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Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929

Tom Nicholas

April, 2004

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This article investigates whether the run-up in stock market prices during the 1920s was related to the accumulation of intangible capital by firms. I use a matched data set of company financials and historical patent citations for 121 publicly traded firms between 1908 and 1929. I show that the returns to intangible capital were approximately three times larger during the 1920s compared to the 1910s reflecting significant changes in the configuration of company assets between these decades. Intangible capital growth was substantial in 1920s America, investors realized it, and they integrated this information into their market pricing decisions. There appears to have been a major shift in investor psychology towards intangibles during the stock market boom. One implication of the findings is that investors were not only more responsive to intangible capital at this time, but through triggering large stock market payoffs for innovation they also encouraged its growth.

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Introduction A recurrent theme in the modern literature on the economics of financial markets is the extent to

which stock market swings reflect changes in the present discounted value of expected future

earnings or the ‘animal spirits’ of investors. For example, the rapid acceleration in stock prices

during the 1990s can be explained both by changes in expected investor payoffs in response to

the accumulation of intangible capital by firms (e.g., Hall, 2001), and by behavioral phenomenon

that caused a speculative bubble (e.g., Shiller, 2001). Whether swings in the stock market are

driven by the diffusion of new technologies or by periods of irrational exuberance is an

important question in the economics of innovation and finance.

While this question is central to the debate over the causes of the recent stock market

boom and bust it is also important to a fuller understanding of another major event in the

American stock market – the run-up in equity prices during the 1920s and the Great Crash of

1929. While Irving Fisher famously reported on the eve of the Crash that stock prices would

remain permanently higher than in past years due to the arrival of new technologies and

advances in managerial organization that created positive expectations about future profits and

dividend growth, retrospective analysis has indicated the presence of a ‘bubble’ (DeLong and

Shleifer, 1991; Rappoport and White 1993, 1994). The speculative bubble hypothesis has

become orthodox in the literature given that the S&P Composite Index fell by more than 80

percent from its September 1929 peak to its level in June 1932. The Great Crash is the canonical

example in American financial history of market prices diverging significantly from


Despite the conventional wisdom that stock market prices were unrealistically high

during the 1920s, we know little about the types of assets that investors are said to have been


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overvaluing. In particular, evidence on the relationship between innovation and the stock market

is sparse. How rapid was the growth of intangible capital during this period? Did the stock

market encourage investment in innovation? Did a technological revolution lead to higher stock

market valuations? This article attempts to answer these questions using a rich dataset of

balance sheets, stock prices and patent citations for 121 publicly traded corporations between

1908 and 1929. The aim is to determine whether movements in stock prices can be correlated

with the intangible assets of firms, and why it matters whether markets in the 1920s got

valuations right.

The new data leads to at least two advances over the current literature. First, it introduces

a robust measure of intangible capital based on the patenting activity of firms during the 1920s.

Although patents are a noisy measure of innovation, citations to patents in the current data set in

patent grants between 1976 and 2002 significantly enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. Aside from

McGratten and Prescott (forthcoming, 2004) who present estimates of intangible capital for U.S.

corporations during the 1920s, there is no systematic data on the intangible capital of firms for

this period. Moreover, McGratten and Prescott are only able to measure intangibles indirectly

using equilibrium relations from a growth model. In this study, patents and their citations

capture intangibles directly at the micro-level.

Second, it is well known that the predictability of U.S. stock returns is an increasing

function of time (Fama and French, 1992; De Long and Barsky, 1990), yet most studies of the

stock market in 1929 concentrate on relatively short intervals, in particular the ‘bubble period’

from early 1928 to October 1929 (e.g., Rappoport and White, 1993, 1994). With over 20 years

of data prior to the Great Crash this article is able to track firm-level innovation over major


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swings in financial markets, and to correlate these swings with changes in investor forecasts

about the value of fundamentals.

The main finding of this study is that intangible capital growth was substantial in 1920s

America, investors realized it, and they integrated this information into their market pricing

decisions. Between 1920 and 1929 the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

granted the 121 firms included in this study 19,948 patents, 4,215 of which were subsequently

cited in patent grants between 1976 and 2002. Insofar as these citations represent flows of

knowledge from one generation of inventors to the next, this was a major epoch of technological

progress. Using historical patent citations as a proxy for the intangible capital of firms, patent

market value regressions reveal an elasticity of intangibles with respect to market value of 0.26

during the 1920s. The returns to intangible capital were approximately three times larger during

the 1920s compared to the 1910s reflecting large changes in the configuration of company assets

between these decades. Moreover, as the ratio of the coefficient on intangibles to the coefficient

on tangible capital is bigger for the 1920s, there appears to have been a major shift in investor

psychology towards intangibles during the stock market boom. One implication of these

findings is that investors were not only more responsive to intangible capital at this time, but

through triggering large stock market payoffs for innovation they also encouraged its growth.

Intangible Capital and the Financing of Innovation

The finding that during the 1990s stock market run-up unmeasured intangible capital was an

important element of a firm’s market value (e.g., Hall, 2000, 2001) makes an historical

perspective on this issue appealing. Parente and Prescott (2000) have commented that,

“unmeasured investment is big and could be as much as 50% of GDP”. McGrattan and


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Prescott’s (2001) calculations suggest that the growth of intangible capital may explain the

postwar increase in the ratio of total market capitalization to GNP from around 0.5 in 1950 to 1.8

in the first half of 2000.

Unlike the literature on the modern period, however, intangible capital is often omitted

from discussions of financial markets during the 1920s. This is a surprising omission, to the

extent that intangibles are likely to be significant in stock market valuations. For example,

McGratten and Prescott (forthcoming, 2004) estimate that the stock of intangible corporate

capital was at least 60 percent of the stock of tangible corporate capital in 1929. In their model,

the stock market is overvalued only if the value of intangible capital is zero. With more

moderate estimates of the value of intangibles they conclude that prices of stocks were too low in

1929, and therefore Irving Fisher was right!

Additional evidence supports the view that firms were accumulating substantial stocks of

intangible capital during this period. Several firms formed during the great merger wave in

American business (1897-1904) built up separate research and development laboratories, shifting

innovation away from individual inventor-entrepreneurs and towards firms (Lamoreaux, 1985).

More generally, the 1920s was an extraordinary period of technological progress and intangible

capital growth. David (1990) reveals how falling prices for electrical capital goods after the First

World War encouraged electrification of the mass production economy, which in turn increased

the demand for skilled, literate, and educated labor (Goldin, 2001).

It is a reasonable a priori assumption that complementarities between innovation,

organizational changes and human capital impacted the stock market during this epoch in much

the same way as researchers have discovered they do today (Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt,

2002). The large early twentieth century American corporation was the principal agent of


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organizational and technological change according to Chandler (1990). White (1990) suggests

that General Motors was attractive to investors during the 1920s because its more advanced

management and organization facilitated smooth transitions from one production run to the next.

Klepper and Simons (2000) show how firms with the favorable mix of innovation and

complementary assets (such as marketing channels) were more likely to survive the shakeout of

producers in the tire industry.

Intangible capital growth was also encouraged as markets developed to finance

innovation, and investors became responsive to holding equities. According to Peach (1941) the

public became more willing to hold different types of securities issued by corporations following

their successful experiences with Liberty Bonds during the First World War. O’Sullivan (2004)

documents a major financing role for the 1920s U.S. stock market as companies increasingly

utilized external sources of finance. According to Rajan and Zingales (1998) financial

development is positively correlated with the allocation of capital to areas of highest value.

Nicholas (2003) shows for the 1920s that bond and stock issues by companies were positively

correlated with their propensity to innovate. This finding is consistent with Schumpeter’s (1942)

contention that a developed and efficiently functioning capital market extends the frontier of

technological progress.

Historical Balance Sheets and Patents

In order to empirically track the development of intangible capital and stock market value at the

firm-level during the early twentieth century, I collate data on company financials and historical

patent citations. The approach is similar to studies of the modern period which, given limited

disclosures by companies concerning expenditures on intangibles, utilize indirect measures of


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intangible assets. For example, Bond and Cummins (2000) use R&D and advertising outflows to

proxy for investment in intangibles, while Brynjolfsson, Hitt and Yang (2000) infer that

computer related intangibles are substantial because the coefficient on the stock of computer

capital in market value regressions is much larger than other types of productive assets.1

Although patents are an imperfect proxy for intangible assets, when combined with historical

citations statistics they provide a valuable source for tracing the dynamics of technological


Company Financials

Before discussing the data on intangibles, as measured by patents and historical citations, it is

helpful to describe the company financial data. The main sources on financials are Moody’s

Manual of Industrials for company balance sheets, and the Commercial and Financial Chronicle

for end-of-year share prices. The sample includes every firm with at least four years of

continuous data, giving a total of 121 firms with a time series dimension running from 1908-

1929. The main period of interest is the 1920s, but data going back to 1908 illustrate long-term

swings in the relationship between intangible capital and the stock market. The company

financial data detail major ‘Chandlerian’ corporations of the time such as General Electric, E. I.

Du Pont, Eastman Kodak and General Motors, as well as companies that possessed a more

moderate level of assets than the set of firms studied by Chandler (1990). While there is still a

slight skew towards larger firms, by market value my data closely approximates the population

of companies collated by the Chicago Research Center in Securities Prices (see Figure 1).

1 They estimate a market value specification in which the coefficient on information technology (IT) capital is around 10. According to their interpretation, the stock market does not value $1 of IT capital at $10. Rather for every $1 of IT capital there are $9 of related intangibles.


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The main financial variables used in this analysis are calculated using the methodology

proposed by Lindenberg and Ross (1981). The market value of the firm is measured as the

product of common equity and year-end market price, plus the book value of outstanding debt

and the value of preferred stock (which is assumed to be a perpetuity discounted at the average

industrial bond yield reported by Moody’s). Capital assets (k) are estimated using the recursive

formula where i is the GNP implicit deflator, ρ is the

depreciation rate at an assumed five percent and the subscripts rc and bv denote replacement

value and book value respectively. Inventory is estimated at replacement cost by adjusting for

inflation through the wholesale price index from Historical Statistics of the United States: 1790-

1950. Tobin’s q is then calculated as the ratio of the firm’s market value to the replacement cost

of its tangible assets. Descriptive statistics on these variables are given in Table 1.

)()]1/()1[( 11bvt



rct kkikk −− −+++= ρ

Historical Patent Citations

Table 1 also includes summary data on patenting. Patent data were assembled from the USPTO

and the European Patent Office (EPO) for each firm in the sample. Over 35,000 patent grants

were assigned to the 121 firms between 1908 and 1929, with 19,948 being assigned between

1920 and 1929. Figure 2 illustrates the level of patenting activity by firm year. High frequency

patenting firms like Westinghouse, which peaked at 564 patent grants in 1929 are included

alongside lower frequency patenting firms like Otis Elevator, which peaked at 26 patent grants in

1928. Twenty-one firms in the sample did not patent at all.

Patent counts are commonly used to proxy for innovation, but this measure is prone to

error because not all inventions are patented, and the quality of patents varies widely (Griliches,

1990). To improve the quality of the patent measure, I use citations to 1920s patents in patent


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grants between 1976 and 2002. The assumption is that citations distinguish the frontier of

knowledge regardless of how far back in time they go. It can be argued that inventors and patent

examiners habitually cite patents from the past without regard to prior art. However, if

innovation is cumulative, as suggested by Scotchmer (1991), and citations come from the

frontier, these references will reflect knowledge transfers between generations of inventors.

Of the 19,948 patents granted to firms between 1920 and 1929, 21 percent are cited in

patents granted between 1976 and 2002. Of the 4,215 patents cited, 2,548 receive one citation

while 1,667 receive two or more citations, with the maximum number of cites for a patent being

27. This is a notable number of citations given that citations fall off sharply a decade after the

patent’s grant date (Caballero and Jaffe, 1993). To show how large this proportion is, I collected

data on 132 successful grants by the USPTO between 1910 and 1930 to the great inventor-

entrepreneur Thomas Edison. Great inventors were typically entrepreneurial figures who

developed important inventions in response to market demand (Khan and Sokoloff, 1993).

Forty-two (31.8 percent) of Edison’s patents are cited in patents granted between 1976 and 2002.

Although this proportion may be inflated if patent examiners have a propensity to “cite the

classics” I use Edison’s patents as a benchmark for the upper tail of the patent quality

distribution. This comparison suggests that the proportion of citations observed for the firms in

the sample is both large and significant.

Patents as Intangibles

Recent research suggests that the 1930s was the most technologically progressive decade of the

twentieth century. And the significance of productivity growth during this period may be

attached to technological “larder-stocking during the 1920s and earlier, upon which measured


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advance built” (Field, 2003). Insofar as the patent citation data reveal that the 1920s was a major

epoch of technological innovation, how far can patent rates be used to measure the stock of

intangible capital in the economy?

It is important to note at the outset that this measure is imperfect. Although 21 firms in

the sample did not patent, their stock of intangible capital was undoubtedly greater than zero.

Innovations in food processing, for instance, are much less likely to be patented compared to

innovations in machinery (Moser, 2003). Thus, companies like Coca Cola and Quaker Oats

developed intangibles through branding, secrecy and distribution networks even though their

intangibles are effectively put at zero for this study. Nevertheless, an insight into the

significance of patents as intangible assets can be gained from the financials detailed by

Moody’s. Numerous companies found intellectual property rights to be so important in their

portfolio of assets that they reported patents directly in financial statements. J. I. Case Threshing

Machine Company, the Wisconsin agricultural machinery manufacturer, reported $1.04 million

in patents between 1922 and 1928. American Bosch Magneto Corporation, which manufactured

devices for internal combustion engines, valued its patents at between $594,176 and $633,356

from 1924 to 1929, equivalent to around one-third of the total assets of the company.

More generally, patents were critical for appropriability during the 1920s. Extrapolating

backwards from Cohen, Nelson and Walsh (2000) ‘discrete’ industries such as chemicals in

which patent protection is deemed to be important were cornerstones of industry structure in the

early twentieth century. Mokyr (1990) puts innovations in chemicals at the heart of the second

industrial revolution. Patents not only increased the effectiveness of research and development

activities, but they also enhanced the market power of incumbents. Lerner, Strojwas and Tirole

(2003) argue that patent pools were a principal means through which firms during the early


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twentieth century used intellectual property rights to foster collusion. For example, the

American conglomerates Du Pont, Standard Oil, Allied Chemicals, the English firm I.C.I. and

I.G. Farben of Germany captured a commanding share of the fertilizer market through 1,800

patents relating to the synthetic nitrogen process (Comer, 1942, p.161).

Perhaps the most compelling evidence that patents were an important component of a

firm’s portfolio of intangible assets can be gained from Figures 3, 4 and 5. Figure 3 plots

indexes of total patents granted by the USPTO and those granted to the firms in the sample for

comparable years. A striking result to emerge from this figure is the growth of patenting activity

by firms over time. This growth in firm-level patenting activity is consistent with the early

twentieth century development of industrial research laboratories within the boundaries of the

firm (Mowery, 1995)

Using the means from Table 1, Figure 4 plots trends in patenting and market value over

time. The logarithmic scale allows a more informative comparison of large (market value) and

small (patent count) values because an equal percentage change is shown as an equal amount of

space on the graph. It is noticeable to observe during the 1920s how closely the growth rate of

patents, and especially of patent citations, is aligned with the growth rate of market value.

Figure 5 illustrates that patents as intangible capital were important in the context of the

stock market for several of the companies considered. AT&T, General Electric and

Westinghouse pushed out the frontier of productivity enhancing electrification technology.

Eastman Kodak created a market for amateur motion pictures during the 1920s with the

introduction of 16mm reversal film on cellulose acetate. General Motors developed lighter metal

casings for motor vehicles, while Firestone and Goodyear introduced advanced methods of

rubber vulcanization increasing the longevity of tires. Although the association between


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patenting and q is weak for some of the companies illustrated (E. I. Du Pont, Ingersoll-Rand and

United Shoe Machinery) the fact that the correspondence is close for others warrants a more

systematic investigation of the links between financial markets and the intangible assets of firms.

Estimating the Market Value of Intangibles

To analyze the data more systematically, I use an empirical approach developed from a simple

model that relates patents to market value. The market value model of Griliches (1990) assumes

an efficiently functioning financial market where the value of a firm ( v ) depends on the

evolution of its cash flows, which firms attempt to maximize from their mix of tangible ( ) and

intangible ( ) assets. This gives a value function of the form (1) where


g γ is the market

premium or discount over tangible assets and π represents the relative shadow value of

intangibles. Using a standard linear approximation of this value function yields (2) where q is

the ratio of the firm’s market value to the replacement cost of its assets. The coefficient 1α

measures the value of intangible assets relative to the tangible assets of the firm. If the value of

the firm exceeds its replacement cost, the intuition behind this model is that the difference can be

explained by the presence of intangibles (i.e., 01 >α ).

)(),( itittititit gkgkv πγ += (1)

ititititit uXkgkvq +′++== )/()/log()log( 10 αα (2)
















θθθ (3)

Although the logarithm of q is commonly used as a dependent variable, I prefer a

specification (3) with the logarithm of market value on the left-hand side because changes in

stock prices -- which are incorporated into the numerator of q -- explain the largest component of


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the variation in q during the 1920s. Intangible capital is given by the firm’s stock of patents,

which is constructed using the declining balance formula 1(1 )it it itg g patδ −= − + with a

depreciation rate δ =0.15. I weight each patent by the number of citations it receives, therefore

summing the total number of citations for each firm, each year. Both the stock of patents and

citation-weighted patents ( cg ) are normalized on the firm’s capital assets. A dummy variable for

when is added to partial out the effect of adding one to the patent stock as a precondition

of taking its logarithm. I use a logarithmic specification for

0g =

g because it moderates extremes in

the data and lessens the effect of outliers. Thus, 1θ has an elasticity interpretation.

An additional variable AGE is calculated as time t minus the year of the firm’s

incorporation, and included in the regressions (with a polynomial) to determine how far a firm’s

vintage affects its stock market capitalization in the manner of Hobijn and Jovanovic (2001).

Since variation over time in the value of intangible capital is also of interest, interactions of

year dummies the with the firm’s normalized stock of patents are also included. To analyze the

returns to intangible capital over major swings in the stock market and to obtain more refined

estimates with citation data, which I have for 1920-1929, equation 3 is estimated for two panels,

1908-1918 and 1919-1929.2



Referring back to the descriptive statistics in Table 1, and the plots in Figures 3 and 4, it is clear

that as the market value of companies grew during the 1920s the patenting activity of these firms

also increased. The aim of this section is to determine whether anything more systematic can be

concluded from the relationship between these variables. 2 The first year of data drops off in the construction of the capital stock at replacement cost. Therefore the panel regressions are run for 1909-1918 and 1920-1929 respectively.


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Before discussing the results themselves it is important to consider an issue that has a

wider bearing on the interpretation of the findings -- the direction of causality between patenting

and q. Taking a cue from the empirical literature on the q-model of investment, authors such as

Barro (1990) find that the stock market predicts investment, while others such as Blanchard Rhee

and Summers (1993) find that it does not. Theory suggests that the relationship between

innovation and market value is also endogenous. Incumbents have incentives to pre-emptively

innovate if the expected payoffs exceed the rents from maintaining the current technology

(Gilbert and Newbery, 1982). Equally stock market run-ups can be driven by technology-push.

Equation 3 does not identify the direction of causality. While the standard solution to this

problem is an instrumental variables estimator, there are also alternative strategies. For example,

Brynjolfsson, Hitt and Yang (2000) use a test motivated by Granger’s concept of causality,

finding that the lagged stock of computer capital predicts market value, while lagged market

value has little predictive power for investment in computers.

For the overall interpretation of the current results the simultaneous association between

innovation and market value is not so problematic. After all, the central argument is that

investors were both alert to the opportunities presented by companies with stocks of intangible

capital, which also encouraged further investment in innovation: both effects fed of each other

concurrently, and access to external sources of corporate finance probably played a mediating

role (Nicholas, 2003). However, a related issue still remains -- measuring and interpreting the

size and significance of the relationship between patenting and market value.

To address this issue differences in parameter estimates between periods are used. The

regressions for 1908-1918 serve as a benchmark for the 1920s regression results. Changes in the

stock market returns to intangible capital are captured by differences in the coefficient


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1θ between 1908-1918 and 1919-1929. Through 5θ this effect can be measured for sub-periods

of the 1920s (i.e., interactions of the year dummy and measure changes in the

relationship between stock market value and patenting relative to a baseline). Any change in

investor attitudes towards intangible capital, will be revealed by the ratio of the coefficient on

intangibles (

)/log( kg

1θ ) to the coefficient on tangible capital ( 0θ ).

Table 2 contains the regression results. The first point to note is the strong and

significant relationship between patenting and stock market value. Columns I and II report

comparable estimates on the patent stock variable for the period 1908-1918 and 1919-1929.

During the 1920s the elasticity of the firm’s normalized stock of intangibles ( ) with respect

to market value is 0.12, approximately three times larger than the estimate for 1908-1918.

Comparing columns II and III the elasticity estimate increases from 0.12 to 0.26 when citation

weighted patents are introduced. This is important because cited patents are more likely to be

commercially viable than their un-cited counterparts. As the estimates show a higher value on

quality patents, the results suggest that investors were integrating expectations of future growth

from innovation into their assessment of market prices.

/g k

Why are the parameter estimates on the patent stock variables so different between

periods? One explanation that has been applied to the evolution of the stock market and the

corporate sector during the late twentieth century is that technological revolutions are

characterized by diffusion lags. According to Hobijn and Jovanovic (2001) this process of

innovation and delayed stock market reaction caused a lull in the stock market during the 1970s

as organizations adjusted to new information and communications technology (ICT) and old

capital became gradually displaced. The boom in the stock market during the 1990s was then a

response to a more efficient new vintage of capital that revolved around the implementation of


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ICT. By this time investors had a much clearer idea of which firms had adapted to the new

technological environment and which firms had not. New capital became more valuable as old

capital faded away; innovation did not cause a bubble in the 1990s stock market.

The inverted-U relationship between market value and AGE shown in Table 2 is

consistent with this model of innovation and the stock market that associates new capital value

creation with old capital value destruction.3 Many dominant firms lost market share during the

1920s as rivals embraced newer technologies. For example, United States Steel overcommitted

resources to producing steel for rail lines and ignored opportunities for profit created by steel

skeletal construction for skyscrapers and bridges. Bethlehem Steel, on the other hand, innovated

in this market and by the early 1920s had gained significant market share from U.S. Steel. Old

firms did not fall away altogether, but rather the threat of creative destruction encouraged

preemptive innovation to prevent the dissipation of industry profits. A buoyant industrial sector

(Klepper, 2002, p.646, reports that more than 500 firms entered the automobile industry in its

first twenty years) meant that new firms seized opportunities ignored by inefficient incumbents.

The similarities between the 1990s and the 1920s are even stronger when the concept of

general purpose technologies is considered. Inasmuch as the 1990s was a decade of ICT, the

1920s was a decade of electrification. David (1990) argues that the slowdown in industrial

productivity between 1890 and 1913 occurred despite the introduction of the electric dynamo in

the 1880s, while the 1920s productivity acceleration occurred because manufacturing plants had

developed complementary capabilities to exploit electrical power transmission. Moreover, new

innovations were not just confined to electricity; other industries contributed to productivity

growth as well (Moser and Nicholas, 2004). Innovations in chemistry, for example, led to the

3 However, it should also be noted that the coefficients on AGE and AGE² are not precisely estimated over the two time periods.


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introduction of alkyds in nitrocellulose lacquers that were used for finishing paint on

automobiles. Perhaps more importantly, the crystalline growth process used by Intel’s

semiconductor pioneer Gordon Moore in 1964 dates back to the revolutionary Bridgman-

Stockbarger method for making crystals and purifying crystalline substances (patent number

1,793,672 filed February 16th 1926). The 1920s was a remarkable period of technological

progress, and the roots of innovation were widely distributed among industries. Parallels

between the 1920s and the 1990s are surprisingly close, to the extent that stock market

appreciation in both epochs was based on the realization that a new and more efficient vintage of

capital was transforming the economic and social landscape.

If this hypothesis is true, the 1920s was probably the first period in history when

investors began to assess the intangible assets of companies. This would have required a major

shift in investor psychology towards the bundle of assets that comprise a firm, and a favorable

assessment of the equity risk premium. The nuts and bolts of the railroad corporation were much

easier for investors to value than the intangible assets of the 1920s technology firm. The results

in Table 2 provide an indication of the change in investor attitudes. The coefficient on

intangibles (i.e., the patent stock variable) is much larger relative to the coefficient on tangible

capital when comparing columns I and II.4 The results in the final column of Table 2 show that

the relationship between patenting and market value is stronger for years closer to the 1929

Crash, contrary to what would be predicted if this was a phase of unrestrained speculation by

uninformed investors. The baseline period in this regression is set at 1920-1925 where the

elasticity of patenting with respect to market value is 0.18. In 1926 the elasticity rises to 0.26

(i.e., 0.1849 + 0.0777), in 1927 to 0.25, in 1928 to 0.33 and in 1929 to 0.42. At this level of

4 In the cross section of firms the coefficient on tangible capital is equal to unity in accordance with the linearly homogenous value function that underlies the modeling approach.


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aggregation there is not enough variation in the data to pick out the pre and post Crash valuation

of intangibles -- the coefficient for 1929 is a point estimate for the entire year. Nevertheless, the

coefficients for 1926-1928 provide enough evidence to support the view that stock market

appreciation during the run-up to the Crash was connected to expectations about the intangible

capital embodied in firms.

Discussion and Conclusions

Intangible capital growth was substantial in 1920s America, investors realized it, and they

integrated this information into their market pricing decisions. Recall that q is computed using

tangible capital, and therefore q can exceed unity as intangible assets become a larger fraction of

total assets. The most important source of variation in q during the 1920s was the change in

stock market prices. Table 1 shows that average q was very low in 1920 (0.49) but by 1929 had

risen to 1.25. What explains this drastic change in the market value of firms relative to the

replacement cost of their assets? While conventional wisdom suggests that unrestrained

speculation created a divergence between share prices and fundamentals, this article has offered

a new perspective: the interaction between innovation and changes in investor attitudes towards

intangible capital fomented large stock market payoffs for innovating firms. Consequently, the

run-up to the Crash was not an epoch of irrational exuberance as is often claimed, rather

investors linked rational (positive) expectations about fundamentals to the market value of firms.

The basic assumption underlying this analysis is that the value of intangible assets can be

inferred from the gap between q and the replacement value of capital derived from the firm’s

balance sheet. A common criticism of this approach is that market participants do not accurately

observe intangibles and therefore the market value regression may recover an inefficient estimate


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of intangible value (Bond and Cummins, 2000). Yet, the evidence here supports the hypothesis

that investors were receiving information about intangible capital during the 1920s. I measure

their response to fundamentals by the value attached to citation weighted patents. The fact that

cited patents have substantial explanatory power (even over and above un-weighted patents) in

the market value regressions shows that investors placed a premium on firms that pushed out the

frontier of knowledge. Furthermore, the estimates in Table 2 show the parameter on the patent

stock variable is much larger during the 1920s than the 1910s. Therefore, the results are

consistent with a major change in the psychology of investors during the stock market boom.

The 1990s run-up in the stock market has been interpreted as a response to an increase in the

amount of organizational capital (Hall, 2001). Similarly, the 1920s stock market boom can be

seen as a response by investors to the growth of intangibles in the economy.

Technological change does trigger booms in the stock market. The 1920s was a

remarkable decade of technological progress and intangible capital growth. A chemicals

invention during this epoch -- the Bridgman-Stockbarger method for growing crystals -- paved

the way for what David (1990) describes as a “breakthrough event” in the computer revolution

almost half a century later, namely Intel’s silicon microprocessor. By 1920 electricity had

surpassed steam as a source of power for manufacturing, and by 1929 accounted for 78 percent

of total capacity (Devine, 1983). The organization of production along ‘Taylorist’ lines

improved workplace learning and performance (Hounshell, 1984). As the threat of creative

destruction in product markets increased the marginal benefits from investing in search for new

technologies, firms that innovated received sizeable stock market payoffs (Nicholas, 2003). As

capital markets became increasingly liquid due to the entry of additional investors, innovation

could be financed by access to external sources of credit. Investors both financed innovation


Page 21: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929

directly, and indirectly they encouraged investment in technological development by inducing

stock market rewards for innovation. One argument is that the change in fundamentals during

this period may have caused ‘informational overshooting’ (Zeira, 1999) as market participants

had different expectations about how long technological change would keep dividends growing.

However, retrospectively we know that productivity growth did persist, so there was no ex ante

constraint on the profits and payouts of firms. General Electric, for example, was profitable

throughout the depression years (O’Sullivan, 2004). Productivity growth during the 1930s was

marked (Field, 2003). It is plausible that investors were driving up equity values in the twenties

on advanced news of productivity growth a decade later.

None of these reasons, which suggest that stock prices in 1929 were warranted ex ante, is

meant to deny instability in financial markets on the eve of the Crash. Neither do the findings

detract from the real consequences of the precipitous decline in the stock market from 1929-

1933. Not for the first time in the history of financial markets did investors begin to appreciate

the downside of stock market risk. As Galbraith (1987) put it, “to an extraordinary degree this is

a game in which there are many losers”. Rather, the aim of the exercise has been to illustrate the

significance of intangible capital growth during the 1920s, and to highlight that the positive

correlation between market value and innovation arose because of a change in investor attitudes

towards the composition of assets within a firm. The evidence here suggests that soaring stock

market prices during the 1920s were justified by the growth of intangibles in the economy.

Determining how market participants responded to innovation during the Crash, and after, should

further our understanding of interactions between intangible capital, investor behavior and the

stock market.


Page 22: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929


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Page 26: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929

Market Value ($m) k ( $m) q Patents Patent Citations

1908 69.35 53.37 0.72 13.70 .(174.58) (180.43) (0.30) (52.28) .

1909 77.75 51.04 0.83 15.23 .(199.46) (173.01) (0.31) (53.52) .

1910 72.20 49.08 0.82 13.74 .(183.70) (163.32) (0.29) (48.81) .

1911 71.52 44.57 0.74 17.08 .(181.38) (153.92) (0.28) (59.61) .

1912 70.36 44.75 0.82 16.77 .(179.80) (148.33) (0.35) (61.77) .

1913 64.60 42.36 0.77 17.18 .(168.88) (140.80) (0.32) (57.21) .

1914 61.80 41.28 0.78 20.00 .(157.78) (135.07) (0.43) (65.65) .

1915 66.47 38.03 0.81 21.45 .(170.88) (125.88) (0.31) (65.60) .

1916 70.97 41.25 0.72 18.92 .(183.29) (137.41) (0.26) (59.39) .

1917 65.55 52.30 0.51 18.43 .(168.64) (169.35) (0.18) (59.42) .

1918 70.95 56.70 0.51 16.87 .(173.03) (185.18) (0.18) (58.18) .

1919 66.85 39.84 0.68 13.74 .(159.26) (149.43) (0.30) (49.26) .

1920 55.65 47.00 0.49 11.83 3.79(142.50) (165.29) (0.18) (41.83) (12.34)

1921 59.09 37.95 0.66 13.46 4.70(150.13) (133.26) (0.27) (41.32) (11.93)

1922 70.63 34.14 0.76 13.09 4.68(171.14) (116.22) (0.37) (38.29) (13.45)

1923 73.87 35.81 0.74 13.55 4.88(178.26) (118.75) (0.36) (40.26) (12.60)

1924 88.86 35.13 0.84 16.26 6.37(208.09) (116.66) (0.41) (51.39) (19.75)

1925 108.55 34.91 1.01 20.94 8.86(249.68) (115.10) (0.63) (69.91) (32.02)

1926 139.24 37.79 1.07 21.86 8.90(368.52) (113.54) (0.64) (62.41) (23.77)

1927 161.94 39.43 1.25 21.46 10.54(401.17) (114.28) (0.82) (65.02) (32.86)

1928 250.22 44.44 1.58 28.31 10.45(581.75) (116.52) (1.13) (82.73) (30.69)

1929 234.27 51.16 1.25 29.61 13.30(569.41) (115.19) (0.92) (90.50) (36.59)

Note: standard deviations in parentheses


Page 27: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929


log (k ) 0.3817 0.3087 0.2843 0.2677(0.0299) (0.0345) (0.0354) (0.0353)

log (g/k ) 0.0465 0.1245(0.0286) (0.0394)

g=0 -0.0598 0.0970(0.0298) (0.0405)

log (g c /k ) 0.2565 0.1849

(0.0507) (0.0553)gc=0 0.0897 0.0777

(0.0426) (0.0426)1926·log(g c /k ) 0.0777

(0.0536)1927·log(g c /k ) 0.0621

(0.0536)1928·log(g c /k ) 0.1448

(0.0573)1929·log(g c /k ) 0.2327

(0.0651)AGE 0.0307 0.1266 0.0421 0.1610

(0.0060) (0.0096) (0.2405) (0.0127)AGE² -0.0006 -0.0008 -0.0009 -0.0010

(0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002)

Period 1908-1918 1919-1929 1919-1929 1919-1929Firm Effects Yes Yes Yes YesYear Effects Yes Yes Yes YesF 20.00 66.30 52.81 53.82R² within 0.29 0.48 0.45 0.46 between 0.65 0.18 0.46 0.11 overall 0.66 0.20 0.43 0.12Observations 781 1077 964 964

Dependent Variable log(v )


Page 28: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929

Figure 1. Comparing the Distribution of Firms by Market Value








7.8 9.4 11 12.6 14.2 15.8 17.4 19 20.6

Natural Logarithm Market Value Common Stock



CRSP DataNicholas Data

Page 29: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929









nt C


Figure 2. Firm Year Patent Counts, 1920-1929




General Electric

United Shoe Machinery

Singer Manufacturing


Du Pont

Eastman Kodak

Otis Elevator

General Motors

American Can

Page 30: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929

Figure 3. Firm and Total USPTO Patents, 1908-1929












1908 1911 1914 1917 1920 1923 1926 1929


x, 1



Total Patents Firm Patents

Page 31: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929

Figure 4. Market Value and Patents, 1908-1929





1908 1911 1914 1917 1920 1923 1926 1929




Market Value Patents Patent Citations

Page 32: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929

Figure 5. Tobin’s q Patent Trends

(q = dashed line, patent stock = solid line) (q = dashed line, citation stock = solid line)



1921 1925 1929



1919 1924 19290.00


1921 1925 1929







1919 1924 19290.00


1921 1925 1929




1919 1924 19290.00


1921 1925 1929









1919 1924 1929

Page 33: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929






1919 1924 19290.00



1921 1925 1929








1919 1924 19290.00


1921 1925 1929




1919 1924 19290.00



1921 1925 1929









1919 1924 19290.00








1921 1925 1929



Page 34: Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation, 1908-1929









1919 1924 19290.00








1921 1925 1929









1919 1924 19290.00


1921 1925 1929








1919 1922 1925 19280.00






1921 1928








1919 1924 19290.00






1921 1925 1929