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Shot number #1ActionA shot of the house is shown.

Mise en sceneIt is dark, mysterious. The lights in the bedroom are on so the audience knows that is where we are heading. The two hedges almost look like a gateway to the home, daring the audience to enter. This is quite intimidating for the audience.Camera (shot/movement/angle)An establishing shot of the house is used, it appears low angle which gives the house an almost intimidating feel as we are looking up at it. The camera then zooms into the window so we know we are going to a bedroom.Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)Diegetic sounds of wind and rain can be heard loudly, it creates a very darkened atmosphere for the audience.Shot duration: 4 seconds

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Shot number #2ActionCharacter is asleep, remains still so that we knows she’s asleep.Mise en sceneLighting is dark, quite eerie. Character has no make up on, hair is not done. She isn’t going anywhere, she isn’t expecting anyone. She is just sleeping. Cover is fully over her body, rather protective. The costume of the character cannot be seen because of the cover. The woman doesn’t move at all so the audience knows she is asleep and vulnerable., this gives the audience a false sense of security.Camera (shot/movement/angle)The scene is a medium long shot of the character, this is so that the audience now knows the surroundings of where the character is.A zoom technique in cinematography would be used to transverse into the next shot. This is good or the audience as the transition between shots is more smooth and easier to watch, the audience also know where the next shot will be.Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)Diegetic sounds of the rain outside, creates a much scarier darker scene, The diegetic sounds would be amplified and the audience would make more note of it. Diegetic sounds of the television and chatter outside also can be heard, but are muffled by the walls. This gives the audience an impression of the real world, it is alive and the scene is in a lively neighbourhood.

Shot duration: 2 seconds

Shot number #3ActionCharacter’s eyes are still closed, looks peaceful so that the audience knows something’s going to happen.Mise en sceneThe only thing that can be seen is the characters face, no clothing can yet be seen. Lighting remains dark to show the scene is night time. We can seen more of the characters face which further reveals she isn’t wearing any make-up. The character doesn’t move at all, so that the audience knows she is sleeping. The audience feels as though she is vulnerable, causing them to be anxious of what is going to happen to her.Camera (shot/movement/angle)A Close up is used so that we can see more of the characters face, showing no make up. I did this so the audience can really see she is fast asleep, she is not expecting anyone. A zoom is used to focus on the eyes of the character, the audience knows something is about to happen or some sort of action is going to take place involving her eyes because that is what I focused on.Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)Diegetic sounds of the rain amplify to create tension, soft Victorian music plays in the background to create a creepy atmosphere for the audience, they know this room isn’t safe, diegetic chatter of people in the streets can be heard and diegetic sounds of the woman snoring can also be heard so that we know she is asleep, the audience feels as though the woman needs help, making them nervous. Shot duration: 2 seconds

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Shot number #4ActionCharacters eyes open quickly, there is fear in her eyes. The audience knows she has seen something scary.

Mise en sceneAudience is instantly drawn to eyes, nothing else interesting in the scene which adds to the effect, we can see the character has not put any effort into her appearance as she wasn’t expecting company. The character is making direct address with the audience so it is as almost as if the character is starring at us. For the audience, this is very disturbing. The eyes appear fragile and frightened, this causes the audience to feel fearful for the character and intrigued to what she is seeing.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)An extreme close up of the eyes is used to create a dramatic effect, the camera slowly zooms away from the characters face so the audience knows we are about to see what she is seeing. This creates feelings of anxiousness and fear for the audience as we are about to view the horror she is reacting to.Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)All the music comes to an end as the eyes open, as it creates more impact for the audience, the diegetic sounds of the character snoring instantly stops as her eyes open and the chatter of the people outside begins to fade, almost as if we are fading out of reality. This creates quite an otherworldly atmosphere for the audience.Shot duration: 1 second

Shot number #5ActionA Doll appears in the doorway, it scares the audience as it looks out of place as if it’s not meant to be there.Mise en sceneThe lighting appears darker around the doll, almost as if the darkness is consuming the bedroom, this hints to the audience that this doll is evil. The prop of the doll is positioned centre of the camera frame so it is the first thing the audience looks at, the doll is dressed in Victorian clothing which signifies how old it is. The bedroom appears quite messy, which implies it is just an average teenagers bedroom and she wasn’t expecting this to happen. This causes the audience to feel as if they are intruding and invading her privacy, they are where they shouldn’t be.Camera (shot/movement/angle)A titled frame shot is used to give the audience an impression that the character is dazed as she has been asleep for so long and is only just waking up, it also signifies how vulnerable this woman is as she can’t even see correctly. This causes the audience to feel scared for the woman, the camera angle allows them to feel as she would so they can empathise with her.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)A sharp creepy non diegetic sound effect is used to amplify the appearance of the doll, it is used to shock the audience, no other sound can be heard at this point which further gives it a scary impression.Shot duration: 2 seconds

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Shot number #6ActionCharacter reacts to the doll in her room, she appears very shocked and scared. She moves upwards in bed as she is about to get up.

Mise en sceneScene is still dark, character appears very scared and has no make up on as she has been sleeping. Her hair is messy as she is not bothered about her appearance at this point. She moves slowly upwards as she is astounded by what she is seeing and wants to get a better look. The audience feels quite anxious for her as she is about to get even closer to the doll.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)I used a Big close up of the face of the character so the fearful reaction of seeing the doll can be seen clearly by the audience, this creates fright in the audience as they can see how scared the character is. A zoom out would transition this shot to the next one.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)Non diegetic Creepy Victorian music begins to play at this point, it creates a scary atmosphere for the audience and increases the tension. This strikes fear into the audience as the eerie music is very disturbing.Shot duration: 2 seconds

Shot number #7ActionThe character is getting out of bed, she is still focused on the doll in her room as it is very captivating.

Mise en sceneThe shot is dark and the character appears scared and is focused on the doll. We see her clothing which is very comfortable and suitable for sleeping in. She moves very slowly and carefully towards the doll as she is very cautious of it because it is very scary. This invokes fear into the audience as they are wary that the character is getting closer to the doll. The props used in this shot is the duvet.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)A long shot is used. A pan would also be used to show the surroundings to the audience so they now know they’re in a bedroom of a girl. This allows the audience to understand the setting of the scene better.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The creepy music continues to play and amplifies slightly, this is an indication to the audience that, as it does in generic horror films, it signifies something is going to happen.

Shot duration: 2 second

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Shot number #8ActionThe character sits up and begins to put on her night gown.

Mise en sceneThe character is putting on more clothes as she is frightened and this acts as protection for her as she has more layers. She hasn’t done her hair or make up as she has been asleep. The red colour of the night gown contrasts greatly against the white pyjamas so that the audience can easily see the character putting it on. This gives the audience the impression she is moving. The props used in this shot is the night gown.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)A Mid-Shot is used so we can see all of the action. The audience can easily see the woman put on the night gown, which is needed so they know she is moving.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The eerie music is still present, it amplifies further and begins to pick up tempo, this really increases the tension for the audience and the atmosphere becomes extremely uncomfortable so that the audience almost feel like they’re there which would trigger more emotions for them.

Shot duration: 2 seconds

Shot number #9ActionThe character begins to stand up and approach the doll.

Mise en sceneThe character appears hesitant to move forward as she knows what is ahead, so she moves extremely slowly when getting up. This is very effective as it causes the audience too feel anxious for the character. The make up and hair of the character still remains undone as she has been asleep. The lighting is dark and eerie, reflecting the mood of the scene for the audience, which is mystery and fear. The character is positioned centre of the frame so that it is obvious she is the primary focus to the audience.Camera (shot/movement/angle)This is a medium long shot, looking down at the woman as we watch her get up. The audience now know she is definitely moving towards the doll and this causes them to feel fearful for the character. The camera then rotates around the character to the next shot of being over the shoulder.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The non diegetic music of the creepy Victorian sounds begins to intensify and quicken in tempo whilst amplifying. This causes the audience to feel extremely unsettling and they begin to expect we are heading towards a climax.Shot duration: 2 seconds

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Shot number #10ActionThe character begins to move closer to the doll, she is stood up and can see it on the floor.Mise en sceneIt is much darker around the doll, almost as if the room is being encased in darkness. We can see the doll and it’s general outfit, it appears very different to the surroundings of the shot. This is deliberate as it conveys to the audience that she is quite uncomfortable to this situation so she stands out. The character begins to move slowly towards the doll, she is extremely worried about it as this point and is hesitant to move forward, this makes the audience feel like they’re on the edge of their seat because they are extremely worried to what is about to happen.Camera (shot/movement/angle)This is an over the shoulder shot, it allows the audience to feel as thought they are the character looking down upon the doll. The doll can purposely be seen so that the audience is intimidated by it feel even more scared.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The non diegetic soundtrack grows even louder as she gets closer to the doll, this conveys a very scary atmosphere and the audience knows something strange or bad is going to happen.

Shot duration: 2 seconds

Shot number #11ActionThe character moves even closer to the doll.

Mise en sceneThe characters moves closer to the doll, and the scene gets more tense because we see more of it’s appearance. The room appears dark around the doll as if it is possessing an evil spirit, or aura.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)An over the shoulder shot is used so we can see the doll, a high angle is used so we are looking down on the doll as this is how the character would be looking at her it’s almost a fake-dominance over the doll because we don’t know the power it possesses. The audience can guess we are about to see a close up of the doll.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The non diegetic soundtrack begins to peak as she gets even closer, the atmosphere is extremely tense at this point . The audience is very aware we are about to see the doll fully.

Shot duration: 2 seconds

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Shot number #12ActionThe woman stares at the doll, wondering what it wants and why it’s here.

Mise en sceneThe only interesting thing in this shot is doll, therefore the audience’s attention cannot be taken elsewhere. The doll is centred perfectly in the middle of the shot so it is the first thing the audience looks at. A POV shot is used so that the audience feel as though they're in the shoes of the character and are experiencing this for themselves. The lighting in this shot is quite bright so that we can see the doll in it’s entirety, the audience can see the strange clothes it is wearing.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)A POV shot is used so that we can see the doll in more detail as it is very scary, a high angle shot is used so we are looking down at the doll as the character would. This causes the audience to feel more involved in the scene therefore they react much more to situations.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The music spikes and a sharp sound effect is used to add to the dramatic sighting of the doll, this creates a jump scare which is used to keep the audience interestedShot duration: 2 seconds

Shot number #13ActionThe character continues to stare at the doll.

Mise en sceneIn this shot, the doll and the woman can be seen together. A high angle shot is used to show both of them. The camera is focused on the face of the doll instead of the character as the doll is more important and needs more attention. The character is very hesitant towards the doll, keeping her distance. She moves slowly down towards the doll to get a better look. At this point the audience would be at the edge of their seat.Camera (shot/movement/angle)A high angle shot is used so we can see both the character and the doll together, this allows the audience to see the woman stare into the doll. This makes the audience feel very uncomfortable, creating a rather uncomfortable atmosphere for them.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)Calm music begins to play, reminding the character of the happy times with this doll, she feels strangely comforted by it and remains still. This creates quite a strange atmosphere, it is scary and uncomforting whilst being special and calm. The audience become confused to how the atmosphere changed so dramatically.Shot duration: 2 seconds

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Shot number #14ActionThe doll continues to stare at the woman, it remains still.

Mise en sceneIn this shot the main focus is the doll, the only thing that can be seen is the doll. The make up of the doll can be seen, the red on the cheeks look almost as if they are smears of blood and the red lips compliments them. This causes the audience to fear the doll, almost as if it is bloodthirsty. The lighting is focused on the dolls face so we instantly look at it and it can be seen clearly. The curly brown hair of the doll looks messy, as if it has not been cared for. This causes the audience to feel like this doll has been mistreated or thrown away. This promotes sympathy for the doll.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)A Low Angle Shot of the doll is used to signify power and dominance over the character. The audience feel as if the doll is much more powerful than it appears. The camera travels upwards into the next shot.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The calm music continues playing as the doll stares, this continued eerie music creates a continued mystical, calm atmosphere. The audience begin to start not being scared of the doll.Shot duration 2 seconds

Shot number #15ActionThe character begins to reach out to the doll.

Mise en sceneIn this shot the extreme close up of both the hand and the dolls face is used to show how hesitant the character is of touching the doll and how close she is getting to the face of it. She is under the impression it isn’t real so wants to verify it with herself by seeing if she can touch it and feel its surface to see if it’s real. The audience begins to question the reality of the doll. The eyes of the doll stand out very much in this shot, they appear very innocent and harmless. Almost like it is the character who is the bad person, the audience almost feel sympathetic towards the doll.Camera (shot/movement/angle)An Extreme close up is used so we can see both the doll and the woman's hand in one shot, it shows how close the character is getting to the doll and that she is about to touch it. The audience begin to fear her actions and question what is about to happen.Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The non diegetic music stays begins to speed up tempo but remains at the same volume, the audience knows we are moving towards a climax in the music which would imply something is going to happen, and it’s going to be bad.Shot duration: 2 seconds

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Shot number #16ActionThe character grasps the dolls head with both hands.Mise en sceneThe character slowly crouches lower and carefully places both hands on the dolls head. She is absolutely mesmerised by the doll and is wondering whether it is real. The expression on the characters face signifies she is still captivated by the doll, as if it is controlling her. The clothing of the doll and the character are completely different, the doll wears dark green colours whereas the character wears bright red colours. This conveys to the audience that both the doll & the character have grown apart and then audience questions why it has come back. What does it want?Camera (shot/movement/angle)Two shot is used to signify how different they both are. How Jennifer has grown tall and has to crouch down to even be anywhere near Sarah and how Sarah remains small and completely un growing. The audience feel as though these two already know each other, the character has an emotional connection with the doll which can easily be seen by the audience. The camera then rotates around the doll to the shoulder of the character.Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The non diegetic music stays at the same tempo but the volume begins to increase to create even more tension for the audience, there is nothing sinister about the music yet though, it creates a calm atmosphere for the audience, leading them into a false sense of security.Shot duration: 2 seconds

Shot number #17ActionJennifer is still grasping the doll’s face, wondering how she is here.

Mise en sceneThe dress of Sarah appears Victorian, old. This implies to the audience she may have knowledge of past times and also signifies Jennifer may have underestimated how old the doll may be. The lighting is very bright so we can see everything in shot, the prop of the doll is directly in the middle of the frame so it is the first thing we see and the audience doesn’t get distracted.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)Over the shoulder (Right), this show the audience the situation from the feet of Jennifer, we feel like we are in this position and this would make the audience much more tense.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The non diegetic music remains at the same volume and tempo but the diegetic sounds of the character breathing become able to hear to the audience. This is disturbing and creates a more unsettled atmosphere for the audience.

Shot duration: 2 second

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Shot number #18ActionJennifer remains still, in the same position as she was when she was holding Sarah.

Mise en sceneIn this scene we can see where the doll once was and how it has completely disappeared. The woman's hands remain in the position they were to show the audience where the doll used to be so it is easier to see it has vanished, the audience are extremely shocked, as is the character.Camera (shot/movement/angle)Over the shoulder (Left), this shows the scene from the perspective of Jennifer, causing the audience to feel more like they’re there. The camera changes to a left over the shoulder shot to show how there are different sides to Jennifer as one side of her believes Sarah is actually there, then on the other realistic side of her Sarah disappears as if she was never there. The audience are confused to what as happened, they now know this doll is very demonic and perhaps possessed.Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The soundtrack peaks as the doll disappears, the audience feels impacted by it as they can visually see the doll is gone whilst the sound adds to the effectiveness., the audience have no idea what has happened.Shot duration:2 seconds

Shot number #19ActionJennifer remains in the same position, she stares at the floor where the doll once was.

Mise en sceneThe lighting of this scene is very dark, the shot allows the audience to view the whole scene as there is nothing in the way, this also allows the audience to view the scene from the view of the character and easily see the doll has dissappeared.The scene appears eerie and empty now. It creates a very scary unpredictable atmosphere. The colours of this scene are very dark and subtlety blend together which gives the audience an impression of evilness.Camera (shot/movement/angle)The POV Shot gives the audience the chance to view the scene from the woman’s perspective. This creates a much more real image, for the audience the camera slowly zooms to where the doll was positioned to emphasize where it was and how it has now gone to the audience.Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The soundtrack in the background is almost completely gone just like the doll. Almost as if nothing ever happened. The diegetic sounds of the television & chatter in the background begins to fade back in, as if we are returning to reality. The audience feels like the events that have happened weren’t real.Shot duration: 3 seconds,

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Shot number #20ActionThe character reacts to the doll disappearing.

Mise en sceneThe character is brightly lit so her reaction can easily be seen, the expression of fear and confusion is on her face as she stares at where the doll once was.The hair of the character is brushed out of the way of her face so the audience can see her reaction more clearly. The character doesn’t make direct address with the audience as she is focused on something else in the room.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)A Big Close Up of the character is used so the audience can see the scared reaction of the character. The camera then zooms out to the next shot.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)Diegetic sounds of the television and talking in background can now clearly be heard, solidifying to the audience are back in reality. The atmosphere is relaxed, the character feels safe now and so do the audience.

Shot duration: 2 seconds

Shot number #21ActionThe character begins to walk backwards.

Mise en sceneThe character slowly walks backwards, astounded by what she has seen. The room is darkly lit as the audience is reminded of it being night time. The character is positioned in the middle of the frame so the audience instantly looks at her and what she is doing.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)A Long Shot is used so the audience can see the whole scene and the character turning her back on where the doll was, the camera then rotates to show the audience the expression of the character.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The diegetic sounds of the television and chatter remains prominent, ensuring this is all real to the audience. The atmosphere is much more calmer now and the audience feel as though they have overcome the horror therefore the audience is starting to feel comfortable.

Shot duration: 3 seconds

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Shot number #22ActionThe character is confused and dazed to what has happened

Mise en sceneThe character appears extremely confused, she has her hand on her head as she is wondering what has happened. Her hair is brushed out of the way of her face so the audience can see how she has reacted to the events. She begins to slowly walk to her desk. The character is centred in the frame so we know she is what the audience should be looking at.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)A medium shot is used so we can see her put her hand on her head, this expression emphasises the emotion of the character which is that she is fed up and wants to go back to bed and the audience can see this.The camera then rotates around the character to the next shot.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The diegetic sounds of the television and the talking in the background remain the same volume, a diegetic sound of the character exhaling can be heard as she is relieved she is okay. The exhale makes the audience feel comforted, as it is a sign the worse is over.

Shot duration: 2 seconds

Shot number #23ActionThe character spots something on the desk.

Mise en sceneThe character moves slowly towards the desk as she is still very tired and she appears as if she has spotted something on it. She is looking down at the object she has spotted and has complete focus on it., the provokes curiosity in the audience. The lighting in this shot is focused on the characters face so the audience can clearly see where she is looking.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)A medium close up of the character is used so the audience can see where she is looking, the camera then rotates up to an over the shoulder view of the character.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The diegetic sounds of the television and talking in the background are still there, diegetic sounds of the character walking on the creaky floor now can be heard so the audience knows she is moving.

Shot duration: 2 seconds

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Shot number #24ActionThe character grabs the alarm clock

Mise en sceneThe character walks in front of the desk. We look down at the alarm clock, props of generic teenager perfumes and a mirror are placed in view so it appears as if it is a teenager’s bedroom to the audience.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)The shot used is over the shoulder and a high angle so that we feel like we are looking down at the clock ourselves, the camera then zooms in to the alarm clock as it is an object that the character is interested in and the audience would want to find out why.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The diegetic sounds of the television and people chattering slowly begins to fade again, this seems familiar to the audience as this as happened previously, and something bad happened last time. This creates a ghostly atmosphere for the audience.

Shot duration: 2 seconds

Shot number #25ActionThe character views the alarm clock.

Mise en sceneThe character slowly picks up the alarm clock, amazed by what it seen. The alarm clock shows no time, the character & audience now does not know whether this is a dream or reality and she is completely shocked. The alarm clock appears ghostly as it shows nothing but grey onscreen. This causes the audience to feel very scared & confused.

Camera (shot/movement/angle)An extreme Close up of the alarm clock is used so that the audience can see that is displayed nothing, this is very odd and ghostly. We have a high angle shot on the clock as if the audience are looking down at it like the character. The movie then fades out, which could signify it was a dream, but the audience do not know.

Soundtrack (effects/dialogue/atmos/music)The non diegetic sound effect occurs which is very loud and amplified, it adds to the effect of the character trying to discover whether she is awake or not. This creates a very dream-like atmosphere for the audience and they do not know whether the events were real or not. Shot duration: 4 seconds