Download - Student Expectations · Web viewPlease do not have out your cell phones, video games, head phones, CD players, or other electronic devices in the classroom unless instructed to do

Page 1: Student Expectations · Web viewPlease do not have out your cell phones, video games, head phones, CD players, or other electronic devices in the classroom unless instructed to do

Seventh Grade Social Studies2019-2020Mrs. Tator

Course Description and Objectives: Seventh grade Social Studies focuses on the beginning of United States History, Native Americans, and covers up through the Civil War. The students will cover 16 chapters of information in their textbook.

● We break this information up into thematic units.

o Beginning of American History/Geographyo Colonizationo American Revolutiono Forming a New Nation- Governmento Early Presidents/Foreign Policies/Changing Nationo Industrialization- North and South Take Different Pathso Age of Reformo Westward Expansiono Civil War

● Students will learn how the 5 themes of geography pertain to historical events throughout the beginning when Natives crossed the land bridge to North America through the Civil War time period.

● Students will gain understanding in how events in time led to events in the future. An example, inventions in the early 1800’s led to further development of the industrial revolution in the north and expansion of slavery in the south.

● Students will learn to assess given information; analyze and interpret political cartoons, documents, charts, graphs; make inferences, and write arguments on Enduring Issues as per new CORE requirements.

● Students will work on Student Centered Projects that will result in a Portfolio of work throughout the year. The 7th Grade PATHWAYS Project “Pathways To New York” will be a year-long project and will incorporate all subject areas throughout the year.

Assessment: There will be a mid-term and post assessment given this year.As far as we know at this time, you will not be taking a New York State Assessment this year. However, this could change depending on what happens at the State Education Department. Students and parents will be updated throughout the school year of any changes that develop.

Student Expectations

Classroom Behavior: I believe that learning is a fun and enjoyable experience. In order for this to occur, students need to be respectful of other classmates and the teacher. Students will be required to participate in class discussions and are encouraged to ask questions and engage in class and group discussions. There will be many views and opinions shared and we need to respect the opinions of others. We will be doing many team projects and students will be working with many peers throughout the year.

Rules of the classroom:

Page 2: Student Expectations · Web viewPlease do not have out your cell phones, video games, head phones, CD players, or other electronic devices in the classroom unless instructed to do

1. RESPECT! At all times I expect students to be respectful to the teacher, classmates, and guest speakers in the classroom. 2. If you would like to speak, voice your opinion, or have a question you

must raise your hand. Calling out will not be tolerated.3. Please do not have out your cell phones, video games, head phones, CD players, or

other electronic devices in the classroom unless instructed to do so. This is also a school rule and if they are out in the classroom they will be collected and you will need to see me after class to discuss when you will be able to pick up the said devices. If they are out and not expected to be they are not only prohibiting you from absorbing the class material, but are also a distraction to others around you.

4. You may bring water bottles to class, however no other food or drinks are allowed in class. Exceptions are allowed for projects and occasions.5. HONESTY! Students are expected to be truthful. Cheating and/or submitting other classmates work, including copying homework will not be tolerated.

Attendance: Students will be responsible for notes, handouts, and information discussed in class. If you know you are going to be absent you must speak with me about getting your work before your absence. If you are absent due to illness or any other unpreventable absence you will be required to make up any missed notes and work. You will need to see me about this missed work. You have opportunity to get materials from the Google Classroom or my website HYPERLINK "" .STUDENTS WHO DO NOT MAKE UP ANY MISSED ASSIGNMENTS WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THOSE MISSED ASSIGNMENTS.

Tardiness: Students are expected to arrive to class on time. If you arrive late to class without a pass from a teacher, administrator, or aide you will lose a pass from your Agenda Book and/or be required to stay after school.

Class Materials: You will be expected to have your iPad, folder, pen/pencils, and appropriate materials in class daily.

2 folders, iPad for ALL classes

Homework: Homework will be given on a regular basis. YOU MUST COMPLETE THE ASSIGNED HOMEWORK! If you do not complete the assigned homework you will have difficulty in understanding the material discussed in class and will be unable to participate in class discussions. If homework assignments are not handed in on the date assigned this could affect your final grade. You may check the Homework Hotline daily or I will be posting homework weekly on my website HYPERLINK "" and in your Google Classroom class.

Grading Policy: Your final grade will be calculated using your grades from tests, quizzes, homework, long-term projects, and group work. The final grades will be computed by dividing the total number of points for the quarter with the total number of points earned. Failure to turn in work on time will affect your final grade. The following policy will be set in place:

1. Homework is due on the assigned due date. You are given 1day “grace”. If you have homework on the day it is due and it is completed you receive a 100%. If you turn it in a day late it is a 75%. If you turn it in by the end of the chapter it is a 50%. If you do not show it to me by the end of the chapter it is a 0%.

Page 3: Student Expectations · Web viewPlease do not have out your cell phones, video games, head phones, CD players, or other electronic devices in the classroom unless instructed to do

2. Long-term projects are due on the assigned date. Long-term means that ample time has been given to the student to complete the work. If Long-term projects are handed in late they will lose 5 points for each day the project is past due. Long-term projects are usually worth 100 points.

3. Students will have 3 days to make-up quizzes and/or tests. The student and teacher can set up a time for a make-up of the missed test and/or quiz. After 3 school days, and if no effort has been made to make up the test/quiz, the grade becomes a zero.

GOALS:At the beginning of each marking period you will be asked to set a goal(s) for that marking period. These goal(s) are known as short-term goals. At the beginning of the year I will ask you to set a long-term goal(s) for yourself. This is something you will try to achieve throughout the whole year. Goals are very important to have, they help you achieve your dreams, they set a path for you to follow to achieve those dreams, and get you where you want to go. Remember that the goals you choose should be challenging, but not so far out of reach that you would never be able to achieve them. Follow the guideline sheet for goals and why they are beneficial.After you set your goal(s) at the beginning of the year and for each marking period your parents need to sign your goal(s) and they will be stapled in your Agenda Book to remind you and help focus on what it is that you want to accomplish.

The rules are intended to serve as guidelines. Individual exceptions will be made when appropriate.

Parents Contact: Parents are encouraged to call me with any questions or concerns. You may reach me through the C-A Middle School main office phone number, 731-1865 mail box #4405. If you leave a message I will try and get back to you the same day. You may also E-mail me at HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]"[email protected]. I check E-mails daily. Also, please check for important information such as test/quiz dates, and materials we are working on in class at HYPERLINK "" .


Parent Signature____________________________________

Student Signature____________________________________

Goal(s) for the First Quarter: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Goal(s) for the Year: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 4: Student Expectations · Web viewPlease do not have out your cell phones, video games, head phones, CD players, or other electronic devices in the classroom unless instructed to do
Page 5: Student Expectations · Web viewPlease do not have out your cell phones, video games, head phones, CD players, or other electronic devices in the classroom unless instructed to do