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  • 8/14/2019 Stroke: 01 : Avielle wakes







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  • 8/14/2019 Stroke: 01 : Avielle wakes


    Kareemullah Shaik

    10922 Poblado Road, Apt.2411

    San Diego, CA

    (858) 521-8443

    [email protected]


    By Kareem Shaik

    about x words

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  • 8/14/2019 Stroke: 01 : Avielle wakes



    My Mom,

    Oda Eiichir And

    The Internet, along with Al Gore,

    For inventing it.

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    Chapter one

    Avielle wakes

    Setting: at ICP, on Thanatim Isle, upon Mistil, round

    Patrick, Universe 53, at approximately(I question that.)

    11:34:26 a.m., on the day of 9/12/1336.


    Avielle Bewt of the 23rd, a slightly(very slightly) pink girl

    with a fiery sort of mud colored hair, standing at a

    respectable height of 5'9", and although she probably would

    not want you to know, with a weight 129 pounds. 17 years old.

    Mister Black, a chubby(very chubby) man. I kid not here.

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    Sir!, she said, as if he hadnt quite addressed her well

    enough, The docks, where are they?

    The peddler was quite illiterate, so he simply pointed to the

    south and to the ocean, where in fact most docks are located,

    smiled, and said Dock.

    Thanks, and the girl was gone.

    The peddler chuckled quietly to himself, and thought that the

    girl was quite illiterate to the subtle nuances of nature.

    Simply by looking at the various frozen pools of water, one

    could see it was too cold for any sort of fish, and that the

    docks had obviously flown south for the winter.

    And so the peddler went on peddling.

    A few moments later, after the jumping of various fences,

    stone walls, and old sleeping hobos, Avielle hit the outer

    wall of people of what was the Iniquitous Cymbalic (or, in

    some awkward circles, Kumbalic) Port.

    The ICP stood true to its officially-christened name, standing

    as the largest harbor on the seas to pirates, thieves and the

    like. The docks were shabbily built, broken granite covered

    with glinting sand the roads, and heavy log posts draped with

    old palm fronds the buildings. The horizon lent itself to the

    sea, an endless mirror of the sky and the domain of the


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    She broke through the endless stream, elbows slicing through

    the crowd behind her. And thusly before her stood the Central

    Tent, in all its magnificent glory. Gold and blue stripes

    shone as the sun and the sky, the bottom half overtaken by wet

    moss, giving the effect of a creeping, lively canopy. Now,

    the Central Tent was often called so because it was in the

    vague center of the Port, and also because it was (usually) a

    tent. Not too many people know what else exactly the Central

    Tent could be, and Avielle certainly did not.

    So, entirely ignoring the certain centric tentfullness of the

    place, Avielle heeded the time and hurried in. The inside was

    wonderfully lit, the shiny gold reflecting a certain wheel-of-

    fortune-esque shape upon the floor, which looked rather non-

    menacing, considering the startling effect the rest of the

    tent-room had.

    Tables, hurriedly constructed from various large pieces of

    flotsam arranged themselves around the center, forming a

    haphazard spiral to the entrance. Businesspeople, captains of

    various vessels, and a few more businesspeople lined the

    tables in search of crew, money, and grog, while others looked

    for captains, prostitutes, and anyone who was up for a good

    time. A few others looked for people renowned for being all


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    Now if they could all find each other and leave off, Avielles

    work would be done, and she could go on her merry way. But

    they couldnt, and so neither could she. Avielle rushed

    through the throng of people, looking for the man. Oh, god,

    that man. That horrible pig-bodied man! Ugh. But then her

    heart skipped. There, a few dozen feet from her sat the

    spherical lardbucket of a man, his head adorned with lenses of

    quite a wealthy demeanor, turned down at a stack of rather

    boring looking papers which I do not care to explain about,

    for it would be mind-numbingly boring. Avielle frolicked over

    to what was left of this man, ecstatic that she had finally

    been at the right place at the right time. If she hurried,

    shed still be able to make it. Oh, Joy.


    This man, who had absolutely no conceivable neck, regardless

    turned it upwards at this simple interjection.


    I, sir, dlike to rent a boat.

    Rent, as if. Get yer scummy littol face out of mine before I

    gotta threw yea out.

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    She had entirely expected this. She slipped her hand down the

    bosom of her dress, clutching the rough leather bag with utter

    confidence. It fell upon the wood with a certain divine

    clang, gold upon lovely gold, at which point the mans eyes

    swelled with the quaint idea of making his fat little wallet a

    little bit fatter. The sack was black leather, tied with an

    exquisitely olive ribbon which Avielle had picked up from a

    rather affluent looking girl at a party in old Scaints. Oh,

    man. Those were the days.

    By now, pig man, who before was doing something almost

    certainly uninteresting but on a deep level comforting, Im

    sure, was a bit confused. Here stood a girl who was almost a

    total idiot, staring off into space and grinning oddly as if

    shed done something that most in society would consider

    unacceptable, but she considered a proud event.

    Piggy was immediately reminded of an old friend of his, a

    tightrope walker who tripped, fell, and died while walking on

    a sidewalk. After mourning his loss, he quickly distanced

    himself from the man, because that whole incident stuck of

    unacceptable-ness. When Avielle turned back, Hogster had a

    glazed look over his eyes, staring off into the distance,

    ultimately pondering how he had made friends with a tightrope


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    Avielle fist rose and flickered for a moment, before charging

    into Swinoes face, displacing a healthy amount of fat from

    one side of his face to the other, as his round glasses flew

    off his face and he flew off his chair. An eye purple and

    swollen, his oily hair-covered face pointed down, with blood

    trickling down his eye, wiped his face with his jacket-sleeve

    and jumped over the table, surprisingly light for his

    unexaggeratable girth, fists promptly thrust into the air.

    This singular moment of chaos sparked the Tent into a flurry

    of table-jumping and scabbard-throwing, whereupon Avielle

    burst into real life, her head and arms on the table, sweating

    slightly, to the disgusted recoil of porknugget. She popped

    herself back up, spine erecting fast, smooth and quick as

    mercury. The general areas attention was planted on her, a

    few tables coming to a suspenseful standstill among the great


    Hardly oblivious of the lard-thick tension around her,

    Avielles heart raced. How often had she descended into this?

    Was her life just that blatantly uninteresting?

    The strange girl, who was now sweating profusely, placed her

    hand upon the table, head hung, breath shallow, in an attempt

    to calm down. It worked, for the most part. Grudgingly, the

    big man turned back to his work, his triple chin folding back

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    again, trapping his throat in perpetual suffocation. It were

    these nutcases that gave any sort of spark to his life,

    although he despised them. Sufficiently chilled out by then,

    Avielle inclined her head upwards, just enough to notice what

    the balloon was actually doing. Laid across his desk were

    several papers, probably in some primeval form of organization

    too complicated for most people on -and off- Mistle. But the

    top one was the one that caught her attention, which was

    albeit easy to acquire anyways.

    Requist of foreign Portage

    As Marcus Nistum, High and Nobel Iniquitor of the Royale

    Sconnish State and Captain of the vessel Golden Sheath, I

    request hasty portage at the ICP, so my men can rest and shut

    eyes, for it is but a while til the Great Tug and Ug defers

    our voyage until a later time. The battle raft Iron Blade

    rests with your shipwright at the moment, where it shall

    remain until you allow us to sail in. As an escort, money is

    plenty among us, for we have few men to feed and little work

    to do, and a healthy bit might be in for you, if you hear the

    notes. I truly and humbly apologize for my tone of speaking,

    but I am foreign.

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    Marcus A. Nistum,

    Stupid foreigners, the overweight gentleman thought. What with

    their stupid ship names and bad grammar. He'd hated bad

    grammar since he had learned good grammar. The edges of his

    sight had to wriggle a bit and some light hippie refrain play

    in the background for a few seconds before he got hold of

    himself again. With a reluctant and timeworn hand, he lifted

    and stamped out a large green APPROVED, tossed the paper into

    the messenger boy's box, which was nothing more than a squat

    wooden box, for the messenger boy, if you expected me to say

    something pleasantly droll, and moved on.

    Avielle, due to my incredibly long unbroken sentence, could

    not but interrupt on the sequence of events at this convenient

    pause. Realizing that being an official privateer of Scones

    meant that he was probably also going back to Scaints, to

    report on the fact that he now was able to report on affairs

    at speeds that he was previously unable to utilize, now having

    a battleship. Well, it was a good chance he'd do it. Avielle,

    if you haven't realized by now, wasn't one to miss chances.

    She snatched the box, and it flew up to her shoulder, almost

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    her from the ocean, longing for its spanning blue depths.

    Hurrr. She hurried. Among a healthy stack of papers plastered

    with large red 'NUPE's followed by several of what seemed like

    hand-drawn exclamation marks, she found the green APPROVED,

    and chucked the rest of the papers over the fence, where they

    blew down the hill, nicking several large, burly men, who

    eventually would have discovered the Great Isle of Coinci, had

    they not been infected with the first traces of the Inq Fever,

    the disease which would eventually wipe Mistil of their

    species, which apparently was not limited to just large burly

    men, but also the rest of the human population, who, up to

    this point, had been cheerfully excluding large burly men from

    their definition of human, barring any chance for them to get

    medical treatments or invitations to affluent parties in

    Scaints. Avielle picked up speed. About a hundred yards ahead

    of her, she saw the gate to the Main Docks, a surprisingly

    well guarded place, considering the incompetent sort of work

    the government did otherwise, which is in fact the only

    singular fact that all 332 universes of the third dimension

    have in common. In around 13 seconds (Or so I think, I doubt

    anyone has kept a record of this for posterity), the gate

    flourished in front of her, a black uninteresting thing,

    rectangular in size, iron rusted and crumbled from the inside

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    leaving hardened pillars of paint. Two men (large and burly,

    if you were curious) solemnly guarded the gate, mouths open

    and eyes flickering towards the slightest movement in their

    immediate proximity with a particular quickness. Their minds

    actively played out a colorful, if not bloody, series of

    scenarios where every passing beggar, merchant, pirate, and

    grain of sand could, and would attack the port and exactly how

    they'd come to the rescue, being proclaimed kings of the land

    and perhaps even the heavens. Avielle, after pitying them for

    a few seconds, stepped cautiously forward. Their eyes firmly

    affixed on her by then, the men grunted slightly, crossed

    their sharp pointy sticks, and said "Identefacation, ma'am" ,

    in a rather unoriginal fashion. Avielle stuck out her arm, all

    the while mesmerized by how pointy their sticks were. Wow.

    So...pointy. God, this man knows how to make a stick pointy.

    Wow. The men stared blankly at the papers, and came to realize

    that this girl actually had permission to get into their

    domain. This made them cross.

    Like two extremely large and muscular pieces of identical

    clockwork, they simultaneously pursed their lips and crossed

    their eyes. What was strange was that one eye from from either

    of them looked her straight on, while the other looked over

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    the crowded crowd. Avielle shivered. It was as if they'd been

    practicing for the chance.

    "You may passs", the one on the left said.

    So Avielle passsed them, and she was amazed at how easy it was

    to do so. She'd never attempted it before, and she considered

    herself to be done with new things for the day.

    Once out of their sticks' range, Avielle picked up her sprint

    again. If the papers allowing them to anchor at the port had

    been signed a few minutes ago...She did some calculations in

    her mind, which mostly consisted of taking how many days had

    passed, and adding two. The ship would have ported around 2

    days ago! She felt mildly proud of herself. Certainly enough

    time to sleep and collect Lime-biscuit(), the ascorbick slab

    for scurvy-caused drab(), which she thought were just dry

    lime juice puddles.

    Then, she heard a voice.

    "Hey, lady!"

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    It came from the gate.

    "Hey , Hey Lady!"

    It being evident from the tone that it was the pair at the

    gate, the girl spun on her heels.

    "So, didya like that eye thing we...", said one.

    "That eye..."

    "Um, yes, that eye thi..."

    "Ah, right. Yes. That...that eye... thing."

    "Yes, that."

    "It was pretty!", she lied back.

    "Yes, well, thanks!", said the first.

    "Right!", said the second.

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    "We've been practicing!"

    "Uh huh", replied Avielle, smiled, turned, somewhat muddled,

    and shuffled off over the sand to the docks. She then promptly

    grabbed a dinghy that probably belonged to someone else(A fact

    which she knew but could not give a damn about, although she

    tried very hard to), and sailed noisily(very noisily) off the

    festering brown wooden mess that were the docks.

    Her eyes(one black, one green, colors which seemed to switch

    eyes every time she blinked) blinked with the hot mist of

    seawater, frothing like clouds over the green sea. She blinked

    a few more times and looked around. There they were, the

    Golden Sheath, a large galleon, and the Iron Blade, drifting

    slowly and without direction, about 20 yards from her. She

    oared faster; she just had to make it.

    About a minute later, she made it. Hair and clothes soaked and

    flat, she jumped on the ship with right around no sense of

    intelligence, but rather a sort of raw will to grab wooden

    things. Her nails dug into the hard wood of the port side,

    and her cheek seemed to be hugging a barnacle, but she'd made

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    it. Crawling for minute cracks, she slowly made her way to the

    edge of the deck, which seemed to be currently empty.

    Strange. Mus' be checking the work or such.

    She jumped onto the deck with the slight of a slipper made out

    of squirrel fur, which is to say, very lightly. Careful to

    avoid the stare of the candle from the brig, she crawled

    around the edge of the ship, looking for the battleship

    (previously mentioned).

    It was chained to the stern, but had drifted to the starboard.

    At the other side of the ship, she slid down the frayed yellow

    rope, which seemed to be able to hold her weight, onto the 10

    yard long gray gleam that was the Iron Blade. It was a strange

    ship, like nothing she'd seen before. It was the shape of a

    long teardrop, with the normally trailing edge(in a teardrop,

    you see) the apparent bow. The entire vessel sat low in the

    water, stick ing out 5 feet at the highest. The top was

    painted a dull grey-blue, invisible from most directions. She

    first turned the large tap shaped knob she presumed to open

    the door(it was attached to the door) sharply to the right. It

    stayed closed.

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    Righty ti...Ah, right.

    She turned it to the left, and it slipped open smoothly. The

    sky moaned slightly, gray as cold metal but not nearly as

    sharp. Avielle thrust her feet into the hole, and sat

    pondering life for a few seconds. Why was she doing this? She

    looked up at the moist sky, still halfheartedly spewing

    raindrops. Her nose scrunched. At approximately 12 thousand

    yards per hour, a raindrop collided with her left(currently

    green) eyeball.

    OW, she said, and slid inside.

    Bloody rain

    Marcus(Ill wait for you to look back) heard that.

    What in the w?, he said.

    Ill look, said one of his powder monkeys.

    Yes, I know, said Marcus, his eyes back on the map.

    The boy crawled out of the belly of the ship, and with feet

    bare, wet and sickly, walked over to the edge of the ship,

    watching closely for stowaways that might have(rather

    stupidly) climbed on. He marveled for a second at the deathly

    machine that floated silently to the side.


    The men were climbing out by now. The captain climbed up the

    stairs of the brig and then to the helmsman.

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    20 degrees starboard, man.

    The helmsman nodded and swung the wheel. The captain, fr some

    reason solemn now, looked up. His long gray hair shuffled

    slightly. At approximately 13 thousand yards per hour, a

    raindrop collided with his eye.


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