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Page 1: Structure,Function,and ModulationofGABAA …unit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor with acetylcholine-binding protein (41) may improve the situation. CellularLocalization ThesubunitsofratGABA

Structure, Function, andModulation of GABAAReceptors*Published, JBC Papers in Press, October 4, 2012, DOI 10.1074/jbc.R112.386664

Erwin Sigel1 and Michael E. SteinmannFrom the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University ofBern, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland

The GABAA receptors are the major inhibitory neurotrans-mitter receptors in mammalian brain. Each isoform consists offive homologous or identical subunits surrounding a centralchloride ion-selective channel gated by GABA. How many iso-forms of the receptor exist is far from clear. GABAA receptorslocated in the postsynapticmembranemediate neuronal inhibi-tion that occurs in the millisecond time range; those located inthe extrasynaptic membrane respond to ambient GABA andconfer long-term inhibition.GABAA receptors are responsive toa wide variety of drugs, e.g. benzodiazepines, which are oftenused for their sedative/hypnotic and anxiolytic effects.

Fast synaptic transmission is effected by neurotransmittersthat bind to and thereby induce channel opening in postsynap-tic receptors. The two major inhibitory ligand-gated ion chan-nels, the GABAA receptor and the glycine receptor, are anion-selective. While the cation-selective nicotinic acetylcholinereceptor, which belongs to the same protein family, is alreadystrongly enriched in nature in the form of Torpedo marmorataelectroplax membranes, no rich source exists for anion-selec-tive receptors and their isolation has been hampered by poorabundance (�1 pmol/mg of brain membrane protein). Fromthis value, a purification factor of�4000-foldmay be calculatedfor a 250-kDa protein complex. This formidable problem wassolved with the help of affinity chromatography. Within 2months in 1982, two reports appeared, one on the purificationof a glycine receptor using a strychnine affinity column (1) anda preliminary report on the purification of a GABA receptorcharacterized by [3H]muscimol binding using a benzodiazepineaffinity column (2). A detailed account showing that both of thebinding sites, the one for the agonist GABA and that for benzo-diazepines, reside on the same protein complex was publishedshortly after in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (3). In thisarticle, the two documented subunits were given the names �and �. An improved purification procedure using alternativedetergents was published 1 year later in the same journal (4).Protein sequencing led to cloning of � and � subunits (5), andthe homology of these two subunits with those of nicotinic ace-tylcholine receptors and glycine receptors became evident.

Erroneously, the cloning paper claimed stimulation by benzo-diazepines of the GABAA receptor composed of � and � sub-units, but it is clear now that this modulation requires an addi-tional subunit (see below). In the following years, many subunitisoforms were cloned. Isoform diversity was anticipated earlyon the basis of photolabeling experiments (6). What differenti-ates GABAA receptors from the other members of the Cys loopfamily of receptors (7) is their rich pharmacology, whichmay bedue partially to the large number of cavities observed in theintramembrane space (8). In contrast, natural toxins targetingGABAA receptors are very rare in comparison with other chan-nel proteins.In the following, we attempt to give a brief overview of our

knowledge of the biochemistry of GABAA receptors, includingstructure, function, and modulation. A more detailed reviewencompassing all Cys loop receptors has been publishedrecently (9).GABAB receptors areG-protein-coupled receptorsand differ strongly in structure, function, and sequence fromGABAA receptors and will not be discussed here. GABACreceptors are now generally assumed to be one of the manyisoforms of GABAA receptors, and the International Union ofBasic andClinical Pharmacology discourages further use of thisterm (10).The structural features of GABAA receptors are shared by

the entire superfamily of Cys loop-type ligand-gated ion chan-nels. The unique property that keeps GABAA receptors apartfrom other members of the superfamily is the activating ligandGABA. From the amino acid sequence of a single subunit, it isimpossible to identify the type of ligand and ion selectivity ofthe channel, exceptmaybewhether it contributes to a cation- oranion-selective channel. This makes a discussion on the originsof GABAA receptors speculative.GABAA receptors are generally pentameric proteins com-

posed of different subunits. Individual subunits may be wellcharacterized concerning sequence, expression level, and local-ization in a neuron, but in many cases, it is far from clear whichsubunits collaborate together to form a pentameric receptor.Even if this is known, the subunit arrangement of the pentameris not evident.The agonist of GABAA receptors is generally being called

after Gamma-AminoButyric Acid. This is despite the fact that,under physiological conditions, the acid form of the neu-rotransmitter hardly exists, and a more appropriate name forthis neurotransmitter would be �-aminobutyrate.

Gene Organization

As mentioned above, the GABAA receptors are members ofthe Cys loop ligand-gated ion channel superfamily (for review,see Refs. 7 and 9), which also includes the nicotinic acetylcho-line receptors (11), the glycine receptors (12), the ionotropic5-HT3 receptors (13), the Zn2�-activated ion channels (14),and three recently crystallized receptors: the Caenorhabditiselegans glutamate-gated chloride channel (15) and the two bac-terial receptors GLIC (Gloeobacter violaceus ligand-gated ionchannel) (16) and ELIC (Erwinia chrysanthemi ligand-gated ion

* This work was supported by Swiss National Foundation Grant 31003A_132806/1. This is the third article in the Thematic Minireview Series onCelebrating the Discovery of the Cysteine Loop Ligand-gated Ion ChannelSuperfamily.

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 287, NO. 48, pp. 40224 –40231, November 23, 2012© 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Published in the U.S.A.



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Page 2: Structure,Function,and ModulationofGABAA …unit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor with acetylcholine-binding protein (41) may improve the situation. CellularLocalization ThesubunitsofratGABA

channel) (17). All eukaryotic members of the Cys loop familyshare a motif composed of two cysteine residues separated by13 amino acid residues. Simon et al. (18) tried to find a motifidentifying GABAA receptors. A genome search made with aconsensus sequence could identify all known GABAA receptorsequences but also many subunits of the other Cys loop recep-tor family members.In thisminireview, we concentrate on humanGABAA recep-

tors. The complexity of the GABAA receptors rests on the factthat numerous subunits exist. Ignoring splice variants andpoint mutations, we know that, in human, there are six � sub-units, three � subunits, three � subunits, three � subunits(building blocks of the formerly called GABAC receptors), andone each of the �, �, �, and � subunits. Within a family of sub-units, there is �70% sequence identity, and between membersof different families, 20% sequence identity or 50% sequencesimilarity (19). The GABAA receptor subunit genes exhibit abasic pattern of nine coding exons with eight introns with twoexceptions: � has 8 exons, and �3 has 10 exons. For some of thesubunits, there exist splice variants (for details, see Ref. 19 andreferences cited therein), but the function/physiological role ofthese variants is not yet fully determined. Fig. 1 shows a phylo-genetic tree of the human GABAA receptor subunits and theirchromosomal localization. Themajority of genes coding for theGABAA receptor subunits are organized into four clusters on

chromosomes 4, 5, 15, and X in the human genome (20). Thisgene clustering is assumed to contribute to coordinated geneexpression. Two clusters each group four genes, �2, �4, �1, and�1 on chromosome 4 and �1, �6, �2, and �2 on chromosome 5;and two clusters have three genes, �5, �3, and �3 on chromo-some 15 and �3, �, and � on chromosome X. Common to allclusters is that the � subunit exhibits an opposite transcrip-tional orientation. By phylogenetic tree analysis, it becomesapparent that the � subunit is “�-like” and the � subunit is“�-like” (21). Based on these facts, it has been assumed that allfour clusters have evolved from an ancestral cluster containingan “�-like”, a �-like, and a �-like subunit. Two rounds of tetra-ploidization (whole genome duplication) during the early chor-date evolution and a tandem duplication of an � subunit afterthe first tetraploidization event can account for the currentstructural organization within the genome. This is supportedby the fact that �1 and �2, as well as �6 and �4, which are in thesame position within the cluster on chromosomes 5 and 4,respectively, have a higher sequence similarity to each otherthan to any other pair of � subunits (reviewed in Ref. 20).

Structure of GABAA Receptors

TheGABAA receptors aremultisubunit proteins (for review,see Refs. 22–24). Before we discuss their structure, we willexamine the properties of a single subunit. Mature subunits are�450 amino acid residues in length and share a common top-ological organization, as illustrated in Fig. 2A. About half of thesubunit consists of a hydrophilic extracellular N-terminaldomain containing the Cys loop, followed by four transmem-brane sequences (M1–M4). M2 lines the ion channel. BetweenM3 and M4 there is a large intracellular loop involved in mod-ulation by phosphorylation (see below). A number of proteinshave been described that interact with the intracellular loop

FIGURE 1. Phylogenetic tree analysis of the 19 known genes coding forhuman GABAA receptor subunits. The immature amino acid sequenceswere obtained from the UniProt database (94). The alignment was done withClustalX (95), and Dendroscope (64) was used for depiction of thedendrogram.

FIGURE 2. Schematic representation of the major isoform of GABAAreceptors, �1�2�2. The GABAA receptors are integral membrane proteins.Five subunits are grouped around the central ion pore. A, topology of a singlesubunit. All subunits share this topology. B, top view of the pentamer. Thesidedness of the subunits is symbolized � and �.



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Page 3: Structure,Function,and ModulationofGABAA …unit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor with acetylcholine-binding protein (41) may improve the situation. CellularLocalization ThesubunitsofratGABA

between M3 and M4 of specific GABAA receptor subunits (25,26). These proteins have been shown to play important roles inreceptor trafficking and anchoring of receptors in the cytoskel-eton and in the postsynaptic membrane. The N and C terminiof the subunits are both located extracellularly.In theory, a huge number ofGABAA receptorsmay be assem-

bled even in a single cell, as in some cases, more than eightsubunit isoforms have been found to be expressed in a singlecell. Furthermore, alternative splicing and RNA editing (27)contribute to receptor diversity. The major adult isoform isgenerally accepted to be composed of �1, �2, and �2 subunits.There is considerable uncertainty as to the number of differentGABAA receptor isoforms existing in nature (28). For a discus-sion of the isoforms that may be really expressed in nature, thereader may consult Ref. 10.Asmentioned above, five subunits selected from 19 isoforms

form a complex and surround a central ion channel, with all fiveM2 segments contributing to the channel (Fig. 2B). Even if thesame subunits contribute to channel formation, they may bedifferently arranged. Whereas the �, �, and � subunits seem tocombine into defined subunit arrangements (29–31), the � and� subunits seem to have promiscuous assembly properties (32–34). The functional properties of the receptors depend on bothsubunit composition (35) and arrangement (36). Fig. 3 illus-trates the 30 possibilities to build a pentameric receptor fromthree different subunits. Approaches characterizing assembly

and studies using concatenated subunits have concluded that,in the major subunit isoform, the �1, �2, and �2 subunits arearranged �2�2�1�2�1 counterclockwise around the centralpore as viewed from the cell exterior (29–31).Unfortunately, a high resolution structure of the GABAA

receptor is missing. Two-dimensional crystals of the nicotinicacetylcholine receptor with 4 Å resolution in the membranepart (37) have given us a good idea of the general architecture ofCys loop receptors. Some bacterial Cys loop receptors havebeen crystallized, but the degree of homology with GABAAreceptors is low (15–17). Also, an acetylcholine-binding pro-tein homologous to the N-terminal extracellular portion of thenicotinic acetylcholine receptor has been crystallized (38). TheGABAA receptor shares structural and, to a small extent,sequence homology with all of these crystallized proteins. Thecrystal structure of the acetylcholine-binding protein has trig-gered an early homology modeling attempt (39). Additionally,the modulatory compound diazepam (see below) has beendocked into this model. It should be noted, however, that thesequence identity of these two proteins amounts to only �18%and that the binding pocket is, to a large extent,made up of loopstructures, which are difficult to model. The caveats in inter-pretation of homology models based on such a low degree ofhomology have been discussed in detail (40). The recent crys-tallization of a hybrid of the extracellular domain of the �7 sub-unit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor with acetylcholine-binding protein (41) may improve the situation.

Cellular Localization

The subunits of rat GABAA receptors have been localized inthe central nervous system at the protein level using subunit-specific antibodies (42). Some subunits have a broad expressionthroughout the central nervous system. Other subunits show arestricted expression. An extreme example is the �6 subunit,which is expressed in only a single cell type, the cerebellar gran-ule cells (42). Another example of a restricted distribution is the� subunit, which is expressedmainly, but not exclusively, in theretina (42). Outside the central nervous system, GABAA recep-tors have been found in the liver (43), in smooth airwaymusclesof the lung (44), and in several types of immune cells (45, 46).

Subcellular Localization

For a long time, GABAA receptors have been assumed tolocalize to postsynaptic sites in the brain. Synaptic transmissionleads here to the release of GABA, which, in turn, can openGABAA receptor chloride channels, thereby creating a short(millisecond) increase in the anion conductance, leading tohyperpolarization of a depolarized membrane. These shortevents have been termed phasic inhibition. It is now clear thatGABAA receptors can also localize to extrasynaptic sites andconfer here the so-called tonic inhibition. Low ambient GABAconcentrations open these receptors for a longer time period(for review, see Ref. 47). Some subunits only assume an extra-synaptic location, as it has been postulated for the � subunit (forreview, see Ref. 47). In many cells, the long-term charge trans-location through extrasynaptic receptors exceeds that throughsynaptic receptors.Modulation of this tonic inhibition has beenimplicated in disease states (48).

FIGURE 3. Possible arrangements in a pentamer of subunits taken fromthree different types, � (yellow), � (red), and � (green). There are threehomomeric receptors, 18 receptors composed of two subunits, and 30 recep-tors composed of three different subunits. The receptor on the blue squarerepresents the current consensus of the subunit arrangement in �1�2�2GABAA receptors as seen from the cell exterior.



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Ion Conductance

The GABAA receptors are generally GABA-gated anionchannels selective for Cl� ions, with some permeability forbicarbonate anions (49). Exceptionally, in C. elegans, a cation-selective GABA-gated channel has been discovered (50). Excit-atory neurotransmitters increase the cation conductance todepolarize the membrane, whereas inhibitory neurotransmit-ters increase the anion conductance to tendentially hyperpolar-ize the membrane. However, if the gradient for Cl� ionsdecreases due to down-regulation of KCC2 chloride ion trans-porters, opening of GABAA receptors may cause an outwardflux of these anions, leading to depolarization of themembraneand thereby to excitation. This phenomenon has been impli-cated in neuropathic pain (51). During early development (52)and in neuronal subcompartments (53), GABA similarly con-fers excitation.


For a discussion of functional details, we concentrate on themajor subunit isoforms ���, which are best characterized. In afirst stage, the agonist GABA binds to its two binding siteslocated at the�/� subunit interfaces, which have been shown todisplay slightly different apparent affinities for channel opening(54). Agonist site occupancy is then followed by a conforma-tional change that locks the agonist in the binding pocket (55).The protein alters conformation and enters one or severalclosed states that have been termed “flipped states” (56). Fur-ther conformational changes lead to an opening of the ion pore.The open channel can thenmake short visits to a ligand-boundclosed state (57).How binding site occupancy leads to channel opening is a

matter of debate. A stretch of amino acid residues termed theF-loop projects from the agonist site toward the ion channel. Inthe � subunit, this loop has been implicated in this process, andanalogously, in the � subunit, the F-loop has been implicated inchannel modulation by benzodiazepines (see below). Recentexperiments rather argue against this model (for review, seeRef. 58). A second region that has been implicated in channelgating is the short loop between M2 and M3. A lysine residuelocated in this region has been suggested to undergo formationof a salt bridge during the process of gating (59) on the basis ofS-S bridge formation after mutation of the two correspondingresidues. A third region seems to be located within the �4-�5linker of the � subunit (60). Insertion of glycine residues leadsto a strongly reduced apparent potency for channel gating byGABA. Conformational changes during gating have also beenprobed by site-specific introduction of fluorescent reporterspioneered in the conceptuallymore simple homomeric � recep-tor (61) or by ligand-induced alteration of chemical reactionrates between cysteine-reactive reagents and cysteine-mutatedreceptors (55). Most probably, large portions of the receptorprotein undergo conformational changes during channelgating.The channel has been investigated using the water accessi-

bility method, in which individual amino acid residues aremutated to cysteine, and the mutant receptors are exposed to awater-soluble cysteine-reactive compound. Altered channel

activity was then taken as evidence for exposure of the corre-sponding residue to the channel lumen (62).

Modulation of GABAA Receptors

Asmany other proteins, GABAA receptors are modulated bypost-translational modification, e.g. several different proteinkinases have been shown to phosphorylate specific amino acidresides on specific receptor subunits and thereby modulatechannel activity. This modification has also been shown toaffect surface stability or trafficking (63). Besides covalentmod-ification, a number of receptor-associated proteins have beendescribed (reviewed in Ref. 25).Apart from these two mechanisms, GABAA receptors are

modulated by two endogenous molecules (65, 66) and a widerange exogenous smallmolecules (67). It has been hypothesizedthatGABAA receptors aremodulated by such a large number ofcompounds because the latter can occupy numerous cavitieslocated within the part of the receptor embedded in the mem-brane (8). Selected examples of modulators are benzodiaz-epines and other drugs acting at the same site, barbiturates,etomidate, the competitive antagonist bicuculline, and thechannel blocker picrotoxin. Subunit composition and arrange-ment determine drug selectivity. It is beyond the scope of thisminireview to discuss all modulators.The first class of endogenous modulators to be recognized

were the neurosteroids (65). These substances allostericallymodulate channel opening and also work as channel agonists athigh concentrations. Both functions have been molecularlylocalized in the transmembrane regions of � and � subunits(68). Interestingly, some � subunit-containing isoforms of theGABAA receptor depend on the presence of neurosteroids to begated by GABA (34, 69). For some time, it was assumed thatspecifically � subunit-containing GABAA receptors were sus-ceptible tomodulation by neurosteroids, but it is clear now that� subunit-containing receptors are similarly affected (70).Varying steroid levels during the female cycle have beenhypothesized to reduce the state of anxiety and seizure suscep-tibility via the neurosteroid-binding site (48). Recently, it wasrecognized that the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerolspecifically positively modulates �2 subunit-containingGABAA receptors (66) through a binding site located inM4. Sofar, little is known about the physiological role of this modula-tion. Despite an intensive search, no endogenous modulatorthat acts via the benzodiazepine-binding site has been identi-fied so far.As a first example of exogenous modulators, we will have a

closer look at a group of popular drugs, the benzodiazepines.Benzodiazepines bind to a high affinity binding site located atthe �/� subunit interface in a homologous position to the ago-nist site (for review, see Refs. 71 and 72). Classical benzodiaz-epines like valium are positive allosteric modulators of theresponse to GABA. Benzodiazepines do not open the channelby themselves (Fig. 4A). High affinity binding of these sub-stances to their recognition site leads to a conformationalchange in the receptor such as to increase the apparent affinityfor channel gating by GABA at both agonist sites. As a result,maximal currents elicited by GABA remain unaffected, and theGABA concentration channel opening curve is shifted to lower



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GABA concentrations (Fig. 4B). At the single channel level,benzodiazepines increase mean open times (73). Classical ben-zodiazepines have also been termed “benzodiazepine agonists”despite the fact that they induce channel opening with onlyexceedingly low efficacy. Compounds exist that compete at thebinding site for benzodiazepines but do not affect the GABAconcentration dependence, the benzodiazepine antagonists.Furthermore, there are such compounds that compete and shiftthe GABA concentration dependence to the right, the negativeallosteric modulators, which have also been termed “benzodi-azepine inverse agonists.”The relative positioning of benzodiazepines in their binding

site has been approached using the proximity-acceleratedchemical reaction (74). GABAA receptor residues thought toreside in the site were individually mutated to cysteine, and themutant receptors were exposed to a modified benzodiazepinemolecule carrying a cysteine-reactive substituent at a definedatom.Direct apposition of the reactive group and cysteine leadsto a covalent reaction. From this work, we know that the C1atomof diazepam is located close to�1His-101 (75) and that the

3�-atom is located close to �1Ser-205 and �1Thr-206 (76). Veryrecently, diazepam has been docked into amultitude of confor-mational variants of a large number of homology models of theGABAA receptor, and the docking poses were rated accordingto all available experimental observations (77). Future workwillshow if homologymodeling approaches are adequate to predictrelative positioning of benzodiazepines in their binding pocket.In addition to the classical benzodiazepine-binding site at the�/� subunit interface, an unusual site has recently beendescribed at the �/� subunit interface (78, 79). The implica-tions of this additional site still remain to be elucidated.The second example of an exogenous modulator discussed

here is ethanol. There is general agreement that high lethalconcentrations (�50 mM) of ethanol modulate the function ofmany membrane proteins, among them the GABAA receptor.However, it is intensely disputed whether ethanol concentra-tions influencing human behavior (�20 mM) affect GABAAreceptors. Although one group reported positive allostericmodulation on �6�3� receptors (80), several groups wereunable to reproduce the findings (34, 81).

Role of Individual Receptors

Although it is relatively simple to address questions at thelevel of individual receptor subunit isoforms, we can only spec-ulate how many GABAA receptors are expressed in our brainand what their subunit composition is, not to mention subunitarrangement. Experiments have therefore been limited to therole of defined receptor subunit isoforms. Knock-out mice inwhich a functional gene for a certain GABAA receptor subunitis lacking have been prepared. Elimination of a particular sub-unit isoform would be expected to suppress synthesis of allthose GABAA receptor isoforms containing the subunit inquestion and cause alteration in the behavior of the mutantmice. This is expected to give information on the function of thecorresponding subunit isoform. Such studies have the inherentdrawback that hundreds of genes show adaptive changes as aconsequence of the lack of a subunit. A more elegant approachto this question is knock-in mice carrying the point mutation�1H101R (and homologous mutations in �2, �3, and �5), ren-dering the site for benzodiazepines at the �/� subunit interfaceinsensitive to these drugs. In behavioral experiments, it wastestedwhich benzodiazepine effectsweremissing in themutantanimals. Such experiments associated the�1 subunit with seda-tion (82, 83), the �2/3 subunits with anxiety (84, 85), and the �5subunit with temporal and spatial memory (86, 87). In attemptsfor simplification, it was stated that “�1 receptors” or “�1 sub-unit-containing receptors” confer sedation, “�2/3 receptors” or“�2/3 subunit-containing receptors” confer anxiolysis, and inhi-bition of “�5 receptors” or inhibition of “�5 subunit-containingreceptors” confers cognitive enhancement. Both types of sim-plification are problematic. As many receptors contain two dif-ferent � subunits, such statements should be avoided. Forexample, for �6-containing GABAA receptors in the cerebel-lum, �1�6�x�2 and �1�6�x� receptors dominate over �6�x�2and �1�x� receptors, respectively (88). As only the � subunitneighboring the � subunit contributes to the benzodiazepineaction (36), a receptor withmixed� subunitsmay contain an�1

FIGURE 4. A, current trace of an electrophysiological recording showing anapplication of GABA to a cell expressing GABAA receptors. Positive allostericmodulators of the benzodiazepine type (in this case, 1 M diazepam) do notinduce any current by themselves but increase the current amplitude uponco-application with low concentrations of the agonist GABA. B, GABA concen-tration response curves in the absence (EC50 � 20 M, n � 1.5) and presence(EC50 � 10 M, n � 1.5) of diazepam. The maximal current amplitude (100%)is not affected by diazepam. The dashed line shows GABA concentrationdependence of the calculated relative current stimulation. Please note thatthere is no stimulation at high concentrations of GABA.



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subunit exclusively at the �/� interface, which would not affectthe response to classical benzodiazepines.As a further complication, several experimental drugs exist

that contradict the above assignment. For example, the exper-imental compound ocinaplon (DOV-273547), which stimu-lates �x (x � 1, 2, 3, or 5) receptors without subunit preference,is a non-sedative anxiolytic (89). Another example is pyrazol-opyrimidine (DOV-51892), which is specific for �1-containingreceptors. Therefore, DOV-51892 is predicted to have sedativeproperties, but behavioral studies demonstrate that DOV-51892 is a non-sedative anxiolytic (90). At the moment, weshould be careful tomake any simplified statements. Behavior isa complex phenomenon, and most probably, there are severaltypes of GABAA receptors involved even in simple behavioraltraits.A more precise approach to the role of defined GABAA

receptor subunits in defined cells involves a two-step procedure(91, 92). In the first step, knock-inmice were prepared in whichall � subunits were rendered insensitive to zolpidem, a drugacting at the benzodiazepine-binding site. In the second step,these subunits were replaced in a defined cell type with zolpi-dem-responsive wild-type �2 subunits. Zopidem administra-tion instantaneously activated exclusively receptors containingthe responsive �2 subunits. Zolpidem-induced alterations inbehavior could then be attributed to these receptors.


Many scientists and companies are put off by the complexityof the field of GABAA receptors, but it is exactly this complexitythat offers numerous possibilities of fine-tuned pharmacologi-cal interventions. Further work is needed in diverse areas.Mostimportantly, protein crystallization of the closed, open, anddesensitized conformations of GABAA receptors is needed.Crystallization of different benzodiazepine-sensitive isoformsof the receptor in the absence and presence of benzodiazepineswill contribute to our understanding of the action of thesedrugs and help in the design of receptor isoform-specific drugs.Information on the structure of the different receptor isoforms,their subunit composition and subunit arrangement, and spe-cifically how the cell controls which subunits are assembled inwhat sequence is one focus of interest. Specifically, approachesto determine the subunit composition and arrangement in situat synapses and at extrasynaptic sites are needed, even if thisseems difficult with the presently available techniques. Modu-lation of these receptor isoforms by endogenous and exogenousligands and how conformational changes induced by ligandbinding induce channel opening have to be better understood.A further focus of interest concerns positioning of the receptorsto their synaptic and extrasynaptic place of action, as well assynapse-specific clustering. It may be anticipated that geneticalterations of subunits of the GABAA receptor affect any of theabovementioned processes and thereby contribute to inheritedhuman diseases. A start has been made with the analysis ofpoint mutations that cause epilepsy (93).

Acknowledgment—We thank Dr. V. Niggli for carefully reading themanuscript.

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Erwin Sigel and Michael E. Steinmann ReceptorsAStructure, Function, and Modulation of GABA

doi: 10.1074/jbc.R112.386664 originally published online October 4, 20122012, 287:40224-40231.J. Biol. Chem. 

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