Download - Students permission slip

  • 1. Dear Parent/Guardian, Re: A2 Media Studies Coursework Your daughter has been chosen along with other students in central foundation girl's school to be featured in a film. The film is part of the year 13 A level Media Studies course and the students are key to our film. This will also benefit your daughter, as it will give your daughter an opportunity to gain an insight of what a Level media studies is about. The filming will take place on Friday 26th November 2010 at form time. Please fill in the details below to give your daughter the permission to take part in the film. From Salma Begum A Level Media Student Media Studies film project consent form I parent/guardian of Form: Herby permit/do not permit my daughter/ward to be part of the A2 Media Studies film project. Signed Date: Please return the consent slip before Thursday 25th November 2010 Obj101