Download - Student Journal - Week 04 - Understanding the · STUDENT JOURNAL – Week 8 ... • Describe the structure



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STUDENT JOURNAL – Week 8- Understanding the Atom Overarching Goal for the Week:

• Describe the structure atoms, subatomic particles and how they were discovered. • Explain the history of the atomic model.

Learning Objectives:

• Describe the structure of the atom and where protons, neutrons, and electrons are located. ____

• Compare the mass, s ize, and charge of the three basic part ic les of an atom. ____ • Describe the observat ions that Dal ton’s atomic theory supported. ____ • Describe the arrangement of e lectrons, protons, and neutrons with in an atom.____ • Explain how Rutherford developed his model of the atom.____ • List the ev idence that showed the ex istence of e lectrons, protons, and neutrons.____ • Compare Thompson’s, Rutherford’s, and Bohr ’s models of the atom. ____ • Explain how elements di f fer. ____ • Identify e lements and atomic masses on the per iodic table. ____ • Explain how two isotopes di f fer. ____ • Explain how two ions di f fer. ____


My Mad Minute Graph

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Day 1 ___ Day 2 ___ Day 3 ___ + Day 4 ___

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Day #5 Mad Minute: Question #1 - Are you satisfied with your overall average for this week? Why or why not? 4444


DAY 1 - Monday Kickoff: Which of the fo l lowing is part o f an atom? a. Pos i t ron b. Neutr ino c. E lectron d. Ion

Penci ls down! Wait for Mad Minute

Mad Minute 1. Everyth ing in the universe is made of _______. 2. What are atoms? 3. Atoms are made of ________. 4. True of fa lse? Al l atoms are the same? 5. I f atoms are not the same, what makes them di f ferent f rom each other?

Grade and graph your Mad Minute! ! !

Main Idea

Matter is made up of tiny particles called


Learning Objectives Describe the structure of the atom and where protons, neutrons, and electrons are located.

Compare the mass,

size, and charge of the three basic particles of

an atom.

Describe the observations that

Dalton’s atomic theory supported.

Key Words

Matter Atom

Nucleus Proton Neutron Electron



What is the current atomic model? • Matter is _____________ that has _______ and takes up ________, such as gases,

solids, and liquids. • Matter is not _________, _________, or _________—these are forms of ________. • An ________ is a _______________________________ that

_______________________________________. Parts of the Atom

• Atomic-force microscopes show the surfaces of atoms. • The _____________ is the region located in the ____________ of the atom. • A particle with a ______________ charge is a _______________. • A particle with a ______________ charge is an _______________. • A _____________ has __________________.

The Size of Atoms • Protons, neutrons, and electrons are all ________________than the atom.

Historical Evidence of Atoms • __________________ (460–370 B.C.) was the first to propose that atoms were

_________________ solid spheres with no holes. The Law of Conservation of Mass

• A ________________ reaction _________________ atoms of one substance into another substance with _________________________.

• The _______________of the _____________ materials is _________________ to the ________________ of the _____________.

The Law of Definite Proportions • Any _____________________always contains the _________ elements in the

____________________. • Water from your ___________ is the same as water in a glacier on ________. • H2O: two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

Dalton’s Atomic Model 1. _____________________is made up of __________. 2. Atoms are neither __________ nor ______________ in _______________ reactions. 3. Atoms of different elements combine in _________________________________. 4. Each element is made of a ___________________________________________. 5. The atoms of different elements have


Atoms – Basic Units of Matter Name: _________________________


Quest ions /Examples/ Workspace:

Guided Practiced

Independent Practice Once you have f in ished your Guided Pract ice work, move on to the Independent Worksheet at the end of th is packet • CCM – Chapter 4; Lesson 1 • Independent Pract ice Quest ions

Exit Ticket Which statement is correct?

A. In an atom, the protons and electrons are about the same size, and make up the nucleus, which is orbi ted by the larger neutrons

B. In an atom, the electrons and neutrons are about the same size, and make up the nucleus, which is orbi ted by the smal ler protons.

C. In an atom, the nucleus and neutrons are about the same size, and make up the protons, which is orbi ted by the larger e lectrons.

D. In an atom, the protons and neutrons are about the same size, and make up the nucleus, which is orbi ted by the smal ler e lectrons.


DAY 2 - Tuesday Kickoff:

Penci ls down! Wait for Mad Minute Mad Minute

5. On number 1-4, c i rc le the part ic le that has a negat ive charge.

Grade and graph your Mad Minute! ! !


Quest ions /Examples/ Workspace: Guided Practiced

Independent Practice Once you have f in ished your Guided Pract ice work, move on to the Independent Worksheet at the end of th is packet.

• Begin CCM – 4;2 • Independent Pract ice Quest ions

Exit Ticket

Main Idea

Scientists have put together a detailed model of the atom

Learning Objectives

Describe the arrangement of

electrons, protons, and neutrons within an atom.

Explain how

Rutherford developed his model of the atom.

List the evidence that

showed the existence of electrons, protons, and


Compare Thompson’s, Rutherford’s, and

Bohr’s models of the atom.

Key Words

Spectral Line

Energy Level

Electron Cloud !Summary:

How were electrons discovered? • ________________________ were used in early experiments on atoms. • A cathode ray is a stream of _______________ that can be ________ when an

__________________________passes through a _________________________. • The ray travels from a __________________ charged disk at one end to a

_________________charged disk at the other end. Thomson’s Experiments

• ________________ discovered the cathode rays _______________ travel in a ________________, but _______ towards the _______________ charged plate.

• ___________________________________________ each other. • Thomson concluded the cathode ray must have a_______________________ and named

the particles _________________. • Thomson proposed that an atom was a _____________________________. • Electrons _________________ to _______________ the charge. • This is often called the ________________________________.

Discovering the Nucleus • In ___________________________________________ experiment, particles were

_______ through a ______________ of gold into a _______________ behind the foil. • Rutherford predicted the _______ of the particles

__________________________________ because the particles would not come upon a charge _____________________________ to strongly ____________ them.

• _______ of the particles did ___________________________________. • ________ particles were strongly ____________________________. • ____________ in about __________ bounced _____________________________. • If the _____________ charge was spread _________, all the particles would have passed

through the foil with only a ___________________ change. • Only something with a ______________________ and _______________ charge could

cause some of the particles to bounce backwards. Rutherford’s Atomic Model

• The __________________ charged ___________ is in the _________ of an atom. • ______________ with a ______________ charge travel around

___________________________________________ the nucleus.

Discovering Parts the Atom – Part I Name: ________________________


Quest ions /Examples/ Workspace: Guided Practiced

Independent Practice Once you have f in ished your Guided Pract ice work, move on to the Independent Worksheet at the end of th is packet.

• Begin CCM – 4;2 • Independent Pract ice Quest ions

Exit Ticket


DAY 3 - Wednesday Kickoff: What did Bohr ’s model of the atom show that Rutherford and Thomson’s did not? a. Energy Levels b. Protons c. Neutrons d. Electrons

Penci ls down! Wait for Mad Minute

Mad Minute 1. What was Rutherford’s exper iment cal led? 2. What two parts of the atom did Rutherford’s exper iment discover? 3. What is Thomson’s Model of the atom commonly cal led? 4. What part of the atom was Thomson’s model missing? 5. What charges to protons, neutrons, and electrons have?

Grade and graph your Mad Minute! ! !

Main Idea

Scientists have put together a detailed model of the atom

Learning Objectives

Describe the arrangement of

electrons, protons, and neutrons within an atom.

Explain how

Rutherford developed his model of the atom.

List the evidence that

showed the existence of electrons, protons, and


Compare Thompson’s, Rutherford’s, and

Bohr’s models of the atom.

Key Words

Spectral Line

Energy Level

Electron Cloud !

Completing Rutherford’s Model • Rutherford also discovered the _________________, a particle with a positive charge. • Rutherford knew the _________of a proton, but could not account for the

____________________ of an ____________. • Rutherford’s theory was later confirmed when the existence of the ______________—a

neutral atomic particle with a mass _________________________________ but without a charge—was proved.

Weakness in the Rutherford Model • Rutherford’s model did not answer these key questions:

• How are _______________________________? • Why do different elements have ______________________________________? • Why are some elements ____________________________________________?

Bohr and the Hydrogen Atom • Rutherford thought the electrons moved around the nucleus like a ball swinging on a rope at

________________________________? • Bohr thought electrons traveled in ________________________________________? • Bohr studied __________________ because it has only ______________________? • When atoms are __________________, they _______________ and

_____________________________________________. The Spectrum of Hydrogen

• Light passing through a __________ is broken into a _____________________________of light—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet blend into each other.

• __________________ rays have ___________________________and ___________________________________ than visible light.

• ____________________ light has _______________ wavelengths and ______________ energies than visible light.

• When ____________, hydrogen and neon give off unique _____________________ of light on the spectrum that are called ______________________.

Spectral Lines and Energy Levels • Each color in a spectral line is a different _________________and different __________. • Electrons can have _______________________________________ of energy. • Electrons can only move at a _________________________ from the nucleus that

corresponds to that amount of energy. • The region in space that an electron can move about the nucleus is called the

__________________. Electrons in the Bohr Atom

• The electrons can move only in an orbit that is a ____________________ from the nucleus. • Each energy level can hold a ______________________________ of electrons. • Electrons _________ the energy levels __________________________.

Discovering Parts of the Atom – Part II Name: ________________________


• The lowest level is filled first. • The second level has no electrons until the first level is full. • The first level holds 2 electrons; the second level holds 8 electrons; the third energy level

holds 18 electrons. • The last energy level may or may not be filled.

• This diagram shows how electrons are placed in the elements with atomic numbers 1–10.

Bohr’s Model and Chemical Properties

• Elements have different chemical properties because they have different numbers of electrons in their __________________________.

• _____________________ elements have the _______________________ of electrons ___________________to ________ their ________________________________.

• Elements with ___________________ outer energy levels are likely to ____________________________.

Limitations of Bohr’s Model • Energy levels were like _________________________. • Bohr’s theory works for the simple _______________________ atom, but _______ for

more ________________________________. The Electron Cloud Model

• The _____________________________ is the region surrounding an atomic nucleus where an electron is __________________________________________.

• Electrons are more likely to be ____________________________ because they are attracted to the ___________________________ of the ______________________.


Quest ions /Examples/ Workspace:

Guided Practiced Label and descr ibe each model of the atom.


Independent Practice Once you have f in ished your Guided Pract ice work, move on to the Independent Worksheet at the end of th is packet. • Complete CCM – 4;2 • Complete/Rev ise any incomplete/ incorrect work in th is packet • I f the two above are completed, do an Enr ichment Exerc ise

Exit Ticket


DAY 4 - Thursday Kickoff: What makes one element or atom di f ferent f rom another? a. The number nucle i b. The number of e lectrons c. The number of protons d. The number of neutrons

Penci ls down! Wait for Mad Minute

Mad Minute 1. What charge do protons have? 2. What charge do neutrons have? 3. What charge do electrons have? 4. Where are protons and neutrons located? 5. What is the overa l l charge of the nucleus of an atom?

Grade and graph your Mad Minute! ! !

Main Idea Atoms of a particular

element always have the same numbers of protons

Learning Objectives

Explain how elements differ

Identify elements and atomic masses on the

periodic table

Explain how two isotopes differ

Explain how two ions


Key Words Element

Atomic Number

Mass Number


Average Atomic Mass

Ion !



Isotopes—Different Numbers of Neutrons • Atoms of the same element always have the _________________________________,

but they may have ___________________________________________________. Protons, Neutrons, and Mass Number

• An atom’s _________________ is the _______of the number of ______________ and the number of _____________.

• To calculate the number of neutrons, _______________ the ___________________ from the ____________________.

Isotopes • Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons are called

_____________. • The ____________________________________ of an element is the

_____________________________________ of the mixture of an element’s isotopes. • ___________________ isotopes are ______________ and break down releasing

_________________, _________________, and ______________. Isotopes of Hydrogen

• Hydrogen has ___________ isotopes. • ________________, ___________________, and _____________.

Ions—Gaining or Losing Electrons • Atoms can ___________ or ___________ electrons. • When an electron is gained or lost, the atom ______________________ has the same

number of _______________ as _________________. • The atom no longer has a ____________________________. • An atom that has gained or lost an electron and is no longer neutral is called an _______.

Positive Ions—Losing Electrons • When an atom loses an electron, it has more protons than electrons. • The atom has a positive charge and is called a __________________.

Negative Ions—Gaining Electrons • When an atom gains an electron, it has more electrons than protons. • The atom has a negative charge and is called a _______________________. • Positive ions and negative ions ___________ each other and form ________________.

Elements, Isotopes, and Ions Name: __________________


Quest ions /Examples/ Workspace: Guided Practiced

Independent Practice Once you have f in ished your Guided Pract ice work, move on to the Independent Worksheet at the end of th is packet.

• CCM – 4;3 • Independent Pract ice Quest ions

Exit Ticket


DAY 5 - Friday Kickoff:




Independent Practice Questions DAY 1 DAY 2

DAY 3 See “ Independent Pract ice” sect ion for Day 3 DAY 4