the

    5C, 6C and 11C types are special cases (in this thesis A and C refer to axial lengths of

    NiAs-type cell, A=3.44A and C=5.70A). Table 1 lists the superstructures reported for the

    natural pyrrhotites [1], Apart from these crystallographic modifications, at least two

    magnetic transitions and one electrical transition are known to be involved in this system

    below 600K: At 600K the order-disorder transition (the so called ;5-transition) for

    magnetic spins occurs, which, in fact, is a Curie transition for the ferrimagnetic phases

    and a Neel transition for the antiferromagnetic phases. This magnetic transition is

    insensitive to composition. Below T^. a second magnetic transition (called the Morin

  • 2

    Table 1. The structure types found in the naturally occurring pyrrhotites

    Composition (at.% Fe)

    Symmetry Superstructure type (cell size. A)


    50.0 (FeS) Hexagonal V3A,2C a=5.96,c=11.75

    natural troilite

    ~46.7(Fe,Ss) Monoclinic 2V3 A,2A, 4C.a=ll.90, b=6.87, c=22.87, P=90°30'

    magnetic pyrrhotite

    -47.4 (~Fe Tp,, to the orientation parallel to c-axis for T < T^,. This change in spin

    orientation has been proved by neutron diffraction and the measurement of the

    anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility as a fimction of temperature [2-4]. The

    temperature point for this transition is sensitively dependent on the composition. For FeS

    with the troilite structure type, T^ is found to be at 135°C, but theoretical and experiential

    investigations indicate that the transition temperature dramatically decreases with

    increasing iron deficiency [5-7]. On the other hand, the electrical properties also have a

    direct relationship with the compositions. At room temperature, troilite is considered to

    be a ferroelectric semiconductor, while Fe7Sg exhibits a high conductivity. The former

    undergoes a so-called a-transition at a temperature close to T^ (~120°C) for which the

  • J

    material is transformed into a paraelectric conductor with a sharp increase of conductivity

    in the c direction. With an increase of x in Fe,.^S, as for T^, the temperature for this a-

    transition declines almost linearly [8,9].

    In spite of the volimiinous literature about the pyrrhotite system, a number of the most

    important properties have still remained open to interpretation. These questions involve

    (1) the nature of the transitions (a-, P- and y-transitions discussed in the following

    papers), (2) the ordering of vacancies as a function of temperature and composition, and

    (3) the relation between structure and properties.

    The understanding of structural properties and phase relations in pyrrhotite is of

    special significance for the metallurgical industry and mineralogy. The most common

    nickel- and copper-bearing minerals are pentlandite (Fe. Ni)qS8 and chalcopyrite

    (CuFeSi). the former accounts for about three-quarters of the nickel mined in the world,

    the latter also accounts for most of copper mined. However these sulfide minerals are

    easily intergrown with pyrrhotite. From the outset, therefore, the separation of sulfide

    Ni/Cu ores from pyrrhotite has been central to the metallurgy of Ni and Cu [10. 11].

    Figure 1 is a flowsheet showing the separation process performed in Inco as well as other

    Ni/Cu producers. As can be noted, two of the most important steps— the magnetic

    separation and froth flotation— depend critically on the structural characteristics of

    pyrrhotite. The former actually takes advantage of the magnetic properties in pyrrhotite.

    while the latter greatly relies on the surface chemical properties that are essentially

    determined by a variety of factors among which the most important are chemical

    composition, crystal structure and the morphology of the minerals.

  • 4


    Magnetic Pyrrhotit^ Concentrate


    r- Magnetic Sepaialiun


    prone to f loating

    Non-magnetic Pyrrhoti


    Mam Flotation

    n Flotation Concentrate Products

    Pyrrhoti t(

    Tails Pyrrhotite Rejection

    Pyrrhotite Rejection



    FIGURE 1, A flowsheet of extractive separation of pyrrhotite in Ni/Cu Metallurgy

  • 5

    In this research, we have undertaken a systematic investigation of various

    compositions of iron sulfide including high-temperature structure determination (x-ray

    and electron dif&actions), thermal and thermomagnetic property characterization. It is the

    goal of the author to establish a thorough understanding of the phase relations as

    fimctions of both the temperature and composition, and thus to provide a basis for the

    consideration of pyrrhotite separations in minerals.

    Dissertation Organization

    This dissertation consists of four papers. Chapter 3 ("From Pyrrhotite to Troilite: An

    Application of Landau Theory of Phase Transition", which has been published in Journal

    of Alloy and Compounds) and Chapter 4 ("Phase Transitions In Near Stoichiometric Iron

    Sulfide", which has been published in JAC) mainly concern the theoretical and

    experimental investigation of phase transitions for the near 1:1 stoichoimetric iron

    sulfide. Chapter 5 ("Ordering, Incommensuration and Phase Transitions in Non-

    stoichiometric Iron Sulfides. Part I: A TEM Study of FejSg". which has been published in

    JSSC) will focus on the phase transitions in Fe^Sg. Chapter 6 (Ordering,

    Incommensuration and Phase Transitions in Non-stoichiometric Iron Sulfides. Part II; A

    High-Temperature X-Ray Powder Diffraction and Thermomagnetization Study", which

    has been published in JSSC) will involve an investigation of the intermediate iron

    sulfides over the composition range between those two extreme cases. FeS and Fe7Sg.

    Preceding these papers is a general experimental chapter (Chapter 2) and following these

    papers is a chapter in which general conclusions and a comprehensive phase diagram for

    this system are presented.

  • 6


    [1] Vaughan, D. J. and Craig, J. R., "Mineral Chemistry of Metal Sulfides'; Cambridge

    University Press, New York (1978).

    [2] Hirahara, E., and Murakami, M., Phys. Chem. Solid. 7.281 (1958).

    [3] Sparks, J. T. Mead, W., Kirschbaum, A. J., and Marshall. W., J. Appl. Phys.. Suppl.


    [4] Sparks, J. T. Mead, W. and Komoto, T., J. Phys. Soc. Japan, Suppl. 17. 249 (1962).

    [5] Andresen, A. F. and Torbo, P., Acta. Chem. Scand., 21,2841 (1967).

    [6] Adachi, K., and Sato. K., J. Appl. Phys., 39 (2), 1343 (1968).

    [7] Horwood, J. L., Townsend, M. G.. and Webster, A. H., J. Solid State Chem.. 17. 35


    [8] van der Berg. C. B., Ferroelectrics, 4, 117 (1972).

    [9] Coey, J. M. D., Roux-Buisson, H., and Brusetti. R.. J. de. Physique. C4. 1 (1976).

    [10] Biswas, A. K.. and Davenport, W.G., "Extractive Metallurgy of Copper" (3rd Ed.),

    Pergamon, Tarrytown, NY (1994).

    [11] Joseph. R. B.. Jr. and Queneau, P.. "The Winning of Nickel: Its Geology. Mining

    and Extractive Metallurgy", Longmans Canada Limited, Toronto (1967).

  • 7



    Sample Preparation

    The samples used for this project were synthesized from high-purity iron (Johnson-

    Matthey, 5N, -20 mesh) and sulfur powders (Aldrich, Sublimed, -100 mesh), the latter

    was pressed into pellets before mixing with iron powder. Carefully weighed quantities of

    iron and sxilfur were sealed in evacuated silica-glass tubes which were then heated in a

    tube fumace. The samples were at first heated to 410°C and then gradually to 500°C. As

    sulfur boiled and vaporized over this temperature range, it diffused to the cooler end of

    the silica tube where the iron powder was placed so that the reaction between these two

    elements could take place. The temperature was controlled below 500°C until no yellow

    sulfur vapor was visible (approximately one week). The samples were annealed at 800°C

    for 20-30 days, and a very slow cooling followed. At the rate of -5°C/h, the samples were

    cooled to 600°C and aruiealed at this temperature for two weeks, and finally cooled down

    to room temperature at a rate of 3°C/h. After these steps the recovery percentage of

    products was determined to be 99-100%. If the samples were found to be non-

    homogenous, they were ground and re-loaded into the evacuated capsules for a second

    annealing. At this time the samples were first heated between 400-500°C for one day and

    then annealed at 800°C for 10 days. For some cases nonuniform samples were heated to

  • 8

    1200°C for a few hours before they were annealed at 800°C. Fmally, the samples were

    cooled as described above.

    The compositions of the final products were verified using the Electron Microprobe

    (ARL, SEMQ). The operating conditions were 20kV accelerating voltage and 25 nA

    beam current. Under these conditions both Fe and S were determined on WDS

    spectrometers (LiF crystal for Fe, PET crystal for S), and count rates were about 10,000s'

    Three samples, Fco gggS, Feo.967S and FeoggoS, prepared by Dr. Paul G. Spry [1] were

    used for standards. The theoretical error from counting statistics for a counting time of

    10s was about 0.3%; the actual reproducibility as determined by a series of counts on the

    standards usually gave standard deviations of 0.6 to 0.8%. The compositional variations

    in different areas of the sample were found to be within these limits. Thus the standard

    deviation of the measured stoichiometry was less than 1%, and good sample homogeneit>'

    was further indicated by the absence of any significant anticorrelation between measured

    concentrations of Fe and S. The EMP analysis results and preparation conditions for the

    representative samples are listed in Table 2.

    In addition to the synthetic samples, naturally occurring pyrrhotites were kindly

    provided by Inco Limited, Canada. The shipped samples were in the frozen slurry form.

    In our laboratory, they were heated to dry at 100-120°C in glass tubes under pure

    flowing nitrogen. Detailed descriptions of these natural samples are summarized in Table


  • TABLE 2. The Representative Fei.xS Samples Prepared in This Research

    sample number mixed Fe/S


    synthesis condition the no. of points

    analyzed by BMP

    actual Fe/S ratio

    (EMP result)

    1 9:10 800°C, 20 days 8 0.887±0,010

    16 7:8 800°Cfor20 days; 1200°C

    for 12 hrs, then 700°C for 10


    14 0,876±0.007

    18 7:8 800°C for 10 days, and

    700°C for 20 days

    60 0,875±0.004

    21 11:12 same as no, 18 57 0.906±0.006

    22 15:16 same as no. 18 43 0,925±0.004

    52 1:1 800°C for 10 days, re-sealed

    and annealed at 800°C for

    another 10 days

    34 1,00210.012

    53 1:1 same as no, 52 30 0.99610.010


  • TABLE 3. A Description of the Natural Pyrrhotites Provided By Inco.

    Name of sample Inco 1 Inco 2 Inco 3 Inco 4 Inco 5 Inco 6

    mag. non-magnetic fast flotation slow flotation reject pyrrhotite

    Source of concentrates concentrates after portion in floating portion in pyrrhotite rejection Product after mag. mag. separation separation (i.e., floating tails concentrate

    separation concentrates A separation (i.e.,

    and B) concentrates C

    and D


  • 11

    In Situ High-Temperature Powder X-ray DifTraction (HTXRD).

    The HTXRD experiments were carried out using a high-temperature powder

    diflfractometer (Elliott GX21) with a multifunctional cylindrical chamber and a gas-flow

    proportional curved position sensitive detector (Inel CPS 120 and Canberra ADC8715). V-

    filtered Cr radiation was used. The sample holder was a Ta-strip with a depression of

    10mm X 6mm x 1.5mm in the center. Temperatures were measured with a chromel-alumel

    thermocouple that was spot welded to the bottom of the Ta-strip. The temperatures were

    controlled using a RE2400 thermocontroller with a precision of 0.01 mV. Temperature

    differentials in the sample region were determined to be less than 5°C. Using this

    dififractometer a satisfactory pattern can be obtained in about 1 minute, but the collection

    time for all patterns shown was set to 10 minutes in order to improve the counting

    statistics. The HTXRD measurements were performed under a vacuum of -10"^ Torr. The

    temperature measured during HTXRD was also calibrated using an organic sample, tris-

    (o-phenylenedioxy) cyclotriphosphazene, which has a melting point of ZSO^C as

    determined by DSC and showed a melting transition at 25l''C on HTXRD.

    Differential Thermal Analysis Experiment (DTA)

    A Perkin-Elmer DTA 1700 with System 7/4 thermal controller was used for DTA

    studies. The sample powder was accurately weighed, and then loaded into an alumina

    crucible. The reference arm was loaded with AI2O3. The heating and cooling rates were

    usually 5K/min. The Ar-gas flow with O2 impurity < 40ppm was maintained throughout

    the course of experiments. Finally, the differential temperature (AT) in all the DTA figures

    were consistently expressed as the degrees per milligram of sample.

  • 12

    High-Temperature Thermomagnetization Measurement (HTM)

    Thermal magnetization measurements were carried out using a Vibrating Sample

    Magnetometer (VSM 4500, EG&G). The samples were accurately weighed and loaded

    into a BN sample holder. The applied magnetic field was between 1500 Oe and 22.000

    Oe, depending on the magnetization of the sample. A pure argon atmosphere with O,

    impurity < 40ppm was maintained in the sample cylinder during the measurement.

    Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

    For TEM observation the samples were crushed in a mortar and pestle into

  • 13




    A paper published in the Journal of Alloy and Compounds

    Fan Li and Hugo F. Franzen

    FeS has been extensively studied because of the importance and complexity of its phase

    relations, structure and magnetic properties. Among numerous allotropes, representative are

    high-temperature pyrrhotite with the NiAS-type structure and troilite with space group P62c

    and a unit cell of a = VJ A and c = 2C (where A and C refer to unit cell parameters of the NiAs-

    type structure and are approximately 3.4 A and 5.9 A, respectively). The transition between

    these two related phases has been observed by various methods, and in some reports, has been

    suggested to be of second order [1-3]. The Landau theory has been, in previous studies,

    successfully applied to a number of phase transitions in structures with P63/mmc symmetry [4-

    6], In this report we contribute a new application of Landau theory to a symmetry breaking

    transition for NiAs-type (P63/mmc) in order to increase our understanding of this relatively high

    symmetry and its broken symmetries.

    In the consideration of a second order phase transitions, the first condition of Landau theory

    requires that the space groups of the related structures be in the relation of a group and a

    subgroup [7]. Accordingly, in reciprocal space, a wave vector (k), or a set of equivalent wave

  • 14

    veaors in a star to which the distortion corresponds, need to be determined. The xVI x2

    superstructure characterizes the wave vector k=(i, i, y) or its inverse k'=( j, y, These

    two veaors are not equal modulo a reciprocal lattice veaor and thus are separately in a star.

    All other wave veaors formed from k by rotations in Den, nevertheless, are equivalent to k or

    k" modulo a reciprocal lattice veaor K (see the figure 1). Therefore, k and k" form a complete

    star (corresponding to the H-point in the Brillouin zone) which associates a subgroup with

    ?&i/mmc. In this case the two veaors in die star correspond to exactly the same lattice points

    and the same rotations, and not as more frequently occurs, to two different examples (different

    axial directions) of the same subgroup.

    (-2/3.1/3.1/2) (-1/3.2/3.1/2)



    (-Zt3.1/3.-t'2) (- l /p.2/3.- lf2)

    (-1/3.-1/3.-1/2 (-1/3.-1/3.-1/2)

    (1/3.-2/3.-1/2) (2/3.-1/3.-1/2)

    FIGURE 1. Hexagonal Brillouin zone showing H points (Trigonal prism connects points equal

    module a reciprocal lattice veaor)

  • 15

    The second condition of Landau theory is that the transition should correspond to a single

    irreducible representation of the space group of higher synunetry. The significance of the

    correspondence is that the particle density function (p) for the low symmetry can be completely

    projected onto the basis flmctions (' as a function of wave vectors is fixed at

  • 16

    TABLE 1. Small Representation ofP63/nimc at kF(i/3,1/3,1/2) and

    the Symmetries of the Basis Functions and Their Sum


    element {P|t}

    irr. rep. for

    cpi and (p2

    under {(3|t}

    Present in distorted


    CPi (P2 (P1-KP2

    irr. rep. for cpi


    . O l j

    yes yes yes


    ^0 I

    no no no ' \ 0>

    .0 1^

    yes yes yes

  • ou saA ou ^ 0 1 ; ou ou saX


    .0 I, {oool?2}

    ou ou ou

    ' o r

    a o , saX ou ou ' o O

    J Oj {viool"2}

    saX ou ou

    ' o P

    J 0; ou ou ou

    ' o O

    J O j

    ou ou saX


    .0 I; ou saX ou

    'l o'

    . 0 1 {OOOp^D)






    .1 o> ou ou ou

    ' o O

    J O ; {5/,00l'"'®^D}

    ou ou saX

    ! 0^

    .0 \j ou saX ou

    'i o'

    . O L {0001=^3}

    ou ou ou

    ' o f

    ,1 Oj ou ou ou

    'o n

    J O J {y.oorp}

    ou ou ou

    "l 0^

    . O l > saX saX saX

    'i o'

    .0 L {ooorp}

    1 ou ou ou L") ou ou ou 'o f

    J O . {yiool'^3}

    1 ou ou ou

    f ^ r l l o > saX ou ou

    'o r

    J 0, {^lOOl'^}

    (psnuiiuoo) 1 aiqei

    L \

  • 18

    Table 1 (continued)

    (a: 1000} A 0>

    l o i .

    yes no no l o '

    .0 1.

    no yes no 1

    {clWM To r

    b 0,

    no no yes ^ o f

    J o .

    no no no

    {a^^00>/2} ^0 r

    J o ,

    no no no

    J 0;

    no no no

    {aJOOO} ' l o '

    .0 1.

    no no no '1 o^i .0 ij

    yes yes yes

    {a2^00'/2} '0 r

    J o .

    no no no 'o P

    J Oj

    no no no

    {a,.2>-100'/2} '0 r

    J o .

    no no no 'o

    J O ;

    no no no

  • 19

    the wave vector under consideration. For this case, where k and -k k are in the star, the

    Lifshitz criterion has the form of [8]


    where the sum is over the elements of G(k), Xo(g) is the character of representation of the

    space group operation g, F(R) is the character of the representation with respect to bases x, y

    and z under the point operations of the group and R, transforms k into -k, e.g. gi=gi '={i|o} and

    PXR'O = so that the criterion can be written as


    The results of analysis are given in Table 2. This criterion is not met. Thus it is concluded that

    the change from NiAs-type structure to a-TJ x-TJ x2 superstructure is not an allowed continuous

    process. Simply by looking at Table 1, it is revealed that there are two fates for the space group

    P63/mmc after distortion at k?=(i/3, i/3,1/2) and corresponding to the irreducible representation

    under consideration. The first one is that for which (pi+(p2 remains symmetric under those

    operations which stay in the distorted structure, but is non-symmetric under the others which

    are lost. This results in the space group P62c. The second one is that for which cpi (or cp,

    corresponding to a same symmetry) remains symmetric, which yields the space group P 3 Ic.

    An important example for the transition from P63/mmc to P62c may be that known to

    occur between pyrrhotite and troilite. As mentioned at the beginning, high-temperature

    pyrrhotite and troilite have been individually refined as the space groups P63/mmc and P62c,

    respectively. The above discussion shows that the second-order transformation from P63/mmc

  • 20

    TABLE 2. The Analysis of Lifshitz Criterion

    1 ̂Xo(Rlt) gi "'-g-gi Xo(g)- Xo(gi ' g gi) gl-g-gl-g Xo(giggig) KR)

    e|000 2 g=E|000 (Xo(g))^4 g^iooo 2 3

    CaJOOO 2 gCdOOO (Xo(g))'=4 g'=dzlooo 2 0

    ciriooo 2 g=cLlooo (Xo(g))'=4 g^CaJOOO 2 0

    CaJOOO 0 g=C2j000 (Xo(g))'=0 g^jOOO 2

    CzylOOO 0 g=C2,l(X)0 (Xo(g))'=0 g^iooo 2

    C2(x«y)1000 0 g= C:(^)|000 (Xo(g))'=0 g^iooo 2

    ajoo-/. 0 CJOOV2 0 c^ooi -2 -2

    aJ00'/2 0 a^iooi^ 0 e|00i -2 1

    CL\OO'/2 0 a'100^ 0 djooi .2 2

    Ox-j^OO'/z 0 Gx-y |00 Yi 0 e|000 2 1

    0 a2x-y lOOVS 0 e|000 2 1

    1 a»-2ylOO'/2 0 CJrK2y|00'/2 0 e|000 2 1

    Finally, the Lifshitz Criterion is equal to

    l.{Xoig)roigo' -g-g^) + Xoigo g-g^ g)}-^(.^) = 24 ^ 0 R

  • 21

    to P62c is not allowed by Lifshitz condition. According to Toledano and Toledano [8],

    violation of the Lifshitz conditions leads in most cases to a first-order transition for which the

    lock-in commenstirate phase appears directly below the high-symmetry phase, but for the

    minority of cases the first-order transition may result in an incommensurate phase which

    remains stable within an interval of temperature. Hence this system is worthy of further

    experimental explorations. As for the second solution for which the P 3 Ic symmetry structure

    results with the same lattice, hP24-type compound with the space group P 3 Ic has been found

    for a Ni substituted TiS [9].


    1.Hirone, T., Maeda, S., and Chiba, S. J. Phys. Soc. Japan 9 (4). 500(1954).

    2.Nakazawa, H., and N. Morimoto, N., Mater. Res. Bull. 6.345 (1971).

    3.Putnis, A., Science 186,439 (1974).

    4. Franzen, H. F., Chem. Mater. 2,486 (1990).

    5. Franzen, H. F., Cryst. Res. Technol. 28(2), 169 (1993).

    6. Franzen, H. F., "Physical Chemistry of Inorganic Crystalline Solid", Springer-Verlag, New

    York, 1990.

    7. Landau, L. D.and Lifshitz, E. M., "Statistical Physics", Pergamon Press, London. 1958.

    8. Toledano, J.-C. and Toledano, P., " The Landau Theory of Phase Transition", World

    Scientific, Singapore, 1987.

  • 22

    9. Villars, P., and Calvert, L. D., "Pearson's Handbook of Crystailographic Data for

    intennetallic Phases", 2nd Ed. ASM international. Materials Park, OH, (1991).

  • 23



    A paper published in the Journal of Alloy and Compounds

    Fan Li and Hugo F. Franzen


    The phase transition between the NiAs-type structure (P63/mmc) and the troilite

    structure (P62c) in FeS has been examined in synthetic samples by high-temperature x-

    ray diffraction and DTA experiments, and reexamined by Landau theory. The low

    temperature spin-flip and para- to ferroelectric transition was also studied. It is found

    experimentally that the NiAs-type to troilite transition is first-order and, by reexamination

    of Landau theory, that this is required by the Lifshitz condition but not by the Landau

    conditions. The Iow-temperatiu:e transition is foimd to occur with no discontinuity in

    lattice parameters. It is therefore argued that the low-temperature phase, which is known

    to be ferroelectric, has a trigonal space group symmetry that is a polar subgroup of P62c,

    namely P31c.


    The Fej.xS system has been extensively studied over almost one century. A large

    number of papers treating the transitions in near stoichiometric iron sulfide (Fe,.xS, x=0-

    0.05) appeared between 1950 and 1980. Several good review articles were published in

  • 24

    the 1970s [1-3]. Crystallographically, it was established that iron sulfide in this

    composition range adopts the troilite structure (P62c symmetry) with antiferromagnetic

    ordering at room temperature and transfers into the NiAs-type structure (P63/mmc) at

    high temperature (this has been called the a-transition). The temperature for this

    crystallographic transition is conmionly believed to be at 120° - 135°C based on

    measurements of the susceptibility vs. temperature and neutron diffraction experiments.

    In the latter an abrupt change in a and c cell parameters was observed [4-6]. The magnetic

    structure in FeS is characterized by two transitions up to 400° C: one is the magnetic

    moment spin-flip from || c for TTs, i.e. so-called the Morin

    transition or aj-transition; the other is the moment disordering at 315°C, i.e. the Neel

    temperature at which the antiferromagnetic FeS transfers into the paramagnetic structure

    (so-called (J-transition) [7-9].

    However, the nature of the a-transition has, in fact, never been clearly established.

    In the early work, the a-phase denoted room-temperature FeS, and, correspondingly, the

    a-transition phase was thought to involve an abrupt change in volume found at 130°C

    [10,11]. Later the troilite phase was identified by diffraction information obtained at room

    temperature [12-16]. The susceptibility, DTA and electrical resistivity measurements led

    to the attribution of the a-transition to a structural transformation from troilite symmetry

    to NiAs-type [4, 7, 17,18]. Although temperature dependent diffraction experiments by

    both neutron and x-ray often revealed an abrupt change in a and c cell parameters near

    TQ, these observations were commonly accompanied by either co-existence of two phases

  • 25

    in the temperature range below and/or above T^, or by the appearance of an intermediate

    phase after a-transition [19-22].

    These results led to uncertainties about transitions that appear in published phase

    diagrams. In most of the published Fe-S phase diagrams the phase below Tq is labeled

    troilite but the distinction between and is unclear [1,23,24]. The latest edition of

    "Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams" [25] extends the troilite phase up to 588K at which the

    Neel transition occurs. After the 1980s the majority of the research reported on near

    stoichiometric iron sulfide resulted in the identification of new intermediate phases. King

    Jr. et al. [26] and Kruse [27,28] reported the existence of an MnP-type phase between the

    a- and P-transition temperatures. Fei [29] revealed five polymorphs in the naturally

    occurring sample. However, there is no commonly accepted transition sequence

    throughout these phases.

    Our recent work using high-temperature x-ray diffraction and DTA has resulted in an

    understanding of phase transitions in synthetic FeS. In this paper, we present high-

    temperature x-ray diffraction patterns that are interpreted using restraints placed upon

    symmetry by the ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic ordering reported in the literature.


    Figures 1 and 2 show the XRD patterns at different temperatures when the sample

    Fcq 9958 was heated and cooled, respectively. Below 300°C the sample yields a diffraction

    pattern that is in excellent agreement with that calculated for the troilite phase. On the

    other hand, it can be noticed that with temperature elevation the troilite superstructure

  • 26


    O) c "(0 0 X

    Calc. NiAs-type pattern




    (213), (110) 300"C


    11 OX



    Calc.Troilite pattern

    20 30


    40 50 60 Two-Theta (Degrees)

    70 80 90

    nGURE 1. HTXRD patterns for Fcogg^S sample on heating ramp. ( )n: indices for NiAs-type; ( ),: indices for troilite.

  • 27

    CalcTroilite pattern

    1. 1 . . 1

    20°C j

    1 - il* 1 . 1.... . J "

    1, V -A _—

    200°C 1

    L-. L . L A

    - 2500c , 1

    (213), (3(ra),

    L!:I_3A. (002), (004)f,

    - 1 1 1. 1 , (110)N

    ,!!! , 1. 1 JL Calc. NiAs-type pattern

    1 . 1 I 1 1 1

    1 1 1

    20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Two-Theta (Degrees)

    FIGURE 2. HTXRD patterns for Fco^ggS sample on cooling ramp. ( )n: indices for NiAs-type; ( indices for troilite.

  • 28

    peaks diminish in contrast to the substructure reflections. At about 300°C peaks which

    are consistent with the NiAs-type structure (P63/mmc) begin to appear. Thus, in the

    temperature range 300-350°C there occur two coexisting phases, troilite and NiAs-type,

    indicating that the transition is first order. Because of an abrupt change (discussed below)

    in lattice parameters from the troilite cell to the NiAs-type cell, a splitting between the

    troilite superstructure and NiAs-type substructure peaks is observed. Finally, above

    350°C the sample was wholly transformed into the NiAs-type phase and only the NiAs-

    type XRD pattern is observed. When the temperature was decreased, this transformation

    process was reversed but lagged behind that on heating by about 30°C.

    Figure 3, in which the change in the intensity of the 221 diffraction peak with respect

    to that of 114 peak is plotted, illustrates this delay during the cooling ramp (-0.5K/min).

    The variations of cell parameters vs. temperature are plotted in Fig. 4. A discontinuous

    change in both a and c and a temperature region where two phases co-exist are displayed.

    At 330°C the transition from the troilite to NiAs-type phase gives rise to a expansion on

    a- and 6-axes by 0.58% but a contraction on c-axis by 1.2%, and consequently there is

    an increase in the cell volume by 0.14%. The ratio a/c increases from 0.587 at room

    temperature for the troilite phase to 0.601 at 400°C for the NiAs-type phase.

    In addition, when the temperature was changed from room temperature to 400°C, or

    vice versa, at a very rapid rate (within less than 20 s), both patterns at room temperature

    and at 400°C as shown in Fig.l changed before the patterns could be collected (less than

    one minute), indicating that this phase transformation occurs very rapidly.

  • 29


    5 0.05

    0.04 Heating ramp







    250 350 300

    0.08 —I 1 1

    ^ K7 \ Cooling ramp

    0.06 - ^ -^ \ -0.5K/min

    0.04 - 7 -

    0.02 - \ V

    0.00 - ^\7_y_^ ! . ^ 1 . ^^ 1 ^^

    200 250 300 T( C)

    FIGURE 3. Intensity ratio of peak (211) to (114) as function of temperature,

    where (211) and (114) diffraction peaks refer to the troilite indices.



    1 " 1 - • -

    K 7 \ Cooling ramp



    - \ -V



    \ v-v-v

    , 1 . . . . 1 . ,

    200 250 300

  • 30

    'NiAs (A)

    3.45 -




    5.86 -

    5.84 -

    5.82 -

    5.80 -

    100 200 300 400


    100 200 300 400


    VNiAs 60.8


    60.4 -

    60.2 -


    0.600 -

    0.595 -

    0.590 -



    FIGURE 4. Lattice parameter changes with respect to temperature as

    computed from the XRD patterns on heating ramp shown in Fig. 1

    Notice that all the cell parameters refer to the NiAs-type cell

    (A) aj^i^ vs. temperature; (B) Cj^-^ vs. temperature; (C) Cell volume

    ^NiAs temperature; (D) Ratio tei"Perature

    ® computed from (110)^ and (004),. peaks

    • computed from (100)^^^ and (002)^^^^ peaks

  • 31

    The DTA curves shown in Fig.5 displayed two peaks. For the heating ramp the peaks

    appear at 140°C and at 315°C, respectively, but for the cooling ramp they are at IZO^C

    and SOO^C, indicating that both the transitions reverse with a hysteresis. The DTA

    patterns obtained in this study are in good agreement with those found in literature [30].

    Thus, the question arises, does the peak at low temperature (120-140°C) correspond to a

    structural change? In order to search for a possible crystallographic transition in this

    temperature region, we carefully collected diffraction patterns in the temperature range

    80-200°C with 20K increments. The patterns were all found to be same as those obtained

    in the temperature range 20-200°C shown in Fig. 1. No significant difference from the

    troilite pattern was recognized. Therefore, this transition is attributed to one that occurs

    with no observable distortion from troilite in XRD pattern, and in particular no volume


    On the other hand, the samples that have the ratio Fe/S=0.95-0.96 behaved

    differently. Figure 6 shows the temperature dependent diffraction patterns for the sample

    FCogsS. It can be seen that at room temperature the sample is mainly characterized by the

    U-oilite pattern with superlattice peaks at positions (20) 25.62° (100), 28.03° (101).

    64.15°(203), 72.96° (211), 81.88° (213) and so on (indices in the brackets refer to the

    troilite structure). When the sample was heated, an abrupt change in the a and c

    parameters was identified. However, the troilite-like superlattice peaks started to

    disappear at temperatures as low as about 80°C, and instead of yielding a simple NiAs-

    type pattern as observed in the Feog^S sample, several very weak diffraction peaks were

  • AT








    0.07 -5K/min.


    0.05 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0


    FIGURE 5. DTA curves for Fe^g^gS sample.

  • 33

    Cooling to 20 C



    Calc.Troilite pattern

    80 70 60 50 30 40 20 Two-Theta (Degrees)

    FIGURE 6. HTXRD patterns for Feo.gjS sample.

  • 34

    found in the low angle (29) range, corresponding to dad.TOA, 6.05A and 6.20A. This

    imperfect NiAs-type pattern with these low-angle diffractions was maintained up to

    400''C. Furthermore, the change in XRD was not reversed upon cooling. The DTA

    heating curve as shown in Fig.7 displayed a similar feature as shown in Fig. 5, but the

    cooling curve, consistent with the XRD result, did not. Apparently, the phase that

    remains after loss of the Vs x Vs x 2 superstructure (troilite) is a distorted NiAs-type

    structure which gives evidence of being incommensurate. To assure the reproducibility of

    experiments, they were all repeated on other portions of samples.


    As mentioned earlier, there have been some contradictory results in the smdy of the

    transition sequence in the near stoichiometric iron sulfides (Fe,.^S, x=0 - 0.05). One

    contradiction is assigrunent of the NiAs-type structure to the high temperature

    antiferromagnetic phase, for no magnetic space group associated vvdth the crystallographic

    P63/mmc symmetry can be found for which the magnetic moments lie in the basal plane,

    and the spin orientation at temperature above 140°C is known to be perpendicular to c [3,

    6, 19]. In other words, the ordering with spins lying in the a-b plane is incompatible with

    Pej/mmc symmetry but is compatible with P62c symmetry (crystallographically. troilite

    structure). Spin ordering in P63/mmc is possible only if the spins are parallel to the c-axis

    as in NiS [31]. Furthermore, in the late 1960s, it was reported by van den Berg [32. 33]

    that at room temperature FeS is ferroelectric with uniaxial (c-axis) polarization and

    transfers into paraelectric at the temperature at which a-transition occurs. According to

  • 35



    0.15 -

    A O '1 0.14


    1 0.13 0)


    E 0.12 Ui 0) £ 4-1

    •§ 0.11 c o V

    0.10 h



    0.09 100 200


    300 400

    FIGURE 7 DTA curves for Fe^gjS sample.

  • 36

    group theory ferroelectric ordering in P62c symmetry is inconsistent with the required

    vector invariance [34]. The ideal troilite structure therefore cannot be ferroelectric.

    Hence, by symmetry, troilite in P62c symmetry can be realized only in a paraelectric

    state above the a-transition temperature, and the NiAs-type (P63/mmc) symmetry can

    only be achieved in the disordered paramagnetic state above the Neel temperature.

    An interpretation that is consistent with symmetry requirements placed upon the

    observed ferroelectric ordering below 140°C and the observed a-b spin orientation

    between 140°C and 315°C and the HTXRD and DTA results reported in this paper is: for

    T>Tn (=588K) FeS has P63/mmc symmetry (NiAs-type) with paramagnetism, for <

    T < Tn the material becomes antiferromagnetic with spins lying in the a-b plane and

    P62c symmetry (troilite), and for T< the symmetry is broken (with no discontinuit}'

    in the lattice parameters), a transition that occurs with a spin flip and the onset of

    ferroelectric ordering (two transitions probably take place independently, but the spin

    flip would not require broken symmetry). Since the observation that the low-temperature

    transition (in the a-transition temperature range) is accompanied by no discontinuity in

    lattice parameters (see Fig. 4) requires that the transition be structurally continuous, it is

    concluded that the low-temperature phase has space group symmetry that is a subgroup of

    that of troilite. The maximal uniaxial subgroups of P62c are Amn2 and P3 Ic . An

    orthorhombic symmetry would result in the splitting of diffraction lines, whereas the

    trigonal space group would not. No such splitting is noticed, therefore it is possible to

    conclude on the basis of the low-temperature pattern that the maximal subgroup

  • 37

    symmetry is probably P3 Ic. Any other trigonal subgroup would result in additional

    diffraction lines relative to P3 Ic - either superstructure lines or diffraction lines resulting

    from the loss the c-glide. The facts, that no additional lines are observed and that the

    lattice parameters change continuously, strongly suggest a second-order phase transition.

    and it follows that, since the transition from P62c to P3 Ic at the gamma point halves the

    number of symmetry elements, the transition can be second order according to Landau

    theory [34-37]. An earlier report from this group misinterpreted the symmetry

    requirements for the existence of a vector invariant and incorrectly stated the Pd^/mmc —>

    P62c transition met the Lifshitz condition for a second order phase transition [35]. We

    subsequently found that a vector invariant had previously been reported [34], and a re-

    evaluation of our Lifshitz analysis revealed an error that led to our incorrect conclusion.

    Considering the other composition. Fe/S = 0.95, of iron-deficient monsulfide. the

    previous research work on temperature dependent polarization and neutron diffraction has

    established a good model for the observed relation between the composition and the a-

    transition [19, 33, 38]. On the basis of the model proposed by van den Berg [38]. the a-

    transition, as illustrated as T„ in Fig. 8. possesses the following characteristics: 1 ).there

    exists an intermediate collapse from polar phase to paraelectric phase, correspondingly,

    there are intermediate phases, or Two Phase Structure (TPS) through this transition; 2).

    this collapse can be avoided in very nearly stoichiometric iron sulfide or by sufficiently

    slow heating and cooling; 3). the larger the x value for Fe,.^S, the lower temperature at

    which the intermediate collapse occurs. In accordance with our observations on the

  • 38


    FIGURE 8. Polarization P versus temperature T for the semiconducting uniaxial

    ferroelectric Fej.^S theoretically predicted by van den Berg [38]. The

    number from 1 to 10 on each curve corresponds to different x value from

    -0.02 to 0.125 (1/8) in Fe,.jS. Notice that for the larger x a deeper dip is

    encountered during the transition in which the TPS is formed.

  • 39

    Fcq 95S sample, the iron sulfides in this composition range have a distorted troilite

    structure with a -\/3 x V3 x 2 cell at room temperature, but they follow a different

    transition track than does Feg g^S upon heating. Under our heating conditions, the

    collapse has been avoided in the Fcq^S case, even at a very rapid heating rate (according

    to van den Berg, it has a more effective polarization pumping), but in the Peg gjS case an

    anomalous track is observed. The DTA (Fig. 7) show that the ferroelectric Curie

    transition in FeggsS occurs at I20°C, whereas the facts, that a simple troilite structure did

    not result and that the transition was not reversed upon recovery of temperature (notice

    that P-transition is not affected), indicate that the transition drifts off the reversible track

    during collapse. Based on van den Berg's model, TPS will result in a metastable.

    incommensurate domain structure. Our diffraction patterns for the FeogsS sample gave

    strong indication of the formation of incommensurate structure. The fact that for Feg gsS

    there is a difference between the temperature at which the troilite phase disappears (-80-

    100°C) on the HTXRD pattems and the temperature at which the DTA peak appears

    (~120°C) supports the model that an intermediate collapse occurs at a low temperature

    below the ferroelectric Curie transition. The marked difference in transition behavior

    between FcoggeS and Feo.gsS probably has contributed to the difficulty that has been

    encountered in reconciling results from different groups.


    Experimentally, we have confirmed that the transition from P63/mmc to P62c at

    588K is of first order. The transition sequence in near schoichiometric iron sulfide is

  • 40

    rationalized by symmetry requirements. It is concluded that the a-transition is the

    ferroelectric transition which is accompanied by a symmetry breaking transition which is

    second order if the composition is stoichiometric, but is first order for the non-

    stoichiometric composition.


    [1] J. C. Ward, Rev. Pure and Appl. Chem. 20, 175 (1970).

    [2] J. M. D. Coey, H. Roux-Buisson and R. Brusetti, J. de Physique C4,1 (1976).

    [3] D. J. Vaughan and J. R.. Craig, "Mineral Chemistry of Metal Sulfides", Cambridge

    University Press, (1978).

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    [6] E. Hirahara and M. Murakami, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 7, 281-289 (1958).

    [7] T. Hihara, M. Murakami and E. Hirahara, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 12, 734 (1957).

    [8] H. Horita and E. Hirahara, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 21, 1447 (1966).

    [9] E. J. Schwarz and D. J. Vaughan, J. Geomag. Geoeletr. 24,441-458 (1972).

    [10] W. Treitschke and G. Tammann, Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 49, 320 (1906).

    [11] E. T. Allen, J. L. Crenshaw, J. Johnston and E. S. Larsen, Z. anorg. allg. chem. 76.

    201 (1912).

    [12] R. Juza and W. Biltz, Z. anorg. Chem. 205, 273 (1932).

    [13]G. Hagg and I. Sucksdorff, Z. Phys. Chem. 22,444 (1933).

  • 41

    [14] H. Haraldsen, Z. anorg. allgem. chem. 231,78(1937).

    [15] E. F. Bertaut, Bull. Soc. Fr. Mineral. Cristallogr. 79,276 (1956).

    [16] A. Putnis, Science 186,439 (1970).

    [17] M. Murakamai, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 16, 187 (1961).

    [18] W. Moldenhauer and W. Bruckner, Physica Status Solidi A 34, 565 (1976).

    [19] A. F. Andersen and P. Torbo, Acta Chem. Scand. 21(10), 2841 (1967).

    [20] J. T. Sparks, W. Mead, A. J. Kirschbaum and W. Marshall, J. App. Phys. 31 (5)

    (Suppi.), 356S (1960).

    [21] M.E. Fleet and N. Macrae, Canad. Min. 9,699 (1969).

    [22] R. G. Arnold, Econ. Geol. 64,405 (1969).

    [23] G. A. Desborough and R. H. Carpenter, Economic Geology 60, 1431-1450 (1965).

    [24] W. G. MofFatt (ed.), "The Handbook of Binary Phase Diagrams" Vol.3, General

    Electric, New York (1984).

    [25] T. B. Massalski (Ed.), "Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams" (2nd ed.), AMS International


    [26]H. E. King Jr and C.T.Prewitt, Acta Cryst. B38, 1877-1887 (1982).

    [27] O. Kruse, American Mineralogist 75, 755-763 (1990).

    [28] O. BCruse, American Mineralogist 77, 391-398 (1992).

    [29] Y. Fei, presented on MRS Meeting, Fall 1995, Boston, abstract p.534.

    [30] T. Hirone, S. Meada, S. Chiba and N. Tsuya, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 9(4), 500 (1954).

    [31] J. T. Sparks and T. 0. Komoto, Rev. Moden Phys. 40(4), 752 (1968).

  • 42

    [32] C.B. van den Berg, J. E. van Delden and J. Bouman, Phys. Stat. Sol. 36, K89 (1969).

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    [34] J.-C. Toledano and P. Toledano, "The Landau Theory of Phase Transitions", World

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    [35] F. Li and F. H. Franzen, J. Alloy and Compounds 215, L3-L6 (1994).

    [36] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics, Pergamon Press. London,


    [37] H. F. Franzen, "Physical Chemistry of Solid", C. Y. Ng, ed.. World Sci., New

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    [38] C.B. van den Berg, Ferroelectics 4, 103-116 and 195-212 (1972).

  • 43




    A paper published in the Journal of Solid State Chemistry

    Fan Li, Hugo F. Franzen and Matthew J. Kramer


    Vacancy ordering in synthetic FejSg at elevated temperature was studied using

    transmission electron microscopy. Two known idealized structures of Fe7Sg are

    monoclinic and trigonal based upon ABCD and ABC stacking of Kagome nets,

    respectively. The TEM results indicate a tendency for FevSg to transform from monoclinic

    to trigonal between 200°C and 300°C. A disordering of vacancies occurs above 300°C

    and yields a partially filled Cdli-type structure. The Curie magnetic transition is

    associated with this vacancy-ordering transition. On slow cooling, it was found that the

    vacancies are ordered such as to tend to restore the Kagome nets and lead to ABCD and

    ABC layering.


    A primary feature of the vacancy ordering in defect NiAs-type iron sulfides is the

    formation of Kagome nets, partially vacant hexagonal planes of iron atoms within which

    vacancies are ordered such that they occupy the alternate sites in alternate rows (see

    Fig. la). Therefore an understanding of the structures of the nonstoichiometric iron

    sulfides (Fe,.^S ) can be based upon consideration of the stacking sequences of Kagome

  • 44





    ' v*tv^

  • 45

    nets along the c-axis of NiAs-type substructure. Here the stacking sequence refers to two

    variations; (1) permutation of filled Fe and Kagome nets (at this point the origins of the

    Kagome net are considered as randomly located in the a-b plane); (2) ordering of Kagome

    nets in the [001] direction (at this point the four possible origins in the BCagome nets are

    considered to be ordered along [001] direction when layering, i. e., the Kagome nets are

    labeled as A, B, C and D).

    Among the defect iron sulfides that can be described as ordered vacancies in the NiAs-

    type structure, FerSg is an extreme. This composition corresponds to Kagome nets

    alternating with filled planes, with the 1/8 of the iron positions completely empty. As for

    the ordering of Kagome nets, although a variety of possible stacking sequences can be

    generated with little energy preference [I], only two sequences in Fe7S8,

    DAFDBFDCFDDF... and DAFDBFDCF... (F: iron-filled layer. DA, DB, DC and Do stand for

    the four Kagome nets unequivalent with respect to the origin) have been identified by x-

    ray diffraction studies. The former yields an ideal monoclinic symmetry with c = 4C (see

    Fig. lb), while the latter yields a trigonal structure with c = 3C (A and C in this paper will

    refer to the a- and c-length of NiAs-type structure, respectively). It is noteworthy that the

    ideal 4C monoclinic structure with ABCD stacking has been found only in natural

    pyrrhotite minerals that have undergone processes over geological time [2], and the 3C

    trigonal structures were only found in quenched samples [3,4]. The relationship of these

    two structures has not been studied, so it has remained unclear whether the 3C stacking is

    an intermediate superstructure phase stable at certain temperatures or forms as a

    metastable phase. As for the laboratory-grown samples nnixed stacking of both ABC and

  • 46

    ABCD is most often encountered. The mixing of stacking sequences of Kagome nets can

    vary from random through incommensurate to complete order in domains of the

    dimensions appropriate to x-ray or TEM investigation, and this disorder can be of

    thermodynamic or kinetic origin. Even though a 4C structure can occur in a short range,

    the stacking of Kagome nets in FerSg can do so in different fashions, such as ABDC,

    B ACD and so on. Thus the monoclinic "structure" is probably significantly distorted in a

    long range. These complications have hindered the understanding of phase relations in this

    system. In order to refine the x-ray diffraction of a single crystal of FerSg, Keller-Besrest

    et al. [5] introduced a fault rate for the 4C stacking sequence to rationalize the partial

    occupancy variable and in this way obtained a very good solution.

    In the study of structural imperfection, electron diffraction is of special interest due to

    its high sensitivity in comparison with x-rays, allowing the examination of a thin section of

    specimen and providing evidence of ordering on a smaller scale (by a factor of 10^ or

    more). In the last decades, several attempts have been made to shed fiirther light on the

    pyrrohtite structures using TEM [6-8], but almost all the crystals studied were naturally

    occurring Fei-xS. The samples invariably gave evidence for twinning, heterogeneity or

    composition gradients. It is known that FevSg is ferrimagnetic because of vacancy ordering

    within the alternate layers along c-axis and an antiferromagnetic coupling between the

    adjacent planes at room temperature, and it is fijrther known that this material transforms

    to paramagnetic at about 315°C. It has, however, not been demonstrated whether this

    transformation results from disordering of vacancies or fi-om a magnetic moment

    disordering process.

  • 47

    The present paper reports the results of a TEM study that was carried out on a

    synthetic FerSg sample in order to improve our understanding of the relationship between

    the monoclinic and trigonal forms of pyrrhotite, and of the relationship between the

    magnetic transition and the ordered structure.

    Results and Discussions

    The Structure at Room Temperature

    The alternation of partially filled Kagome net layers with the fully filled iron layers can

    be clearly seen in the high resolution transmission electron micrography (HRTEM). Figure

    2 depicts a layer image fi^om the FerSg sample at room temperature with the electron beam

    perpendicular to the c-axis. The ftinges show a contrasting alternation of a dark strip with

    a light strip, indicating a two-layer periodicity. The distance between two dark strips was

    estimated to be d=5.6 - 5.7A which corresponds to one c-length of the NiAs-type

    substructure. From this view, however, the monoclinic and trigonal orderings are

    indistinguishable, as, in fact, are the projected Kagome nets. Figure 3 displays a series of

    the [OOljNiAs selected area diffraction patterns (SAD) at various temperatures. The pattern,

    when the sample was at room temperature, showed no weak superstructure reflections

    (Fig.3a), and all the diffraction maxima in this projection corresponded to the NiAs

    substructure, suggesting that a- and A-axes are not doubled as they would be in the

    projected 2Ax2Ax3C trigonal structure. On the other hand, the convergent beam electron

    diffraction (CBED), as shown in Fig.4, reveals a deviation from the hexagonal and trigonal

  • FIGURE 2. A HRTEM image of FeySg at room temperature with the electron beam perpendicular to c-axis.

  • FIGURE 3. SAD patterns for [001]^^,^, zone. All the patterns were obtained from the same region

    of the crystal (i.e., the region near the tip of the crystal as indicated by an arrow

    in Fig. 8A). (a) at room temperature; (b) at 210°C; (c) at 340°C; (d) when cooled to

    room temperature.

  • 51

    (a) (b)

    3 8 0 K . I . I I s 0 0 K i .ad

    (c) (d)

    ggs0 3 0 0 K . t .3.H

    . • • • • V ^ •

    . • • • *

  • 52

    RGURE 4. CBED pattern of Fe7S8 from [001]NiAs zone direction.

  • 53

    symmetries in this direction. The observation that both the zero order Laue zone (ZOLZ)

    (central bright area) and the first order Laue zone (FOLZ) (outer thin ring) are coaxial

    indicates that the beam direction lies along the [001]NiAs axis. By inspecting the changes

    in the intensity of ZOLZ and FOLZ, it can be found that the brighmess of FOLZ is not

    uniform and the (0^0) nias reflection in ZOLZ is very weak in comparison with

    (4040) NiAs (4400) NiAs reflections. This distribution in the reflection intensity implies

    the absence of hexagonal/trigonal symmetry, but the occurrence of a two-fold axis whose

    direction is arrowed in Fig. 4. We were unable to orient the sample for a good qualit\'

    SAD in any PikOJ^iAs zone direction due to the restrictions on the degree of tilting the

    crystal, but the SAD for the [OHJ^jAs zone axis clearly exhibited a 4C superstructure

    (notice that 3 weak reflection spots lie between NiAs-type sublattice maxima (0000)^1^5

    and (202 1) ^sas ) and all the reflections could be indexed according to the monoclinic

    structure (Fig. 5). The sublattice parameters measured from these SAD patterns are

    (3=3.44 ± 0.03a and c=5.68 ± 0.04A which are in very good agreement not only with the

    spacing between the dark strips in Fig. 2, but also with what has been observed using

    XRD techniques.

    A basic distinction between the monoclinic and trigonal structures of Fe^Sg is the

    difference in the vacancy density projected down the NiAs-type c-axis. In the case of the

    ideal ABCD monoclinic structure the doubling of a and b inherent in the Kagome net is

    lost in the projection. Thus, the projections of ideal monoclinic pyrrhotite in this zone

    show no superstructure; whereas in the ideal ABC trigonal case a doubling of the cell

  • (b)

    _ _ _ (444) • • • • • • • •

    A A ^ ^ ^

  • 55

    edges would be observed. This feature of the distinct SAD patterns was simulated very

    well by the computer program (NCcroscopist). Figure 6 displays the computer-generated

    SAD patterns for both the ideal ABCD and ABC stacking cases on the basis of the

    structural information provided in literature [2, 4],

    Thus the above observations, i.e.(l) alternating density along the c-axis, (2) no

    superstructure in projection down c-axis and (3) 4C superstructure reflections in the

    [012]NiAs zone direction, are all consistent with the interpretation that the known

    monoclinic structure of FeySg is the stable modification at room temperature. It can be

    concluded that, however, the extent of monoclinic distortion in the synthetic sample is

    significantly lower than that found in natural samples, i.e., the lattice distortion is minimal

    and the observed monoclinic structure is present on a nearly undistorted hexagonal lattice.

    Order-Disorder Transition at Elevated Temperature

    When the sample temperature was raised to 210°C, and the [OOljNiAs SAD pattern

    observed, in spite of presence of some randomly distributed reflection spots, a set of very

    weak spots was found to appear systematically between pairs of reflection maxima of the

    NiAs-type substructure. This observation can be interpreted as the formation of

    superstructure with doubled a- and 6-length over a depth suitable for diffraction. However

    these weak superlattice spots were no longer observed when the temperature reached

    340°C (Fig. 3b and 3c). These changes show that some superlattice with doubled a- and b-

    axes was developed and subsequently destroyed in the course of heating the sample. This

    development and destruction of 2Ax2A superlattice in projection upon heating indicates

  • 56


    • • • 0 * •

    • % • 0 • • • • • 9

    • • • • • • « « • • • •

    FIGURE 6. (a) A SAD pattern from [OOIInias direction simulated for the monoclinic

    structure with the ABCD stacking. The space group is C2/c, and the

    structural information reported in Ref. [2] is used. Notice that this

    pattern shows no superlattice reflection, (b). A SAD pattern from the

    [001]NiAj direction simulated for the trigonal structure with the ABC

    stacking. The space group is P3,21, and the structural information

    reported in [3] is used. Notice that this pattern shows superlattice spots

    resulting in a doubling of a- and b-axis length.

  • 57

    that some trigonal ABC ordering in FerSg are formed between room temperature, where

    the monoclinic is stable, and 340°C, where the vacancies disorder. These observations also

    show that at these relatively low temperatures a two-phase equilibrium mixture is not

    achieved, but rather a mixing of stacking sequences occurs. Because the XRD patterns at

    350°C showed superstructure diffraction peaks at low angle of 20 and because a rapid

    increase of magnetization was found upon cooling samples heated to 340°C [10], it is

    concluded that the vacancies do not disorder to yield a NiAs-type structure at this

    temperature but rather remain in a • • • DFDFDFDF • • • stacking sequence (D: iron

    deficient plane with randomly distributed vacancies; F; iron filled plane) along c-axis that

    results in a partially filled Cdl2-type symmetry. Therefore, the proposed transition

    sequence along the temperature scale is: monoclinic (ABCD) trigonal (ABC) defect

    Cdl2-type with a DFDF stacking.

    The heat effects accompanying these transitions were observed during a DTA

    experiment on this synthetic FeTSg sample. Figure 7 shows the DTA curves corresponding

    to heating from 50°C to 400°C and subsequent cooling from 400°C to 50°C. A small peak

    can be found at about 240°C, and a large peak follows at about 310°C. These results

    indicate that at the DTA heating and cooling rates the sample undergoes two changes in

    structural modification, one corresponding to, as proposed, the monoclinic -• trigonal

    transition (or better disordered monoclinic -• disordered trigonal) probably in a wide

    temperature range between 200°C and 250°C, the other corresponding to the vacancy-

    disordering transition in a narrow temperature range from 305°C to 320°C. Also, the

  • 58





    1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1

    ( 1 ) ^



    . I I I


    1 « .1 .1 1 1 1 ! 1

    200 300 400

    Temperature ( C)

    FIGURE 7. DTA curves of the synthetic Fe^Sg sample

    Curve 1: heating from 50 C to 400 C at +5K/min

    Curve 2: cooling from 400°C to 50°C at -5K/min.

    The small anomalies are indicated by arrows

  • 59

    transitions in these two temperature ranges were observed from the thermal-magnetization

    and high-temperature x-ray diffraction investigations as will be reported in a separate


    SAD Pattern after Ouenchine Samples

    When the sample was quenched from 340°C to room temperature in a few minutes,

    the SAD in the projection down the [001]NiAi direction demonstrated a relatively

    complicated Kagome pattern (Fig. 3d). A set of split spot pairs is displayed symmetrically

    at 1/2 (a* + 6*) ±5 relative to n/2 a* and n/2 b* (n=odd). These split diffraction spots

    indicate that a discommensuration occurs in the [001] plane when the sample is quenched

    on this time scale. The absence of this discommensuration in the as prepared samples

    shows that the annealing procedures used in the preparation yields predominantly the

    monoclinic ordered structure (although not ordered to the extent of natural samples). The

    doublmg of a- and i-axes in the [001]NiAs projection in the quenched sample indicates the

    formation of Kagome net within the vacancy containing layers without formation of the

    monoclinic ordering along the [OOlj^iAs direction, while the discommensuration suggests

    the existence of domains at relative long intervals along the [1 10]N-,AS and [120]NIA5

    directions. Such domains would result from periodic mixing of ABC trigonal stacking

    adjacent to ABCD monoclinic stacking with boundaries perpendicular to the [110]NiAs and

    [120] NiAs directions and period appropriate to the length of 1/2 (a* + 6 *) ±5 (5 was

    measured to be 5.91x10'^ A"', which corresponds to a length of 169A (~ 50a)).

  • 60

    Quenching the disordered structure from high temperatures shows the strong tendency

    toward the formation of Kagome nets. The subsequent stacking of the Kagome nets

    depends on the temperature and cooling rate. However, it seems that the ABC sequence is

    more favored by rapid cooling . By using x-ray diffraction Fleet [3] investigated the

    structure of Fe7S8 samples prepared by quenching from 500°C, and found that crystals

    were twinned in such a way that domains were rotated by multiples of 60° about the c-

    axis, as is the case with mixing of ABC and ABCD stacking. Thus, the results from both

    the x-ray and electron diffraction support the transition sequence proposed above, and are

    consistent with a kinetic barrier in the course of the transition from ABC stacking to

    ABCD stacking that was partially overcome in the samples annealed in the preparation of

    materials for this study, and as they are frequently found in natural occurring samples.

    Transmission Electron Microeraohs

    On the other hand, TEM images reveal a change of microstructure with temperature.

    At room temperature the grains in the sample are highly faulted, most likely due to

    annealing and slow cooling during sample preparation (Fig. 8a). As discussed above, the

    stacking sequence probably varied from one domain to another. As the temperature was

    raised, the observed strain contrasts became difiuse and vanished with the disappearance

    of the defects (Fig. 8b-c), implying that the disordering of vacancies has developed, so that

    the microstructure tends to reach a unified stacking sequence. After the sample is

    quenched, large size domains with the uniform microstructure are maintained, but some

    dislocations were observed (Fig. 8d).

  • FIGURE 8. TEM images: (A) at room temperature; (B) at 210°C; (C) at 340°C;

    (D) when the sample was cooled to room temperature.

  • uiril%

  • 63


    The stnictures in FeySg result from closely related stacking sequences of Kagome nets

    in alternate metal-containing layers along c-axis. In this work we have attempted to attach

    significance only to what can be readily distinguished. Among the stacking sequences

    described above, only the trigonal (ABCABC...) doubles the basal plane periods in the

    projection down the c-axis. A crystal that was generally expected, and on the basis of

    diffraction patterns and lattice images confirmed, to be the monoclinic structure was

    observed via diffraction pattern to transform at 205°C to yield diffraction maxima that

    double a and h in projection down the c-axis. At this temperature an endothermic effect

    was correspondingly observed (i.e., from DTA) upon heating a bulk sample and the

    sample is known to be ferrimagnetic. Taken together these structural and property

    observations point to, at least partial, ABCABC... ordering with increasing temperature,

    and thus to reversible development of this ordering in pyrrhotite.


    [1] M. Posfai and I. Dodony, Eur. J. Mineral. 2, 525 (1990).

    [2] M. Tokomi, K. Nishiguchi and N. Morimoto, Am. Mineral. 57, 1066 (1972).

    [3] M. E. Fleet, Acta Cryst. B 27 ,1864 (1971).

    [4] A. Nakano, M. Tokonami and N. Morimoto, Acta Cryst. B 35, 722 (1979).

    [5] F. Keller-Besrest, G. Collin and R. Comes, Acta Cryst. B 38, 296 (1982).

    [6] H. Nakazawa, N. Morimoto and E. Watanabe, Acta Cryst. B 35, 722 (1979).

    [7] H. Nakazawa, N. Morimoto and E. Watanabe, Acta Cryst. A Suppl. 31, 722 (1975).

  • 64

    [8] I. Dodoi^r and M. Pos&i, Eur. J. Mineral. 2,529 (1990).

    [9] F. Li and H. F. Franzen, J. Solid State Chem.126,108-120 (1996) (Chapter 6).

  • 65





    A paper published in the Journal of Solid State Chemistry

    Fan Li and Hugo F. Franzen


    High-temperature x-ray diffraction (HTXRD) has been combined with thermomagnetic

    measurements to study synthetic and natural pyrrhotites. The temperature dependence of the

    properties observed in DTA, thermomagnetic and diffraction measurements indicates that

    transitions consistently occur upon heating and cooling so long as the sample is kept below

    400°C, but if the ultimate heating temperature is higher than 550°C the transitions are altered,

    probably due to the loss of sulfur. The previously proposed transition sequence for Fe7Sg was

    supported by HTXRD observation, especially on natural monoclinic pyrrhotite. For

    intermediate pyrrhotite, the principal ordering was found to be the formation of Kagome nets,

    and it was found that the vertical stacking sequences that are commensurate along the c axis

    yield antiferromagnetic characteristics. Based on the changes observed in the HTXRD

    patterns it is proposed that the mechanism for an observed magnetic /i-transition between the

    temperatures 150°C and 250°C is the transformation of a commensurate structure with

  • 66

    ABCD layering of Kagome nets into a vacancy-disordered structure with the same c-



    Studies of vacancy and magnetic spin orderings have been of special importance in solid

    state research because they lead directly to an understanding of crystallographic and magnetic

    structures, nonetheless, two complications make such studies difficult: First, there is no

    method to directly probe the individual vacancies and magnetic spins. The macroscopic

    observations are averages over correlations among the vacancies and spins. Second, because

    the temperature, cooling rate and other factors usually influence the resultant ordering, it is

    difficult to achieve nearly perfect ordering in a crystal. Different experimental conditions often

    alter the ordering path during property measurements. Thus it is frequently necessary for

    either thermodynamic or kinetic reasons to study an imperfect or incomplete ordering process.

    Pyrrhotites, which are iron sulfides with the general composition FeuxS (x=0-0.125), are

    typical defect compounds. The prototypical structure for this system is NiAs-like with

    antiferromagnetically coupled iron-layers. At low temperature (below 400°C) most pyrrhotites

    exhibit some degree of superstructure development as the result of vacancy ordering, which,

    in turn, results in varied magnetic, thermal and electric properties and complicated phase


    In previous studies [1-2], we have discussed the structural aspects and phase transitions

    for the two extreme cases of pyrrhotite, FeS and FeySg. In the FeS case, the transition

  • 67

    sequence along the temperature scale is concluded to be: distorted troilite (antiferromagnetic

    with spins || c) —> troilite (spins rotated to Ic) —> NiAs-type (paramagnetic with random spins

    ). We have found that this transition sequence can be extended to the composition range, at

    least, from Fei.ooiS to Feo^S. When x reaches 0.05, pyrrhotite comes into a two-phase region

    where the troilite phase co-exists with a hexagonal phase. The a-transition for this region does

    not reverse upon cooling at the usual laboratory rates due to a transition collapse [3], and

    intermediate hexagonal phases result. In the FerSg case, a perfect ordered structure can be

    achieved by the maximum separation of iron vacancy sites. This ordered structure has a

    stacking sequence of iron layers, as in the ideal model proposed by Bertaut [4], of DaF DbF

    DcF DdF along the c-axis of the NiAs structural type (F stands for the iron filled layer; Da,

    Do, Dc and Do stand for the four Kagome nets unequivalent with respect to the origin). Based

    on the results of a TEM investigation, the idealized transition sequence was found to be:

    monoclinic ABCD stacking (ferrimagnetic) —> trigonal ABC stacking (ferrimagnetic) —>

    hexagonal structure with vacancies disordered within alternate planes (paramagnetic)

    NiAs-type structure with disordered vacancies.

    On the other hand, the pyrrhotites with intermediate compositions (x=0.05-0.12) have also

    received considerable attention because this composition range is widely found among the

    natural pyrrhotite minerals, and because the order-disorder processes in this group of

    pyrrhotites remain unexplained. The main efforts regarding this composition range have

    focused on the following aspects:

  • 68

    1. Possible discrete phases. A number of stable NC superstructures (A and C are the axial

    lengths of the NiAs-type unit cell, and N is an integer) have been discovered by powder x-ray

    and electron diffraction experiments, such as 5C for FegSio [5], 6C for FenSn [6] and 1IC for

    FeioSii [7,8]. Their structures are generally based on the FerSg structure, i.e., partially filled

    Kagome net layers and iron-filled layers that are stacked in such a way that long-range

    ordering is established along the c-dimension, and these structures commonly have 2 A repeats

    (inherent in Kagome nets) within the planes. Although these idealized superstructure types are

    theoretically possible, there is still a lack of evidence concerning structural details and

    information concerning transition sequences. On the other hand, evidence has revealed that

    some pyrrhotites over this composition range have hexagonal structures which have, in fact,

    integral ANr^.type repeats but non-integral CNiAj-type repeats. Apparently, this implies that

    incommensurate ordering also occurs in this system.

    2. Magnetic properties. The magnetic behavior of pyrrhotite is sensitively altered by

    changes of composition. In addition to the antiferromagnetism found in stoichiometric or near

    stoichiometric iron sulfide (Feo.92S - FeS), other magnetic behaviors have been discovered and

    were categorized according to the following three types [9]: (1) Weiss-type, that is,

    ferrimagnetic. This behavior corresponds to the composition ranging fi^om Feo.gvS to Feo.ggS,

    including FerSg. It has been widely accepted that this ferrimagnetism arises from unbalanced

    antiferromagnetic coupling, and that the Curie transition takes place at 315°C; (2) Peak-type,

    i.e. a so-called anti-Curie transition (because ferrimagnetism disappears as the temperature

    decreases) or a ^.-transition (because of the peak shape). The pyrrhotites showing this

  • 69

    behavior have compositions between Feo.9iS and Feo^aS. In this case the magnetization is

    characterized by an abrupt rise and fall of a ferrimagnetic peak in a narrow temperature range

    (from 200°C to 250°C), while elsewhere the pyrrhotite is antiferromagnetic; (3) mixed-type.

    The pyrrhotite for this magnetic type is actually a mixture of Weiss-type and peak-type

    pyrrhotite, and hence the thermomagnetic behavior is a combination of the first two types.

    Nevertheless, the mechanism of the anti-Curie transition has remained unexplained, even

    though the later discovery of the various NC superstructures seems to shed further light on

    the mechanism giving rise to its formation. One hypothesis proposed by Lotgering [10,11]

    considered a competition between vacancy ordering and spin ordering. Since the spin ordering

    is a second-order transition but vacancy ordering is first order, Lotgering argued that it was

    possible for the fi^ee energy of a magnetically ordered but vacancy disordered phase to be less

    than that of a magnetically and vacancy ordered phase at some temperature below the Curie

    point. Thus the transition was proposed to be: a phase with ordered spins and disordered

    300° C vacancies at the Neel point (315°C) > spins disordered and vacancies ordered

    265^ c > vacancies disordered and spins ordered (gradually to reach the maximum

    ferrimagnetization) > vacancy disordering at low temperature. This competitive ordering

    mechanism was not supported by the neutron diffraction experiments later conducted by

    Andersen and Torbo [12,13]. Another interpretation was proposed by Hirone et al. [14,15].

    They suggested that there may be two vacancy-ordered phases, one that is ferrimagnetic

    stable at higher temperature, the other, stable at lower temperature, is antiferromagnetic, and

  • 70

    that they transform at Tj. (220°C). Since the magnetic transition occurs at about 280°C on a

    cooling ramp, rather than at 315°C, at which temperature the spin ordering is supposed to

    occur, an extra vacancy disordered structure was proposed to follow the high-temperaUire

    ferrimagnetic structure. However, the DSC experiment carried out by the same authors

    revealed only two transitions at 220°C and 315°C, instead of three transitions, and there was

    no experimental evidence to identify the two phases with different orderings on either side of

    T;,. On the other hand, detailed thermodynamic data for the anti-Curie transition were

    acquired by Townsend's group [16], However, from the structural information obtained using

    Mossbauer spectroscopy at high temperature, they have not succeeded in identifying the

    structure that supports the ferrimagnetic superlattice over the temperature range of 150°C -

    250°C. Therefore, an inherent relationship between the revealed NC superstructures and anti-

    Curie transition has not yet been established.

    In the present work, we have performed high-temperature XRD, thermomagnetic and

    DTA measurements on pyrrhotites with a variety of compositions with special attention paid

    to the intermediate pyrrhotites. These studies provide new insight into the phase relations in

    this system.


    1. Thermomagnetic Behaviors

    The thermomagnetic measurements on our synthesized samples demonstrated all three

    types of magnetic behavior described in the introduction. Figures 1, 2 and 3 display Weiss-

  • 71

    teTSs @ 1500 Oe

    100 150 200 250 300 350 400

    Temperature (°C)

    FIGURE 1. Temperature dependence of magnetization

    for a Weiss-type pyrrhotite (Fe.Sg).

  • 72


    Feo.goeS @15000e


    0.0 -

    0 100 200 300 400 500 600

    Temperature (^C)

    FIGURE 2. Temperature dependence of magnetization for a peak-type p}Trhotite

    subjected to three sequential heating-cooling cycles.

    curve 1: heating from 100°C to 350°C;

    curve 2; cooling from 350°C to 30°C;

    curve 3; heating from 30°C to 350°C; curve 4: cooling from 350°C to 30°C,

    cur\'e 5; cooling from 600''c to 50°C.

    Notice that on cur\ e 5 only the magnetization contributed by magnetite

    was maintained when the sample was cooled from 600°C.

  • 73


    Feo_ga7S @ 1500 Oe 6.0



    I 4.0

    c o

    CD N 3.0 (U c O) CD



    150 200 250 300 350

    Temperature (^^C)

    FIGURE 3 Temperature dependence of magnetization for a mixed-type pyrrhotite

  • 74

    type curve from an FerSg sample, the peak-type curve from an Feo.906S sample and a mixed-

    type curve from an Feo.ssTS sample, respectively. Notice that since some of the samples

    contain traces of magnetite (by weight about 0-1.5%) formed during synthesis, the

    magnetization curves in the figures show a contribution from magnetite as demonstrated by its

    characteristic Curie transition (=585°C). Nevertheless, some important features were observed

    and are summarized as follows;

    1). Saturation magnetization. For FerSg, the saturated magnetization can be reached when

    the external field exceeds 10,000 Oe (M=15.9 emu/g at 20,000 Oe). However, the atomic

    magnetic moment could not be directly determined because of the anisotropy in polycrystalline

    pyrrhotite. In order to estimate the corrected saturation magnetization, a comparative

    experiment was carried out on a polycrystalline magnetite (Fe304) sample. The result showed

    that for Fe304 the experimental magnetization was 78% of that calculated. Hence the

    saturation magnetization for FerSg was estimated to be 20.4 emu/g at room temperature,

    corresponding to a net magnetic moment J= 9.5 ms per unit cell (a 4C structure containing

    four FevSg). This magnitude, though in a good agreement with the values measured by

    Schwarz and Hayas