Download - Strategic Partnerships for Growth-benefits and Risks

  • 7/31/2019 Strategic Partnerships for Growth-benefits and Risks



    What are the benefits of working in partnership?

    New friends Give people opportunities Exchanges Experiences Mutual interests Together to grow Better or bigger image in the public Stronger in negotiating Synergy Social responsibility Opening eyes Other perspectives Improve the programme Motivation Sharing >sparing

    What are the risks/challenges of working in partnership?

    Being dependent (money) Bad publicity (values) Bad feeling because not a balanced partnership Loss focus on other objectives Problems in the partnership Losing @our@ specificity Communication & cultural issues Resources too much on the partnership Exchange of membership

    What are the benefits of not working in partnership?

    Independent Focus on your objective Own culture

    What are the risks/challenges of not working in partnership?

    No move Nobody to take over No openness Close eyes Losing the connection