Download - Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Stress Management andWork/Life Balance

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    What is Stress?

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Stress is: A subjective sensation associated with

    varied symptoms that differ for each of us.

    It is primarily associated with failure of the human body to respondappropriately to a physical or emotionalstimulus it considers a threat.Ones reaction in the pursuit of task to

    achieve an objective.

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Top 5 Causes of Workplace Stress1. Lack of control - no control over their participation or

    the outcome of their work.2. Poor comm unication up and down the chain of

    command.3. Unclear policies and no sense of direction - Lack

    of focus/defined strategy causes additional uncertaintyand undermines confidence in management.

    4. Pervasive uncertainty - Uncertainty is created byconstant, unsatisfactorily explained or unannouncedchange.

    5. Fire fighting, constant interruptions, and officepolitics - Interruptions keep employees from gettingtheir work done - telephones, walk-in visits, supervisor'sdemands, and fear of disfavor for setting boundaries.

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    Top 5 Causes of Management Stress1. Schedule is too full Failure to control ones

    time leads to many stressful situations.2. Poor m anagement skills Managers who fail tomake the transition from a Technical operating

    paradigm to a Transactional paradigm causethemselves undo problems.

    3. Unrealistic targets and deadlines This showsup as work dominating ones life.

    4. Blame culture w ithin the company Thefeeling of threat leading to a reactionarymanagerial style.

    5. Failure to balance life w ith career Thismanifests with anything from personal-relational

    issues to health problems.

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Good Stress versus Bad StressWhat is Good Stress?

    Eu-Stress the pressure or drive that provides a senseof satisfaction and a sense of achievement. You can bebusy at work, working long hours and under a great dealof pressure, but still not experience any of the negativeeffects often associated with stress. Eu-stress is theenergy people feel when tackling a challenging

    assignment and feeling confident in their abilities.However, when demands exceed resources, peopleexperience the type of stress associated with healthproblems and deteriorating relationships: distress.

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Good Stress versus Bad StressWhat is Bad Stress?

    Di-stress the conditions associated witha perceived threat of position or survival.This can involve such things as losing a

    job, a feeling of no accomplishment, thedeath of someone close, or any significantpersonal loss. This distress is responsiblefor the negative effects on the individualand, if continuing, ultimately upon their

    ability to function properly.

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    The Root Causes of DistressFailure to Start, Continue, or End aCycle.Being Unprepared.

    Lack of a Strategy to Deal with StressfulSituations.

    Failure to Control Ones Time.Failure to Include Ones Personal Goalsin Their Life.

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Tools - Dealing with the Root Causes of Distress

    Cycles of ActionUnderstand what they are.List and prioritize what Activities/Projects.

    Develop a plan and take each to truecompletion. A comprehensive plan mayrequire breaking the activity into itssubcomponents and delegating those toget assistance in the completion of the

    overall objective.

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    Cycles of ActionStart Continue EndContinue

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  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Tools - Dealing with the Root Causes of Distress

    Cycles of ActionUnderstand what they are.List and prioritize what Activities/Projects.

    Develop a plan and take each to truecompletion. A comprehensive plan mayrequire breaking the activity into itssubcomponents and delegating those toget assistance in the completion of theoverall objective.

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    Tools - Dealing with the Root Causes of Distress

    Being UnpreparedUnderstand the requirements of your job. Adopt and operate by the paradigm of theposition.

    Adopt the Rotary Four Way Test when

    you communicate.

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Paradigms of Organizational LifeIndividual Contributor Manager Leader

    TechnicalParadigm TransactionalParadigm TransformationalParadigm

    First Objective Personal Survival Personal Survival Vision Realization

    Nature of Organization Technical System Political System Moral System

    Source of Power Technical Competence Effective Transactions Core Values

    Source of Credibility Technical Standards Organizational Position Behavioral Integrity

    Orientation to Authority Cynical Responsive Self-authorizing

    Orientation to Elite Rational Confrontation Compromise Complex Confrontation

    Orientation to Planning Rational-Tactical Rational-Strategic Action Learning

    Communication Patterns Factual Conceptual SymbolicStrategic Complexit y Simple Complex Highly Complex

    Behavior Patterns Conventional Conventional-Situational Unconventional-Situational

    Ease of Understanding Comprehensible Comprehensible Nearly Incomprehensible

    Source of Paradigm Professional Training Administrative Socialization Personal Rebirth

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Rotary InternationalFour Way Ethics Test

    Of the things we Say, or Do:1. Is it the TRUTH (as we see it)?

    2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER

    FRIENDSHIPS?4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Tools - Dealing with the Root Causes of Distress

    Being UnpreparedUnderstand the requirements of your job. Adopt and operate by the paradigm of theposition.

    Adopt the Rotary Four Way Test when

    you communicate.

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  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Crosbys Laws of Situation Management1. The primary concern of management is survival.2. Loyalty is a function of feeling appreciated.

    3. The accuracy and completeness of information receivedvaries inversely with the organizational position of thereceiver.

    4. The effectiveness of any program depends on the amount of participation delegated.

    5. The less systematic support supplied to the decision maker,the better the decision is made.

    6. Pride goes before all.7. A job can only be as successful as the means provided to

    measure it.8. People are more important to situations than things.9. Improvement is the only practical management goal.10. Nobody really listens.

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Tools - Dealing with the Root Causes of Distress

    Adopt a Situation Management and

    Prevention Strategy.Understand the Crosbys Laws of SituationManagement.

    Analyze Situations before you act with aneye on other peoples attitudes and theoutcome you desire.Plan Prevention activity as a means of validating your plan and preventing its


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  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    The 3D Approach

    This approach applies to e-mail, mail,and proposed commitments:


  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Tools for Dealing with the Root Causes of Distress

    Manage Use of TimeKnow how your time is truly spent.Use the 3-D approach to managing mail

    and email.Learn to say NO.Plan your life into your work schedule.

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Tools for Dealing with the Root Causes of Distress

    Include Personal Goals in LifeUnderstand what your Personal andOrganizational Goals are.

    Analyze how these goals interact and theireffect on you personally.Strive to establish Work/Life Balance.

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  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Work/Life BalanceWhy do you work?What is your Vision for your future?Do you have Personal Goals?How many of your Personal Goals haveyou achieved?

    Do you have more Work relatedObjectives than Personal Objectives?

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Your Answers to the ARC Pre-Seminar Survey

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    Life Wheels



    Personal Organizational

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  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)








    Defining Success: Life Wheels

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    External Obstacles????

    Internal Obstacles Attitudes

    Leadership Skills Aligned Behaviors

    Obstacles to Success

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    Assessing Obstacles

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    Overcoming Obstacles: Strategies

    Attitude DevelopmentLeadership Skill DevelopmentOrganizational Alignment

    Individual Alignment

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Strategy #2: Leadership Skills





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    Overcoming Obstacles: Strategies

    Attitude DevelopmentLeadership Skill DevelopmentOrganizational Alignment

    Individual Alignment

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Bus. Goal

    B u s . G o a l

    B u s . G o a l

    Bus. Goal

    B u s . G

    o a l

    Bus. Goal

    B u s .

    G o a l

    Bus. Goal

    B u s .

    G o a l

    B u s. G o

    a l

    Bus. Goal

    B u s. G o a l

    B u s . G o a l

    B u s . G o a l

    B u s . G o a l

    Strategy #3:Organizational Alignment

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Vision & Values


    Critical GoalCategory

    Bus. Goal

    Bus. Goal

    Bus. Goal

    Strategy #3:Organizational Alignment

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    Overcoming Obstacles: Strategies

    Attitude DevelopmentLeadership Skill DevelopmentOrganizational Alignment

    Individual Alignment

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    Strategy #4: Individual AlignmentPersonal Wheel Business Wheel

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Strategy #4: Individual Alignment

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    How Do You Create Individual Alignment?

    Treat your Personal desires asimportantly as you treat your Businessprojects.

    Establish a clear Vision for yourself.Set goals in the important areas of your

    Personal Life AND your OrganizationalLife.

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    7 Steps To Creating & Achieving Goals

    1. W rite SMART Goals (Specific, M easurable, Attainable, Realistical ly High, and Time Bound)

    2. Determine Rew ards and Consequences

    3. Identify Obstacles 4. Find Possible Solutions for Each Obstacle

    5. Establish Action Steps 6. Create Target Dates 7. Delegate and Assign Responsibility

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    The Stages of Change


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    The Stages of Change







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  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Homework Introduction to Materials

  • 8/7/2019 Stress Management and Work (Rev 1)


    Thank You for Attending

    If you have questions or need furtherassistance, please contact:

    Jonathan Harrison, Focus Strategic Solutions [email protected] w ithin a w eek of this seminar