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Student Guide for Medical Ethics Course practical activities

1. What is this guide?

This manual helps you to choose and have your practical activities of the medical ethics course done with the best outcome, and the most efficient way.

2. Why does the student need to do these activities?

Learning by doing is the best known teaching method. Exams can tell you how much you know; discussions and class cases can tell you how much you understand; while practicing ethics-related activities is what tell you how much you can really do with what you know and understand. It’s a rehearsal for what is waiting for you in real practice.

3. What are the practical activities I can/should do? - Ethics book review - Public awareness campaign - Producing short film (documentary) on an ethical issue - Ethics education material - Short Play or scene - Movie review - Ethics consultation meeting - Research ethics review meeting - Other activities that may think relevant 4. How to choose from among the proposed activities?

You are advised to choose the activities that:

o Meets your personal interests and talents o You understand well o Have a team to work with on o Gives you the 5 marks you need

5. What if the activities we chose are worth more than 5 marks?

Although you can do that, you are NOT advised to choose activities that are more than 5 marks. It is better to focus on 1-2 activities that you can do well than to spread your time and efforts in many activities that you may not get half of its individual marks.

However, in case the activities you chose are more than 5 marks, the extra-marks will be spared for you in the marks of active participation, with the limit of 3 extra-marks

6. How many students are allowed to do the same activities? Will we all get the same mark for the same activity that we did together?

Some activities need many students to work on, like the public awareness campaign. There is no limited number for students who want to do any activity, however the evaluation of each student is individual.

The student’s evaluation will depend on the logbook that you should fill and have it signed by the supervisor of the activity.

7. The logbook has many activities to be filled, what if I choose one activity only?

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Most of the activities have ‘sub-activities’. For example, to conduct a public awareness campaign, or to develop a short documentary, or develop an ethics educational material, there will be a number of meetings, discussions, rehearsals, etc. each of these is an activity from which you can write something in the activity in the logbook.

- The logbook is more about self-reflection on what you learned from the activity and from the group dynamics by working with your colleagues.

8. I don’t know my group, how can I apply?

You don’t have to be in a group to submit for your practical part. Any student can submit through the link:, whether s/he is a member of a team or not. Later, the students who chose the same activities will be gathered to work together.

9. Should I have a supervisor? Why?

Every group doing the same activity is supposed to have a supervisor. For those who fail to have one, they can refer to the course coordinator for advice. The supervisor helps you get on track easily and to make sure you know what you are doing and how to do it.

10. If I have chosen the activities, What to do first? How can I know what are the purpose and suggested steps on the main practical ethics activities? They are summarized in the following table

Activity Description and purpose of activity

Suggested steps Marks assigned

Deliverable product

1. Ethics book review

- This aims to make you read a book on ethics, and tell us what you think about it. - You are NOT asked to read it as ‘reading a textbook for an exam’, rather to read with critical reflection and critique.

1. Go to the COM or the KFMC library 2. Ask the librarian on the books on ethics 3. Discuss with our group on which book to choose (reading the content is the most first step you should do when deciding on reading a book) 4. You all read it all, or divide the chapters among your group (chapter for each). 5. Read and summarize the book (or chapter) your opinions and reflections on what you read 6. Each student should write down a review on what s/he read. 7. The group should assign the members to do the collective final review. 8. The group will present to the whole batch when done

3 marks A written book review of not less than 1500 words

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2. Public awareness campaign

- This refers to a set of activities that aim at enhancing the knowledge and attitudes of the targeted by these activities about a given cause.

1. Meet with one or more of the main related departments in the FOM or KFMC (e.g. public relations, patients’ affairs, admission office, religious affairs, medical errors committee, medical ethics committee, etc.) 2. Ask the department you managed to meet for their areas of gap of knowledge or attitudes. In simple words, what are the topics they are interested to make patients and or clinicians to be more aware of? 3. Decide among yourselves, after consulting the supervisor, on which topics are more relevant and feasible to do. 4. Discuss and decide on the activities you think should be there in the campaign. 5. Distribute the roles among yourselves (Who should do What When?) 6. Set you plan from preparation to delivery in a Gannt’s chart, or other time management/planning tool (MS Project Manager is a good one) 7. Have your plan approved by the relevant department, including the needed resources 8. Conduct the campaign as decided by the relevant department.

5 marks 1. The educational material 2. The activity report 3. Certificates from the collaborating department with your names on them 4. Any educational or advocacy material that you developed for the campaign

3. Producing short film (documentary) on an ethical issue

- To produce a short video (3-30 minutes) that presents an ethical issue in a drama or documentary

1. Meet with your team and supervisor to choose a topic

2. Discuss the possible scenarios 3. Discuss and write the script 4. Distribute the roles among yourselves 5. Prepare the technical needs, e.g. video

camera, recorder...etc. 6. Set a time for video taping 7. Edit the video, and make it presentable

5 marks A good quality finished edited video

8. Developing Ethics education material

- To develop a new educational material that can be used to educate a target group on one or more ethical issue

1. Meet with the group, the supervisor and the relevant department in the hospital 2. Decide on the topics you want to cover 3. Assess your target group’s pervious knowledge about the topic(s) 4. Discuss and decide on how best to present topic (brochure? poster? snowman in the main hospital’s entrance? BE INNOVATIVE) 5. Design and develop printed materials to be used in ethics education for patients, families, and staff

3 marks The developed material and any other supporting material, e.g. photos for preparations or meetings.

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9. Short Play or scene

- The purpose of this activity is to prepare a short play of one or more scenes that presents an ethical issue. - The main difference between this and the activity 3 (short movie) that it will be done live and not video-taped

1. Meet with your group and supervisor to decide on the ethical issue your role play will discuss 2. Start developing the script, including the distribution of roles 3. Rehearsal is very important. You need to give enough time to practice. Remember you will play it live!

3 marks A written Script and a play of a short role play (not more than 10 minutes) that presents and discusses an ethical issue

10. Movie review

- This is bit more than watching a drama movie and cry! - you should watch a movie, if you don’t have religious reasons not to do, and answer a set of questions that are related to ethics:

What are the ethical issues discussed/presented in the movie?

Who did what wrong, ethically speaking? Explain why you think it is ethically wrong.

How would have you done, if you were in his/her position?

- Discuss with your team on the movie(s) that you have access to and talks about one or more ethical issues. - These links may give you some guidance:$163 - Watch a movie that presents a set of healthcare ethical issues - Write down your reflections on the movie with the answers for the mentioned questions.

3 marks An individual written movie review by each member with the answers to the related questions

11. Ethics consultation meeting

- Almost every clinician faces an ethical issue/dilemma as s/he practices. Some of these issues need experts opinion to help in resolving them. - The purpose of this activity is to acquaint yourself to the process taken by ethics experts to help clinicians resolve ethical issues

- Coordinate with your supervisor to attend the next ethics-related meeting. - Attend the meeting on time, observe, and take notes of what took place in the meeting. - Write down your reflections on what you attended (what was the problem? who submitted it? What are the ethical issues at stake? How did the experts managed it and what have they recommended?)

2 marks/ meeting

Your reflections on each meeting should be written down and signed by the head of the committee, or your supervisor

12. Research ethics review meeting

- Every research that involves human participants should be reviewed scientifically and ethically before being conducted. - The purpose of this activity is to acquaint yourself to the process taken by ethics experts to help researchers manage the ethical issues in their research before starting

- Coordinate with your supervisor to attend the next ethics-related meeting. - Attend the meeting on time, observe, and take notes of what took place in the meeting. - Write down your reflections on what you attended (what were the ethical points identified? How did the experts managed it and what have they recommended?)

2 marks/ meeting

Your reflections on each meeting should be written down and signed by the head of the committee, or your supervisor

11. Can I change my mind later if I didn’t like the activity I chose?

Yes, but this is not advisable. This is why it important to choose what you really understand and like. Moreover, the course coordinator cannot guarantee to you to find you a chance with another group to work with.

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12. How Can I choose my supervisor?

Whenever you have sit with your group and outlined your ideas on what you want to do and how you imagine doing it, feel free to contact the following:

Name Activities he would more likely supervise Email

Prof. Omar H. Kasule - Research ethics meetings - Clinical ethics meetings - Book reviews

[email protected]

Dr. Abdulaziz AlKabba - Research ethics meetings - Clinical ethics meetings

[email protected]

Mr. Nasir Almanie, head of Patient Affairs, KFMC

- Public awareness campaign - Producing short film

(documentary) on an ethical issue - Developing Ethics education

material - Ethics consultation meeting -

[email protected]

Dr. Ghaiath Hussein - Research ethics meetings - Clinical ethics meetings - Book reviews - Public awareness campaign - Producing short film

(documentary) on an ethical issue - Developing Ethics education

material - General supervision

[email protected]

13. What to do if I (or my group) got stuck and didn’t know what to do next? First, you should consult with your supervisor, but if not available contact the course coordinator.

14. When is the latest date to submit my logbook? What if I am late in submission?

Due date for logbook submission is Wednesday 30/05/2012. Any unexcused delay will cost you one mark for every day of delay.

15. Have further questions, problems or queries?

Contact the course coordinator, Dr. Ghaiath Hussein ([email protected]). If you want to come to the office,

please call first (01-2889999 Ext. 7588)
