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  • 1. 1visit: www.studyMarketing.orgStrategy ExecutionStrategy ExecutionThe Discipline of GettingThe Discipline of GettingThings DoneThings Done

2. 2visit: www.studyMarketing.orgYou can download this presentation at:www.studyMarketing.orgIf you find this presentation useful, pleaseconsider telling others about our site(( 3. 3visit: www.studyMarketing.orgRedefiningRedefiningStrategy ExecutionStrategy Execution 4. 4visit: www.studyMarketing.orgExecution is a discipline, andExecution is a discipline, andintegral part to strategyintegral part to strategyNo worthwhile strategy can be plannedwithout taking it into account theorganizations ability to execute it 5. 5visit: www.studyMarketing.orgExecution is the major job of theExecution is the major job of thebusiness leaderbusiness leaderExecution requires a comprehensive understandingof a business, its people and its environment andthe leader is only person in a position to achieve thatunderstandingOnly the leader can make execution happen, throughhis/her deep personal involvement in the substanceand even the details of execution 6. 6visit: www.studyMarketing.orgExecution must be a core elementExecution must be a core elementof an organizations cultureof an organizations cultureExecution has to be embedded in the reward systemsand in the norms of behavior that everyone practices. 7. 7visit: www.studyMarketing.orgThreeThreeBuilding Blocks ofBuilding Blocks ofExecutionExecution 8. 8visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block OneBuilding Block One: The Leaders Seven: The Leaders SevenEssential BehaviorsEssential BehaviorsBuilding Block Two:Building Block Two: Creating ExecutionCreating ExecutionCultureCultureBuilding Block ThreeBuilding Block Three: The Job No: The Job NoLeader Should Delegate Having theLeader Should Delegate Having theRight People in the Right PlaceRight People in the Right Place 9. 9visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block OneBuilding Block One::The Leaders SevenThe Leaders SevenEssential BehaviorsEssential Behaviors1. Know Your People and Business.1. Know Your People and Business.Leaders have to live their business. In companiesthat dont execute, the leaders are usually out oftouch with the day-to-day realities 10. 10visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block OneBuilding Block One::The Leaders SevenThe Leaders SevenEssential BehaviorsEssential Behaviors2. Insist on Realism2. Insist on Realism Realism is the heart of execution, but manyorganizations are full of people who are trying to avoidor shade reality Start by being realistic yourself. Then make surerealism is the goal of all dialogues in the organization 11. 11visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block OneBuilding Block One::The Leaders SevenThe Leaders SevenEssential BehaviorsEssential Behaviors3. Set Clear Goals and Priorities3. Set Clear Goals and Priorities Leaders who execute focus on a very few clearpriorities that everyone can grasp Focusing on three of four priorities will produce thebest results for the resources at handvisit: 12. 12visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block OneBuilding Block One::The Leaders SevenThe Leaders SevenEssential BehaviorsEssential Behaviors4. Follow Through4. Follow Through Clear, simple goals dont mean much if nobodytakes them seriously The failure to follow through is widespread inbusiness, and a major cause of poor execution 13. 13visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block OneBuilding Block One::The Leaders SevenThe Leaders SevenEssential BehaviorsEssential Behaviors5. Reward the Doers5. Reward the Doers If you want people to produce specific results, youreward them accordingly. This fact seem so obvious, yet many corporation dosuch a poor job of linking rewards to performancethat theres little correlation at all 14. 14visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block OneBuilding Block One::The Leaders SevenThe Leaders SevenEssential BehaviorsEssential Behaviors6. Expand Peoples Capabilities via Coaching6. Expand Peoples Capabilities via Coaching As a leader, youve acquired a lot of knowledge andexperience even wisdom along the way. Your job ispassing it on the next generation of leaders. This is how you expand the capabilities of everyone elsein your organization, collectively and individually.visit: 15. 15visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block OneBuilding Block One::The Leaders SevenThe Leaders SevenEssential BehaviorsEssential Behaviors7. Know Yourself7. Know YourselfWithout emotional fortitude, you cant be honestwith yourself, deal honestly with business andorganizational realities, or give people forthrightassessments.visit: 16. 16visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block Two:Building Block Two:Creating ExecutionCreating ExecutionCultureCultureThe basic premiseis simple:Culture changegets real when youraim is execution. 17. 17visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block Two:Building Block Two:Creating ExecutionCreating ExecutionCultureCultureYou dont need a lot ofcomplex theory oremployee surveys touse this approach.You just need tochange peoplesbehavior so that theyproduce results. 18. 18visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block Two:Building Block Two:Creating ExecutionCreating ExecutionCultureCultureFirst, you tell people clearlywhat results youre looking for. 19. 19visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block Two:Building Block Two:Creating ExecutionCreating ExecutionCultureCultureThen discuss how to get thoseresults, as a key element of thecoaching process. 20. 20visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block Two:Building Block Two:Creating ExecutionCreating ExecutionCultureCultureThen you reward people for producing theresults. If they come up short, you provideadditional coaching, withdraw rewards, giveother jobs, or let them go.When you do these things consistently,you create a culture of getting thingsdone! 21. 21visit: www.studyMarketing.orgBuilding Block ThreeBuilding Block Three::The Job No LeaderThe Job No LeaderShould Delegate Should Delegate Having the RightHaving the RightPeople in the RightPeople in the RightPlacePlaceWhy the RightPeople Arent inthe Right Jobs? 22. 22visit: The leaders may not know enoughabout the people theyreappointing The leaders may pick people withwhom theyre comfortable(psychological comfort), ratherthan others who have better skillsfor the job The leaders may not have thecourage to discriminate strong andweak performers and take thenecessary actions. 23. 23visit: www.studyMarketing.orgThe leaders arentpersonally committed tothe people process anddeeply engaged in it !! 24. 24visit: www.studyMarketing.orgThe execution-oriented leaderdevoted aninordinate amount oftime and emotionalenergy to hiring,providing the rightexperiences for, anddeveloping leaders. 25. 25visit: www.studyMarketing.orgCore Process ofCore Process ofExecutionExecution 26. 26visit: www.studyMarketing.orgStrategy ProcessStrategy ProcessPeople ProcessPeople ProcessOperational ProcessOperational ProcessCore Process of ExecutionCore Process of Execution 27. 27visit: www.studyMarketing.orgStrategyStrategyProcessProcessDefines wherea businesswants to go 28. 28visit: What is the assessment of the external environment? How well do you understand the existing customersand markets? What are the critical issues facing the business? What is the best way to grow business profitably? Can the business execute the strategy? What are the important milestones for executing theplan?A strong strategic plan must address the followingA strong strategic plan must address the followingquestions:questions: 29. 29visit: www.studyMarketing.orgStrategy Execution ReviewStrategy Execution ReviewQuestionsQuestions How strong is the organizationalcapability to execute the strategy? Is the plan scattered or sharplyfocused? Are the linkages with people andoperations clear? 30. 30visit: www.studyMarketing.orgPeoplePeopleProcessProcessDefines whosgoing to get itthere 31. 31visit: www.studyMarketing.orgA robust people processprovides a powerful frameworkfor determining theorganizations talent needs overtime, and for planning actionthat will meet those needs. 32. 32visit: www.studyMarketing.orgRobust People Process based on theRobust People Process based on thefollowing building blocks:following building blocks: Linking to strategic plan and businessresults Developing the leadership pipeline thoughcontinuous improvement, succession depth,and reducing retention risk Deciding what to do about non-performers 33. 33visit: www.studyMarketing.orgOperationOperationProcessProcessprovides thepath for thosepeople. 34. 34visit: www.studyMarketing.orgA robust operation processfocuses on an operatingplan that links strategy andpeople to results. 35. 35visit: www.studyMarketing.orgOperating plan includes theprograms your business isgoing to complete within oneyear to reach the desired levelsof such objectives as earnings,sales, margins, and cash flow. 36. 36visit: www.studyMarketing.orgSource of Reference:Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan, Execution : TheDiscipline of Getting Things Done, Crown BusinessPublication