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Akshaya Centre of Excellence(

Strategic training Comparison with tactical training, case studies and service description

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Advantages of strategic training

Strategic training services of ACE

Illustration with case studies

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What is strategic training?

Tactical and strategic trainings– Tactical training aims at teaching the subject to the participants;

Conveys knowledge and information

– Strategic training aims at producing specific, measurable results for the organization with training as a means

Major differences– In tactical training, the content design, content delivery and

program roll out are intended to make the training more effective

– In strategic training, content design, content delivery and program roll out are intended to bring about a change in the individuals who collectively create specific, measurable impact on the organization

Let us see how…

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Tactical training

What is a tactical training unit? – Co-ordinates / operationalizes the training needs of an

organization• Trng materials• Nominations• Attendance• Feedback

– Focus: Focus is on fulfilling learning need of the organization as expressed by business units

– Scope: Scope is limited to fulfilling the expressed learning need in an effective manner. Training function not responsible for producing results for the organization based on training

– Content design and content delivery are focused on effectiveness of learning; Aplicability of learning in the workplace incidental

– Program roll out happens incidentallyACE confidential 4

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…Tactical training

What is good about tactical training? – Learning need of the organization is fulfilled systematically

– Possible to provide most effective training for a given need in a cost effective manner

– Monitors quality of training

Limitations of tactical training– Not equipped to ensure that learning is applied at work place

– Not equipped to ensure that the learning translates into results for the organization

– No seamless flow from business decision making to ground level training and back.

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Limitations of tactical training

Training unit does not work as a strategic partner to the business units

Difficult to measure translation of learning into work-place results

Difficult to ensure full participation of employees due to target pressures of their roles

Benefits are limited to isolated instances and are not aggregated into measurable organizational benefits

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Strategic training

What is a strategic training unit? – Extension of a tactical training unit

• Includes all that a tactical unit contains and more

– Focus: Focus is on fulfilling a business need of the organization through training.

– Scope: Scope extends to ensure that the learning is used in the workplace to produce results for the organization

– Content design and content delivery are focused on making the learning applicable at workplace. Effectiveness of learning is a part of this larger focus on applicability

– Program roll out is specifically designed to ensure coverage of participants at required levels. It is only when change occurs in a certain quantum that measurable benefit accrues to the organization.

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Benefits of strategic training units

Includes all that a tactical training unit offers and offers more

Ensures that learning is applicable at field work

Defines metrics to measure impact of learning on field work

Integrates the improved results at work to consolidated business benefit

Functions as a strategic partner to business units

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Kirk Patrick model view

The Kirk Patrick model of training effectiveness has four levels– Level 1 – Immediate response

– Level 2 – Retention

– Level 3 – Change of behavior at individual level

– Level 4 – Observable change at Group or organization level

Tactical training units typically operate at level 1 and level 2 while strategic units take training to level 3 and level 4.

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Training effectiveness pyramid

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Strategic training units- Nuts and bolts

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Overview of STU

Process to capture the field issues in work environment Methodologies such as courseware engineering to tailor-

make the courses based on inputs from field Roll out model to ensure ease of participation

– Target pressure makes it difficult to make a batch of employees go through a series of courses. The roll out model must factor in this hurdle and yet succeed

– Apart from class room sessions, multiple other modes of learning are also used which make it easier for employees to access training.

Defining metrics and gathering data to monitor effect of learning on work environment

Integration of pockets of work-environment results into measurable business benefit.

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How does it work?

Initial phase– Conduct a survey to identify critical pain areas that affect

business results• In the longer run, create a process to ensure that field issues are

input into a knowledge base on an on-going basis and is used for creation / updating of courses

– Define scope and syllabus of courses to address pain areas

– Identify modes in which course-lets are administered• The modes would include class-room training, multi-media based

individual learning, expert talks, web-based discussions etc.

– Design a roll out model that maximizes participation

– Define metrics structure to assess impact of learning on work-environment

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…How does it work?

On-going phase– Develop and administer the courses

– Gather data for metrics and monitor impact

– Refine courses, roll out model based on participant feedback, participant inputs and observations of monitoring metrics.

When the on-going phase lasts over a period of time, the strategic training initiative yields measurable business benefits

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Case studies

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Key characteristics of strategic training

The strategic training case studies should be viewed from following points - – Objective of the training

– Training content

– Training delivery

– Participation mode

– Results

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Case study - 1E-Architect training

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Business context– Emergence of e-business technology as a sizeable market


– Needed to capitalize on the new market

– Needed staff with architecting skills

– Shortage of staff with e-business technology skills both in-house and in the market

Solution – Train software architects from different technology backgrounds in e-business technology – Defined skill levels

• Level 1 – Technology aware• Level 2 – Project-reday (Is hands-on; can be deployed in projects)• Level 3 – Experienced• Level 4 – Expert and can mentor other architects

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Tactical training

Target of the training – To develop awareness about e-business space

Training content – Power point presentations with theoretical content

Training delivery – class room presentations

Participation mode – To-be architects taken off from their regular projects to under go 4 – 6 weeks of full time training

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…Tactical training

Results –– Small percentage of the batch completed the training as

participants were taken off the training and deployed in projects due to billing pressures

– Those who completed the training were at skill level 1 (Technology aware)

– Resulting skill level was insufficient to penetrate deeper into customer accounts

Summary– Training met the business goal very partially

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Strategic training

Target – Develop ‘n’ number of E-architects who are at skill level 2

Training content – – Theoretical presentations

– Class room assignments

– Mini project to be completed at desk

– Architecting exercises

– Panel discussion with senior architects

Training delivery – – Class room presentations

– Mini project at work station

– Live discussions

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…strategic training

Participation mode – – Trainee architects chosen from projects that were in lean phase so

as to avoid project pressure– Part time participation – 2 hrs taken off from project and 2 hrs added

to their routine; Overall, 4 hrs / day for close to 12 weeks; ensured that the participants could still be billed

Results – – Regular attendance due to lean project phase– No billing pressure and hence most participants completed the

course– Produced sufficient number of architects with level 2 skills who could

be deployed into projects – Hands of business leaders no more tied because of shortage of skills

Business goals fully met

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Strategic E-architect training snapshot

Tier 3Design pattern survey

Study of complex project

Proposal writing

Technology evaluation

Tier 2 Completion of end-to-end mini project

Tier 1 Class room presentationsClass room assignments

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Comparison of strategic and tactical training

Comparison factor

Tactical training Strategic training

Target Level 1 Architects Level 2 Architects

Training content Theory with power point presentations

1. Theory with power point presentations

2. Mini project 3. Architect assignments

Training delivery Class room presentations 1. Class room presentations2. Mini project at desk3. Panel discussion with


Participation 1. Employees taken off from billable projects

2. Full time participation for 4 – 6 weeks

1. Billable employees in lean phases of the project

2. Part-time participation for 12 weeks

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Critical success factors

Size, structure and complexity of the mini project– The project should be non-trivial, yet small enough to be

completed during extra hours

– The project should have the complete life cycle and provide exposure to the trainees on all decision making involved in the project

Realistic architecting exercises

Ease of participation

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Case study - 2Project management training

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Increase in share of fixed price projects

Significant losses from fixed price projects as they could not be delivered within schedule and budget

Lack of project management skills identified as one of the root causes

Solution – – Train project managers so that they execute projects efficiently

– Save project cost to reduce losses and further increase profilts

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Earlier tactical trainings

Target – awareness of project management concepts to some project managers

Training content– General project management theory in power point slides

– Class room assignments

Training delivery– Class room presentations

– Disparate courses conducted at isolated instances

Participation mode– Training program pre-scheduled for 2 or 3 day durations

– Ad hoc selection of participants some times nominated and some times volunteering forming a batch

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Tactical training - Results

Poor turn up of nominated participants (quoting project pressures)

Content was mostly dismissed as “good-in-theory but does-not-work-in-practice”

Little impact of training on project parameters No impact on business results

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Strategic training – project management

Training target – To train all or at least a critical mass of project managers in a set of

project management topics aimed to plug critical pain areas of project management

– The training in turn should have an impact on project results and hence increase profitability of projects

Training content– Designed based on a survey of critical pain areas and packaged

into a set of courses

– State-of-the-art theory presented through power point slides

– Examples and case studies from real successful projects

– Class room assignments simulating live project scenarios

Training mode– Faculty presentation interspersed with audio/videos

– Follow up off-line discussions and mentoring

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Strategic training – project management

Participation mode– Most courses were of 1 day duration for ease of participation

– No strong interdependence among the courses and hence no sequence or pre-requisites

– Did away with the calendar and batch model• Forming a batch and making them go through a series of courses

was infeasible

• Project pressures and unforeseen customer interactions meant that seamless continuity of the batch was nearly impossible

– Courses offered in a rain model• Courses scheduled on a weekly basis and announcements sent out

on a weekly basis• Project managers just look up their schedule for the week and if

there is a course that they haven’t already attended is scheduled, they would nominate themselves.

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Courses became very popular and nominations were always full– Content was relevant as it addressed the critical pain areas with

real-life solutions that could be applied back at work

– Courses were interesting as faculty presentations were interspersed with audio / videos

Because of the popularity, a large part of the project manager population could be made to go through a series of courses voluntarily

Correlation studies conducted showed that the training had a positive impact on ensuring reduced overruns and increased quality

Reduced overrun in turn reduced losses from fixed price projects and resulting in increased profits.

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Comparison of strategic and tactical training

Comparison factor

Tactical training Strategic training

Target To develop awareness To reduce project overruns

Training content Theory with power point presentations

1. Theory with power point presentations

2. Solutions based on successful real-life projects

3. Audio / videos

Training delivery Class room presentations 1. Class room presentations2. Follow up discussions

Participation 1. Duration 3 – 4 days2. Continuous batch

1. More courses of 1 day duration

2. No need for batch continuity

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Critical success factors

Survey of pain areas to ensure that the courses are relevant to the project managers

Solutions from real-life successful projects ensured that the trainees would like to take back the lessons and apply them at work

Ease of participation– Courses could be attended in any order

– Duration was just 1 day which the PMs could afford easily

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Strategic training services of ACE

Program design– Survey and training requirement study

– Curriculum design

– Roll out planning

Curriculum development– Power point slides

– Case studies

Program rollout– Class room training delivery

– Moderation / facilitation of any web based forums

– Assessments

– Monitoring metrics ACE confidential 36

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Customized proposal

For a STS proposal specific to organization, information on the following lines would be needed – – The nature of existing training infrastructure – Tactical or strategic?

– Is there a process to funnel-in learning from field issues back into courseware?

– Are there pain areas that are hurting business targets and can be mitigated through training? If so, is there a process to address these pain areas through training?

Basic data such as employee strength, typical target audience for training, subject areas, number of people to be trained, geographical spread etc.

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