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Stockton Heath Primary School Local Offer

Stockton Heath Primary School

Physical address Stockton Heath Primary School

West Avenue

Stockton Heath

Town Warrington

District or Borough Warrington

Postcode WA4 6HX

Contact Person Mr. D. Harding

Telephone Number 01925 215640

Email address [email protected]

Website address

Facebook address

Twitter address

Logo or picture

Short Headline Stockton Heath Primary School Local Offer

Brief overview of your service (30 words)

At Stockton Heath Primary School we are committed to providing the best educational experience possible for all our pupils through a broad, enriched, creative curriculum and through a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities. We support, challenge and inspire our pupils to strive for excellence, to achieve well, to enjoy success and to realise their full potential. Through a warm, caring, friendly and fully-inclusive learning environment rooted at the heart of the local community, we encourage our pupils to become confident, independent, resilient, lifelong learners who show the personal qualities of friendship and respect. We empower our pupils to become the leaders and innovators of the future, to make a positive difference to their own and others' lives and to change society for the better.

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Type of education setting

Preschool aged 0-2 Secondary school

Preschool aged 2-3 Nursery School

Preschool aged 3-5 Secondary with 6th form

Infant school Post 16 provision (Colleges)

Primary school x Special school 2-19 years

Junior school Higher Education (Universities)

Which of the following best describes your education setting? (tick all that apply)

Mainstream x Special

Resourced Provision (Mainstream

with resourced unit)


Community school Foundation

Free school Alternative Provision (pupil referral


Faith school Residential 38/44 weeks

Early years SEN provision Residential 48/52 weeks

Hospital school Independent

Opportunity school SEN Hub

Childminder (Early years education) School Nursery

Day Nursery ( 38/50 weeks) Preschool playgroup

What communication methods do you offer? (Tick all that apply)

Signs and symbols PECS (Picture exchange

communication system )

British Sign Language Braille

AAC (Augmentative and Alternative

Communication) Sign supported English

Makaton x

What facilities does your education setting have? (tick all that apply)

Hydrotherapy pool Sensory room or area

Wheelchair Access x Accessible changing area x

Accessible toilets x Low stimulus environment

Secure environment x Soft play facility

Sensory adaptations (such as colour

scheme) Physical adaptations (such as hand

rails) x

Accessible parking x

Any further comments regarding these statements (e.g. – “Not

all toilets are accessible”)

If you are a special school, do you specialise in any of the following?

Complex Health needs Autistic Spectrum Conditions

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MLD (Moderate Learning

Difficulties) PMLD (Profound and multiple

learning Difficulties)

SLD (Severe Learning Difficulties) Social, mental and emotional health

SpLD (Specific learning

Difficulties) Hearing Impairment

Challenging Behaviour Visual impairment

Physical Disabilities Personal Care Needs

Communication needs (Speech,

Language and Communication) Any Impairment (Any condition or


Are any of the following made available on site at your education setting? (Needs led

refers to resources that are allocated according to assessed need)

Needs led school nurse Needs led SALT (speech and

language therapy) x

Needs led O/T (Occupational therapy) Needs led physiotherapy

Personal Care

Information for Parents/Carers

1. How does your education setting know if children/young people need extra help?

All pupils throughout the school are monitored through our Provision map which identifies each child’s needs against the four areas of need in the Code of Practice, and also identifies the provision in place for that child (staffing, resources, activities, approaches). This is reviewed termly and is the basis for discussion between class teachers and the SENDCo. As recommended in the SEN Code of Practice, there is a step-by-step, graduated model of action and intervention to help children who have special educational needs at Stockton Heath Primary School. This approach recognises that there is a continuum of special educational need. Where necessary, increasing specialist expertise will be brought to bear on the difficulties that a child may be experiencing; therefore ensuring progressively more powerful interventions can be used to meet increasing need. This model also allows the range, type and intensity of interventions to be reduced as a child makes adequate progress.

2. What do I do if I think my child has special educational needs?

Speak to your child’s class teacher who will be able to advise you and liaise with the school SENDCo. We will offer professional advice and support; the school has an open door policy and we understand that your child’s education is a joint partnership between school and parents.

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3. How will the education setting staff support my child / young person?

The class teacher will support your child, ensuring access to quality first teaching and

will make adjustments to the curriculum to meet your child’s individual needs.

They will monitor the progress of your child and put in place any additional help that

may be required, for example targeted work, additional support and intervention and

adapted resources. Where appropriate these arrangements are discussed with the


Once a child has been identified with a specific educational need, the class teacher, in

consultation with the SENDCo, parents and young person will discuss and plan the

education program. The effectiveness of this will be monitored over time and progress

will be reviewed at least termly. The class teacher will continue to inform parents of

pupil progress when necessary and will update the SENDCo where appropriate. The

Governors will continue to monitor the progress of all SEND pupils through the

Curriculum and Performance Committee.

4. How will the curriculum at your education setting be matched to my child / young person’s needs?

School provision maps identify categories of need and resources are allocated to best

fit those needs. Teachers differentiate lessons according to individual pupil needs and

where necessary individual education plans are generated in consultation with

parents and pupils. These detail specific targets, resources and support on an

individual basis.

5. How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to

support my child / young person’s learning?

Class teachers will share, discuss, and review progress and targets with parent/ carers

and the young person at regular intervals throughout the year, celebrating the child’s

successes and raising any concerns that need addressing. Each half term parents are

provided with a ‘Share in Our learning’ letter which gives an overview of the

curriculum foci and parents are offered workshops throughout the year to support

their child’s learning. Our open door policy enables informal discussions to take place

at any point should the need arise

6. What support will there be for my child’s/young person’s overall emotional health and wellbeing?

The school has clear and precise policies and procedures to allow it to meet the medical and physical needs of all children in a mainstream setting. These policies and procedures are available to view on the school’s website or parents/carers may request a paper copy from the school office. Children with specific medical needs requiring medication on a daily basis will have a care plan in place, agreed with the parents/carers. It will state clearly a named adult who will be responsible for carrying out this care plan. The school works closely with parents/carers to remove barriers to learning in terms of attendance and behaviour. If the child needs ongoing

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support with their social and emotional well-being, this support will be detailed in the pupil individual program and agreed with both the parent/carer and the child. If appropriate, the school will access specialist support from the education psychology service to tailor the provision further.

7. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the education setting?

School has several members of staff who are trained to provide specific, specialist programs such as: Speech and Language Screening and support programs Better Reading Partnership First Class At Number Talk for Number ARROW Literacy intervention ADHD – QB Check School will also access a number of local authority specialist services such as: Educational Psychologist Speech and language Support Occupational Therapy Inclusion team Teachers for Learning Sensory Support School Health ADHD Foundation School will also seek support from private specialist services where necessary.

8. What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?

The SENDCo has achieved the National Award for SEN and attends regular SEN training through cluster school provision to maintain up to date knowledge of SEN practice. All staff receive regular training on quality first teaching and supporting children with specific learning needs.

9. How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom including school

trips and provision for access to Afterschool clubs?

All children are fully included in all activities outside the classroom, including clubs, school trips and residential visits. Additional staff may be provided to support children with SEND to ensure they receive the highest quality experience possible. Any necessary and appropriate adaptations are made in consultation with parents/carers to ensure that children enjoy full access to opportunities for learning and developing beyond the classroom environment.

10. How accessible is the education setting environment?

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Our school is fully accessible for wheelchair users. There are 2 designated disability

parking bays, ramps for movement around different levels outside and a fully

equipped disabled toilet and shower facility/wet room. The school also has a lift to

enable access to upstairs.

11. How will the education setting prepare and support my child/ young person to join the education

setting, transfer to a new education setting or the next stage of education and life?

Nursery or home visits are undertaken by the EYFS Team in the summer term prior to a child entering Reception class. A programme of taster sessions are provided for all children entering Reception, and additional sessions are made available for those children requiring further transition visits. In September, the settling in period is run over a week to enable the children to settle into the class environment and routine in smaller groups and for adults to identify and adjust for any emerging needs of children with SEND. The school has a very thorough and comprehensive transition program. All children have the opportunity to meet and work with new staff and peers before the end of the academic year. Children with social and emotional or other specific needs complete a social story to ease the transition. Any in-year admissions to the setting are given a full, guided tour by the Headteacher and meet their new class and peers in advance. Data and personal information from the previous setting are requested and kept with other enrolment information. On transfer to a new educational setting, the SENDCO and class teacher will liaise with their counterparts to pass on information and arrange introductory visits for the child and parents/carers to ensure a smooth transition. The school works in very close partnership with all its secondary schools. A number of taster sessions and transition days are built into the Year 6 timetable and key members of staff from both settings will meet to discuss specific needs in detail.

12. How are the education setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s/young people’s

special educational needs?

Provision mapping identifies categories of need on an individual, class and whole school basis. A proportion of the school’s budget expenditure within resources and other key budget lines is specifically designated for SEND pupils. Funds are allocated to best meet the needs of pupils and expenditure is regularly reviewed to ensure that fair, consistent best practice is maintained.

13. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will


Following detailed assessment of the pupil, the class teacher, in consultation with the SENDCo, will decide the nature and regularity of individual pupil support. This may be more appropriate as a small group intervention or if the need arises on a 1:1 basis. Support will change according to the ongoing review of need and this will be discussed with parents/carers and the child. For pupils with a statement or EHCP, further consultation will take place with all

stakeholders as to the success and requirements of intervention and the funding

available to school.

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14. How are parents involved in the setting / school / college? How can I be involved?

Partnership with parents plays a key role in enabling children and young people with SEND to achieve their potential. Our school values close, working partnerships with parents very highly and recognises that parents hold key information and have knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of a child’s needs and the best ways of supporting them. All parents of children with special educational needs will be treated as partners and supported to play an active role in their children’s education. All parents in school will have access to the school’s Special Educational Needs Policy which is available to download from the school’s website or collect from the school office. Class teachers and the school SENDCo are available to discuss parental concerns, via an appointment basis. Parents are informed about their child’s individual learning program and how they can support and will always be informed of any involvement by external agencies. Parents are invited to attend regular information evenings, workshops and meetings regarding provision for SEND and are welcome to join Stakeholder Working Party meetings to offer their views and opinions more directly and contribute to school development and improvement.

15. Who can I contact for further information?

School contacts: Class teacher or teaching assistant SENDCo Deputy Headteacher Headteacher SEND governor Local Authority contacts: 1. Parent partnership 2. School Health

Information for Children and Young People

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1. How does the education setting know if I need extra help?

We will talk to you about your learning and how you feel you are doing every day. We will mark your work and give you lots of feedback. We will set you targets which will help you to improve. We may offer you extra support/booster sessions and we will talk to your parents /carers too about this.

2. What should I do if I think I need extra help?

If you think you need extra help always talk to your teacher or teaching assistant and let them know what you are worried about. You can also speak to the Headteacher or any other member of staff who will listen to your concerns and work out a way of supporting you. Also let someone at home know your worries so they can discuss it with us. You may want to write down what you need if that is more helpful or speak to your school councillor about any concerns you have.

3. How will my work be organised to meet my individual needs?

We will look at your strengths and the things you may feel are more difficult for you and will make sure you have the right kind of help, work and resources so that you can make even more progress than you are doing already. You will have your own personalised targets which will show you what you need to work on in Reading, Writing and Maths in particular. Your work will be marked and comments and feedback are important to enable you to move forward. Your class, groups and rooms will be organised in a way that helps you to learn the most.

4. How will I be involved in planning for my needs and who will explain it and help me?

Your teacher will talk to you about targets and how we will work together to achieve them. Your teacher will explain any work to you clearly and will always discuss your needs with a teaching assistant so that they can help support you too. You can tell your teacher how you learn best and the types of resources you find most useful.

5. Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more independent?

Your teachers, teaching assistants, parents and carers will help you to become more independent and will show you ways to help. Our school works very hard through PHSE lessons, assemblies and other whole-school activities to encourage independence and self-confidence and will teach you skills and strategies to cope with challenges yourself.

6. What should I do if I am worried about something?

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We are a TELLING school. If you are worried about something talk to your teacher, teaching assistants or any member of staff in the school and they will seek help for you straight away. You can also speak to your parents / carers and they can come and talk to the school on your behalf. If you prefer, you could speak to a friend or school councillor and ask them to pass on your worries to an adult. You could even write down your worries and pass them to someone if that is easier. We do regular surveys and questionnaires which ask for your opinions on lots of different things so you could explain what you are worried about on these too.

7. How will I know if I am doing as well as I should?

Your teacher will let you know when you achieve your targets and will show you the progress you have been making and will talk about new targets to help you achieve even more. Positive verbal comments by a teacher, feedback in your work, house points, awards and certificates are also other ways we will show you that we are very happy with your work and progress.

8. How can I get help if I am worried about things other than my work?

We are a TELLING school. If you are worried about ANYTHING talk to your teacher, teaching assistants or any member of staff in the school and they will seek help for you straight away. You can also speak to your parents / carers and they can come and talk to the school on your behalf. If you prefer, you could speak to a friend or school councillor and ask them to pass on your worries to an adult. You could even write down your worries and pass them to someone if that is easier. We do regular surveys and questionnaires which ask for your opinions on lots of different things so you could explain what you are worried about on these too.

9. Are there staff in school who have had special training to help young people who need extra help?

All your teachers and teaching assistants are trained to support you and give you any extra help you may need in class. Everyone in school is trained to listen to your concerns, record them and pass this information on to the right adult to deal with them straight away. Some teaching assistants have specialist training in extra reading and maths programs which you may be asked to take part in. Mrs. Collins is the special person in charge of making sure every child who needs extra help is fully supported in their classroom or in their extra small group sessions.

10. Can school staff get extra help from experts outside the school if they need to? (e.g. advice and

training on medical conditions)

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If we don’t know the answers we will find someone to help us to help you! We work together with lots of people outside the school to provide the best possible support for you.

11. If I have difficulty in taking part in school activities what different arrangements can be made?

We want you to take part in every activity. If you are having difficulty, we will make all reasonable adjustments to make sure you can join in with and enjoy the activities and will talk to you and your parents / carers about this. If you are having difficulty make sure you tell someone so that they can help.

12. What help is there to help me get ready to start high school?

We work very closely with lots of the local high schools so you may have already visited these schools for sports, drama, art or other curriculum activities even when you were as young as 5 or 6. We will talk to you about moving to high school even before Year 6. In your PHSE and Science curriculum, you will learn about ‘moving on’ and how to develop independence skills and growing up. In assemblies we will discuss themes such as this with you in even more detail. You may see pupils and teachers from high schools come into our school to deliver workshops and performances from time to time so that you can get to know them and feel more comfortable around them. In Year 5 and Year 6, high school staff will visit you and talk to you about what to expect at their school. You will visit your chosen high school when you are in Year 6 for transition/taster days and your Y7 teachers will meet with your Y6 teachers to make sure every piece of important information about you is passed on. We will make sure you are completely ready for high school and know what to expect so there are no unpleasant surprises for you.