Download - Strahl ASP Connections IntroductionToJQuery ACS301

  • 8/6/2019 Strahl ASP Connections IntroductionToJQuery ACS301



    Using jQuery with ASP.NET

    Rick Strahl

    West Wind Technologies

  • 8/6/2019 Strahl ASP Connections IntroductionToJQuery ACS301


    Rick Strahl Who am I?

    President West Wind Technologies (Maui, Hawaii)

    Developer Tools Vendor Developer Training and Mentoring

    Web and Enterprise Development


    West Wind HTML Builder (Documentation System)

    West Wind Web Store (e-Commerce) West Wind Web & AJAX Toolkit

    Microsoft MVP


    Working with Microsoft tech for 15+ years

    Co-Publisher of CoDe Magazine


    Over 100+ magazine articles

    Large .NET article white paper archive

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    Javascript the ugly Stepchild

    Javascript's been around forever but Minimally used for its first 10 years

    Few app developers were *really* proficient with Javascript

    Resurgence with AJAX and advent of JS libraries

    Browser Incompatibilities Varying Dom/Css implementations

    Varying event management interfaces

    Varying feature support

    Javascript -> OOP mismatch Differences between Dynamic (js) & static (C#,VB.NET)

    'Different' OOP implementation

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    It's what the HTML DOM

    should have been!

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    Why should you consider jQuery?

    jQuery provides a common Browser API Wraps the HTML DOM in a high level API

    Provides browser independence (for the most part)

    Greatly simplifies many common tasks intuitively

    Using jQuery can: Reduce amount of Javascript code drastically

    Produce more robust Javascript code

    Produce unobtrusive Javascript

    jQuery puts the fun back into Client Scripting!

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    What's jQuery?

    Javascript HTML DOM Manipulation library

    Light weight (~20k compressed)

    Powerful and extremely practical functionality

    Easy to learn and intuitive to use

    Familiar CSS 3 based selector syntax

    Easy to extend through plug-in API

    100's of plug-ins for just about anything

    Popular and getting more popular all the time

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    Using jQuery the Basics

    Add script reference to HTML:

    Select elements and apply behavior:

    $("#ulItemContainer>li") // select

    .addClass("activelist") // apply behavior

    .click(function(){}); // attach events

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    More jQuery Examples




    .addClass("gridAlternate").css( {font-weight:"bold",padding:3} );

    $("#gdEntries tr").click(function(e){

    alert( $(this).text() );




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    The Keys to jQuery

    Selectors Select DOM elements in a variety of ways

    CSS 3 selection syntax

    jQuery Wrapped Set Result of selector operations

    Array like object contains matched DOM nodes

    jQuery Operational Methods Instance methods operate on Wrapped Set

    Fluent interface: Most methods are chainable

    Browser normalization in many functions

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    The Keys to jQuery (continued)

    Event Handling Simple event binding functions

    $("#divItem").click( function(e) {} );

    Consistent event context (this = DOM element)

    Normalized event object to bridge browser diffs

    Plug-in API Very easy, yet powerful API

    jQuery.fn allows extending of Wrapped Set

    this context passed as Wrapped Set It's super easy! Result: 100's of plug-ins

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    jQuery Selectors jQuery's Magic

    jQuery(selector) or $(selector) Selects DOM elements

    Create jQuery Object containing array ofDOM nodes

    Contains methods to apply against each match

    Selection of elements Id ("#id"), Class (".class"), Element ("div")

    DOM Instance (ctl), jQuery Instance (jCtl)

    [attribute],>child, descendent,+next,~siblings


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    The jQuery Wrapped Set

    Contains an Array ofDom Nodes $("input")[0] = first matched DOM node

    Check length property for matches

    Can use .each() to iterate over nodes

    Operational functions operate on matches DOM: .attr,.css,.addClass,.hide,.show etc.

    Content: .html,.text,.val,.attr

    Events: .click,keypress,.blur,.focus,.change

    Iteration: .each,

    Ajax: .ajax,.load,.post,.getJSON,.getScript

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  • 8/6/2019 Strahl ASP Connections IntroductionToJQuery ACS301


    jQuery and ASP.NET

    Using jQuery's Ajax features

    to call ASP.NET

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    Using jQuery with ASP.NET

    It's plain Javascript so "it just works" No special requirements

    Use as plain script include

    Can also load with ScriptManager (ASP.NET Ajax)

    Where to include jQuery Page


    Load using WebResources Depends on usage scenario

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    Loading jQuery from CDN

    Better performance cached

    Use CDN provider's bandwidth instead of your's

    Fallback to local if unavailable (offline dev, Google down)

    One Disadvantage: No Intellisense Support

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    jQuery Intellisense

    Visual Studio 2008 SP1 provides jQuery support Required to get any Intellisense for jQuery and plug-ins

    Basic Intellisense support in the box

    Visual Studio 2010 has native support

    Improve Intellisense Support in VS 2008 Install vsdoc.js HotFix : KB958502

    DownloadjQuery Intellisense file (1.4.1)

    Add jqueryvsdoc.js in same path as jquery.js

    to get full Intellisense

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    jQuery Ajax Functionality

    Easy Server Callbacks $.ajax() is the core function with lots of options

    $(sel).load(): Load Html from server into DOM element

    $.get(),$.post(): Get raw data

    $.getJSON(): Get/Post and return JSON

    Options Send form data

    Send an object's data as querystring data

    Determine how data is parsed on result

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    Ajax Communication Models

    Initialrequest: HTMLInitialrequest: HTML


    Form POST




    Server AJAX

    Pure AJAX

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    jQuery and Ajax (continued)

    Sending Simple Data to the Server jQuery natively prefers querystring/post data

    $.get(), $.post(), $.ajax()

    $("#form").serialize() encodes fields to POST data

    $.param() can encode objects to POST data Forms plug-in can auto-submit forms and callback

    Using getJSON forData Transfers $.getJSON() one way JSON parsing from server

    As the name suggests only GET requests

    Potential security hole with array results should use POST

    But there's no built-in JSON Encoder

    Better choice: Use manual POST and convert JSON manually

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    JSON makes the Ajax World go 'round

    JavaScript Object Notation Lightweight object encoding format

    JavaScript natively decodes JSON no parsing!

    Encoders required for creation nothing native in jQuery

    Recent browsers have native JSON support

    Json2.js for others (same API as native)

    Server Side JavaScript Serializer(System.Web.Extensions)


    WCF REST Serivces

    ASMX ASP.NET AJAX Web Services

    Third Party Tools

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  • 8/6/2019 Strahl ASP Connections IntroductionToJQuery ACS301


    jQuery Ajax The Server Side

    JavaScript Serialization Allows for 'manual' JSON results

    Javascript Serializer (System.Web.Extensions)

    DataContractJsonSerializer (3.5)

    Server side Ajax Frameworks ASMX Services or WCF (requires some tweaking)

    MVC Framework has JSON() ActionResult


    West Wind Web Toolkit (Page, Controls, HttpHandler)(provided with Session Samples)

  • 8/6/2019 Strahl ASP Connections IntroductionToJQuery ACS301


    Extensibility of jQuery

    Plug-ins and Building ASP.NET

    controls that use and interactjQuery

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    jQuery Plug-in Model

    Easy Extensibility Model Simple model based on function extension

    Extend jQuery result object or static instance

    Extend jQuery Result with $.fn.yourMethod Methods that apply against jQuery Results

    Methods are called in context ofDOM node (this)

    Methods should return jQuery object for chaining

    Extend static jQuery with $.yourMethod Static methods, always available on jQuery instance

    Meant for generic behavior ie. all inputs are passed

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    A Simple Plug-in

    $.fn.pulse = function(time)


    if (!time)

    time = 2000;

    // this == jQuery object that contains selections


    function() {



    return this; // return 'this' to chain

    }Example: $("#ulList li:even").pulse(1500);

    Applies a Pulse effect to the set of matched elements, that fades out to 30% opacity, then fadesback into full opacity for the time interval specified.

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    Plug-In Model (continued)

    Keep it simple! Don't pollute jQuery instance

    Create overloaded methods

    Hang any instances/object of your main object

    Keep it consistent Examine existing Plug-ins

    Check out jquery.ui

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    jQuery is a powerful client side tool

    Easy to get started with

    Play with it if you haven't You'll be surprised how much easier

    Javascript can be with the right tool!

  • 8/6/2019 Strahl ASP Connections IntroductionToJQuery ACS301



    Download Updated Slides/


    jQueryControls Documentation:

    jQuery Cheat Sheet

    Books: jQuery in Action -

    jQuery Reference Guide -

    Learning jQuery -