Download - STORTORVeT PROGRAM AND MAP STORTORVeT ... than 70 ships, large and small, with a crew of 2500, will visit Fredrikstad in 2014. Sail Training international – STI – owns and organizes



The TAll ShiPS RAceS FReDRikSTAD 12–15 julY 2014

euROPe´S lARGeST FRee FAMilY eVeNTThe Tall Ships Races is the world´s largest sailing ships event and one of the largest sports events in the world. The regattas are organized by Sail Training International, and started in 1956. This is the second time Fredrikstad hosts The Tall Ships Races, last time was in 2005. More than 70 ships, large and small, with a crew of 2500, will visit Fredrikstad in 2014.

Sail Training international – STI – owns and organizes The Tall Ships Races. STI is a charity based in the United Kingdom and has member organisations in 28 countries.

Sail Training The sail training experience occurs across nations and cultures, religion and social backgrounds, both on a daily basis and competitions such as The Tall Ships Races. Half of the crew members are between the ages of 15 and 25.

The constitutional Bicentennial 1814-2014 FredrikstadThe Tall Ships Races Fredrikstad have sent 105 youths (15-25 years) on sail training. The Peace Sailors Project is part of the Norwegian Parliament´s official celebration of the Bicentennial. Ahead of the regatta the peace sailors have attended workshops on topics such as democracy, freedom of speech, cooperation and personal development as part of the preparation for this summer´s great adventure.

Kommandantgården and The Fortress Town are central to the events that took place in 1814. Karl Johan, who had his headquarters in Kommandantgården, signed the Moss Convention here 15th of August 1814. Visitors are welcome to a commemoration in Kommandantgården 15th of August 2014.

With the Bicentennial as a backdrop, music students at Greåker High School will perform their self-composed peace fanfare during the opening ceremony Saturday 12th of July at Isegran Historic Port.

The TAll ShiPS RAceS

The culTuRAl PROGRAM Most events take place at the main venues.

Look for this symbol on the map.

STORTORVeT Large stage right in the city center with activities, shows and entertainment every day. iSeGRAN hiSTORic PORTThe Isegran island has a 750-years maritime history, and is located within walking distance of the city centre, via the Kråkerøy bridge or the city ferry. During The Tall Ships Races Fredrikstad Isegran will be an “adventure island” for adults as well as kids, where you can meet the famous children´s film characters Knerten and Elias, among other things. For the occasion, there are three stages located here; Isegran Amphitheatre, at the Museum Quay and a smaller stage on the lawn at the beach. See separate program on the web. Fredrikstad Museum have guided tours on the island every day, starting at 14.00 and a museum shop with marine wares (open 11.00-18.00, Minemagasinet). Catering and entertainment: Cafe Galeien and Galeien´s Summer Scene and Gallery. Food Court: Jacob Aall.

GAMleBYeN (The FORTReSS TOWN) AND kONGSTeN Gamlebyen is Scandinavia´s best preserved fortress town. Guided tours and treasure hunt for kids, performances, exhibits and concerts. Market on the main square Saturday. Backstreet Boys concert by the Kongsten Fortress.

Most of the events are free of charge!Events that require tickets are marked FOR A cOMPleTe PROGRAMMe AND TickeTS: WWW.TAllShiPSFReDRikSTAD.NO iN ADDiTiON, TheRe Will Be SuRPRiSeS iN uNeXPecTeD PlAceS!

OTheR ADVeNTuReS OPeN ShiPS/VeSSelS For opening hours, see the ships´ own information boards. OPeN eXhiBiTS AND AcTiViTieS kommunearkivet, Fredrikstad´s maritime history 1814-2014, Byhallen in City Hall. Østfold Museum – Fredrikstad Museum, Söta Bror?, Gamlebyen, Tøihuset. Østfold Museum – Fredrikstad Museum, Hvite seil og salt sjø (Bjarne Aas) og Norske Sjømannstatoveringer, Isegran, Minemagasinet.Østfold Art center, Sommerutstillingen 2014, Cicignon. hydrogenfabrikken Art hall, i Fortrolighet, Øra.Model Railroad Museum, The Fortress Town.Fredrikstad library, exhibit about ships and mini-library outdoors with lounge and Wifi during regular opening hours.Fredrikstad house of literature, world premiere of Øistein´s “Learn to Draw Minis” Show ART iNSTAllATiONSkjærlighetsninjaene: One of Norway´s largest instruments, the sound installation GLYRA (Glommens lyre). Open for exploration, under the Fredrikstad bridge on west Site presents Susan Philipsz, The Distant Sound, Isegran/Cicignon/The Fortress Town

FiFA WORlD cuP 2014FIFA World Cup 2014 will be broadcasted on big screens at Dampskipsbrygga and Borg-gården behind the City Hall. The final will be broadcasted on a big screen at Stortorvet. MARkeTS TOllBODeN/FReDRikSTAD liBRARY DAMPSkiPSBRYGGA FRIDAy 11 JULy 16.00 – 21/23.00 16.00 – 23.00 SATURDAy 12 JULy 10.00 – 21/23.00 10.00 – 24.00SUNDAy 13 JULy 11.00 – 21/23.00 11.00 – 23.00MONDAy 14 JULy 10.00 – 21/23.00 10.00 – 23.00TUESDAy 15 JULy 10.00 – 15.00 10.00 – 15.00

FOOD cOuRT See map

SATuRDAY 12 julYSTORTORVeT11.00-12.00: Outdoor exercise for audience and crew with Elixia, Dance Mix12.00-16.00: Concert with young music talents, UKM Østfold. Spraypaint workshop18.20-19.20: Concert with local performers, Fredrikstad Council of Music Citadell Musica, Fredrikstad Trekkspill, Fredrikstad Mannskor 20.00-22.00: Maritime concert with Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers (US), Gråskägg (SE) and others. iSeGRAN hiSTORic PORT (see web for complete program)11.00-18.00: Various activities - maritime, athletic, artistic, fun games for all ages. Meet the famous children´s film character Knerten and Elias.12.00-12.40: Clown performance, Da Capo! Nestenkonsert med Brødrene Konk, Studium Actoris, the lawn by the beach17.00-18.00: Opening ceremony, A packed show with Dennis Storhøi as MC, Isegran Amphitheater 22.00-23.30: Play, Hjortekongen with Studium Actoris and Teater Cajka (IT), The Museum Quay

GAMleBYeN (The FORTReSS TOWN) AND kONGSTeN19.00-20.15: Humorous music performance Stolpe ut, with Dennis Storhøi and the band De autodidaktive on board the Norwegian ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl 20.30-23.00: Concert with Backstreet Boys (US) (X), Kongsten Doors open at 18.30 (check the web for public transportation)

hANkØ 19.30: Hankø Fjordhotell & Spa, BBQ and live music, the hotel garden

SuNDAY 13 julY11.00-12.00: Open air mass in English with Fredrikstad Cathedral´s congregation and the Church City Mission, The Church Quay.

STORTORVeT12.00-14.00: Carnival workshop, football tennis and street basketball 14.00-14.20: Concert with Mannskoret Skiold (local male choir)14.30-14.50: Concert with our own full marching band15.00-15.30: Street Theater Max Normal (UK/NO)16.00-17.00: Crew Parade through the city centre (see map for route)17.00-18.00: Awards ceremony, 26 honors will be awarded18.14-18.30: The Constitutional Bicentennial Celebration 1814-2014, excerpts from Frihetsspranget, Hvaler county´s main event connected to The Constitutional Bicentennial Celebration (in Norwegian).18.30-21.00: Outdoor carnival with Oslo Samba School, DJ and Show. Award to the best costume 22.00: FIFA World Cup 2014, Final, on big screen, World Cup host Dag Solheim

iSeGRAN hiSTORic PORT (see web for complete program)11.00-18.00: Various activities – maritime, athletic, artistic and fun games for all ages Meet the famous children´s film character Knerten 09.30-14.00: Masters of the Crews, Crew Battle 12.00-12.40: Clown performance, Da Capo, Nestenkonsert med Brødrene Konk, the lawn by the beach17.00-17.45: Performance, Illusjonautene, with Studium Actoris and Teater Cajka (IT), Minemagasinet 22.00-23.15: Family show Tordenskiold - en ekte sjøhelt? Isegran Amphitheater

GAMleBYeN (The FORTReSS TOWN)11.00-12.30: Family show with excerpts from Tordenskiold – en ekte sjøhelt? On board the Norwegian ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl

MONDAY 14 julYSTORTORVeT13.00-15.00: Theater, dance and performance - local and regional performers15.00-16.00: Parkour performance and workshop by Exeo18.00-19.00: Concert with José Leguina 19.00-20.00: St. Croix Cultural Centre presents: Concert with Acherontia, Nicolai Kalland and Baskerland 21.00-22.00: Concert with Disaster in the Universe

iSeGRAN hiSTORic PORT (see web for complete program)11.00-12.00: Outdoor exercise for audience and crew with Elixia, Back to basic, the army way11.00-18.00: Various activities - maritime, athletic, artistic and fun games for all ages Meet the famous children´s film character Knerten. 17.00-17.45: Performance, Illusjonautene, with Studium Actoris and Teater Cajka (IT), Minemagasinet22.00-24.00: Concert: Musical Fireworks Peter Jöback (SE), Heidi Gjermundsen Broch and Symphony Orchestra, Isegran Amphitheater, doors open at 21.00 24.00: Fireworks

TueSDAY 15 julY

A ciTY iN celeBRATiON

The Tall Ships Races is one of the largest events ever arranged in Fredrikstad. Over 70 participating vessels can be observed and experienced on a stroll through the city center of Fredrik-stad. With a comprehensive entertainment programme, we are certain of a vibrant life and a lively city center from Friday the 11th to Tuesday the 15th of July.

We are proud that Sail Training International chose Fredrikstad as a host port in 2014, and wish everyone a heartfelt welcome to this all-time festival in our city!

Kind regards,Jon-Ivar NygårdMayor

WelcOMe TO The TAll ShiPS RAceS – WelcOMe TO FReDRikSTAD

This year we celebrate two anniversaries – 200 years of peace in the Nordic countries, and 200 years with a sovereign, Norwegian constitution. The Tall Ships Races organizer, Sail Training International, was nominated for The Nobel Peace Prize for their work promoting peace in 2007. We are particularly honored to welcome one of the world’s largest sports events to our city the year we celebrate The Constitutional Bicentennial.

FRiDAY 11 julY - STORTORVeT 19.00: FRee cONceRT WiTh SONDRe leRche

Flyer.indd 1 02.06.14 16:55

14.00: PARADe OF SAil, The Tambourafdelingen af 1704 salutes the vessels from the Fortress Town iSeGRAN hiSTORic PORT (see web for complete program)11.00-18.00: Various activities - maritime, athletic, artistic and fun games for all ages. Meet the famous children´s film character Knerten14.00: Presentation of the vessels in the parade of sail. Jacob Aall´s Food Court open16.00 -17.30: Play, Hjortekongen with Studium Actoris and Teater Cajka (IT), The Museum Quay

































0 0,25 0,5 0,750,125 Kilometer

Crew parade

Drug store

Swimming pool

Bus terminal



Guest harbor

Golf course



Sports arena

Railway station





Post office

Food court



TSR event

Tourist information

Liquor store


Vessel ClassesA




C- and D-Classes

Lost Children Station


TRAFFic Closed for cars along the Vesterelva river. The Kråkerøy bridge is closed to all traffic, open for pedestrians and cyclists. PARkiNG in P-houses and P-signed places. TRAiN (additional evening departure to Oslo 23.38) BuS ciTY FeRRY BeTWeeN OlD TOWN, iSeGRAN, SMeRTu, ciTY ceNTeR AND GReSSVik From Old Town and Gressvik 06.00. Last departure 22.30. Half hour departures. OlD TOWN FeRRY BeTWeeN ciciGNON AND OlD TOWN Saturday 07.00 - 01.00, Sunday from 07.30 - 24.00, Monday 05.20 - 24.00 Uses approximately one minute each way SelleBAkk / liSleBY FeRRY Saturday 09.00 - 16.00 Sunday 10.00 - 15.00, Monday 06.00 - 17.30 Uses approximately one minute each way.

A - klasseAlexander v.Humboldt II(DE) A-402Artemis (NL) B-312Christian Radich (NO) A-226Eendracht (NL) A-403Europa (NL) B-315Fryderyk Chopin (PL) B-319Gulden Leeuw (NL) A-404Iskra Orp (PL) B-307Jean de la Lune (UK) B-309Kapitan Glowacki (PL) B-310Kruzenshtern (RU) A-405Loa (RU) B-131Mir (NL) A-406Morgenster (NL) B-317Oosterschelde (NL) B-316Pelican of London (UK) B-321Pogoria (PL) B-320Santa Maria Manuela(PT) A-313Stad Amsterdam (NL) A-225Statsraad Lehmkuhl(NO) A-401Sørlandet (NO) A-314Tenacious (UK) A-311Thalassa (NL) B-132Wylde Swan (NL) B-224

B - klasseAstarte (NO) B-154Atyla (ES) B-133Avatar (NL) B-134Belle Poule (FR) B-308Brabander (LT) B-229Colin Archer (NO) B-148De Gallant (NL) B-227Johann Smidt (DE) B-230Lady Free (NO) B-160Leader (UK) B-323Liv (NO) B-151Morning Star of Revelation(UK) B-146Neeltje (NL) B-152Rupel (BE) B-145Skonnerten Jylland (DK) B-322Tecla (NL) B-228Vega Gamleby (SE) B-318Wyvern av Aalesund(NO) B-140C - klasseAdieu (NO) B-158Antwerp Flyer (BE) B-135Black Diamon of Durham(UK) B-170Esprite (ES) B-144Farurej (PL) B-172

Hosanna (FR) B-138Juan De Langara (ES) B-147Kika (PL) B-166Milan (DE) B-164Ocean Scout (UK) B-156Roztocze (PL) B-142Rzeszowiak (PL) B-162Sharki (PL) B-163Spaniel (LV) B-150St Iv (EE) B-171Wilhelmstad (PL) B-167Zenobe Gramme (BE) B-136D - klasseArbitrator (NL) B-168Gigi (UK) B-157Inchpincher (UK) B-165Jamarella (NL) B-141Komandor II (PL) B-161Politechnika (PL) B-159Polonez (PL) B-169Rona II (UK) B-143Tomidi (BE) B-149Urania (NL) B-137Urtica (PL) B-153Zryw (PL) B-155

VieW MAP AND PROGRAMMe ON YOuR MOBile QR Reader for iPhone or Android download from ITunes store or Android market. you need a phone with a camera to read the QR code.

#tsrf2014 #ifredrikstad

class A: All square-rigged vessels and all other vessel more than 40 metres Length Overall (LOA).class B: Traditionally rigged vessels with an LOA of less than 40 metres and with a waterline length (LWL) of at least 9.14 metres.class c: Modern rigged vessels with an LOA of less than 40 metres and with a LWL of at least 9.14 metres not carrying spinnaker-like sails.class D: Modern rigged vessels with an LOA of less than 40 metres and with a LWL of at least 9.14 metres carrying spinnaker-like sails.*LOA=length over all





clASS c