Download - Stop Bullying


Bullying is being mean to another kid over and over


Bullying often includes:


Talking about hurting someone

Spreading rumours

Hurting someone’s feeling

Making them feel uncomfortable.

· Hurting them by kicking, hitting, pushing,

tripping, etc.

· Name-calling.

What is bulling?


Types of bullying:

Physical bullying involves hit-

ting, shoving, pushing, tripping,

and other kinds of force.

Verbal bullying involves hurt-

ful comments, name-calling,


Social bullying involves using

relationships to hurt someone. It

involves excluding or ostraciz-

ing someone from a friend

group, spreading rumours, or

“the silent treatment”.

Cyberbullying happens over

cellphones or the internet.


In Other News

What to Do If You’re Bullied

There are things you can do if you are being bullied:

Look at the kid bullying you and tell him or

her to stop in a calm, clear voice. You can also

try to laugh it off. This works best if joking is

easy for you. It could catch the kid bullying you

off guard.

If speaking up seems too hard or not safe,

walk away and stay away. Don’t fight back.

Find an adult to stop the bullying on the spot.

Talk to an adult you trust. Don’t keep your

feelings inside. Telling someone can help you feel less

alone. They can help you make a plan to stop the bullying.

Stay away from places where bullying happens.

Stay near adults and other kids. Most bullying happens

when adults aren’t around..

Treat Everyone with Respect

Nobody should be mean to others.

Stop and think before you say or do something that could hurt


If you feel like being mean to someone, find something else to

do. Play a game, watch TV, or talk to a friend.

Talk to an adult you trust. They can help you find ways to be

nicer to others.

Keep in mind that everyone is different. Not better or worse. Just


If you think you have bullied someone in the past, apologize. Eve-

ryone feels better.


What Can You Do To Stop Bullying

Why do bullies do

what they do?

· Sometimes they think

that they will win or get

what they want.

· Sometimes they want to

impress or entertain their


· Sometimes they enjoy

feeling power over some-

one because sometimes

they are being bullied by

someone else!

· Sometimes they do not

even realize that they are

hurting the other person .

· Get friends together and TALK to the bully. Let the bullies in your

school know that bullying is not accepted at your school.

· Don't cheer the bully on or stand around to watch. (The bully might like

the attention, and pick on the kid even more).

· If you see someone being bullied, find someone to help stop it. (Get an-

other friend, a teacher, a playground safety, a principal).

· Be nice to, include, and get to know the people who are being bullied:

You may find they are similar to you!!

· Try to make friends with the bully too- show them other ways to inter-

act with others. (They don't need to bully others to be accepted or cool).

Volume 1, Issue 1

What to do if you see someone who is being

Page 3

Bullying hurts

Who do bullies pick on?

· Often, bullies are bigger kids, so they pick on:

· Kids they feel are smaller.

· Kids they think won't stand up to them.

· Kids that have few

friends to stand up for


So we must Stand Up for Others

When you see bullying, there are safe

things you can do to make it stop.

Talk to a parent, teacher, or another

adult you trust. Adults need to know

when bad things happen so they can


Be kind to the kid being bullied.

Show them that you care by trying to

include them. Sit with them at lunch or

on the bus, talk to them at school, or

invite them to do something. Just hang-

ing out with them will help them know

they aren’t alone.


References,. 'Dealing With Bullies'. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.,. 'Are You A Target? | Kids Against

Bullying'. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.,. 'Types Of Bullying | Kids Help Phone'. N.p., 2015.

Web. 16 Apr. 2015.,. 'Bullying Definition | Stopbullying.Gov'. N.p., 2015.

Web. 16 Apr. 2015.

How to Stand up against bullying

Don’t bully Others

Try to help students who are being bullied

Include students who are easily left out

Tell an adult at school or at home if someone is bullied